HESA funding and monitoring data 2010-11: funding summaries 2012-13 teaching enhancement and student success (TESS) allocation technical document Derived statistics algorithms that may inform the 2012-13 TESS allocation Purpose 1. This document details the algorithms used to determine the derived fields from the 201011 HESA student record which may be used to calculate the 2012-13 full-time improving retention element of the TESS allocation. 2. The algorithms listed in this document are subject to further change, for example following a decision by the board or if an error is identified. 3. This document is aimed at readers with in-depth knowledge of the data. Readers are advised to have a copy of the HESA Student Record Coding Manual 2010-11 to hand when using this document. 2010-11 HESA fields used in the TESS derived statistics algorithms 4. Only certain fields, detailed in Table 1, will be used to generate the TESS allocation fields. Note that the TESS10XXXX.xls output will show only outputs for the improving retention element of TESS – this is because improving retention is the only element of TESS which is informed by HESA data. 5. Throughout this document, fields taken or derived from the HESA student record are shown in capitals using the names given in Tables 1 and 2 respectively. Using the individualised file 6. When working through this document it is necessary to use the individualised file TESS10XXXX.ind, where XXXX is the HESA identifier for your institution. Details of how to access and open this file are given on the HEFCE web-site (www.hefce.ac.uk/learning/datacoll/derived/help/output/). The file will show the allocation of students to cells within the tables and, where relevant, details of why they were excluded from the TESS population. Table 1 HESA fields used to inform the TESS allocation Entity Entry profile Fields DOMICILE Description Domicile Column in individualised file* DF Entry profile Entry profile Entry profile Instance Instance Instance Instance Instance Instance Instance Institution Qualifications on entry Qualifications on entry Qualifications on entry Student Student Student QUALENT2 QUALENT3 UCASAPPID CAMPID† COMDATE COURSEID† INSTCAMP† MODE NUMHUS TYPEYR UKPRN QUALGRADE01-30 Highest qualification on entry Highest qualification on entry UCAS application number Campus identifier Start date of instance Course identifier Institution’s own campus identifier Mode of study Student instance identifier Type of instance year UK Provider Reference Number Qualification grade DM DP DO F DE E G DL C DN A BU-CX QUALSBJ01-30 Qualification subject AQ-BT QUALTYPE01-30 Qualification type M-AP HUSID BIRTHDTE OWNSTU† HESA unique student identifier Date of birth Institution’s own identifier for student B DD D * The individualised data file TESS10XXXX.ind, downloadable from the HEFCE extranet (see www.hefce.ac.uk/learning/datacoll/derived/help/output/). † These fields are not used in the allocation but are included in the individualised file to allow easy identification of students. Description of derived fields 7. This section provides details of the derived fields contained in the individualised data file. These fields may be used in calculating the TESS allocation. Table 2 Derived fields used to inform the TESS allocation Field name ADJTAR ENTQUAL ENTRANT ENTRYAGE EQGRP Description Total tariff points after key skills removed Grouping of student’s highest qualification on entry Flag indicating students in their first year of instance Student’s age on commencement of instance Entry qualification risk group Paragraph 14 Column in individualised file* CY 19 CZ 8 K 9-10 L 22 DC EQPOP HESCOMP† HESEXCL† HESFEELV† HESLEVEL† HESMODE† HESTYPE† INSTANCEKEY† STUBID† TARQUAL ZEROTAR Flag indicating whether student is in the population for the fulltime improving retention allocation HESES completion of year of instance indicator Reason for exclusion from the HESES population Fee level Level of study Mode of study Fundability status Unique instance identifier Unique countable year of instance identifier Tariffable qualifications on entry indicator Flag indicating whether qualifications on entry data exists 21 DB 89 DG 86 J 29 30 27 32 13 14-18 DH DI DJ DK H I 18 DQ 20 DA * The individualised data file TESS10XXXX.ind, downloadable from the HEFCE extranet (see www.hefce.ac.uk/learning/datacoll/derived/help/output/). † The algorithms for deriving these fields are given in ’HESES10 re-creation algorithms’; the paragraph references refer to this document. ENTRANT (Column K) 8. The ENTRANT field identifies students in their first year of instance. Value Description Definition 1 Entrant 0 Otherwise (TYPEYR = 1 and COMDATE ≥ 1 August 2010) or (TYPEYR = 2, 4, 5 and COMDATE ≥ 1 August 2009 and COMDATE ≤ 31 July 2010) Otherwise ENTRYAGE (Column L) 9. The ENTRYAGE field contains the student’s age at the commencement of the instance. This is the number of full years between BIRTHDTE and COMDATE. 10. Where BIRTHDTE or COMDATE are missing, ENTRYAGE will be set to zero. QUALTYPE01-30 (Columns M-AP) 11. The qualification type (QUALTYPE) of each of the student’s qualifications on entry. QUALSBJ01-30 (Columns AQ-BT) 12. The qualification subject (QUALSBJ) of each of the student’s qualifications on entry. QUALGRADE01-30 (Columns BU-CX) 13. The qualification grade (QUALGRADE) of each of the student’s qualifications on entry. ADJTAR (Column CY) 14. The ADJTAR field contains the total number of tariff points for the student and is calculated as follows: Using Table 3 below each pairing of qualification type (QUALTYPEXX) and qualification grade (QUALGRADEXX) for the student is assigned a value of tariff points. Hashes and lower case letters are stripped out from QUALGRADEXX as they do not affect the assignment of tariff points so can be disregarded for the purposes of this calculation (for example QUALGRADE = Ad becomes A, A#B# becomes AB). Asterisks (*) are not stripped out from QUALGRADEXX. Any other combination of QUALTYPEXX and QUALGRADEXX not listed below is assigned zero tariff points. Where an entry profile for the instance is not returned in 2010-11, we will link back to the most recent entry profile for that instance to obtain the information needed to calculate ADJTAR. Some qualification types (QUALTYPEXXs) are treated differently from others when calculating tariff points – see paragraphs 15 to 17 for more information. Where qualifications for the student have identical subjects (QUALSBJXX), we identify the qualification type (QUALTYPEXX) which results in the highest value of tariff points and discard those duplicates with a lower value of tariff points. We then sum the values of the tariff points for each pairing of qualification type (QUALTYPEXX) and qualification grade (QUALGRADEXX) for the student, discarding the duplicates identified in the steps above. Where ADJTAR > 9998 then ADJTAR is set to 9998. Treatment of Advanced Extension Awards 15. Where both an A level (QUALTYPEXX = A) and an Advanced Extension award (QUALTYPEXX = AE) exist for the same QUALSBJXX then we add both the tariff scores from QUALTYPEXX = A and QUALTYPEXX = AE for that QUALSBJXX, and disregard any tariff points for AS Levels in that same QUALSBJXX. Treatment of International Baccalaureate Diplomas and Certificates 16. Where QUALTYPEXX = IE, IB, ID or IS then the following rules apply: Where any QUALTYPEXX = IE and the associated QUALGRADEXX > 23 then retain tariff points for QUALTYPEXX = IE, and disregard any tariff points resulting from another QUALTYPEXX = IB, ID or IS Where any QUALTYPEXX = IE and the associated QUALGRADEXX ≤ 23 then tariff points are instead included for QUALTYPEXX = IB, ID and IS. Where no QUALTYPEXX = IE, then tariff points are included for QUALTYPEXX = IB and IS only (and not QUALTYPEXX = ID) Treatment of Progression Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas 17. Where QUALTYPEXX = PA, PD, EP or PR then the following rules apply: Where any QUALTYPEXX = PA or PD then retain the tariff points for QUALTYPEXX = PA and PD, and disregard any tariff points resulting from another QUALTYPEXX = EP or PR Where no QUALTYPEXX = PA or PD, then tariff points are retained for QUALTYPEXX = EP or PR Table 3 Tariff points for each pairing of qualification type and qualification grade Qualification Advanced Extension Award Advanced Extension Award Advanced Extension Award Advanced Extension Award Advanced Extension Award Advanced Subsidiary Advanced Subsidiary Advanced Subsidiary Advanced Subsidiary Advanced Subsidiary Advanced Subsidiary Advanced Subsidiary Advanced Subsidiary BTEC National Award BTEC National Award BTEC National Award BTEC National Certificate BTEC National Certificate BTEC National Certificate BTEC National Certificate BTEC National Certificate BTEC National Diploma BTEC National Diploma BTEC National Diploma BTEC National Diploma BTEC National Diploma BTEC National Diploma BTEC National Diploma BTEC National Early Years Practical QUALTYPE0130 AE AE AE AE AE A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B BE QUALGRADE0130 D M U Q X A B C D E Q U X D M P DD DM MM MP PP DDD DDM DMM MMM MMP MPP PPP D Tariff points 40 20 0 0 0 60 50 40 30 20 0 0 0 120 80 40 240 200 160 120 80 360 320 280 240 200 160 120 120 BTEC National Early Years Practical BTEC National Early Years Practical BTEC National Early Years Theory: Certificate BTEC National Early Years Theory: Certificate BTEC National Early Years Theory: Certificate BTEC National Early Years Theory: Certificate BTEC National Early Years Theory: Certificate BTEC National Early Years Theory: Diploma BTEC National Early Years Theory: Diploma BTEC National Early Years Theory: Diploma BTEC National Early Years Theory: Diploma BTEC National Early Years Theory: Diploma BTEC National Early Years Theory: Diploma BTEC National Early Years Theory: Diploma CACHE Practical CACHE Practical CACHE Practical CACHE Practical CACHE Practical CACHE Practical CACHE Theory CACHE Theory CACHE Theory CACHE Theory CACHE Theory CACHE Theory CACHE Certificate in Child Care & Education CACHE Certificate in Child Care & Education CACHE Certificate in Child Care & Education CACHE Certificate in Child Care & Education CACHE Certificate in Child Care & Education CACHE Certificate in Child Care & Education CACHE Diploma in Child Care & Education CACHE Diploma in Child Care & Education CACHE Diploma in Child Care & Education CACHE Diploma in Child Care & BE BE M P 80 40 BE DD 200 BE DM 160 BE MM 120 BE MP 80 BE PP 40 BE DDD 320 BE DDM 280 BE DMM 240 BE MMM 220 BE MMP 160 BE MPP 120 BE CA CA CA CA CA CA AC AC AC AC AC AC PPP A B C D E X AA BB CC DD EE X 80 120 100 80 60 40 0 240 200 160 120 80 0 CC A 110 CC B 90 CC C 70 CC D 55 CC E 35 CC X 0 CD A 360 CD B 300 CD CD C D 240 180 Education CACHE Diploma in Child Care & Education CACHE Diploma in Child Care & Education CACHE Award in Child Care & Education CACHE Award in Child Care & Education CACHE Award in Child Care & Education CACHE Award in Child Care & Education CACHE Award in Child Care & Education CACHE Award in Child Care & Education Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (COPE) Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (COPE) Financial Services Certificate Financial Services Certificate Financial Services Certificate Financial Services Certificate Financial Services Certificate Financial Services Certificate Financial Services Diploma Financial Services Diploma Financial Services Diploma Financial Services Diploma Financial Services Diploma Financial Services Diploma Free Standing Maths Free Standing Maths Free Standing Maths Free Standing Maths Free Standing Maths Free Standing Maths Free Standing Maths Free Standing Maths GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE A level GCE A level CD E 120 CD CE CE CE CE CE CE X A B C D E X 0 30 25 20 15 10 0 CO P 70 CO FS FS FS FS FS FS FD FD FD FD FD FD FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM 9U 9U 9U 9U 9U 9U 9U 9U 9U 9U 9U 9U 9U 9U 9U 9U A A F A B C D E U A B C D E U A B C D E Q U X * *A A* A*A AA AB BB BC CC CD DD DE EE U X Q A* * 0 60 50 40 30 20 0 60 50 40 30 20 0 20 17 13 10 7 0 0 0 200 200 200 200 180 170 150 140 120 110 90 80 60 0 0 0 140 140 GCE A level GCE A level GCE A level GCE A level GCE A level GCE A level GCE A level GCE A level GCE A level GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE Advanced Double Award (A level (Double)) GCE AS Level GCE AS Level GCE AS Level GCE AS Level GCE AS Level GCE AS Level GCE AS Level GCE AS Level GCE AS Level (Double) GCE AS Level (Double) GCE AS Level (Double) A A A A A A A A A A B C D E N Q U X 120 100 80 60 40 0 0 0 0 DA A*A* 280 DA ** 280 DA A*A 260 DA *A 260 DA AA 240 DA AB 220 DA BB 200 DA BC 180 DA CC 160 DA CD 140 DA DD 120 DA DE 100 DA EE 80 DA Q 0 DA U 0 DA UU 0 DA X 0 DA AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AD AD AD XX A B C D E Q U X AA AB BB 0 60 50 40 30 20 0 0 0 120 110 100 GCE AS Level (Double) GCE AS Level (Double) GCE AS Level (Double) GCE AS Level (Double) GCE AS Level (Double) GCE AS Level (Double) GCE AS Level (Double) GCE AS Level (Double) GCE AS Level (Double) International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma International Baccalaureate 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(Core) International Baccalaureate Bonus points (Core) International Baccalaureate Bonus points (Core) International Baccalaureate Bonus points (Core) International Baccalaureate Bonus points (Core) Irish Leaving Certificate: Higher Irish Leaving Certificate: Higher Irish Leaving Certificate: Higher Irish Leaving Certificate: Higher Irish Leaving Certificate: Higher Irish Leaving Certificate: Higher Irish Leaving Certificate: Higher Irish Leaving Certificate: Higher Irish Leaving Certificate: Higher Irish Leaving Certificate: Higher Irish Leaving Certificate: Higher IB H7 130 IB HN 0 IB HP 0 IB X 0 IS S1 0 IS S2 0 IS S3 11 IS S4 27 IS S5 43 IS S6 59 IS S7 70 IS SN 0 IS SP 0 ID 0 10 ID 1 40 ID 1 40 ID 2 80 ID 2 80 ID 3 120 ID 3 120 ID N 0 ID P 0 ID IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL X A1 A2 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 0 90 77 71 64 58 52 45 39 33 26 20 Irish Leaving Certificate: Higher Irish Leaving Certificate: Higher Irish Leaving Certificate: Ordinary Irish Leaving Certificate: Ordinary 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examinations: Theory Grade 7 Music examinations: Theory Grade 7 Music examinations: Theory Grade 7 Music examinations: Theory Grade 7 Music examinations: Theory Grade 8 Music examinations: Theory Grade 8 Music examinations: Theory Grade 8 Music examinations: Theory Grade 8 OCR iPro Certificate OCR iPro Certificate OCR iPro Diploma OCR iPro Diploma OCR National Certificate OCR National Certificate OCR National Certificate OCR National Diploma OCR National Diploma OCR National Diploma OCR National Diploma OCR National Diploma OCR National Diploma IL IL IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO M6 M6 M6 M6 M7 M7 M7 M7 M8 M8 M8 M8 6M 6M 6M 6M 7M 7M 7M 7M 8M 8M 8M 8M OC OC OD OD O6 O6 O6 OT OT OT OT OT OT E F A1 A2 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 E F D M P F D M P F D M P F D M P F D M P F D M P F P F P F D M P D M1 M2 P1 P2 P3 0 0 39 26 20 14 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 40 25 0 60 55 40 0 75 70 55 0 15 10 5 0 20 15 10 0 30 25 20 0 80 0 100 0 120 80 40 240 200 160 160 120 80 OCR National Extended Diploma OCR National Extended Diploma OCR National Extended Diploma OCR National Extended Diploma OCR National Extended Diploma OCR National Extended Diploma OCR National Extended Diploma OCR National Extended Diploma Scottish Advanced Higher Scottish Advanced Higher Scottish Advanced Higher Scottish Advanced Higher Scottish Advanced Higher Scottish Advanced Higher Scottish Advanced Higher Scottish Advanced Higher Scottish Advanced Higher Scottish Advanced Higher Scottish Advanced Higher Scottish Advanced Higher Scottish Advanced Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher Scottish Higher VCE Advanced VCE Advanced VCE Advanced VCE Advanced VCE Advanced VCE Advanced VCE Advanced VCE Advanced VCE Advanced Double Award OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H V V V V V V V V V2 D1 D2 M1 M2 M3 P1 P2 P3 A A1 A2 B B3 B4 C C5 C6 D D7 F X A A* A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B B3 B4 B6 B7 C C5 C6 C8 C9 D D7 F X P A B C D E Q U X AA 360 320 320 280 240 200 160 120 130 130 130 110 110 110 90 90 90 72 72 0 0 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 65 65 65 65 65 50 50 50 50 50 36 36 0 0 0 120 100 80 60 40 0 0 0 240 VCE Advanced Double Award VCE Advanced Double Award VCE Advanced Double Award VCE Advanced Double Award VCE Advanced Double Award VCE Advanced Double Award VCE Advanced Double Award VCE Advanced Double Award VCE Advanced Double Award VCE Advanced Double Award VCE Advanced Subsidiary VCE Advanced Subsidiary VCE Advanced Subsidiary VCE Advanced Subsidiary VCE Advanced Subsidiary VCE Advanced Subsidiary VCE Advanced Subsidiary Welsh Baccalaureate Core Welsh Baccalaureate Core Welsh Baccalaureate Core Level 3 NVQ in Accounting Speech and Drama Examinations Grade 6 Speech and Drama Examinations Grade 6 Speech and Drama Examinations Grade 6 Speech and Drama Examinations Grade 7 Speech and Drama Examinations Grade 7 Speech and Drama Examinations Grade 7 Speech and Drama Examinations Grade 8 Speech and Drama Examinations Grade 8 Speech and Drama Examinations Grade 8 EDI Level 3 Certificate in Accounting EDI Level 3 Certificate in Accounting EDI Level 3 Certificate in Accounting EDI Level 3 Certificate in Accounting EDI Level 3 Certificate in Accounting (IAS) EDI Level 3 Certificate in Accounting (IAS) EDI Level 3 Certificate in Accounting (IAS) EDI Level 3 Certificate in Accounting (IAS) EQL Level 3 Certificate (British Horse Society) Diploma in Fashion Retail Diploma in Fashion Retail Diploma in Fashion Retail Level 3 Certificate in Speech & Drama: Performance Studies (Pcertlam) Level 3 Certificate in Speech & Drama: Performance Studies (Pcertlam) Level 3 Certificate in Speech & Drama: Performance Studies (Pcertlam) Extended Project Extended Project Extended Project Extended Project V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 WB WB WB AG D6 D6 D6 D7 D7 D7 D8 D8 D8 EA EA EA EA EI EI EI EI AB BB BC CC CD DD DE EE U X A B C D E U X P F X P D M P D M P D M P D C P F D C P F 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 0 0 60 50 40 30 20 0 0 120 0 0 160 40 35 20 55 50 35 65 60 45 120 90 70 0 120 90 70 0 EQ FR FR FR P D M P 35 160 120 80 PL D 90 PL M 80 PL EP EP EP EP P A* * A B 60 70 70 60 50 Extended Project Extended Project Extended Project Extended Project Extended Project Extended Project Higher Sports Leader Award GCE A Level (H1) GCE A Level (H1) GCE A Level (H1) GCE A Level (H1) GCE A Level (H1) GCE A Level (H1) GCE A Level (H1) GCE A Level (H2) GCE A Level (H2) GCE A Level (H2) GCE A Level (H2) GCE A Level (H2) GCE A Level (H2) GCE A Level (H2) GCE A Level (H2) GCE A Level (H3) GCE A Level (H3) GCE A Level (H3) GCE A Level (H3) GCE A Level (H3) CIE AO (Advanced Ordinary) CIE AO (Advanced Ordinary) CIE AO (Advanced Ordinary) CIE AO (Advanced Ordinary) GCE Advanced Level Special Paper GCE Advanced Level Special Paper GCE Advanced Level Special Paper GCE Advanced Level Special Paper GCE Advanced Level Special Paper Scottish Interdisciplinary Project Scottish Interdisciplinary Project Scottish Interdisciplinary Project Scottish Interdisciplinary Project Scottish Interdisciplinary Project SQA PC Passport SQA PC Passport SQA Intermediate 2 SQA Intermediate 2 SQA Intermediate 2 SQA Intermediate 2 SQA Intermediate 2 SQA Intermediate 2 SQA Intermediate 2 SQA Intermediate 2 SQA Intermediate 2 EP EP EP EP EP EP HL H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 AO AO AO AO SP SP SP SP SP IN IN IN IN IN PP PP I2 I2 I2 I2 I2 I2 I2 I2 I2 C D E Q U X P A B C D E S U A B C D E S U X D M P U X A B C X A B C D E A B C F X P X A* a* A1 A2 B3 B4 C5 C6 D7 40 30 20 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 55 45 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SQA Intermediate 2 SQA Intermediate 2 SQA Intermediate 2 SQA Intermediate 1 SQA Intermediate 1 SQA Higher National Diploma SQA Higher National Diploma SQA Higher National Certificate SQA Higher National Certificate SQA Core Skill - Higher (Higher Core Skills) SQA Core Skill - Intermediate 2 (Int 2 Core Skills) SQA Certificate of Sixth Year Studies SQA Certificate of Sixth Year Studies SQA Certificate of Sixth Year Studies SQA Certificate of Sixth Year Studies SQA Certificate of Sixth Year Studies SQA Certificate of Sixth Year Studies SQA Certificate of Sixth Year Studies SQA Skills for Work Intermediate 2 SQA Skills for Work Intermediate 2 AICE AICE AICE AICE AICE Key Skill Level 1 Key Skill Level 1 Key Skill Level 2 Key Skill Level 2 Key Skill Level 3 Key Skill Level 3 Key Skill Level 4 Key Skill Level 4 Step Sixth Term Examination Papers Step Sixth Term Examination Papers Step Sixth Term Examination Papers Step Sixth Term Examination Papers Step Sixth Term Examination Papers Step Sixth Term Examination Papers Step Sixth Term Examination Papers AQA Baccalaureate AQA Baccalaureate AQA Baccalaureate AQA Baccalaureate AQA Baccalaureate AQA Baccalaureate AQA Baccalaureate AQA Enrichment AQA Enrichment AQA Enrichment AQA Enrichment I2 I2 I2 I1 I1 ND ND NC NC F X P A* a* P X P X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HK P 0 IK CS CS CS CS CS CS CS SW SW AI AI AI AI AI K1 K1 K2 K2 K3 K3 K4 K4 ST ST ST ST ST ST ST AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AQ AQ AQ AQ P A B C D E F X P X D M P F X P F P F P F P F 1 2 3 S U X A P M D F Q U X P M D F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AQA Enrichment AQA Enrichment AQA Enrichment Foundation Studies Foundation Studies Foundation Studies Asset Languages (Advanced Level) Listening Asset Languages (Advanced Level) Listening Asset Languages (Advanced Level) Listening Asset Languages (Advanced Level) Speaking Asset Languages (Advanced Level) Speaking Asset Languages (Advanced Level) Speaking Asset Languages (Advanced Level) Reading Asset Languages (Advanced Level) Reading Asset Languages (Advanced Level) Reading Asset Languages (Advanced Level) Writing Asset Languages (Advanced Level) Writing Asset Languages (Advanced Level) Writing Functional Skills (Level 1) Functional Skills (Level 1) Functional Skills (Level 1) Functional Skills (Level 1) Functional Skills (Level 2) Functional Skills (Level 2) Functional Skills (Level 2) Functional Skills (Level 2) Functional Skills (Level 2) Functional Skills (Level 3) Functional Skills (Level 3) Functional Skills (Level 3) Functional Skills (Level 3) Functional Skills (Level 4) Functional Skills (Level 4) Functional Skills (Level 4) Functional Skills (Level 4) Advanced Diploma Advanced Diploma Advanced Diploma Advanced Diploma Advanced Diploma Advanced Diploma Advanced Diploma Advanced Diploma AQ AQ AQ FY FY FY Q U X D M P 0 0 0 0 0 0 AL 10 11 AL 11 18 AL 12 25 AP 10 12 AP 11 20 AP 12 28 AR 10 11 AR 11 18 AR 12 25 AW 10 11 AW 11 18 AW F1 F1 F1 F1 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F3 F3 F3 F3 F4 F4 F4 F4 PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA 12 P Q U X P Q U X 2 P Q U X P Q U X A* * A B C D E U 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350 350 300 250 200 150 100 0 Advanced Diploma Progression Diploma Progression Diploma Progression Diploma Progression Diploma Progression Diploma Progression Diploma Progression Diploma Progression Diploma Progression Diploma Principal Learning Principal Learning Principal Learning Principal Learning Principal Learning Principal Learning Principal Learning Principal Learning Principal Learning Scottish Baccalaureate Scottish Baccalaureate Scottish Baccalaureate GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award GCE 9 Unit Award Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subject Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subject Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subject Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subject Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subject Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subject Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subject Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subject Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subject Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subject Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subject Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives and Research Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives and Research PA PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR SB SB SB AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC X A* * A B C D E U X A* * A B C D E U X D P X * *A A* A*A AA AB BB BC CC CD DD DE EE U X Q D1 D2 D3 M1 M2 M3 P1 P2 P3 U X 0 350 350 300 250 200 150 100 0 0 210 210 180 150 120 90 60 0 0 0 0 0 200 200 200 200 180 170 150 140 120 110 90 80 60 0 0 0 145 145 130 115 101 87 73 59 46 0 0 UG D1 140 UG D2 140 Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives and Research Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives and Research Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives and Research Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives and Research Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives and Research Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives and Research Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives and Research Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives and Research Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives and Research Cambridge Pre-U Short Course Cambridge Pre-U Short Course Cambridge Pre-U Short Course Cambridge Pre-U Short Course Cambridge Pre-U Short Course Cambridge Pre-U Short Course Cambridge Pre-U Short Course Cambridge Pre-U Short Course Cambridge Pre-U Short Course Cambridge Pre-U Short Course IB Theory of Knowledge IB Theory of Knowledge IB Theory of Knowledge IB Theory of Knowledge IB Theory of Knowledge IB Theory of Knowledge IB Theory of Knowledge IB Overall result IB Overall result IB Overall result IB Overall result IB Overall result IB Extended Essay IB Extended Essay IB Extended Essay IB Extended Essay IB Extended Essay IB Extended Essay IB Extended Essay Scottish Standard Grade SS Band Scottish Standard Grade SS Band UG D3 126 UG M1 112 UG M2 98 UG M3 84 UG P1 70 UG P2 56 UG P3 42 UG X 0 UG US US US US US US US US US US IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IF IF IF IF IF IX IX IX IX IX IX IX SS SS U D1 D2 D3 M1 M2 M3 P1 P2 P3 X A B C D E N P B D F P W EA EB EC ED EE EN EP Band 1 Band 2 0 60 60 60 53 46 39 32 26 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TARQUAL (Column DQ) 18. The TARQUAL field indicates whether the student has any qualifications on entry which could contribute to our tariff calculation. Value Description Definition 1 Student has at least one qualification type which could contribute to our tariff calculation Otherwise At least one QUALTYPE is in the following list: 6M, 7M, 8M, 9U, A, A1, AC, AD, AE, AG, AH, AL, AN, AP, AR, AS, AW, B, BE, CA, CC, CD, CE, CO, D6, D7, D8, DA, EA, EI, EP, EQ, FD, FM, FR, FS, H, HL, IB, ID, IE, IL, IN, IO, IS, M6, M7, M8, O6, OC, OD, OE, OT, PA, PD, PL, PP, PR, UC, UG, US, V, V1, V2, WB Otherwise 0 ENTQUAL (Column CZ) 19. The ENTQUAL field contains the grouping of the student’s highest qualification on entry. Value Description Definition VCE_ONLY Vocational A-levels only (QUALENT3 = P50, P80, P91 or QUALENT2 = 39, 40) and QUALTYPE01 = V, V1, V2 and QUALTYPE02-30 = V, V1, V2, BLANK BACC BTEC Baccalaureate ONC or OND (including BTEC and SCOTVEC equivalents) Other Level 3 qualifications included in the tariff QUALENT3 = P62, P63 or QUALENT2 = 47 (QUALENT3 = P41, P42, P46, P80, P91 and at least one QUALTYPE = B and no other QUALTYPE could contribute to our tariff calculation*) or QUALENT2 = 41 (QUALENT3 = P50, P68, P91 or (QUALENT3 = P80 and TARQUAL = 1) or (QUALENT3 = P41, P42, P46 and at least one QUALTYPE = B) or QUALENT2 = 39, 40) and not above QUALENT3 = X00, X01 or QUALENT2 = 44, 45 AASSCE ACCESS Access course DEG Degree and higher FOU Foundation course NONE OHE No formal qualifications Other HE OTHERS Other qualifications UNKNOWN Unknown qualifications QUALENT3 = DUK, DZZ, D80, MUK, MZZ, M2X, M41, M44, M71, M80, M90, HUK, HZZ, H11, H71, H80, JUK or QUALENT2 = 01 to 05, 10 to 16 QUALENT3 = J49 or QUALENT2 = 29, 43, 72 QUALENT3 = X02, X05 or QUALENT2 = 92, 93, 98 QUALENT3 = J10, J20, J30, J48, J80, C20, C30, C44, C80, C90 or QUALENT2 = 21 to 28, 30, 31 QUALENT3 = P41, P42, P46, P47, P51, P53, P64, P65, P92, Q51, Q52, Q80, R51, R52, R80, X04 or QUALENT2 = 37, 38, 55, 56, 57, 94, 97 and not above Otherwise * That is, no other QUALTYPE, apart from QUALTYPE = B, can contribute towards TARQUAL = 1 ZEROTAR (Column DA) 20. The ZEROTAR field indicates whether qualifications on entry data exist. Value Description Definition 1 Student has zero tariff points and entry qualification data are present ADJTAR = 0 and QUALTYPE01 ≠ BLANK 0 Otherwise Otherwise EQPOP (Column DB) 21. The EQPOP field indicates whether the student is included in the full-time improving retention allocation population. Value 0 Description Not included in full-time improving retention allocation population 1 Otherwise Definition (ENTRYAGE > 21 and ENTQUAL = AASSCE and ADJTAR = 0 and ZEROTAR = 0 and UCASAPPID ≠ BLANK) or (ENTQUAL = AASSCE, VCE_ONLY and QUALTYPEXX ≠ BLANK and QUALGRADEXX* = BLANK) or (QUALENT3 = P80 and TARQUAL = 0) or HESEXCL ≠ 0 or HESCOMP ≠ 4 or HESTYPE ≠ HOMEF, HOMEIF or DOMICILE ≠ XF, XG, XH, XI, XK or HESLEVEL ≠ UGX, FD or HESMODE ≠ FTS, SWOUT or ENTRANT ≠ 1 Otherwise * This condition applies to any pair of QUALTYPE and QUALGRADE for the student EQGRP (Column DC) 22. The EQGRP field holds the entry-qualification risk group the student was assigned to. Value Description Definition Y_U Young, unknown Y_L Young, low risk Y_M Young, medium risk ENTRYAGE < 21 and (ENTQUAL = UNKNOWN or (ENTQUAL = AASSCE and ADJTAR = 0 and ZEROTAR = 0 and UCASAPPID ≠ BLANK)) ENTRYAGE < 21 and (ENTQUAL = DEG, BACC or (ENTQUAL = AASSCE and ADJTAR > 260)) ENTRYAGE < 21 and (ENTQUAL = OHE, FOU, VCE_ONLY or (ENTQUAL = AASSCE and (160 < ADJTAR 260 or (ADJTAR = 0 and ZEROTAR = 0 and UCASAPPID = BLANK)))) Y_H Young, high risk ENTRYAGE < 21 and not in Y_U, Y_L or Y_M above M_U Mature, unknown ENTRYAGE 21 and ENTQUAL = UNKNOWN M_L Mature, low risk M_M Mature, medium risk ENTRYAGE 21 and (ENTQUAL = DEG or (ENTQUAL = AASSCE and ADJTAR > 320)) ENTRYAGE 21 and (ENTQUAL = OHE, FOU, ACCESS, VCE_ONLY or (ENTQUAL = AASSCE and ADJTAR 320)) M_H Mature, high risk ENTRYAGE 21 and not in M_U, M_L or M_M above Re-building the 2012-13 TESS allocations using the individualised file 23. The downloadable document ‘Detailed TESS allocation method’ (www.hefce.ac.uk/learning/datacoll/derived/summ/tess/) describes how to re-build the TESS derived statistics shown in the TESS10XXXX.xls workbook.