OCEAN COUNTY COLLEGE Science Department Course Outline and Syllabus Spring 2013 Semester Course Number and Title: BIOL 232L-02, BIOL 232L–06 Dr. Robert J McNeil, Instructor Course Hours – 0.0 Contact Hours– 1.67 Disclaimer: Changes to this course outline/syllabus may be announced at any time in class or by e-mail or on Ocean Cruiser. Class Meeting Schedule: 2013 Spring Semester BIOL-232L-02 LabMicrobiology 2013 Spring Semester BIOL-232L06 LabMicrobiology Ocean County College Campus 01/29/2013 05/14/2013 Laboratory Tuesday 02:00PM 03:40PM, William T. Hiering Science, Room 227 Ocean County College Campus R. McNeil 0 / 18 Closed 01/25/2013 05/10/2013 Laboratory Friday 02:00PM - 03:40PM, William T. Hiering Science, Room 227 0.00 R. McNeil 0 / 18 Closed 0.00 Catalog Description: Title Lab-Microbiology Course Section Number BIOL-232L-02, BIOL-232L-06 Description This is the lab component of on-campus Microbiology. All students taking on-campus sections of Microbiology must register in both a lecture (BIOL 232) and a lab (BIOL-232L). Registration in a lab component is NOT required for Distance Learning and Off-Campus sections. Credits 0.00 CEUs Start Date Level 29 January 2013 Section02 14 May 2013 Section02 End Date 25 January 2013 Section06 10 May 2013 Section 06 UG - Undergraduate PREREQUISITES: BIOL 120 or BIOL 131 or BIOL 162 COREQUISITES: None Maximum Class Size: 18 (Each Section) Justification: This course is required by the programs of study as outlined and approved for students in the nursing and/or allied health department. Contact Information: Office Hours: Before or after class or by appointment. I have no campus office. Other Meeting Times: To arrange a meeting with your instructor please contact your instructor directly or by e-mail (preferred, robert_mcneil@portal.ocean.edu) or contact the Department of Science and Engineering Phone: (732)-255-0400, x 2178 E-mail: Official course communication is to and from your Ocean Cruiser e-mail. (firstname_lastname@portal.ocean.edu) (all lower case) E-mails must include your course and section number in the title (subject) of your message or it may be deleted. Also include the subject of your message. Do not send me e-mails with questions that can be answered in class or in the syllabus. Contact another student to find out what you missed, announcements, etc. if you are absent from class. Ocean Cruiser: All students enrolled in this class will be required to use Ocean Cruiser, a web-based course enhancement tool/personal organizer. You can access Ocean Cruiser from the Ocean County College Web Page (www.ocean.edu). Once you have accessed Ocean Cruiser, place this link into your Favorites folder. Login instructions are located on the introductory page of Ocean Cruiser (you can also call for assistance [732-255-0400], if you need it). Once you have logged in, you will find a link to our course page – our course page contains important information, including the course syllabus, email access, and a shared files area where I post lecture presentations, and lab exercise supporting information, etc. As a rule, you should access Ocean Cruiser and your OCC e-mail at least once per day. All email sent to me should be sent via your Ocean Cruiser e-mail address not from your personal e-mail address and should have a subject title, course and section number, otherwise it may be deleted. Routine questions should be asked in class, not by e-mail. 2 Dept Office and my mailbox: Hiering Science Building Room 136 (Tom’s River). Contact Phone: 732-255-0400, extension 2178 (Dept. 0ffice) for departmental (Biology) questions. Textbook/Laboratory Manual/Materials and Supplies: Required text (on Cruiser shared files): Microbiology Laboratory Manual, BIOL 232 by Dr. Catherine Murphy Recommended Text (from lecture), any one below: MICROBIOLOGY:SYSTEMS APPROACH Author ISBN COWAN 9780073522524 This item is the New or Used Textbook Only. MICROBIOLOGY:SYSTEMS APPROACH-W/ACCESS Author ISBN COWAN 9780077471941 This item is the Textbook bundled with the Connect Plus Card. EBK MICROBIOLOGY:SYSTEMS APPROACH (CS) Author ISBN COWAN 9780077290610 eContent Download (No Shipping) See REQUIREMENTS before purchasing eBook Format : This item is an Ebook. This selection is a down-loadable book, before purchasing this selection please see the econtents requirements above. Purchase either the Ebook or the textbook not both. Required Supplies: Unlined drawing paper and no. 2 pencils, pen and note-taking paper for lab. How to Study for This Course: 1. Spend at least 2 hours out of class study time for each 1 hour in class time which equates to 3.34 hours out of class study time per week for our 1.67 hour lab. 2. Seek campus tutoring assistance and/or accommodations early in the semester if you feel you need it. (see Campus Resources and Services and Statement of Accommodation below). 3 3. NO MAKEUPS WITHOUT A DOCUMENTED (example: Doctor’s note) excuse and makeups are not guaranteed. 4. Assignments must be completed by the due date, no later. Reading Your Lab Manual: 1. Read the questions at the end of each lab exercise, if any. This will help you to acquire a general overview regarding the contents of each exercise. 2. Read the scheduled lab exercise procedures and relevant videos/websites in the lab manual and the syllabus before lab to help you understand it and to save time when lab begins. SPECIFIC COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students who successfully complete this course will be able to; (mostly objective h. for this laboratory section): a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Describe the major classes of organisms that infect the human body with regard to general structure and patterns of infectivity. Describe key elements of Host Parasite relationships. Discuss the relationship between bacterial physiology and mechanisms of disease pathogenesis. Identify the major bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic pathogens, and their consequences in human disease. Explain the general mechanisms of anti-microbial drugs and the nature of microbial resistance to drugs. Explain the concepts of virulence and virulence factors, and apply this knowledge to the understanding of the spectrum of microbial disease. Describe the major diseases that occur according to pathogens and by organ system. Understand general laboratory techniques and explain how they are used to differentiate between different etiologic agents. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Formal lecture and laboratory sessions; mostly laboratory for this section. Videos/website readings are possible, time-permitting; or assigned as homework. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS / TECHNOLOGY NEEDS / HUMAN RESOURCE NEEDS (PRESENTLY EMPLOYED VS. NEW FACULTY) Text: An appropriate textbook will be selected. adoptions. 4 Please see above for current TENTATIVE TOPICAL OUTLINE (MOSTLY COVERED IN LECTURE) Introduction to Microbiology Cell Structure and Function (Prokaryotes) Cell Structure and Function (Eukaryotes Microbial Growth Energy and Enzymes Introduction to Metabolism Glycolysis and Fermentation Kreb’s Cycle and Electron Transport Control of Growth (Chemical and Physical) Normal Microbiota Control of Growth (Antibiotics) Antibiotic Resistance Antiviral and Antifungal Drugs Principles of Disease & Virulence Factors Diseases of the Skin and Eyes Vector-borne Diseases Diseases of the Respiratory System Diseases of the Digestive System AIDS Instructional Delivery Methodology Laboratory sessions will stress a hands-on/discovery approach to scientific investigation. Powerpoint presentations or videos may also be presented. Ocean County College Grading Scale: All student assessment methods in this lab will be measured using the Ocean County College grading scale. Final grades will be either PASS or FAIL. The grading scale used to determine a final grade of PASS or FAIL is below. A final average of 70-100%=PASS for the final grade. A final average below 70%=FAIL for the final grade. The lecture instructor will be provided with the final % that you earned in this lab. Student Assessment Methodology: (Calculated with a point system, total points earned/total possible points = final %) but using the following percentages breakdown. Approximate Grade % Breakdown: 50% Lab Reports/Attendance, 25% Unknown, 25% Final Exam/Practical 5 Laboratory Lab reports, quizzes, video attendance, laboratory examinations (practicals). Lab reports, quizzes, and video attendance usually count 10-20 points each, sometimes more. Lab practicals usually count 50-65 points, sometimes more. Missing lab, lab quizzes, practicals, reports, videos, and other assignments will result in a zero for those exercises. Course Requirements: If a student is absent for a test or laboratory session, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor before the missed class if possible to make arrangements for a make-up session at the instructor’s discretion. Attendance at all laboratory sessions is mandatory and may constitute part of your final lab grade especially if you miss announced or unannounced quizzes, videos or assignments. For a more detailed discussion on attendance, please refer to the General Policy Statements section of this document. Examinations: Examination format will include multiple choice, matching, fill-in, and true/false questions, which will test your knowledge of material presented in lab, the lab manual, and lab items on Ocean Cruiser shared files. All tests must be taken on the date scheduled except in case of an emergency. In case of the above, the instructor must be notified in advance that a test is going to be missed and an acceptable excuse must be provided such as a doctor’s note. Acceptance or denial of the excuse is at the discretion of the instructor. Lab practical exams are usually impossible to makeup as are lab exercises. Laboratory Requirements: The laboratory component of this course has specific requirements. First, it is important to maintain a clean, safe working environment; therefore the following safety rules must be observed: 1. No food or drink is allowed in the laboratory. 2. No sandals or open-toed shoes are allowed in the laboratory. 3. Hand washing and other hygienic methods must be employed to ensure that there is no contamination to each other or to the specimens. 4. Microscopes must be cleaned before they are returned to the microscope cabinets; and they must be carried and returned following approved procedures. 5. All waste must be disposed of in the appropriate receptacle. 6. The laboratory must be cleaned and all instruments returned to their appropriate storage container before the class is dismissed. 6 7. Gloves and other safety apparel are to be worn during dissections and when using chemicals/reagents. 8. NO MAKEUPS WITHOUT A DOCUMENTED (Doctor’s) note. 9. Assignments must be completed by the due date, no later. The academic requirements of the laboratory are the following: Laboratory reports: Drawings in pencil on plain white paper and answers to laboratory questions as directed by the instructor. Label each report with name, date, course number and section, laboratory topic title. Label all drawings and with the microscope power (40X,100X,400X,1000X) that you used. All lab reports must be typed, double-spaced, including figures. References must be cited. Research paper format (outline) must be followed for experimental labs. Laboratory Examinations and quizzes: Based upon information covered, and work completed in the laboratory. Mostly with identification-type questions from the lab manual, shared lab files on Ocean Cruiser, lecture text figures and possibly live samples. Experimental labs will be tested based on an understanding of the procedures and an understanding, knowledge, and discussion of the results. Questions are usually multiple choice and truefalse. No makeup tests or makeup of lab exercises or videos will be provided if you fail to notify and discuss your situation in advance or asap with the instructor. No extra credit work will be made available to make up for a test grade, laboratory or video. General Policy Statements: It is my responsibility as the instructor to create an environment that is conducive to learning. This begins with commencing and ending class on time. If you are late to arrive and/or need to leave early please do so in the least disruptive manner. Take a seat close to the door, remove your coat prior to entering or after leaving the classroom, have your notebook in hand and/or pack up after you have left the classroom. If you are late for a lab quiz you may have to wait outside until the quiz is over, and hopefully be able to take it later, no guarantee. Please do not conduct personal business during class – this includes all types of personal conversations (live, text messaging, phone calls, etc.). In fact please turn all electronics off. If you miss a class ask another student what you missed before the next class. I may have made important announcements. Do not e-mail me to ask for this information. I have 100’s of students in class thus do not have time to answer frequent and numerous routine e-mails, especially pertaining to questions that can be asked in class. Save all routine questions for lab class time, not by e-mail. Do e-mail me if you will miss class because of sickness or other emergency which may have to be verified to make up missed work. Attendance: During each class meeting I will distribute an attendance sheet please place your initials next to your name. The attendance sheet may also 7 be circulated at the end of class, so do not leave early. Some labs will be graded based on attendance and participation. Do not sign for another student. This would be academic dishonesty. Course withdrawals: Anyone who withdraws from this class must acquire the appropriate paperwork from the Registrar’s Office to “officially withdraw” by the withdrawal deadline. Do not withdraw without talking to me first. I may have suggestions to help you succeed in the course, such as seeking tutoring help. (See Campus Resources and Services below.) Nonattendance does not count as an official withdrawal and will result in a grade of “F” for this course. Civility Statement: Ocean County College defines civility primarily as the demonstration of respect for others, basic courtesy, reciprocity (treating others as we wish to be treated), and behaviors that create a positive environment in which to learn and to work. The Trustees of the College and the College Administration set the tone for civil behavior through their professional conduct and through their leadership of the institution. All members of the college community create a positive environment characterized by considerate and principled conduct. While no civility statement can guarantee considerate and principled conduct, the values set forth herewith represent institutional ideals and should serve as guide posts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Respect for the work of all persons Courteous discourse (oral, verbal, non-verbal and electronic) Honest interactions and utterances Fair and just treatment Integrity and keeping promises Commitment to the community college philosophy: Access, transfer, career preparation, workforce development, partnering, and community outreach. http://www.ocean.edu/welcome/mission_vision.htm 7. Open professional communications 8. Diversity, professionalism, and collegiality 9. Free expression of views without meanness or a desire to do harm Tolerance of differing points of view 10. Zero tolerance for any forms of cyber stalking, cyber bullying, or cyber sexual harassment (see the Attorney General's letter) 11. A culture of honor that enhances our students' ethical and moral development and clearly communicates and consistently adheres to the definitions of and sanctions for academic dishonesty 8 These ideals are consistently modeled by those in leadership positions-in the administration, staff, faculty, and student body-and should provide direction for all members of the college community. Academic Honesty: “Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to plagiarism, cribbing and cheating on examinations, quizzes, class projects or papers. Any student aiding another student in any form of dishonesty is considered equally guilty.” OCC Student Handbook, pg. 35. Cheating is not acceptable and will result in a grade of 0 for that test or assignment and will be turned over to the appropriate College source for disciplinary action. Do not turn in lab reports that are duplicates of that of another student. That is plagiarism. Please review policy #5180 in the student handbook for the penalties associated with plagiarism and cheating. Campus Resources and Services: Tutoring is available [a] in the Writing Center for writing assignments in all subject areas, not just English courses, and [b] in the Mathematics Tutoring Center. Tutoring information for all other subjects can be found on the Tutoring page on the college website. In addition, Study Strategy Seminars are scheduled each week and are posted on the college website under “Academics.” More information on college services can be found by using the A-Z index on the college website (for example, under “T” for Tutoring or under “S” for Study Strategy Seminars). Statement of Accommodation: If there is any student in this class who has special needs because of learning disabilities or other kinds of disabilities, discuss this with a staff member in the Center for Academic Excellence prior to course work for which you may need accommodation and then provide me with documentation to meet your special needs. You do not have to tell me what your specific disability may be, only what accommodations you may need verified with a completed form from the Center for Academic Excellence. All individuals should not assume that anything received, sent, or stored in this course or in any course is private. Students’ written work, assignments, and test results may be used anonymously for college assessment purposes. Course content, support materials, and communications (including chats, discussions, emails, and any other forms of communication) may be used for quality assurance purposes by authorized college administrators. Disclaimer: Changes to this course outline/syllabus may be announced at any time in class or by e-mail. 9 Important Notes Ocean Cruiser is the official email communication for students at OCC. (firstname_lastname@portal.ocean.edu) Failure to pay for this course may result in your being dropped for nonpayment. Only registered students are permitted in class-no parents, children, pets, friends, etc. Lab Schedule Spring 2013 Dr. Robert J McNeil Course: Fri06,Tue02 BIOL 232 - Micro Biology Date Experiment/***SUBJECT TO CHANGE**** Jan 25,29 Introduction: See video/website 1 below. Orientation and Lab Safety: Manual-p.3. Feb 1,5 Microscopy (Part 1) Manual-p.4-8;Text-p.11-15,66-71. See Handout 1 below on Cruiser Shared Files. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7KlFSgdUGU&feature=relmfu – How to use a microscope and oil immersion video. Feb 8,12 Microscopy (Part 2) Microbes in the Environment: Manual-p.9-11. See Handout 2 below on Cruiser shared files. Preparation of Culture Media; examine plates from last week. Manual-p.17-19. See Handout 5 below on Cruiser shared files. See video/websites 3,4 below. Feb 15,19 Feb 22,26 Smear Prep; Simple Stain; Aseptic Technique; Aseptic Transfer Techniques (streak plate only) (see video 2 below): Manual-p.12-14. Microbial Smear Prep (see video 14 and website 15 below) and Simple Stain: Manual-p.15-16. See Handouts 3 and 4 below on Cruiser shared files. Mar 1,5 Intro to Unknowns: Manual-p.20-22. Differential Stains (Gram Stain) Manual-p.23-24. See video/websites 5,16 below. Cultural Characteristics (innoc of broth, slant, plate using UK), Manual-p.25-27 See Handouts 6,7,8,9 below on Cruiser shared files. See video/website 6 below. 10 Mar 8,12 Cultural Characteristics (interpretation): Manual-p.25-27. See Handouts 8,9 on Cruiser shared files. Endospore Stain-p.24. See video/websites 7, 8 below. Motility (TBA)See video/websites 9,10,11,12 below. Biochemical & IMVIC (coliform) Tests (Innoculations): Manual- p.28-33. See Handout 10 on Cruiser shared files. See video/website 13 below. Mar 15,19 Mar 22, Apr2 Biochemical IMVIC Assessment; ID of UK; Pathogenic Microbes. Manualp.28-33. See Handout 10 on Cruiser shared files. Mar 25-31 Spring Break Apr5,9 Sensitivity Tests- Antibiotics and Disinfectants (Innoculations): Manual-p.3439. See Handout s 11,12 below on Cruiser shared files. See video/websites 17,18 below. Apr12,16 Sensitivity Tests- Assessments: Manual-p.34-39. Apr19,23 Food Testing (Innoculation): Manual-p.40-45. Apr26,30 Food Testing (Evaluation); Pathogenic Microbes Due. Manual-p.40-45. See video/website 19 below. May3,7 Lab Final May10,14 Review of Lab Final; Videos. Academic Calendar Spring 2013 Classes Begin Wednesday, January 23, 2013 No Classes (Holiday) Monday, February 18, 2013 No Classes (Spring Break) Monday, March 25Sunday, March 31, 2013 Last Day of Classes - FOLLOW Wednesday, May 15, 11 MONDAY SCHEDULE 2013 Commencement Thursday, May 23, 2013 Spring Quick Term 2013 Classes Begin Wednesday, February 27, 2013 No Classes (Spring Break) Monday, March 25 Sunday, March 31, 2013 Last Day of Classes - FOLLOW MONDAY SCHEDULE Wednesday, May 15, 2013 Microbiology Laboratory Manual, BIOL 232 by Dr. Catherine Murphy—Print it out from Ocean Cruiser shared files and bring to every lab. It will not be handed out. Lab Handouts (see Ocean Cruiser Shared Files) Print them out ifnecessary from Ocean Cruiser shared files and bring to the appropriate lab. They will not be handed out. Some may be the same as the lab manual pages. 1)Use_and_Care_of_the_Microscope.pdf 2)Where_are_microbes.pdf 12 3)Aseptic_Transfer_Techniques.pdf 4)Smear__Simple_Stain.pdf 5)Culture_Media.pdf 6)Unknown_data_sheet.pdf 7)DIFFERENTIAL_STAINS.pdf 8)Cultural_Characteristics_of_Microorganisms.pdf 9)ANAEROBIC_GROWTH.pdf 10)Biochemical_Tests_for_the_Identification_of_Bacter ia.pdf 11)Antibiotic_Sensitivity_Test.pdf 12)Disinfectants_and_Antiseptics.pdf 13)ELISA.docx Videos and Websites (extra reading or as assigned); Others may be added: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7KlFSgdUGU&feature= relmfu (MicrobiologyTechniquesWebsite-Excellent) 1.Microbiologist Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpLKi-b3xl8 2.Aseptic Transfer Techniques: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3oADI67i8k&feature=r elated 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RLtNC30Bj8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd0iVJrQwyY 3.Preparation of Culture Media: http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/analyticalchromatography/microbiology/learningcenter/theory/media-preparation.html 4.Preparation of media and cultures: http://www.microbiologyonline.org.uk/teachers/preparationof-media-and-cultures 5.Differential Stains for Identifying Bacteria: http://suite101.com/article/differential-stains-for-identifyingbacteria-a234529 6.Identifying Microorganisms by Cultural Characteristics: http://www.austincc.edu/microbugz/cultural_characteristics. php 7.Endospores: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endospore 8.Endospore Stain and others: http://www.austincc.edu/microbugz/handouts/Stain%20prot ocols.pdf 9.Bacterial Motility: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacterial_motility#Movement 10.Bacterial Motility: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlFRJftA2bU 11.Unknown A Bacteria--Motility Test: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM9_N4dXYog 12.Images for Bacterial Motility Tests: https://www.google.com/search?q=bacterial+motility+ tests&hl=en&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source =univ&sa=X&ei=i7pEUKi3NMy10QGDtoGgDQ&ved =0CDcQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=799 14 13.IMVIC Tests: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMViC 14.Microbial Smear Preparation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TmyxFvo9x4&feature=r elated (good) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPveNOnmQxI&feature=relmfu (isolation of bacterial colonies) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLkipIg4WRg 15.The Smear and Simple Staining: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KDT82koX7w&feature =relmfu (simple smears and stains-good) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EykxVWGFGc&feature=relmf u (simple stain?-good) http://www.professorcrista.com/files/stuff_that_stays/lab_06 smear_simple_stain.pdf 16.Gram Stain Technique: http://amrita.vlab.co.in/?sub=3&brch=73&sim=208&cnt=2 17.Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing - Establishing the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration: http://www.rapidmicrobiology.com/test-methods/AntibioticSensitivity-Testing.php 18.antibiotic susceptibility testing by disk diffusion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ujEXCXj4KE 19.Bacterial Counts - Quantitative Analysis of Microbes http://biolabs.tmcc.edu/Micro%20Web/BacterialCount s.pdf 20.Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRbuz3VQ100 15 16