COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE Clothing and Household Textile (Building Innovative Capability) scheme (BIC scheme) Application for Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Privacy and Confidentiality The use and disclosure of information provided to the Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (‘the Department of Innovation’) is regulated by the relevant provisions and penalties of the Textile Clothing and Footwear Investment and Innovation Programs Act 1999, the Public Service Act 1999, the Public Service Regulations, the Privacy Act 1988, the Crimes Act 1914, the Criminal Code and common law. The Department of Innovation will use information provided for the purposes of discharging its functions under the program, and for related uses. These functions, which are set out in the Act and the schemes, as well as the Program Guides, include registering eligible entities. The Department of Innovation may also use information received in any other legitimate departmental business. While the Department of Innovation will seek to protect sensitive information from disclosure to external parties, disclosure of some otherwise confidential information may occur as specified in this form. As part of the Department of Innovation’s assessment of a request for advance, the Department of Innovation may need to consult with and provide material to other government agencies or bodies, other organisations and/or relevant individuals, in order to substantiate any claims or statements made by the entity, or to otherwise assist in the assessment of the application. If this occurs, the Department of Innovation will endeavour to ensure that the parties who are consulted observe appropriate confidentiality. Detailed confidential information may be disclosed for audit purposes to contractors engaged by the Department of Innovation and to other Australian Government agencies for audit, reporting and law enforcement purposes. Further, the Department of Innovation may release confidential information if it is required or permitted by law to do so. This may happen, for example, if the Department of Innovation is required to respond to a resolution of the parliament, or the order of a court. The Department of Innovation may also disclose information where it obtains consent to do so. Following approval of the Application for Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business, the broad details of the application may be disclosed by the Department of Innovation for purposes such as promoting the program, reporting on its operation and policy development. Such information may be used in answering questions from the parliament and its committees. In particular, the entity should be aware that the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Investment and Innovation Programs Act 1999 provides for the publication of the name of each entity paid a grant and the total grant amount paid to that entity in a financial year. NEED MORE INFORMATION? Call the AusIndustry hotline on 13 28 46 Page 1 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE Before beginning Applicants should familiarise themselves with the following prior to completing this form: (Note: To activate the hyperlinks below, hold the Ctrl key and click the link.) BIC scheme Program Guide BIC scheme Transfer of Registration Fact Sheet BIC scheme - Guide to Eligibility and Registration This information is available from the AusIndustry website: Please note that the contact person and the signatory of this form should be an authorised employee or director of the transferee and authorised to provide any further information and receive notices relevant to this application. Customer service manager An AusIndustry customer service manager is available to assist with understanding program requirements and explain the applicant's obligations. Customer service managers for the BIC scheme can be contacted through the: AusIndustry hotline on 13 28 46 or the AusIndustry Victoria State Office by phone on (03) 9268 7555 or by fax to (03) 9268 7999. Applicants should contact AusIndustry for further information relating to transfers of registration in circumstances other than on the transfer of business. Lodgement address Applications with the required supporting documentation and any attachments may be lodged with the AusIndustry Victoria State Office at: GPO Box 85, Melbourne VIC 3001 or at other AusIndustry office locations. Please refer to the AusIndustry website for address details. Completion of the application form When completing the Application for Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business form, the applicant is advised to be factual and concise in all responses. The applicant is not permitted to modify the wording or layout of the application. If the application is not complete or if the wording or layout of the form has been modified, it may not be accepted by AusIndustry and may be returned. If the spaces provided in this form are insufficient for the applicant’s responses, please submit the information as a word document and attach it to the form. The Textile, Clothing and Footwear Investment and Innovation Programs Act 1999 stipulates penalties for providing false or misleading information or documentation in connection with the BIC scheme. The application has six parts and an attachment: Part A Transferee entity details Part B Transferor entity details Part C Transfer information Part D Eligible BIC scheme activities Part E Declaration by transferee Attachment 1 Transferee information (if not currently registered for the BIC scheme) Page 2 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE How to complete this application form: All applicants need to complete Parts A to E. Transferees not currently registered for the BIC scheme must complete Attachment 1. Part A – Transferee entity details A1. Is the transferee an existing registered BIC scheme participant? Part C – Transfer information C1. What program year is being transferred? No Complete Attachment 1 and go to Part B 2010 / 11 Yes Complete the following: 2011 / 12 BIC scheme registration number 2012 / 13 2013 / 14 Australian Business Number (ABN) - - 2014 / 15 - Registered business name/full entity name C2. What is the date or the proposed date of effect of the transfer of the business? Date (dd/mm/yyyy): A2. If the transferee is registered for the BIC scheme, has any of the information supplied at registration or renewal of registration changed as a result of the transfer of registration? (e.g. primary contact, email address) No Yes Complete Attachment 1 as applicable. Part B – Transferor entity details B1. BIC scheme registration number B2. Australian Business Number (ABN) - - - B3. Registered business name/full entity name C3. Include the following in an attachment to support the transferee’s application for transfer of registration on transfer of business: A business case for the transfer of business (e.g. as a result of a sale/restructure of the business). A description of how the transferor’s eligible clothing and household textile activities will be incorporated into the transferee’s business. Statement of what is being transferred, for example intellectual property, assets, customer lists, existing orders, and/or employees. Details of the relationship (if any) between the transferee and the transferor. A statement of the transferee’s strategic business intent incorporating the transferred business. (The statement should be drawn from the applicant’s business plan and include business, operational, marketing, financial and investment strategies relevant to the applicant’s future competitiveness beyond the end of the program period.) Document(s) supporting the date or proposed date of transfer. Please include relevant supporting documentation. This may include: B4. Is the transferor entity in receivership or under administration? No Yes Document(s) supporting the transfer of intellectual property, assets, liabilities, and/or employee contracts from the transferor to the transferee. Page 3 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE C4. Has the whole of the transferor’s eligible clothing and household textile activities been transferred to the transferee? No A transfer will not be approved unless the whole of the transferor’s eligible clothing and household textile activities are transferred to the transferee. Yes Please complete both descriptions below: Describe the eligible clothing and household textile activities undertaken by the transferor: Describe the eligible products manufactured by the transferor: C5. Are the transferee and the transferor stand-alone ancillary entities or undertake a wholly and mutually interdependent operation with a stand-alone ancillary entity? No Yes Additional details may be requested. C6. Does the transferee propose to incur eligible expenditure in a subsequent program year? No A transfer will not be approved unless the transferee proposes to incur eligible expenditure in a subsequent program year. Yes C7. Does the business transferred include a product development activity for which the transferor has incurred eligible expenditure in obtaining industrial property rights? No Yes Have the industrial property rights been transferred to the transferee? No A transfer will not be approved unless the industrial property rights are transferred to the transferee. Yes C8. Please provide the transferee’s estimated eligible expenditure (incorporating the transferred business) for the program year covered by this application and the following program year. Program year: Program year + 1: $ $ Innovative product design $ $ Innovative process improvement $ $ Market research $ $ Obtaining industrial property rights $ $ Research & development activity Product development activity C9. Please provide the transferee’s estimated total eligible revenue for the year for which this transfer of registration takes effect. See BIC scheme Program Guide for more information. Financial year (yy/yy): / Estimated total eligible revenue A$: $ Note: The total eligible revenue relates to the sales of eligible clothing and household textile products. It should exclude GST, sales to New Zealand and products associated with ineligible activities such as products manufactured overseas. C10. Has the transferor disposed of any plant and equipment in respect of which a Type 1 grant has been made under the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Post-2005 Strategic Investment Program Scheme (TCF Post-2005 (SIP) Scheme)? No Unknown Yes Complete the table below: Year of disposal (yyyy) Description of item disposed Page 4 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE Part D – Eligible BIC scheme activities To be completed by the transferee for activities to be undertaken after the transfer of the business. D1. Manufacture and design activities Does the applicant undertake any of the following in Australia? Yes No Manufacturing Designing (for manufacture in Australia of products that are intended to be sold in Australia) D2. Main eligible clothing and household textile activities Provide a detailed description of the main activities being undertaken (or to be undertaken) by the transferee that leads to eligible clothing and household textile products, including a clear distinction of which activities are undertaken on the applicant’s behalf by another entity. (For example, describe key processing steps for each main product line undertaken by the applicant and which components, if any, are contracted out.) Main eligible activities undertaken by the applicant, including a list of products: Contracted activities undertaken by another entity on the transferee’s behalf (eg. finishing, printing, cut, make and trim). Please list those key entities. D3. Other business activities Does the applicant undertake any of the following: No Yes Estimated % of turnover Manufacturing activities overseas (outsourced to a third party or in the applicant’s own factory)? % Design / manufacture of any ineligible product/s other than eligible clothing and household textile products in Australia (e.g. but not limited to jewellery, candles, bags)? % Importing or purchasing finished product/s for resale? % If Yes to any of the above, please provide a brief description of these activities and how it relates to the applicant’s business: Page 5 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE 1. Men’s and Boys’ Wear Manufacturing D4. Eligible clothing activities The following is a list of eligible clothing activities under the BIC scheme (Parts B and C of Schedule 1). Next to each activity mark the relevant box or boxes to indicate which activities are undertaken by the applicant entity. M – Items that are MANUFACTURED in Australia by the applicant D – Items that are WHOLLY DESIGNED in Australia for MANUFACTURE in Australia This category consists of manufacturing of men’s or boys’ outerwear from purchased or transferred in materials. The manufacturing of men’s or boys’ headwear, footwear, or garments made from leather or fur, is excluded from this category. M D Coats or jackets, men’s or boys’, manufacturing (except from fur or leather) Dust coats, manufacturing Jeans, men’s or boys’, manufacturing Part B - Knitting Mills Manufacturing Overalls, manufacturing 1. Hosiery Manufacturing Shirts, men’s or boys’, manufacturing This category consists of manufacturing of hosiery. M D Shorts, men’s or boys’, manufacturing Panty hose, manufacturing Suits, men’s or boys’, manufacturing (except from leather) Socks, manufacturing Trousers, men’s or boys’, manufacturing Stockings, manufacturing Uniforms, men’s or boys’, manufacturing Tights, manufacturing 2. Women’s and Girls’ Wear Manufacturing This category consists of the manufacturing of women’s or girls’ outerwear from purchased or transferred in materials. The manufacturing of women’s or girls’ waterproof clothing or clothing made from fur, leather, plastic or rubber, is excluded from this category. 2. Cardigan and Pullover Manufacturing This category consists of the manufacturing of knitted cardigans, pullovers or similar garments. M D M D Custom knitting, of pullovers or cardigans Blouses or shirts, manufacturing Jackets, knitted, manufacturing Sweaters, knitted, manufacturing Coats or jackets, manufacturing (except from fur, leather, plastic or rubber) Twin sets, knitted, manufacturing Jeans, women’s or girls’, manufacturing Waistcoats, knitted, manufacturing Outerwear, women’s or girls’, manufacturing (except from fur, leather, plastic or rubber) 3. Knitting Mill Clothing Manufacturing – not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) This category consists of the manufacturing of knitted or crocheted clothing n.e.c. M Suits, women’s or girls’, manufacturing (except from leather or plastic) Tunics, women’s or girls’, manufacturing D Outerwear, knitted, manufacturing (except hosiery, cardigans or pullovers) Sleepwear, knitted, manufacturing Swimwear, knitted, manufacturing Uniforms, women’s or girls’, manufacturing 3. Sleepwear, Underwear and Infant Clothing Manufacturing This category consists of the manufacturing of foundation garments, underwear, sleepwear or infants’ clothing from purchased or transferred in materials. Underwear, knitted, manufacturing (except hosiery) M D Brassieres, manufacturing Corsets, manufacturing Foundation garments, manufacturing Girdles, manufacturing Infants’ clothing, manufacturing Sleepwear, manufacturing Underwear, manufacturing Part C - Clothing Manufacturing 4. Clothing Manufacturing – not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) Page 6 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE This category consists of manufacturing of headwear, fur or leather clothing, clothing or clothing accessories n.e.c. M D M Belts, manufacturing (for clothing) Clothing accessories, manufacturing n.e.c. Clothing, fur, manufacturing n.e.c. Clothing, leather or leather substitute, manufacturing n.e.c. Clothing manufacturing n.e.c., including clothing for protective or safety purposes Gloves, manufacturing (except rubber gloves) Handkerchiefs, manufacturing Hats or headwear, manufacturing (if made predominantly from leather or the products of activities listed in items 1, 2, 3 and 5 of Part A or in item 3 of Part B) D Laces, manufacturing (for footwear) Leather or leather substitute suit, coat or uniforms, manufacturing n.e.c. Recreational clothing, manufacturing n.e.c. (if made predominantly from the products of activities listed in items 1, 2, 3 and 5 of Part A, or in item 3 of Part B) Swimwear, manufacturing (except rubber bathing caps) Ties, manufacturing Waterproof clothing, manufacturing (except headwear, footwear or leather clothing) n.e.c. D5. Eligible household textile products Does the applicant undertake any activities of a kind mentioned in Part A of Schedule 1 resulting directly and predominately in the manufacture of a product to which any of the following subheadings of Chapter 63 of Schedule 3, of the Customs Tariff Act 1995 apply (see below)? (See Question D6 for a list of Part A activities.) No Yes Go to next question. Complete the following: List the fabric manufacturing activity of a kind mentioned in Part A of Schedule 1 also undertaken by the applicant, resulting in a household textile product (eg. Part A, 2 Cotton Textile Manufacturing – Fabrics or other textiles, manufacturing): Mark the relevant box/es to indicate which household textile products are being manufactured: 6302.10.00 – Bed linen, knitted or crocheted 6302.21.00 – Other bed linen printed, of cotton 6302.22.00 – Other bed linen printed, of man-made fibres 6302.29.00 – Other bed linen printed, of other textile material 6302.31.00 – Other bed linen, of cotton 6302.32.00 – Other bed linen, of man-made fibres 6302.39.00 – Other bed linen, of other textile material 6302.60.00 – Toilet linen & kitchen linen, of terry towelling or similar terry fabric of cotton 6302.91.20 – Goods, NSA, as follows (a) face washers; (b) towels 6303.12.10 – Synthetic fibre curtains, knitted or crocheted 6303.19.10 – Other textile material curtains, knitted or crocheted 6303.91.10 – Cotton goods as follows (a) bed valances [ruffles]; (b) curtains 6303.92.10 – Synthetic fibre goods as follows (a) bed valances [ruffles]; (b) curtains 6303.99.10 – Other textile material goods as follows (a) bed valances [ruffles]; (b) curtains Page 7 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE D6. BIC scheme ancillary activities If applicable, select the relevant box or boxes to indicate which Part A or Part D ancillary activities are undertaken by the applicant entity. Note: Part A activities are also provided as a reference list to the eligibility of household textile products 5. Textile Product Manufacturing – not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) This category consists of textile product manufacturing n.e.c. Cleaning cloth, manufacturing Embroided fabrics, manufacturing Fabrics, manufacturing n.e.c. Part A - Textile Fibre, Yarn and Fabric Manufacturing Flock, manufacturing Hemp product, manufacturing n.e.c 1. Man-Made Fibre Textile Manufacturing (including blends) This category consists of manufacturing continuous fibre filament, fibre staple or yarns, tyre cord yarn or fabrics woven, non-woven, felted, tufted, crocheted or knitted from those yarns, or mixed yarns, wholly or predominantly of man-made fibres. Manufacturing of elastic or elastomeric yarns or threads or fabrics are also included. Fibres, manufacturing Filament, manufacturing Yarns, manufacturing Yarns, elastic or elastomeric, manufacturing Tyre cord yarns or fabrics, manufacturing Fabrics or other textiles, manufacturing Fabrics, elastic or elastomeric, manufacturing Lacing, woven, manufacturing 2. Cotton Textile Manufacturing (including blends) This category consists of manufacturing of yarns, fabrics woven, non-woven, felted, tufted, crocheted or knitted, wholly or predominantly of cotton or similar fibres including flax, jute, hemp or kapok. Hessian goods, manufacturing n.e.c Kapok, manufacturing Labels or badges, woven cloth, manufacturing Part D - Early-stage Processing – ancillary activities Natural Fibre Processing This category consists of natural fibre processing. Wool or other animal fibres All processing activities up to and including top making, including: Scouring Tops, unspun, manufacturing Carding or combing Cotton All processing activities up to and including sliver production, including the following: Ginning, cleaning, baling and classing of cotton Doubling and drawing of cotton Carding, slivering and combing of cotton Yarns, manufacturing Others, including flax, hemp, jute or silk Tyre cord yarns or fabrics, manufacturing All processing activities up to and including: Fabrics or other textiles, manufacturing 3. Wool Textile Manufacturing (including blends) This category consists of the manufacturing of yarns, fabrics woven, non-woven, felted, tufted, crocheted or knitted, wholly or predominantly of wool or other animal fibre including mohair, angora, cashmere, alpaca or silk. Fellmongered, slipe or skin wool, manufacturing Yarns, woollen or other animal fibre, manufacturing Fabrics or other textiles, from woollen or worsted manufacturing processes, derived from animal fibres 4. Textile Finishing This category consists of any activities involved in the processes of dyeing, printing, and finishing, including any process of impregnation, coating or lamination for imparting particular end use properties to yarns, fabrics or other textiles except wool tops. Textile dyeing, including textile pigmentation Tow, manufacturing Man-made Fibres (include cellulosics and synthetics) This category consists of man-made fibre processing. Early-stage processing activities relating to man-made fibres. All processing activities up to and including man-made tows and tops, including: Synthetic fibre tops, unspun, manufacturing Tow, manufacturing Leather This category consists of early-stage leather processing. Early-stage leather processing All processing activities up to and including wet blueing or equivalent stage, including: Fleshing, de-hairing, fellmongering, skinpickling, wet blueing and wet whiting of hides and skins How are these ancillary activities wholly and mutually interdependent to an eligible clothing and household textile activity? Textile printing, including flock printing Label, printed cloth, manufacturing Impregnation, coating or lamination Page 8 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE Part E – Declaration by transferee Authorised person declaration I declare that I am the transferee or an officer of the transferee authorised by the transferee to make this declaration. I have and will, while carrying on the activities specified in this application, maintain records to substantiate this application for transfer of registration. I understand my obligations in applying for a transfer of registration under the Clothing and Household Textile (Building Innovative Capability) scheme (BIC scheme). I declare that the information contained in this application together with any statement attached is, to the best of my knowledge, true, accurate and complete in all material particulars. I understand that I may be requested to provide further clarification or documentation to verify or supplement the information supplied in this application or even make a further application and that AusIndustry may, during the application process, consult with other Commonwealth agencies about the transferee’s claims and may also enlist external technical or financial advisers to advise on information provided in the application. I understand that the provision of false or misleading information or the making of a false or misleading statement to the Commonwealth in an application is a serious offence. I also understand that the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Investment and Innovation Programs Act 1999 provides penalties for providing false or misleading information or documentation in connection with the BIC scheme. F1. Signatory details (transferee signatory to complete) If an individual: Title Title Given name Given name Other name(s) Family name Other name(s) Family name Job title Trading name (where the external entity trades under another name) Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy) F2. External entity details Has this form or attachments been completed on the applicant’s behalf by an external entity? Contact details Name No Yes Complete the following: If a company or other business entity: Registered business name/full entity name Telephone number E-mail address Australian Business Number (ABN) - - - Page 9 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE Attachment 1 - Transferee information To be completed if the transferee is not previously registered for the BIC scheme or if any of the information supplied at registration or renewal of registration has changed as a result of the transfer of registration 1. Which of the following accurately describes the applicant? Trust / Trustee (where applicable) If the applicant is a trust, provide the name, ABN and ACN (if applicable) of the trustee. If the applicant is a trustee, provide the name, ABN and ACN (if applicable) of the trust. Name Entity type (please mark the appropriate box). Body Corporate Individual / Sole Trader Partnership Trust Trustee applying on behalf of a trust Any other unincorporated association or body of persons Other, please specify: Australian Business Number (ABN) - - - Australian Company Number (ACN) - - Type of trust 4. Applicant’s core business 2. Name of applicant What is the applicant’s Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) code? All applicants Registered business name/full entity name (e.g. ABC Pty Ltd as trustee for XYZ Trust) Please enter an ANZSIC 4-digit code from page 15 of this form What is the applicant’s core business? Trading names (if trading under a name other than the registered business name/company name) 5. Applicant addresses Registered business street address (head office) If an individual Title Given name Suburb/town Other name(s) State/Territory Family name Country Postcode Australia Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Business postal address (head office) 3. Applicant business registrations (where applicable) Australian Company Number (ACN) - Is this address the same as the registered business street address above? Yes No - Please complete the following: Date of incorporation (dd/mm/yyyy) Country of incorporation Australia Australian Business Number (ABN) - - Suburb/town - ABN branch number (if applicable) State/Territory Country Postcode Australia Is the applicant registered for GST? If GST exempt, ATO exemption advice available on request. Page 10 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE Main activity/project street address (for this application) Is this address the same as the registered business street address? Yes No Please complete the following: List major addresses where eligible activities are undertaken (if applicable). Site address 1 Suburb/town Street address Is the contact’s street address the same as the applicant’s registered business street address? Yes No Please provide a street address below: Suburb/town State/Territory Country E-mail address Postcode Australia State/Territory Country Postcode Australia Site address 2 Postal address Suburb/town State/Territory Country Postcode Is the contact’s postal address the same as the applicant’s registered business postal address? Yes No Please provide a postal address below: Australia Site address 3 Suburb/town State/Territory Suburb/town State/Territory Country Postcode Australia 6. Website address (where applicable) Business e-mail address (e.g. 7. Applicant’s primary contact (for this application) The contact person should be an authorised employee or director of the applicant entity and authorised to provide any further information and receive all notices relevant to this application. Title Given name Other name(s) Country Provide the following information for the current and past two financial years. Financial year (yy/yy) No. of employees working on eligible activities / 9. Applicant’s financials Provide the following information for the past three complete or partial financial years. Financial year (yy/yy) / Office fax number Total no. of employees / / Mobile telephone number No. of full time equivalents / Job title Office telephone number Australia 8. Applicant’s employment levels Family name Contact details Postcode Annual turnover (A$) / What is the end date of the applicant’s financial reporting period (dd/mm)? / If the applicant’s financial year end date is not 30 June, is the applicant an early or late balancer? Page 11 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE 10. Financial statements The applicant must attach relevant financial information for the previous financial year. Indicate which of the following is provided: Audited financial reports, including a copy of the auditor’s report (applicable for those entities required to have audited financial reports in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001). Financial statements including: Balance sheet (statement of financial position) Profit and loss statement (statement of financial performance) Notes to the statements and underlying assumptions. If the applicant has not been in operation for the previous financial year, provide interim reports if available. 11. Details of directors/partners Given name Family name Job title 13. Details of major shareholders / beneficiaries Provide details of entities or individuals that have a controlling or beneficial interest in the applicant entity. (If there are more than three, please attach additional information.) If a company or other business entity: Registered business name/full entity name ABN Provide the following details for the directors or partners of the applicant. (If there are more than three directors/partners, please attach additional information.) Director Title Partner Title - - ACN - Registered business name/full entity name ABN - - ACN - Given name Registered business name/full entity name Family name Director Partner Title ABN ACN - - - Given name If an individual: Family name Title Director Partner Title Given name Family name Given name Family name Title Given name 12. Details of key management personnel Family name (If there are more than three key management personnel, please attach additional information.) Title Title Given name Given name Family name Family name Job title Title Given name Family name Job title Page 12 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE 14. Provide a detailed description of the main activities that were undertaken by the Transferee entity prior to the transfer of business: e.g. key product lines, in-house activities, outsourced activities Yes No You have completed this section of this form. Does the applicant prepare (or is it included in) consolidated accounts? Yes No Applicant’s ultimate holding company: Registered business name/company name Country of incorporation Australia 16. Attach an organisational chart and submit with this application form. Continue to question 17. 15. Is the applicant part of a group? Page 13 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE 17. Give details of each entity in the group: (If there are more than two entities, please print blank copies of this page and complete.) Entity 1 Registered business name / full entity name Australian Business Number - Names of directors of entity 1 Title Given name Names of major shareholders of entity 1 If a company or other business entity Registered business name / full entity name - - Australian Company Number - - Family name Australian Business Number Australian Company Number - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If an individual Title Given name Family name Entity 2 Registered business name / full entity name Australian Business Number - Names of directors of entity 2 Title Given name Names of major shareholders of entity 2 If a company or other business entity Registered business name / full entity name - - Australian Company Number - - Family name Australian Business Number Australian Company Number - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If an individual Title Given name Family name Page 14 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011 COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE Applicant feedback AusIndustry requests the following questions to be answered to assist in meeting its customer service obligations. Please note that the answers to these questions are not compulsory and do not form part of the application process. How did the applicant find out about the Clothing and Household Textile (Building Innovative Capability) scheme (BIC scheme)? (One or more may be selected.) Newspaper/magazine article Please mark this box if information about AusIndustry’s products and services is not required in future. Please provide an estimate of the time taken to complete this form. Include: 1 The time actually spent reading the instructions, working on the questions and obtaining the information. 2 Advertisement Internet The time spent by all employees in collecting and providing this information. Hours Minutes Direct mail/e-mail Industry group Please review all questions to ensure that the application is complete. Word of mouth AusIndustry staff Note: Applicants should only submit a final and complete application. Significant changes to the application, particularly the inclusion of new material, will not be allowed, although AusIndustry may allow an applicant to make minor corrections to the application. Other (please specify): Australian New Zealand Standard Industry Classification (ANZSIC) Class Codes (4–digit, 2006) (Note: not elsewhere classified is abbreviated as “n.e.c”) 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0152 0159 0180 0191 0192 0199 0521 0522 1111 1192 1311 1312 1313 Sheep Farming (Specialised) Beef Cattle Farming (Specialised) Beef Cattle Feedlots (Specialised) Sheep-Beef Cattle Farming Grain-Sheep or Grain-Beef Cattle Farming Cotton Growing Other Crop Growing n.e.c. Deer Farming Horse Farming Pig Farming Other Livestock Farming n.e.c. Cotton Ginning Shearing Services Meat Processing Prepared Animal and Bird Feed Manufacturing Wool Scouring Natural Textile Manufacturing Synthetic Textile Manufacturing 1320 Leather Tanning, Fur Dressing and Leather Product Manufacturing 1331 Textile Floor Covering Manufacturing 1332 Rope, Cordage and Twine Manufacturing 1333 Cut and Sewn Textile Product Manufacturing 1334 Textile Finishing and Other Textile Product Manufacturing 1340 Knitted Product Manufacturing 1351 Clothing Manufacturing 1352 Footwear Manufacturing 1611 Printing 1612 Printing Support Services 1913 Polymer Foam Product Manufacturing 1919 Other Polymer Product Manufacturing 2599 Other Manufacturing n.e.c. 3311 Wool Wholesaling 3711 Textile Product Wholesaling 3712 Clothing and Footwear Wholesaling 3734 Toy and Sporting Goods Wholesaling 3739 Other Goods Wholesaling n.e.c. 4214 Manchester and Other Textile Goods Retailing 4251 Clothing Retailing 4252 Footwear Retailing 4259 Other Personal Accessory Retailing 4310 Non-Store Retailing 5309 Other Warehousing and Storage Services 6240 Financial Asset Investing 6419 Other Auxiliary Finance and Investment Services 6924 Other Specialised Design Services 9491 Clothing and Footwear Repair 9531 Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Services If an ANZSIC code other than the ones listed above is required, please refer to the full list of ANZSIC codes on the AusIndustry website Page 15 of 15 BIC scheme Transfer of Registration on Transfer of Business Form, November 2011