Summary of Gasoline and Diesel Demand Studies in DEDD Gasoline Demand I have found 247 studies for gasoline demand with 2365 estimates for around 80 countries and some cross-section time-series of countries Summary statistics are shown in Table 1. DEDD median elasticities are well behaved and show less elastic long-run price elasticities than in the residential sector. Histograms of all studies follow. Table VII-9 DEDD Summary Statistics for Gasoline Demand Psr Pir Plr Ysr G # Studies Yir Ylr Avg -0.18 -0.57 -1.61 0.28 0.51 1.57 Median -0.15 -0.34 -0.55 0.24 0.57 0.79 247 Std 0.16 2.06 6.37 0.34 2.75 5.38 # Estimates Min -1.65 -44.80 -61.11 -2.63 -79.89 -40.00 2365 Max 0.63 21.77 5.89 3.00 5.54 38.89 Count 1080 1116 1152 1013 1092 1100 Histograms are shown in Figure 1 FigureVII-17 Histograms of Elasticities for Gasoline Demand (G) G-tr Pir Elasticity by Frequency G-tr Psr Elasticity by Frequency 600 500 549 447 450 500 400 339 # of elasticities # of elasticities 350 300 250 200 155 300 254 200 150 127 100 50 400 97 74 14 100 31 18 2 58 18 10 3 0 0 <0. 71 -0 . 71 ,- -0 . 0. 59 ,- 59 -0 . 47 ,- 0. 47 -0 . 36 ,- 0. 36 -0 . -0 . 24 ,- 0. 24 12 ,0 0. 12 > .00 <2. 4 0. 00 5 -2 .4 5, - -2 . 04 ,- 2. 0 4 1. 63 -1 .6 3, - -1 .2 3, - 1. 2 3 0. 82 -0 .8 2, - 0. 41 -0 .4 1, 0 > G-tr Plr Elasticity by Frequency G-tr Ysr Elasticity by Frequency 450 415 412 600 400 520 500 300 # of elasticities # of elasticities 350 250 200 162 400 283 300 150 200 100 50 49 41 15 43 100 100 78 15 18 0 <2. 75 -2 . 75 ,- -2 . 2. 29 29 ,- -1 . 1. 83 83 ,- 1. 38 -1 .3 8, - -0 . 0. 92 92 ,- 0. 46 -0 .4 6, 0 > .0 0 5 6 3 0 0. 00 <0 . 00 0. 00 ,0 .2 9 0. 29 ,0 .5 7 0. 57 ,0 .8 6 0. 86 ,1 .1 4 1. 14 ,1 .4 3 1. 43 ,1 .7 1 > 0. 00 .0 0 1. 71 G-tr Yir Elasticity by Frequency G-tr Ylr Elasticity by Frequency 450 500 381 400 349 400 350 300 # of elasticities # of elasticities 350 250 200 150 469 450 166 119 278 300 250 200 166 150 100 100 54 50 12 8 94 41 50 37 14 3 0 1 0 <0 .0 0 0. 00 ,0 .5 3 0. 53 ,1 .0 6 1. 06 ,1 .5 9 1. 59 ,2 .1 1 2. 11 ,2 .6 4 2. 64 ,3 .1 7 > 3. 17 <0 .0 0 0. 00 ,0 .6 2 0. 62 ,1 .2 4 1. 24 ,1 .8 7 1. 87 ,2 .4 9 2. 49 ,3 .1 1 3. 11 ,3 .7 3 > 3. 73 Diesel Demand I have found 63 studies for diesel demand with 343 estimates for around 62 countries and some cross-section time-series of countries. Summary statistics are shown in Table VII-9. DEDD median elasticities are well behaved and show less elastic price response than for gasoline and more elastic income response. Histograms of all studies follow. Table VII-8 DEDD Summary Statistics for Diesel Demand Psr Pir Plr Ysr D # Studies Yir Ylr Qt-1 Avg -0.11 -0.23 -0.65 0.53 1.06 1.56 0.66 Median -0.10 -0.16 -0.33 0.33 1.00 1.29 0.66 63 Std 0.30 0.82 1.85 0.60 0.52 1.80 0.40 # Estimates Min -0.94 -4.06 -20.00 -0.93 -0.49 -1.40 -0.13 343 Max 2.13 4.03 2.29 3.32 3.27 18.62 4.36 Count 144 131 148 144 114 180 159 FigureVII-17 Histograms of Elasticities for Diesel Demand D Pir Elasticity by Frequency D Psr Elasticity by Frequency 60 80 57 67 70 50 37 # of elasticities # of elasticities 60 40 30 22 50 40 34 30 20 20 12 16 9 10 3 10 3 2 4 4 2 1 3 0 0 <0. -0 . 71 ,- 71 -0 . 59 ,- 0. 59 -0 . 47 ,- 0. 47 -0 .3 6, - 0. 36 -0 .2 4, - 0. 24 -0 .1 2, 0 0. 12 > <2. 0. 00 .0 0 45 -2 .4 5, - -2 . 04 ,- 2. 04 D Plr Elasticity by Frequency -1 . 63 ,- 1. 63 -1 .2 3, - 1. 23 -0 . -0 . 82 ,- 0. 82 > 41 ,0 .0 0 0. 41 0. 00 D Ysr Elasticity by Frequency 80 60 57 70 70 50 50 # of elasticities # of elasticities 60 40 30 26 21 20 40 30 25 19 20 15 16 11 10 6 10 6 4 7 7 4 0 0 <2. 75 -2 . 75 ,- -2 . 29 ,- 2. 29 -1 .8 3, - 1. 8 3 -1 . 38 ,- 1. 38 -0 . -0 . 92 ,- 0. 92 > 46 ,0 0. 0 0. .0 0 46 <0 . 00 00 0. 00 ,0 .2 9 0. 29 ,0 .5 7 D Yir Elasticity by Frequency 0. 86 ,1 .1 4 1. 14 ,1 .4 3 1. 43 ,1 .7 1 > 1. 71 D Ylr Elasticity by Frequency 60 60 53 52 50 50 40 40 # of elasticities # of elasticities 0. 57 ,0 .8 6 29 30 20 30 53 25 23 20 13 12 10 10 3 3 0 8 8 5 7 1 0 0 <0 . 00 0. 00 ,0 .5 3 0. 53 ,1 .0 6 1. 06 ,1 .5 9 1. 59 ,2 .1 1 2. 11 ,2 .6 4 2. 64 ,3 .1 7 > 3. 17 <0 . 00 0. 00 ,0 .6 2 0. 62 ,1 .2 4 1. 24 ,1 .8 7 Bibliography of Gasoline and Diesel Demand Studies 1. 87 ,2 .4 9 2. 49 ,3 .1 1 3. 11 ,3 .7 3 > 3. 73 Abdel-Khalek, G., 1988. 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