1 Name: ___________________________ Career Studies Short Answer Questions Revised December 2011 Chapter 1: Exercise 1: A Positive Role Model Think of a positive adult role model in your life, outside your immediate family. Who is this person? What is the person’s greatest accomplishment? List three admirable skills or qualities of that person. How have these skills helped the person achieve personal and professional goals? Please write your response in an organized paragraph of 5-7 sentences. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 2: Imagine your high school graduation. What is the weather like? Who among your family and friends is present? How do they look? How do you feel? Proud? Happy? Sad? Why? Describe the scene in detail in your notebook. Please write your response in an organized paragraph of seven to nine sentences. A. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____ 2 Exercise 3 A. List 5 professional or educational goals that you would like to accomplish in your lifetime. Be Specific. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Exercise 2: Identifying Desirable Character Traits Read the following sketches. After each one, write your answers to the questions that follow. Write your answers in complete sentences. Sketch 1 Rachael is a high school junior. She is a hard-working student with a B average. While she has a natural talent for mathematical computation and problem solving, she struggles in her literature and writing classes. Because she wants to earn a good grade even in the classes that she has difficulty understanding and finds less enjoyable, she organized a study group which meets for two hours every Thursday after school. A student-teacher in Rachael's English class agreed to act as the group's leader and tutor. Rachael is also a member of the school's Spanish Club. She is not an elected officer for the club, but she is a very active member. The club organizes monthly fundraisers to raise money for an upcoming trip to Spain in the summer. Rachael has assisted other club members in making phone calls, developing promotional flyers, meeting with community members, cooking, cleaning, and managing the ticket sales of various fundraising events. 1) Using the character traits listed earlier in the lesson; list at least four traits that you feel apply to Rachael. Include a statement explaining why you selected each trait or what activity allows Rachael to develop that trait. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___ 2) Can you think of other desirable characteristics Rachael has which are not on the list? List these now._________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___ 3 Sketch 2 Bill is a high school sophomore. He is a good student with a B average. While he has to study nearly every night to get these grades, he really enjoys his broadcasting classes. Bill feels fortunate that his school operates a small radio recording studio and is able to offer a course for credit in English and Technology which focuses on broadcasting. In this class, students write letters, interview community members, edit transcripts for announcers, practice oral communications, develop programming schedules, and record a thirty-minute program which airs on a local radio station. Bill's other favorite class is art. He is skilled at creating three-dimensional works of art and has been nominated by his teacher to display one of his creations in the end-of-the-year art show. Both his broadcasting and art instructors say that Bill's attention to detail is outstanding and is what makes him excel in these classes. Outside of school, Bill's main activities and interests are playing the guitar and helping his mom, who is a single parent, look after his two younger siblings. 3) Using the character traits listed earlier in the lesson, list at least four traits which you feel apply to Bill. Include a statement explaining why you selected each trait or what activity allows Bill to develop that trait. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___ 4) Can you think of other desirable characteristics Bill has which are not on the list? List these now. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___ Sketch 3 Gabrielle is a high school senior. She is looking forward to graduation and is making plans to attend college. After reviewing the financial aspects of attending the local community college, she and her parents have determined that it would be best if Gabrielle worked parttime while taking classes. Except for recording and compiling the statistics of players on the girls and boys basketball teams for the coaches, Gabrielle has never had a job. While she has had nearly perfect attendance throughout her high school career, Gabrielle did not apply herself to her studies as much as she could have. However, she did earn a C average. Gabrielle was never inclined to join school clubs. Her extra-curricular activities have always centered on social activities with friends, many of whom regard Gabrielle as a good listener who offers sound advice. Her friends also trust her and therefore often confide in her. 4 5) Based on what you know about Gabrielle, list at least four character traits which apply to her. Include a statement explaining why you selected each trait or which activity allows Gabrielle to develop the trait. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___ 6) Can you think of other desirable characteristics Gabrielle has which are not on the list? List these now. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___ 7) List four characteristics that an employer might want in an employee that Gabrielle has not apparently developed. For each characteristic, list something Gabrielle could do to develop that quality. Alternatively, list a characteristic which Gabrielle has demonstrated and identify something she could do to further develop the quality. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____ Personal Acrostic This exercise will become a part of the final research project and oral presentation. An acrostic is a form of poetry in which the first letters of each line spell out the name of the subject being described by the poem. Write your first name or last name vertically down the left side of the page. Use all capital letters. Next to each letter, write an adjective or characteristic that applies to you that a potential employer would find desirable. You may use the list of qualities listed above for inspiration. Example J - jovial O - organized H - hard-working N - noble 5 2) Personal Statement Use the acrostic list you wrote as a starting point. Next, review the list of qualities listed above. Finally, take a moment to self-reflect and identify any qualities that you possess which have not yet been identified. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____ Write a paragraph, which clearly states your qualities and characteristics that employers will respect and find desirable. State what qualities you feel apply to you and the actions or activities, which have allowed you to develop these qualities. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________ Career Studies Submission 2 A. List five school activities or responsibilities, apart from class and schoolwork that you have participated in since you entered high school. Some examples are playing on a school sports team, helping a teacher with a project, setting up for a school dance...etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. List five activities or responsibilities you have done outside of school; for example, a religious youth group, babysitting a younger brother or sister, taking out the trash, mowing lawns, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 5. D. Which activity/responsibility would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment? Why? Write your response in a 5-7-sentence paragraph. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________ Chapter 3: Exercise 1: People, Things, and Information Please list three activities that you currently participate in or would like to participate in that involve working with people, things, or information: Preference for working with people: 1) _____ 2) _____ 3) _____ Preference for working with things: 1) _____ 2) _____ 3) _____ Preference for working with information: 1) _____ 2) _____ 3) _____ 7 Exercise 3: Personality and Interest-Inventory Tests Take one of the following Myers-Briggs type tests and print out the results for your facilitator http://www.personalitytest.net/types/index.htm http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp http://www.iccweb.com/careerfocus/Login.asp Exercise 4B Comparing and Evaluating Test Results: Compare and contrast the test results with your own perceptions of yourself. In what ways are they different, and in what ways are they similar? How are personality and interest-inventory tests accurate or useful? How might they be counter-productive? Write an organized paragraph of five to seven sentences. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ______ Exercise 5: Interests and Goals Complete the following exercise: a) Reflect upon the interests you came up with in this lesson, both on your own and through the tests you took. How are those interests related to the life goals you developed in Lesson 1? Do any of your goals and interests match up with each other particularly well? For example, a goal of spending five hours a week volunteering would fit very well with an interest in helping adults learn to read. Do any of your goals and interests clash with each other? Write a paragraph of seven to nine sentences. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 8 _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Chapter 4: Exercise 1: Career Guide to Industries On your computer, navigate to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website at <http://www.bls.gov/>. Click on the link named "Career Guide to Industries", which is located under the heading "Publications & Research Papers". You can also navigate directly to the Career Guide to Industries site by typing <http://www.bls.gov/oco/cg/home.htm> into your Web browser. In the right-hand column of the page is a list of 10 industry clusters. When you click on an industry cluster, you will be presented with a selection of industries within that cluster. Choose an industry that interests you and click on it. Answer the following questions about the industry using the information provided. 1) What is the name of the industry? __________________________________ 2) What do establishments in the industry make or do? Does the industry produce goods or provide services? ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 3) How many workers are employed by the industry? __________________________________________________________ 4) How much is employment in the industry expected to grow between 2010 and 2020? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 5) Identify three occupations within the industry. Provide a short (1 or 2 sentences) description of each occupation. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 9 ________________________________________________________________ _____ Chapter 7: Exercise 4: Choosing a Career Option to Research This exercise will become a part of the final research project. Choose an occupation to research based on your goals, aptitudes, interests, and personality. After reviewing the information on industries and occupations provided in Lesson 4 and Lesson 5, as well as the lists you composed in Exercise 3 of this lesson, choose an occupation that interests you. The occupation you select should also be an occupation profiled in the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Some entries in the Handbook include several sub-occupations. For example, the entry titled, "Physicians and Surgeons" includes "Anesthesiologists," "Psychiatrists," "Surgeons," and details on other specific occupations. For the sake of simplicity, regard each entry as a single occupation. After you have selected the occupation you wish to explore, please explain your choice in three to five paragraphs in your notebook. Consider the following questions and respond to them in your answer. How does the choice relate to your goals, aptitudes, interests, and personality? What factor or factors most influenced your choice (e.g., earnings, working conditions, family connections)? Do you know anyone who works in this occupation? What do you hope to learn by researching this occupation? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ 10 Chapter 9 Exercise 1: Investigating Post-secondary Education Options In this exercise you will practice identifying goals for post-secondary education related to various careers you have an interest in. You will also practice identifying desirable criteria for a post-secondary institution. By now you have had some practice investigating the Occupational Outlook Handbook online at the U.S. Department of Labor website. You have identified various careers that interest you and read the information provided regarding various aspects of the occupation. 1) Return now to the Occupational Outlook Handbook website <www.bls.gov/oco/home.htm> and locate an occupation which interests you. Navigate to the section titled, "Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement." Read the section and determine the type of postsecondary education required for the occupation. 2) Consider the various characteristics of post-secondary institutions. List the characteristics which appeal the most to you small student population or large student population close to home or far away public institution or private institution religious affiliation or secular institution military liberal arts scientific research-based single-gender or co-educational historically ethnic selective or open admission less than two-year, two-year, fouryear, graduate 11 3) Once you have considered the desirable qualities in a post-secondary institution, go to the following website operated by the U.S. Department of Education: <http://www.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/cool/>. 4) Identify four post-secondary institutions that offer the type of education needed for your desired occupation. On the IPEDS College Opportunities On-line website you will see several dialog boxes. Each box allows you to identify a desirable characteristic for a post-secondary institution according to geographic location, type of institution, instructional program, and number of students enrolled. The more characteristics you enter, the narrower your search becomes, and fewer results will emerge. Too few characteristics will result in a list so long, it will be difficult to sort through the listed institutions. You may be able to identify one or two specific institutions which meet your exact criteria. You may wish to widen your search by modifying the geographic location or the size of the institution. The most important thing is that the institution offers the program you are interested in. Once you obtain a list of institutions, the listed schools appear as links. Click on a link, and it will take you to a page with more detailed information about the institution. The page will contain information on the types of degrees offered, application fees, and tuition costs, as well as a link to the website of the actual school. Four Post-Secondary Schools that I am interested in. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 1) List the names of the four institutions that match your search criteria and appear interesting to you. Record the following information about each institution in your notebook: Name of institution________________________________ Web site of institution______________________________ Type of institution_________________________________ Location (country, state, city)_________________________________________ In-state and out-of-state tuition & fees__________________________________ Cost of books and supplies___________________________________________ Total cost of living on-campus (room and board plus other expenses)_________________________________________________________ Total cost of living off-campus (room and board plus other expenses) ____________________________________________________________________ 2) List the names of the four institutions that match your search criteria and appear interesting to you. Record the following information about each institution in your notebook: 12 Name of institution________________________________ Web site of institution______________________________ Type of institution_________________________________ Location (country, state, city)_________________________________________ In-state and out-of-state tuition & fees__________________________________ Cost of books and supplies___________________________________________ Total cost of living on-campus (room and board plus other expenses)_________________________________________________________ Total cost of living off-campus (room and board plus other expenses) 9.1 ____________________________________________________________________ 3) List the names of the four institutions that match your search criteria and appear interesting to you. Record the following information about each institution in your notebook: Name of institution________________________________ Web site of institution______________________________ Type of institution_________________________________ Location (country, state, city)_________________________________________ In-state and out-of-state tuition & fees__________________________________ Cost of books and supplies___________________________________________ Total cost of living on-campus (room and board plus other expenses)_________________________________________________________ Total cost of living off-campus (room and board plus other expenses) ____________________________________________________________________ 4) List the names of the four institutions that match your search criteria and appear interesting to you. Record the following information about each institution in your notebook: Name of institution________________________________ Web site of institution______________________________ Type of institution_________________________________ Location (country, state, city)_________________________________________ In-state and out-of-state tuition & fees__________________________________ Cost of books and supplies___________________________________________ Total cost of living on-campus (room and board plus other expenses)_________________________________________________________ Total cost of living off-campus (room and board plus other expenses) ____________________________________________________________________ 13 Exercise 2: Calculating the Cost of College Show your work 1) Tuition at Carleton College, a four-year liberal arts college in Minnesota, is $30,666 per year. How much would it cost in tuition to earn a bachelor's degree from Carleton? ____________________________________________ 2) Montana State University is a public four-year university in Bozeman, Montana. For a resident of Montana, one year of enrollment costs: $4,577 for tuition $5,500 for room and board $930 for books and supplies $2,470 for personal and miscellaneous expenses 9.1 If these fees do not change, what would be the total cost of attending Montana State for four years? 3) DeVry University is a system of for-profit vocational colleges. A degree in electronics engineering technology from DeVry's campus in Morrisville, North Carolina, costs $5,895 per term of enrollment. If nine terms of enrollment are required to earn an electronics engineering technology degree, what would be the total cost of earning this degree? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ __ 4) Tuition at Foothill College, a community college in California, is $17 per unit (credit hour). How much would it cost to attend Foothill for two years, taking 30 credits each year? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___ 5) Suppose you spent two years at Foothill College, taking 30 units per year, and then transferred and spent the next two years at the University of California at Berkeley, which costs $7,422.90 per year. What would be the total cost of your four years of college education? How much would you save in tuition by going to Foothill for two years and then transferring to Berkeley rather than attending Berkeley for all four years? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____ 14 6) Look back at the list of post-secondary institutions you identified in Exercise 1. Select two and calculate the cost of living on campus for four years. 1. 2. Chapter 10: Answer the following questions with two to four complete sentences for each. Each question is worth 3 points. Compare and contrast an apprenticeship and internship. Tell how they are similar and different. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ What are some advantages of working as an apprentice in a construction trade? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Name a profession that typically includes an apprenticeship as part of its training program, then describe in a sentence how the apprenticeship works. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Name some military occupations with civilian counterparts. Why are these good opportunities? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ What is the difference between the professional career pathway and the entry career pathway? 15 _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Chapter 12: The following job application has at least five problems or errors. Identify the section in which each problem occurs and describe what is wrong next to the error. 16 Exercise 4: Comparing Résumés Complete the following exercise. 1. Study the two résumés printed in the reading for Chapter 12. Tell what kind each one is (chronological or functional). In two or three sentences, give the reasons for your answers. 17 2. Which of the two résumé forms do you prefer? Which do you think will be more successful for Mr. Phillips? Write a paragraph of four to five sentences explaining why you think one resume will be more successful than the other. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 1. Use the Cover Letter below to complete the following activity. Write the appropriate number from the list below beside the corresponding section of the cover letter. 1--salutation 2--body 3--closing 4--inside address 5--signature 6--heading 2. In your notebook, list the personal traits given by the letter writer. __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. List some of the action verbs used by the letter writer. __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. In two or three sentences, explain how this letter would be effective in opening the door to an interview. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 18 1090 Plum Drive, Suite 7 Norwhich, GA 77777 (321) 555-3030 July 31, 2005 Ms. Joan Winters City-Wide Board of Realtors 132 Old Post Road Norwich, GA 77772 Dear Ms. Winters: I believe I am the "multi-talented administrative assistant" you seek in your "Multi-Talented Assistant" advertisement in today's Norwich Post. I'm a versatile office manager and administrative aide, ready to oversee your office needs as early as next week. I have the solid office and clerical experience you specify as well as the strong computer skills you desire. I am presently employed as a temporary bookkeeping clerk with a well-known local accounting firm. Mr. Bill Robinson, the managing director, may be contacted to confirm my performance. The details of your advertisement suggest to me that the position will involve many of the same responsibilities that I am currently performing. In addition to the planning, administration, and customer relations skills I highlight in my résumé, please note that I have an associate’s degree as well as a Microsoft Office Suite certificate from the University of Georgia. Knowing how frantic you must be without an office manager, I will call you in a few days. Or if you agree upon reviewing my letter and résumé that I am the “right-hand” person you need, call me at the home number listed above, or at 321-555-0002 during business hours. Thank you most sincerely for your time and consideration. Respectfully, Melissa P. Rogers 19 Chapter 13 Write brief (no longer than one paragraph) answers to the following interview questions. Keep the guidelines listed above in mind as you write your answers. When you have completed writing your answers, read them over and try to commit as much of your written comments to memory as you can. Next, sit down with a classmate. Have your classmate ask you each of the questions on this list. Practice giving verbal answers to each question and stating out loud the answers you wrote. Do not read your answers. You will not be able to read answers in an actual interview. 1) Tell us about yourself. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____ 2) Explain what will make you an excellent employee. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____ 3) Where do you see yourself in five years? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____ 4) What are your top three strengths and top three weaknesses? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____ 5) Describe a time in which you had conflict with a project partner. How did you handle the situation and how was it resolved? What did you learn from the experience? 20 _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____ 6) Describe a time in which you had to work to meet a tight deadline. Were you successful? What strategies did you use to meet your obligations? Were you able to do your best work? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____ 7) Describe a time in which you did not agree with a supervisor or teacher. How did you approach the situation? How was the situation resolved? What would you do differently as a result of your experience? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _______ Exercise 2: Conducting an Interview This exercise will become a part of the final research project and oral presentation. Much of what you have learned in this lesson prepares you to be in the "hot seat" as the subject of an interview. Another way to learn about getting a job while increasing your interview acumen, or expertise, is to interview someone else. This exercise does not have to be an interview with someone in the field you wish to enter although that would be a bonus. Select someone who is established in a career. Plan to interview your subject for the purpose of learning how the person decided upon a career, what career path was followed, and what the challenges and satisfactions of the career have been. Requirements for the assignment: Select a person who is willing to spend time with you. You may choose a neighbor, family friend, or relative. You may also interview someone working in the field you are considering even if you do not know the person. Most people are more than happy to assist others with such projects. In either case, contact the person to 21 request permission to do an interview and set a specific date and time for your session. Prepare for the interview by developing a list of questions to ask. As you saw with the questions typically asked in an interview, you want to avoid closed-ended questions where the responses will simply be "yes" or "no." Always try to get your subject to elaborate. Even though you will be the one asking the questions, follow other interviewing techniques such as being prompt, taking notes, and being mindful of body language and speech habits. Dress appropriately if you are going to your subject's place of business or if the subject is someone you do not know well. Follow up the interview with a thank you note. Mention how helpful the person was in the project and in teaching you some things that will help you on your own career search. Consult with your teacher about the format for submitting your interview results. You may be asked to write your interview as a list of questions and answers or as an essay. Find out whether or not your teacher has any additional criteria for this project. Be sure to provide your teacher with a copy of your interview report before completing the submission for this lesson. There will be a part in the submission for your teacher to record the interview grade. Why did you choose to go into this career? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What is your specific title and what are your responsibilities? What education did you need to achieve this position? How long have you been working in this specific position? What other positions have you held along the way? What are the most satisfying aspects of your job? What are the most disagreeable aspects? Describe the fringe benefits of your job. Are there any other side benefits such as travel? Are there occupational hazards in this job? If so, what are they? What character traits do you think are necessary to enjoy and be successful in this job? What other positions are available on the career ladder in this field? If you could start over on a career path, would you choose the same one? Why or why not? 22 Chapter 15: Exercise 5: Determine a Budget for Your Chosen Occupation This exercise will become a part of the final research project and oral presentation. 1) Using the U.S. Department of Labor Web site you explored earlier in this course, <www.dol.gov>, locate information on a specific occupation you are interested in (hint: choose the occupation you are researching for your report). Under the heading "Earnings" should be an indication of the median income for that occupation. Using the numbers provided on the Web site, follow the directions below to calculate the monthly salary. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____ 2) If the median income is given as a yearly salary, divide the number by 12. If the median income is given as an hourly wage, multiply the number by 160 (this is the number of hours worked in a month, given a work week of 40 hours). _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ __ Keep in mind that this would be the gross income. The net income would be lower depending on how much was taken out for taxes. For this reason, once the monthly salary has been calculated, multiply the number by 75% (0.75). Use this number as your monthly income. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3) Copy the chart and information below into your notebook. Now perform the calculation indicated to determine what your recommended budget would be. 23 Your Calculated Monthly Income Category % of Income Calculation Food 26% $total monthly salary x .26 Housing 23% $total monthly salary x .23 Transportation 17% $total monthly salary x .17 Clothing 8% $total monthly salary x .08 Recreation 7% $total monthly salary x .07 Insurance 5% $total monthly salary x .05 Other 4% $total monthly salary x .04 Savings 10% $total monthly salary x .10 $ Budgeted $_____ $_____ $_____ $_____ $_____ $_____ $_____ $_____ 15.1 Questions 1) Does this budget seem reasonable to you? Were there any surprises after calculating the budget? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2) Are there categories you would like to allocate more or less money to? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 3) Based on this budget, what adjustments do you think you will have to make to your spending habits? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 24 Career Studies Investigation Portfolio Requirements Student’s Name: ______________________________________ All about Me PowerPoint: Lesson 1 Typed Personal Narrative/College Application Essay: Lesson 1 Completed SYF Scholarship Application: Final Copy: Lesson 9 Typed Current Resume: Lesson 12 Typed Cover Letter: Lesson 12 Typed Thank You Letter: Lesson 12 Typed Reference Page: Lesson 12 Final Copy Mock Job Application: Lesson 12 For assistance with your portfolio, please visit: www.nca-careerclass.wikispaces.com This website includes a variety of examples.