An Improved Signal Conditioning system for wireless health monitor T.Meenalochini P.Manimehalai S.Ravindrakumar Department Of ECE Chettinad College of Engineering and technology Karur, India Department Of ECE Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology Karur, India Department Of ECE Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology Karur, India Abstract --- The aim of this paper is to develop a small wireless sensor system that records ECG signal and sends to a PDA via a Bluetooth module. The Electrocardiogram (ECG) is an essential diagnostic tool that measure and record the electrical activity of the heart. A wide range of heart conditions can be detected while interpreting the recorded ECG signals. These qualities make ECG a perfect instrument for patient monitoring and supervision. The commonly used ECG-machine used for diagnosis and supervision at the present is expensive and stationary. This paper makes the patient mobile, contributing to the cable reduction in medical and physiotherapy environments. ECG sensor system prototype is to be developed. Using Bluetooth™ technology the ECG sensor system can connect to a personal digital assistant (PDA) which graphically presents the ECG-signals. Software for the PDA is developed for presentation of the 2-channel ECG-sensor. With the use of a microcontroller the analog signal is digitally converted at a specific sample rate based on the resolution of the ECG signals. The prototype is well suited for patient monitoring with a low noise and a power efficient system, powered by a cellular phone battery. Keywords: ECG, Bluetooth, PDA I. Introduction The electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the most relatively inexpensive and easily accessible investigational tools for the rapid diagnosis of arrhythmias. The ECG is graphical record of direction and magnitude of the electrical activity that is generated by depolarisation of atria and ventricles. In fact, beat detection is necessary to determine the heart rate and several related arrhythmias such as Tachycardia, Bradycardia and Heart Rate Variation. It is also necessary for further processing of the signal in order to detect abnormal beats [3]. Our idea is to use an instrumentation amplifier along with state variable and fleige filter, notch filter to be cascaded for removing DC offset. We have designed the circuit for the same. The significant advantage of this paper is its ability for accessing vital bio-signals of several patients and makes such monitoring convenient. A.ECG Waveform A typical waveform from an electrocardiogram (ECG) is shown in fig.1. It consists of several complexes, the P-complex, the RS-complex, the T complex and the U-complex.Fig.1- Typical wave form of an ECG. The dominant component of the ECG is the QRS complex, which indicates the electrical depolarization of the muscles in the ventricle of the heart. [1] Several clinical applications including ECG monitoring system in intensive care unit, operating room and implantable defibrillator require accurate QRS detection algorithms whiles the QRS is easily recognized by a human observer. Fig. 1 ECG Waveform 1) Artefacts The ECG waveform contains, in addition to the QRS complex, P and T waves, 60-Hz noise from power line interference, EMG from muscles, motion artefact from the electrode and skin interface, and possibly other interference from electro-surgery equipment in the operating room. Many clinical instruments such as a cardio-tachometer and an arrhythmia monitor require accurate realtime QRS detection. It is necessary to extract the signal of interest, the QRS complex, from the other noise sources such as the P and T waves. The motion artefacts, EEG signals and muscle noise are also accompanied in ECG where they are been major cause for error in ECG measurement [2]. 2) ECG Signals Each wave in ECG presents recharge and discharge of a certain region of heart [3]. This helps in indicating which area of the heart is affected. Also, the size of each wave corresponds to the amount of voltage generated by that region or the event creating it. In a standard ECG recording there are five electrodes connected to the patient namely right arm,left arm, left leg, right leg and chest. Each pair contains unique information of the heart activity that cannot be obtained from another pair of leads. The different leads are divided into groups depending how they are connected to the ECG amplifier [1]. B. Lead I the R wave, and finally squared to further exploit the highfrequency content of the QRS complex. The ECG signals considered at this point are measured as discrete-time signals by an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) performing quantization with a resolution of 12 bits at a sampling frequency of 200 Hz. Power-of-two coefficients filters lead to design constraints that make it difficult to achieve sharp cutoffs. Equation (1) defines the transfer function for the digital band-pass filter. Fig. 2 Einthoven triangle The main signal measured from Lead I is by measuring the electrical potential between left arm and right arm. The left arm is the positive pole; an electrical wave moving towards the left arm will cause an upward deflection of electrocardiograph. Lead I has angle that is 0º relative to the heart therefore it is most useful for detecting electrical activity in a horizontal direction. Einthoven’s triangle is an equilateral triangle with the heart at the centre. The difference in the potential between L1 (connected to left arm) and L2 (connected to right arm) is used to produce a wave of an ECG trace. The L3 connected to the left leg of body is common grounded [3]. II. Literature Survey A. Qrs Detection 2) Filter Properties Since band pass filters can operate at higher speeds than traditional designs, they are often the best type of filter when using slow general-purpose microcontrollers. These filters also minimize the round-off and truncation errors. Amplitude response of the digital band pass filter by using bit-shifting and add-subtract instructions instead of floating-point multiplication instructions which makes the resulting programs less burdensome to implement [10]. 3) Drawback There is noise interruption which can be overcome by advanced function such as digital noise rejection filter. It is not reliable. There would be an alarm circuit to alert in case of emergency. B. Total Heart Care Unit Fig. 3 Filtering of ECG signals The detector is based on the Hamilton- Tompkins backward difference algorithm [7]. The detection algorithm uses a band pass filter and a squaring stage to improve the signal-to-noise ratio for an adaptive threshold decision stage. The performance of the presented detector was tested with artificially generated signals, and with records from the MITBIH arrhythmia database. The QRS detector is divided into two stages, (1) the pre-processor stage and (2) the decision stage. The first stage enhances the QRS complex by reducing the contribution of the non-correlated noise. The second stage detects the enhanced QRS occurrences based on an adaptive threshold algorithm [5]. The easy-to-use Total Heart Care Unit device helps monitoring patients at risk of suffering a heart attack and takes the appropriate action to detect and overcome the potential problem. It acts as a permanent wireless communication link to the doctor and assists patients in making healthy life-style decisions. It is intended as a portable device that an individual can wear constantly, with data sent to a central server for storage or further analysis as needed 1) Working The ECG signal is first band pass filtered to suppress noise and artefacts, then differentiated to highlight the large slope of Fig 4 Total Heart Care Unit 1) ECG Sensor And Monitoring Circuit Design The design is based on the converter-per-channel monitoring circuit used in many ECG devices. This design amplifies, filters, and digitizes each analog channel independently, resulting in superior throughput speed and the ability to further process. Each channel using features built into the analog to digital converter (ADC). Fig. 5 MONITORING CIRCUIT The hardware component of the Total Heart Care Unit consists of a sensor circuit, which filters the measured heart wave, and a data acquisition unit, which interfaces with the analysis program by converting the signal into digital form and sending the information to the computer through the serial port. 2) Disadvantage Though it is found easier in wireless application, it is found that the working took much time for table replacement. It could cover only a distance of 10m radius. There is no fast transmission of data and there occurs a delay but the time is mandatory for emergency monitoring. The power consumed is very large. It does not offer NFC (Near Field Communication) support. III. Proposed Work Fig.6 Block Diagram ionic current generated from electrochemical activity into the electronic current of measurement system. Nowadays, EIT (electricity Impedance technology) becomes one of the research hot spots in the field of Biomedical Engineering [4, 5 and 8]. The skin must be rubbed with a mild abrasive to remove the thin layer of dead skin to enable better ion flow between the tissues. Electrolyte on the electrode Dry and/or old skin creates a high impedance, which makes it difficult to acquire good readings. In addition, electrode to skin impedances varies due to ethnicity, age, and gender. Skin to electrode impedances at 10 Hz using silver/silver chloride electrodes, with the skin properly prepared, are typically about 5 kΩ. When designing ECGs and other bio-potential front-end circuits, the designer must remember that an impedance of 500 kΩ can be encountered frequently. 1) Ag/AgCl Electrode A very popular electrode is silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) because of its very low half-cell potential of approximately 220 mV and its ease of manufacturability. Ag/AgCl electrodes are low noise and low polarization electrodes [5], they allow current to pass across the interface between the electrolyte and the electrode. Non-polarized electrodes are better than polarized electrodes in terms of their rejection of motion artefacts and their response to defibrillation currents. Both motion artefacts and defibrillation events can charge up the capacitance from the electrolyte and electrode interface. The AgCl layer lowers the impedance of the electrode. This is important at low frequencies near dc, where ECG measurement is taken. The voltage is in the range of 1 mV ~ 5 mV. B. Signal Conditioning A. ECG Electrodes Bio-electricity, a basic physiological phenomenon, can always be measured using the biomedical electrodes. Biomedical electrodes are a kind of biosensors that transforms 1) Instrumentation Amplifier Many industrial and medical applications use instrumentation amplifiers (INAs) to condition small signals in the presence of large common-mode voltages and DC potentials. Standard INAs using a unity gain difference amplifier in the output stage, however, can limit the input common mode range significantly. Thus, common mode signals induced by adjacent equipment, as well as large differential DC potentials from differently located signal sources, can increase the input voltage of the INA, causing its input stage to saturate. Saturation causes the INA output voltage, although of wrong value, to appear normal to the following processing circuitry. This could lead to disastrous effects with unpredictable consequences. This paper reviews some principles of the classic three-op-amp INA and provides design hints that extend the input common mode range to avoid saturation while preserving overall gain at maximum value. The paper also discusses the removal of large differential DC voltages through active filtering; avoiding passive RC filters at the INA input that otherwise would lower its common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR). The amplifier in this paper is a standard single supply instrumental amplifier with an additional variable gain and a passive low pass filter of the first degree and a DC restoration loop for elimination of possible DC offset in the circuitry. has a power consumption of 2.3 mA that is approximate 0.5 mA lower than when using 10 MHz crystal. When the Bluetooth™ module programs as spp_Slave the complete circuitry has a power consumption of 60 mA when connected in a piconet or PAN. E. Mikro C (Microcontroller) A C compiler, MikroC is used to create the program for Pic18f452. MikroC creates a .hex-file that can be downloaded into the microcontroller using MPLAB IDE 7.30 and PICSTART Plus. The inbuilt ADC returns a 10 bit value, by shifting the two least significant an 8 bit value that is left, can be sent as one byte via the virtual serial port that is emulated by the Bluetooth Module Spp_slave profile. Requirements for the microcontroller program: Sample rate: 400 Hz Crystal: 4 MHz Number of channels: 2 Bits per Byte: 8 Baud rate: 19200 baud/s Stop bit: 1 2) Cascaded Filters A state variable filter is a type of active filter. It consists of one or more integrators, connected in some feedback configuration. Any LTI system can be described as a state-space model, with n state variables for an nth-order system. A state variable filter realizes the state-space model directly. The instantaneous output voltage of one of the integrators corresponds to one of the state-space model's state variables. Fliege filter, type of an active filter works as a band pass filter. It allows huge range of ECG waves to pass through it. It is cascaded next to the state variable filter for better accuracy. A notch filter (band stop) having highest frequency attenuation 10 to 100 times the attenuation of the lowest frequency will be at final stage. It is independent of the Q value. F. Bluetooth Module It supports the Serial Port Profile for the communication between the ECG amplifier and the handheld PDA [11].It supports distance of 100 m radius. Power consumption is expected to be very less. BlueLab27 is used for programming the Bluetooth® Module with the serial port profile profile slave (spp_slave) to enable the PDA to locate and exchange link key with the ECG-amplifier. Bluetooth technology operates at 2.4 to 2.485 GHz ISM, industrial, scientific and medical band. The 2.4 GHz ISM band is available and most countries [12].It uses PSK modulation. G. Advantages Of The Proposed Paper C. Right Leg Drive Circuit The function of the Right Leg Drive (RLD) is to eliminate the common mode noise generate from the body. The two signals that are entering the differential amplifier from the leads placed on the right and left arm according to Einthoven’s triangle are summed, inverted and amplified back into the body though the right leg by a common-mode amplifier. This signal is fed back to the other leads and eliminates the noise signal drowning the wanted ECG signals. D. Microcontroller The microcontroller pic18f452 is used as ADC as well as universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter, UART, for a serial connection to the Mitsumi Bluetooth™ Module. The microcontroller also controls the sample frequency which must be set to 400Hz for both signals. The Microcontroller It could support NFC covering larger distance. The data is expected to transmit and the delay is expected to be comparatively lesser from our previous literature survey. The power consumption is very lower. It is believed to offer greater security. FUTURE WORK Other advanced function such as digital noise rejection filter or FFT analysis can be implemented in the LabView application depending on hardware of the PDA. CONCLUSION We have designed filtering circuits on our own. We have described our idea in this paper which has advanced technology when comparing to the literature survey. REFERENCE [1].Meissimilly, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2003 Proceedings of 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Volume 3. [2].Thakor et al (1984). Estimation of QRS Spectra for Design of a QRS Filter, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume.31, Number.11, (2007), pp. 702-706, ISSN 0018-9294. [3].BROWN B H. Medical impedance tomography and process impedance tomography: A brief review [J]. Measurement Science & Technology, 2001, 12(8): 991–996. [4].DONG Xiu-zhen., “The development of the bioelectric impedance technologies”, [J]. 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