EQUIPPING THE SAINTS OFFICER TRAINING AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT January 16, 2010 (Snow Date January 23, 2010) 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Princeton Theological Seminary Stuart Hall 64 Mercer Street Princeton NJ 08540 WELCOME Brothers and Sisters in Christ: God has called us to be a faithful, discerning community here in Central New Jersey, witnessing to the good news of God’s love through healthy ministries and vital congregations. In order to serve God faithfully in our churches and elsewhere, we need to grow continually as Christian leaders. Working in partnership, Monmouth Presbytery, the Presbytery of New Brunswick and the Erdman Center for Continuing Education at Princeton Theological Seminary are pleased to present this opportunity. It contains workshop descriptions, a registration form, and directions to the Seminary. We invite you to attend, and to bring other leaders and future leaders from your congregation with you. You will be strengthened and encouraged in your ministry. Faithfully, The Educational Workgroup of Monmouth Presbytery, The Educational Ministry Committee of the Presbytery of New Brunswick, and The Erdman Center for Continuing Education at Princeton Theological Seminary SCHEDULE 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Registration Worship Session I Lunch Session II Program Concludes; Traveling Mercies. DIRECTIONS TO PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY The physical street address of the Seminary is 64 Mercer Street Princeton NJ 08540. From the West and South: For those coming from PA, take I-95 N into NJ to Exit 8. For those taking I-295 N in NJ, after Exit 67, I-295 N turns into I-95 S (this is not the same I-95 that is the New Jersey Turnpike). Take the next exit, Exit 8, Princeton Pike (Rt 583 N). After approximately 5 miles, Princeton Pike turns into Mercer St. After Library Place on your left, the entrance to the Seminary will be at the light on your right. Please park in the parking garage. From the North: Continue south on Rt 206 to Nassau Street (Rt 27) in the center of Princeton. Turn left onto Nassau Street and the first right onto Mercer Street and continue to the main entrance of Princeton Seminary, which will be on your left. Please park in the parking garage. From the East and North: Take Rt 1 S to Alexander Rd N. Stay on Alexander Rd for 1.4 miles. After the traffic light at University Place, turn left onto College Ave W. The parking garage will be on your right. From the South and East: Take I-195 W to I-295N and follow the instructions (above) “From the West and South”. Maps will be included with registration packets, and are online at http://www.ptsem.edu/About/Campus_Maps.php. PROGRAMS OFFERED A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. AM: Basic Elder Training – Understanding the Book of Order AM: Basic Deacon Training AM: Clerks of Session AM ONLY: Safer Churches (I) AM ONLY: Food and Faith – Hunger Curriculum Offerings AM ONLY: Overcoming Our Fears in Evangelism AM ONLY: Young Adult Volunteers in Mission AM ONLY: Small Groups – Growing Disciples I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. PM: Basic Elder Training – Understanding the Book of Order PM: Basic Deacon Training PM: Clerks of Session PM ONLY: Safer Churches (II) PM ONLY: Enough for Everyone – A Lifestyle for Sustainable Living PM ONLY: Stewardship – Every Sunday is Stewardship Sunday PM ONLY: Congregation as the First Choir PM ONLY: Educational Ministries and Spiritual Formation PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS A. AM: Basic Elder Training – Understanding the Book of Order This workshop (offered in the morning and repeated in the afternoon) provides thorough orientation looking at the responsibilities of an Elder. For: Newly elected and experienced Elders Led by: Reverend Gary Filson, Jamesburg Presbyterian Church, Monmouth Presbytery B. AM: Basic Deacon Training This workshop (offered both in the morning and repeated in the afternoon) will focus on learning about the exciting responsibilities of the deaconate. Exercises, case studies and role playing will help participants explore the varied ministries of the deaconate and strengthen their skills in listening and caring, and being a non-anxious presence in an anxious environment. Learn various creative opportunities that deacons have to faithfully demonstrate their faith beyond the walls of the church. For: Newly elected and experienced deacons; laity called to “caring” ministries. Led by: Reverend Patty Fox, Highland Park Reformed Church (Presbytery of New Brunswick) C. AM: Clerks of Session Come and explore an introduction to the basic duties of the Clerk of Session (repeated in the afternoon). General discussion may include: minutes of meetings, annual reports, membership records and a generous time of Q and A. So plan to bring your questions and your Book of Order! For: Especially for new and of course experienced Clerks of Session who want to brush up on their skills. Led by: Reverend Carlos Wilton, Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church, Stated Clerk (Monmouth Presbytery) D. AM ONLY: Safer Churches (I) “God intends for the church to be a sage place for all to encounter God and grow into lives of service and fulfillment. We are called to be a holy community…Yet we live in a broken world, and we know that churches are not always a safe place. Do you have a ‘safe church’ ministry? If so how is it going?” This AM workshop will offer an introduction to “Safe church” ministry through: scripture mandates; significant DVD stories; materials, books, bibliographies and general discussion. This is an excellent place for the newcomers to begin this meaningful journey. For: ALL Led by: Elder Barbara DeCarlo – Discipling Ministries Coordinator and Chair of Trinity Children of the Covenant. (East Brunswick, Monmouth Presbytery) Elder Patty Williams – Christian Education Consultant (Monmouth Presbytery) E. AM ONLY: Food and Faith – Hunger Curriculum Offerings Ultimately, the test of any food system, and the policies that shape it, is a moral one. Our individual consumer choices, our institutional actions and our public policies must recognize and protect the dignity of humankind and the integrity of God's creation. They must strengthen family, the community and society. In short, they must uphold the vision of God's community of love. This workshop provides an overview of the information and curriculum opportunities available through the PCUSA. FOR: ALL Led by: Reverend Marcia MacKillop, Hunger Action Enabler / Young Adult Advocate (Presbytery of New Brunswick) Reverend Phyllis Zoon, Hunger Action and Stewardship of Creation Enabler (Monmouth Presbytery) F. AM ONLY: Overcoming Our Fears in Evangelism In this workshop, we will examine the foundations, necessity, styles, and spirituality of Evangelism. We will discover how to start spiritual conversations, build relationships, and make the Message clear. When we’re done, you will look forward to sharing the Good News. FOR: ALL Led by: Reverend Greg Albert, Associate Executive Presbyter (Presbytery of New Brunswick) G. AM ONLY: Young Adult Volunteers in Mission Young Adult Volunteers is a ministry of the PCUSA with several goals of service in the United States and abroad: engaging in the church’s mission; living in an intentional Christian community; focusing on spiritual formation. These Young Adults are called to service for one year. Henry Coates, now a first-year seminarian, will share his experiences of time in Kenya and Uganda. He will also lead a roundtable discussion in how we can better connect our faith and life. FOR: ALL Led by: Henry Coates, Young Adult Volunteer and Seminarian H. AM ONLY: Small Groups – Growing Disciples Small groups are a way to explore more about one’s self and one’s relationship with God, in addition to meet and grow closer to others over shared passions. Come learn how to use essential components to small groups – prayer, activity, learning and sharing. Learn how to determine which type of small group could be most effective for your ministry context. Led by the Rev. Rob Carter, who has successfully incorporated small groups in his ministry. FOR: ALL Led by: Reverend Rob Carter, Pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church (Monmouth Presbytery) I. PM: Basic Elder Training – Understanding the Book of Order This workshop (offered in the morning and repeated in the afternoon) provides thorough orientation looking at the responsibilities of an Elder. For: Newly elected and experienced Elders Led by: Reverend Gary Filson, Jamesburg Presbyterian Church (Monmouth Presbytery) J. PM: Basic Deacon Training This workshop (offered both in the morning and repeated in the afternoon) will focus on learning about the exciting responsibilities of the deaconate. Exercises, case studies and role playing will help participants explore the varied ministries of the deaconate and strengthen their skills in listening and caring, and being a non-anxious presence in an anxious environment. Learn various creative opportunities that deacons have to faithfully demonstrate their faith beyond the walls of the church. For: Newly elected and experienced deacons; laity called to “caring” ministries. Led by: Reverend Patty Fox, Highland Park Reformed Church (Presbytery of New Brunswick) K. PM: Clerks of Session Come and explore an introduction to the basic duties of the Clerk of Session (repeated in the morning). General discussion may include: minutes of meetings, annual reports, membership records and a generous time of Q and A. So plan to bring your questions and your Book of Order! For: Especially for new and of course experienced Clerks of Session who want to brush up on their skills. Led by: Reverend Carlos Wilton, Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church, Stated Clerk (Monmouth Presbytery) L. PM ONLY: Safer Churches (II) “God intends for the church to be a sage place for all to encounter God and grow into lives of service and fulfillment. We are called to be a holy community…Yet we live in a broken world, and we know that churches are not always a safe place. Do you have a ‘safe church’ ministry? If so how is it going?” This PM workshop will provide specific ‘nuts and bolts’ of Safe Church programming and policy making. Sample policies; programmatic emphasis; DVD instructional materials and specific church stories will be offered. For: ALL Led by: Elder Barbara DeCarlo – Discipling Ministries Coordinator and Chair of Trinity Children of the Covenant. (East Brunswick, Monmouth Presbytery) Elder Patty Williams – Christian Education Consultant (Monmouth Presbytery) M. PM ONLY: Enough for Everyone – A Lifestyle for Sustainable Living We are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Attend this workshop if you are looking for ways to make your faith tangible and real in the way that you live. These ways move beyond congregational programs and include a focus on home lifestyle integrity through practicing faith in all aspects of daily life. Areas of focus include both liturgical and earth seasons. FOR: ALL Led by: Reverend Marcia MacKillop, Hunger Action Enabler / Young Adult Advocate (Presbytery of New Brunswick) Reverend Phyllis Zoon, Hunger Action and Stewardship of Creation Enabler (Monmouth Presbytery) N. PM ONLY: Stewardship – Every Sunday is Stewardship Sunday How can one faithfully speak to stewardship during these troubling economic times? How can stewardship move beyond “Stewardship Sunday” and an annual pledge card? How should one think theologically about stewardship? What can one learn about reading a budget? (Answer: A lot!). This interactive program will feature better tools and practices and will be led by the Rev. Raymond Bonwell, a classical trained economist involved in institutional finance for twelve years prior to his theological education. FOR: ALL Led by: Reverend Raymond Bonwell, Princeton Theological Seminary, Stated Supply Miller Memorial Presbyterian Church (Presbytery of New Brunswick) O. PM ONLY: Congregation as the First Choir “One who sings, prays twice.” Attributed to the early church theologian St. Augustine, this saying emphasizes the role of appropriate hymnody. Furthermore, if the origins of the word liturgy is “the work of the people”, how can the congregation better serve in the broader Service of Worship? Join us to find out! Music ministry is a means of edifying, beautifying and sanctifying each person who participates. FOR: Those interested in the musical ministries of the church Led by: Noel Werner, Director of Music at Nassau Presbyterian Church (Presbytery of New Brunswick) P. PM ONLY: Educational Ministries and Spiritual Formation “The congregation as a whole, on behalf of the Church universal, assumes responsibility for nurturing the baptized person in Christian life” (W-2.3013; c.f. W-3.3603). Though the responsibility of the congregation, often there are many people who serve: committee chair, Church school teacher, young adult volunteer, or small group leader. Come and learn better practices for both educational ministries and an equally vital component – spiritual formation. FOR: ALL Led by: Thalia Kunzel, Christian Educator (Presbytery of New Brunswick) EQUIPPING THE SAINTS OFFICER TRAINING AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Saturday, January 16, 2010 (Snow Date January 23, 2010) 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Princeton Theological Seminary Please complete this form and submit by Thursday, January 14, 2010 via: □ E-mail to coned@ptsem.edu, □ Telephone to 609.497.7990, or □ Postal mail to Princeton Theological Seminary, The Erdman Center, 20 Library Place, Princeton NJ 08540. □ Online at ptsem.edu/ce. This form is for individual use, and may be duplicated. Name Home Address City State E-mail Telephone (Please Check One) _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ ___ ___ Zip ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _________________________________________ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ Home Work Mobile Church _________________________________________ First Workshop Choice: Second Workshop Choice: Third Workshop Choice: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Workshops will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Not all workshops may be available, so participants are asked to rank their top three choices. Lunch will be available for US$10. Participants may pay by mail with a check, by telephone or online with a credit card, or the day of the program with cash or check. Questions? Please contact Raymond Bonwell, Director of Programs at the Erdman Center for Continuing Education by telephone at 609.497.7932 or by e-mail at raymond.bonwell@ptsem.edu.