Cellular respiration Lab Write up Requirements Write a detailed

Cellular respiration Lab Write up
1. Write a detailed abstract.
- The Background and procedures will be the same
- Data must be specific and provide numbers, just like in the conclusion
- The analysis must also be specific and include a statement that shows your understanding on how the
observation is connected to cellular respiration rates.
2. Data table
- For Ice, Room temp, and Hot water
- Include: temperature, recorded data, actual data that takes into account the error recorded by the
glass bead tube, and actual change in water volume (from beginning to 5 min, and beginning to
10min, etc….. always subtract the movement from the initial beginning reading)
3. Graph
- All lines representing actual water volume changes should be graphed on the same chart.
- The chart should contain six lines (germinating and non-germinating in the three different
environment), eight lines if you think your data was bad.
- Graph the temperature changes
Answer the Cellular respiration analysis questions
1. How did the movement of water in the pipette allow you to compare rates of respiration between
different seeds placed in different environments?
2. Why does cellular respiration change the pressure in the respiration tube?
3. What was the purpose of the KOH? What would have happened if you did not use the KOH?
4. What was the purpose of the tube with the glass beads? What does a change in the amount of water
in the pipette tell you about your experiment?
5. Explain how the water in the calibrated pipette with the glass beads should change as the ice melts
and as the hot water cools down. Reference the equation PV=nRT to support your response.
6. Describe how changes in temperature affected the actual respiration rate (not water level in the
pipette) of the lentils. Predict why these changes are occurring.
7. Why is it important to use a germinating seed instead of a plant? How would your results differ if you
used a plant?
8. What is another type of organism that could be used to compare cellular respiration rates? Explain
your answer.
9. How will the respiration rates of a reptile differ from that of a mammal if they were both placed in