Insects at Low Pressure : Applications to Artificial Ecosystems CHARLES COCKELL1* DAVID CATLING 1 HILARY WAITES 2 1M/S 239-20, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 2Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5020 *Address for correspondence. e-mail :, tel : (650) 604 3615, fax : (650) 604 1088 1 Abstract Insects have a number of potential roles in closed-loop life support systems. In this study we examined the tolerance of a range of insect orders and life stages to drops in atmospheric pressure using a terrestrial atmosphere. We found that all insects studied could tolerate pressures down to 100 mb. No effects on insect respiration were noted down to 500 mb. Pressure toleration was not dependent on body volume. Our studies demonstrate that insects are compatible with plants in low pressure closed-loop and artificial ecosystems. The results also have implications for arthropod colonization and global distribution on Earth. Keywords : insects - ecosystems - greenhouse - Mars - subambient - respiration chamber 2 Content sentence Reductions of pressure down to 100 mb can be tolerated by most insects. These pressures are compatible with the use of insects as a component in low pressure closedloop ecosystems containing plants. 3 INTRODUCTION Insects can perform some functions in closed-loop life support systems at least as well as automated systems and in many cases better, such as pollination and soil turn over in non-hydroponic units. They can be used to clean up detritus since some insects are nonspecific in their choice of food. They may provide redundancy for food availability in case of failure of crop plants. Many species are relatively robust in terms of their tolerance of environmental conditions and they are not dependent on light. To date little work has been undertaken on the inclusion of insects as a component of life-support systems. Although closed-loop artificial ecosystems can be operated at terrestrial atmospheric pressures (≈1000 mb), low pressure environments in extraterrestrial ecosystems are beneficial for a number of reasons. Firstly, low pressures in outer space or the Martian surface reduce complexity of engineering design since thickness of chamber and structural support can be reduced (5). This in turn reduces the mass of material that must either be fabricated in an extraterrestrial environment or removed from the terrestrial gravity well (2,8,23). Secondly, reductions in internal pressure reduce the rate of gas and water leakage and thus the quantity of new gas and material that must be introduced into the system. An ideal low pressure system is one in which humans can operate with a simple mouth respirator and small gas tank for tending plants and other components when needed (2), but where pressures are not so low as to require complex EVA operations. Such a pressure would be around 400 to 500 mb with oxygen and carbon dioxide partial pressures close to the terrestrial atmosphere. This pressure might be lower for enriched oxygen and carbon dioxide atmospheres. Studies on low pressure ecosystems have been focused mainly on plants which are known to tolerate substantially reduced atmospheric pressures and reduced oxygen tenions as ambient atmopheric pressures (18). Daunicht and Brinkjans (8) showed that tomato plant growth and photosynthesis was not significantly reduced at 400 and 700 mb, consistent with early work by Rule and Staby using a wide variety of pressures (16). They did not observe significant reductions of photosynthesis in tomato plants down to 166 mb. Andre grew rye grass down to 73 mb (1). Other experiments have generally confirmed that plants can be grown at total pressures between 100 mb and 1000 mb without detrimental effects, although increased loss of water from transpiration is generally seen at lower pressures (2,8). Germination of seeds is also possible down to 50 mb (5), although in simulated Martian atmospheres of 95%CO2 and 0.07% O2, at a total 4 pressure of 10 mb, seed germination required supplemental oxygen addition (20) which concurs with previous data on seed germination at subambient pressures and in extraterrestrial atmospheres (13,17,19,22). Low pressure effects on insects are less well-known. As well as bizarre experiments on ducks and kittens, Boyle undertook preliminary studies on caterpillars and butterflies in a vacuum chamber (6), but his studies were not quantitative. Early detailed studies on low pressure effects were reported by Woodworth (26,27) who found that bumble bees could tolerate pressures down to 500 mb without significant effects on respiration, although respiration was reduced at pressures below 500 mb. Most insects rely on simple gas diffusion for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. This process is sufficient to deliver the required oxygen levels through the insect tracheal systems and to prevent carbon dioxide build-up. Both processes display an ideal interrelationship and thus are equally critical to insect function (14,24). Other systems exist to supplement or improve efficiency of gas exchange, such as active ventilation in larger insects via abdomen movements. Ventilation may also be improved by air sacs — enlarged tracheal areas. Gills and oxygen bubbles are used in aquatic insects to localize oxygen stores and many insects have the ability to tolerate short periods of oxygen debt. In studying pressure effects, other factors may also influence response, such as the habitat of the insects being studied. For example, insects that live in anaerobic conditions such as wood-boring beetles have respiratory systems adapted to low oxygen and high carbon dioxide tensions (15). In this study we examined the effects of low pressure on a wide range of insect orders and stages to gather preliminary data on pressure effects for closed-loop life support systems and artificial extraterrestrial ecosystems that may contain an insect component. MATERIALS AND METHODS All experiments were conducted in an environment chamber at the NASA Ames Research Center. The chamber is a 14" high, 10" diameter stainless steel cylinder with computer-driven control and datalogging. Pressure was precisely controlled using automatic solenoid flow controllers and a variable-speed turbomolecular pumping system. Pressure was monitored using MKS Baratrons to high accuracy (0.15%Reading) and resolution (0.001 mb in the 0-13 mb range, 0.1 mb at higher pressures). A 6" diameter glass port on the top of the chamber allowed for insect observation throughout the experiments. 5 In this study we used a terrestrial atmosphere. The effects of different gas blends will form the subject of a future publication. The chamber bears a resemblance to chambers that have previously been used to study plants at subambient pressures (e.g. 2,8,21). Insects were obtained from the wild or from Wards Biology (Rochester, New York). They were acclimated in laboratory cages for three to seven days prior to the experiment with food and conditions appropriate for each species. Insects were chosen with a number of considerations in mind. First, a variety of orders that might be represented in closed loop systems were studied. Second, insects were chosen with a variety of body volumes to study whether body volume and thus efficiency of gaseous diffusion into the tracheal system under reduced atmospheric pressures was a significant factor for insect selection. Third, insects with a variety of respiration control abilities (i.e. diffusion control, ventilation control in larger insects, and aquatic gill systems) were analyzed. Fourth, different life stages were studied in some of the species. For each experiment five individuals were placed in a plastic petri dish that were large enough to allow for insect movement. Holes in the top of the petri dishes allowed for gas exchange in the chamber. In all experiments a small wad of water-soaked cotton wool was introduced into the petri dish to allow for a saturating water vapor pressure during the experiments. It remained wet throughout all the experiments conducted in this study. For all experiments, gas temperatures were between 23 and 25˚C. For Odonata spp. nymphs, the nymphs were placed in a beaker containing 50 mL of pond water and the beaker covered in a permeable layer of cotton wool to allow gas exchange. Ambient atmospheric compositions (21% O2, 78%, N2, 0.03%CO2) was used for experiments. Pressure was dropped from ambient (1,013 mb) in 100 mb decrements to 400 mb when pressures were dropped at 50 mb decrements. When total pressure was at 100 mb, decrements were reduced to 10 mb. At each new pressure, insects were given several minutes of acclimation period. At the end of the experiments insects were released. RESULTS As pressure was reduced in the chamber most insects showed signs of increased movement, suggesting irritation due to pressure changes. In almost all insects studied no significant change in behavior or locomotion was noted down to 500 mb consistent 6 with earlier studies on bumble bee respiration (26,27). Below this pressure a sluggish behavior was noted. Insects would become immobile for a period before acclimating to the new conditions and would then remain immobile for extended periods of time. Below 300 mb an improvement was noted in some species. Full mobility and a return to control type behavior occurred between 300 mb and 200 mb. Further reductions in pressure below 200 mb were seen to result in reductions of mobility again. At pressures below 150 mb, larger insects were found to switch to a greater reliance on ventilation respiration, as evidenced by large and pronounced movements of their abdomens. This was often accompanied by visible distensions of their abdomens. For all insects studied the pressure below which complete mobility ceased and the insects showed evident signs of respiratory shutoff was found to be quite well defined and reproducible. For example, for Pogonomyrmex spp (harvester ants) this pressure was 30 mb corresponding to an oxygen partial pressure of 6 mb. We define this pressure in this paper as the 'critical pressure' referring to the pressure in an artificial ecosystem below which these insects would cease to function using a terrestrial atmosphere. Table 1 shows the critical pressure values for the insects studied. Figure 1 illustrates this data as a body volume vs. critical pressure graph. Insects held above these critical pressures could survive for long periods of time. Both harvester ants and Gryllus domestica (house crickets) were maintained for 24 hours at 100 mb without major detrimental effects, although they were more sluggish than laboratory controls. Insects maintained for extended periods (>24 hours) at 200 mb were found to be largely unaffected by pressure. Reductions below the critical pressures for most insects could only be tolerated for short periods of time. Ants reduced to Martian surface pressures (6 mb) could sustain this pressure for several seconds before a need to be revitalized by a return to 100 mb. They died after ten minutes at 6 mb. Sarcophaga bullatta (blow fly) larvae and Odonata spp. (dragonfly) nymphs could sustain longer periods (approx. 10 minutes) at 6 to 10mb pressures. In the case of dragonfly nymphs, temperature of the water dropped as evaporation increased at lower pressures, which is a potential problem for low pressure aquatic units. The nymphs we studied were still alive, although they were sluggish at 11 mb when the water began to boil at low (<10˚C ) temperature. The effects of boiling water and drop in temperature made it difficult for us to ascertain the true critical pressure of these insects at fixed temperatures. Dehydration was also a problem at low pressures (<100 mb). Smaller insects including ants, Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies) and Trilobium confusum (flour 7 beetles) were observed to congregate around the cotton wool and drank more frequently at pressures below 100 mb. DISCUSSION Despite the large number of parameters that may affect gas exchange in different species of insects, we found that the critical pressures of insects fell within the same order of magnitude for our experimental conditions i.e. tens of millibar. A lower limit for the oxygen partial pressure suitable for animal life is the level below which respiration ceases in comtemporary organisms, known as the 'Pasteur point'. Many existing organisms adapt from respiration to fermentation below this level. The Pasteur point is about 1% of the present atmospheric level (PAL) of oxygen, equivalent to 2.1 mb partial pressure. Indeed, Berkner and Marshall (4) have suggested that the beginning of the Cambrian in the geological record and the appearance of animals was linked to the level of oxygen reaching the Pasteur point. The Pasteur point for oxygen would be equivalent to a total atmospheric pressure in our experiments of about 10 mb. Thus our results are consistent with this hypothesized lower limit. For all insects studied, pressures down to 500 mb had no effect on insect function, which is consistent with the earlier data on bumble bees (26,27) and cadelle beetles (12). Given that mean atmospheric pressure at the summit of Mt. Everest is 400 mb, our data also suggests that atmospheric pressure in all high altitude regions on the earth should not be a limiting ecological factor for insects, although other factors such as vegetation and temperature may well be. As a peripheral observation to the focus of this paper, the data also provides a further demonstration of the potential for insects to be globally distributed by winds at high altitude. This also applies to arachnids which have similar respiration systems. The critical pressures that we measured for many of these insects correspond to an altitude of approximately 20 kms. After the eruption of Krakatau in 1883 in which the island became devoid of life, spiders were the first invertebrates to repopulate the islands of Rakata and Anak Krakatau (the remnants of Krakatau), presumably by wind currents (25). 'Ballooning spiders' are known to be capable of flying in the wind like kites, using threads attached to vegetation. When the wind becomes strong enough the threads break propelling the spiders to high altitudes, sometimes several km's. High altitude wind dispersal probably also occurs for insects picked up in wind currents and in storms. Our work demonstrates that pressure effects would certainly not be a limiting factor for high altitude arthropod migrations at heights up to 15 kms (100 mb) in the 8 troposphere. Insects could theoretically survive pressures up to 25 km (about 25 mb) but here the coldness, aridity and ozone concentration of the stratosphere would likely be limiting. Reductions in temperature to below freezing will become a negative factor for many insects at these altitudes, although reduction of respiration by lowered temperatures may also improve survivability during transit at low pressures for some insects. Below 500mb the insects we studied showed a reduction in locomotor efficiency which then improved to control levels of movement below 300 mb. This is consistent with improved respiration noted by Woodworth in bumble bees at below 300 mb (27). This improvement in respiration may be due to complete opening of the spiracles at low pressures to allow for free gas exchange, as opposed to higher pressures, where spiracle bursts and fluttering that are not completely adjusted to the new pressure conditions may be inhibiting respiration. Most insects could tolerate pressures down to 100 mb, which is equivalent to a partial oxygen pressure of 21 mb and a carbon dioxide partial pressure of 0.03 mb using an ambient terrestrial atmosphere. Insects left for extended periods of time at 100 mb were found to suffer some locomotor deficiency and at these pressures dehydration through loss of water through the spiracles may become a major factor. Similar loss of water through increased transpiration has been observed in plants at less than 400mb (8). Although we have defined the critical pressure as the pressure at which the insects no longer functioned, most insects showed signs of locomotor inefficiency at pressures slightly higher than the critical pressure. In general, insects at or above 150 mb seemed to function without major limitations. In some larger insects such as cockroaches, the critical pressure was found to be comparatively low despite the fact that they have relatively large body volumes to supply with oxygen. This may be explained by the fact that active ventilation in larger insects probably overcomes the theoretical diffusion problem they encounter at low pressures. We found no well-defined relationship between body size and critical pressure but larger insects with active ventilation systems in general fared better than smaller insects relying on diffusion. The observation of large abdomen movements and greatly distended abdomens in larger insects at pressures below 150 mb supports this. It also suggests that although large insects may survive below 150 mb, they are under considerable respiratory stress. For large insects in a reduced pressure closed-loop ecosystem, an optimum is not only above the critical pressure, but also above the point at which greatly increased ventilation respiration is required (approx. 150 mb). 9 Insects taken to pressures lower than their critical pressures died within ten minutes, but could be revived if taken back to higher pressures in less than one minute, suggesting that at very low pressures many insects can tolerate a short period oxygen debt. Some insects could survive these lower pressures for longer (between five and ten minutes) . These included the blow fly larvae, which naturally inhabit anaerobic environments in dead meat and have plastron respiration structures which allow for a larger area of gas exchange across a water/air interface and the dragonfly nymphs, which have gill systems like other aquatic insects (11). This is consistant with the generally lower critical pressures of these types of insects. The observations also show that depressurization to below 30mb in a closed loop system in space or on the Martian surface would kill most adult and larval stage insects, although locust eggs have been reported to tolerate a complete vacuum for short periods of time (3). Aside from respiration problems, dehydration is a complicating factor at low pressures when spiracle control of water retention is lost. Below 150 mb all small insects we studied (fruit flies, flour beetles, harvester ants) congregated around the wet cotton wool in the petri dish and drinking rates increased. We did not observe a similar problem in larger insects and this may be partly due to the larger surface area to volume ratio in smaller insects in which dehydration may be a greater problem. These results concur with earlier results obtained on Tenebriodes mauritanicus at pressures of 40 mb at which loss of water was noted (9,12). Experiments conducted without wet cotton wool in the dishes in which the ambient humidity was lower did not result in significantly changes to critical pressure over short time periods. However, it is known that ambient humidity does affect longer-term water loss from insects (9,14) and thus in a low pressure ecosystem water supplies to the insects must be sufficient. In closed-loop systems, CO2 partial pressures may be increased to stimulate crop growth (2), for example a 200 mb atmosphere using terrestrial gas compositions, but with a 1.8 mb CO2 partial pressure enrichment has previously been suggested. Some insects may tolerate high CO2 concentrations such as the tetse fly which at ambient pressures may tolerate greater than 10% carbon dioxide at ambient 21% oxygen levels (a 1:2 ratio) (7). For insects with more anaerobic lifestyles (e.g. flesh beetles) higher than ambient CO2 concentrations in closed-loop systems will not cause a significant reduction in function, particularly where the total pressures are significantly above the critical pressures. Provided total pressures are not close to critical pressures, most insects would survive in a partially enriched CO2 environment. In order to compensate for such increases in CO2 and reductions in pressure, atmospheres may be enriched with O2. Monro et al., (12) found that respiration of the 10 grain-infesting cadelle beetle, Tenebroides mauritanicus was just over 1.5 times greater in a 46 mb pure oxygen atmosphere than a 46 mb air atmosphere, demonstrating mitigation of low pressure (and thus also carbon dioxide) effects by oxygen enrichment. However, it is important to note that respiration of insects in enriched low pressure oxygen atmospheres is still lower than the respiration in air at ambient atmospheric pressures with the equivalent oxygen partial pressures. This result has now been confirmed for a number of pest insects (9,10,12). Clearly respiration is reduced in response to drop in pressure per se, as well as reductions in oxygen partial pressure. The most likely explanation is that drops in pressure (below about 500 mb) result in reduced respiration in order to curtail water loss. Oxygen enrichment may therefore be used to improve respiration, but probably not to completely counter the effects of low pressure. In general therefore, higher carbon dioxide levels and pressures above 200 mb make plants and insects compatible in closed loop systems in terms of atmospheric considerations. A compromise can be quite easily reached. Further direct studies on the combination of low pressures and differing gas mixtures are merited. As well as direct studies on the insects, we also observed that low pressures did not adversely affect insect behavior and development. At pressures below 300 mb, mating behavior in the milk weed bug was unaffected and ovulation in the garden cricket was normal. American cockroaches also laid egg cases normally. Pupae of blow flies hatched normally after being sustained at 200 mb for 24 hours. It should be noted that depending on size of insect, low pressures may affect flight efficiency. This will be a factor for closed-loop ecosystems using winged insects such as flies and bees. On the surface of Mars of course the 0.375 g gravity regime may partially compensate for loss of flight efficiency as a result of a low pressure atmosphere, although exact dynamics of flight may be changed. Further effects on long term effects of pressure on insect behavior and development and processes such as metamorphosis are merited. Finally, the results we have obtained have relevance to the speculations on the terraforming of Mars - the transformation of Mars into an earth-like world by planetary scale atmospheric engineering. We suggest here that total atmospheric pressures would need to be at least 200 mb to prevent extreme desiccation in an insect component in a newly established Martian biota. Oxygen partial pressures should be at least ~10 mb or higher at any given total Martian atmospheric pressure to sustain insect life with this requirement rising at higher CO2 concentrations. CONCLUSIONS 11 This initial work shows that insects, like plants, can survive low pressure closedloop ecosystems. Reductions of pressure that can be tolerated by plants can be tolerated by a wide variety of insects and insect life stages. Although many insects possess different respiratory capabilities, most insects can tolerate pressures down to 100 mb and will operate between 200 mb and 1 bar without major loss of function. Between 500 mb and 1000 mb the insects we studied showed no pressure effects at all. Insect body size is not related to pressure tolerance in a simple way because the mode of respiration and natural environments of the insects are important in determining the critical pressure at which they cease to function. Closed loop ecosystems may have differing gas compositions depending on their construction and location. For this reason, data on insects at a given pressure in combination with the specific gas mixture, particularly with respect to combined effects of CO2 and O2 partial pressures, may need to be reexamined for specific designs. The chamber used in our experiments has ports for precise feed of gases of predetermined composition into the chamber using a gas blending apparatus (Environics Inc.) and these studies will form the subject of a later publication. Given the similarity in critical pressures in many of the insects and their life stages found here, insects can easily be reexamined for new gas mixtures. Just a few adults can be used as model systems with wide applicability to other insect orders, species and life stages. As useful model systems with wide availability and a great deal of ancillary literature, the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) and fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) which span the range from small insects to large insects employing active ventilation are recommended. Odonata nymphs could be used as representatives of aquatic insects. 12 Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the NASA Ames Research Center DDF program through which this work was supported. 13 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES Charles Cockell received a D.Phil in Molecular Biology from the University of Oxford in 1994. He is currently a Research Scientist at the NASA Ames Research Center specializing in UV radiation studies and studies of life in extreme environments. Specifically, previous insect research has focused on undertaking moth collections from locations such as Indonesia and Mongolia and studies on behavioral adaptations in the praying mantis. David Catling received a D.Phil. in Atmospheric Physics from the University of Oxford in 1994. He presently holds a National Research Council Associateship at NASA Ames Research Center. His research interests are in planetary climatology, microsensor development for planetary exploration, and the reciprocal interaction of lifeforms with planetary atmospheres. Currently, his particular research focus is on studies of the Martian climate, theoretical and experimental. Hilary Waites is an undergraduate at Stanford University, where she is a Biology major. During her undergraduate career she has spent several terms in residence at Stanford's Hopkins Marine Station, where she has conducted subtidal research investigating the effects of otter predation on a snail population and a study of enzyme adaptation in congeneric snails distributed along a temperature gradient. Ms. Waites contributed to the project during a volunteer summer internship at NASA-Ames Research Center. 14 REFERENCES 1. 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