Last Rev.: 11 JUN 08 Center of Pressure Lab : MIME 3470 Page 1 Grading Sheet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MIME 3470—Thermal Science Laboratory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Laboratory №. 8 CENTER OF PRESSURE Students’ Names Section № POINTS PRESENTATION—Applicable to Both MS Word and Mathcad Sections GENERAL APPEARANCE, ORGANIZATION, ENGLISH, & GRAMMAR 5 ORDERED DATA, CALCULATIONS & RESULTS—MATHCAD ON A SINGLEGRAPH, PLOT OF CP vs. h FOR ALL INCLINATIONS ON SAME GRAPH, PLOT WETTED PLANE CENTROID vs. h PERCENT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CALCULATED & EXPERIMENTAL MOMENTS 25 15 10 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS WHERE DOES CP LIE W.R.T. WETTED CENTROID, WHY? WHEN DO THEY COINCIDE? DERIVE ONLY KLINE-MCCLINCOCK UNCERTAINTY FOR CP CONCLUSIONS ORIGINAL DATASHEET TOTAL COMMENTS d GRADER— 10 10 10 10 5 100 SCORE TOTAL Last Rev.: 11 JUN 08 Center of Pressure Lab : MIME 3470 MIME 3470—Thermal Science Laboratory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Laboratory №. 8 R2 h2 F gB cos 2 hR2 (3) 2 2 cos Similarly, an expression for the moment is found by integrating Equation 2 between the same limits, CENTER OF PRESSURE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAB PARTNERS: NAME NAME NAME SECTION № EXPERIMENT TIME/DATE: NAME NAME NAME M gB OBJECTIVE—The purpose of this exercise is to experimentally determine the center of pressure on a plane surface partially or totally submerged in a liquid. The center of pressure is defined as the point of application of the resultant hydrostatic force applied on the plane. As the pressure varies with the distance from the liquid free surface, the pressure center will not coincide with the centroid of the plane. Thus the experiment also compares the locations of the center of pressure with respect to the centroid. R1 Case 1 (4) R R2 R2 gB cos 2 hR2 cos 1 hR1 2 2 cos 2 2 gB R2 R1 hR2 R1 2 dy R3 O R2 h R1 Figure 1—Schema and Photo of Center of Pressure Apparatus THEORY—Refer to Figure 1, which contains a photograph and a diagram of the experimental apparatus. In the figure, the differential force, dF, is acting on the differential area dA = B dy, where B is the width of the tank. This differential force is defined by dF g y cos h dA gB y cos h dy and the moment of this differential force about point O, dM, is (2) dM gB y cos hydy . (1) Case 1: Plane Partially Submerged (see Figure 1, Case 1) The force on the plane is found by integrating dF from h/cos() to R2. y cos h dy h / cos R 2 y2 gB cos hy 2 h / cos R2 h2 h 2 gB cos 2 hR2 cos 2 2 cos 2 cos (5) R2 3 R1 3 y y cos h ydy gB cos h y2 2 R2 R1 R3 R 2 R3 R 2 gB cos 2 h 2 cos 1 h 1 3 2 3 2 Case 2 R2 cos R2 R1 h F gBR2 R1 2 and M gB y dF F gB R3 R2 h3 M gB cos 2 h 2 3 2 6 cos 2 1 dF dy R3 R 2 h3 h 2 gB cos 2 h 2 cos h 3 2 3 2 3 cos 2 cos 2 y2 F gB y cos h dy gB cos hy 2 R1 R h y Plane surface for which the resultant hydrostatic force is desired 2 y3 y2 gB cos h 3 2 h / cos R2 R2 W y cos h ydy h / cos Case 2: Plane Fully Submerged (see Figure 1, Case 2) Integrate Equations 1 and 2 between the limits R1 and R2 to obtain O R2 R TIME, DATE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B is the width of the tank (into the page) Cradle Page 2 cos 3 h (6) M gB R2 R13 R22 R12 2 3 THE CENTER OF PRESSURE LOCATION, MEASURED FROM POINT O, CAN BE DETERMINED BY DIVIDING THE MOMENT BY THE FORCE. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE—Water is contained in a quadrant of a semicircular tank assembly that it is allowed to rotate about Point O (see Figure 1). The cylindrical sides of the tank have their axes coincident with the center of rotation, Point O, of the tank assembly. Therefore, the total fluid pressure acting on these surfaces exerts no moment about that center. The only moment present is due to the fluid pressure acting on the plane surface. This moment is measured experimentally by applying weights, W, to a weight hanger mounted on the semicircular assembly on the opposite side to the quadrant tank. The moment-arm length for this weight is R3. A second tank, situated on the same side of the assembly as the weight hanger provides a trimming facility and allows different angles of equilibrium to be achieved. The angular position of the plane, , and the distance to the water’s surface, h, are measured respectively on a protractor scale mounted on the tank and a linear scale on the back panel. Last Rev.: 11 JUN 08 Center of Pressure Lab : MIME 3470 1. Before starting, be sure that the zero line on the back panel lines up with the center of rotation and the zero degree line on the tank. NOTE: The axle on which the experiment rotates was mounted 10mm too high and that amount should be added to h measurements. 2. Also, level the base plate. 3. With the quadrant tank empty, place a 50g weight on the weight hanger. Pour water into the quadrant tank until zero balance is reestablished. Record the weight and distance to the water’s free surface, h. 4. Repeat this procedure increasing in 100g increments. 5. Empty the quadrant tank and remove all the weights. 6. Add water to the trimming tank until it balances at an angle specified by the teaching assistant. 7. Repeat the Steps 3 through 5 for this new angle. Page 3 In the report include the following: Calculations Make a single plot of center of pressure (CP) measured from the center of rotation, point O, versus distance to the water surface, h, for all inclinations considered. On the same plot, graph the centroid of the wetted surface from the center of rotation vs. h. Verify the calculated moment with the experimental moment obtained from the weights by expressing the difference as a percent. Discussion of Results Specify where does the center of pressure lie with respect to the wetted centroid of the plane and why? In what case does one expect them to coincide? Assuming that the only error in the measurements is incurred by the measurement of the distance to the water’s free surface, just derive an uncertainty analysis for the center of pressure calculation for Case 2 using the Kline-McClintock method presented in the Jet Impact experiment. There is a separate downloadable file describing the Kline-McClintock method. Last Rev.: 11 JUN 08 Center of Pressure Lab : MIME 3470 ORDERED DATA, CALCULATIONS, and RESULTS Page 4 Last Rev.: 11 JUN 08 Center of Pressure Lab : MIME 3470 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Specify where does the center of pressure lie with respect to the wetted centroid of the plane and why? Answer In what case does one expect them to coincide? Answer Assuming that the only error in the measurements is incurred by the measurement of the distance to the water’s free surface, just derive an uncertainty analysis for the center of pressure calculation for Case 2 using the Kline-McClintock method presented in the Jet Impact experiment. Derive here using Equation Editor CONCLUSIONS Page 5 Last Rev.: 11 JUN 08 Center of Pressure Lab : MIME 3470 Page 6 DATA SHEET FOR CENTER OF PRESSURE Time/Date: ___________________ Lab Partners: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Particulars of the Apparatus: Inner Radius, R1: ___________ cm Outer Radius, R2: Lever Arm, R3: ___________ cm Inside Tank Width, B: ___________ cm Smallest Graduation of Measure of Distance to Free Surface, h ___________ cm ___________ cm Moment Data at Various Inclinations: 0º Inclination Mass Suspended Distance to from Hanger, m Free Surface, h (g) (cm) 10º Inclination Mass Suspended Distance to from Hanger, m Free Surface, h (g) (cm) 20º Inclination Mass Suspended Distance to from Hanger, m Free Surface, h (g) (cm) 30º Inclination Mass Suspended Distance to from Hanger, m Free Surface, h (g) (cm) d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d