Rhondda Rollercoaster Saturday 9th May 2015 26.5 mile route description – 04.04.15 version Key: T JCN – T Junction, TR – Turn Right, TL – Turn Left, BR – Bear Right, BL – Bear Left, SO – Straight On, RD – Road, TK – Track, X – Cross, FB – Footbridge, ST – Stile, LMG – Large Metal Gate, LWG – Large Wooden Gate SWG – Small Wooden Gate, KGT – Kissing Gate, MCB – Magnetic Compass Bearing, FLD – Field, YDS – Yards, LHS – Left hand Side, RHS – Right Hand Side, FPS – Footpath Sign, WMS – Waymarker Sign 1. Leave village hall & TL. Along residential RD to T JCN. TR & walk to end of RD. TL, river now on RHS. Walk to end of RD & climb steps to FB. X river & at far end, TL to join main TK. After 10 YDS, ignore path on L & SO. After 60 YDS & with pond on LHS, TR onto path with railings on RHS. Shortly after Xing stream, BR at Y JCN. Arrive at main TK T JCN. TR & remain on main TK that gradually climbs. TK will go around a hairpin bend. At 1st main TK JCN, TR. Continue gradually climbing to arrive at T JCN. TL & gradually climb ignoring all minor paths to arrive at wide T JCN. TR & follow to arrive at hairpin bend. Leave main TK & SO. Remain on new TK, ignoring smaller paths to arrive at wooden electricity pylon on LHS. TL & path will climb into the trees & get steeper to arrive at X TKS with WMS. TR. As path bends to the L, BR off main path to leave forestry to arrive at ST next to metal gate posts in fence line on LHS. (GR ST 039 900) 2. X ST & remain on TK, keeping fence on RHS. Ignore 1st ST in fence line. Follow fence to corner with LMG & ST. X ST (220°) X rough ground & then FLD to arrive at trig point at summit of Mynydd y Glyn. (GR ST 036 894) SELF CLIP A – (2.7 miles & 1032 feet ascent) 3. Leave trig point (290°) keeping rough ground on LHS & at first section of dry stone wall TL onto wide grassy path initially (260°). After 240 YDS & at bottom of hill TR (295°) Follow downhill to arrive at ST. X ST & pass through gap in dry stone wall. (GR ST 027 897) 4. Downhill (270°) to arrive at TK. TR & pass to L of large wooden post. SO, & after 70 YDS TL off TK & down to 2 wooden gate posts & dry stone wall. Through & SO to arrive at ST in fence. X ST & after 10 YDS arrive at T JCN. TL & after 175 YDS descend to join TK. SO & after 90 YDS TR off TK. Ignore all minor paths to L & R & path will eventually descend steeply to arrive at T JCN. TL & ignore all paths to L & R. Arrive at wide area with large corrugated metal gate directly ahead. SO passing to L of gate & follow lane to arrive at RD. (GR ST 016 903) 5. TL & when opposite ‘Ton Hywel’, X RD CAREFULLY & walk into ‘Ton Hywel’. Follow LH pavement. At 1st RD JCN on LHS, TL. Look for childrens playground on RHS, & after house number ‘8’, TL onto path. Climb to T JCN with wooden electricity pylon. TL & up hill to arrive at Y JCN. BR to arrive at fence & just before fence BL to ST in fence. X ST & SO, soon to follow a stone gully. As gully ends, BL to arrive at ST & LMG. X ST & arrive at TK & TR. As TK bends 1 sharply to R, leave TK & SO (310°). Follow path across pasture & eventually through bracken to join fence on RHS. Follow fence to arrive at KGT. (GR ST 003 913) 6. Through KGT & TL. After 30 YDS leave fence line & follow path as it bends to the R & descends. Path descends & bends to L & levels out. Ignore all paths on RHS & SO to arrive at fence corner. Keep fence on RHS & follow to arrive at tarmac lane. Downhill to arrive at RD. TL & follow to arrive at electricity sub station on LHS. TR into ‘Caroline St’. Descend to arrive at T JCN. X RD to pavement opposite & TR. Walk onto FB & X to arrive at RD. TL & follow to arrive at T JCN with garage on LHS. TL & follow pavement to arrive at church on LHS. X main RD via pedestrian Xing to RD opposite church & walk uphill. At 1st JCN on LHS, TL into ‘Church Rd’. As RD bends to R, TL into lane with old metal garages. (GR ST 001 904) 7. Immediately after 3rd garage on RHS, TR & follow TK to arrive at ST & LMG. X ST & SO, steeply uphill, following fence on LHS to arrive at ST. X ST & follow enclosed path to arrive at ST. X ST & SO (220°) uphill. Keep valley on LHS to arrive at TK. DO NOT CROSS STREAM. TR & arrive at T JCN. TL uphill. (Stream still on LHS) Arrive at ST next to LMG. X ST & SO (250°) across FLD. Arrive at ST in dry stone wall. X ST & uphill (260°) across FLD to arrive at ST. (GR SS 994 901) 8. X ST & enter forestry & SO. Arrive at T JCN. TR & after 20 YDS, TL. Follow path to leave forestry via SMG. SO keeping fence on LHS to arrive at LWG. Pass through, TL & through red LMG to arrive at path. TR (fence now on RHS) & descend grassy path to arrive at large cream house in Gilfach Goch. (GR SS 983 902) PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE NO TOILET FACILITIES AVAILABLE FOR WALKERS AT THIS CHECKPOINT. CHECKPOINT ONE - (7.6 miles & 1980 feet ascent) Opens 0945 Hrs - Closes 1200 Hrs 9. Leave CP & descend to RD T JCN. (Ignore Fair View Road on LHS) X RD to pavement opposite & TR. Pass nursery school & at end of railings TL down grassy patch to arrive at tarmac FP. TL, & walk around metal barrier. Remain on tarmac FP as it descends R & L to X river. SO through barrier to reach X TKS. SO uphill on gravel path to arrive at RD (Pub on LHS) (GR SS 980 900) 10. X RD & TR. After 10 YDS TL up tarmac lane. Pass house & SO on narrow grassy FP which climbs gently with fence on RHS to reach LMG across path. Through & SO ignoring fork left after 30 YDS. After ½ mile path passes between 2 small plantations. SO on stony FP which bends to L as it climbs. As path emerges from rushes, SO (290°) to X FLD and reach LMG. Through & X TK & through gap in fence opposite. Follow tall wooden signposts & at third post, BL to reach ST. X ST to reach TK. TR & follow TK through forest. As TK emerges from trees, TK bends to L. After 80 YDS arrive at LMG in fence on RHS. (GR SS 960 905) 11. X (locked) & SO (325°) crossing small stream & SO towards nearest wind turbine to arrive at SMG. Through & pass to LHS of wind turbine (No.NX82164) to reach SMG in fence beyond. Through & TR keeping fence on RHS to reach fence corner. BL (10°) uphill to arrive at fence corner with large fence post. SO keeping fence on LHS & after 50 YDS arrive at ST in fence line. X ST (WARNING – BARBED WIRE) & SO (290°) & after 20 YDS BR (325°) to X stream and rushes. 2 Leave rushes & BR (0°) to arrive at gap in fence with 2 fence posts. Through & SO (310°) & X rough ground to arrive at stony TK. SO (270°) & after 100 YDS TL. After 40 YDS TR up bank to pass through gap in fence / X barrier. (GR SS 958 910) WARNING – TAUT BARBED WIRE MAY BE ON GROUND ACROSS GAP. 12. SO (300°) & X rough ground bearing slightly away from forest to reach LMG. Through & follow fence on RHS to fence corner. TR & follow fence to 2 nd fence corner. SO (340°) & descend steeply to reach stony TK. TR (deep valley now on LHS) & follow TK to reach Y JCN beneath power lines. BR (360°) on meandering grassy path to reach (tied?) LMG with fence on RHS. TR, pass through & SO (40°) uphill across rough ground. Eventually follow fence line that is on LHS uphill to reach LMG at top of hill. Through (340°) across rough ground to eventually join grassy TK. Follow uphill to reach cairn & trig point of Garn Fawr. (GR SS 952 927) 13. SO (320°) keeping fence on RHS. After 250 YDS arrive at Y JCN. BR (340°) & follow fence line to arrive at sheepfold area with LMG’s. SO & remain on main TK, ignoring all paths L & R to arrive at major TK JCN with stone WMS on LHS. SO on major TK & follow as it descends to arrive at stone WMS just before green barrier. (GR SS v940 945) 14. TR onto path & follow to arrive at Y JCN. BL, effectively continuing SO. Path starts to descend steeply to arrive at SMG. Through & SO on obvious path to arrive at SMG. Through & SO on grassy path. Path will join fence on RHS. Follow fence line as it bends to R. Ignore LMG in fenceline & keep fence on RHS to arrive at LMG. Through & keep fence on RHS. Path will become enclosed. Downhill & at path fork BL downhill. Arrive at tarmac lane. (GR SS 967 954) 15. TR downhill to arrive at RD. SO on RH pavement. Arrive at T JCN. X RD to pavement opposite & TR. Follow pavement to arrive at T JCN. TL & follow pavement to mini roundabout. BL to ST. John’s Church, Ton Pentre. (GR SS 971 954) CHECKPOINT TWO - (15 miles & 3169 feet ascent) Opens 1130 Hrs - Closes 1500 Hrs 16. Return to mini roundabout. X RD to pavement opposite & TL. Follow pavement to arrive at T JCN with pedestrian Xing. X RD & climb steps opposite. At top of steps, TR to arrive at RD. TR & follow to path with bridleway sign. 45 YDS after sign, & when opposite 5 th large tree on RHS, TL to arrive at SMG. Through & follow faint path as it climbs through heather. Path levels out to arrive at fence. TR (fence now on L) When fence turns sharply to L, SO. Path will soon join fence on RHS. Follow fence line to arrive at SWG. Through & SO with fence on RHS. Arrive at Y JCN. BR onto gravel path keeping fence on RHS. Arrive at LMG. Through to arrive at RD. (GR SS 980 953) 17. X RD & SO passing through green barrier. Follow gravel TK to arrive at KGT next to playground. Through & after 5 YDS TL through metal fence onto path. Follow path to arrive at SMG. Through & SO (50°) uphill through gorse bushes. Keep steep drop on RHS & join fence on RHS. Follow fence to arrive at SMG & LMG. Through to TK. TL & after 15 YDS arrive at LMG. (GR SS 984 955) 18. Through & SO. Arrive at Y JCN. BR keeping fence on RHS. Arrive at LMG. Through & SO. Arrive at LMG in RH fenceline. SO (20°) through gateway ahead into FLD with short fence on LHS. SO and follow RHS fence line uphill. Eventually see gateway with two large gate posts ahead. BL 3 away from fence to arrive at gateway. Through & X stream into FLD. SO (340°) uphill to arrive at LMG in dry stone wall. Through & SO (320°) to arrive at LMG with two large fence posts. Follow obvious path to arrive at X TK. (GR SS 986 968) 19. SO (20°), Xing TK across rough ground to arrive at SMG. Through & SO following faint path to arrive at X TKS. SO & follow path as it bends to the R and passes through a gap in a fence. Path eventually joins a fence on the LHS. Follow fence to arrive at SMG. Through & SO downhill to arrive at KGT directly ahead. Through & follow path downhill through woodland. Arrive at Y JCN. BL downhill to arrive at T JCN above lake. TL & follow tarmac path. As path bends to the R, SO across grass & in 5 YDS arrive at tarmac path. TL & follow path to park exit. 20. Leave park & down RD to T JCN. TL to arrive at T JCN. TR to arrive at T JCN. X RD to pavement opposite & TR downhill. Arrive at T JCN with pedestrian Xing. X RD to pavement opposite & TL. (Pass Anchor PH on RHS) X RD immediately after pub, & continue walking downhill on RH pavement. Pavement will end. X RD to LH pavement, & follow downhill. When approaching the Ferndale RFC on LHS, X RD to RH pavement. X river & immediately TR onto tarmac lane with river now on RHS. (GR ST 001 972) 21. Tarmac lane will narrow & arrive at green metal barrier. Through & after 350 YDS, arrive at disused concrete grit bin on LHS. SO, & after 90 YDS TL off main TK, onto path that passes through young trees & to the L of a disused ST. Walk uphill & path will bend to the R. Follow path & ignore any turnings to the L & R. Path will arrive at area with ruined building on LHS. 22. SO & remain on main path as it gradually climbs for 0.8 miles to arrive at wire fence with ST. Ignore ST, & BR, keeping fence on LHS. At the fence corner, through gap in fence & SO (150°) towards ‘Tylorstown Tip’ on faint path. At the base of the tip, BL up obvious path to climb to the summit, passing two metal poles on arriving at the summit. Walk to far side of plateau summit. (GR ST 019 956) SELF CLIP B – (20 miles & 4885 feet ascent) COMPULSORY 5 MINUTE BREAK TO ADMIRE VIEWS!!!!! 23. Retrace your steps to the two metal poles & descend. TR off path at either the 4th or 5th path JCN on RHS & descend to open wide area ahead. SO across wide area to arrive at a grassy path. Follow grassy path that arrives at TK. SO on TK to pass through open gateway & arrive at RD. TR, X cattlegrid & follow RD to arrive at forestry TK JCN on RHS. (GR ST 023 958) 24. TR, passing through green & white barrier. Follow TK for approx 0.5 mile & at 2nd WMS TL at path JCN. (GR 027 953) Follow path to arrive at RD. TL & follow RD to RD JCN. TR to arrive at the Brynffynon Hotel, Llanwonno. (GR ST 031 956) CHECKPOINT THREE - (21.2 miles & 4979 feet ascent) Opens 1230 Hrs - Closes 1715 Hrs 25. Leave CP & return to RD JCN. TL & follow RD to path JCN on RHS with FPS. TR & follow path to arrive at TK T JCN. TL & follow TK to its end marked with boulders. SO to arrive at TK T JCN. TR & follow TK to arrive at cattlegrid. SO & after 90 YDS TL off TK onto TK. Follow TK as it bends 4 to R & L to arrive at disused gate post. SO (130°) on grassy path to arrive at two large gate posts. Through & BR (140°). Follow faint path across rough ground to arrive at ST next to white post. (GR ST 032 937) 26. X ST & follow broken dry stone wall on LHS. Shortly, the path bends to the R. Then follow 2nd dry stone wall on LHS. Dry stone wall is broken in places and eventually disappears to become fence. Arrive at gap between two dry stone walls. SO (170°) & keep wall on LHS at all times. Follow wall to arrive at ST next to LMG. X ST & SO keeping wall on LHS to arrive at LMG. Through & SO with wall on LHS. Arrive at gap in wall on LHS at TK JCN. TR downhill, now keeping wire fence on RHS. Follow fence to arrive at LMG as TK bends sharply to the L. Through LMG & SO down TK. After 290 YDS arrive at LMG on LHS. (GR ST 033 923) 27. TL & descend. The TK will become a concrete TK and in due course will become a tarmac lane. As the tarmac lane bends to the L, ignore the footpath on the RHS. Follow lane to arrive at farm buildings. Follow downhill through farm. Shortly after leaving farm buildings TR through metal barrier. Downhill to arrive at RD. TL to arrive at T JCN. X RD to pavement opposite & TR. TL into 1st RD on LHS. (yellow grit bin on LHS) Arrive at staggered X RD’s. TL & remain on LH pavement to arrive at T JCN. X RD to pavement opposite & TR. After 20 YDS TL. (Gethin Terrace) Follow RD to arrive at T JCN. (GR ST 039 914) 28. SO on footpath. Follow obvious path, ignoring any paths to the L. The path will eventually descend to X FB & descend with metal railings on RHS. At the end of the railings TR to arrive at RD. TL, pass underneath bridges to arrive at T JCN. X RD to pavement opposite & TR. X river & at end of bridge TL. (The Bertie Pub on RHS) As RD bends to the R, BL off RD onto cycle TK (Barry Sidings). Follow TK for 0.3 miles & TL onto green FB to X river. (Signposted Trehafod) Descend steps on far side & TL sharply to follow RD. (River now on LHS) At the end of the RD, TR & TL into 1st RD on LHS. (Ivor Street). SO to arrive at Trehafod Community Village Hall & finish. (GR ST 046 909) (Total Distance 26.5 miles & 5570 feet ascent) 5