NELSON MANDELA BAY METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY DIRECTORATE: XXX TO PRE-SPECIFICATION BID COMMITTEE DATE: 23 NOVEMBER 2011 TENDER TRACKING NO.: XXX CONTRACT NO.: CE XXX CONTRACT DESCRIPTION: DEVELOPMENT OF XXX PREPARED BY: S. AGHERDIEN CONTACT DETAILS: 0415062259, FILE NO.: XXX PURPOSE OF THE REPORT The purpose of this report is to present tender documentation to the NMBM PreSpecification Committee for the invitation of tenders for CE XXX : Development of XXXand to obtain recommendation that it may be submitted to Specification Committee for final consideration and approval before it is advertised. BACKGROUND The Employer’s objective is to develop XXX SCOPE OF WORK This project comprises XXX SUMMARY OF TENDER DOCUMENTATION Item Data Page no Tender documentation prepared by: XXX Consulting Cover Estimated cost of construction works: RXXX including VAT and 10% n/a contingencies. Estimate prepared by: XXX Consulting Estimated CIDB grading required: XXXCE 2 of 10 XXX weeks 6 of 18 T1.1 Tender notice & invitation to tender Contract period C1.2 Contract data Building Contract The General Conditions of Contract 6 of 18 C1.2 Contract data for Construction Works (2010) published by the South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) Tender evaluation process: 90/10 or 80/20 preference formula in 15 of 40 T2.1 Returnable schedules accordance with the NMBM Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy (08 December 2011) Documentation required: Form of Offer and Acceptance T1.2 Tender data Declaration of interest in tender Failure to submit these will result in tender being disqualified various of persons in service of state Declaration of Tenderer’s past supply chain management practises Certificate of Independent Bid Determination T2.1 List of returnable documents Preference Points claim form in Failure to submit these will result in terms of the Preferential tender being awarded zero points for procurement regulations 2011 preference (90/10 or 80/20 version) Returnable schedules required for Valid Tax Clearance Certificate tender evaluation: T2.2 Schedule of Tenderer’s 21 of 40 various Failure to submit these will result in Tenderer having to submit same experience upon written request, failing which tender will be disqualified Schedule of Proposed Subcontractors Schedule of Plant and Equipment Compliance with OHSA (Act 85 of 1993) Record of services provided to organs of state Company information for tenders greater than R 10 million Classification of Business Certificate of Authority of Signatory Status of Concern submitting Tender Proof of Registration with the CIDB in the applicable category or higher Returnable schedules incorporated into the contract: T2.3 Preliminary Programme of the various Works Form of Offer and Acceptance Contract Data (Part 2) Pro Forma: Disclosure Statement Pro Forma: Adjudication Board Member Agreement Proposed date for advertising tenders T1.1 Tender notice & invitation to Pricing Instructions Bill of Quantities Record of Addenda Proposed Amendments XXX 2 of 10 tender Proposed date for compulsory XXX 2 of 10 clarification meeting: T1.1 Tender notice & invitation to tender Tender period XXX days Proposed tender closing date: T1.1 XXX 2 of 10 16 weeks, expiry date: XXX 2,6 of Tender notice & invitation to tender Tender validity and expiry date: T1.2 Tender data 10 Preferred subcontractors / suppliers: In a project of R 5 Million and C3.3.2 Procurement above, the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM) will enforce that 30% of work be subcontracted to SMME’s registered in the Nelson Mandela Bay Supplier Database (NMBSD) to expedite the objectives of Integrated Development Plan (IDP). Refer to the SCM Manual for detail breakdown.” SCM was advised as follow: This clause does not follow any provision of the PPPFA. In terms of the CIDB Best Practice Guideline #A2 : Applying the Procurement Prescripts of the CIDB in the Public Sector, which must be taken into account in terms of paragraph 21(a)(iii) of the NMBM SCMP, Clause F2.28, as included in the draft document, could constitute unfair discrimination in terms of the Promotion of 7 of 10 Equality and Unfair Discrimination Act (Act 4 of 2000). This may give rise to objections, appeals and legal action by tenderers. FINANCIAL PROVISION Project ID XXX Account XXX Estimated start date XXX 2012 Estimated end date XXX 2012 Project Budget R XXX COMMENTS BY BUDGET AND TREASURY The Directorate has perused the item and is in agreement with budget availability for this contract. Signature Name: ................................................... Date: .......................................... ............................................................... APPROVAL OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The tender documentation for the above project is approved for submission to the NMBM Pre-Specification Committee. XXX EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: XXX DATE: