UBC Dietetics Major Student Worksheet for Assessing Courses Taken at Colleges or Other Universities Student Name: Dietetics Prerequisite Course Institution(s): Courses from colleges1 or other universities that may be equivalent Course you have that may be equivalent Course Still Required FIRST YEAR COURSES BIOL 112 (or MICB 201) (Biology of the cell) (3 credits) BIOL 121 (Genetics, evolution and ecology) (3 credits) BIOL 140 (Laboratory investigations in life science) (2 credits) CHEM 121 and 123 (or 111and 113) (Principles of Chemistry) (8 credits) ENGL 112 (Strategies for university writing) (3 credits) LFS 250* (Land, food and community 1) (6 credits) Social Science, e.g., PSYC 101/102, SOCI 100* (6 credits) Microbiology course (3 credits) First year general biology course for science students (3 credits) Biology lab course (or lab component of first year general biology course for science students) First year general chemistry course for science students (6 credits or more) First year English (3 credits) N/A (faculty-specific course) Courses that help students to understand normal human behavior, particularly in the North American context. e.g., introductory psychology, sociology or equivalent (6 credits) SECOND YEAR COURSES LFS 252 (or STAT 200 or BIOL 300 or EPSE 482 or FRST 231) (Quantitative data analysis) (3 credits) BIOL 200 (Fundamentals of cell biology) (3 credits) BIOL 201 (or BIOC 202) (Introduction to biochemistry) (3 credits) CHEM 205 and 233 (or 203 and 213) (Physical chemistry, organic chemistry) (6 credits) FNH 200* (Exploring our food) (3 credits) FNH 250* (Nutrition concepts and controversies) (3 credits) Second year statistics course with inference (3 credits) Second year cell biology (3 credits) Second year cell biology (introduction to biochemistry) (3 credits) Second year physical chemistry (3 credits) and second year organic chemistry (3 credits) N/A (faculty-specific course) Introductory nutrition course (3 credits) * Up to 9 credits of Social Science (6), LFS 250 (6) and FNH 200 (3) can be deferred until you are in the program, provided that you have at least 54 credits of coursework at the time of application. 1 British Columbia college students should use the online transfer guide. Select UBC as the receiving institution and search for the equivalents for the above courses.