TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne TM Modal Damping logbook Exporting with universal files (*.unv) 5/23/2008 Discovered that Hans Bantilan only exported displacement vectors for the modes in his analysis in support of Parametric Instabilities (PI). [Used vi to search on data set 2414 in the universal file.] 5/24/2008 One can choose to only export results (and not the FEM). This can reduce the model file considerably if one is exporting multiple modal result runs, where you need the FEM only exported once. However, filtering the output by use of groups does not work on data at/on elements and nodes (unfortunately). The I-Deas project "hbantila" has only a few model files named 7test through 14test. I tried to open them but do not have permission (within I-Deas) to open them directly. When I copied 14test.mf1 and 14test.mf2 into my directory (~coyne/AL/COC/T_modes/hans/), and try to open with I-Deas it says the file is locked by another. Renaming to test14 allows me to open, but I-Deas says it will be associated with the project "hbantila" not "coyne". The model file does not have flats. test7 has 11,216 nodes, 2560 elements and 10 modes around 28,340 hz test14 has 19,285 nodes and no results The modal results files in ~hbantila, i.e. acoustic-f1-f2-flats.unv, where f1 and f2 are frequency range values, have 21,797 nodes and from the name should have flats in the optic geometry. The model file "AL_ITM_modes" in the project "coyne" has flats and 21,797 nodes. It seems that Hans used my model as is. This model has 100 modes calculated and saved; 50 starting at 20 kHz and 50 starting at 40 kHz for use in comparing the modal density to the tesmass5.c analytical formulation. page 1 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne 5/24/2008 Using drawings available, and some Pro-E CAD models imported into SolidWorks, I determined the approximate dimensions and location of the ear bonds. The bonds are tear shaped (D060055-02) with a length of 22 mm and a width of 12.8 mm. The total surface area is 177.5 mm^2. I'll approximate with a 13 x 22 mm rectangular area. Using the Noise Prototype ear bonding jig specification (T070156-00) and the ear bonding jig drawing (D070391-01), as well as the silica test mass drawing (D040431-C), I was able to determine the nominal position of the two bond areas on each flat. page 2 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne The existing I-Deas FEM ("AL_ITM_modes") has a single 15 x 18 mm region segmented in the solid model underlying the mesh clearly intended to represent the bond area. 5/25/2008 Copied the existing geometry in model file "AL_ITM_modes", named "ETM-ITM 2", to "ETM-ITM 3" as a starting point to build the new geometry for the new FEM. Tried to edit the creation history to move the partitioning planes to new locaitons (per the sketch of 5/24) but couldn't figure out how to get this functionality to work. So I deleted the partitioning steps back to just a cylinder with flats and vertical and horizontal planes which cleave the solid. I then partitioned the solid per the sketch of 5/24 to create defined regions for the bonded ears. I set the wedge angle (was zero in Hans Bantilan's & Bill Kell's model) to 0.08 deg horizontal, with the minimum thickness equal (theoretically) to 200 mm. Thickness at one flat is 200.0095 mm and 200.4652 mm at the other flat. The ear bond areas page 3 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne are referenced from the face that is normal to the cylindrical axis (nominally the AR surface). The bevel has not been included in the model. The CP ESD mask (D080177-00) has an inner radius of 133 mm. I'll use this as an approximate inner radius of the influence of the ESD on the TM for partitioning. To permit determination of whether higher azimuthal levels of segmentation in the ESD pattern will improve the overlap, and controllability, of higher order acoustic modes, I partitioned into 8 sectors. 5/25/2008 I was/am concerned that Han's FEM may not be fine enough (converged) to calculate ~100 kHz modes with much accuracy. The highest mod that I calculated with this model was 42 kHz. It seems adequate (by eye) to capture these spatial gradients (parabolic elements). INSERT MODAL PLOTS HERE 5/25/2008 Fused Silica property data: The FEM used by Hans has the following properties: E = 70.0 GPa = 0.17 G = 29.9 GPa = 2201 kg/m^3 Strigin, Blair et. al. (P080057-00) use: E = 73.1 GPa = 0.17 = 2203 kg/m^3 One Heraeus source: Lists E = 70.0 GPa = 0.17 = 2201 kg/m^3 But it si a leaflet and not a tech data sheet for any one particular grade of glass. I can't seem to find any more definitive data for Heraeus FS. Corning HPFS data sheets have: E = 72.7 GPa = 0.16 = 2201 kg/m^3 Other web sources have elastic modulus values more similar to Corning's. For example, Schott Lithotec: 315/misc/fused_silica_us.pdf E = 72 GPa = 0.17 = 2.2 g/cm^3 page 4 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne A direct measurement of the elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio for Heraeus fused silica in this reference: Comte C., Von Stebut J. Microprobe-type measurement of Young's modulus and Poisson coefficient by means of depth sensing indentation and acoustic microscopy (2002) Surface and Coatings Technology, 154 (1), pp. 42-48. yields: E = 72.9 GPa = 0.17 So I will use the following property data in the FEM: E = 72.9 GPa = 0.17 = 2201 kg/m^3 5/25/2008 Meshing & FEA setup fem1: I thought (think) that a mapped mesh with symmetry would give more accurate mode splitting. So I spent close to an hour manually setting parameters for the 140 volumes created by the partitioning referred to above. However some of the volumes did not mesh -- the routine failed. In addition, it became clear to me that by segmenting azimuthally I created converging triangular surfaces (volumes) which tend to concentrate element size (or cause aspect ratio problems). While this concentration toward the center is appropriate for Gaussian loading (e.g. the Levin approach for thermal noise calculations) it is not well suited for higher order acoustic mode calculation. fem2: So, I resorted to a free mesh: 20 mm element length, free mesh 21,830 nodes 14,623 parabolic, tetrahedron elements Started run to calculate 1 mode > 10 Hz and store displacement, stress, strain and strain energy to get some measure of the time to calculate the mode, but more importantly a determination of whether the strain energy exported into the *.unv file is correct or not. If it is correct then I don't need to export stress or strain. The run took about 14 minutes wall clock time. The first mode frequency is 5946 Hz with a modal mass of 11.76 kg. (The total mess mass is 39.63 Kg). Compare to 5971 Hz for a right circular cylinder of the nominal dimensions calculated with: 0.728e12 /* Youngs modulus for SiO2 */ 0.17 /* Poisson ratio for SiO2 */ 2.196 /* density of SiO2 (gm/cc) */ 5/25/2008 Plots of the strain energy don't look correct by eye. Plots of stress and strain look reasonable. Defined element and node groups for all canonical surfaces (HR, AR, barrel, ear bond areas). Exported the results and model to AL_TM_model3_fem2_mode1.unv (32.7 MB) page 5 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne The file size is large because stress and strain is written at each node of each element -- there are a lot of repeated nodes. Displacement: 21,830 x 6 values = 131k Stress: 14,623 x 10 nodes x 6 values = 877k Strain like stress Strain energy 14,623 x 1 value? = 15k? I then deleted the result set (to clear strain energy and stress results for mode 1) and set to run and calculate 25 modes and store displacement and strain. I estimate that the resulting *.unv file will be ~500MB. 5/27/2008 Run ran without errors. From the *.lis file the run took 47 minutes wall clock time to calculate the first 25 modes (with displacement and strain saved). I exported just the results (not the FEM) to a *.unv file. The file is 353MB in size. So, using the modal density fit: upper freq Hz 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 # modes 58 165 346 614 981 1459 2057 2785 3651 FEA hrs 1.82 5.17 10.83 19.23 30.74 45.70 64.44 87.25 114.41 *.unv files TB 0.820 2.329 4.881 8.667 13.853 20.596 29.039 39.317 51.559 5/26/2008 Extended uffread.m to be able to read strain results from the *.unv file. Verified that stress is related to strain in accordance with the isotropic elastic tensor – still have some ambiguity with regard to the order of the stress and strain terms in the “symmetric global tensor” order output by I-Deas in the *.unv file. 5/27-28/2008 Investigating FEM convergence: Ran the fem2 model (21,830 nodes and 14,623 parabolic, tetrahedron elements) for the 1st 25 modes > 40 kHz. Frequencies do not match those calculated with the FEM Hans used (see plot below). The run took about 54 minutes wall clock time. fem3: Created a model with 49,593 nodes and 34,074 parabolic, tetrahedron elements). Started a recalculation of the 1st 25 modes > 40 kHz. The run took 9.5 hrs wall clock time. A comparison of the frequencies between the models is given in the table & figure below. The frequencies seem to match to ~0.5%. In addition to frequency convergence, should also check strain energy convergence, but first need page 6 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne to calculate strain energies from strain field (and verify the strain energy output from I-Deas). AL ITM Modal Frequency 450 400 y = 5E-10x2.5727 Cummulative number of Modes 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 Frequency (Hz) testmass5.c FEA,1st 25 FEA, 50 > 20 kHz FEA, 50 > 40 kHz FEA,1st 25 > 40kHz Power (testmass5.c) page 7 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne compare fem2 & fem3 41200 41000 frequency (Hz) 40800 40600 fem3 fem2 hans 40400 40200 40000 39800 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 mode number page 8 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne page 9 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne 5/28/2008 Wrote out the results only (no FEM) for fem3 (25 modes > 40 kHz) – created a 849MB *.unv file with displacement, strain and strain energy results. 5/28/2008 I used the first mode results, exported to a *.unv file, to calculate the strain energy density and strain energy. Here is the calculated strain energy (ergs) for each element on the AR face of the optic. Compare to the strain energy for calculated by I-Deas for the AR face, when corrected by division by the shear modulus (E/(2 (1+)): page 10 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne The results are basically identical. I don’t have any idea why the strain energy would be multiplied by the shear modulus. The non-smooth, non-monotonic nature of the strain energy (high apparent spatial frequency) is due to the fact that this is strain energy integrated over each element and the element sizes vary quite a bit. Compare to the calculated energy density: page 11 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne Also compare to the strain energy density calculated (by dividing by the element volumes as calculated from the nodal positions) from the element strain energy in the I-Deas *.unv file and corrected by division by the shear modulus: page 12 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne This is an encouraging development, since calculating the strain energy from the strain field is cumbersome with the *.unv output (since it is given at each of the 10 to 20 nodes per element, depending upon element formulation). However, the torsional strain component dominates in the strain energy for this first mode (as is apparent from the strain energy plots given below). This may be the reason that dividing by the shear modulus basically corrects the strain energy results in the *.unv file for *this* mode only, i.e. mode dominated by other stress terms may need to be divided by other terms in the global stiffness matrix for a three-dimensional, isotropic material: 1 1 C E 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2(1 ) 1 2 2(1 ) 1 2 2(1 ) Or, page 13 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook 2 C Dennis Coyne 2 2 Where the Lame constants are related to the Young’s modulus, E, and the shear modulus, G, as follows: E 2(1 ) E (1 )(1 2 ) G Looking at the difference between: (a) the strain energy density calculated output from I-Deas (in the *.unv file, corrected by division by G and multiplied by the element volumes as determined from the nodal positions), and (b) the strain energy density calculated from the stress and strain fields in the IDeas *.unv file (using just an average for the nodes of each element and not using an integral based on the element interpolation function) gives the following result: The differences are not small (~2/80) and are systematic, not random. The largest differences occur at the perimeter of the AR face where the non-torsional strains are page 14 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne more important; It seems I need to look at (an)other mode shape with non-torsional strain to see if the “correction” by dividing by G applies universally, or not. Just for completeness, here are plots of strain components: page 15 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne page 16 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne page 17 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne 5/29/2008 So I need to look at a few other modes. In preparation for this task, I merged Matt Evan’s uffread.m changes (to reduce memory requirements and increase speed) with my changes and tested it on the single first mode *.unv file (for the results given above). I read the first 25 modes from the file AL_ITM_1st25modes_disp_strain.unv (345 MB, model 3, fem2) using the revised uffread.m code with just displacement and strain output in the unv file. Saved the workspace to AL_ITM_1st25modes_disp_strain.mat (170 MB). Unfortunately there isn’t any I-Deas exported strain energy results to compare to calculated strain energy. In addition to save file space, I didn’t export the FEM data so there is no nodal or element or group data (which could be exported from another *.unv file … but what a bother.) frequency(1) = 5946.11 Hz, Modal Mass = 11.7614 Kg frequency(2) = 6062.25 Hz, Modal Mass = 11.1825 Kg frequency(3) = 8199.16 Hz, Modal Mass = 14.9996 Kg frequency(4) = 8260.23 Hz, Modal Mass = 36.3103 Kg frequency(5) = 8316.29 Hz, Modal Mass = 18.2511 Kg frequency(6) = 9107.35 Hz, Modal Mass = 10.1229 Kg frequency(7) = 9363.39 Hz, Modal Mass = 9.74137 Kg frequency(8) = 9383.4 Hz, Modal Mass = 8.36256 Kg frequency(9) = 9819.9 Hz, Modal Mass = 10.7852 Kg frequency(10) = 9873.88 Hz, Modal Mass = 14.3484 Kg frequency(11) = 10211.6 Hz, Modal Mass = 8.84046 Kg frequency(12) = 10445 Hz, Modal Mass = 8.55771 Kg frequency(13) = 10461.3 Hz, Modal Mass = 24.5955 Kg page 18 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook frequency(14) frequency(15) frequency(16) frequency(17) frequency(18) frequency(19) frequency(20) frequency(21) frequency(22) frequency(23) frequency(24) frequency(25) Dennis Coyne = = = = = = = = = = = = 12578.3 12602.2 12685.3 12696.7 12806.6 12919.7 13004.9 13022.4 13057.3 13197.9 13267.5 14179.5 Hz, Hz, Hz, Hz, Hz, Hz, Hz, Hz, Hz, Hz, Hz, Hz, Modal Modal Modal Modal Modal Modal Modal Modal Modal Modal Modal Modal Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass = = = = = = = = = = = = 6.23122 Kg 10.9904 Kg 13.066 Kg 5.77222 Kg 5.05712 Kg 5.58889 Kg 5.12666 Kg 3.91994 Kg 5.47909 Kg 15.4358 Kg 9.40098 Kg 6.0878 Kg Also I should compare the strain energy values in the *.unv file with the screen values from I-Deas – these are the values that I’ve quoted in the past. Which reminds me – there is a caution in my notes (LOOK IT UP!) that one must switch on/off a particular parameter when asking for strain energy on the screen or one gets incorrect values. Perhaps the *.unv file has this ‘flavor’ of incorrect strain energy values. 5/29-30/2008 Given the uncertainties in the I-Deas FEA strain energy and the very real possibility of the need to calculate the strain energies from strain data which is a computationally intensive job (especially is properly calculated using the element interpolation functions for accuracy), I decided to explore doing the calculation with Ansys. Found out (again) that we do not have the SolidWorks model importer/converter for Ansys (at least on the engineering workstation, 4 processor, 64 bit machine) – we really need to get this option. Must convert to a standard CAD file format first – step works (maybe best). Created a SolidWorks model of the ITM/ETM with flats and 0.08 deg wedge (no bevel). Defined reference geometry (planes and sketches) for use with the insert/feature/slices tool to partition the solid into multiple bodies. Imported the geometry into Ansys running on deneb (using remote desktop from home). The connection or the system was exceedingly slow. Had to terminate before saving. Will repeat when on the CIT LAN. 5/30/2008 Finally got Ansys workbench to work – sort of: page 19 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne Next step is to use an Ansys command to effectively join the bodies into a single part (forgot the command name). This should still retain the separate bodies but ensures continuity of the mesh at the mating surfaces. Had lots of problems running with Windows Remote Desktop. Had to reduce screen size to 640 x 480 to run reliably and with any speed. Incredibly small screen – not practical. 6/1/2008 Running Ansys on my desktop machine, I found I could import the geometry directly from SolidWorks. Ran the modal analysis for just the 1st mode. Took 5 min and 12 sec on my desktop machine (3.39 GHz single processor, 3.25 GB RAM). 45,182 nodes 20,710 elements 5943 Hz, modal mass ? Butterfly mode (curious – I thought I-Deas showed a torsional motion in addition to the butterfly bending motion) Have discovered to my severe disappointment that strain energy results are only available in a (static) structural analysis in Ansys WorkBench (and then only in ver. 11.0 released in Sep 2007). Looks like a dead end for Ansys, unless “Classic Ansys” (not the workbench) has the capability to calculate modal strain energy. Took quite a while to discover that the way one apparently takes a model from Ansys WorkBench to “classic” Ansys is to highlight the “solution” object in the ‘tree’, then select “tools, write ansys input file …”. When I ran the model imported into Ansys it page 20 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne popped up a message that 2 warnings were generated (but didn’t tell me what they were) and then popped up another 1 warning message. In both cases I elected to proceed with the analysis. Calculation of the 1st mode took ~5 minutes and had the same frequency as for Ansys WorkBench. The contour plots of displacement and Von Mises strain looked to be the same as for Ansys WorkBench. When I tried to plot strain energy density, a message popped up that indicated that the elastic strain energy density (SEND) was not available. I could plot the element strain energy (funny looking because of the variable element volumes). According to the manual SOLID186 and SOLID187 elements should have SEND available (or at least the manual did not preclude these results explicitly for a modal analysis). Should call technical support and ask I suppose. 6/2/2008 Finally got Comsol installed. (One doesn’t install/import the license file – one points to port 1718 of Comsol imports just two flavors of CAD (at least with the translators that we have) -*.stl and *.wrl (VRML). I exported both from the SolidWorks geometry which is partitioned with the regions that I wish to calculate strain energy from. Comsol failed to import the *.wrl file. Gave 2 warnings: VRML file contains 1216 triangles. Warning: There are 459 duplicated triangles. Warning: There are 31 singular triangles. And then a fatal error: can’t parameterize face. Comsol did import the *.stl file, but with one warning: STL file contains 1968 triangles. Number of points after snapping: 711 Warning: There are 53 duplicated triangles. Partitioned triangles into 265 faces. page 21 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne page 22 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne Note the peculiarities in the imported geometry. When I tried to mesh the 1 subdomain, I get an error: An empty cavity was generated Failed to insert point - x coordinate: 186.371 - y coordinate: 151.071 - z coordinate: 78.5 Sigh … guess I’ll try generating the geometry within Comsol. Created a solid model using 3D primatives and Boolean composite creation, including flats and wedge angle: page 23 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne Does not yet have interior boundaries (or surface boundaries) to represent the surface patches where I’d like to get strain energy and modal displacements (i.e. ear bond areas and ESD pattern areas), but it’s a start. Used the free mesh option with “fine” which generated the following mesh with 15,067 elements: Tried to calculate the first mode on my laptop (while running other tasks: email, MS word, browser, adobe acrobat) and after 12 min Comsol stopped – out of memory. page 24 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne However I was monitoring the memory use and it did not seem to have hit the machine max. Saved this mesh as mesh 0 and re-meshed (mesh 1) with “normal” instead of “fine”. Generated 7,766 elements. Ran in about 3 minutes. Calculated first frequency as 5944 Hz. Mode shape (displacement): Strain energy density!! … but why is the amplitude so high (3E+13)? Makes me wonder if I-Deas is correct and I’m wrong about dividing by G – CHECK AGAIN! page 25 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne Subdomain integration of the strain energy density: Value of integral: 7.667782e10 [J], Expression: Ws_smsld, Subdomain: all Now I need to export the data. In order to directly export to Matlab, one launches Matlab from within Comsol (file, client/server/Matlab, connect to Matlab …) and then exports (file, export, FEM structure …). >> fem fem = version: appl: geom: mesh: frame: shape: gporder: cporder: border: units: equ: bnd: edg: pnt: var: elemmph: draw: lib: ode: xmesh: sol: [1x1 struct] {[1x1 struct]} [1x1 solid3] [1x1 struct] {'ref'} [1x1 struct] [1x1 struct] [1x1 struct] 1 [1x1 struct] [1x1 struct] [1x1 struct] [1x1 struct] [1x1 struct] {1x8 cell} {[1x1 struct] [1x1 struct]} [1x1 struct] [1x1 struct] [1x1 struct] [1x1 com.femlab.xmesh.Xmesh] [1x1 femsol] >> fem.sol page 26 of 27 TM Modal Damping logbook Dennis Coyne ans = u: [34767x1 double] lambda: 0 -3.7346e+004i eigname: 'lambda' >> abs(fem.sol.lambda)/2/pi ans = 5.9438e+003 >> fem.sol.u ??? Undefined function or method 'flgetarray' for input arguments of type 'int32'. Error in ==> flexchprop>l_flgetmatrix at 53 vao = flgetarray(exch.getDim,exch.getAdr,exch.isReal); Error in ==> flexchprop at 21 [varargout{1:nout}] = l_flgetmatrix(outprop, outstr); Error in ==> femsol.subsref at 30 out(:,i)=flexchprop('flgetmatrix',prop,STR); >> As far as I can tell this should work! Sigh … I used the “file, export, postprocessing data …” capability to write out a text file with strain energy density results with the “coordinates, data” option at node points. The file has 77,660 lines of {x,y,z,sed}, i.e. 7,766 tetrahedral elements x 10 nodes per element. File size is 7.7 MB. Note that while exiting Comsol, it asked if I’d like to save the model. I indicated yes, it indicated a fatal error. Sigh … page 27 of 27