Appendix J Technical and Engineering Meter Specifications (E&G) Gas Direct Mount Meter Module 1. SCOPE This specification is for a gas meter direct mounted automated reading device (AMRD) to be used in part with the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) to allow for remote meter reading via radio frequency (RF) interrogation. 2. ORDERING OPTIONS (To be specified on the Purchase Order) 2.1. 3. 4. AMRD specified per gas meter manufacturer, make, and model. REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS & STANDARDS (Latest published revision) 3.1. ANSI B109.1, Diaphragm Type Gas Displacement Meters (Under 500 Cubic Feet Per Hour Capacity). 1992. 3.2. ANSI B109.2, Diaphragm Type Gas Displacement Meters (500 Cubic Feet Per Hour Capacity and Over). 1992. 3.3. ANSI B109.3, Rotary Type Gas Displacement Meters. 1992. 3.4. ANSI C12.1-2001, American National Standard for Electric Meters. 3.5. Federal Register Volume 35, No 161, Part II, August 19, 1970 (DOT) Hazardous Materials Regulations Board and subsequent additions and revisions. 3.6. MIL-STD-461E, Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics of Subsystems and Equipment. 3.7. MIL-STD-810F, Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1. GENERAL 4.1.1. DESCRIPTION The AMRD shall be a battery powered device that is directly mounted on diaphragm or rotary gas meters, with or without the use of an adapter plate or adapter kit, to allow for RF-based automated meter reading from AMI, drive-by, and or handheld metering reading devices, as deployed by Company. The AMRD shall accurately reproduce and transmit the gas meter read, indicate tamper or security alarms, and AMRD identification. The unit shall be intrinsically safe (Class 1, Div. 2, Group D), shall incorporate the use of the gas meter’s Confidential material protected pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 583, General Order 66-C, and applicable Non Disclosure Agreements 1 Appendix J Technical and Engineering Meter Specifications (E&G) original meter reading index, shall not hinder the measurement functionality or operation of the meter, and shall not hinder the ability to perform routine maintenance on the gas meter in any way. 4.1.2. SERVICE LIFE The AMRD shall have a design life of 20 years. 4.1.3. BATTERY LIFE The AMRD shall utilize a battery that has a minimum in-service useful life of 15 years. 4.1.4. METER COMPATIBILITY The AMRD shall be compatible with various makes and vintages of diaphragm and rotary meters as manufactured by American Meter, Rockwell/Equimenter/Invensys/Sensus, Sprague/Schlumberger/Actaris, and Dresser/Roots. 4.1.5. MOUNTING The AMRD shall be a unitary device that directly mounts on the gas meter between the meter body and the mechanical meter index. The AMRD shall physically couple the gas meter drive and mechanical index, and may utilize an adapter plate or adapter kit. The AMRD shall have no tethered or non-unitary attachments. In curb vault applications, if RF-performance is hindered, an external antenna configuration will be acceptable. The AMRD shall be affixed to the meter so as not to hinder, cover, or obscure the existing manual reading of the mechanical index hands or test hands. The ARMD shall also not adversely impact Company shipping and transportation practices, or hinder the ability to perform routine maintenance and operation of the gas meter. Installation of the AMRD will be such that it can be performed in the field without the use of special or exotic tools. 4.1.6. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ANSI SPECIFICATIONS All AMRD’s shall comply with applicable sections of ANSI B109.1, ANSI B109.2, and ANSI B109.3, latest edition, except where detailed herein. Confidential material protected pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 583, General Order 66-C, and applicable Non Disclosure Agreements 2 Appendix J Technical and Engineering Meter Specifications (E&G) OTHER SPECIFICATIONS All AMRD’s shall comply with applicable portions of Fed. Register, Vol. 35, No. 161, Part II, 8-19-70, DOT Hazardous Materials Bd. and updates. All AMRD’s shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local codes and ordinances in form and in function. 4.1.7. MANUFACTURER DOCUMENTATION The manufacturer shall furnish technical manuals and operating instructions for each gas meter specific model type of AMRD shipped. The documents shall be simple, clear, complete and well illustrated. Manuals shall be made available in English. 4.1.8. MAINTENANCE The AMRD shall require no maintenance once installed. 4.1.9. WARRANTY The manufacturer shall warranty the AMRD in full, including the battery, for its specified service life. The warranty will cover all manufacturing defects and failures encountered under normal operating conditions during this period. The manufacturer shall be responsible for all related material and labor costs, including associated shipping costs, for all warranty related work. 4.2. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS The AMRD shall perform effectively and accurately under all of the environmental conditions listed below. 4.2.1. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE The operating temperature requirements are MIL-STD-810F, Methods 501.4 and 502.4, Procedures II, -22°F to +132°F (-30°C to +50°C). 4.2.2. ALTITUDE The AMRD shall perform at various altitudes ranging from 200 feet below sea level to 7000 feet above sea level. The AMRD shall operate at these elevations and corresponding atmospheric pressure ranging from 12 PSIA to 15 PSIA (82.7 kPa to 103.4 kPa). 4.2.3. AMBIENT HUMIDITY The AMRD shall not be affected by relative humidity ranging from 5% to 95%. The AMRD shall comply with MIL-STD-810F, Method 507.4. Confidential material protected pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 583, General Order 66-C, and applicable Non Disclosure Agreements 3 Appendix J Technical and Engineering Meter Specifications (E&G) 4.2.4. RAIN For performing in rainy weather, the AMRD shall pass the tests detailed in MILSTD-810F, Method 506.4, Procedure III. 4.2.5. ICING/FREEZING RAIN The AMRD shall not be affected by icing or freezing rain conditions. The AMRD shall pass the tests detailed in MIL-STD-810F, Method 521.2. 4.2.6. SOLAR RADIATION The AMRD shall be installed in full desert sunlight with no protection from the sun. The appearance and operation of the AMRD shall not be altered nor shall the function be affected for the service life of the meter. The AMRD shall comply with MIL-STD-810F, Method 505.4, Procedure II. 4.2.7. THERMAL SHOCK The AMRD shall pass the tests detailed in MIL-STD-810F, Method 503.4, -22°F to +132°F (-30°C to +50°C). 4.2.8. TRANSIT SHOCK The AMRD shall pass the tests described in MIL-STD-810F, Method 516.5, Procedure IV. 4.2.9. RANDOM VIBRATION The AMRD shall pass the tests described in MIL-STD-810E, Method 514.5, Procedure III, Category 3, Loose Cargo Transport. 4.2.10. LOCAL ELECTROMAGNETIC CONDITIONS The AMRD shall encounter and be subjected to varying ground currents and magnetic fields. See Section 4.6 for detailed electromagnetic requirements. 4.2.11. WIND, DUST AND DIRT The AMRD may be exposed to and shall not be affected by dust and dirt driven by winds up to 40 MPH (44.7 m/s). The AMRD shall pass MIL-STD-810F, Method 510.4, Procedure II. 4.2.12. IMMERSION The AMRD may be exposed to immersion in meter vault applications to depths greater than 1 foot. The AMRD shall not be affected by these conditions and shall pass MIL-STD-810F, Method 512.4, Procedure I. Confidential material protected pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 583, General Order 66-C, and applicable Non Disclosure Agreements 4 Appendix J Technical and Engineering Meter Specifications (E&G) 4.3. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION HOUSING MATERIALS The AMRD housing shall be constructed of materials that will not corrode or otherwise react with the pipeline quality gas or odorant distributed by Company. See Appendix A of this document for gas quality specifications. INDEX COVER The index cover shall be Lexan* or similar, impact resistant plastic which is also resistant to atmospheric exposure and solar (UV) radiation. The Lexan cover shall be constructed so that it does not obstruct a view of the meter dials from the top or sides. For curb vault applications, the index cover seal shall withstand an externally applied pressure of water, equivalent to 5 psig, without water entering the index chamber. Condensate under the curb meter window is prohibited. * Trademark of the General Electric Company PLASTIC MATERIALS (GENERAL) Plastic materials that may be exposed to sunlight shall contain sufficient ultraviolet inhibitor to ensure a service life that is equal to the expected life of the gas meter. See Section 4.1.2, Service Life. MOUNTING HARDWARE The accompanying mounting hardware, bolts, screws, etc., shall be manufactured of stainless steel or have a sufficient coating that would prevent corrosion and oxidation. 4.4. MECHANICAL METER COUPLING The AMRD shall physically couple between the meter drive gear and mechanical index. TORQUE TRANSFER The transfer of the gas meter output torque to the input of the AMRD shall not be affected by vibration, electric, electronic, or magnetic interference. REQUIRED TORQUE LIMITATION The AMRD shall require no more that 0.4 in.-oz. of starting or running torque through any phase of its integrating cycle. Confidential material protected pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 583, General Order 66-C, and applicable Non Disclosure Agreements 5 Appendix J Technical and Engineering Meter Specifications (E&G) ROTATION The AMRD shall meet all operational requirements detailed in this specification with either clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW) rotation. METER MECHANICAL INDEX The AMRD shall allow for the retention of the original meter mechanical index 4.5. ELECTRICAL BATTERY The AMRD shall be powered by a lithium-ion or equivalent based battery and shall have a minimum in-service life of 15 years. ANTENNA The AMRD shall utilize an internal antenna. 4.6. ELECTROMAGNETIC CONDITIONS RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE (RFI) The AMRD shall be capable of passing the radio frequency interference tests detailed in ANSI C12.1-2001, Test No. 26, Section ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE (EMI) The AMRD shall be suitable for use in, and unaffected by, EMI at field strengths of 100 milligauss. See MIL-STD-461E. 4.7. COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS The AMRD shall provide RF based communication with the AMI and related peripherals such as: a handheld reader/programmer, mobile unit, electric meters, etc. RADIO FREQUENCY The AMRD shall communicate to the AMI and its related peripherals via radio frequency. The AMRD shall transmit and operate in compliance with all related FCC rules and regulations. DUTY CYCLE Confidential material protected pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 583, General Order 66-C, and applicable Non Disclosure Agreements 6 Appendix J Technical and Engineering Meter Specifications (E&G) The AMRD shall have the ability to be read once per day and to allow on-demand off-cycle reading as needed and on-site interrogation for troubleshooting. REPORTABLE DATA At a minimum in each interrogation, the AMRD shall communicate the following data to the AMI: a. AMRD ID b. Meter ID c. Meter Index Read d. Alarms e. Error Codes 4.8. PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENTS At a minimum, the AMRD shall allow for the following parameters to be programmed by a suitable handheld device/programmer and remotely by the AMI. An on-site indication of successful communication with the AMI and its related peripherals (handheld device, electric meter, etc.) shall be provided. 4.9. a. Initial Meter Index Read b. Meter Drive (example: 2 CF, 5 CF, 10 CF, etc.) c. Meter ID d. Number of Meter Reading Dials e. Transmission Rate f. Meter Latitude and Longitude SECURITY AND TAMPER PROTECTION The AMRD shall provide the following security and tamper protection provisions. SECURITY DEVICES Confidential material protected pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 583, General Order 66-C, and applicable Non Disclosure Agreements 7 Appendix J Technical and Engineering Meter Specifications (E&G) Two detection/sealing caps are to be installed on the meter’s index cover. Tamper detection devices are to be red in color and shall not fade or deteriorate during the service life of the meter. TILT ALARMS The AMRD shall provide a non-mercury based tilt alarm feature, adequate to indicate an attempt at removing the device and or an attempt to change the orientation of the gas meter. If a tilt alarm has been registered, the alarm shall be communicated to the AMI. MAGNETIC ALARM The AMRD shall provide an alarm to indicate when an attempt to disrupt the device by a magnet has occurred. If a magnetic alarm has been registered, the alarm shall be communicated to the AMI. 4.10. POWER SUPPLY The AMRD shall be powered by a battery that will provide continuous service for a period of at least 15 years. See Sections 4.1.3 and 4.5.1. 4.11. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ALLOWABLE ACCURACY TOLERANCE The AMRD shall reproduce the meter mechanical index read to within ±1 CCF (100 cubic feet). See ANSI B109.1 and ANSI B109.2. REPORTABLE RESOLUTION TOLERANCE The AMRD shall report the meter index read to within one meter drive revolution (i.e. 2 CF, 5 CF, 10 CF, etc.). See Section 4.9. RADIO Once installed and initial communication with AMI has been confirmed, the AMRD shall provide successful communication under the environmental and operating conditions, including vault installations, detailed above throughout the life of the device, except when physical changes to the surroundings of the AMRD, such as clutter or enclosing, etc. which may impair RF performance. 4.11. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND ASSEMBLY The instrument will be free of defects in either materials or workmanship that may affect performance and/or reliability, and will conform to the purchase order description and all requirements contained herein. Confidential material protected pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 583, General Order 66-C, and applicable Non Disclosure Agreements 8 Appendix J Technical and Engineering Meter Specifications (E&G) 5. SHIPPING & STORAGE REQUIREMENTS 5.1. SHIPMENT INVOICE A listing showing model description, meter compatibility, quality control date and manufacturer’s serial numbers shall be provided by the supplier with each shipment. 5.2. PACKAGING The AMRD shall be packaged in an appropriate manner for the anticipated shipping environment. 5.3. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL The manufacturer shall comply with Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Chapter I, Research and Special Programs Administration, Department of Transportation, Subchapter C – Hazardous Materials Regulations, Parts 171-180, to identify any part made of potentially hazardous material that may require special packaging, handling or disposal when that part is shipped or replaced. The manufacturer shall include a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each hazardous part. 6. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS 6.1. Company will provide specific shipping instructions with each purchase order. 6.2. STORAGE TEMPERATURES The storage temperature requirements are MIL-STD-810F, Methods 501.3 and 502.3, Procedures I, -40°F to +168°F (-40°C to +70°C). 7. IN-PLANT QUALITY CONTROL PRE-SHIPMENT OPERATION Manufacturer shall assemble and check operation of each AMRD at its plant prior to shipment. NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO TESTING The manufacturer will give the Company representative at least five working days advance notice of scheduled shop test and final inspection prior to shipment. INSPECTION AUTHORITIES All materials and work are subject to inspection by Company, or its agent, in addition to state, local, or insurance inspections required for code stamping. Waiver of any inspection requirements must be obtained in writing from Company. Confidential material protected pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 583, General Order 66-C, and applicable Non Disclosure Agreements 9 Appendix J Technical and Engineering Meter Specifications (E&G) PRIOR TO FABRICATION Prior to the start of fabrication, the manufacturer shall establish purchaser hold points and inspection notification points. Company representatives shall set these points at the prefabrication meeting. ACCEPTANCE OF TESTS Acceptance of manufacturer’s shop tests will not constitute a waiver of the requirement to meet the specified operating conditions, nor does inspection relieve the manufacturer of its responsibilities. SHOP PERFORMANCE TESTS A shop performance test shall be performed to verify compliance with Section 5, of this document. COMPONENT RUN-IN Key components shall have received a complete run-in test prior to shipment. Run-in tests procedures shall be submitted to and approved by Company prior to testing. Items to be tested may include mechanical components, instrumentation, alarms, shutdowns and electrical components of the completed units. The test will prove the successful operation of the device. INSPECTION RECORD A record of outgoing quality tests and configurations for each AMRD shall be included in each shipment from the manufacturer. MANUFACTURER’S FACILITIES The Manufacturer will provide all facilities necessary to perform the shop tests. The manufacturer will be responsible for protection of the equipment to prevent damage during all testing. 8. PRODUCT CERTIFICATION HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS The AMRD shall be rated for Class I, Group D, and Division 2 (NEC Article 500, NFPA) installations and rated safe for this application by Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Factory Mutual (FM) or equivelant nationally recognized test laboratory. The reference standards are: a. ISA-S12.12-1994 – Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I and II, Division 2 and Class III, Divisions 1 and 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations, by Instrument Society of America. Confidential material protected pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 583, General Order 66-C, and applicable Non Disclosure Agreements 10 Appendix J Technical and Engineering Meter Specifications (E&G) b. 9. FM Class Number 3611 – Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I, Division 2, Class II, Division 2 and Class III, Division 1 and 2 Hazardous Locations. PRODUCT COMPLIANCE RADIO FREQUENCY DEVICES The AMRD shall be in compliance with Code of Federal Regulations Title 47, Chapter 1, Federal Communications Commission, Part 15 – Radio Frequency Devices, Subparts B&C. 10. ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION The Company may make any inspections that are necessary to determine conformance with this specification. When the sample inspected or the performance tests indicate that items do not meet this specification, the Company will then, at its option, reject either the defective items or the entire lot. If a field-installed item fails to meet this specification, the unused portion of the lot is subject to further acceptance testing and possible rejection. 11. PRODUCT CHANGES All changes in product including material components, formulation, mold and manufacturing process must be communicated to the Company’s purchasing agent in writing. No changes shall be made without Seller’s prior submittal of written notification of changes to the approved product stating: 1) The current material, design, process or markings, 2) The proposed change, 3) The reason for the change, 4) The date the Seller is requesting to implement the change. The Company will determine if the proposed changes are acceptable or if the product will be removed from the Company’s approval list. Confidential material protected pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 583, General Order 66-C, and applicable Non Disclosure Agreements 11 Appendix J Technical and Engineering Meter Specifications (E&G) APPENDIX A COMPONENT Oxygen, % Carbon Dioxide, % Total inerts (COx + O2 to N2 etc), % Hydrogen Sulfide, gr. H2S/100 SCF (b) Mercaptan Sulfur, gr. S/100 SCF Organic Sulfur, gr. S/100 SCF (c) Total Sulfur, gr. TS/100 SCF (d) - LIMIT 0.2 3.0 4.0 0.25 0.3 0.5 0.75 WATER VAPOR For delivery pressures 1000 PSIG For delivery pressures > 400 PSIG - 7lbs/MMCF 32°F dewpoint at delivery pressure HYDROCARBONS For delivery pressures 400 PSIG For delivery pressures > 400 PSIG Dust, Gum, and solid matter Hazardous Substances (e) - Heating value range, Btu per SCF (gross) (f) Deliver Temperature, °F (g) - Ammonia (h) Carbon Monoxide, % max, (i) Interchangeability - 45°F dewpoint delivery pressure 45°F dewpoint at 400 PSIG Commercially free Concentrations must not be injurious to pipeline facilities or be a limit to marketability 1000 minimum, dry basis 50°F - 100°F (108°F allowed on hot days) None 0.03 Meets AGA specifications with respect to a typical composition of gas in the receiving facility as follows: Wobbe Number (W r = receiving and W p = producer facility) 0.9 W r W p 1.1 W r Lifting Index (IL) IL 1.06 Flashback Index (IF) IF 1.2 Yellowtip Index (IY) IY 0.8 APPENDIX A Confidential material protected pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 583, General Order 66-C, and applicable Non Disclosure Agreements 12 Appendix J Technical and Engineering Meter Specifications (E&G) (a) If gas does not meet Preferred Specifications, it must be submitted for special review on a case-by-case basis. (b) Maximum H2S contest set by California statute GO No. 58A & B. (c) Mercaptans plus mono and polysulfides (odorous sulfur compounds) not including COS, CS2, and thiephenes. (d) Total sulfur is the sum of all sulfur compounds, including COS, CS2, thiophenes, etc. that would be measured by hydrogenation but may not be measured by the Electrolytic Titrator. (e) Includes toxic and/or carcinogenic substances and substance injurious to pipeline facilities. (f) The maximum heating value will vary from gas to gas, depending on gas composition, and is set by meeting all interchangeability criteria as listed below. (g) Lower delivery temperature set by steel transition temperature, upper temperature by pipe coating (108°F for asphalt, 119°F for coal tar). (h) Lower limit of ammonia to cause stress cracking in brass is not known. (i) Based on maximum permissible concentration to not cause stress corrosion cracking in steel at 3600 PSIG. Confidential material protected pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 583, General Order 66-C, and applicable Non Disclosure Agreements 13 Appendix J Technical and Engineering Meter Specifications (E&G) The information required for this page is electronically transferred from the document’s Request to Publish form by the publishing team. Confidential material protected pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 583, General Order 66-C, and applicable Non Disclosure Agreements 14