> Chapter Seven Picking Policy Makers 115 Government Wasteful Spending Trilateral Commission Agenda Carried Out 117 Three Front Groups Compared t18 The Council on Foreign Relations 118 The Bilderberger Group 118 The Trilateral Commission 119 Other Big Names 119 Trilateralists Say: "Too Much Democracy" 120 The Truth about Taxes and the Deficit J. Peter Grace letter Trilateral Commission conspiracy Trilateral Commission World Shadow Government Trilateral Agenda carried out The Council on Foreign Relations List of all members of the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations during Bush Administration Trilateralist Candidates In Stable Before Either Party Convention 120 The Clinton Clique The Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and the New World Order under the Bush Administration Chapter Seven Government Wasteful Spending 104 122 List of all Member of the Trilateral Commission under Bush 122 Congress #1 Goal Reelection-What Congress Gives Themselves 105 Treasury Department And White House Staff 123 Congress Gives You 106 Military Departments 123 Wasteful Spending The Top Pork Barrel List 108 Department of State 124 The Truth About Taxes, Spending And Deficits 111 Ambassadors 124 US House of Representatives and Senate 125 Survival to a Congressman Means One Thing: Getting Back to DC 112 The J. Peter Grace Letter 113 Trilateral Commission Not a Conspiracy Theory but a Fact 114 Trilateral Commission World Shadow Government 114 Ruling Classes Unite 115 Department of Transportation and Federal Judicial Center 126 Office of Technology Assessment and EPA 126 Banks 127 Securities Exchange Commission and US Joints Chiefs of Staff 127 Secretary of Defense and Additional Military 128 The News Media 129 Business And Industrial Leaders 132 Sources 134 The Clinton Clique of his Cabinet, His Advisors and all his Major Players of his Administration that Belong to the TLC 135 13. You get hair cuts partially paid for by taxpayers. 14. You have a gift shop where the items are partially paid for by taxpayers. 15. Free, up-close parking at Washington area airports. 16. An average of 24 aids to take care of your needs. 17. Private marble elevators to take you to your office so you can avoid the public. 18. Marbled fireplaces in your office. 19. Up to $2 million pension. Government Wasteful Spending 20. Commercial airplane will wait until you are ready to leave. By Larry Abraham 21. You can fly free on military planes anytime you want. WOULD YOU HAVE TAKEN A JOB IF YOU COULD HAVE HAD ALL THESE BENEFITS RIGHT FROM THE START? 22. An IRS office in your office building to give you free help in filling out your tax return. 1. If you stay out of jail this can be a lifetime job. 23. Free, fresh flowers every day for your office. 2. Your salary will be $129,000.00 and up. 24. Free, picture framing. 3. You get an automatic cost of living increase each year (this year your increase was $4,900). 4. You get to make all the free phone calls you want. 5. You get to send out $500,000 in free unsolicited mail every year to help keep your job. 6. You get free trips to luxury hotels for you and your spouse anywhere in the world a number of times each year including $150.00 a day spending money. 7. You get free trips back and forth to your home state each year. 8. You get paid for driving to work each day. 9. You get free covered parking and your car washed every day for free if you want it. 10. You can drive as fast as you want and not get a speeding ticket. 11. You have 4,500 policemen protect you and keep the public away from you. 12. You get daily meals partially paid for by taxpayers. 25. Ability to write checks even if you don't have money in the bank. Well, You're Too Late, the Job has Already Been Taken by your Congressman! CONGRESS NO. 1 GOAL THEIR RE-ELECTION OR WHAT CONGRESS GIVES THEMSELVES CONGRESSIONAL PAY Although Members of the U.S. House of Representatives are already paid a salary that puts them in the top 1 % of all wage earners, they recently voted themselves a 27% raise. That means from 1982 to 1991--a period of just 9 years--House members doubled their salaries from $5,000 to over $10,000 a month. Year Salary % increase 1982 $60,662 9. A massage parlor in the basement of the Capitol. 1983 69,800 15% 1984 72,600 4% 1985 75,100 3% 1987 77,400 3% 1988 89,500 16% 1990 96,600 8% 1991 124,424 29% In 1982, Congress gave themselves another $5,000 pay raise. 1. 191 Congressmen elected before 1980 can keep over 40 million dollars in campaign contributions for their persona use if they leave Congress before 1993. 2. A 97% re-election rate for the last three elections. 3. $400,000 of free mailing for their re-election. 10. Three private health clubs located in the Capital Building and they are building a fourth which will have a tennis court. 11. An average of more than $4,000,000 to run each Senator's and Congressman's offices. 12. Many Senators have private, unmarked, secret offices, where they may entertain their friends, serve alcohol and food. 13. Congress passes thousands of laws for the public to obey or else pay fines and/or go to jail. But Congress has said they don't have to obey many of the laws they inflict on us--including the following: a. Social Security Act of 1935 b. National Labor Relations Act of 1935. c. Fair Labor Standard Act of 1938. d. Civil Rights Act of 1964. 4. Free vacations, subsidized barber shops, beauty salons, restaurants, free flowers, free convenient parking spaces airports. e. Freedom of Information Act of 1967. 5. In 1990, salary increases while they were raising most Americans' taxes. g. Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972. 6. Senators can take up to $25,000 in speaking fees from groups that helped them get re-elected. 7. Free family use of lavish health spas, gyms, swimming pools, golf and tennis facilities in government owned installations around the world. 8. Congressmen and Senators accept money and free vacations from individual organizations, business, unions, industry groups, special interest PACs and then later vote to give those same people and groups billions of dollars, tax cuts or special considerations. f. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. h. Privacy Act of 1974. i. Rehabilitation Act of 1973. j. Ethics in Government Act of 1978. The Recent Washington Bank Scandal No need for me to rehash the recent Washington Bank Scandal. The whole world knows about it. Are our politicians really that incompetent that they can't even balance a simple checkbook or are they just dishonest? If an American citizen bounced a check from his local bank it would cost him at least $25.00 for every check that he bounced. Is it any wonder why our nations budget has not been balanced in the past twenty years? Another reason that we need a term limitation law. Not only are our Federal officials dishonest, there was a news report recently on TV about the politicians in South Carolina. More than ten percent sold a vote to help one of his buddies pass legislation that was not in the best interest of his constituents, but in the best interest of special interest groups. Some were paid as little as $100. Does being elected to a government office give them the right to exempt them from the law? The founding fathers of this great nation did not intend that our so-called political servants should make a lifetime career of their time in Washington D.C. That is why we need a term limitation law. I believe that there are a few good, dedicated officials in Washington and they should be permitted to seek re-election after spending one term out of office. Let the voters decide whether or not they should be returned to Washington. Congress Gives You 1. More than nine (9) tax increases in the last ten-years--on an average, at least once a year, they've raised your taxes. 2. An I.O.U of $63 billion for the money they stole from your Social Security Trust Fund last year. 3. A budget deficit this year alone of $1,279.96 for each and every American. 4. Congress will recklessly spend $318 billion more than it has in the treasury in 1992. 5. A debt from the Savings and Loan Scandal which has already cost you and your fellow taxpayers $150 billion. The total cost is expected to hit $500 billion once all the smoke from this S&L mess has cleared! That's more than $2000 of needless debt for you and every single American. 6. An education system that doesn't educate our children. 7. A system of laws that favors the criminal and doesn't protect the innocent. 8. A total National Debt of over $5 trillion and that's a debt of about $18,000 for every man, woman, and child in the United States of America, the greatest debtor nation on earth. 9. During the last twelve years, the U.S. Congress has more than quadrupled our country's national debt: YEAR AMOUNT OF NATIONAL DEBT 1981 $994,300,000,000 (billions) 1993 $5,000,000,000,000 (trillions) No One Really Knows!! because the Federal Governments accounting system is so obsolete and disorganized. It is a constant fight to stop the waste of federal funds. The ingenuity which the federal government shows in finding new ways to spend hard-earned american tax dollars is absolutely amazing. Here are some new examples of questionable expenditures of our tax dollars. $43,000 for a study of the taste preferences of sheep $31,000 for a study of the hearing ability of parakeets. $88,000 for a study of homosexual couples. $90,000 for a study of facial expressions. $68,000 for a study of differences between men and women. $84,000 for a study of lawyers and their social activities. $200,000 in CETA funds to pay inmates of a northern Virginia penitentiary in an "employment training program." Some of the inmates were serving life terms, including one who was paid $10,540 to work as a supply unit warehouseman and another who received $9,838 to work as a cook. $29 million a year renting homes for low-level diplomats. Some of the homes are only a little smaller than the White House and millions could be saved by purchasing properties. Research Facility, $120,000 for animal waste disposal, $750,000 on Appalachian hardwood research, $200,000 on broom snakeweed research, $1.4 million on potato research. $25,000 to see how people react to a picture of an octopus in a barnyard. $275 million a year for honey, wool and mohair subsidies. Under this program $100 million a year is given to 2,000 beekeepers. $225,000 to forecast transportation needs in the year 2025. The report found that if there was another ice Age, more people would move to the South. $384,948 so 101 persons in Ventura County, California, could be paid to count every dog, cat and horse in the 160,000 homes and apartments in the county. $250,000 for the scandal-ridden General Services Administration (GSA) to put an elevator to the second floor of a Federal building with only four offices--a building worth only $150,000 on the commercial market. (Yes, this one is in Idaho Falls, Idaho). Is it any wonder that taxpayers are fed up with waste in government? $600,000 government grant to the Gay Men's Health Crisis Center. Part of this money was spent to produce a comic book with explicit drawings of the most perverted homosexual acts. $170 million a year for the National Endowment for the Arts. This federal agency gave $15,000 for a photograph of Jesus Christ in a jar or urine, $30,000 for photographs of homosexual acts, $30,000 for live sex acts by triple x-porn star Annie Spinkle, and tens of thousands of dollars for so-called "artistic" material too disgusting to describe. $271 million a year for highway "demolition projects". This is yet another pork-barrel fund which Congress dips into to pay-off campaigning contributors and buy votes. $700 million for the Agriculture Research Service. This program spent $275,000 for apple research, $500,000 on bee research, $450,000 on peanut research, $1.8 million for the National Pork $107,000 to study the mating habits of Japanese quail. $220 million a year for Congress's special privileges, like their chauffeured limousines, free health spa and massage parlor, free travel, free medical care, cut-rate hair cuts, free vacations, and much more. $180 billion in waste and fraud reported by the government accounting office. $3.8 million to fund the "Poultry Center of Excellence." $811,000 to pay for the Center for "Agricultural Pest" control. $16.8 million to operate the National Agricultural Library. $33.4 million on Screwworm inspection. $6 billion for net realized losses and interest subsidies of the Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund. $19.6 million for the United States Travel and Tourism Administration. $2.7 million for a fish farm in Stuttgart, Arkansas. $1 million to fund a Seafood Consumer Center. $3 million for Zebra Mussel research. $4.6 million for research and training by U.S. State Department in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. $15 million to fund the Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution (this occurred in 1987; why does the Commission require this much money after four years?) More Wasteful Spending The Top 50 Pork Barrel List 1. Foreign aid to Jordan: $83 million in 1990. Jordan supported our enemy Iraq during the Persian Gulf War. 2. $15 million for the "U.N. Population Fund." 18. $125,000 to study "Phytophthora Root Rot." 19. $3.4 million to study "shrimp aquaculture." 3. $3.6 million for an urban gardening program. 20. $3.8 million to fund the "Poultry Center of Excellence." 4. $205,000 for the Karamu Theater Project in Cleveland, Ohio. 21. $811,000 to pay for the "Center for Alternative Pest Control." 5. $450,000 for seedless grape research in Arkansas. 22. $16.8 million to operate the National Agricultural Library. 6. $4.4 million for a railroad crossing project in Springfield, Illinois. Why is our national Congress fixing local railroad crossings? Will they be filling potholes next? 7. $2 billion for the Rural Electrification Administration (REA), which was originally established during the 1930s to bring electricity and, later, telephone service to rural America. Why does the REA still need $2 billion per year when almost 100 percent of rural America has electricity and nearly 99 percent has telephones? Isn't the REA's job finished? 8. $84,000 to study why people fall in love. 9. $2,500 to study the cause of rudeness, cheating, and lying on tennis courts. 10. $100,000 to develop soybean-based Ink. 11. $250,000 to research sweet potatoes, with an additional $150,000 specifically to research the Sweet Potato Whitefly. 12. $100,000 to study using vegetable oils as fuels. 13. $300,000 for "peanut research." 14. $200,000 to research the "locoweed" In New Mexico. 15. $233,000 for the Rice Research Center in Arkansas. 16. $5.1 million for the U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Laboratory. 17. $2.8 million to study how to use wood. 23. $33.4 million on Screwworm inspection. 24. $6 billion for net realized losses and interest subsidies of the Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund. 25. $19.6 million for the United State Travel and Tourism Administration. 26. $327 million for the ultra-left wing Legal Services Corporation, an agency of highly-paid liberal lawyers who seek people to file class action suits against small businesses in an attempt to regulate the economy in ways that could never pass the U.S. Congress. 27. $250,000 to study development in American Samoa. 28. $1.1 million to study "containerized cargo traffic" on the South Atlantic. 29. $500,000 for a study of the Boston Harbor. 30. $3.3 million to remove driftwood from the New York Harbor. 31. $300,000 to "study" the Ohio River. 32. $191.9 million was appropriated to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for projects in Texas, a state with a strong tradition of political patronage exemplified by figures such as Lyndon B. Johnson and Jim Wright. This is the fifth highest amount given to any state, and included $2.6 million for a dam and reservoir named after former Speaker of the House, Sam Rayburn. 33. $7 million to study the safety of nuclear reactors in the Soviet Union. How much can we possibly learn from the Soviet "safety experts" who brought us the horrible Chernobyl disaster in 1986? 34. $7 million to study air pollution in Mexico City. 35. $2 million dollars, added to the budget by Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland, went to build an entry gate at the Patuxent River Naval Air Station Test Center--a "building project" even the Navy did not request. 36. $1 million for a commission to study whether the school year should be extended. 37. $2 million to fund a National Council to set educational goals. 38. $3.9 million was given to the military to tear down one building in Pennsylvania. 39. $1 million for a National Bicycling and Walking study. 40. $1.7 million for a project to demonstrate how highways are widened. 41. $3.06 million for a project to demonstrate "Intersection Safety" which actually amounts to federal tax dollars being used to extend Douglas Street in El Segundo, California. 42. A total of more than $274,160,000 was spent for Federal Highway Administration "Demonstration Projects." 43. $475 million on the government-owned railroad, Amtrak, which should be privatized. 44. $10 million for the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation to promote a Canadian waterway. 45. $57 million to fund a "Commission on National and Community Service"; presumably, all this money is spent to tell people how to be good volunteers. Government Wasteful Spending From articles written in "The Citizens Against Government Waste" and the quarterly newspaper "Wastewatch" both not-for- profit publications from Washington, I have been closely watching the wasteful spending practices of our federal government for many years. These organizations are the best "watchdog" that we have in Washington, that monitors the government spending habits. These are excellent publications, that everyone concerned about how the government wastes our tax dollars, should subscribe to and support both COUNCIL FOR CITIZENS AGAINST GOVERNMENT WASTE and WASTEWATCH. In the early 1980s President Reagan asked J. Peter Grace, a very wealthy businessman, to Chair a survey of the very wasteful spending program of the Federal Government. The purpose was to try to eliminate government waste. Mr. Grace accepted the Chairmanship, then contacted a number of his business associates and formed "The Grace Commission." They raised $76 million by private businessmen then did a very extensive study that took several years. No taxpayers money was needed. Mr. Grace then established "Citizens Against Government Waste" a non-profit organization for the one purpose to try to eliminate government waste and try to balance the budget. The Truth About Taxes, Spending and Deficits As far back as 1984, President Reagan released the results of the Grace Commission study of federal spending waste. The Grace Commission identified $242 billion in waste, inefficiency, and mismanagement and recommended 2,478 measures to cut federal spending enough to balance the budget in just three years. Nonetheless, in January 1990, the head of the General Accounting Office of Congress stated that the federal government continues to lose $180 billion tax dollars each year in much the same waste, inefficiency, and mismanagement identified by the Grace Commission four years before. In the 1980's Congress increased taxes of various kinds--12 times. And the truth is although income tax revenues increased by 8% each year through the 1980's Congress increased spending by 11 % each year. Federal deficits have resulted not because too little taxes, but because too much spending by Congress. I have supported the Citizens Against Government Waste for many years and recommend the same for everyone. Below is a copy of part of a letter I just received from J. Peter Grace. "I was asked by President Reagan to Chair the 'President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control.' Or maybe you know it by its less formal name, The Grace Commission. It was our job to find ways to make government run more like business. We did. In fact, we came up with a detailed plan on how to cut over $424 billion in waste spending over three years. Think of it. This plan could almost eliminate the entire federal deficits! And That's Without Raising Your Taxes. Are they painful cuts in social or defense program? NO! Our job was to cut waste. Our proposals don't cut program benefits. Let me give you three small but representative of recommended cuts in waste from the Grace Commission report. 1) The government requires up to four years to order and install automated data processing equipment. _ The private sector takes less than half that time. Upgrading the federal computer system in a more timely manner would save taxpayers $4 billion over three years. 2) If Congress would turn the collection of bad debts and management of the federal loan portfolios over to the private sector it would save $3,900,00:.',000.00 in just three years--that's $3.9 billion off the deficit. 3) The forest service collected $15 million in grazing fees from private livestock owners using federal land in 1981. But it provided $41 million in services, recovering only 27% in costs. If the service raised its fee to only half of what private grazing landowners charge, it would collect an additional $58 million over three years. I only wish you could see all 2,478 of the Grace Commission's wastecutting recommendations. The waste, abuse and sloppy job of management and Congressional oversight would make you madder than y have ever been before! But as maddening as the waste is, this waste is now responsible for creating a massive federal deficit which is seriously threatening every American's financial security. At the risk of overstating the importance of the findings let me say, we have the plan to cut the waste and save America from the economic catastrophe which will be brought on by the deficit. But I can't get Congress to enact most of these recommendations. Why? Because right now Congressmen get more credit for wasteful spending than they do for doing good, farsighted efficient management. But you can change that. You Have More Power Than You Might Believe. I've been pushing the House and Senate to enact these recommendations and I've learned one very important thing. You as a Taxpayer, are Still the Boss. No matter what else you think about Congressmen and Senators they understand one thing: SURVIVAL. Survival to a Congressman Means Only One Thing: Getting Sent Back to Washington. If enough taxpayers demand something they'll do it tomorrow! Already, $152 billion has been saved, according official government figures, directly from the implementation of some of the Grace Commission recommendations ^ Not insignificant, but a far cry from what we both know could be achieved. The second and equally important way you can help is by sending a contribution to Citizens Against Government Waste. I established Citizens Against Government Waste, a private nonprofit organization, for one purpose: to eliminate government waste and save America from the recession or depression which is sure to result if we fail to cut the deficit. Right now, things don't change because there's a whole array of special interest groups hosting dinners and cocktail parties pressuring the House and Senate members to "leave it alone. I will use your contribution to build the type of public outcry and outrage that it will take to eliminate the wasteful government spending. "But all the dinners and lobbying take a clear back seat to getting sent back to Washington. Specifically, I want to ask millions of Americans to join you in signing and endorsing the cover from the Grace Commission Report. After we have collected a mountain of these covers, I would like to run a TV/radio campaign to mobilize massive public support for the elimination of waste. If you and I support these recommendations and we can convince enough others to join us, these cuts in government waste will certainly be enacted before the deficit devastates our economy. There are two very important ways you can help. First, I want you to sign the enclosed cover of the Grace Commission Report. Your signature on this cover will be one of the most powerful ways you can support the elimination of government waste. Your endorsement will give me the concrete evidence I need to build a fire under Congress and convince them of the dire consequences if they fail to act. What's more, your cover will help me focus media attention on the dangerous threat posed by the billions and billions of dollars needless and irresponsible government waste. Make sure when you sign your cover that you write your address. I will see to it that these Report Covers are tabulated and the results publicized. But, I can't do any of it without your contribution today. Personally, I've put a great deal into this campaign, and I'm doing all I can. But, I just can't do it alone. By sending a contribution of $25, $35, $50 or even as much as $100 or more, you'll make it possible for me to recruit hundreds and even thousands of Americans to join our cause. We have the plan to nearly eliminate this threatening deficit. It's up to you now. I'm anxious to hear back from you. Sincerely, J. Peter Grace 1301 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 400 Washington, D.C. 20036 A New Proposal Presented to Congress April 1993. From Citizens Against Government Waste, A Tax Savings for America. 171 Billion Next Year and $1.2 Trillion Over a Five Year Period, Which Congress will Probably Ignore Unless We Do Something About It. Send Your Contribution Today to the Above Address. Thank You. J. Peter Grace. Not a "Conspiracy Theory," But A Fact ... Every year since 1973, a handful of the wealthiest and most influential fanciers, industrialists, media barons, union bosses and political figures from North America, Western Europe and Japan hold a secret conclave and chart the future of the globe. The deliberations of this elite group of power brokers, led by David and Laurance Rockefeller, shape the course of world affairs. Yet, few people know that this organization - The Trilateral Commission - exists. This is no "conspiracy theory." This is a fact. Here's the full story of the Trilateral Commission and how its decisions affect you. Strange Views of Group's Founder The strange views of the Trilateral Commission's University Prof. Zbigniew Brzezinski, say much about the unusual political orientation of the commission and its leadership. Brzezinski outlines his views in his book Between Two Ages, published shortly before, in 1973, he set the Trilateral Commission in motion at the instruction of his patron David Rockefeller. Rockefeller had read Brzezinski's book and was impressed with its contents. It was this book that inspired Rockefeller to create the Trilateral Commission. '' Here are a number of selections from the book that proved to be the genesis of the commission: "Though Stalinism may have been a needless tragedy for both the Russian people and communism as an ideal, there is the intellectually tantalizing possibility that for the world at large, it was as we shall see, a blessing in disguise." "Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision. Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief." "The Soviet Union could have emerged as the standard-bearer of this century's most influential system of thought and as the social model for resolving the key dilemmas facing modern man." Marxism "supplied the best available insight into contemporary reality. Marxist theory [is] this century's most influential system of thought." "The approaching 200th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence could justify the call for a national Constitutional convention to re-examine the nation's formal institutional framework." Brzezinski, of course, went on to serve as perhaps the most powerful man in the Carter administration (1977-1981) serving as the President's national security adviser, responsible for maintaining America's national security (despite his written views favoring world communism). Trilateral Commission: World Shadow Government? The Trilateral Commission was established in 1973. Its founder and primary financial angel was international financier, David Rockefeller, long time chairman of the Rockefeller family-controlled Chase Manhattan Bank and undisputed overlord of his family's global corporate empire. Rockefeller's idea for establishing the commission emerged after he had read a book entitled Between Two Ages written f-, by an establishment scholar, Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski of Columbia University. In his book Brzezinski proposed a vast alliance between North America, Western Europe and Japan. According to Brzezinski, changes in the modern world required it. "Resist as it might," Brzezinski wrote elsewhere, "the American system is compelled gradually to accommodate itself to this emerging international context, with the United States government called upon to negotiate, to guarantee, and, to some extent, to protect the various arrangements that have been contrived even by private business. In other words, it was necessary for the international upper class to band together to protect its interests, and to ensure, in the developed nations, that political leaders were brought to power who would ensure that the global financial interests (of the Rockefellers and the other ruling elites) would be protected over those of the hoi polloi. Pocantico Hills Confabs Although the initial arrangements for the commission were laid out in a series of meetings held at the Rockefeller's famous Pocantico Hills estate outside New York City, Rockefeller first introduced the idea of the commission at an annual meeting of the Bilderberg group, this one held in Knokke, Belgium in the spring of 1972. (The Bilderberg group is similar to the Trilateral Commission in that it is funded and heavily influenced by the Rockefeller empire, and composed of international financiers, industrialists, media magnates, union bosses, academics and political figures.) A succinct summary of the commission's intent has been outlined by Holly Sklar who has conducted extensive research into the history and background of the Trilateral Commission: Ruling Classes Unite "The Commission's purpose is to engineer an enduring partnership among the ruling classes of North America, Western Europe and Japan - hence the term 'Trilateral' - in order to safeguard the interests of Western Capitalism in an explosive world. The private commission is attempting to mold public policy and construct a framework for international stability in the coming decades." "To put it simply, Trilateralists are saying: The people governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations." "In short, Trilateralism is the current attempt by ruling elites to manage both dependence and democracy - at home and abroad." Another Trilateral critic, now retired Senator Barry Goldwater (RAriz.), views the commission as a Rockefeller family operation through and through. According to Goldwater: "The Trilateral organization created by David Rockefeller was a surrogate - the members selected by Rockefeller; its purposes defined by Rockefeller; its funding supplied by Rockefeller. David Rockefeller screened and selected every individual who was invited to participate." Picking Policy Makers (However, the much older Bilderberg group's membership is strictly limited to participants from the United States, Canada and Western Europe: i.e., the NATO alliance.) David Rockefeller and Brzezinski then began the process of selecting from among the "Trilateral" nations the several hundred elite power brokers who would be permitted to join in Trilateral policy making in the coming years. The Trilateral Commission was unique, though, in that it brought the Japanese ruling elite into the inner councils of the global power brokers, a recognition of Japan's growing influence in the world economic and political arena. One of the commission's primary goals was to place a Trilateral influenced president in the White House in 1976, and to achieve that goal it was necessary to groom an appropriate candidate who would be willing to cooperate with Trilateral aims. Rockefeller and Brzezinski selected a handful of well-known liberal Democrats and a scattering of Republicans (primarily of the liberal internationalist bent) to serve on the commission. And in an effort to give regional balance to the commission Rockefeller invited the then-obscure one-term Democratic governor of Georgia, Jimmy Carter, to join the commission. Rockefeller Center South Rockefeller had long time ties to the local Atlanta political and economic establishment. In fact, much of Rockefeller's personal investment portfolio is in Atlanta real estate. (According to David Horowitz, co-author of The Rockefellers, "Atlanta is Rockefeller Center South.") And Rockefeller himself had once even invited Carter to dine with him at the Chase Manhattan Bank several years before, as early as 1971, the year Carter began serving as governor. Carter very definitely impressed Rockefeller and Brzezinski, more so than another Southern Democrat, Florida Governor Reuben A. Skew, also selected to serve on the commission and viewed, like Carter, as a possible Trilateral candidate. In fact, according to Brzezinski, "It was a close thing between Carter and Askew, but we were impressed that Carter had opened up trade offices for the state of Georgia in Brussels and Tokyo. That seemed to fit perfectly into the concept of the Trilateral." Carter, in fact, like Askew, did announce for the 1976 Democratic Presidential nomination, but because of Rockefeller's interest, Carter had the inside shot. So much so that in a speech at the commission's first annual meeting in Kyoto, Japan in May of 1975, Rockefeller's man Brzezinski promoted the then still obscure Carter to his fellow Trilateralists as an ideal Presidential candidate. Cut and Dried From that point on, it was all cut and dried. According to Goldwater: "Rockefeller and Brzezinski found Carter to be their ideal candidate. They helped him win the Democratic nomination and the presidency. "To accomplish this purpose they mobilized the money-power of the Wall Street bankers, the intellectual influence of the academic community - which is subservient to the wealth of the great tax-free foundations - and the media controllers represented in the membership of the CFR and the Trilateralists." (The aforementioned CFR - Council on Foreign Relations - is another Rockefeller-financed foreign policy pressure group similar to the Trilateralists and the Bilderberg group, although the CFR is composed solely of American citizens.) (In his book The Carter Presidency and Beyond, published in 1980 by the Ramparts Press, Profession Laurence H. Shout devotes an entire chapter to demonstrating how the Trilaterallinked and Trilateral-controlled establishment media promoted the Presidential candidacy in 1976 of the then-obscure Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter.) Carter, of course, campaigned as a "populist" - as a "man of the people" - as an "outsider" with no ties to the establishment. The fact is, however, Carter, who said he'd never lie, was an elitist, an insider, the Trilateral Commission's "man on the white horse." And with the power of the commission and the Rockefeller empire and its media influence behind him, Carter made his way to the Presidency, establishing the first full-fledged Trilateral administration, appointing numerous Trilateralists to key policy making positions and carrying out the Trilateral agenda to the hilt. Carter Filled Positions with Trilateral Comm. Members The election of Trilateralist Jimmy Carter the Presidency in 1976 marked the first formal Trilateral commission takeover of the executive branch. Here is a lengthy (but by no means complete) overview of the Trilateralists who served under the first Trilateral administration: Jimmy Carter, President of the United States. Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security advisor. Cyrus Vance, secretary of state. Harold Brown, secretary of defense. W. Michael Blumenthal, secretary of the treasury. John Sawhill, federal energy administer. Robert Duncan, secretary of energy. Joseph Califano, secretary of health and human services. Stansfield Turner, director of central intelligence. Robert R. Bowie, deputy to the director of central intelligence for national intelligence. Warren Christopher, deputy secretary of state (and later secretary of state). Lucy Wilson Benson, under secretary of state for security assistance. Richard N. Cooper, under secretary of state for economic affairs. Richard Holbrooke, assistant under secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs. Gerard C. Smith, United States ambassador at large for non-proliferation matters. Anthony M. Soloman, under secretary of the treasury for monetary affairs. Paul C. Warnke, director, United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. Andrew Young, United States ambassador to the United Nations. Paul Volcker, chairman of the Federal Reserve System. Sol Linowitz, special negotiator for Panama Canal Treaties. Trilateral Commission Agenda Carried Out Within months of assuming office as the first member of the Trilateral Commission to be elected to the White House, President Jimmy Carter began implementing major policy measures that went hand in hand with the agenda of the commission. According to investigative reporter Craig S. Karpel, among those measures included: Supporting restraints on freedom of the press. Raising the price of new natural gas. Refusing to place import controls on shoes. Inserting a growth clause in the import regulations for textiles permitting clothing imports to rise by 6% annually. Allowing the dollar to be devalued against foreign currencies as a step toward its replacement in international trade with "Bancor," a worldwide paper money to be created in unlimited amounts by the International Monetary Fund. Pushing through the House and Senate the largest contribution in history to the World Bank and other international lending institutions (to be disbursed as foreign aid loans without countryby-country review by Congress) to enable the less developed countries to pay the interest on the $70 billion owed to private banks in the United States. Surrender of the American canal in Panama to Panamanian dictator Omar Torrijos and his right hand man and successor, Manuel Noriega. Trilateral-linked banks (including the London branch of the Rockefeller family's Chase Manhattan Bank) had lent large sums of money to the Panamanian government and were anxious to obtain interest on their loans. The banks believed interest payment would be possible only if Panama had access to profits from the canal. These and other measures were part and parcel of the Trilateral strategy as implemented by Jimmy Carter and his Trilateraldominated administration. Investigation Scares Solons Numerous people have written their congressman and senators asking for further information about the Trilateral Commission or otherwise demanding a congressional investigation of the elitist body. Here's the response they've gotten: The lawmakers have dispatched the Congressional Reference Division of the Library of Congress's Congressional Research Service (CRS) to look into the matter. The CRS has prepared a compilation of establishment newspaper articles about the commission and forwarded those materials to the members of Congress. The members of Congress then pass that information on to their constituents. Congress has no desire to investigate the Trilateral Commission, since more than a few of its past and present members (along with powerful campaign contributors and influential media masters) belong to the secretive body. Three Front Groups Compared Three distinct Rockefeller-created and Rockefeller-financed international policy power blocs are often confused by their critics. A reason for this confusion is that, aside from the fact that each is controlled - fully or in part - by the Rockefeller empire, the groups are very similar in intent and have a largely overlapping membership, usually working in direct concert toward the same goals. The membership in each of the groups is always composed of members of the Rockefeller family, their paid employees and consultants, allied international financiers and industrialists, academics from the major universities and tax-free controllers, and selected political figures. But each of the three - the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg group and the Trilateral Commission - is very different. The Council on Foreign Relations Based in New York and comprised solely of United States citizens. Publishes the quarterly journal Foreign Affairs and conducts regular meetings and seminars. Key meetings are strictly confidential and off the record. Created in 1921 with Rockefeller funding and emerged as the American branch of the British Royal Institute on International Affairs (RIIA), succeeding an earlier, less organized entity already established in that role. The RIIA was the brainchild of English financier Cecil Rhodes (founder of the Rhodes scholarship) and devoted to the concept of reuniting the United States with British empire. CFR members, beginning with the Republican Herbert Hoover administration on through the present day in administrations Democrat and Republican alike, have continuously been appointed to key policy making posts. David Rockefeller himself served as a longtime chairman of the CFR and remains its virtual master. The Bilderberg Group Takes its name from the hotel in Holland where it first met in 1954. Meets regularly (presumably on a once-a-year basis) at various locations around the world, always in extreme secrecy, often at resorts controlled by the Rockefeller family. Has a revolving membership of several hundred participants composed of elites from the United States and Western Europe, primarily - almost exclusively - from the NATO countries. The Rothschild family is the leading European force within the Bilderberg group, sharing its power with the American-based Rockefeller empire. Maintains an extremely low profile and seldom, if ever, publishes reports or studies under its own official aegis. Bilderberg participants denied the group's very existence for decades until forced into the open by the glare of media publicity, generated largely by The SPOTLIGHT and its newsletter-format predecessor, "Liberty Letter." Trilateral Commission Organized exclusively by David Rockefeller in 1973. Holds an official regular annual conclave closed to the independent press, but conducts seminars and other gatherings that are less exclusive. what approaches to take toward major international issues - and the issues affecting people within the individual national of the world. Membership is limited to elitists from the United States and Canada, Western Europe and Japan, several hundred in number. (Sources report that the commission may begin extending membership to elitists from Mexico in the near future.) After such a "consensus" of the power brokers is reached, they will use their influence, through the Trilateral-influenced and Trilateral-controlled media and academia, to "educate" lawmakers and local elites in the "Trilateral" nations as to what is "best" for the people. Issues periodic reports known as the "Triangle Papers" and press releases and published a journal called Trialogue (now defunct). The lawmakers will carry out the Trilateralist agenda, and the local elites will promote that agenda in their own regions. David Rockefeller has continuously served, since its inception, as "North American chairman" but is acknowledged as its primary mover. And the people will be made to accept the Trilateral schemes, whether they like it or not. Opinion Shaped A major part of the Trilateral Commission's agenda is shaping public opinion in North America, Western Europe and Japan. This so that the voting public will accept the internationalist agenda laid forth by the Trilateral planners behind the scenes - and support the candidates for public office that the Trilaterallsts are promoting. According to then United States Ambassador-at-Large for NonProliferation Matters Gerard C. Smith (writing in the Atlantic Community Quarterly, fall, 1974 edition): "[The purpose of the Trilateral Commission is to] seek a private consensus on the specific problems examined in the Trilateral analysis. Consensus seeking must be a central element in the Trilateral process. The commission will seek to educate attentive audiences in the three regions, so that public opinion in Japan, North America, and Europe will come to reflect the private consensus." In other words, the power brokers who control the Trilateral Commission will seek a consensus among themselves regarding Other Big Names Space limitation prohibits publication here of the entire international membership list of the Trilateral Commission. But suffice it to say the membership includes some of the biggest names in Western European and Japanese politics, finance, industry and the media. A sampling: Giovanni Agnelli, chairman of FIAT; Garret Fitzgerald, former prime minister of Ireland; Walther Leisler Kiep, treasurer of the Christian Democratic Party of Germany; Andrew Knight, editor-in-chief of London's Daily Telegraph; Gerhard Stoltenberg, West German minister of defense, Thorvald Stoltenberg, Norwegian minister of foreign affairs; Takashi Ishihara, chairman of Nissan; Yohei Mimura, chairman, Mitsubishi Corp.; Yutaka Saito, president of Nippon Steel; and Eiji Toyoda, chairman of Toyota. Trilateralists Say: 'Too Much Democracy' The Trilateral Commission frankly states that there's too much democracy and that the American people should be restrained from having too much say in how their nation is governed. This authoritarian philosophy is outlined in a major Trilateral Commission position paper (which embarrasses even man's Trilateralists) entitled "The Crisis of Democracy." member of the Trilateral executive committee as stated in an interview on July 25, 1978 with Michael Chadwick, editor of Freemen Digest. In this work, published under the commission's copyright, the authors, Michael Crizier, Samuel Huntington and Joji Watanuki, conclude that popular participation by the people of the Trilateral nations in government policy making is a bad proposition. Franklin's words confirm what Trilateral critics have long charged: that the commission is working for a "one-world" government. According to the study, the ruling elites in the United States and Western Europe are already facing grass-roots dissent from the ranks of their people - a situation that Japan also faces - and that it will be necessary "to restore a more equitable relationship between government authority and popular control." In other words, the power of the Trilateral elites and the governments they control must be strengthened - and the power of the people must be diminished. According to the Trilateralists: "Al Smith once remarked that 'the only cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy.' Our analysis suggests that applying that cure at present could well be adding fuel to the flames. Needed instead is a greater degree of moderation in democracy." How to diminish the power of the people? According to the Trilateralists: Increase restrictions on freedom of the press and limit popular participation in the political process through changes in the way public officials are elected (e.g., make it more difficult for the establishment of "third" parties), among other solutions. Merge U.S. and USSR "I suppose a distinct ideal would be one in which the United States and the European countries were all one country like the United States is at the present time." These are the words of George S. Franklin, Jr., former North American secretary of the Trilateral Commission, college roommate of commission founder David Rockefeller and current This is what the Trilateralists, in their official position papers, refer to as "collective management": the merger of the Western democracies and, ultimately, merger with the Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc. Trilateral Candidates in the Stable Before the 1992 Democratic and Republican Presidential Conventions First term Senator Charles Robb (D-Va.), son-in-law of late former President Lyndon Johnson, has the inside shot at the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination in 1992 - or beyond. Here's the primary reason why: Not only is Robb a member of the Rockefeller family's Council on Foreign Relations, but he's also a member of the Trilateral Commission and already being promoted in Trilateral circles as the commission's next choice for the Presidency. You see, when investigative reporter Jim Tucker infiltrated the Trilateral Commission's annual conclave held in Paris, April 8-10, 1989, Tucker overheard a commission member say to another, "We may want to make Robb President." According to Tucker, who was standing nearby among a group of commission members, "Several in the group nodded assent." It was only when the recognized Tucker (who was ultimately ejected from the meeting) that they fell silent. Tucker remarks: "The run-Robb-for-President comment was not jocular, locker-room joshing; the commission members were talking business." The Trilateralists want to be sure that both major parties nominate candidates who, if they are not Trilateralists, are at least amenable to the commission's demands. Sacrificial Lamb Thus, if he wants to be the Democratic Party's candidate against "former" Trilateralist George Bush in 1992, Robb can have the honor. And it would set him in line - should he lose - to be the frontrunner for his party's nomination in the next election. Interestingly, at least one Rockefeller-linked source (the Washington Times newspaper, published by Korean industrialist and cult leader Sun Myung Moon, whose operations have been financed by the Rockefellers for decades) has already trumpeted the possibility that Robb has considered changing, or is being pushed to change, parties and running for President on the Republican ticket. leading Trilateralists has said that an "ideal" would, in fact, be the establishment of a single politico-economic entity composed of a merger of the United States and Britain.) Other Favorites It might be added that there is yet another Trilateral Presidential possibility, like Clinton a Rhodes scholar. This is former basketball star Bill Bradley, a New Jersey Democrat now serving his second term in the Senate. Again, like Clinton, Bradley was actually being promoted for the Presidency by the media even before he even won his first election to public office. It would, of course, be a drastic disservice not to mention another prominent commission member who, like his brother Trilateralists, was also widely promoted as a possible Presidential candidate even before he was first elected to public office. This is not altogether out of the realm of possibility. After all, Robb, a self-styled "moderate" who is out of step with the very liberal elements in the Democratic Party, has been a major critic of the more extreme forces which dominate this party. This is Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV (D-W. Va.), heir to power and money and his late uncle Nelson's hunger for high office. Whatever the end result, Robb is very much on the front lines as a potential Trilateral "man on the white horse" in the future. These are just a few of the potential Trilateral favorites now being mentioned for the White House. There will no doubt be several more. Another favorite of the commission is another of its members, Arkansas Democratic Governor Bill Clinton who has been touted as a Presidential possibility by the Rc'l..ifeller-controlled media for many years - even, in fact, before he was actually elected governor. The Council on Foreign Relations Trilateral Commission The New World Order Connection under the Bush Administration (Clinton, interestingly, is also a former Rhodes scholar. As noted elsewhere in this special report, the Rhodes scholarships were established by British financier Cecil Rhodes who hoped for an ultimate reunification of the United States and Britain. The young academics awarded Rhodes scholarships are doctrinated with this philosophy and chargec with the responsibility of promulgating it ultimate aim. Indeed, as also noted elsewhere in this report, one This information provided by Funds to Restore an Educated Electorate, F.R.E.E. P. O. Box 33339, Kerrville, Texas 78029 CFR Indicates membership in the Council on Foreign Relations "The People are entitled to know who controls their government." Johnny Stewart, Founder of F.R.E.E. *TC Indicates membership in the Trilateral Commission Federal Reserve System (Past and Present) - Partial Listing Alan Greenspan, Chairman New York Fed. Res. Bank CFR Richard N. Cooper, Chairman, Boston CFR Sam Y. Cross, Mgr. Foreign Open Market Acct. CFR Robert F. Erburu, Chairman, San Francisco CFR Robert P. Forrestal, Pres., Atlanta CFR Bobby H. Ibnman, Chairman, Dallas CFR/TC Robert H. Knight, Esq. CFR Steven Muller CFR John R. Opel CFR Anthony M. Solomon CFR/TC Edwin M. Truman, Staff Director, International Finance CFR Cyrus R. Vance CFR Paul Volcker The Federal Reserve System and Bank is a privately owned corporation. By its control of the money supply and the interest rate, it effectively controls the economy of the United States. The Council on Foreign Relations is the American Branch of a society which originated in England... (and) ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one world rule established... 'The Trilateral Commission is international... (and) ... is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States." With No Apologies, Senator Barry Goldwater David Rockefeller, Chairman Emeritus Peter G. Peterson Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations 58 E. 68th St. New York, NY 10021 Phone (212) 734-0400, FAX (212) 861-1789 Paul Volker North American Chairman of THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION 345 # 46th St. New York, NY CFR/TC E. Gerald Corrigan, V. 10017 Chairman, President, Phone (212) 661-1180 George Bush (Former Member TC & CFR Dir.) 1992 Presidential Candidates Bill Clinton Mario M. Cuomo Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. CFR/TC Treasury Department (Past & Present) John Heimann CFR William E. Simon CFR Michael Blumenthal CFR/TC C. Fred Bergsten CFR Anthony M. Solomon CFR/TC Arnold Nachmanoff CFR Helen B. Junz CFR Richard W. Fisher CFR Roger C. Altman CFR Robert R. Glauber, Under Sec., Finance CFR David C. Mulford, Under Sec., Int'l Affairs CFR Robert M. Bestani, Dep. Asst. Sec., Int'l. Monetary Affairs CFR J. French Hill, Dep. Asst. Sec., Corp. Finance CFR John M. Niehuss, Dep. Asst. Sec., Int'l, Monetary Affairs White House Staff D. Allen Bromley, Asst. To Pres., Nat'l Sec. Affairs; Chmn, Nat'l Critical Nat'l Council Robert D. Blackwill, Spec. Asst., NSA Arnold Kanter, Spec. Asst., NSA Virginia A. Lampley, Spec. Asst., NSA David C. Miller, Jr., Spec. Asst., NSA Peter W. Rodman, Spec. Asst., NSA Nicholas Rostow, Spec. Asst., NSA Library of Congress James H. Billington, Librarian, Chmn. Trust Fund Board Ruth Ann Stewart, Asst. Librarian National Program National Science Foundation Frank H. T. Rhodes, Bd. of Directors CFR James B. Holderman, Bd. of Directors CFR D. Allen Bromley, Bd. of Directors U.S. Arms Control & Disarmament Agency Thomas Graham, Jr., General Council William Schneider, Chmn., General Advisory Council Richard Burt, Negotiator on Strategic Defense Arms CFR David Smith, Negotiator, Defense & Space CFR R. James Woolsey, Negotiator, European Arms Export-Import Bank John D. Macomber, Pres. & Chmn. CFR Eugene K. Lawson, 1st VP & Vice Chmn. CFR Rita M. Rodriguez, Director CFR Hart Fessenden, General Council Office of Science & Technology Policy William R. Graham, Jr., Science Advisor to President & Director Department of State Reginald Bartholomew, Under Sec. for Lawrence S. Eaglebarger, Deputy Sec. CFR/TC Branton H. Grove, Dir. of Foreign Service Institute CFR H. Allen Holmes, Asst. Sec. Bureau of Politico Military Affairs John H. Kelly, Asst. Sec. Near East - South Asian Affairs Robert M. Kimmitt, Under Sec. for Political Affairs Ivan Selln, Under Sec. for Mgmt. CFR Richard H. Solomon, Asst. Sec. East Asian & Pacific Affairs CFR Alexander F. Watson, Dep. Rep. United Nations CFR Thomas R. Pickering, UN Representative CFR CFRJonathan Moore, UN Mission CFR Joseph Verner Reed, Chief of Protocol CFR Dennis B. Ross, Dir. Policy Planning Staff CFR Herman J. Cohen, Asst. Sec. African Affairs CFR Edward Perkins, Dir. of Personnel CFR Abraham David Sofaer, Legal Advisor CFRCFR Robert B. Zoellick, Counselor Ambassadors Morton I. Abramowitz (Turkey) CFR Michael H. Armacost CFR (Japan) CFR Shirley Temple Black (Czechoslovakia) CFR Julia CFRCFR Henry E. Catto, Jr. (Great Britain) CFR Chang Bloch (Nepal) Frances Cook (Cameroon) CFR Edward P. Djerejian (Syria) CFR George E. Moose (Senegal) CFR John D. Negropointe (Mexico) CFR Edward N. Ney (Canada) CFR Robert B. Oakley (Pakistan) CFR CFR Robert H. Pelletreau, Jr. (Tunisia) CFR Christopher H. Phillips (Brunei) Nicholas Platt James W. Spain CFR Lanka) Robert S. Strauss CFR Terence A. Todman (Philippines) (Maldives & Sri CFR (Russia) (Argentina) Frank G. Wisner, III (Egypt) CFR International Security Affairs Warren Zimmerman (Yugoslavia) United States Congress CFR/TC Members Senators CFR David L. Boren (D), OK CFR Rudy Boshwitz (R), MN CFR William Bradley (D), NJ CFR John H. Chafee (R), RI CFR William S. Cohen (R), ME CFR Christopher J. Dodd (D), CT CFR Bob CFR Graham (D), FL CFR Joseph I. Lieberman (D), CT CFR George J. Mitchell (D), ME CFR CFR Claiborne Pell (D), RI CFR Larry Pressler (R), SD CFR Charles S. Robb (D), VA CFR John D. Rockefeller, IV (D), WV CFR William Roth, Jr. (R), DE CFR Warren B. Rudman (R), NH CFR Terry Sanford (D), NC CFR Timothy E. Wirth (D), CO Representatives Les Aspin (D) WI CFR Howard L. Berman (D), CA CFR Dante B. Fascell (D), FL CFR Thomas S. Foley (D), WA CFR Sam Gejdenson (D), CT CFR Richard A. Gephardt (D), MO CFR Newton L. Gingrich (R), GA CFR Bill Green (R), NY CFR Frank B. Horton, III (R), NY CFR Amory Houghton, Jr. (R), NY CFR Nancy Lee Johnson (R), CT CFR John Lewis (D), GA CFR Robert T. Matsul (D), CA CFR Dave K. McCurdy (D), OK CFR Jim Moody (D), WI CFR Thomas E. Petri (R), WI CFR Patricia Schroeder (D), CO CFR Peter Smith (R), VT CFR Olympola J. Snow (R), ME CFR Stephen J. Solarz (D), NY CFR John M. Spratt (D), SC CFR Louis Stokes (D), OH CFR Howard Wolpe (D), MI Richard E. Bissell, Asst. Adm. for Science Office of U.S. Trade Rep. Gary R. Edson, Ch. of Staff & Counselor CFR Joshua Bolten, Gen. Counsel CFR Daniel M. Price, Dep. Gen. Counsel Office of Technology Assessment Joshua Lederberg, V. Chmn Adv. Council CFR John H. Gibbons, Director CFR Lewis M. Branscomb, Adv. Council Environmental Protection Agency CFR James M. Strock, Asst. Adm., Enforcement & Compliance Judiciary Sandra Day O'Connor, Asso. Justice, U.S. Supreme Court CFR Steven G. Breyer, Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals,First Circuit, Boston CFR Ruth B. Ginsburg, U.S. Court of Appeals, Wash., D.C. Circuit CFR Lawrence H. Silberman, U.S. Court of Appeals, Wash., D.C. Circuit U.S. Institute for Peace John Norton Moore, Chairman CFR Elspeth Davies Roslow, Vice Chmn. CFR Samuel W. Lewis, President John Richardson, Counselor CFR David Little, Sr., Scholar CFR William R. Kintner, Dir. CFR W. Scott Thompson, Dir. Department of Transportation Elaine L. Chao, Depute Secretary African Development Foundation Chase Manhattan Corp. Thomas G. Labrecque, Chmn. & CEO Robert R. Douglass, V. Chmn. CFR Willard C. Butcher, Dir. CFR Richard W. Lyman, Dir. CFR ^ Joan Ganz Cooney, Dir. CFR David T. McLaughlin, Dir. CFR Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir. CFR Henry B. Schacht, Dir. Chemical Bank CFR Walter V. Shipley, Chmn. CFR Robert J. Callander, Pres. William C. Pierce, Exec. Off. CFR Randolph W. Bromery, Dir CFR Charles W. Duncan, Jr., Dir CFR George V. Grune, Dir. CFR CFR Helen L. Kaplan, Dir. CFR Lawrence G. Rawl, Dir. Federal Judicial Center William W. Schwarzer, Director Michael I. Sovern, Dir. CFR Richard D. Wood, Dir. Agency for International Development (AID) Citicorp Donald W. Roskens, Actg. Dir. Adm. of AID CFR John S. Reed, Chmn. CFR William R. Rhodes, V. Chmn. CFR Richard S. Braddock, Pres. CFR John M. Deutch, Dir. CFR Clifton C. Garvin, Jr., Dir. CFR C. Peter McColough, Dir. CFR Rozanne L. Ridgeway, Dir. CFR Franklin A. Thomas First City, Bancorp, Texas A. Robert Abboud, CEO Morgan Guaranty Lewis T. Preston, Chmn. Bankers Trust New York Corporation Charles S. Stanford, Jr., Chmn. CFR Alfred Brittain, III, Dir. CFR Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Dir. CFR Richard L. Geib, Dir. CFR Patricia Carry Stewart, Dir. First National Bank of Chicago George L. Butler, Dir. Strat Plans & Policy CFR Lt. Gen. Charles T. Boyd, Com. Air Univ. CFR Lt. Gen. Bradley C. Hosmer, AF Inspector General CFR Secretaries of Defense 57-59 McElroy 59-61 Gates CFR 61-68 McNamara CFR/TC 69-73 Laird CFR 73-75 Richardson CFR/TC 75-77 CFR Rumsfeld CFR 77-80 Brown CFR/TC 80-88 Weinberger CFR/TC 88- Carlucci CFR 88- Cheney Additional Military MG R.C. Bowman CFR BG F. Brown CFR LT COL W. Clark CFR ADM Wm. Crowe CFR CFR COL P.M. Dawkins CFR V. ADM Thor Hanson CFR COL W. Hauser MAJ R. Kimmitt CFR GEN W. Knowlton CFR V. ADM J. Lee CFR COL D. Mead CFRTC M G Jack Merritt CFR GEN E. Meyer Barry F. Sullivan Manufacturers Hanover Directors Cyrus Vance CFR G. Robert Durham CFR George B. Munroe CFR Marina V. N. Whitman CFR/TC Charles J. Pilliod, Jr. Bank America Andrew F. Brimmer, Dir. CFR Ignazio E. Lozano, Jr., Dir. CFR Ruben F. Mettier, Dir. Securities & Exchange Comm. Michael D. Mann, Dir., Int'l Aff. U.S. Military Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Colin L. Powell, Chmn. CFR Gen. Carl E. Vuono, Army CFR Gen. Michael J. Dugan, AF CFR Gen. John T. Chain, CO SAO CFR Gen. Merrill A. McPeak, CO Pac AF CFR Lt. Gen. COL Wm. E. Odom COL L. Olvey CFR COL Geo. K. Osborn MG J. Pustay CFR LG E.L. Rowny CFR CAPT Gary Sick MG De Witt Smith CFR BG Perry Smith CFR LTG Wm. Y. Smith CFR COL W. Taylor CFR ADM S. Turner CFR MG J. Welch CFR GEN J. Wickham Department of Defense Richard B. Cheney, Secretary of Defense Henry S. Rowen, Asst. Sec. International Security Affairs Judy Ann Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. for Manpower Woodrow Wilson CFR International Center for Scholars Franklin C. Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. William G. Bowen, CFRBd. of Regents Nuclear Fcs & Arms Control James D. Wolfensohn, Chmn, John F. Kennedy W. Bruce Weinrod, Dep. Asst. Sec. Europe & NATO Murray Gell-Mann, CFR Bd. of Regents Adm. Seymour Weiss, Chmn, Defense Policy Bd. R. James Woolsey, CFR Bd. of Regents Charles M. Herzfeld, Dir. Def. Research & Eng. CFR Andrew W. Marshall, Dir. Net Assessment CFR Michael P. W. Stone, Secretary of the Army Donald B. Rice, Secretary of the Air Force Allied Supreme Commanders 49-52 Eisenhower 52-53 Ridgeway 53-56 Gruenther CFR 56-63 Norstad CFR 63-69 Lemnitzer CFR 69-74 Goodpaster CFR 74-79 Haig Superintendents U.S. Military Academy at West Point 60-63 Westmoreland CFR 63-66 Lampert CFR 66-68 Bennett CFR 70-74 Knowlton CFR 74-77 Berry CFR Military Fellows, 1991 Col. William M. Drennan, Jr., USAF Col. Wallace C. Gregson, USMC Col. Jack B. Wood, USA Media CBS Lawrence A. Tisch, CFR CEO CFR Roswell Gilpatric CFR James Houghton CFR Henry Schacht CFR Dan Rather CFR Richard Hotteiet CFR Frank CFRStanton NBC/RCA John F. Welch,CFR Jr., CEO CFR Jane Pfeiffer CFR Lester Crystal CFR/TC R.W. Sonnenfeldt CFR/TC John Petty CFR Tom Brokaw CFRCFR John Chancellor CFR Marvin Kalb CFR David Brinkley Irving R. Levine CFR Herbert Schlosser CFR Peter G. Peterson CFR John Sawhill ABC Thomas S. Murphy, CFR CEO CFR John Connor CFR Diane Sawyer CFR John Scali Cable News Network Daniel Schorr CFR Military Fellows, 1992 Public Broadcast Service Col. David M. Mize, USMC Col. John P. Rose, USA Robert McNeil CFR Jim Lehrer CFR C. Hunter-Gault CFR Influence in the Smithsonian Institute Holling Carter III CFR Daniel Schorr CFR David Gergen Robert McCormick Adams, Secretary CFR Anne L. Armstrong, Bd. of Regents CFR William J. Baroody, Jr., Chmn, Bd. of Trustees, Associated Press CFR Keith Fuller CFR Stanley Swinton CFR Louis Boccardi CFR Harold Anderson CFR Katharine Graham CFR/TC Robert Kaiser CFR Meg Freenfield CFR Walter Pincus CFR Murray Gart CFR/TC CFR Peter Osnos CFR Don Oberdorfer Reuters Dow Jones & Co. (Wall St. Journal) Michael Posner Richard Wood CFR CFRRobert Bartley CFR/TC Karen House Baltimore Sun National Review Henry Trewhitt Wm. F. Buckley, CFR Jr. Washington Times Readers Digest Arnaud de Borchgrave George V. Grune, CFR CEO Children's TV Workshop (Sesame Street) William G. Bowen, Dir. Joan Ganz Cooney, Pres. Syndicated Columnists CFR New York Time Co. George Anne Geyer Ben J. Wattenberg Richard Gelb CFR Business & Industry Leaders William Scranton CFR John F. Akers, Dir CFR Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Dir. CFR George B. Munroe, Dir. CFR Donald M. Stewart, Dir. CFR Cyrus R. Vance, Dir. CFR A.M. Rostnehal Seymour Topping CFR James Greenfield CFR Max Frankel CFR Jack Rosenthal CFR John Oakes CFR Harrison Salisbury CFR H.L. Smith CFR Steven Rattern CFR Richard Burt Time, Inc. Ralph Davidson CFR Donald M. Wilson CFR Henry Grunwald CFR Alexander Heart CFR Sol Linowitz CFR/TC Thomas Watson, Jr. Newsweek/Wash. Post Katharine Graham CFR N.B. deKatzenbach CFR Frederick Beebe CFR Robert Christopher CFR Osborne Elliot CFR Phillip Geyelin CFR Murry Marder CFR Maynard Parker CFR George Will Richard D. Wood, CEO, Eli Lily & Co. CFR Richard M. Furlaud, CEO, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. CFR Frank Peter Popoff, CEO, Dow Chemical Co. CFRCFR Charles Peter McColough, Chmn. Ex. Comm. CFR Rozanne L. Ridgeway, Dir., 3M, RJR Nabisco, Union Carbide CFR Ruben F. Mettler, former CEO, TRW, Inc. CFR Henry B. Schacht, CEO, Cummins Engines CFR Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., CEO, Pfizer,CFR Inc. CFR Rand V. Araskog, CEO, ITT Corp. CFR W. Michael Blumenthal, Chmn, UNISYS Corp. CFR Joseph John Sisco, Dir., GEICO, Raytheon, Gilette CFR J. Fred Bucy, former Pres_, CEO, Texas Instruments American Telephone & Telegraph Co. (AT&T) CFR Robert E. Allen, Chmn. & CEO CFR Juanita M. Kreps, Dir. CFR Donald F. McHenry, Dir. CFR Henry B. Schacht, Dir. CFR Michael I. Sovern, Dir. CFR Franklin A. Thomas, Dir. CFR Rateigh Warner, Jr., Dir. CFR Thomas H. Wyman, Dir. Chrysler Corporation Joseph A. Califano, Jr., Dir. Peter A. Magowan, Dir. General Motors Corp. Anne L. Armstrong, Dir. CFR Marvin L. Goldberger, Dir. CFR Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir. CFR Dennis Weatherstone, Dir. Leon H. Sullivan, Dir. Thomas H. Wyman, Dir. Ford Motor Company Clifton R. Wharton, Dir. CFR Robert C. Golzueta, Dir. CFR/TC Drew Lewis GE/NBC John F. Welch, Jr., Chmn. David C. Jones Lewis T. Preston Frank H.T. Rhodes Walter B. Wriston American Express Co. James D. Robinson, CEO CFR Anne L. Armstrong CFR William G. Bowen Charles W. Duncan, Jr. CFR Richard M. Furland CFR Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. CFR Henry A. Kissinger CFR Frank P. Popoff CFR Robert V. Roose CFR Joseph H. Williams Energy Companies Exxon Corporation Lawrence G. Rawl, Chmn. CFR Lee R. Raymond, Pres. CFR Jack F. Bennett, Sr. VP CFR Jack G. Clarke, Sr. VP Texaco Alfred C. DeCrane, CFR Jr., Chmn. CFR John Brademas, Dir. CFR Willard C. Butcher, Dir. CFR William J. Crowe, Jr., Dir. CFR John K. McKinley, Dir. CFR CFR Thomas S. Murphy, Dir. Atlantic Richfield-ARCO Hannah H. Gray CFR Donald M. Kendall CFR Shell Oil Co. CFR Frank H. Richardson, CEO Rand V. Araskog, Dir. Mobile Corp. CFR Allan E Murray, Chmn. & Pres. CFR Lewis M. Branscomb, Dir. CFR Helene L. Kaplan, Dir. CFR Charles S. Sanford, Jr., Dir. Tenneco, Inc. James L. Ketelsen, Chmn. CFR W. Michael Blumenthal, Dir. CFR Joseph J. Sisco, Dir. Industry Deere & Co. CFR Hans W. Becherer, Chmn & CEO IBM CFR John F. Akers, Chmn. CFR C. Michael Armstrong, Sr. VP CFR Richard W. Lyman, Dir. Amtrak (National RR Passenger Corp.) William S. Norman, CFRExec. VP College & University Presidents Hanna Holborn Gray, University of Chicago CFR Steven Muller, Johns Hopkins University CFR Joseph Duffey, Chans., University of Massachusetts CFR John M. Deutch, Provost, MIT CFR Bernard Harieston, City College of New York CFR Nanneri O. Keohane, Wellesley University CFR William H. Danforth, Washington University St. Louis CFR William G. Bowen, Princeton University CFR Charles W. Duncan, Jr., Chmn, Rice University _ Donna E. Shalala, University of Wisconsin CFR/TC Wesley W. Posvar, University of Pittsburgh CFR Vartan Gregorian, Brown University CFR Randolph W. Bromery, Westfield, Mass. State Coll. CFR John D. Wilson, Washington & Lee University CFR Ellen V. Futter, Barnard College CFR Morris B. Abram, Brandeis University CFR Michael I. Sovern, Columbia University CFR Frank H.T. Rhodes, Cornell University CFR John Brademus, New York University CFR Joshua Lederberg, Rockefeller University CFR Alice S. Ilchman, Sarah Lawrence College CFR Donald Kennedy, Stanford University CFR Richard Wall Lyman, Pres. Em., Stanford CFR Benno C. Schmidt, Jr., Yale University CFR Edward T. Foote, II, University of Miami CFR James T. Laney, Emory University CFR Thomas Elrich, Indiana University CFR S. Frederick Starr, Oberlin College Sources The United States Government Manual 1991/92, Office of the Federal Register - National Archives and Records Administration Standard & Poor's Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives 1991 Annual Report 1991/92, The Council on Foreign Relations, Pratt House, New York City No one escapes when freedom fails. The best men rot in filthy jails, and those who cried, `Appease, Appease!' Are hanged by those they tried to please. NOTE: The "New World Order" views of Rockefeller, Kissinger, Brzezinski and others in the CFR/TC "inner circle" ,. may not be shared by all members. Some join for prestige and to further their careers. Some are invited in for "window dressing." However, all members have had ample opportunity to observe the disastrous results of foreign and domestic policy formulated and implemented by the CFR without public knowledge and should be held accountable. CFR The Clinton Clique Excerpts taken from Larry Abraham's INSIDER REPORT of January 1993 About Larry Abraham Larry Abraham is the editor of INSIDER REPORT a private bysubscription-only newsletter with readers throughout the United States and in more than fifty foreign countries. Before launching INSIDER REPORT, Larry was the founder of CEO of two multimillion dollar public companies; he served on the board and/or been a consultant to many other firms in the United States and abroad. Larry has manyCFR other talents and has been involved in many other activities all over the world. This information was taken from the January 1993 INSIDERS REPORT. This report is quite lengthy, crammed full of vital information, but space does not permit me to copy the report in its entirety. In the early 1970s, Larry co-authored (along with Gary Allen) a small paperbound book that exploded on the public with the impact of an atomic bomb. "Non Dare Call It Conspiracy" sold five million copies in the matter of months. For millions of readers, the book explained, in clear understandable language, who the INSIDERS are... how they operate... and how they schemed for wealth and power. More recently Larry released the sequel, "Call It Conspiracy." It covers the activities of the INSIDERS in the '70s and '80s... the founding of the Trilateral Commission, the Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan Administrations and much more. the IPS. Hilary Clinton is a long time supporter, and so are several key Administration officials. This report will give us the list of President Clinton's cohorts and a brief background of the past activities. Now we will analyze the Clinton Administration major players. To do this more efficiently, I am going to divide them into what are being called "clusters." Establishing the Establishment For new comers to these pages, let me first explain what I mean by INSIDERS and how these people exercise their power and influence. When I use the word INSIDERS, I'm not talking about someone who breaks the law--but someone who makes the law, nationally, and internationally. These elitists occupy the highest councils of government, the media, banking, big business, education, and the major tax free foundations. Insiders belong to many exclusive clubs and organizations. But none are as important as two private, secretive, by-invitation only organizations that are based in New York City, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. The Major Players All the major players of the COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS and the TRILATERAL COMMISSION of the Bush Administration were listed in one of the previous chapters. The INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS (IIE) is the premier Insider economic brain trust. Directors include C. Fred Bergsten, CFR chairman Peter G. Peterson, Nigel Lawson (former British Exchequer secretary who helped torpedo Margaret Thatcher), Alio Morito (Sony), Kaneo Nakamura (Industrial Bank of Japan), and Karl Otton Pohl (former head of the German central bank). THE INSTITUTE OF POLICY STUDIES (IPS) does for geopolitics what IIE does for economics. This one is pure poison; the FBI has even accused it of being funded by the KGB. Derek Shearer, Clintons closest friend, is a key mover and shaker within In Foreign Affairs Here are the players in this cluster. SECRETARY OF STATE WARREN M. CHRISTOPHER (CFR,TLC). First went to work for the radical Supreme Court Justice William 0. Douglas, them moved up to Deputy Secretary of State to Cyrus Vance in the Carter Administration. Christopher was Carter's negotiator for the hostages in Iran. He has been a senior partner in the very powerful law firm, O'Melveny & Myers, a director of IBM, member of CFR since 1977 and of TLC since 1985, Christopher's influence runs very deep throughout the Clinton Administration. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: LESLIE ASPIN, JR. (CFR, IPS). Schooled at Yale, Oxford, and MIT, Dr. Aspin studied the practical world of politics at the feet of Robert S. McNamara. Being one of the "whiz kids" in the McNamara-Kennedy-Johnson Pentagon, his rise came very fast. He went home to Colorado and was elected to Congress. He has been one of a few select in Congress tapped for CFR membership and has for at least ten years. He is a supporter of the Marxist think-tank, the IPS. NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER W. Anthony (Tony) Lake (CFR, IPS). Lake, like Aspin started under the Kennedy years working for Henry Kissinger when Kissinger was advising McNamara. He attended Harvard, Cambridge University and earned his Ph.D. at Princeton. He worked under Kissinger in Southeast Asia, he was the National Security Adviser during the so-called "secret" Paris Peace Talks. Under Carter he moved back to the State Department. Lake has been a member of the CFR for at least 15 years. With Christopher, Aspin and Lake, we have the top three within the foreign policy "clusters." DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: R. James Woolsey, Jr. (CFR). Lawyer, Rhodes scholar, protege of Brent Scrowcroft, Woolsey is equally at home in either GOP or Democratic Administrations. He has been a CFR member for at least 12 years. UN AMBASSADOR: MADELEINE K. ALBRIGHT (CFR). Born in Czechoslovakia to a father who was UN Ambassador from there until he fled in 1948. Albright was educated at Georgetown School of Foreign Service under Clinton's Mentor, Carroll Quigley, Albright was an adviser to Geraldine Ferraro and Mondale in 1984 and Dukakis in 1988. A protege of Zbigniew Brzezinski working under Carter and a member of the CFR for at least 11 years. DEPUTY SECRETARY OF STATE: Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. (CFR). Formerly president of Michigan State University and Chancellor of the State University of New York, Wharton was one of the first blacks to become an Insider. A graduate of Harvard, Wharton is so totally trusted by the establishment that he served as chairman of the Rockefellers Foundation. He has been a CFR member for 20 years. UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS: Peter Tarnoff (CFR, TLC). He's a real "outside." Tarnoff has been president of the Council on Foreign relations as well as a member of the TLC for years. As No. 3 man at State, he will be running things for the Insiders whenever Christopher and Wharton are out of town, or vise versa. DEPUTY NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: Samuel (Sandy) R. Berger (CFR). Berger has been a close friend of Clinton since they met during the McGovern campaign in 1972. He worked for Carter/Vance State Department, graduated from Cornell and Harvard Law School, and has been a member of CFR for at least five years. CHAIRMAN, FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD: William J. Crowe, Jr. (CFR). Former chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff under Reagan/Bush, Admiral Crowe was a Clinton favorite because he would support his draft-dodging record. Crowe has a Ph.D. in political science from Princeton and has been a CFR member for years. Like General Scowcroft, Alexander Haig, or Bobby Inman, Crowe is really not a professional soldier; he's an Insider/politician who happens to wear a uniform. SECRETARY OF TREASURE: Lloyd K. Bentsen not a member of CFR or TLC but was a guest at the 1992 Bilderberger Conference--a key international Insider that presumably gave the stamp of approval to a Slick Willie Presidency. DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET: Leon E. Panetta. Was chairman of the House Budget Committee, like Bentsen he is not a member of CFR or TLC, although he is a supporter of IPS. Like Bentzen, we know whose bidding he will be doing. DEPUTY OMB DIRECTOR: Alice M. Rivlin (CFR, TLC), if there is anything Penetta doesn't understand, Alice will explain it to him. She was one of the first women to join CFR and TLC. She does not represent women's groups, Alice represents the very Establishment which placed her in the job. DEPUTY SECRETARY OF TREASURY: Roger C. Altman (CFR) a real mover and shaker, a student at Georgetown in 1960 worked under Peter G. Peterson, current Chairman of CFR and IIE. David Rockefeller said, "Roger Altman is the man who will make policy at Treasure." He can be counted on to do the bidding of his bosses. CHAIR (WOMAN), COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS: Laura D'Andrea Tyson (CFR). Married to Hollywood screenwriter and novelist Erik Tarloff, she earned her Ph.D. in economics from MIT. Professor Tyson will be a very high-profile, as she is both attractive and articulate. SECRETARY OF LABOR: Robert B. Reich. The four-foot, nineinch Harvard professor and a Rhodes scholar, not a member of CFR or TLC. He is a long time friend of Clinton since their days at Oxford and Yale. He is not a card carrying member of the Establishment pinnacle organizations. His Rhodes scholarship and Harvard/Yale connections certainly qualify his as an Insider-inwaiting. SECRETARY OF COMMERCE: Ronald H. Brown. The former Jesse Jackson campaign manager and Democratic Natic Chairman was a perfect choice for the job of Chief Deal Doer. His former law partner Robert Stauss (CFR) was Bush's Ambassador to Russia. Brown is not as yet an Insider but his association with Robert Stauss and Vernon K. Jordon (CFR) a member of the same law firm, he soon will be an Insider. U.S. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE: Mickey Kantor. The chairman of the Clinton campaign and a big fund-raiser among the Hollywood "gliterati." While having little experience in foreign trade matters, the LA attorney is a quick study. CHAIRMAN, NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL: Robert E. Rubin, The co-chairman and 26 year veteran of the investment banking firm Goldman, Sachs and Co., Rubin is Wall Street Personified. Domestic Affairs SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: Donna E. Shalala (CFR, TLC). The former chancellor of the University of Wisconsin and former president of Hunter College in New York. She has been a member of CFR for at least a dozen years and TLC for five years or more, the founder director or IIE since its creation in 1983; a Carnegie fellow; a Guggenheim fellow, a member of various Wall Street Boards; and she owes it all to the Nelson and David Rockefeller. SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT: Henry Cisneros (CFR, TLC) his first Hispanic member. His i a Harvard man; earned a Ph.D. in Public Administration at Georgetown Washington University; got his government start under CFR/TLC big brother Elliot L. Richardson, a Rockefeller Republican, was admitted to membership of CFR at a very young age, was appointed to the Federal Reserve Board in Dallas, and worked in the Clinton campaign. SECRETARY OF INTERIOR: Bruce Babbitt (CFR, TLC). This Harvard Law School graduate and former governor of Arizona has been a member of CFR since the late '70s and a member of TLC since the early '80s and a friend of Clinton since their days together on the Governor's Conference. Now as to the other members of the domestic council/cluster, we will in the interest of time and space, assume they will follow their leader: They include Mike Epsy (black) at Agriculture; Federico Pena (Hispanic) at Transportation; and Hazel O'Leary (black female). Just below cabinet rank, and keeping with the mandate of the "Special Report" are those as designated as "cluster coordinator." They are Franklin D. Raines (CFR), Harvard Law, Rhodes scholars, and cluster coordinator for economic and international trade. Next is Johnetta Cole (CFR) cluster coordinator for education, arts, labor, and humanities; and James Gustave "Gus" Speth (CFR), cluster coordinator for natural resources/environment, energy and agriculture.