AP Physics 2013-2014 09- Angular Momentum / Equilibrium Unit Objectives: Use the vector product and the right hand rule to: Calculate the torque of a specified force about an arbitrary origin Calculate the angular momentum vector for a moving particle Calculate the angular momentum vector for a rotating rigid body in simple cases where this vector lies parallel to the angular velocity vector Understand angular momentum conservation so you can: Recognize the conditions under which the law of conservation is applicable and relate this law to one and two particle systems such as satellite orbits State the relationship between net external torque and angular momentum, and identify situations in which angular momentum is conserved Analyze problems in which the moment of inertia of a body is changed as it rotates freely about a fixed axis Analyze a collision between a moving particle and a rigid body that can rotate about a fixed axis or about its center of mass Understand the concept of torque so you can: Calculate the magnitude and sense of the torque associated with a given force Calculate the torque on a rigid body due to gravity Be able to analyze problems in statics so you can: State the conditions for translational and rotational equilibrium of a rigid body Apply these conditions in analyzing the equilibrium of a rigid body under the combined influence of a number of coplanar forces applied at different locations Unit Outline Date Topic/Activity Assignments M Feb. 24 Day 1 T Feb. 25 Day 2 Test Corrections Torque/Vector Product Angular Momentum/System of Particles W Feb. 26 Day 3 Th Feb. 27 Day 4 M Mar. 3 Day 1 T Mar. 4 Day 2 W Mar. 5 Day 3 Th Mar. 6 Day 4 F Mar. 7 T Mar. 11 Day 1 Angular Momentum/Rotating Rigid Object Conservation of Angular Momentum AP Practice Problems #1 LAB: Balancing Act Quiz: Angular momentum AP Problem Solving Equilibrium ~SCIENCE DROP~ LAB: Equilibrium Forces ~No Classes – Faculty Workday~ AP Problem Solving HW #30 (due Tue. 3/4):pg. 336-42 P: #36,37,39,42,43,45,49,89,91,93, 95,97 Complete Analysis HW #31(due Mon. 3/14): pg 362-69 P:#11,13,14,19,21,49,51,60,61, 70,71 Complete Analysis W Mar. 12 Day 2 Th Mar. 13 Day 3 F Mar. 14 Day 4 M-F Mar. 17-21 T Mar. 25 Day 1 AP Problem Solving Problem Session TEST: Angular momentum / Equilibrium ~No Classes - Spring Break~ Test Corrections Answers to even #’d problems (from book) are on Haiku…..