PERMANENT COUNCIL OEA/Ser.G CP/doc. 3704/03 11 March 2003 Original: English TRADE UNIT SEMIANNUAL REPORT OF ACTIVITIES JANUARY 1 – JUNE 30, 2002 This document is being distributed to the permanent missions and will be presented to the Permanent Council of the Organization. NV/CEPCIDI/31/01 Ref.: Semiannual activity reports of the Trade Unit - 2002 The Executive Secretariat for Integral Development presents its compliments to the Secretariat of the Permanent Council of the Organization and is pleased to submit to it the attached semiannual activity reports for 2002, presented by the Trade Unit to the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI) for consideration. CEPCIDI took note of these reports at its 87th Regular Meeting, held on February 11, 2003. Attachments SUBCOMMITTEE ON PARTNERSHIP FOR DEVELOPMENT POLICIES OEA/Ser. W/IV CEPCIDI/SCSD/doc. 199/02 29 October 2002 Original: English TRADE UNIT SEMIANNUAL REPORT OF ACTIVITIES JANUARY TO JUNE 30, 2002 SEMIANNUAL REPORT OF ACTIVITIES JANUARY TO JUNE 31, 2002 1. DEPENDENCY: TRADE UNIT 2. STAFF MEMBER RESPONSIBLE AND POST: JOSE MANUEL SALAZAR, TRADE UNIT DIRECTOR 3. BUDGET ALLOCATED BY THE REGULAR FUND FOR OPERATIONS OF THE DEPENDENCY: TRADE UNIT: $1,883,413.87 SICE: $ 421,232.12 4. FEMCIDI RESOURCES ADMINISTERED BY THE DEPENDENCY: $ 27,091.62 5. SPECIFIC OR TRUST FUNDS ADMINISTERED BY THE DEPENDENCY: $ 125,000 APPENDIX A ACTIVITIES Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan Results Staff member respon-sible for the activity 1-Support to the FTAA Negotiations and other relevant Trade Unit activities Fifteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Services (NGSV), Panama, January 8-11, 2002 FTAA process Fifteenth meeting of the NGSV The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. At the request of the NGSV, provide technical and analytical support to the Services negotiations. OAS regular fund This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. Fourteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Investment (NGIN), Panama, January 1416, 2002 FTAA process Fourteenth meeting of the NGIN The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. At the request of the NGIN, provide technical and analytical support to the Investment negotiations. OAS regular fund This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. 1 Progress on identifying modalities and procedures for negotiations and on eliminating brackets from draft text of services chapter of FTAA Agreement; consideratio n of civil society contribution s. Progress on identifying modalities and procedures for negotiations and discussions on institutional coordination . Sherry Stephenso n; Patricio Contreras, Maryse Robert Maryse Robert and Theresa Wetter Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Fifteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Competition Policy (NGCP), Panama, January 1618, 2002 FTAA Process Fifteenth meeting of the NGCP Fourteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Subsidies, Antidumping and Countervailing Duties (NGADCV), Panama, January 21-23, 2002 FTAA Process Fourteenth meeting of the NGADCV Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency At the request of the NGCP, provide technical and analytical support to the group OAS regular fund At the request of the NGADCV, provide technical and analytical support to the group OAS regular fund 2 Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. Results Progress in eliminating brackets from draft text of FTAA Agreement; preparation of draft report to the TNC; consideratio n of civil society contribution s. Progress in preparing work plan for deepening of disciplines on subsidies. and preparation of draft report to the TNC. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Jose Tavares Karsten Steinfatt and Rosine Plank Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Fifteenth Meeting of the Committee of Government Representativ es on the Participation of Civil Society (SOC). Panama, January 2324, 2002. FTAA process Fifteenth SOC Meeting Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects Economic diversification and integration, trade liberalization and market access constitute one of the priorities established in the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element in this context. Role played by the dependency in the activity As a member of the Tripartite Committee, the Trade Unit provides support to this Committee. 3 Source of funding for participation by the dependency OAS regular fund Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is part of point A of the Work Plan. Results Progress in determinin g methods of implementi ng and funding activities within the list of options to foster a process of increasing and sustaining communic ation with Civil Society; discussion of contributio ns received from the third open and public invitation to Civil Society; presentati on of the official FTAA website. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Jorge Mario Martínez and Barbara Kotschwar Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Seventeenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Market Access (NGMA), Panama, January 28February 1, 2002 FTAA process Description of the activity Seventeenth meeting of the NGMA Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity At the request of the NGMA, provide technical and analytical support in the area of Technical Barriers to Trade. 4 Source of funding for participation by the dependency OAS regular fund Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. Results Progress on identifying methods and modalities for tariff negotiation s; progress on determinin g timetable and modalities for establishin g rules of origin; progress in identifying non-tariff measures; preparatio n of draft report to the TNC. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Barbara Kotschwar Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Thirteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Intellectual Property (NGIP), Panama, February 4-7, 2002 FTAA process Thirteenth meeting of the NGIP Twelfth Meeting of the Joint GovernmentPrivate Sector Committee of Experts on Electronic Commerce (ECOM). Panama, February 1315, 2002 FTAA Process Twelfth ECOM Meeting Description of the activity Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency At the request of the NGIP, provide technical and analytical support to the group OAS regular fund At the request of the ECOM, provide technical and analytical support to the Committee. OAS regular fund. 5 Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan Results Progress on the elimination of brackets from draft text of FTAA Agreement ; considerati on of civil society contributio ns Continued to analyze issues related to e-commerce and trade for consideration of the TNC. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Theresa Wetter and Cesar Parga Paul Fisher and Karsten Steinfatt Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Thirteenth meeting of the Consultative Group on Smaller Economies (SME), Panama, February 1415, 2002 FTAA process Thirteenth SME Meeting Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity At the request of the CGSE, provide technical and analytical support to the group 6 Source of funding for participation by the dependency OAS regular fund Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan Results Progress on the formulation of the Hemispheri c Cooperation Program and on the discussion of the linkages between the rules and disciplines of the WTO and the differences in levels of developmen t and size of economies. Follow up of the negotiating groups discussions, the traderelated technical assistance needs, and of the implementat ion of the business facilitation measures. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Gisela Vergara Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity The FTAA and the WTO: Implications and challenges for the smaller economies of the hemisphere. Panajachel, Guatemala. February 1823, 2002. Organiz ed by Asíes and sponsor ed by the IDRC (Canada ), LATN, OAS and The World Bank. Seminar on the FTAA and WTO Workshop on Modalities and Procedures for Services and Investment Negotiations. Dominican Republic. February 2223, 2002 Govern ment of Dominic an Republic Workshop on Services and Investment Negotiations. Description of the activity Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency Trade Unit staff members instructed sessions in the workshop related to Services and to Intellectual Property Rights OAS- Regular Fund for tickets Trade Unit staff members presented papers OAS Regular Fund 7 Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point D of the Work Plan. This activity is contained in point D of the Work Plan. Results Informatio n disseminat ed and exchanged with national governme nt officials with respect to the FTAA process and the WTO. particularly implication s& challenges with respect to trade for smaller economies . Informatio n disseminat ed and exchanged with governme nt officials from the Dominican Republic on the FTAA Staff member respon-sible for the activity Patricio Contreras, César Parga Sherry Stephenso n and Maryse Robert Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Fifteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Dispute Settlement (NGDS), Panama, February 2527, 2002 Organizing entity FTAA process Description of the activity Fifteenth meeting of the NGDS Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity At the request of the NGDS, provide technical and analytical support to the group 8 Source of funding for participation by the dependency OAS regular fund Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan Results process, particularly services and investment . Progress on the elimination of brackets from draft text of FTAA Agreement ; draft submissio ns to the Technical Committee on Institutiona l Issues; draft report to the TNC. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Rosine PlankBrumback and Cesar Parga Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Workshop on Investment. Kingston, Jamaica. February 2527, 2002 OAS Trade Unit and JAMPR O Workshop on Investment Fourth meeting of the Technical Committee on Institutional Affairs (TCI), Panama, February 28, 2002 Trade Seminar: The Doha Development Agenda and the FTAA Process. The Challenge of Trade Capacity Building. FTAA process Fourth TCI Meeting OAS Trade Capacity Building Seminar Description of the activity Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency Co-organizer Funded by the Caribbean Rim Investment Initiative The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. At the request of the Committee, provide technical and analytical support OAS regular fund The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Organizers and sponsors OAS Regular Fund 9 Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point D of the Work Plan This activity is contained in point D of the Work Plan. Results Informatio n disseminat ed and exchanged with governme nt officials from Jamaica on the FTAA process particularly on investment . Progress in drafting a proposal for the overall architectur e of an FTAA agreement . The promotion of increased networking and informatio n sharing among the trade policy Staff member respon-sible for the activity Maryse Robert Remarks Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar and Rosine PlankBrumback José Manuel Salazar, Director The seminar benefited from the participati on of Mike Moore, Director General of the Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan Washington, D.C., February 28, 2002 Fourteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Intellectual Property (NGIP), Panama, March 4-6, 2002 Sixteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Services (NGSV), Panama, March 5-8, 2002 FTAA process Fourteenth meeting of the NGIP The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. At the request of the NGIP, provide technical and analytical support to the group OAS regular fund This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. FTAA process Sixteenth meeting of the NGSV The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. At the request of the NGSV, provide technical and analytical support to the Services negotiations. OAS regular fund This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. 10 Results community ; particularly with respect to the Doha Developm ent Agenda and the FTAA process. Progress on the elimination of brackets from draft text of FTAA Agreement . Progress on identifying modalities and procedures for negotiations and on eliminating brackets from draft text of services chapter of FTAA Agreement. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Remarks WTO, and Dr. César Gaviria Theresa Wetter and Cesar Parga Sherry Stephenso n; Patricio Contreras, Maryse Robert Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Fifteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Investment (NGIN), Panama, March 11-13, 2002 FTAA process Fifteenth meeting of the NGIN. Fifteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Subsidies, Antidumping and Countervailin g Duties (NGADCV), Panama, March 13-15, 2002 FTAA Process Fifteenth meeting of the NGADCV Description of the activity Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency At the request of the NGIN, provide technical and analytical support to the Investment negotiations. OAS regular fund At the request of the NGADCV, provide technical and analytical support to the group OAS regular fund 11 Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. Results Progress on identifying modalities and procedure s for negotiation s and preparatio n of report to the TNC. Completio n of report to the TNC and draft work plan for deepening of disciplines on subsidies. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Maryse Robert and Theresa Wetter Karsten Steinfatt and Rosine Plank Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Tenth Meeting of the TNC SubCommittee on Budget and Administratio n (ADM), Panama, March 14-15, 2002 FTAA process Tenth meeting of the ADM Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity As a member of the Tripartite Committee, the Trade Unit participates in the meetings of this Committee 12 Source of funding for participation by the dependency OAS regular fund Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan Results Revision of the Manual of Procedure s regulating the activities of the FTAA Administra tive Secretariat and review of the logistical requireme nts for the transfer of the venue of the Secretariat . Staff member respon-sible for the activity Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar, Rosine PlankBrumback and Ivonne Zuniga Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Eighteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Market Access (NGMA), Panama, March 18-22, 2002 FTAA process Description of the activity Eighteenth meeting of the NGMA Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity At the request of the NGMA, provide technical and analytical support in the area of Technical Barriers to Trade. 13 Source of funding for participation by the dependency OAS regular fund Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. Results Progress in completion of the Hemispher ic Data Base; identificati on of methods and modalities for tariff negotiation s; determinin g timetable and modalities for establishin g rules of origin; progress in identifying non-tariff measures; preparatio n of draft report to the TNC. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Barbara Kotschwar Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Sixteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Competition Policy (NGCP), Panama, March 25-27, 2002 FTAA Process Sixteenth meeting of the NGCP Fifth meeting of the Technical Committee on Institutional Affairs (TCI), Panama, April 2, 2002 FTAA process Fifth TCI Meeting Description of the activity Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency At the request of the NGCP, provide technical and analytical support to the group OAS regular fund At the request of the Committee, provide technical and analytical support OAS regular fund 14 Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. Results Progress in eliminating brackets from draft text of FTAA Agreement and preparatio n of draft report to the TNC. Preparatio n of draft consolidat ed text for the overall architectur e of an FTAA agreement . Staff member respon-sible for the activity Jose Tavares Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar and Rosine PlankBrumback Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Fourteenth meeting of the Consultative Group on Smaller Economies (SME), Panama, April 3-5, 2002 Organizing entity Description of the activity FTAA process Fourteenth SME Meeting Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity At the request of the CGSE, provide technical and analytical support to the group 15 Source of funding for participation by the dependency OAS regular fund Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan Results The Group discussed at length the principles and objectives of the Hemispheri c Cooperation Program. Teleconfere nce with WTO and UNCTAD officials on the scope of special and differential treatment in the WTO. Follow up of the negotiating groups discussions, the traderelated technical assistance needs, and of the implementat ion of the business facilitation measures. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Gisela Vergara Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Sixteenth Meeting of the Committee of Government Representativ es on the Participation of Civil Society (SOC). Panama, April 4-5, 2002. FTAA process Sixteenth SOC Meeting Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects Economic diversification and integration, trade liberalization and market access constitute one of the priorities established in the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element in this context. Role played by the dependency in the activity As a member of the Tripartite Committee, the Trade Unit provides support to this Committee. 16 Source of funding for participation by the dependency OAS regular fund Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is part of point A of the Work Plan. Results Progress in determining methods of implementin g and funding activities within the list of options to foster a process of increasing and sustained communicat ion with Civil Society; discussion of contribution s received from the third open and public invitation to Civil Society; draft report to the TNC. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Jorge Mario Martínez and Barbara Kotschwar Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity 3rd ASEC Seminar on Services in Manufacturing & Finance Applied Services Economic Centre. Toronto, Canada. April 18-19, 2002 The Applied Services Economic Centre (ASEC) and the University of Toronto Seminar on Services in Manufacturing & Finance Eleventh Meeting of the TNC SubCommittee on Budget and Administration (ADM), Isla de Margarita, Venezuela April 22, 2002 FTAA process Eleventh meeting of the ADM Description of the activity Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency Presented paper Funded by ASEC As a member of the Tripartite Committee, the Trade Unit participates in the meetings of this Committee OAS regular fund 17 Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is part of point A of the Work Plan. This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan Results Sharing information on risks associated with services growth and developmen t, particularly the need for improved systemic response to risk & vulnerability in regulatory systems. Assessment of needs for the transfer of the venue of the FTAA Administrati ve Secretariat. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Patricio Contreras Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar, Rosine PlankBrumback and Ivonne Zuniga Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Latin American and Caribbean countries and trade in health services: research priorities to address emerging policy challenges. Montevideo, Uruguay. April 24-25, 2002. National Seminar on the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Belmopan, Belize, April 29, 2002 National Seminar on the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Belmopan, Belize, April 30, 2002 Organizing entity IDRC Description of the activity Workshop on trade in health services Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. National Seminar on the FTAA open to civil society The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. National Seminar on the FTAA for government officials The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point D of the Work Plan. Paper presented by Trade Unit staff member Funded by IDRC This seminar was cosponsored jointly with the Centre for Trade Policy and Law (Canada) and the Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery. This seminar was cosponsored jointly with the Centre for Trade Policy and Law (Canada) and the Caribbean Regional Negotiating Travel expenses OAS Regular Fund This activity is contained in point D of the Work Plan. Travel expenses financed with OAS regular fund This activity is contained in point D of the Work Plan. 18 Results A discussion group was establishe d to discuss the possibility of liberalizing health services. Information disseminate d and exchanged with civil society about the FTAA process in general and key trade issues. Information disseminate d and exchanged with government al participants about the FTAA process in Staff member respon-sible for the activity Patricio Contreras Maryse Robert and César Parga Maryse Robert and César Parga Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan Machinery. Tenth meeting of the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC), Isla de Margarita, Venezuela April 24-26, 2002 and Panama, May 12-13, 2002 FTAA process Tenth TNC meeting The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. As a member of the Tripartite Committee, the Trade Unit always provides support to the TNC meetings. 19 OAS regular fund This activity is part of Point A of the Work Plan. Results general and key trade issues, such as services trade, investment, IPR, and dispute settlement. Establishme nt of methods and modalities for negotiations . Staff member respon-sible for the activity Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar, Deputy Director, Sherry Stephenson , Maryse Robert, and Rosine Plank, Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Hemispheric Cooperation on Competition Policy. Santiago, Chile, May 15-16, 2002 OAS and ECLAC Seminar on Competition Policy Fifteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Intellectual Property (NGIP), Panama, May 15-17, 2002 FTAA process Fifteenth meeting of the NGIP Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency This seminar was organized jointly with ECLAC OAS Regular Fund At the request of the NGIP, provide technical and analytical support to the group OAS regular fund 20 Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point D of the Work Plan. This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. Results Seminar to exchange views among high-level government representati ves and academics on issues of key importance to current efforts by Western Hemisphere countries to establish crossborder mechanism s for cooperation in the field of competition policy. Progress on the elimination of brackets from draft text of FTAA Agreement ; considerati on of civil society contributio ns Staff member respon-sible for the activity José Tavares and Karsten Steinfatt Theresa Wetter and Cesar Parga Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) Trade Forum Meeting, Lima, May 17-19, 2002 PECC; Peruvian National Committe e for Pacific Economic Cooperati on; and, Universid ad del Pacifico (Lima) Description of the activity Seminar on Regional Economic Integration in Asia and Latin America Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency Presented two papers OAS Regular Fund 21 Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is part of point A of the Work Plan Results Sharing information on the FTAA Process, and on current services and investment issues in regional trade agreements in the hemisphere and at the multilateral level. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Maryse Robert Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Nineteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Market Access (NGMA), Panama, May 20-24, 2002 FTAA process Sixteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Investment (NGIN), Panama, May 22-24, 2002 FTAA process Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects Role played by the dependency in the activity Nineteenth meeting of the NGMA The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. At the request of the NGMA, provide technical and analytical support in the area of Technical Barriers to Trade. OAS regular fund This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. Sixteenth meeting of the NGIN. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. At the request of the NGIN, provide technical and analytical support to the Investment negotiations. OAS regular fund This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. Description of the activity 22 Source of funding for participation by the dependency Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan Results Progress in completion of the Hemispheri c Data Base; preparation of new work plan; draft new recommend ations on methods and modalities for tariff negotiations ; progress on the elimination of brackets from draft text of FTAA Agreement. Progress on the elimination of brackets from draft text of FTAA Agreement. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Barbara Kotschwar Maryse Robert and Theresa Wetter Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Seventeenth Meeting of the Committee of Government Representative s on the Participation of Civil Society (SOC). Panama, May 24, 2002. FTAA process Description of the activity Seventeenth SOC Meeting Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects Economic diversification and integration, trade liberalization and market access constitute one of the priorities established in the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element in this context. Role played by the dependency in the activity As a member of the Tripartite Committee, the Trade Unit provides support to this Committee. 23 Source of funding for participation by the dependency OAS regular fund Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is part of point A of the Work Plan. Results Progress in determining methods of implementin g and funding activities within the list of options to foster a process of increasing and sustained communicat ion with Civil Society; discussion of contribution s received from the third open and public invitation to Civil Society; discussion of draft report to Ministers. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Jorge Mario Martínez Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Sixteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Subsidies, Antidumping and Countervailin g Duties (NGADCV), Panama, May 29-31, 2002 FTAA Process Sixteenth meeting of the NGADCV Thirteenth Meeting of the Joint GovernmentPrivate Sector Committee of Experts on Electronic Commerce (ECOM). Panama, June 3-5, 2002 FTAA Process Thirteenth ECOM Meeting Description of the activity Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency At the request of the NGADCV, provide technical and analytical support to the group OAS regular fund At the request of the ECOM, provide technical and analytical support to the Committee. OAS regular fund. 24 Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan Results Discussion of draft work plan for deepening of disciplines on subsidies; continued work on draft negotiating text; preparatio n of draft report to the TNC. Continued to analyze issues related to e-commerce and trade for consideration of the TNC; draft report to Ministers. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Karsten Steinfatt and Rosine Plank Paul Fisher and Karsten Steinfatt Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Sixteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Dispute Settlement (NGDS), Panama, June 10-12, 2002 FTAA process Sixteenth meeting of the NGDS Sixth meeting of the Technical Committee on Institutional Affairs (TCI), Panama, June 12-13, 2002 FTAA process Sixth TCI Meeting Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency At the request of the NGDS, provide technical and analytical support to the group OAS regular fund At the request of the Committee, provide technical and analytical support OAS regular fund 25 Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan Results Progress on the elimination of brackets from draft text of FTAA Agreement ; draft submissio ns to the Technical Committee on Institutiona l Issues; draft report to the TNC. Preparatio n of draft consolidat ed text for the overall architectur e of an FTAA agreement ; draft report to the TNC. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Rosine PlankBrumback and Cesar Parga Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar and Rosine PlankBrumback Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Sixteenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Intellectual Property (NGIP), Panama, June 17-19, 2002 FTAA process Sixteenth meeting of the NGIP Seventeenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Services (NGSV), Panama, June 17-21, 2002 FTAA process Seventeenth meeting of the NGSV Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency At the request of the NGIP, provide technical and analytical support to the group OAS regular fund At the request of the NGSV, provide technical and analytical support to the Services negotiations. OAS regular fund 26 Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. Results Progress on the elimination of brackets from draft text of FTAA Agreement ; draft report to the TNC; considerati on of civil society contributio ns Progress on the elimination of brackets from draft text of FTAA Agreement and preparatio n of report to Ministers; considerati on of civil society contributio ns. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Theresa Wetter and Cesar Parga Sherry Stephenso n; Patricio Contreras, Maryse Robert Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Seventeenth Meeting of the Committee of Government Representativ es on the Participation of Civil Society (SOC). Panama, June 24-25, 2002. FTAA process Seventeenth SOC Meeting Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects Economic diversification and integration, trade liberalization and market access constitute one of the priorities established in the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element in this context. Role played by the dependency in the activity As a member of the Tripartite Committee, the Trade Unit provides support to this Committee. 27 Source of funding for participation by the dependency OAS regular fund Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is part of point A of the Work Plan. Results Progress in determinin g methods of implementi ng and funding activities within the list of options to foster a process of increasing and sustained communic ation with Civil Society; considerati on of submissio ns received in response to the third open and public invitation to Civil Society. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Jorge Mario Martínez Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Seminar on Trade in Services. Asunción, Paraguay. June 24-28, 2002 Fifteenth meeting of the Consultative Group on Smaller Economies (SME), Panama, June 25-27, 2002 FTAA process Fifteenth SME Meeting Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan Results Staff member respon-sible for the activity The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Presented paper and was speaker at the seminar. Travel expenses financed with OAS regular fund This activity is contained in point D of the Work Plan. Information disseminate d and exchanged with government and private sector representati ves on the FTAA and the new round of negotiations of the WTO. Sherry Stephenson The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. At the request of the CGSE, provide technical and analytical support to the group OAS regular fund This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan The Group approved the proposal for the first stage of the Hemispher ic Cooperatio n Program (which includes its principles and objectives) and discussed the proposal for the implement ation of Gisela Vergara 28 Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan Results roundtable meetings based on the demand and supply of traderelated technical cooperatio n. Follow up of the negotiating groups discussion s, the traderelated technical assistance needs, and of the implement ation of the business facilitation measures. 29 Staff member respon-sible for the activity Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan Results Staff member respon-sible for the activity 2- Foreign Trade Information System (SICE) Maintain the SICE Website SICE Continue restructuring the SICE Website to make it more user-friendly and to facilitate the growth of the site. The sharing of experiences and information in the context of economic diversification and integration, trade liberalization and market access is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 19972001. As part of the Trade Unit, SICE plays an important role in providing information on trade liberalization and on the Hemispheric process of economic integration. OAS regular fund This activity is part of point B of the Work Plan. http://www .sice.oas.o rg SICE staff Maintain and improve the Trade Unit website SICE Improve the Trade Unit Website to better disseminate Trade Unit information. Support to the efforts toward economic integration, trade liberalization and market access and to the process of creating the FTAA which is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 19972001. As part of the Trade Unit, SICE plays an important role in providing information on trade liberalization and on the Hemispheric process of economic integration. OAS regular fund This activity is part of point B of the Work Plan. http://www .sice.oas.o rg/TUnit/tu nite.asp SICE / Trade Unit staff 30 Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Maintain and improve the FTAA Official Website SICE At the request of the Ministers of Trade and the FTAA entities, redesign and maintain the FTAA Official site to make it more attractive and to make the information more accessible. Maintain FTAA Calendar of Activities FTAA process Maintain FTAA Secure Site SICE As mandated by Ministers in the Toronto Ministerial Declaration, keep updated the calendar of activities for FTAA negotiators. Keep FTAA Document Dissemination Facility updated. Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity SICE manages the FTAA official website ( in coordination with the Tripartite Committee. In terms of the site content, SICE maintains 80 percent, while the IDB maintains 20 percent. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. SICE maintains the FTAA Secure Document Distribution Service 31 Source of funding for participation by the dependency OAS regular fund Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is part of point B of the Work Plan. Results http://www Staff member respon-sible for the activity SICE staff OAS regular fund This activity is part of point B of the Work Plan. FTAA negotiator s are kept up to date on tasks in the negotiating areas. SICE staff OAS regular fund This activity is part of point B of the Work Plan. FTAA negotiating documents are posted 4 hours after received from Secretariat . SICE staff Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Update and maintain the internal Website for Georgetown course (described below in the Technical Cooperation section, under “Multilateral and regional Trade Issues for the Americas: an advanced Training Course for Government Officials”) Organizing entity SICE Description of the activity Creation of a mechanism to make available course materials from previous years including participants lists, class schedules, reading lists, papers and presentations on the internet for access by course participants. Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity As part of the Trade Unit, SICE plays an important role in providing information on trade liberalization and on the Hemispheric process of economic integration. 32 Source of funding for participation by the dependency OAS regular fund Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is part of points B & D of the Work Plan. Results Course materials are made easily accessible to course participant s and alumni. The site provides for a continual learning process. Staff member respon-sible for the activity Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Description of the activity Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects Role played by the dependency in the activity Source of funding for participation by the dependency Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan Results Staff member respon-sible for the activity 3- Inter-institutional Cooperation Technical support to the FTAA entities Tripartite Committe e: OAS; United Nations Economic Commissi on for Latin America and the Caribbea n (ECLAC) and the InterAmerican Develop ment Bank (IDB) Provide technical support to the FTAA entities (Ministerial meetings, the Trade Negotiations Committee, the Negotiating Groups, Special Committees and the Consultative Groups The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Coordination of the Tripartite Committee is shared on a rotating basis by the three institutions. 33 Partially funded by the OAS regular fund. This activity is contained in point C of the Work Plan. A variety of studies and documents requested by FTAA entities José M. Salazar Remarks Name, place and date of the activity Organizing entity Joint Research Project on Regulatory Reform and Services Liberalization in the Countries of the Andean Community OAS; World Bank, Andean Commu nity Secretari at Description of the activity Research project to examine and analyze the impact of trade liberalization and regulatory reform on policy and performance in selected service sectors in countries of the Andean Community. Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 20022005. Role played by the dependency in the activity Coordinator 34 Source of funding for participation by the dependency Partially funded by the OAS regular fund Relation-ship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan This activity is contained in point C of the Work Plan Results Data collection and sectoral analyses should result in the examinatio n of the relationshi p between policies applied to each service sector and its performan ce, and thus identify priorities for policy reform. Staff member respon-sible for the activity José M. Salazar, Sherry Stephenso n, Maryse Robert Remarks APPENDIX B: PROGRESS MADE BY THE COOPERATION PROJECTS Project Maintain and improve the NetAmericas website Type (National, bilateral, multilateral) Source and amount of financing Multilateral SIECA and CIDI, sponsored by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. (CIDI funds for this activity – $10,000.00.) Multilateral Regular Fund Role of the dependency in the project (promoter, coordinator, executor) Co-organized between OAS & SIECA Coordinator Biannual progress report on execution Results Staff member responsible for the project Remarks Services Workshop for Government Officials. Guatemala City, Guatemala. February 7-8, 2002 Information disseminated and exchanged with government officials from Central America, Mexico and the Dominican Republic on the FTAA process, particularly services. Sherry Stephenson and Patricio Contreras This activity is contained in point D of the Work Plan. NetAmericas is a network dedicated to foster the exchange of information and encourage critical thinking and research on the processes of hemispheric integration. www.NetAmericas. net Trade Unit Director, José Manuel Salazar and Larisa Caicedo This activity is part of point D of the Work Plan. 35 Existing SICE resources are used to host this website – SICE Coordinator, Barbara Kotchwar Project Type (National, bilateral, multilateral) Source and amount of financing “Trade and Integration in the Americas: Advanced Training Program for Government Officials” Multilateral CIDI, sponsored by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago/$40,000 for this activity. “Trade and Integration in the Americas: Advanced Training Program for Government Officials” Multilateral Government of the United States US$ 125,000 and the Office of Fellowships of the IACD US$30,000. “Trade and Integration in the Americas: Advanced Training Program for Government Officials” Multilateral CIDI, sponsored by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago/$25,668 for both NetAmericas activities held on June 18 & 19, 2002. Role of the dependency in the project (promoter, coordinator, executor) Conference jointly organized with the Government of Trinidad & Tobago, ECLAC, IDB, and OAS. The Trade Unit partially executes the project, i.e., arranges the Trade Course participants’ travel and per diem, as well as the hiring of personnel to execute the project. The Trade Unit also arranges the professors’ travel and honoraria. Coordinator Biannual progress report on execution Conference and Donor Workshop entitled “Trade Related Capacity Building: Focus on the Americas. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. May 13-14, 2002 Multilateral and Regional Trade Issues for the Americas: an advanced Training Course for Government Officials. Washington, D.C., June 1021, 2002 Trade Seminar: “Challenges on Key Issues for Modern Trade Agreements”. (NetAmericas), held in Washington, D.C. on June 18, 2002 36 Results Staff member responsible for the project Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar and Gisela Vergara Training of 50 government officials on regional and multilateral trade issues in a twoweek course offered at Georgetown University. Maryse Robert and Theresa Wetter This event gathered trade experts, academics and policymakers from different countries in the Americas, and other personalities from the international Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar, Larisa Caicedo, Jorge Mario Martínez, and Jose Tavares Remarks This activity is part of the project “Trade and Integration in the Americas: Advanced Training Program for Government Officials,” financed by CIDI IN 2002 and sponsored by Trinidad and Tobago. This activity is part of the project “Trade and Integration in the Americas: Advanced Training Program for Government Officials,” financed by CIDI and sponsored by Trinidad and Tobago. The Research Network Project Type (National, bilateral, multilateral) Source and amount of financing Role of the dependency in the project (promoter, coordinator, executor) Biannual progress report on execution Results Staff member responsible for the project trade arena to exchange views on substantive issues regarding multilateral and regional trade negotiations. The event was attended by members of NetAmericas from Latin America and the Caribbean and was also open to the academic, trade and diplomatic communities of Washington, DC. “Trade and Integration in the Americas: Advanced Training Program for Government Officials” Multilateral CIDI, sponsored by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago/$25,668 for both NetAmericas activities held on June 18 & 19, 2002. Coordinator The Third Meeting of the Coordinating Committee of the Research Network on Trade in the Americas (NetAmericas), held in Washington, D.C. on June 19, 2002 37 Membership of the network was reviewed and approved; panelists and budget distribution were approved for the upcoming Annual Conference “Integrating the Americas” to be held in Remarks will allow access to researchers from every country in the Western Hemisphere to state of the art information and discussion on trade issues. This is especially important for the smaller economies where these resources are relatively scarce. Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar, Larisa Caicedo, Jorge Mario Martínez, and Jose Tavares This activity is part of the project “Trade and Integration in the Americas: Advanced Training Program for Government Officials,” financed by CIDI and sponsored by Trinidad and Tobago. The Research Network allows access to researchers from every country in the Western Hemisphere to state of the art information and discussion on trade issues, which is Project Type (National, bilateral, multilateral) Source and amount of financing Role of the dependency in the project (promoter, coordinator, executor) Biannual progress report on execution Results November 2002. 38 Staff member responsible for the project Remarks especially important for the smaller economies where these resources are relatively scarce. APPENDIX C FUND REGULAR FUND BUDGETED $ 1,883.413.87 EXPENDED $ 1,689.097.00 AVAILABLE REMARKS $ 194,316.87 Balances from the Regular Fund at the end of the fiscal year are not transferrable to the next year. FEMCIDI (administered directly or indirectly by the dependency) SPECIFIC OR TRUST FUNDS (administered directly or indirectly by the dependency) Funds provided by the US Mission to the OAS to finance the Trade Course at Georgetown University $ 27,091.62 $ 25,423.32 $ 244.68 $ 125,000 $ 120,132.47 $ 4,867.53 MOBILIZED CP10946E01 39 FEMCIDI funds provided to Trinidad and Tobago and administered by the Trade Unit to execute part of the Georgetown University Trade Course. Balance returned to Trinidad and Tobago for reprogramming Remaining funds will be used in the first semester of 2002 for the third meeting of the Coordinating Committee of the Research Network on Trade in the Americas (NetAmericas)