Essay Questions:

Lab Biology – Midterm Exam Study Guide
Test Date: __________
The midterm exam will consist of multiple choice questions, essay questions and a
multiple-task problem to solve. More weight is given to the open-ended essays and
problem. The following topics should be reviewed:
Energy, Matter and Organization
Chapter 1 – Introduction: Biology Today
Chapter 2 – Essential Chemistry for Biology
Chapter 3 – The Molecules of Life
Chapter 4 – A Tour of the Cell
Homeostasis in Living Organisms
Chapter 5 – The Working Cell
Cell Energy
Chapter 6 – Cellular Respiration
Chapter 7 - Photosynthesis
Bio workbook
Chapter 1 & 2
Chapter 3 & 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Cell Growth & Differentiation
Chapter 8 – Cellular Reproduction
Chapter 15, 16
Chapter 9 – Patterns of Inheritance
Chapter 17
How to study:
First and foremost – be able to answer the essay questions. Brainstorm vocabulary and
outline essays. Use the chapter summaries, study guides, chapter review questions;
notes and additional worksheets. The Bio Review Book is also great material for review
reading. Your online textbook resources (section quizzes especially) are also available.
Test Answer keys and Workbook keys are available for your use.
Online text and interactive review resources -
Your old tests will be available for study, as well. You must sign out your test folder
and may review exam keys by appointment. Test folders are to be returned on midterm
To ensure an effective review, know what questions YOU want to ask.
Exam Day:
Bring a #2 pencil and a pen for essays. You will complete your essay questions first IN
PEN, then take the multiple choice portion. Bring study or reading material in case you
finish early. You will not be allowed to talk at any time during the test while any single
test is still out, nor leave for the bathroom or leave early.
Essay Questions:
You have the opportunity to prepare for the essay questions prior to the exam. These
will be completed prior to the multiple choice portion of the midterm and must be
written in PEN. All essays should be thoughtfully worded, using appropriate
terminology and completely supported with examples for full credit. Rules of grammar
and spelling count. I will gladly review your essay preparation prior to the midterm!!
Be prepared for these potential essay topics:
1. Describe the processes associated with cellular transport to maintain homeostasis;
describe how disruption of homeostasis can affect life. (Ch 5, workbook)
2. President Bush has deemed that Mars is the next planet that humans will occupy.
Your mission as part of the administration’s Science Team - determine if life
currently exists on this planet and if life could be possible? Be sure to answer both
parts of the question. (Ch 1-3, all)
3. Ripley’s Believe it or Not museum features lots of “freaks of nature” - strange
animals with two heads, the bearded lady, etc. Discuss the true scientific nature of
Ripley’s phenomenon. (Ch 8, 9 & 12)
4. Discuss the importance of the four organic compounds to over-all health and wellbeing. Be specific. Include the importance of inorganic compounds as well
(vitamins, minerals, and water). Have your views changed about your diet since our
studies? (Ch 2, 3, Ch 6-7)
5. In the old days sailors and settlers, etc. preserved food by smoking it, or storing in
salt or a salty fluid called “brine.” Discuss how these processes would have kept
foods “safe” against bacterial invaders and preserved for long-term storage. (Ch 5, 3,
6. What is meant by “it takes energy to make energy?” Discuss the energy
transformations both as an overall function of diet and processes, but the process of
photosynthesis and respiration as well. (use formulas!). (Ch 6, 7, 1 and enzymes)
7. Discuss how structure is related to function, from the cellular level on through the
hierarchy of organization. Why do cells bother to differentiate? (Ch 4, All)
8. What is the role of research, the hypothesis, and prediction in any scientific
experiment, and their relationship; why do you need all 3 in your experimental design.
(Ch 1)
9. What is meant by the great debate over “nature vs. nuture”? Give scientific support
for either side or both, and debate which one plays a greater role in our traits. (Ch. 9, 12)
10. Why Sex? Discuss how mitosis and meiosis are related to asexual and sexual
reproduction, and how ultimately, they relate to survival of a species? (Ch 1, 8)