Medium Term Planning Term 3 2015: Saturn Y2: Mrs Scott (Monday – Wednesday) Thursday and Friday Management release WEEKS LITERACY New National Curriculum NUMERACY New National Curriculum ICT New National Curriculum SCIENCE Old & New National Curriculum Literacy/Topic link – Fantasy stories about Dragons Main texts: The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward, George and the Dragon by Chris Wormell, The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch, Number and Place Value Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division Fractions Finding Out Information Target Skills: Research, word processing, photography Target AF’s: AF1, AF3 Physics Strand: Electricity Software: Microsoft Word Microsoft Powerpoint Inter-school collaborative lesson study theme WEEK 1 Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th January 2015 Homework – Reading comprehension T – Speaking and Listening – Recount of Holiday activities Planning of recount writing, focusing on the layout of writing, paragraphs etc. Number and place value Compare numbers using the symbols < and > W – Writing following plan Identify properties of numbers and use this to sort them Phonics and Wordwork: ch/tch- f/ph – j/g/dge Suffixes ‘’ful’ ‘ly’ (Bewley Week 6) WEEK 2 12th - 14th January 2015 Pupil Progress Meetings Fantasy stories – Dragon Stories M – Listen and respond to stories, collecting ideas for own dragon character T – Create a character profile W – Recount a story sequence using sentences and paragraphs Phonics and Wordwork: m-mb/ n-kn-gn/ng-n(k) Suffixes ‘ment. and ‘ness’ (Bewley Week 7) Number and place value Use ordinal numbers in context up to 10th and beyond Round 2-digit numbers to nearest multiple of 10 Round 2-digit numbers to nearest multiple of 10 Early Work Dance Mat We are learning to Copy and Paste pictures. Use Word Click on Insert- Picture – Clip Art Type in seasons and click GO Click on 4 different pictures Make sure that they fit onto 1 page! Type SEASONS Label Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Type both of your names and the date. (Children in pairs) Investigate the copy and paste Clip Art functions using Microsoft Word We are learning to Copy and Paste pictures. Use Word Click on Insert- Picture – Clip Art Type in seasons and click GO Click on 4 different pictures Make sure that they fit onto 1 page! Type SEASONS Label Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Type both of your names and the date. (Children in pairs) ectricity.htm What do we know about electricity? What would we like to learn about electricity? Where and for what purpose is electricity used around our school? Do appliances use mains or battery? 1st section Investigate batteries Electrical safety 2nd section Medium Term Planning Term 3 2015: Saturn Y2: Mrs Scott (Monday – Wednesday) Thursday and Friday Management release WEEK 3 19th – 21st January 2015 Book Scrutiny Fantasy stories – Dragon Stories M – Think about and create a story based on a dragon and using aspects of dragon stories read. - Tell others the story, sequencing the beginning, the middle and the end. Addition and subtraction Add a single-digit number to a 2-digit number, bridging 10 T - Make a story plan for the story described yesterday. - Write key words and phrases in the story plan Use number facts to add and subtract Subtract a single-digit number from a 2digit number, bridging 10 Use number facts or place value to + and − W - Begin to write a story based on a careful plan. - Compose & rehearse sentences orally before writing them. - Sequence sentences in a narrative. WEEK 4 26th – 28th January 2015 Lesson Study Week 1 Phonics and Wordwork: r-wr/s-c, sc Suffixes ‘en’ and ‘or’ (Bewley Week 8) Inter-school collaborative lesson study theme Phonics and Wordwork: Sh-ch, t(ion), ss(ion), ss(ure)s(ion), s(ure), c(ion), c(ious), c(ial) Contractions (or elisions), (Bewley Week 9) Lesson Study Week 2 Inter-school collaborative lesson study theme Phonics and Wordwork Adding suffix @Y@ to nouns Their/there, they/them (Bewley Week 10) How can you make a bulb light up? s/komodo-dragon Understand that electricity can cause light, heat, sound &/or movement. o_dragon.php eclips/ages/8_9/circuits_conductors_ fs.shtml For Plenary dragon Create an information sheet with a partner. Use Copy and Paste learning from the past 2 weeks. Addition and subtraction Add 2-digit numbers using a number grid Add 2-digit numbers crossing over 10s barrier Subtract 2-digit numbers using grid and landmarked line WEEK 5 2nd – 4th February 2015 Research into Komodo dragons Multiplication and division Recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and describe patterns Begin to relate multiplication with division Understand grouping as one model of division Research into Komodo dragons Investigate a variety of circuits. s/komodo-dragon o_dragon.php 3rd section dragon Create an information sheet with a partner. Use Copy and Paste learning from the past 2 weeks. We are learning to Copy and Paste pictures. Use Word Click on Insert- Picture – Clip Art Type in Chinese dragons and click GO Click on 4 different pictures Make sure that they fit onto 1 page! Type CHINESE NEW YEAR DRAGONS Type both of your names and the date. (Children individually as assessment) Investigate switches Medium Term Planning Term 3 2015: Saturn Y2: Mrs Scott (Monday – Wednesday) Thursday and Friday Management release WEEK 6 9th – 11th February 2015 Lesson Study Week 3 Inter-school collaborative lesson study theme Fractions Finding ½ and ¼ of amounts by sharing Phonics and Wordwork: Review and assess Find ½ and ¼ of amounts by sharing and using number facts Find ½, ¼ and 1/3 of amounts by sharing and using number facts We are learning to Copy and Paste pictures. Use Word Click on Insert- Picture – Clip Art Type in Chinese dragons and click GO Click on 4 different pictures Make sure that they fit onto 1 page! Type CHINESE NEW YEAR DRAGONS Type both of your names and the date. Investigate bulbs and motor buzzers. Have we answered all of our questions? Review and Assess unit. (Children individually as assessment) Children write an evaluation of their Copy and Pasting learning. WEEKS Topic and Global Theme: Inequality Term 3 Weeks 1 – 4 – Seasonal and Daily Weather Patterns in the U.K. Weeks 5 and 6 – Chinese New Year and Dragon theme/Investigating China MUSIC Music Express 2 Exploring pitch P.E. Dance: New Year Dragon Dance Taught by Miss Evans WEEK 1 Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th January 2015 WALT: Identify seasonal patterns in the U.K. - What are seasons? - Investigate seasonal change and create group posters showing learning. I am learning about pitch. (Page 24) Using body movements to demonstrate pitch) None as back on a Tuesday WEEK 2 12th - 14th January 2015 WALT: Identify seasonal patterns in the U.K. Why do we wear different clothes at different times of the year? Investigate and explain. I am using instruments to learn about pitch. (Page 26) Using chime bars and body movements) Session 1: Watch video clip of a dragon dance. Discuss and identify the groups, need for a puppet, and especially teamwork. dragondance.aspx Pupil Progress Meetings WEEK 3 19th – 21st January 2015 Book Scrutiny WEEK 4 26th – 28th January 2015 Seasonal and Daily Weather Patterns in the U.K. Why do we have seasons? Investigate the Earth’s tilt, orbit and the fact that the North Pole always points in the same direction. I am learning to use a simple score. (Page 28) (Listening and responding with body actions and then creating a simple score) Seasonal and Daily Weather Patterns in the U.K. What have we learnt? Explain learning about seasons over the last 4 weeks. Emphasis on sentence writing and paragraphs. I can perform, thinking about pitch. (Page 29) Begin to explore the music and create moves. Session 2: Explore the elements of the dance. The need for a ball or pearl of wisdom. The dragon following the ball to gain wisdom. gondance.aspx Session 3: Continue with dance Medium Term Planning Term 3 2015: Saturn Y2: Mrs Scott (Monday – Wednesday) Thursday and Friday Management release Lesson Study Week 1 WEEK 5 2nd – 4th February 2015 Other countries and cultures have New Year traditions too. Today we are going to be finding out more about Chinese New Year customs. We can create a class arrangement using our learning about pitch. (Page 32) Session 4; Continue with dance and make dragon We can create a class arrangement using our learning about pitch. (Page 33) Session 5: Perform and evaluate dance. Chinese Four Dragons story/Geog link Lesson Study Week 2 WEEK 6 9th – 11th February 2015 Lesson Study Week 3 Find China on a world map and locate the 4 rivers mentioned in the story. Discuss why drought and why rain is important. Look at related pictures. Go back to the story and ask them to think how the story could have ended differently if the Emperor had been pleased with what the dragons had done. Discuss ideas for a new ending to the story – record these on f/c. Children to then write their own endings for the story. Chinese New Year How did the years get their names? Story with shadow puppets – Calendar of animals etc. Investigate Chinese New Year Customs and relate these to our own, discussed at the beginning of term. Write a comparison between the two. Review and assess Medium Term Planning Term 3 2015: Saturn Y2: Mrs Scott (Monday – Wednesday) Thursday and Friday Management release Weeks 1 and 2 Copy and Pasting Weeks 1 and 2 Copy and Pasting WALT: Copy and Paste pictures. WALT: Copy and Paste pictures. Use Word Click on Insert- Picture – Clip Art Type in seasons and click GO Click on 4 different pictures Use Word Click on Insert- Picture – Clip Art Type in seasons and click GO Click on 4 different pictures Make sure that they fit onto 1 page! Make sure that they fit onto 1 page! Type SEASONS Label Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Type SEASONS Label Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Type both of your names and the date. Type both of your names and the date.