Math 1300 Course Policies and General Information Spring 2007 Instructor Office Mailbox email Website Office hours Leigh Hollyer 617 PGH 651 PGH Mondays 9am – 11am in CASA Fridays 9am – 11am in CASA by appointment starting Jan. 22 and ending April 27 Lecture time and place TuTh, 8:30 – 10am, 104 SEC Text is online and free. Go to you may buy a printed version at the UC Copy Center, if you wish. Announcements will be made at the beginning of lecture, by email, or on my website. You are responsible for any announcements of changes regardless of the medium I use. I reserve the right to make changes to the syllabus and to announce such information as needed. Please keep your email address updated at the CourseWare site as this is my favorite way to get in touch with you. Calculators are not allowed. Don’t get dependent by using them on your homework. Cheating won’t be tolerated. See page 8 of the Student Handbook for details. Course Policies Quiz. This is a required quiz on WebCT. You must register with WebCT and earn a perfect score to be allowed to take any of the weekly quizzes. This quiz will be up by the end of the first week of school and ends at the end of the third week. CourseWare website: is where you register for tests, check your grades, and have a discussion board for help from other students. Please set up your CourseWare login and password on the first day of classes. Daily poppers will begin on Tuesday, January 30. Short multiple choice questions will be asked throughout the lecture. You will answer them on the purple Scantron you will bring to class (nb: I won’t be supplying ANY Scantrons!). You will turn in the Scantron at the end of lecture. They’ll be graded and shredded, not returned. Grades will be posted twice a month in your CourseWare grade book. Daily poppers are 10% of your grade. There are no make-ups for missed poppers. Dropping You are responsible for making sure you have been successfully dropped from the course. Do not depend on me to drop you for any reason nor should you assume that paperwork will be done for you automatically. Pay attention to drop deadlines and check VIP for your course status. If you want to be dropped, let me know; don’t assume I’m going to do it for you even if you deserve it. Email: The class email list is kept by the CourseWare website people. Make sure your listing is current and that you’ve adjusted your spam filter to allow me to email you. You are responsible for anything I send. Extra Credit Immediately prior to each test there will be a practice test available online. You may take it as many times as you want; 10% of your high score will be added to your test grade. Please make sure to note the date and time that the test will be removed from online – get your extra credit done well before then. Extra credit will be added in at the END of the semester in MY grade book; the only grades posted in your CourseWare grade book will be your actual test scores. Final The final is compulsory and comprehensive. It is 110 minutes long. The final counts 10% of your grade. You must score a 50% on the final to be eligible to pass the course. The final will be taken in our classroom on purple Scantrons. Don’t forget to bring one. The final is Thursday, May 10 from 8am – 9:50am. Grading The overall grading scheme is: Attendance poppers Homework Tests in CASA Weekly quizzes Final 10% 10% 40% 30% 10% The course is graded S/U. You must have BOTH a 50% on the final and a 70% cumulative average to earn a grade of S. If you do not earn a grade of S your grade will be a U. “U” cannot be removed from your transcript by repeating the course; each time you take the course, it is graded. If you score below 50% on the final (raw score), then your grade is automatically a U. Help for the course is available at MathLab (222 Garrison) from 9am to 4pm M – Th and 9am to 2pm Friday. Tutoring is also available at LSS (3rd floor of the Social Work building). Audiovisual tapes of the material can be checked out from the publications department of the Library. Online help is available at There is a discussion board available for peer tutoring on the CourseWare site. Homework One or two homework assignments will be due daily starting Tuesday, Sept. 5. Do each assignment on a separate red Scantron form. Fill out the top of the form fully and properly. Don’t write outside the boxes. None, one or two problems will be graded. Homework will not be returned. Grades will be posted to your CourseWare gradebook twice a month. Work neatly, do the problems IN ORDER, box your answers, stay inside the lines. Homework must be turned in on the proper day in our classroom -- not early, not late; it is due BEFORE I start lecturing. Make two piles if two assignments are due and make sure you get yours in the correct pile. Homework that does not conform to these standards will not be graded. Important dates for Spring 2007 First class day Last day to drop, enrollment cap Test 1 in class, purple Scantron Test 1 make-up petition deadline Last day to drop w/o grade Test 2 in CASA Test 2 make-up petition deadline Test 3 in CASA Test 3 make-up petition deadline Last day to drop at all* Test 4 in CASA Test 4 make-up petition deadline Final** 8am – 9:50, purple Scantron Tuesday, Jan. 16 Monday, Jan. 29 Thursday, Feb. 15 Wed., Feb. 21 Tuesday, March 13 March 9, 10 Friday, March 28 April 6, 7 Friday, March 13 Tuesday, April 3 April 27, 28 Monday, May 1 Thursday, May 10 *You are not guaranteed a “W”. If you are failing, your grade may be a U. **the final is 110 minutes long and is in our classroom not in CASA Make-ups There are no make-ups for weekly quizzes, homework, or daily poppers. Making up a test is by petition; see me for the Make-up Test Petition form quickly enough that you can have it returned to me within 5 working days of the end of the testing period. Good documentation is required for a makeup to be permitted; note that a note from your Mom is NOT good documentation. Good documentation includes a copy of your reservation time on CASA; print this out when you make your reservation for your records. Make-ups will be both longer and harder than the original test. You only get one make-up test per semester. Prerequisites none Rescheduling It is technically possible to reschedule a test appointment during the testing period depending on space availability. Please try this option if you miss your test reservation or are late and cannot be seated. Reservations are required for Tests 1 - 4. The reservations site is Changing a reservation is technically possible but depends totally on space availability…if no spaces for a change are available you may not change your reservation. If you forget to make a reservation, one will be made for you automatically without regard to your preferences. You may change the reservation to something convenient on a space available basis. Showing up late for a reservation means you won’t be seated. You will be offered the opportunity to reschedule but do realize that what’s left may not be convenient for you. Don’t be late and don’t pick the last possible day and time for the tests. Inconvenient times are not a sufficient reason for a make-up test. Scantrons Poppers will be taken on the purple Scantron form. Make sure you bring one to every class starting the third week of class. I will not be supplying any. Homework will be turned in on the red Scantron form. One assignment per form. Scantron forms are available in semester packets at the Copy Center in the UC or in The Book Store Tests 1 - 4 There will be four exams given during semester; each is 50 minutes long. Each test will be given in CASA (room 221A Garrison). You must make a reservation for each test in CASA; the reservations can be made online using a link from the WebCT homepage or directly. You must make your reservation before the testing period begins; the scheduling system turns off at midnight before a testing period begins. Each test in CASA counts 10% of your grade. The test schedule is in the table above, called “Important Dates”. The Testing Center is also known as CASA. It is in 221A Garrison. You will be required to show a Cougar 1 card to check in (a drivers license will NOT be ok). You will not be permitted to take personal belongings (including purses and fanny packs) to the testing cubicle; you will be required to check them. Neither the department nor the University is liable for misplaced, lost, or stolen personal belongings. Do NOT arrive late; be there at least 10 minutes early. Late arrivals will not be seated; missing your test because you got there late is NOT a reason for giving you a make-up test. There is no standby seating. Please don’t hang around hoping to get let in. WebCT help 713-743-1411. Do not email me about WebCT problems, contact them! This is a 24/7 helpline. Weekly quizzes Starting the third week of school there will be online quizzes to take on the WebCT Vista site. New quizzes will be posted weekly and will remain up for about a week. You may take the quizzes as many times as you like during this time; your high scores for the uptime will be the grade recorded for the quiz. This site is different from CourseWare and requires a login and password (you may use the same password if that makes your life easier). Go to to register. Around mid-semester, I’ll be checking your grades on your quizzes. I’ll pick the time for this and it won’t be announced in class. If you have 3 or more scores lower than 70%, I’ll drop you from the class. Please don’t use this as a way to avoid the drop paperwork, if you want to be dropped, see me and I’ll sign you out with a W. Do not wait until the last afternoon to begin working on a quiz! Web CT has a finite number of “logins” that can be accommodated per hour and being unable to log on is not an excuse, neither are viruses or hardware failures. There are no excused misses for a quiz because you have about a week to take it and you can take it from any computer that has internet access. You may print out the quizzes at home, bring the copy, and get help on baffling questions in MathLab. Your quiz average counts 30% of your grade. Vnet recordings I will be recording our lectures. You may watch a recording as often as you like. They’re available at See my website for help getting into Vnet to look at the recordings.