ARTE 4122/5122 Unit Plan Format - create-teach

Elizabeth S. Faulkner
Group 6 Unit Plan
Lesson Title:
Visual Irony in the street art of Banksy
Students will:
1. Discuss the concepts of symbol and irony in the work of Banksy.
2. Choose or create three symbols that describe who they are and make their own
“sign” with their symbols.
3. Read and answer questions about Banksy and his messages.
4. Choose and research a “cause”.
5. Use symbol and irony in order to create an image that tells a message about
their cause.
6. Write a two page reflective paper discussing their cause, their choice of
symbols to represent the cause and how their work relates to that of Banksy.
Content Standards
NC. Visual Art I
1.01 Plan and organize for creating art.
1.02 Devise and use strategies for imagining and implementing images.
2.03 Communicate and express ideas through a variety of materials and techniques.
6.06 Critique artwork through the use of: proper vocabulary, art elements and design
principles, meaning, feeling, mood and ideas, oral and written expression.
NC. English I
1.03 Demonstrate the ability to read, listen to and view a variety of increasingly complex
print and non-print expressive texts appropriate to grade level and course literary focus,
 demonstrating comprehension of main idea and supporting details.
 identifying and analyzing personal, social, historical or cultural influences,
contexts, or biases.
Elizabeth S. Faulkner
Group 6 Unit Plan
making connections between works, self and related topics.
analyzing and evaluating the connections or relationships between and among
ideas, concepts, characters and/or experiences.
5.01 Read and analyze various literary works by:
Interpreting literary devices such as allusion, symbolism, figurative language,
flashback, dramatic irony, dialogue, diction, and imagery.
Black construction paper, white copier paper, scissors, X-acto knife, pencil, glue sticks,
black sharpies, color pencils, markers, magazines, notebook paper and 9” x 17” white
heavy paper. Students will also need access to a computer and printer for research and
possibly images.
Handouts are provided at end of the lesson. Each sheet is clearly labeled is described in
the classroom procedure section. Images are also at the end of the lesson.
Students will need access to a computer and printer for research and possibly images. A
SMART board or other method of projection is ideal for viewing the work of Banksy and
class discussions about his work.
Irony - a form of speech in which the real meaning is concealed or contradicted by the
words used. Irony involves the perception that things are not what they are said to be or
what they seem.
Symbol - something that stands for or suggests something else by reason of relationship,
association, convention, or accidental resemblance; especially : a visible sign of something
invisible. “The lion is a symbol of courage.”
Scale – proportion.
Juxtaposition - placing things side-by-side. In art this usually is done with the intention
of bringing out a specific quality or creating an effect, particularly when two contrasting
or opposing elements are used. The viewer's attention is drawn to the similarities or
differences between the elements.
Site Specific – art that is created to exist in a specific place.
Elizabeth S. Faulkner
Group 6 Unit Plan
Classroom Procedures
Day 1
Discuss the vocabulary words. Show the Banksy Power Point and discuss his art and
messages as well as his use of irony, scale, symbol, juxtaposition and site specific
Day 2
Give each table the symbol sheet and tell the students that they are to choose or create 3
visual symbols that represent some part of themselves. They can take some time to
sketch ideas on blank paper if needed. Finally the students are to create their 3 symbols
using black construction paper or the sharpie directly on the heavy white 9” x 17” paper.
If there is time, several students can share their images with the class and allow their
peers to guess the meaning of the symbols.
Day 3
Each student will receive a packet with images and questions for each image. The
students will answer the questions using complete sentences, proper grammar and
evidence of thoughtfulness and care while writing. These completed packets will be
turned in for a grade at the end of the class period. There should be time during the last
5-10 minutes of class to go over the packet, images and the student’s thoughts and ideas.
Day 4-7
Each student will receive a copy of the “cause” assignment and the teacher will go over
the requirements of the project. This will take time to investigate the cause, come up
with some symbols that represent that topic and to create a visual image to “advertise”
the cause using the methods we have discussed in class.
Assessment Criteria
Students will be assessed for several parts of this lesson; their personal symbol project,
the Banksy packet, their “cause” visual product and finally the reflection paper.
Rubric Criteria:
Personal symbol project - craftsmanship, creating 3 distinctly different personal
symbols, creativity and the time the student was “on task”.
Banksy packet - all questions answered, complete sentences, correct grammar and
spelling, time spent “on task” and finally a thoughtfulness that goes beyond just
answering the questions.
Elizabeth S. Faulkner
Group 6 Unit Plan
Cause visual advertisement – creativity, the overall quality of the work which includes
neatness and visual appeal, and based on peer reviews, the effectiveness in
communicating their message to others.
Reflection of Cause assignment – At least 2 pages double spaced, 12 point readable font.
Addresses vocabulary words and ideas for irony, scale, symbol and juxtaposition and
relates these terms to the work of Banksy as well as their own.
Special Needs Adaptation
These lessons can be adapted to meet the needs of students with various special needs.
Class notes and lessons will be provided for those students who have this as a part of
their 504s. Students with ADHD will be given priority seating and students with
assignment accommodations will have 2 symbols instead of 3, they can complete half of
the Banksy packet and will have extra help in researching their cause. Every effort
possible to accommodate the student’s IEP will be provided.
Elizabeth S. Faulkner
Group 6 Unit Plan
Create three of your own symbols that represent you in
some way. Make them using black construction paper or a
sharpie. Put them all on 9” x 17” white paper.
Elizabeth S. Faulkner
Group 6 Unit Plan
Banksy Images and Questions
Answer the questions below each image using complete sentences,
correct spelling and grammar. Think as deeply as you can about
your answers and try to completely understand the image.
Elizabeth S. Faulkner
Group 6 Unit Plan
1. What is happening in this picture? If you were to see a man dressed like this what would
you think that he was doing? What other objects seem more appropriate for the person to
be holding? How is this ironic?
2. What is happening in this picture? What do people usually clean with this type of
machine? What is he cleaning and what message is the artist expressing? Does this image
show any signs of irony? Any symbols?
Elizabeth S. Faulkner
Group 6 Unit Plan
3. What is happening in this picture? What message is the artist making with his art? Why
is it funny that this is on an animal?
Elizabeth S. Faulkner
Group 6 Unit Plan
4. What is the scene depicting? What is the artists point? Is this image symbolic or
ironic? How?
Elizabeth S. Faulkner
Group 6 Unit Plan
5. This is on the side of a wall in Africa. What is the artist doing here? Is this art? Is it a
comic or graffiti?
Elizabeth S. Faulkner
Group 6 Unit Plan
6. What is the narrative in this image? What point is the artist making? Is it symbolic or
ironic? What country do you think this is from?
Elizabeth S. Faulkner
Group 6 Unit Plan
7. This is not a Banksy and is not street art. Why is this funny? Is it ironic, symbolic or
using juxtaposition? Is it similar to what Banksy does and how is it different? Does the
creator of the image have a message and if so what do you think that it is?
Elizabeth S. Faulkner
Group 6 Unit Plan
7. This Banksy work uses another method to emphasize the message, it is a pun. Did
you understand the meaning at first or did it take awhile? What is the pun? (play on
Elizabeth S. Faulkner
Group 6 Unit Plan
Cause Worksheet
Possible Causes:
Abuse, alienation, animal rights, authority, bullying, celebrity, consumer, conspiracy,
cultural identity, democracy, domestic violence, gender, global warming, heroes, human
rights, inequality, injustice, isolation, loyalty, mass media, marriage, myself, obesity,
patriotism, peace, peer pressure, politics, prejudice, propaganda, racism, scandal,
security, sell, social class, stereotype, surveillance, terrorism, war, wealth, social welfare.
1. Choose a cause. If you would like to choose a topic that is not on this list please speak
with me about your ideas!
2. Research this cause to discover if there are any visual symbols associated with the
3. Create a visual idea, product, advertisement that will raise awareness for your
cause. Decide if this will be site specific or could be placed anywhere. Use
methods of scale, irony, wordplay, juxtaposition, humor or other contemporary
methods to emphasize the need to notice your cause. Use what you learned from
Banksy and other visual artists to make your point. This advertisement will be
placed on a 9” x 17 “paper for display purposes. (Unless you create a 3-D object
that meets the criteria)
4. Write a 2 page reflection paper discussing your cause, advertisement and other
artists that you used for inspiration. You must use at least 3 of the vocabulary
words given in this lesson (irony, scale, juxtaposition, pun, site-specific.)