(c) following the words “Appropriation Act (No. 2) 2008” Constitution of Queensland 2001 ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS AMENDMENT ORDER (No. 2) 2013 omit “Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2010 Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2011” TABLE OF PROVISIONS Section Page 1. Short Title............................................................... 1 2. Amended Order ...................................................... 1 3. Amendment of Schedule ........................................ 1 – 2 4. Commencement.........................................................2 ______________ (d) following the words (Parliament) Act 2012” “Appropriation insert “Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2013” Short Title 1. (e) following the words “Land Tax Act 2010” This order in council may be cited as the Administrative Arrangements Amendment Order (No. 2) 2013. omit Amended Order 2. “Liquor Act 1992 (s219(2), 219(3) and 220 (3))” The Administrative Arrangements Order (No. 1) 2013 is amended as set out in this order. (f) following the words “Queensland Treasury Corporation Act 1988” Amendment of Schedule 3.(1) omit Schedule (opposite the title “Premier”) under the heading “Acts Administered” in line with the “Administrative Unit” “Department of the Premier and Cabinet” following the words “Queensland Coast Islands Act 1879” “Revenue Amendment and Trade and Investment Queensland Act 2013” (g) following the words “Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991 (Part 13 to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)” insert “Queensland Independent Tribunal Act 2013” 3.(2) Remuneration insert Schedule (opposite the title “Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning”) under the heading “Acts Administered” following the words “Surat Basin Rail (Infrastructure Development and Management) Act 2012” – omit Schedule (opposite the title “Minister for Health”) – (a) under the heading “Principal Ministerial Responsibilities” following the words “Alcohol and Drug Services” “Ambulance Service” insert “Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (except to the extent administered by the Minister for Housing and Public Works)” Schedule (opposite the title “Treasurer and Minister for Trade”) under the heading “Acts Administered” – (a) following the words “Anzac Development Project Act 1982” 3.(4) insert “Sustainable Planning Act 2009” 3.(3) “Trade and Investment Queensland Act 2013” Square (b) under the heading “Acts Administered” (i) immediately preceding the words “Food Act 2006” insert “Ambulance Service Act 1991” (ii) following the words “Health Act 1937” omit omit “Appropriation Act 2010 Appropriation Act 2011” “Health Practitioner Registration Boards (Administration) Act 1999” (b) following the words “Appropriation Act 2012” insert “Appropriation Act 2013” insert “Health Ombudsman Act 2013” 2 3.(5) Schedule (opposite the title “Attorney-General and Minister for Justice”) under the heading “Acts Administered” in line with the “Administrative Unit” “Department of Justice and Attorney-General” – (a) following the words “Domicile Act 1981” omit “Drug Court Act 2000” (b) following the words “Land Sales Act 1984” omit “Liquor Act 1992 (except to the extent administered by the Treasurer and Minister for Trade)” insert “Liquor Act 1992” 3.(6) Schedule (opposite the title “Minister for Police and Community Safety”) – (a) under the heading “Principal Ministerial Responsibilities” in line with the “Administrative Unit” “Department of Community Safety” following the words “Adult Corrective Services (excluding offender health services)” omit “Ambulance Service” (b) under the heading “Acts Administered” in line with the “Administrative Unit” “Department of Community Safety” immediately preceding the words “Corrective Services Act 2006” omit “Ambulance Service Act 1991” 3.(7) Schedule (opposite the title “Minister for Housing and Public Works”) under the heading “Acts Administered” following the words “Subcontractors’ Charges Act 1974” – insert “Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (Chapter 7, part 2)” Commencement 4. The changes to the Administrative Arrangements Order (No. 1) 2013 made by sections 3.(4)(a), 3.(4)(b)(i) and 3.(6) of this order take effect on 1 October 2013. END NOTES 1. 2. 3. Made by the Governor in Council on 26 September 2013. Published in the Gazette on 27 September 2013. The administering agency is the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.