G. H. RAISONI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, NAGPUR (AN AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTE UNDER UGC ACT 1956) CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Proposed Teaching Scheme and Syllabus of M.Tech Transportation Engineering (2011-2012) DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING SCHEME OF M.Tech (TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING) Sub. Code Name of the Course Teaching Scheme Credits Evaluation Scheme Theory Practical (TAE) ESE Int. Ext. (20) (CAE) (50) (30) Total Th. Tu Pr. Total 3 1 - 4 4 20 30 50 100 3 1 - 4 4 20 30 50 100 - - 4 4 2 - - - 3 1 - 4 4 20 30 50 100 3 1 - 4 4 20 30 50 100 3 1 - 4 4 20 30 50 100 3 1 - - 4 20 30 50 100 15 05 12 32 26 SEM-I Applied Statistics & Optimization Methods Road Transport Management and Economics Traffic and Highway Engineering Laboratory Traffic Engineering Elective - I Intelligent Transportation System Soft Computing TOTAL 25 25 50 650 Elective – I 1 2 3 4 Sub. Code Geometric Design of Transportation Facilities Traffic Management and Control Bridge Engineering Digital Image Processing Name of the Course Teaching Scheme Credits Evaluation Scheme Theory Practical (TAE) ESE Int. Ext. (20) (CAE) (50) (30) Total Th. Tu Pr. Total 3 1 - 4 4 20 30 50 100 3 1 - 4 4 20 30 50 100 3 1 - 4 4 20 30 50 100 3 1 - 4 4 20 30 50 100 3 1 - 4 4 20 30 50 100 - - 4 4 2 - - - 25 25 50 - - 8 8 4 - - - 50 50 100 15 04 16 35 26 SEM-II Urban Transportation Planning Traffic Flow Theory Transducers & Sensors Pavement Design Elect. II Lab. CAD and Computational Laboratory Mini Project based on Computer Simulation TOTAL 2 650 Elective – II 1 2 3 4 Sub. Code GIS / GPS Applications Transportation & Environment Pavement Construction and Management Data Acquisition System Name of the Course Teaching Scheme Credits Evaluation Scheme Theory Practical (TAE) ESE Int. Ext. (20) (CAE) (50) (30) Th. Tu Pr. Total 3 1 - 4 4 20 30 50 - - 8 8 8 - - - 8 12 12 Total SEM-III Elect. III Dissertation (to be continued in Fourth Semester) TOTAL 3 100 200 200 300 Elective – III 1 2 3 4 Sub. Code Airport Engineering Public Transportation System Planning Railway Planning and Design Programming & Data Structures Name of the Course Teaching Scheme Credits Th. Tu Pr. Total Dissertation - - 16 16 16 TOTAL - 16 16 16 Evaluation Scheme Theory Practical (TAE) ESE Int. Ext. (20) (CAE) (50) (30) Total SEM-IV 3 - - - 200 200 400 400 Four Tracks Design Track Geometric Design of Transportation Facilities GIS / GPS Applications Airport Engineering Transportation in Urban Areas Traffic Management and Control Transportation & Environment Public Transportation System Planning Construction Track Bridge Engineering Pavement Construction and Management Railway Planning and Design Electronics Track Digital Image Processing Data Acquisition Systems Programming & Data Structures Elective – I 1 2 3 4 Geometric Design of Transportation Facilities Traffic Management and Control Bridge Engineering Image Processing Elective – II 1 2 3 4 GIS / GPS Applications Transportation & Environment Pavement Construction and Management Data Acquisition Systems Elective – III 1 2 3 4 Airport Engineering Public Transportation System Planning Railway Planning and Design Programming & Data Structures Total Courses: Total Credits: 12 Courses + 2 labs + 1 Project + 1 Dissertation 80 4 CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SYLLABUS OF M.TECH TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING SEMESTER- I APPLIED STATISTICS & OPTIMIZATION METHODS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Collection and presentation of data; Measures of central tendency; Elementary probability theory; Random events; Baye's theorem; Random variables and distributions; Derived Distributions; Moments and Expectations; Common probabilistic models; Statistical inference; Estimation of parameters; Tests of hypotheses and significance; Goodness of fit tests; Regression and correlation analysis; Basics of engineering analysis and design, need for optimal design, formulation of optimal design problems Basic difficulties associated with solution of optimal problems, classical optimization methods, necessary and sufficient optimality criteria for unconstrained and constrained problems Global optimality and convex analysis, linear optimal problems, Simplex method Numerical methods for nonlinear unconstrained and constrained problems, Sensitivity analysis, linear post optimal analysis, sensitivity analysis of discrete and distributed systems. Introduction to integer programming, dynamic programming, stochastic programming and geometric programming, introduction to genetic algorithm. Texts/References Benjamin, J.R. Benjamin and C.A. Cirbekk, Probability Statistics and Decision for Civil Engineers, McGraw-Hill, 1970. H.S. Ang and W. H. Tang, Probability Concepts in Engineering, Planning and Design, John Wiley, 1975. Erwin Kreyszig, Introductory Mathematical Statistics, John Wiley, 1970 K. Deb., Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms and Examples, PHI Pvt Ltd., 1998. J. S. Arora, Introduction to Optimum Design, McGraw Hill International Edition, 1989. 5 ROAD TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT & ECONOMICS Motor Vehicles Act - statutory provision for road transport and connected organisations. Route scheduling, Freight transport, Vehicle scheduling, Optimum fleet size, Headway control strategies, Crew scheduling. Depots and Terminals - Principles and types of layout, Depot location, Twin depot concept, Crew facilities. Design of parking facilities – Bus terminal, bus stops and bus bays Transportation costs - Supply and demand - elasticity of demand; Supply of transport services - Economics of traffic congestion - Pricing policy. Vehicle operating costs – Fuel costs - Maintenance and spares - Depreciation Crew costs - Value of travel time savings -Accident costs. Economic analysis of projects - Methods of evaluation - Cost-benefit ratio, first year rate of return, net present value, and internal-rate of return methods; Indirect costs and benefits of transport projects. Financing of road projects - methods – Private Public Partnership (PPP) - Toll collection - Economic viability of Build-Operate-Transfer Schemes – Risk Analysis - Case Studies. Texts/References Winfrey, Economic analysis for Highways, International Textbook Company, Pennsylvania, 1969. CRRI, Road User Cost Study in India, New Delhi, 1982 IRC, Manual on Economic Evaluation of Highway Projects in India, SP30, 2007 TRAFFIC AND HIGHWAY ENGINEERING LABORATORY Traffic surveys like traffic volume count, Parking study, intersection turning movements, Speed & delay study. Road side and house hold interviews. Tests on aggregates, Tests on bitumen, Tests on sub grade soil Text/References S. K. Khanna & C E G Justo, Highway Engineering, Nem Chand Bros, Roorkee, Ajay K. Duggal & Vijay Puri, Laboratory Manual in Highway Engineering, New Age International 6 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Driver behaviour, traffic information and control systems Traffic studies- volume, speed and delay studies Elements of traffic flow theory Characteristics of uninterrupted traffic Capacity and LOS of Uninterrupted facilities Characteristics of interrupted traffic Traffic characteristics at un-signalized intersections Design of signalized intersections Capacity and LOS of signalized intersections Aactuated signal control, signal coordination Design of parking, lighting and terminal facilities Simulation of traffic systems Trends in traffic engineering Text/References Roger P. Roess, William R. McShane & Elena S. Prassas, Traffic Engineering, 4th Edition, PrenticeHall, 2010 Fred Mannering, Walter Kileraski and Scott Washburn, Principles Of Highway Engineering And Traffic Analysis, 3rd Ed, Wiley India, 2007 S. K. Khanna and C. E. G. Justo, Highway Engineering, 9th Edition, 2010, Nem Chand Bros. .INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) – Definition of ITS and Identification of ITS Objectives, Historical Background, Benefits of ITS - ITS Data collection techniques – Detectors, Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL), Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), video data collection. Telecommunications in ITS – Importance of telecommunications in the ITS system, Information Management, Traffic Management Centres (TMC). Vehicle – Road side communication – Vehicle Positioning System ITS functional areas – Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS), Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS), Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO), Advanced Vehicle Control Systems (AVCS), Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS), Advanced Rural Transportation Systems (ARTS). ITS User Needs and Services – Travel and Traffic management, Public Transportation Management, Electronic Payment, Commercial Vehicle Operations, Emergency Management, Advanced Vehicle safety systems, Information Management. Automated Highway Systems - Vehicles in Platoons – Integration of Automated Highway Systems. ITS Programs in the World – Overview of ITS implementations in developed countries, ITS in developing countries. Text/References Sussman, J. M., Perspective on ITS, Artech House Publishers, 2005. National ITS Architecture Documentation, US Department of Transportation, 2007 7 SOFT COMPUTING Neural Networks: Introduction to Biological Neural Networks : Neuron physiology, Neuronal diversity, specification of the brain, the eye’s Neural Network. Artificial Neural Network Concepts: Neural attributes, Modeling learning in ANN, characteristics of ANN, ANN topologies, learning algorithm. Neural Network Paradigm: MeCulloch-Pitts, Model, the perception, Back-propagation networks. Associative Memory, Adaptive Resonance (ART) paradigm, Hopfield Model, Competitive learning Model, Kohonen SelfOrganizing Network. Fuzzy Logic: Introduction to Fuzzy sets: Fuzzy set theory Vs Probability Theory, classical set theory, properties of Fuzzy sets, Operation on Fuzzy sets. Fuzzy relations, Operations of Fuzzy relation, the extension principle. Fuzzy Arithmetic, Approximate reasoning: Introduction, linguistic variables, Fuzzy proposition, Fuzzy if-then rules. Fuzzy Reasoning – Fuzzy Inference Systems – Mamdani Fuzzy Models – Sugeno Fuzzy Models – Tsukamoto Fuzzy Models – Input Space Partitioning and Fuzzy Modeling. Genetic Algorithms: Fundamentals of Genetic Algorithms. Encoding, Fitness function, Reproduction, Genetic modeling: Cross over, Inversion & Deletion, Mutation Operator, Bit wise Operators, Convergence of Genetic Algorithm Swarm Intelligence: Introduction to swarm intelligence and key principles (e.g. self organization, stigmergy), neural and artificial examples, Computaional and embedded SI, Foraging, trail laying, Open space, multi source foraging experiments: biological data, microscopic experiments. Recent trends in soft computing Text/References: Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems: Jacek M. Zurada, Jaico Publishing House Fuzzy sets & fuzzy logic, George J Klir, B. Yuan, PHI Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm, S. Rajshekahran, G.A. Vijaylaxmi Pai, PHI “Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Systems", E. Bonabeau, M. Dorigo, and G. Theraulaz, Santa Fe Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Oxford University Press, 1999. 8 ELECTIVE I GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES Geometric design provisions for various transportation facilities as per AASHTO, IRC and other guidelines; discussion of controls governing geometric design, route layout and selection, elements of design – sight distances, horizontal alignment, transition curves, super elevation and side friction; vertical alignment: - grades, crest and sag curves; highway cross-sectional elements and their design for rural highways, urban streets and hill roads; at-grade inter-sections – sight distance consideration and principles of design, channelisation, mini round-abouts, layout of round-abouts, Inter-changes: major and minor interchanges, entrance and exit ramps, acceleration and deceleration lanes, bicycle and pedestrian facility design; parking layout and design; terminal layout and design. Text/References M. Rogers, Highway Engineering, Blackwell Publishing, 2003. P. H. Wright, Highway Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 1996. C. H. Oglesby, and R. G. Hicks, Highway Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 1982. R. L. Brockenbrough, and K. J. Boedecker, Highway Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 1996. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL The course presents modern methods of traffic management, traffic control strategies and traffic control systems technology. Main topics covered, include: Transportation systems management (TSM); Traffic control systems technology; control concepts - urban and suburban streets; Control and management concepts - freeways; control and management concepts - integrated systems; traveler information systems; System selection, design and implementation; systems management; ITS plans and programs. The course will also include exercises in the use and application of traffic simulation and optimization models such as: CORSIM, TRANSYT and MAXBAND/ MULTIBAND. Text/References Roger P. Roess, William R. McShane & Elena S. Prassas, Traffic Engineering, 4th Edition, PrenticeHall, 2010 9 BRIDGE ENGINEERING Components of Bridges – Classification – Importance of Bridges – Investigation for Bridges – Selection of Bridge site – Economical span – Location of piers and abutments – Subsoil exploration – Scour depth – Traffic projection – Choice of bridge type Specification of road bridges – width of carriageway – loads to be considered – dead load – IRC standard live load – Impact effect General design considerations – Design of culvert – Foot bridge - slab bridge – T-beam bridge – Pre-stressed concrete bridge – Box Culvert-Fly over bridges Evaluation of sub structures – Pier and abutments caps – Design of pier – Abutments – Type of foundations Importance of Bearings – Bearings for slab bridges – Bearings for girder bridges – Electrometric bearing – Joints – Expansion joints Construction and Maintenance of bridges – Lessons from bridge failures Ponnuswamy, S., Bridge Engineering, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw - Hill, New Delhi, 2007 N. Rajagopalan, Bridge Superstructure, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2006. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Characterization of image as two-dimensional discrete fields, Image perception & vision models. Image sampling and Quantization. Image transforms: unitary & orthogonal transforms. Walsh transforms, Hadamard, haar Cosine, slant transforms Karhunen – Loeve transforms. Image enhancement, Image restoration Image analysis & computer vision, , Image data compression, Image segmentation, Representation, Description Recognition & interpretation. Text/References Gonzalez & Words: Digital Image Processing (III Edn) (Addison Wesley) K. Jain: Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing (Prentice Hall) Prati : Digital Image Processing (John Wiley Interscience) 10 SEMESTER- II URBAN TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction to transportation planning; Systems approach to transportation planning; Types of models; Concept of travel demand and supply; Socio-economic, land use, network, and transport system characteristics affecting transportation planning; Study area definition, zoning principles, cordon and screen lines, data collection through primary and secondary sources, sampling techniques; Four-stage sequential modelling approach; trip generation; trip distribution; modal split; trip assignment; land use-transport models; Public transport planning, integration of different modes; Travel demand management Texts/References C.J. Khisty and B.K. Lall, Transportation Engineering – An Introduction, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2002. TRAFFIC FLOW THEORY Traffic stream parameters - Fundamental diagram of volume-speed-density surface. Discrete and continuous probability distributions. Merging maneuvers - critical gaps and their distribution. Macroscopic models - Heat flow and fluid flow analogies - Shock waves and bottleneck control approach. Microscopic models - Application of queuing theory - regular, random and Erlang arrival and service time distributions - Waiting time in single channel queues and extension to multiple channels. Linear and non-linear car following models - Determination of car following variables Simulation and Modeling Texts/References TRB, Revised Monograph on Traffic Flow Theory, 2001. Adolf May, Traffic Flow Fundamentals 11 TRANSDUCERS AND SENSORS Science of Measurement: Measurement systems –methods of measurement-direct-deflection and null type, definition of sensor/transducer-classification of sensors/transducers-selection criteria-static characteristicsdynamic characteristics Resistive transducers: Resistance potentiometer-loading effect-strain gauges-gauge factor-types of strain gauges-rosettes-resistance thermometers-construction,characteristics- thermistors- thermocouples-thermowellshot wire anemometer-constant current and constant temperature operation. Inductive and capacitive transducers: Basic principle-self-inductance- mutual inductance, LVDT -signal conditioning unit-methods of null reduction- RVDT- synchros-induction potentiometer-variable reluctance transducer. Capacitive transducers: Introduction-Variable area type-variable air gap type-variable permittivity typecapacitive level sensor-capacitor microphone- frequency response. Piezoelectric, Hall Effect and Radiation Sensors: Introduction of piezoelectricity-piezoelectric crystalsaccelerometer-charge amplifier-Hall Effect transducers-introduction- applications. Basic characteristics of Radiation Sensors-types ofphotodetectors-photoemissive cell-photovoltaic cell-photo conductive cell-LDR. Digital and Smart Sensors: Introduction to fiber-optic sensors-temperature sensors-liquid level sensing-fluid flow sensing-Microbend sensors. Digital SensorsIntroduction to digital encoding transducer- classification-digital displacement transducers- shaft encoder-optical encoder; Smart Sensors: Introduction-primary sensors-excitation-amplification-filters-compensation-thin film sensors. Texts/References Measurement Systems, Application and design, E.O. Doeblin, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004. Transducers and Instrumentation, D.V.S.Murthy, PHI, 1995. Sensors and Transducers, D.Patranabis, PHI, 2004. PAVEMENT DESIGN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Materials for road construction; Specifications and tests; Subgrade evaluation; Macadam construction, surfacing and surface treatment; Asphalt mix design pavement structure; Philosophy of design of flexible and rigid pavements Analysis of pavements using different analytical methods Stresses in flexible and rigid pavements; Selection of pavement design input parameters – traffic loading and volume, material characterization, drainage, failure criteria, reliability, Design of flexible and rigid pavements using different methods Design of flexible, semi- flexible and rigid pavements; Temperature stresses and joints. Design of overlays and drainage system. Text/References Yoder and Witzech, Pavement Design, McGraw-Hill, 1982. Sharma and Sharma, Principles and Practise of Highway Engg., Asia Publishing House, 1980. Teng, Functional Designing of Pavements, Mc Graw - Hill, 1980. Yang H. Huang, Pavement Analysis and Design, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004. 12 CAD AND COMPUTATIONAL LABORATORY Data processing and graphical presentation using ms excel & access: Creation of Data Processing Templates, Usage of standard functions, Statistical Analysis, Macros, Graphical Presentation of Data. Mathematical and statistical packages (ex: MATLAB & SPSS): Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Non-linear Regression, Fitting statistical Distributions, Time Series Analysis. Basics of AutoCAD: 2D Drawing and Advance Features, Modeling and Imaging in 3D Traffic Simulation using TSIS 5.0 etc. Project Design Project Design related to traffic and highway engineering. Texts/References Thomas A. Stellman, G. V. Krishnan, Harnessing AutoCAD, AutoDesk Progress. TSIS 5.0 User Guide ELECTIVE - II GIS/GPS APPLICATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Concept of GIS and Remote Sensing; Land use and transportation data; Data base development; Map generation and analysis; Transportation network development and algorithms; Transportation models and their applications in GIS; GIS-T applications; Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Case studies. Text/References Thill Jean-Claude, Geographical Information Systems in Transportation Research, Pergamon, 2000. O’sullivan David, Geographic Information Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 2003. Longley P. A., Barnsley M. J., Donnay Jean-Paul, Remote Sensing and Urban Analysis, Taylor & Francis, 2001. 13 TRANSPORTATION AND ENVIRONMENT Classification, effects of air pollutants on humans, plants and materials; Vehicular emissions, sources, meteorology and photochemical reactivity of pollutants; Monitoring and control measures of automobile emissions; EIA studies of highways and ambient air quality standards. Noise measurements, noise levels and noise control; Effects of transportation noise, road traffic noise, train and rail noise, aircraft noise; Active noise control, vibration control principles; Noise survey; Environmental Impact Statements and case studies on noise control. Text/References Jain, R.K., Urban, L.V., Stracy, G.S., (1991), "Environmental Impact Analysis", Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York Rau, J.G. and Wooten, D.C., (1996), "Environmental Impact Assessment", McGraw Hill Pub. Co.,New York UNESCO, (1987), "Methodological Guidelines for the Integrated Environmental Evaluation of Water Resources Development", UNESCO/UNEP, Paris Canter, L.W., (1997), "Environmental Impact Assessment", McGraw Hill Pub. Co., New York. PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT Components of PMS and their Activities, Major Steps in Implementing PMS, Inputs, Design, Construction and Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Feedback System, Highway Financing, Fund Generation, Evaluating Alternate Strategies and Decision Criteria. Serviceability Concepts, Visual Rating, Pavement Serviceability Index, Roughness Measurements, Distress Modes - Cracking, Rutting etc, Pavement Deflection - Different Methods, Skid Resistance, Roughness, Safety Aspects. Inventory System - Assessment of Deficiencies. Causes of Deterioration, Traffic and Environmental Factors, Pavement Performance Modelling Approaches and Methods, Methods of Maintaining WBM, Bitumen and Cement Concrete Roads, Quality Assurance / Quality Control - ISO 9000; Sampling Techniques Tolerances and Controls Related to Profile and Compaction. Roadway and Drain excavation, Excavation and Blasting, Embankment construction, Construction of Gravel, Lime, Cement stabilised sub-bases, WBM Bases, Wet Mix Construction, Crushed Cement Bases, Shoulder Construction Drainage: Surface/Subsurface, Turfing, Sand Drains, Sand Wicks. Rope Drains, Geo-textile Drainage, Preloading Techniques. Preparation and Laying of Tack Coat, Bituminous Macadam, Penetration Macadam, Built up Spray Grout, Open Graded Premix, Mix Seal, Semi-dense, Asphalt Concrete ¬Interface Treatments and Overlay Construction, IRC Specifications, Introducing Mechanical Mixers, Pavers, Finishers. Construction of Cement Concrete Roads, Manual and Mechanical Methods, Joints in Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Pavements, Interface Treatment and overlay construction - Related Equipment. Cost Components, Methods of LCA - Brief Description - Items Considered - Case Studies Components of Maintenance Management and Related Activities - Network and Project Level Analysis Budgeting - Prioritization Techniques and Formulation of Maintenance Strategies. Text/References Haas and Hudson, W.R. Pavement Management Systems - MC.Graw Hill Publications Shahin MY,1994 - Pavement Management for Airports, Roads and parking Lots. Yang H. Huang, Pavement Analysis and Design, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004. 14 DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM Data Acquisition system : Introduction, Principles and design. Digital to Analog converters (DACs) : Parallel R-2R, Weighted resistor, inverted ladder and serial (ADCs). Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs) : Paralleled feedback, Successive approximation, Ramp comparison, Dual slope integration, Voltage to frequency, Voltage to time, Logarithmic types of ADCs, Accuracy analysis, Dynamic and static error analysis of the above. Typical study of monolithic DACs and ADCs. Text/References H. Schmid ‘ELECTRONIC ANALOG-DIGITAL CONVERSION’ McGraw Hill D.G. Hoeschele ‘A to D and D to A conversion techniques’ Wiley B.S. Sopnde Data Converters – Tata McGraw Hill 15 SEMESTER- III ELECTIVE - III AIRPORT ENGINEERING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Planning and design of civil airports Estimation of air travel demand. Aircraft characteristics related to design; payload, range, runway requirements. Analysis of wind data, runway orientation and obstruction free requirements. Airport configuration, aircraft operations, and capacity of airfield elements. Taxiway, geometric standards, fillets, high speed exit taxiway. Apron-gate area and circulation. Design of the terminal system, ground access system, and parking facilities. Air traffic control. Runways: Orientation, length, geometric standards, capacity, configuration. Pavement design and evaluation.Visual aids.Drainage. Heliports. Text/References Mckelvey, Horonjeff, Sproule, and Young. Planning and Design of Airports, 5 th Edn., McGraw-Hill, 2010. S. K. Khanna, M. G. Arora and S. S. Jain, Airport Planning and Design, Nem Chand Brothers, 6th Ed. reprint 2001. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS PLANNING Modes of public transportation and application of each to urban travel needs; comparison of transit modes and selection of technology for transit service; transit planning, estimating demand in transit planning studies, demand modeling, development of generalized cost, RP & SP data and analysis techniques; functional design and costing of transit routes, models for planning of transit routes, scheduling; management and operations of transit systems; integrated public transport planning; operational, institutional, and physical integration; models for integrated planning; case studies. Text/References Vuchic Vukan R., Urban Transit: Operations, Planning and Economics, Prentice Hall, 2005. Gray G. E., and Hoel L. A., Public Transportation, Prentice Hall, 1992. Tyler N., Accessibility and the Bus System – Concepts and Practice, Thomas Telford, 2002. Tiwari G., Urban Transport for Growing Cities – High Capacity Bus System, MacMillan India Ltd., 2002. 16 RAILWAY PLANNING AND DESIGN Introduction to railways, Railway history, Rail transportation in the U.S. today and its significance, Railway organizations, Types of passenger rail transportation. Train dynamics, Motive power, cars and key train components, Rail safety. Railway operations, Yard and terminal operations, Intermodal operations, Signals and communications, Positive train control. Track components, materials and cross section, Construction and maintenance methods and equipment, Selection between alternatives: (location, revenues, capital costs, construction process). Horizontal / vertical curves and super-elevation, Railway vs. highway design comparison, Basic track design, Highway – Railway intersections (Grade crossings), Alignment types (mainline, yard, industry tracks), Classification yards and capacity. High speed rail and other passenger rail modes, Passenger rail in India vs. in the World, Discussion of future railways. Text/References Railway Engineering, 2nd Ddition by William Hay Railroad Operation and Control by Joern Pachl Railway Engineering, Rangwala, Charotar Publications PROGRAMMING & DATA STRUCTURES Selection & iteration statements, elementary theory of analysis of algorithms, Order notation, solution of recurrence relation, functions procedure, parameter passing by name, scope rules, recursion with examples. Arrays, Multidimensional array Sparse matrices files pointer linked list, polynomial manipulations, symbol table and hashing stacks, Queues, Trees, Weight balanced and B trees, Heaps, Graphs & Graph algorithms. Text/References Aho: Data Structures & Algorithms. Kruse: Data Structures & Program Design. Horowitz & Sahani: Data Structures 17