CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS TABLE OF CONTENTS: PAGE 3 - - Quote Clips on “WORSHIP” 4 - - “’TWAS THE NIGHT of the SPECIAL” by Mirna A. Smith 5 - - THREE QUESTIONS AT HEAVEN’S GATES 6 - - CHURCH BULLETIN ERRORS 7 - - TESTIFY WITH HYMN TITLES 8 - - THE LAUGHTER THERAPY 9 - - 24 THINGS TO ALWAYS REMEMBER 10 – “DADDY, HOW MUCH TO YOU MAKE AN HOUR 11 – “A MOTHER GIRAFFE’S ODD WAY OF LOVING” 12 - A STORY TO LIVE BY 13 - ARE YOU in a Ministry FOR GOD or Just Doing a Job? 14 - OCCUPATIONS ACCORDING TO HYMNAL 15 - THE FATHER’S GIFT 16 – 17 = TEDDY STODDARD’S FAVORITE TEACHER 18 - A JOB OR A MINISTRY? 19 - WHAT SHALL YOU BUILD? 20 – 21 = 5 GREAT LESSONS 22 – GOOD MORNING, THIS IS GOD! 23 – GOD (BY A 3RD GRADER) 24 – WE SHOULD ALL HAVE SUCH A HEART! 25 – MAKE THE TIME 26 – ICE CREAM 27 – WHAT IF … 28 – ODE TO A DIRECTOR (by David Campbell) 29 – LETTER FROM JESUS (praying) 30 – THE RULES FOR BEING HUMAN 31-32 – WHAT I’VE LEARNED IN LIFE 33 – ATTITUDE 34 – TOP 10 REASONS Men should Join Choir 35 – TIME 36 – THE FATHER’S EYES (with page 37) 37 – RIGHT NOW! (DO IT) 38 – JUST CHECKING IN (praying) 39 – THE EMPTY CHAIR (Praying) 40 – THE ABC OF THANKSGIVING 41-42 = ALL GOOD THINGS 43 – THE GOLD SLIPPERS (A Christmas Story) 44 – LIFE-SPEED: (Slow Down ,Music won’t last!) 45 – GOD’S TINY SERVANT (Trust God) 46 – THE THREE TREES 47 – TWO BABES IN MANGER 48 – “PLEASE LISTEN” 49 – Top 10 Reasons JESUS BETTER than SANTA 50 – THE NIGHT BEFORE JESUS CAME 51 – ONCE UPON A PEW (service) 52 – THE CHRISTMAS SCOUT 53 – THE GOOD OLD HYMNS 54 – MOONLIGHT RIDE (for youth) 55 – PSALM 23, Antithesis 56 – HEAVEN’S ENTRANCE EXAMS 57 – HOW TO GET ALONG WITH PEOPLE 58 – GOD BLESS THE CHOIR 59 – KINDNESS (from & to a School Teacher) 60 – KEEP YOUR DREAM 61 – THE RICH FAMILY IN OUR CHURCH 62 - “THERE’S ROOM IN THE CHOIR FOR YOU” 63 - “A STORY BY CHAPLAIN ROBINSON” 64 – “LAODICEAN CHURCH ISSUES NEW HYMNAL” 65 - MESSAGES FROM GOD (ADVERTISEMENTS) 66 – “PLEASE KEEP THE FORK” (The Best is Yet to Come) 67 & 68 – “39 Years: Too Short,Long, Long Enough”MLKing” 69 – ‘MY COMMITMENT AS A CHRISTIAN’ 70 – SOCRATES (“Seek and Ye Shall Find”) 71 – THOUGHTS worth Thinking :We are not Perfect 72 – “KEEP YOUR GOALS IN SIGHT” 73 – “DOES GOD STILL SPEAK TO PEOPLE?” 74 – ‘THE ROSES” (Love Remembers) 75 – “THE LETTER” (from Jesus) 76 – “THE BIGGER THE BETTER” (loving) 77 - “A CHORISTER’S BEATITUDES” 78 – “A TRUE STORY OF THE TITANIC” (Witnessing!) 79. – “BEING EQUIPPED” (God’s part, your part) 80 – “THE MUSICIANS PRAYER” (PLAQUE) 81.- “The Lesson of THE HOMELESS MAN” (concern) 82. - “ANGEL IN UNIFORM ?” 83. – “GOD’S EMBROIDERY” (View of Life!) 84. - “A GIFT OF LOVE” (The ears of a mother) 85. – “LIFE PLANTING” (like a garden) 86. – “START OVER” 87. –“THE GIFT OF THE GODS” 88. – “RESCUE AT SEA” 89. - “ENCOURAGEMENT” (Nathaniel Hawthorne) 90-91. – “WE ARE NEVER ALONE!” (“Birdies”) 92. – “AN ANGEL TO WATCH OVER YOU” 93. - “YOUR ANGEL = MOMMY” 94. - “THE WORLD AS A VILLAGE OF 100” 95. – “DIME STORE PEARLS” 96-97 = GRACE (Demonstrated by Principal) 98.SOMETHING QUITE REMARKABLE (Prayer at school grad.) 99-100. TESTIMONY OF A FATHER(Columbine H.S. shooting) 101. “FRIENDS” 102. “THE TATTOOED STRANGER” 103. AND GOD SAID … 104. “WHEN GOD CREATED FATHERS…” 105. “GOD’S HAND” 106. “IS YOUR HUT BURNING?” 107. A LETTER FROM GOD 108. “IF I WERE THE DEVIL” but GOD SAYS 109. “ATTITUDE” 110. “FUNNY ISN’T IT!” 111. “Funny TARDY & ABSENCE POLICY for Choir Members” 112. “A TINY MIRACLE” 113-114. TROUBLE IN THE “AMEN CORNER” 115. “THE GIRL I USED TO BE “ 116. “ALTHOUGH’ 117. “GOD CREATED THE FIRST TEACHER” 118. BIRTHDAY PARTY INVITATION 119. “KEEPING CHRISTMAS” (Henry van Dyke) 120. LEGEND OF THE CHRISTMAS CANDY CANE 121-122. Meaning of “The 12 Days of Christmas” 123. THE TWELVE DAYS AFTER CHRISTMAS 124. THE WORK OF CHRISTMAS 125. ‘TIS THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. IT’S NOT WHAT YOU EAT THAT COUNTS…. “ANYWAY !” “GOD’S VOICE MAIL” “DYING TO SELF” “HOW DO YOU LIVE YOUR DASH? Quotes on “W O R S H I P” page 3 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS: I saw this quote from Judson Cornwall in a newsletter and thought it well worth passing on to you... “Worship is written on the heart of man by the hand of God... man was made to worship as surely as he was made to breathe. We may restrict the expression of worship for a season, just as we may briefly hold our breath, but there is an inward craving for worship that cannot be permanently stilled.” Have a great Lord’s Day Sunday! From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS: I saw this quote from Oswald Chambers in “MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST”: “Worship is giving God the best that He has given you. Be careful what you do with the best that you have. Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to Him as a love gift. Take time to meditate before God and Offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act of worship.” From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS: “Worship is not meant to please me, to make me feel good, to meet my criteria, my standards, my tastes. Worship is for God! I am not the center of Worship, God is the center.” ---Excerpt from “THE COVENANT COMPANION” by John Phelan, Jr. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS: “God loves to look at us, and loves it when we look back at Him. God will find a way to let us know that He is with us in this place, wherever we are, however far we think we’ve run. And maybe that’s one reason we worship – to say thanks for the faith God has shown in us. To let ourselves look at God, and to let God look back at us. And to laugh, and sing, and be delighted because God has called us His own. ---“WHY WE WORSHIP” by Kathleen Norris, Christianity Today (October 1996) From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS: “That which gives music its place in the worship of God is not its polished perfection --- important as the best efforts are in this realm as elsewhere --- but in our spiritual longing to honor God and exalt Him by our life and lips.” ---Excerpt from “CREATED TO PRAISE” by Derek Prime FROM CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS: #4 ‘TWAS THE NIGHT OF THE SPECIAL (created by Mirna A Smith with Lots of Help & Support and Most of All, Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ! ! ) ‘Twas the night of the Special, when out in the hall, All the choir was a-stirring, near that bench by the wall; Decorations of Christmas were all placed with care, In hopes that new visitors would soon be there. The folks were unsettled, shifting in their pews, While Chris in the sound-booth was waiting on cues; And James had a new tie that his son made him wear, But his brains were scrambled, so he didn’t even care. When back in the sound-booth there was a commotion, Though he didn’t know what it was, James had a notion; So he sprang from his place in front of the crowd, And he ran down the aisle, while they grumbled out-loud. The tape of the Special that was set to start, Was stuck in a sound-board that had fallen apart; Though they tried very hard to get the tape out, James gritted his teeth, but he wanted to shout. With a borrowed screwdriver, a hammer, and pick, Chris and James tried to fix it, and they worked real quick; They worked in a frenzy until they were done, Then, James called in the choir, he called everyone: “First, Donna! Now, Barbara! Now, Theresa and Vicki! Go Abe! Go, Justina! Where’s Shelly, and Ricky?! Now, get to your places, Mrs. Sparks and Pastor! Come on, Everyone! Can’t you go any faster?! While they tried to be quick, some of them stumbled, A few kids started giggling, while the adults just grumbled; So, up to the loft all the choir members ran, Soon, all that was heard was the squeak of a fan. And then James took his place, in front of the choir, The music was low, but soon it got higher; As he threw up his arms, you could hear a pin drop. And it looked like the audience was going to pop. It relieved him to know that they all stayed on key. He was further astonished when they changed melody. The audience was moved by their beautiful sounds, As the spotlights shone down on the ladies’ new gowns. While the choir kept on singing, the children came in, Parading in front of their next of kin’s kin; They were dressed for the Special: as Shepherds & Kings, And a Mary & Joseph, and an angel with wings. The kids took their places, as they each played their part, They wiggled & giggled, but they sang from their heart; And when they were finished, they ran down the aisles, While their folks proudly watched, you could tell by their smiles. And a story unfolded, as the choir sang on; About one special night, and the birth of God’s Son. He was born in a manger with no crib for a bed; And many years later, on a cross, He had bled. He spoke not a word, when His accusers lay blame; And although He was spotless, He was hung just the same. He was placed in a tomb, but on the third day arose; He did this for ALL of mankind, the story goes. When the choir was finished, there arose shouts of GLORY; For a person was saved, while they sang of that story! Meanwhile, up in Heaven, the angels sang too; “Happy Birthday, Dear Jesus! ! Here’s a present for you ! ! “ FROM CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS: ======================================================================== from: Wink Smyth, hymnologist , Augusta, Maine ======================================================================== A choir director/organist died and found herself at the Pearly Gates, where Saint Peter told her that she had to answer three questions before being admitted to Heaven. The first question was, “What two days in the week start with the letter T ?” The church musician thought a bit and replied, “Today and Tomorrow.” St. Peter was startled by her answer, but went on to the second question. “ “How many seconds are there in a year ?” After a moment’s hesitation, she answered, “Twelve!. “Twelve?” exclaimed St Peter, How did you come up with that number?” “Well, you know, the 2nd of January, the 2nd of February and all that!” “Okay!, Okay” exclaimed a frustrated St. Peter. “Now the third question. “What is the Lord’s first name?” There was a long pause and then she answered confidently, “Andy!” “Andy?” “Sure. (singing) Andy walks with me, Andy talks with me . . . .!” ============================================================= FROM CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS: “A poet must write, an artist must paint, and Musicians must make music if they are to be at peace within themselves. What we can be, we must be.” HOWARD SWAN page 5 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS: For the church going here is a few humor from the bulletins ( Actual Announcements Taken From U.S. Church Bulletins) 1) Don’t let worry kill you. Let the Church help. 2) Thursday night - potluck supper. Prayer and medication to follow. 3) Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community. 4) For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs. 5) The rosebud on the altar this morning is to announce the birth of the David Alan Belzer, the sin of Rev. and Mrs. Julius Belzer. 6) This afternoon there will be a meeting in the south and north ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends. 7) Tuesday at 4 pm there will be an ice cream social. All ladies giving milk will please come early. 8) Wednesday, the Ladies Liturgy Society will meet. Mrs. Jones will sing “Put Me In My Little Bed” accompanied by the pastor. 9) Thursday at 5pm there will be a meeting of the Little Mothers Club. All wishing to become Little Mothers, please see the minister in his private study. 10) This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar. 11) The service will close with “Little Drops Of Water”. One of the ladies will start (quietly) and the rest of the congregation will join in. 12) Next Sunday, a special collection will be taken to defray the cost of the new carpet. All those wishing to do something on the new carpet will come forward and get a piece of paper. 13) The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind and they may be seen in the church basement Friday 14) A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow. 15) At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be “What is Hell?” Come early and listen to our choir practice. 16) Weight Watchers will meet a 7 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance. 17) The 1991 Spring Council Retreat will be hell May 10 and 11. 18) Pastor is on vacation. Massages can be given to church secretary. 19) 8 new choir robes are currently needed, due to addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones. 20) Mrs. Johnson will be entering the hospital this week for testes. 21) The senior choir invites any member of the congregation who enjoys sinning to join the choir. 22) Please join us as we show our support for Amy and Alan in preparing for the girth of their first child. 23) Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children. 24) The Lutheran men’s group will meet at 6 p.m. Steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, bread and dessert will be served for a nominal feel. 25) The associate minister unveiled the church’s new tithing campaign slogan last Sunday: “ I Upped My Pledge—Up Yours.” page 6 FROM CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS: I was Saved, Saved, Saved Just As I Am by His Amazing Grace and there’s Victory in Jesus through the Power in the Blood on the Old Rugged Cross and I’ll Tell the Good News as I Surrender All to My God and King Can you give a testimony using Hymn titles? page 7 FROM CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS: (¯`·.¸¸.-> Did ya know that- <-.¸¸.·´¯) page 8 THE LAUGHTER THERAPY? COMEDY IS ONE of humanity's most enduring ways of communicating. The ancient Greeks and Romans produced comedies. Shakespeare wrote comedies. Millions of TV watchers sit through hours of situation comedies. What is it about laughter that keeps everyone coming back for more? These days, a lot of doctors and scientists are finding out that humor is good for more than selling theater tickets or building television ratings. Laughter, as the Reader's Digest has been reminding us for years, is the best medicine—a medicine that works in some surprising ways. What happens when we laugh? A restrained giggle will make us feel good, but when we really cut loose in spasms of hilarity, the muscles of nearly every part of the body are exercised, even if only briefly. And believe it or not, that short burst of "exercise" is enough to do some good. Research into laughter's beneficial effects far from conclusive, but some experts have become convinced that a good dose of the ho-ho-ho's can: • improve digestion, • lower blood pressure, • stimulate the heart and circulatory system, • enhance creative thought, • soothe arthritis pain, • give the internal organs a workout, and speed recovery from disease. When we laugh, we forget, if only for a moment, that we're uptight about something. The mere act of smiling seems to produce a chemical change in the body that soothes the troubled mind and calms the nerves. During a good, loud laugh, the pulse and blood pressure temporarily rise. But afterward both pulse and blood pressure decrease—lower than before the laughter. Who knows—maybe one day doctors will tell their high-blood pressure patients to read a few jokes and call them in the morning. There's a scientific basis to all this. It has to do with substances called endorphins. Endorphins are, in effect, tranquilizers made by the body. They have the same effect as the drugs people take to change their moods, block pain, or prevent depression. But endorphins are created naturally—there are no dangerous side effects to worry about. Vigorous exercise stimulates the release of endorphins. Meditation does too. And so does laughing. Norman Cousins, the late magazine publisher and author of books about self-healing, called laughter "internal jogging." He credited his sense of humor with helping him recover from a near-fatal degenerative spinal disease. Among the therapies he found helpful: watching the Candid Camera television show and Marx Brothers movies from his hospital bed. Said Cousins: "I made the joyous discovery that ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect and would give me hours of pain-free sleep . . . . I was greatly elated to find that there is a physiologic basis for the ancient theory that laughter is good medicine." (from “MAKE MY DAY”) FROM CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS: 24 THINGS TO ALWAYS REMEMBER... AND ONE THING NEVER TO FORGET... Your presence is a present to the world. You're unique and one of a kind. Your life can be what you want it to be. Take the days just one at a time. Count your blessings, not your troubles. You'll make it through whatever comes along. Within you are so many answers. Understand, have courage, be strong. Don't put limits on yourself. So many dreams are waiting to be realized. Decisions are too important to leave to chance. Reach for your peak, your goal, and your prize. Nothing wastes more energy than worrying. The longer one caries a problem, the heavier it gets. Don't take things too seriously. Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets. Remember that a little love goes a long way. Remember that a lot . . . goes forever. Remember that friendship is a wise investment. Life's treasures are people . . . together. Realize that it's never too late. Do ordinary things in extraordinary ways. Have health and hope and happiness. Take the time to wish upon a star. And don't ever forget . . . For even a day . . . How very special you are. page 9 FROM CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS: page 10 "Daddy, how much do you make an hour?" With a timid voice and idolizing eyes, the little boy greeted his father as he returned from work. Greatly surprised, but giving his boy a glaring look, the father said: "Look, not even your mother knows that. Don't bother me now, I'm tired." "But, Daddy, just tell me please! How much do you make an hour?" the boy insisted. The father, finally giving up, replied: "Twenty dollars an hour." "Okay, Daddy. Could you loan me ten dollars?" the boy asked. Showing his restlessness and positively disturbed, the father yelled: "So that was the reason you asked how much I earn, right? Go to sleep and don't bother me any more!" It was already dark and the father was thinking about what the boy had said and was feeling guilty. Maybe, he thought, his son really needed something. Finally, trying to ease his mind, the father went to his son's room. "Are you asleep?" asked the father. "No, Daddy. Why?" Replied the boy, partially asleep. "Here's the money you asked for earlier," the father said. "Thanks, Daddy!" rejoiced the son, while putting his hand under his pillow and removing some money. "Now I have enough! Now I have twenty dollars!" the boy said to his father, who was gazing at his son, confused at what his son had just said. Then the little angel said, "Here's my $20.00. Daddy, could you please sell me one hour of your time?" "A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove . . . but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child." Have A Great Day! FROM CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS: page 11 A Mother Giraffe's Odd Way of Loving by Gary Richmond (source unknown) "When a mother giraffe gives birth, the newborn is hurled forth, falls 10 feet, and lands on it's back. Within seconds, he rolls to an upright position with his legs tucked under his body. Lowering her head long enough to take a quick look, the mother giraffe positions herself directly over the calf. She waits for about a minute, then kicks her baby head over heels. If it doesn't get up, the process is repeated. As the calf grows tired, the mother kicks it again to stimulate it's efforts. Finally, the calf stands up for the first time on wobbly legs. Then, the most remarkable thing happens. The mother kicks the calf off it's feet again. WHY? To remind it how it got up. In the wild, baby giraffes must be able to get up as quickly as possible in order to stay with the herd, where there is safety from predators. There are many times in the life of a Christian, when it seems we have stood up after a trial, only to be knocked down again by the next. WHY? Perhaps, it is God's way of helping us to remember how it was that we got up, From walking daily with Him, in His shadow, under His care......" FROM CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS page 12 Something you may find interesting. It may even make you find time for................? >>>>>#1 A STORY TO LIVE BY >>>>> by Ann Wells (Los Angeles Times) >>>>> My brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sister's bureau and lifted out a tissue-wrapped package. "This," he said, "is not a slip. This is lingerie." He discarded the tissue and handed me the slip. It was exquisite; silk, handmade and trimmed with a cobweb of lace. The price tag with an astronomical figure on it was still attached. "Jan bought this the first time we went to New York, at least 8 or 9 years ago. She never wore it. She was saving it for a special occasion. Well, I guess this is the occasion." He took the slip from me and put it on the bed with the other clothes we were taking to the mortician. His hands lingered on the soft material for a moment, then he slammed the drawer shut and turned to me. "Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion." >>>>> I remembered those words through the funeral and the days that followed when I helped him and my niece attend to all the sad chores that follow an unexpected death. I thought about them on the plane returning to California from the Midwestern town where my sister's family lives. I thought about all the things that she hadn't seen or heard or done. I thought about the things that she had done without realizing that they were special. >>>>> I'm still thinking about his words, and they've changed my life. I'm reading more and dusting less. I'm sitting on the deck and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. I'm spending more time with my family and friends and less time in committee meetings. Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experience to savor, not endure. I'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them. I'm not "saving" anything; we use our good china and crystal for every special event-such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, the first camellia blossom. I wear my good blazer to the market if I feel like it. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out $28.49 for one small bag of groceries without wincing. I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties; clerks in hardware stores and tellers in banks have noses that function as well as my party-going friends'. >>>>> "Someday" and "one of these days" are losing their grip on my vocabulary. If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now. I'm not sure what my sister would have done had she known that she wouldn't be here for the tomorrow we all take for granted. I think she would have called family members and a few close friends. She might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for past squabbles. I like to think she would have gone out for a Chinese dinner, her favorite food. I'm guessing-I'll never know. >>>>>It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew that my hours were limited. Angry because I put off seeing good Friends whom I was going to get in touch with-someday. Angry because I hadn't written certain letters that I intended to write-one of these days. Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my husband and daughter often enough how much I truly love them. I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives. >>>>> And every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself that it is special. Every day, every minute, every breath truly is...a gift from God. >>>>>If you've received this it is because someone cares for you and it means there is probably at least someone for whom you care. If you're too busy to take the few minutes that it would take right now to forward this to ten people, would it be the first time you didn't do that little thing that would make a difference in your relationships? I can tell you it certainly won't be the last. I don't have to make up silly stories about people being hit by buses or crushed by falling disco balls for not sending this letter on. You've seen the result of this neglect in your own relationships that you have allowed to fade, dissolve, and fall into disrepair. >>>>>Take this opportunity to set a new trend. Take a few minutes to send this to a few people you care about, just to let them know that you're thinking of them. It's even better if they're not the people you already correspond with every week. Here's the deal: Forward this letter to at least 10 different people; within 1 hour of receiving it. Do it, and reap what you sow: luck in love, people who care for you, and that warm glowy feeling that comes from loving others. >Don't do it, and suffer the consequences of being alone, wrapped up in your own affairs, and being too busy to do the things you actually care about >>>>>May love litter your life with blessings! JUST SEND IT!! You've got to dance like nobody's watching, and love like it's never going to hurt.... "People say true friends must always hold hands, but true friends don't need to hold hands because they know the other hand will always be there." > >> > > > Enjoy the moment! from CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. page 13 (source: Urban Black Gospel network – author unknown) THOUGHT --- Are you in a MINISTRY for God or are you just doing a JOB ? > > >> > > > >> > Some people have a JOB in the church; others involve themselves in a MINISTRY. What's the difference? > > >> > > > >> >If you are doing it just because no one else will, it's a JOB. > > >> >If you are doing it to serve the Lord, it's a MINISTRY. > > >> > > > >> >If you quit because somebody criticized you, it was a JOB. > > >> >If you keep on serving, it's a MINISTRY. > > >> > > > >> >If you'll do it only as long as it does not interfere with your other > > >> >activities, it's a JOB. > > >> >If you are committed to staying with it even when it means letting > > go of other things, it's a MINISTRY. > > >> > > > >> >If you quit because no one praised you or thanked you, it was a JOB. > > >> >If you stay with it even though nobody recognizes your efforts, it > > is a MINISTRY. > > >> > > > >> >It's hard to get excited about a JOB. > > >> >It's almost impossible not to be excited about a MINISTRY. > > >> > > > >> >If our concern is success, it's a JOB. > > >> >If our concern is faithfulness, it's a MINISTRY. > > >> > > > >> >An average church is filled with people doing JOBs. > > >> >A great and growing church is filled with people involved in MINISTRY. > > >> > > > >> >Where do we fit in? > > >> >What about us? > > >> > > > >> >If God calls you to a MINISTRY, don't treat it like a JOB. If you > > have a JOB, give it up and find a MINISTRY. God does not want us feeling > > stuck with a JOB, but excited and faithful to Him in a MINISTRY. >>> From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. page 14 Perhaps you've seen some of these before but some are new. OCCUPATIONS, ACCORDING TO THE HYMNAL. From: (Nobody N Particular) (via Bill’s Punch Line) Astronaut: "Nearer My God, To Thee" Baker: "I Need Thee Every Hour" Barber: "A Parting Hymn We Sing" Baseball Batter: "Seek Thee First" Builder: "How Firm A Foundation" and "The Church's One Foundation" Canoeist: "Flow, River, Flow" Carpenter: "The Nail Scarred Hand" Children's Librarian: "We've A Story To Tell" Chiropractor: "Awake My Soul, Stretch Every Nerve" Civil Engineer: "When I Survey The Wondrous Cross" Dentist: "Crown Him With Many Crowns" Electrician: "O Joyful Light" and "Send The Light" Fisherman: "Shall We Gather At The River?" Golfer: "There Is A Green Hill Far Away" Gossiper: "Pass It On," "It Is No Secret," and "Oh, For A Thousand Tongues" Historian: "Tell Me The Old, Old Story" IRS: "All To Thee (I Owe)" and "We Give Thee But Thine Own" and “I Surrender All” Jogger: "The Path Of Life" Lifeguard: "Come To The Water" Long-Distance Trucker: "On The Highways And Byways Of Life" Mathematician: "10,000 Times 10,000" Medical Technician: "Revive Us Again" Mountain Climber: "The Rock That Is Higher Than I" Newlywed: "I Need Thee Every Hour" Obstetrician: "He Is Able To Deliver Thee" Optometrist: "Open My Eyes That I Might See" and "When I Can Read My Title Clear" Paratrooper: "Now On Land And Sea Descending" Philosopher: "I Am Thinking Today" Politician: "Standing On The Promises" Real Estate Agent: "I've Got A Mansion" Sailboater: "Deep River" Sceptic: "Almost Persuaded" Shopper: "Sweet By And By" Speech Therapist: "He Never Said A Mumbling Word" Steeple Builder: "Lift High The Cross" Stonecutter: "Rock Of Ages" Switchboard Operator: "There's A Call Comes Ringing" Tailor: "Holy, Holy, Holy" Voice Teacher: "Sing Them Over Again To Me" Watchmaker: "Take Time To Be Holy" Watchman: "Silent Night" Weatherman: "There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing" =======BPL======== From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. page 15 ========BPL========From: MiLadyHaHa <> THE FATHER'S GIFT A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted. As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautifully wrapped gift box. Curious, and somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's name embossed in gold. Angry, he rose his voice to his father and said "with all your money, you give me a Bible?" and stormed out of the house. Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his father was very old, and thought perhaps he should go to him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things. When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still gift-wrapped Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. His father had carefully underlined a verse, Matthew.7:11, "And if ye, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father which is in Heaven, give to those who ask Him?" As he read those words, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words PAID IN FULL. ========BPL======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. page 16 From: MiLadyHaHa <> TEDDY STODDARD'S FAVORITE TEACHER Jean Thompson stood in front of her fifth-grade class on the very first day of school in the fall and told the children a lie. Like most teachers, she looked at her pupils and said that she loved them all the same, that she would treat them all alike. And that was impossible because there in front of her, slumped in his seat on the third row, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard. Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed he didn't play well with the other children, that his clothes were unkempt and that he constantly needed a bath. And Teddy was unpleasant. It got to the point during the first few months that she would actually take delight in marking his papers with a broad red pen, making bold X's and then marking the F at the top of the paper biggest of all. Because Teddy was a sullen little boy, no one else seemed to enjoy him, either. At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught, she was required to review each child's records and put Teddy's off until last. When she opened his file, she was in for a surprise. His first-grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is a bright, inquisitive child with a ready laugh. He does his work neatly and has good manners...he is a joy to be around." His second-grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is an excellent student well-liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle." His third-grade teacher wrote, "Teddy continues to work hard but his mother's death has been hard on him. He tries to do his best but his father doesn't show much interest and his home life will soon affect him if some steps aren't taken." Teddy's fourth-grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is withdrawn and doesn't show much interest in school. He doesn't have many friends and sometimes sleeps in class. He is tardy and could become a problem. By now Mrs. Thompson realized the problem but Christmas was coming fast. It was all she could do, with the school play and all, until the day before the holidays began and she was suddenly forced to focus on Teddy Stoddard. Her children brought her presents, all in beautiful ribbon and bright paper, except for Teddy's, which was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper of a scissored grocery bag. Mrs. Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents. Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing, and a bottle that was one-quarter full of cologne. She stifled the children's laughter when she ex-claimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume behind the other wrist. Teddy Stoddard stayed behind just long enough to say, "Mrs. Thompson, today you smelled just like my mom used to." After the children left she cried for at least an hour. On that very day, she quit teaching reading, and writing, and speaking. Instead, she began to teach children. Jean Thompson paid particular attention to one they all called "Teddy." As she worked with him, his mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he responded. On days there would be an important test, Mrs. Thompson would remember that cologne. By the end of the year he had become one of the smartest children in the class and... well, he had also become the "pet" of the teacher who had once vowed to love all of her children exactly the same. Continue on next page, please TEDDY STODDARD’S FAVORITE TEACHER (Continued) page 17 A year later she found a note under her door, from Teddy, telling her that of all the teachers he'd had in elementary school, she was his favorite. Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy. He then wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still his favorite teacher of all time. Four years after that, she got another letter, saying that while things had been tough at times, he'd stayed in school, had stuck with it, and would graduate from college with the highest of honors. He assured Mrs.Thompson she was still his favorite teacher. Then, four more years passed and yet another letter came. This time he explained that after he got his bachelor's degree, he decided to go a little further. The letter explained that she was still his favorite teacher but that now his name was a little longer. The letter was signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, MD. The story doesn't end there. You see there was yet another letter that Spring. Teddy said he'd met this girl and was to be married. He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering...well, if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit in the pew usually reserved for the mother of the groom. And guess what, she wore that bracelet, the one with several rhinestones missing. And I bet on that special day, Jean Thompson smelled just like... well, just like the way Teddy remembered his mother smelling on their last Christmas together. THE MORAL: You never can tell what type of impact you may make on another's life by your actions or lack of action. Consider this fact in your venture through life. from "Chicken Soup for the Soul" ========BPL======== From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. page 18 ******************************************************* Dear List: Found this article a few years ago and for those of us in ministry (or thinking about it), this really 'hits the nail on the head'. A JOB OR A MINISTRY Some people have a job in the church; others involve themselves in a ministry. What's the difference? If you are doing it just because no one else will, it's a job. If you are doing it to serve the Lord, it's a ministry. If you quit because someone criticized you, it was a job. If you keep on serving, it's a ministry. If you'll do it only so long as it does not interfere with your other activities, it's a job. If you are committed to staying with it even if it means letting go of other things, it's a ministry. If you quit because no one thanked you or praised you, it was a job. If you stay with it, even though nobody recognizes your efforts, it is a ministry. It's hard to get excited about a job. It's almost impossible not to be excited about a ministry. If our concern is success, it's a job. If our concern is faithfulness, it's a ministry. An average church is filled with people doing jobs. A great and growing church is filled with people involved in ministry. If God calls you to a ministry, don't treat it like a job. If you have a job, give it up and find a ministry. God does not want us feeling stuck with a job, but excited and faithful to Him in ministry. Leland Peck Grace Bible Church St. Petersburg, FL From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. WHAT SHALL YOU BUILD? (source unknown) A builder builded a temple, He wrought with care and skill; Pillars and groins and arches were fashioned to meet his will; And men said when they saw its beauty; "It shall never know decay. Great is thy skill, O builder, Thy fame shall endure for aye." A teacher builded a temple; She wrought with skill and care' Forming each pillar with patience, Laying each stone with prayer. None saw the unceasing effort; None knew of the marvelous plan; For the temple the teacher builded Was unseen by the eyes of man. Gone is the builder's temple; Crumbled into the dust, Pillar and groin and arches - Food for consuming rust; But the temple the teacher builded Shall endure while the ages roll; For that beautiful, unseen temple Was a child's immortal soul. page 19 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 20 > FIVE GREAT LESSONS > > 1. Most Important Question: > > During my second month of nursing school, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions, until I read the last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?" >> Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, darkhaired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade. "Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and > say 'hello'. I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy. > 2. Pickup in the Rain: >> One night, at 11:30 PM, an older African-American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rain storm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. > Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her -- generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960s. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxi cab. She seemed to be in a big hurry! She wrote down his address, thanked him and drove away. Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant combination console color TV and stereo record player were delivered to his home. > A special note was attached. The note read: Dear Mr. James: Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes but my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away. God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others. Sincerely, Mrs. Nat King Cole. > 3. In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him. "How much is an ice cream sundae?" "Fifty cents," replied the waitress. The little boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and studied a number of coins in it. "How much is a dish of plain ice cream?" he inquired. Some people were now waiting for a table and the waitress was a bit impatient. "Thirty-five cents," she said brusquely. The little boy again counted the coins. "I'll have the plain ice cream," he said. The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and departed. When the waitress came back, she began wiping down the table and then swallowed hard at what she saw. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies - her tip. > From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 21 FIVE GREAT LESSONS (continued) > 4. The Obstacle in Our Path: >> In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the big stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. As the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the king indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many others never understand. Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve one's condition. > > 5. Giving Blood: > > Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at Stanford Hospital I got to know a little girl named Liza who was suffering from a rare and serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her five-year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, "Yes, I'll do it if it will save Liza." As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheeks. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice. "Will I start to die right away?" Being young, the boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give her all his blood. > Good Morning, This is God ! I will be handling all Your problems today. I will not need your help So have a good day ! From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. page 22 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 23 GOD Written by Danny Dutton, age 8, from Chula Vista, California, for his third grade homework assignment to "Explain God." "One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes them to replace the ones that die so there will be enough people to take care of things on earth. He doesn't make grown-ups, just babies. I think because they are smaller and easier to make. That way, He doesn't have to take up His valuable time teaching them to talk and walk. He can just leave that to mothers and fathers. God's second most important job is listening to prayers. An awful lot of this goes on, since some people, like preachers and things, pray at times besides bedtime. God doesn't have time to listen to the radio or TV because of this. Because He hears everything there must be a terrible lot of noise in His ears, unless He has thought of a way to turn it off. God sees everything and hears everything and is everywhere which keeps Him pretty busy. So you shouldn't go wasting His time by going over your mom and dad's head asking for something they said you couldn't have. Atheists are people who don't believe in God. I don't think there are any in Chula Vista. At least there aren't any who come to our church. Jesus is God's Son. He used to do all the hard work like walking on water and performing miracles and trying to teach the people who didn't want to learn about God. They finally got tired of Him preaching to them and they crucified Him. But He was good and kind like His Father and He told His Father that they didn't know what they were doing and to forgive them and God said OK. His Dad (God) appreciated everything that He had done and all His hard work on earth so He told Him He didn't have to go out on the road anymore, He could stay in heaven. So He did. And now He helps His Dad out by listening to prayers and seeing things which are important for God to take care of and which ones He can take care of Himself without having to bother God. Like a secretary only more important. You can pray anytime you want and they are sure to hear you because they got it worked out so one of them is on duty all the times. You should always go to Church on Sunday because it makes God happy, and if there's anybody you want to make happy, it's God. Don't skip church to do something you think will be more fun like going to the beach. This is wrong! And, besides, the sun doesn't come out at the beach until noon anyway. If you don't believe in God, besides being an atheist, you will be very lonely, because your parents can't go everywhere with you, like to camp, but God can. It is good to know He's around you when you're scared in the dark or when you can't swim very good and you get thrown into real deep water by big kids. But you shouldn't just always think of what God can do for you. I figure God put me here and He can take me back anytime He pleases. And that's why I believe in God From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 24 WE SHOULD ALL HAVE SUCH A HEART (copied, source unknown) His name is Bill. He has wild hair, wears a T-shirt with holes in it, jeans and no shoes. This was literally his wardrobe for his entire four years of college. He is brilliant. Kinda esoteric and very, very bright. He became a Christian while attending college. Across the street from the campus is a well-dressed, very conservative church. They want to develop a ministry to the students, but are not sure how to go about it. One day Bill decides to go there. He walks in with no shoes, jeans, his T-shirt, and wild hair. The service has already started and so Bill starts down the aisle looking for a seat. The church is completely packed and he can't find a seat. By now people are looking a bit uncomfortable, but no one says anything. Bill gets closer and closer and closer to the pulpit and when he realizes there are no seats, he just squats down right on the carpet. (Although perfectly acceptable behavior at a college fellowship, this had never happened in this church before!) By now the people are really uptight, and the tension in the air is thick. About this time, the minister realizes that from way at the back of the church, a deacon is slowly making his way toward Bill. Now the deacon is in his eighties, has silver-gray hair, a three-piece suit, and a pocket watch. A godly man, very elegant, very dignified, very courtly. He walks with a cane and as he starts walking toward this boy, everyone is saying to themselves, You can't blame him for what he's going to do. How can you expect a man of his age and of his background to understand some college kid on the floor? It takes a long time for the man to reach the boy. The church is utterly silent except for the clicking of the man's cane. All eyes are focused on him. You can't even hear anyone breathing. The people are thinking, The minister can't even preach the sermon until the deacon does what he has to do. And now they see this elderly man drop his cane on the floor. With great difficulty he lowers himself and sits down next to Bill and worships with him so he won't be alone. Everyone chokes up with emotion. When the minister gains control he says, "What I'm about to preach, you will never remember. What you have just seen, you will never forget. " >-------------------------------------------------- From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 25 THE POEM: MAKE THE TIME I knelt to pray but not for long, I had too much to do. I had to hurry and get to work For bills would soon be due. > So I knelt and said a hurried prayer, And jumped up off my knees. My Christian duty was now done My soul could rest at ease. > All day long I had no time To spread a word of cheer. No time to speak of Christ to friends, They'd laugh at me I'd fear. > No time, no time, too much to do, That was my constant cry, No time to give to souls in need But at last the time the time to die. > I went before the Lord, I came, I stood with downcast eyes. For in his hands God held a book; It was the book of life. > God looked into his book and said "Your name I cannot find. I once was going to write it down... But never found the time" > > >>Please forward this to all your friends, I know you have the time. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. ******************************************** Thought you might enjoy the following story: “ICE CREAM” As they prepared to eat dinner at a restaurant, Kim Kane's six-year-old son asked if he could say grace. As they bowed their heads he said, "God is good. God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank you more if mom gets us ice cream for dessert. And Liberty and justice for all! Amen!" Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby Kim heard a woman remark, "That's what's wrong with this country. Kids today don't even know how to pray. Asking God for ice-cream! Why, I never!" Hearing this, her son burst into tears and asked, "Did I do it wrong? is God mad at me?" As Kim held him and assured him that he had done a terrific job and God was certainly not mad at him, an elderly gentleman approached the table. "He winked at my son and said, 'I happen to know that God thought that was a great prayer.' 'Really?' my son asked. 'Cross my heart.' Then in theatrical whisper he added (indicating the woman whose remark had started the whole thing), 'Too bad she never asks God for ice cream. A little ice cream is good for the soul sometimes.'" Naturally, Kim bought her kid's ice cream at the end of the meal. What happened next came as a complete surprise. "My son stared at his for a moment and then did something I will remember the rest of my life," Kim explains. "He picked up his sundae and without a word walked over and placed it in front of the woman. With a big smile he told her, 'Here, this is for you. Ice cream is good for the soul sometimes and my soul is good already.'" page 26 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Subject: WHAT IF (From: “John Newman” <> What if, GOD couldn't take the time to bless us today because we couldn't take the time to thank Him yesterday? What if, GOD decided to stop leading us tomorrow because we didn't follow Him today? What if, we never saw another flower bloom because we grumbled when GOD sent the rain? What if, GOD didn't walk with us today because we failed to recognize it as His day? What if, GOD took away the Bible tomorrow because we would not read it today? What if, GOD took away His message because we failed to listen to the messenger? What if, GOD didn't send His only begotten Son because He wanted us to be prepared to pay the price for sin. What if, the door of the church was closed because we did not open the door of our heart? What if, GOD stopped loving and caring for us because we failed to love and care for others? What if, GOD would not hear us today because we would not listen to Him yesterday? What if, GOD answered our prayers the way we answer His call to service? What if, GOD met our needs the way we give Him our lives??? What if, We failed to send this message on??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ If you love Jesus send this to ten people and the person that sent it to you!!!!!!!!~ p Page 27 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 28 ODE TO THE DIRECTOR At first you thought that you would be, The greatest singer the world would see. But then you found it not to be, As anyone could plainly see. And then you thought that you must be, A great conductor, "Yes, that's me." But that was not to be at all. Boy, and did the spirits fall. "How 'bout it, Lord, I'd really plan, In the biggest church in all the land." But then the Lord said, "Hold it, man; Why don't you stop and take my hand, And let me lead you on the way I'd have you go, just for this day." At last you said, "Lord, please forgive. Show me the way that I should live. I will not care what time or place, If I can see your precious face." Well, my friend, is this your prayer? To do his will just anywhere? It does not matter in his call, If your church is large or small. If to this point you have survived, Then it is true - you have arrived! By David Campbell -for THE CHURCH MUSICIAN From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 29 Dear Friend, As you got up this morning, I watched you and hoped you would talk to me---even if it was just a few words, asking my opinion or thanking me for something good that happened in your life yesterday--- but I noticed you were too busy trying to find the right outfit to put on and wear. I waited again. When you ran around the house getting ready, I know there would be a few minutes for you to stop and say hello, but you were too busy. At one point you had to wait 15 min. with nothing to do except sit in a chair. Then I saw you spring to your feet. I thought you wanted to talk to me but you ran to the phone and called a friend to get the latest gossip. I watched as you went out and I waited patiently all day long. With all your activities I guess you were to busy to say anything to me. I noticed that before lunch you looked around, maybe you felt embarrassed to talk to me, that is why you didn't bow your head. You glanced three or four tables over and you noticed some of your friends talking to me briefly before they ate, but you didn't. That's okay. There is still more time left, and I have hope that you will talk to me even yet. You went home and it seems as if you had lots of things to do. After a few of them were done you turned on the TV. I don't like TV, just about anything goes on there & you spend a lot of time each day in front of it--not thinking about anything-- just enjoying the show. I waited patiently as you watched TV and ate your meal but again waited for you to talk to me. As you did your work I waited again as you did what you had to do. At bedtime I guess you felt too tired. After you said goodnight to your family you plopped into bed and fell asleep in no time. That's okay because you may not realize that I am always there for you. I've got patience more than you will ever know. I even want to teach you how to be patient with others as well. Because I love you so much, a long time ago I left a wonderful place called Heaven and came to Earth. I gave it up so that I could be ridiculed and made fun of, and I even died so you wouldn't have to take my place. I love you so much that I wait everyday for a nod, prayers, or a thought or a thankful part of your heart. It is hard to have a one-sided conversation. Well you are getting up again and I will wait with nothing but love for you hoping that today you will give me some time. Have a nice day! Your friend, Jesus P.S. Do you have enough time to send this to another person? From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. op p (source: via ) page 30 The Rules for Being Human was authored by Cherie Carter-Scott, Ph.D. Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup books saw the post, contacted Cherie, and she informed me of her quote, and noted that it was from her new book "If Life is a Game, These are the Rules" published by Broadway Books, 1998. THE RULES FOR BEING HUMAN 1. YOU WILL RECEIVE A BODY You may like it or hate it but it will be yours for the entire period this time around. 2. YOU WILL LEARN LESSONS You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant or stupid. 3. THERE ARE NO MISTAKES, ONLY LESSONS Growth is a process of trial and error: experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately "works". 4. A LESSON IS REPEATED UNTIL LEARNED A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go to the next lesson. 5. LEARNING LESSONS DOES NOT END. There is no part of life that does not contain its lesson. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned. 6. "THERE" IS NO BETTER THAN "HERE" When your "there" has become a "here" you will simply obtain another "there" that will, again, look better than "here." 7. OTHERS ARE MERELY MIRRORS OF YOU You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate in yourself. 8. WHAT YOU MAKE OF YOUR LIFE IS UP TO YOU You have all the tools and resources you need, what you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours. 9. YOUR ANSWERS LIE INSIDE YOU The answers to life's questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. page 31 "WHAT I'VE LEARNED IN LIFE" (source unknown, a friend shared this) **I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back. **I've learned that no matter how good a person is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while, and you must forgive them for that. **I've learned that money is a lousy way of keeping score. **I've learned that talking can ease emotional pains. **I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it. **I've learned that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. **I've learned that you can do something in an instant that will give you a heartache for life. **I've learned that it's not what you have in your life, but whom you have in your life. **I've learned that good friends are family members that we are allowed to choose. **I've learned that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change. **I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon. **I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them. **I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for ourselves. **I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do, but to the best you can do. **I've learned that it's not where I am that is important. It's where I am going. **I've learned that no matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides. **I've learned that it takes a long time to become the person I want to be. **I've learned that it's a lot easier to react than it is to think. **I've learned that you can keep going long after you think you cannot. **I've learned that either you control your attitude, or it controls you. **I've learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences. **I've learned that patience takes a lot of practice. **I've learned that there are people who love you dearly, but just don't know how to show it. **I've learned that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time. **I've learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones to help you get back up. Page 32 **I've learned that there is more of my parents in me that I thought. **I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel. **I've learned that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want him/her to doesn't mean s/he doesn't love you with all s/he has. **I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated. **I've learned that you should never tell a child his/her dreams are unlikely or outlandish. Few things are more humiliating, and what a tragedy it would be if s/he believed it. **I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by someone else. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself. **I've learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief. (It helps to read this often and try to practice it, for I’m still in the learning stage. ELC,Jr.) From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 33 ATTITUDE - Charles R. Swindoll The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company...a church...a home. The remarkable thing is you have a choice every day regarding the attitude you will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent how I react to it. And so it is with you. You are in charge of your attitude. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 34 From: THE TOP TEN REASONS MEN SHOULD JOIN THE CHURCH CHOIR 10. Rehearsals are every Wednesday night. Which means that for those few hours, you will significantly reduce your risk of contracting tendinitis from nonstop operation of a television remote control or computer mouse. 9. Because you wear a choir robe every Sunday, you are liberated from a task many men find quite challenging: finding clothes that match properly. 8. From your special vantage point every Sunday, in which you look out at the entire congregation from the choir seats, you will develop interesting new hobbies. Among these is a little guessing game called "Who's Praying, Who's Sleeping?" 7. On the other hand, sitting in full view of 400-500 people on a weekly basis makes it much less likely that you yourself will give in to a chronic lack of sleep. Although it has been known to happen. 6. If you think your singing in the shower sounds good now, just wait till you've been singing with us for a few weeks. 5. Singing in a choir is one of the few activities for men that does not require electronics equipment or expensive power tools. This could be good for the family budget. 4. For the fitness buffs, singing in the Choir is not only heart healthy, it's soul healthy. But there are no monthly membership fees, and it's a lot easier on the knees than jogging. 3. If you think you've done everything there is to do, and there are no great challenges left in life, try singing with us guys and staying on pitch. 2. Choir rehearsal lasts half as long as a professional football game, but is at least twice as satisfying. This is especially true if you are a long-suffering fan of the Miami Dolphins. (Don't worry, though, the rehearsals are on Wednesday, not Monday nights.) AND THE NUMBER 1 REASON MEN SHOULD JOIN THE CHOIR: When people ask you whether you've been behaving yourself, you can say with the utmost sincerity, "Hey, I'm a Choir Boy." From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 35 TIME (from a friend via email) Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course!!!! Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no going back. There is no drawing against the "tomorrow." You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness, and success! The clock is running. Make the most of today. To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade. To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby. To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper. To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train. To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident. To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics. Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time. And remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present! From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 36 THE FATHER'S EYES Bob Richards, the former pole-vault champion, shares a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart. Practice after practice, he eagerly gave everything he had. But being half the size of the other boys, he got absolutely nowhere. At all the games, this hopeful athlete sat on the bench and hardly ever played. This teenager lived alone with his father, and the two of them had a very special relationship. Even though the son was always on the bench, his father was always in the stands cheering. He never missed a game. This young man was still the smallest of the class when he entered high school. But his father continued to encourage him but also made it very clear that he did not have to play football if he didn't want to. But the young man loved football and decided to hang in there. He was determined to try his best at every practice, and perhaps he'd get to play when he became a senior. All through high school he never missed a practice nor a game, but remained a bench warmer all four years. His faithful father was always in the stands, always with words of encouragement for him. When the young man went to college, he decided to try out for the football team as a "walk-on." Everyone was sure he could never make the cut, but he did. The coach admitted that he kept him on the roster because he always puts his heart and soul to every practice, and at the same time, provided the other members with the spirit and hustle they badly needed. The news that he had survived the cut thrilled him so much that he rushed to the nearest phone and called his father. His father shared his excitement and was sent season tickets for all the college games. This persistent young athlete never missed practice during his four years at college, but he never got to play in the game. It was the end of his senior football season, and as he trotted onto the practice field shortly before the big play off game, the coach met him with a telegram. The young man read the telegram and he became deathly silent. Swallowing hard, he mumbled to the coach, "My father died this morning. Is it all right if I miss practice today? "The coach put his arm gently around his shoulder and said, "Take the rest of the week off, son. And don't even plan to come back to the game on Saturday.” Saturday arrived, and the game was not going well. In the third quarter, when the team was ten points behind, a silent young man quietly slipped into the empty locker room and put on his football gear. As he ran onto the sidelines, the coach and his players were astounded to see their faithful teammate back so soon. "Coach, please let me play. I've just got to play today." said the young man. The coach pretended not to hear him. There was no way he wanted his worst player in this close playoff game. But the young man persisted, and finally feeling sorry for the kid, the coach gave in. "All right," he said. "You can go in." Before long, the coach, the players and everyone in the stands could not believe their eyes. This little unknown, who had never played before was doing everything right. The opposing team could not stop him. He ran, he passed, blocked and tackled like a star. His team began to triumph. The score was soon tied. In the closing seconds of the game, this kid intercepted a pass and ran all the way for the winning touchdown. The fans broke loose. His teammates hoisted him onto their shoulders. Such cheering you never heard! Finally, after the stands had emptied and the team had showered and left the locker room, the coach noticed that the young man was sitting quietly in the corner all alone. The coach came to him and said, "Kid, I can't believe it. You were fantastic! Tell me what got into you? How did you do it?" He looked at the coach, with tears in his eyes, and said, "Well, you knew my dad died, but did you know that my dad was blind?' The young man swallowed hard and forced a smile, "Dad came to all my games, but today was the first time he could see me play, and I wanted to show him I could do it!" Like the athlete's father, God is always there cheering for us. He's always reminding us to go on. He's even offering us His hand for He knows what is best and is willing to give us what we need and not simple what we want. God has never missed a single game. What a joy to know that life is meaningful if lived for the Highest. Live for HIM for He's watching us in the game of life. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 37 (ADD TO THE FATHER’S EYES) RIGHT NOW: Somebody is very proud of you; somebody is thinking of you; somebody is caring about you; somebody misses you; somebody wants to talk to you; somebody wants to be with you; somebody hopes you are not in trouble; somebody is thankful for the support you have provided; somebody wants to hold your hand; somebody hopes everything turns out all right; somebody wants you to be happy; somebody wants you to find him/her; somebody wants to give you a gift; somebody wants to hug you; somebody thinks you ARE a gift; somebody admires your strength; somebody is thinking of you and smiling; somebody wants to protect you; somebody can't wait to see you; somebody loves you for who you are; somebody treasures your spirit; somebody is glad that you are their friend; somebody want to get to know you better; somebody wants to be near you; somebody wants you to know they are there for you. somebody would do anything for you. somebody wants to share their dreams with you. somebody is alive because of you somebody needs your support. somebody will cry when they read this. somebody needs you to have faith in them. somebody trusts you. somebody hears a song that reminds them of you. somebody needs you to send them this letter. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 38 JUST CHECKING IN A minister passing through his church in the middle of the day, Decided to pause by the altar and see who had come to pray. Just then the back door opened, a man came down the aisle, The minister frowned as he saw the man hadn't shaved in a while. His shirt was kinda shabby and his coat was worn and frayed. The man knelt, he bowed his head, then rose and walked away. In the days that followed, each noon time came this chap, Each time he knelt just for a moment, a lunch pail in his lap. Well, the minister's suspicions grew, with robbery a main fear, He decided to stop the man and ask him, "What are you doing here?" The old man said, he worked down the road. Lunch was half an hour. Lunchtime was his prayer time, for finding strength and power. "I stay only moments, see, because the factory is so far away; As I kneel here talking to the Lord, this is kinda what I say: "I JUST CAME AGAIN TO TELL YOU, LORD, HOW HAPPY I'VE BEEN, SINCE WE FOUND EACH OTHER'S FRIENDSHIP AND YOU TOOK AWAY MY SIN. DON'T KNOW MUCH OF HOW TO PRAY, BUT I THINK ABOUT YOU EVERYDAY. SO, JESUS, THIS IS JIM CHECKING IN." The minister feeling foolish, told Jim, that was fine. He told the man he was welcome to come and pray just anytime. Time to go, Jim smiled, said "Thanks." He hurried to the door. The minister knelt at the altar, he'd never done it before. His cold heart melted, warmed with love, and met with Jesus there. As the tears flowed, in his heart, he repeated old Jim's prayer: "I JUST CAME AGAIN TO TELL YOU, LORD, HOW HAPPY I'VE BEEN, SINCE WE FOUND EACH OTHER'S FRIENDSHIP AND YOU TOOK AWAY MY SIN. I DON'T KNOW MUCH OF HOW TO PRAY, BUT I THINK ABOUT YOU EVERYDAY. SO, JESUS, THIS IS ME CHECKING IN." Past noon one day, the minister noticed that old Jim hadn't come. As more days passed without Jim, he began to worry some. At the factory, he asked about him, learning he was ill. At the hospital, the staff was worried, but he'd given them a thrill. The week that Jim was with them, brought changes in the ward. His smiles, a joy contagious. Changed people, were his reward. The head nurse couldn't understand why Jim was so glad, when no flowers, calls or cards came, not a visitor he had. The minister stayed by his bed, he voiced the nurse's concern: No friends came to show they cared. He had nowhere to turn. Looking surprised, old Jim spoke up and with a winsome smile; "The nurse is wrong, she couldn't know, that in here all the while everyday at noon He's here, a dear friend of mine, you see, He sits right down, takes my hand, leans over and says to me: "I JUST CAME AGAIN TO TELL YOU, JIM, HOW HAPPY I HAVE BEEN, SINCE WE FOUND THIS FRIENDSHIP, AND I TOOK AWAY YOUR SIN. ALWAYS LOVE TO HEAR YOU PRAY, I THINK ABOUT YOU EACH DAY, AND SO JIM, THIS IS JESUS CHECKING IN." If this blesses you, or makes you think of your relationship with Jesus, pass it on... From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 39 WORDS TO THINK ON….”THE EMPTY CHAIR” (Source unknown) A man's daughter had asked the local pastor to come and pray with her father. When the pastor arrived, he found the man lying in bed with his head propped up on two pillows and an empty chair beside his bed. The pastor assumed that the old fellow had been informed of his visit. "I guess you were expecting me," he said. "No, who are you?" "I'm the new associate at your local church," the pastor replied. "When I saw the empty chair, I figured you knew I was going to show up." "Oh yeah, the chair," said the bedridden man. "Would you mind closing the door?" Puzzled, the pastor shut the door. "I've never told anyone this, not even my daughter," said the man. But all of my life I have never known how to pray. At church I used to hear the pastor talk about prayer, but it always went right over my head.." "I abandoned any attempt at prayer," the old man continued, "until one day about four years ago my best friend said: "Joe, prayer is just a simple matter of having a conversation with Jesus. Here's what I suggest. Sit down on a chair, place an empty chair in front of you, and in faith see Jesus on the chair. It's not spooky because He promised, 'I'll be with you always.' Then just speak to him and listen in the same way you're doing with me right now." "So, I tried it and I've liked it so much that I do it a couple of hours every day. I'm careful, though. If my daughter saw me talking to an empty chair, she'd either have a nervous breakdown or send me off to the funny farm." The pastor was deeply moved by the story and encouraged the old guy to continue on the journey. Then he prayed with him, and returned to the church. Two nights later the daughter called to tell the pastor that her daddy had died that afternoon. "Did he seem to die in peace?" he asked. "Yes, when I left the house around two o'clock, he called me over to his bedside, told me one of his corny jokes, and kissed me on the cheek. When I got back from the store an hour later, I found him dead. " But there was something strange, In fact, beyond strange - kinda weird. Apparently, just before Daddy died, he leaned over and rested his head on a chair beside the bed." _________ Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 40 > Subject: THE ABC OF THANKSGIVING (source unknown) Sent to Crosby by Corky A. Rice > > A lthough things are not perfect > B ecause of trial or pain > C ontinue in thanksgiving > D o not begin to blame > E ven when the times are hard > F ierce winds are bound to blow > G od is forever able > H old on to what you know > I magine life without His love > J oy would cease to be > K eep thanking Him for all the things > L ove imparts to thee > M ove out of "Camp Complaining" > N o weapon that is known > O n earth can yield the power > P raise can do alone > Q uit looking at the future > R edeem the time at hand > S tart every day with worship > T o "thank" is a command > U ntil we see Him coming > V ictorious in the sky > W e'll run the race with gratitude > X alting God most high > Y es, there will be good times and yes some will be bad, > but... > Z ion waits in glory...where none are ever sad! > > > > > Psalm 69:30 "I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving." From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. ALL GOOD THINGS Written by: Sister Helen P. Mrosla page 41 He was in the first third grade class I taught at Saint Mary's School in Morris, Minn. All 34 of my students were dear to me, but Mark Eklund was one in a million. Very neat in appearance, but had that happy-to-be-alive attitude that made even his occasional mischievousness delightful. Mark talked incessantly. I had to remind him again and again that talking without permission was not acceptable. What impressed me so much though, was his sincere response every time I had to correct him for misbehaving, "Thank you for correcting me, Sister" I didn't know what to make of it at first, but before long I became accustomed to hearing it many times a day. One morning my patience was growing thin when Mark talked once too often, and then I made a novice-teacher's mistake. I looked at Mark and said, "If you say one more word, I am going to tape your mouth shut." It wasn't ten seconds later when Chuck blurted out, "Mark is talking again." I hadn't asked any of the students to help me watch Mark, but since I had stated the punishment in front of the class, I had to act on it. I remember the scene as if it had occurred this morning. I walked to my desk, very deliberately opened my drawer and took out a roll of masking tape. Without saying a word, I proceeded to Mark's desk, tore off two pieces of tape and made a big X with them over his mouth. I then returned to the front of the room. As I glanced at Mark to see how he was doing, he winked at me. That did it, I started laughing. The class Cheered as I walked back to Mark's desk, removed the tape, and shrugged my shoulders. His first words were, "Thank you for correcting me, Sister." At the end of the year, I was asked to teach junior-high math. The years flew by, and before I knew it Mark was in my classroom again. He was more handsome than ever and just as polite. Since he had to listen carefully to my instruction in the "new math," he did not talk as much in ninth grade as he had in third. One Friday, things just didn't feel right. We had worked hard on a new concept all week, and I sensed that the students were frowning, frustrated with themselves and edgy with one another. I had to stop this crankiness before it got out of hand. So I asked them to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name. Then I told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down. It took the remainder of the class period to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed me the papers. Charlie smiled. Mark said, "Thank you for teaching me, Sister. Have a good weekend." That Saturday, I wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and I listed what everyone else had said about that individual. On Monday I gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling. "Really?" I heard whispered. "I never knew that meant anything to anyone," "I didn't know others liked me so much." No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. I never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another again. That group of students moved on. Several years later, after I returned from vacation, my parents met me at the airport. As we were driving home, Mother asked me the usual questions about the trip, the weather, my experiences in general. There was a lull in the conversation. Mother gave Dad a sideways glance and simply says, "Dad? "My father cleared his throat as he usually did before something important. "The Eklunds called last night," he began. "Really?" I said. "I haven't heard from them in years. I wonder how Mark is." Dad responded quietly. "Mark was killed in Vietnam," he said. "The funeral is tomorrow, and his parents would like it if you could attend." To this day I can still point to the exact spot on I-494 where Dad told me about Mark. I had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. Mark looked so handsome, so mature. All I could think at that moment was, Mark I would give all the masking tape in the world if only you would talk to me. The church was packed with Mark's friends. Chuck's sister sang "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." Why did it have to rain on the day of the funeral? It was difficult enough at the graveside. The pastor said the usual prayers, and the bugler played taps. One by one those who loved Mark took a last walk by the coffin and sprinkled it with holy water. I was the last one to bless the coffin. As I stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as pallbearer came up to me. "Were you Mark's math teacher?" he asked. I nodded as I continued to stare at the coffin. "Mark talked about you a lot," he said. (Please continue on reverse or next page) (ALL GOOD THINGS! Continued) page 42 After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates headed to Chuck's farmhouse for lunch. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting for me. "We want to show you something," his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket. "They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it." Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. I knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which I had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him. "Thank you so much for doing that," Mark's mother said. "As you can see, Mark treasured it." Mark's classmates started to gather around us. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, "I still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk at home." Chuck's wife said, "Chuck asked me to put his in our Wedding album." "I have mine too," Marilyn said. "It's in my diary." Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group. "I carry this with me at all times," Vicki said without batting an eyelash. "I think we all saved our lists." That's when I finally sat down and cried. I cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again. Written by: Sister Helen P. Mrosla The purpose of this letter is to encourage everyone to compliment the people you love and care about. We often tend to forget the importance of showing our affections and love. Sometimes the smallest of things, could mean the most to another. I am asking you, to please send this around and spread the message and encouragement, to express your love and caring by complimenting and being open with communication. The density of people in society is so thick that we forget that life will end one day. And we don't know when that one day will be. So please, tell the people you love and care for, that they are special and important. Tell them, before it is too late. Within 1 hour you must send it to other people. Within five days you will have a miraculous occurrence in your relationships. You may find new love or have an old love rekindled. If you do not send it, you will have, once again passed up the opportunity to do something loving and beautiful and continue the trend that gives you problems in your relationships. If you've received this it is because someone cares for you and it means there is probably at least someone for whom you care. If you're too busy to take the few minutes that it would take right now to forward this to ten people, would it be the first time you didn't do that little thing that would make a difference in your relationships? The more people that you send this to, the better luck you will have. And the better you'll get at reaching out to those you care about. Here's the deal: Forward this letter to at least 10 different people; within 1 hour of receiving it. Do it, and reap what you sow: luck in love, people who care for you, and that warm feeling that comes from loving others. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Subject: A Christmas Story: THE GOLD SLIPPERS It was only four days before Christmas. The spirit of the season hadn't yet caught up with me, even though cars packed the parking lot of our local discount store. Inside the store, it was worse. Shopping carts and last minute shoppers jammed the aisles. Why did I come today? I wondered. My feet ached almost as much as my head. My list contained names of several people who claimed they wanted nothing but I knew their feelings would be hurt if I didn't buy them anything. Buying for someone who had everything and deploring the high cost of items, I considered gift-buying anything but fun. Hurriedly, I filled my shopping cart with last minute items and proceeded to the long checkout lines. I picked the shortest but it looked as if it would mean at least a 20 minute wait. In front of me were two small children – a boy of about 5 and a younger girl. The boy wore a ragged coat. Enormously large, tattered tennis shoes jutted far out in front of his much too short jeans. He clutched several crumpled dollar bills in his grimy hands. The girl's clothing resembled her brother's. Her head was a matted mass of curly hair. Reminders of an evening meal showed on her small face. She carried a beautiful pair of shiny, gold house slippers. As the Christmas music sounded in the store's stereo system, the girl hummed along, off-key but happily. When we finally approached the checkout register, the girl carefully placed the shoes on the counter. She treated them as though they were a treasure. The clerk rang up the bill. "That will be $6.09," she said. The boy laid his crumpled dollars atop the stand while he searched his pockets. He finally came up with $3.12. "I guess we will have to put them back, " he bravely said. "We will come back some other time, maybe tomorrow." With that statement, a soft sob broke from the little girl. "But Jesus would have loved these shoes, " she cried. "Well, we'll go home and work some more. Don't cry. We'll come back," he said. Quickly I handed $3.00 to the cashier. These children had waited in line for a long time. And, after all, it was Christmas. Suddenly a pair of arms came around me and a small voice said, "Thank you lady." "What did you mean when you said Jesus would like the shoes?" I asked. The boy answered, "Our mommy is sick and going to heaven. Daddy said she might go before Christmas to be with Jesus." The girl spoke, "My Sunday school teacher said the streets in heaven are shiny gold, just like these shoes. Won't mommy be beautiful walking on those streets to match these shoes?" My eyes flooded as I looked into her tear streaked face. "Yes," I answered, "I am sure she will." Silently I thanked God for using these children to remind me of the true spirit of giving. " Tis the Season!! Remember that it's better to give than receive so pass it on. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. LIFE-SPEED ... The Music Won’t Last (forwarded e-mail from INSPIRE – source unknown) Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight Or gazed at the sun into the fading night? You better slow down… Don't dance so fast … Time is short … The music won't last ! Do you run through each day on the fly, When you ask "How are you?" Do you hear the reply? When the day is done, do you lie in your bed With the next hundred chores running through your head? You'd better slow down… Don't dance so fast … Time is short… The music won't last ! Ever told your child, “We'll do it tomorrow” And in your haste, not see his sorrow? Ever lost touch, Let a good friendship die 'Cause you never had time to call and say "Hi"? You'd better slow down … Don't dance so fast … Time is short… The music won't last ! When you run so fast to get somewhere You miss half the fun of getting there. When you worry and hurry through your day, It is like an unopened gift.... Thrown away... Life is not a race. Do take it slower, Hear the music … Before the song is over!! From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. GOD'S TINY SERVANT From: "MELODY DEL ROSARIO" <> Brenda was a young woman that wanted to learn to go rock climbing. Although she was scared to death she went with a group and they faced this tremendous cliff of rock. Practically perpendicular. In spite of her fear, she put on the gear and she took a hold of the rope and she started up the face of that rock. Well, she got to a ledge where she could take a breather. As she was hanging on there, whoever was holding the rope up at the top of the cliff made a mistake and snapped the rope against Brenda's eye and knocked out her contact lens. You know how tiny contact lenses are and how almost impossible to find. Well, here she is on a rock ledge, with who knows how many hundreds of feet behind and hundreds of feet above her. Of course, she looked and looked and looked, hoping that she would be able to find that contact lens. Here she was, very far from home. Her sight was now blurry. She was very upset by the fact that she wouldn't be anywhere near a place where she could get a new contact lens. And she prayed that the Lord would help her to find it. Her last hope was that perhaps when she got to the top of the cliff, one of the girls that was up there on the top might be able to find her contact lens in the corner of her eye. When she got to the top, a friend examined her eye. There was no contact lens to be found. She sat down with the rest of the party, waiting for the rest of them to come up the face of the cliff. She looked out across range after range of mountains, thinking of that Bible verse that says, "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth." She thought, "Lord, You can see all these mountains. You know every single stone and leaf that's on those mountains and You know exactly where my contact lens is." Finally, the time came when it was time to go down. They walked down the trail to the bottom. Just as they got there, there was a new party of rock climbers coming along. As one of them started up the face of the cliff, she shouted out, "Hey, you guys! anybody lose a contact lens?" Well, that would be startling enough, wouldn't it? She had found the contact lens! But you know why she saw it? An ant was carrying that contact lens so that it was moving slowly across the face of the rock. What does that tell you about the God of the universe? Is He in charge of the tiniest things? Do ants matter to Him? Of course they do. He made them. He designed them. Brenda told me that her father is a cartoonist. When she told him this incredible story, he drew a picture of that ant lugging that contact lens with the words "Lord, I don't know why You want me to carry this thing. I can't eat it and it's awfully heavy. But if this is what You want me to do, I'll carry it for You." If God is in charge of the ants, don't you think He cares about you and me? I guess Solomon was right. One could learn a valuable lesson from that ant -- trust in God. We could probably all say a little more often, "God, I don't know why you want me to carry this load. I see no good in it and it's awfully heavy. Still, if you want me to, I'll carry it for You." -------------------------------------------------- From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. THE THREE TREES (SOURCE UNKNOWN, Email Exchanged) Once there were three trees on a hill in the woods... They were discussing their hopes and dreams when the first tree said "Someday I hope to be a treasure chest. I could be filled with gold, silver and precious gems. I could be decorated with intricate carving and everyone would see the beauty." Then the second tree said "Someday I will be a mighty ship. I will take kings and queens across the waters and sail to the corners of the world. Everyone will feel safe in me because of the strength of my hull." Finally the third tree said. "I want to grow to be the tallest and straightest tree in the forest. People will see me on top of the hill and look up to my branches, and think of the heavens and God and how close to them I am reaching. I will be the greatest tree of all time and people will always remember me." After a few years of praying that their dreams would come true, a group of woodsmen came upon the trees. When one came to the first tree he said, "This looks like a strong tree, I think I should be able to sell the wood to a carpenter." and he began cutting it down. The tree was happy, because he knew that the carpenter would make him into a treasure chest. At the second tree a woodsman said, "This looks like a strong tree, I should be able to sell it to the shipyard." The second tree was happy because he knew he was on his way to becoming a mighty ship. When the woodsmen came upon the third tree, the tree was frightened because he knew that if they cut him down his dreams would not come true. One of the woodsman said, "I don't need anything special from my tree so I'll take this one" and he cut it down. When the first tree arrived at the carpenters, he was made into a feed box for animals. He was then placed in a barn and filled with hay. This was not at all what he had prayed for. The second tree was cut and made into a small fishing boat. His dreams of being a mighty ship and carrying kings had come to an end. The third tree was cut into large pieces and left alone in the dark. The years went by, and the trees forgot about their dreams. Then one day, a man and women came to the barn. She gave birth and they placed the baby in the hay in the feed box that was made from the first tree. The man wished that he could have made a crib for the baby, but this manger would have to do. The tree could feel the importance of this event and knew that it had held the greatest treasure of all time. Years later, a group of men got in the fishing boat made from the second tree. One of them was tired and went to sleep. While they were out on the water, a great storm arose and the tree didn't think it was strong enough to keep the men safe. The men woke the sleeping man, and He stood and said "peace" and the storm stopped. At this time, the tree knew that it had carried the King of kings in its boat. Finally, someone came and got the third tree. It was carried through the streets as the people mocked the man who was carrying it. When they came to a stop, the man was nailed to the tree and raised in the air to die at the top of a hill. When Sunday came, the tree came to realize that it was strong enough to stand at the top of the hill and be as close to God as was possible, because Jesus had been crucified on it. The moral of this story is that when things don't seem to be going your way, always know that God has a plan for you. If you place your trust in Him, He will give you great gifts. Each of the trees got what they wanted, just not in the way they had imagined. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. TWO BABES IN A MANGER In 1994, two Americans answered an invitation from the Russian Department of Education to teach morals and ethics (based on biblical principles) in the public schools. They were invited to teach at prisons, businesses, the fire and police departments and a large orphanage. About 100 boys and girls who had been abandoned, abused, and left in the care of a government-run program were in the orphanage. They relate the following story in their own words: It was nearing the holiday season, 1994, time for our orphans to hear, for the first time, the traditional story of Christmas. We told them about Mary and Joseph arriving in Bethlehem. Finding no room in the inn, the couple went to a stable, where the baby Jesus was born and placed in a manger. Throughout the story, the children and orphanage staff sat in amazement as they listened. Some sat on the edges of their stools, trying to grasp every word. Completing the story, we gave the children three small pieces of cardboard to make a crude manger. Each child was given a small paper square, cut from yellow napkins I had brought with me. No colored paper was available in the city. Following instructions, the children tore the paper and carefully laid strips in the manger for straw. Small squares of flannel, cut from a worn-out nightgown an American lady was throwing away as she left Russia, were used for the baby's blanket. A doll-like baby was cut from tan felt we had brought from the United States. The orphans were busy assembling their manger as I walked among them to see if they needed any help. All went well until I got to one table where little Misha sat. He looked to be about 6 years old and had finished his project. As I looked at the little boy's manger, was startled to see not one, but two babies in the manger. Quickly, I called for the translator to ask the lad why there were two babies in the manger. Crossing his arms in front of him and looking at this completed manger scene, the child began to repeat the story very seriously. For such a young boy, who had only heard the Christmas story once, he related the happenings accurately until he came to the part where Mary put the baby Jesus in the manger. Then Misha started to ad-lib. He made up his own ending to the story as he said, "And when Maria laid the baby in the manger, Jesus looked at me and asked me if I had a place to stay. I told him I have no mamma and I have no papa, so I don't have any place to stay. Then Jesus told me I could stay with him. But I told him I couldn't, because I didn't have a gift to give him like everybody else did. But I wanted to stay with Jesus so much, so I thought about what I had that maybe I could use for a gift. I thought maybe if I kept him warm, that would be a good gift. So I asked Jesus, "If I keep you warm, will that be a good enough gift?" And Jesus told me, "If you keep me warm, that will be the best gift anybody ever gave me." "So I got into the manger, and then Jesus looked at me and he told me I could stay with him-for always." As little Misha finished his story, his eyes brimmed full of tears that splashed down his little cheeks. Putting his hand over his face, his head dropped to the table and his shoulders shook as he sobbed and sobbed. The little orphan had found someone who would never abandon nor abuse him, someone who would stay with him-FOR ALWAYS. I've learned that it's not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life that counts. "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." I Thessalonians 5:16-18 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. PPEPLEASE LISTEN (Author Unknown – from Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul) (Copyright 1997 by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Kimberly Kirberger) (taken from Email C:WIN95B\TEMP\10-28-98.html) When I ask you to listen to me and you start giving me advice, you have not done what I asked. When I ask you to listen to me and you begin to tell me why I shouldn’t feel that way, you are trampling on my feelings. When I ask you to listen to me and you feel you have to do something to solve my problem, You have failed me, strange as that may seem. Listen! All I ask is that you listen. Don’t talk or do – just hear me. Advice is cheap; 20 cents will get you both Dear Abby and Billy Graham in the same newspaper. And I can do for myself; I am not helpless. Maybe discouraged and faltering, but not helpless. When you do something for me that I can and need to do for myself, you contribute to my fear and inadequacy. But when you accept as a simple fact that I feel what I feel, no matter how irrational, then I can stop trying to convince you and get about this business of understanding what’s behind this irrational feeling. And when that's clear, the answers are obvious and I don'’ need advice. Irrational feelings make sense when we understand what's behind them. Perhaps that’s why prayer works, sometimes, for some people – because God is mute, and he doesn’t give advice or try to fix things. God just listens and lets you work it out for yourself. So please listen, and just hear me. And if you want to talk, wait a minute for your turn – and I will listen to you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Some one sent this to me. Hope you enjoy it and use it to tell others about Jesus as I have done. TOP TEN REASONS JESUS IS BETTER THAN SANTA CLAUS: 10. Santa lives at the North Pole - Jesus is everywhere. 9. Santa rides in a sleigh - Jesus rides on the wind and walks on the water. 8. Santa comes but once a year - Jesus is an ever present help. 7. Santa comes down your chimney uninvited - but Jesus stands at your door and knocks, and then enters your heart. 6. Santa doesn't know your name - Jesus knew your name before you did. He knows your address, your past, your future, and the number of hairs on your head. 5. Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly - Jesus has a heart full of love. 4. Santa lets you sit on his lap - Jesus lets you rest in His arms. 3. Santa fills your stockings with goodies - Jesus supplies all your needs. 2. Santa puts gifts under your tree - Jesus became our gift and died on the tree. 1. You have to wait in line to see Santa - Jesus is as close as the mention on His name. Its obvious there is really no comparison. We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about. We need to put Christ back in Christmas. Jesus is still the reason for the season. He is better than Santa Claus. Jesus is the best Christmas present. (copied . David Harbeson Dearing, GA) From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. THE NIGHT BEFORE JESUS CAME Author Unknown - From: George Edwards <> via Bill’s PunchLine And “HeartWarming” …quotes: .Bethany Farms 'Twas the night before Jesus came and all through the house Not a creature was praying, not one in the house. Their Bibles were lain on the shelf without care In hopes that Jesus would not come there. The children were dressing to crawl into bed, Not once ever kneeling or bowing a head. And Mom in her rocker with baby on her lap Was watching the Late Show while I took a nap. When out of the east there arose such a clatter, I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash! When what to my wondering eyes should appear But angels proclaiming that Jesus was here. With a light like the sun sending forth a bright ray I knew in a moment this must be The Day! The light of His face made me cover my head, It was Jesus! Returning just like He had said. And though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself. In the Book of Life which He held in His hand Was written the name of every saved man. He spoke not a word as He searched for my name; When He said "It's not here" my head hung in shame! The people whose names had been written with love He gathered to take to His Father above. With those who were ready, He rose without a sound While all the rest were left standing around. I fell to my knees, but it was too late; I had waited too long and this sealed my fate. I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight; Oh, if only I had been ready tonight. In the words of this poem the meaning is clear; The coming of Jesus is drawing near. There's only one life and when comes the last call, We'll find that the Bible was TRUE after ALL! From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. ONCE UPON A PEW (COPIED from Church Mailout – Author unknown) Once upon a pew I sat, and heard the preacher ask “We need someone to teach a class, Now who will take the task!” Then God sat down beside me there and said, “Son, That’s for you.” “But Lord, to stand before a class is one thing I can’t do. Now Bill would be the man to call, There’s nothing he won’t do. I’d rather hear the lesson taught from here upon my pew.” Once upon a pew I sat and heard the preacher ask “We need someone to lead the songs, Now who will take this task?” Then God sat down beside me there and said, “Son, that’s for you.” “But Lord, to sing before a crowd is one thing I can’t do. Now Brother King will do the job. There’s nothing he won’t do. I’d rather hear the music played from here upon my pew.” Once upon a pew I sat and hear the preacher ask, “I need someone to keep the door, Now who will take this task?” Then God sat down beside me there and said, “Son, that’s for you.” “But saying things to strangers, Lord, is one thing I can’t do. Now Tom can talk to people, Lord, there’s nothing he won’t do. I’d rather someone come to me and greet me on my pew.” As years just seemed to pass me by, I heard that voice no more; Until one night I closed my eyes and woke on Heaven’s shore. ‘Twas four of us together there to face eternity, God said, “I need just three of you to do a job for me.” “Oh Lord,” I cried, “I’ll do the job; there’s nothing I won’t do.” But Jesus said, “I’m sorry friend, IN HEAVEN THERE’S NO PEW!” Get on your feet, ‘cause there are no pews in Heaven! From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. THE CHRISTMAS SCOUT by Sam Bogan From: "Conleys" <> In spite of the fun and laughter, 13 yr. old Frank Wilson was not happy. It was true, he had rec'd all the presents he wante d, and he enjoyed the traditional Christmas Eve reunions with relatives for the purpose of exchanging gifts and good wishes........ ..but Frank was not happy because this was his first Christmas without his brother, Steve, who during the year, had been killed by a reckless driver. Frank missed his brother and the close companion-ship they had together. He said good-bye to this relatives, and explained to his parents that he was leaving a little early to see a friend, and from there he could walk home. Since it was cold outside, Frank put on his new plaid jacket. It was his FAVORITE gift. He placed the other presents on his new sled, then headed out, hoping to find the patrol leader of his Boy Scout troop. Frank always felt understood by him. Tho' rich in wisdom, his leader lived in the Flats, the section of town where most of the poor lived. His patrol leader did odd jobs to help support his family. To Frank's disappointment, his friend was not home. As Frank hiked down the street toward home, he caught glimpses of trees and decorations in many of the small houses. Then, thru one front window, he glimpsed a shabby room with limp stockings hanging over an empty fireplace. A woman was seated nearby....weeping. The stockings reminded him of the way he and his brother had always hung theirs side by side. The next morning, they would be bursting with presents. A sudden tho't struck Frank--he had not done his "good deed" for the day. Before the impulse passed, he knocked on the door. "Yes?" the sad voice of a woman asked. Seeing his sled full of gifts, and assuming he was making a collection, she said, "I have no food or gifts for you. I have nothing for my own children." "That's not why I am here, " Frank replied. "Please choose whatever presents you would like for your children from the sled." "Why, God bless you!" the amazed woman answered gratefully. She selected some candies, a game, a toy airplane and a puzzle. When she took the Scout flashlight, Frank almost protested. Finally, the stockings were full. "Won't you tell me your name?" she asked, as Frank was leaving. "Just call me the Christmas Scout," he replied. The visit left Frank touched, and with an unexpected flicker of joy in his heart. He understood that his sorrow wasn't the only sorrow in the world. Before he left the Flats, he had given away the rest of his gifts. His plaid jacket had gone to a shivering boy. Now, Frank trudged toward home, cold and uneasy. How could he explain to his parents that he had given his presents away? "Where are your presents, son? asked his father as Frank entered the house. “I gave them away," he answered in a small voice. "The airplane from Aunt Susan? Your new coat from Grandma? Your flashlight?? We tho't you were happy with your gifts." "I was......very happy," Frank said quietly. "But, Frank, how could you be so impulsive?" his mother asked. "How will we explain to the relatives who spent so much time and have so much love shopping for you?" His father was firm. "You made your choice, Frank. We cannot afford any more presents." With his brother gone, and his family disappointed in him, Frank suddenly felt dreadfully alone. He had not expected a reward for his generosity, for he knew that a good deed always should be its own reward. It would be tarnished otherwise. So he did not want his gifts back. However, he wondered if he would ever again recapture joy in his life. He tho't he had this evening....but it had been fleeting. He tho't of his brother.....and sobbed himself to sleep. The next morning, he came downstairs to find his parents listening to Christmas music on the radio. Then the announcer spoke: "Merry Christmas, everyone! The nicest Christmas story we have this morning comes from the Flats. A crippled boy down there has a new sled this morning left at his house by an anonymous teenage boy. Another youngster has a fine plaid jacket, and several families report that their children were made happy last night by gifts from a teenage lad who simply called himself the 'Christmas Scout'. No one could identify him, but the children of the Flats claim that the Christmas Scout was a personal representative of old Santa Claus himself.” Frank felt his father's arms go around his shoulders, and he saw his mother smiling thru her tears. "Why didn't you tell us, son? We didn't understand. We are so proud of you." The carols came over the air again, filling the room with music--"Praises sing to God the King, and peace on Earth goodwill to men." Deut. 15:7,8 tells us: "If there are poor among you in one of the towns of the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not be selfish or greedy toward them. But give freely to them, and freely lend them whatever they need." LET US FOLLOW FRANK'S EXAMPLE THIS NEW YEAR. =======BPL======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. THE GOOD OLD HYMNS (BY FRANK L. STANTON from THE CHURCH MUSICIAN,Oct./Nov/Dec,1996) There’s lots of music in ‘em, The hymns of long ago; An’ when some gray-haired brother sings The ones I used to know, I sorter want to take a hand - I think o’ days gone by “On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand And cast a wishful eye.” There’s lots of music in ‘em - Those dear, sweet hymns of old, With visions bright of lands of light And shining streets of gold; And I hear ‘em ringing - singing, Where memory dreaming stands, “From Greenland’s icy mountains to India’s coral strands.” We hardly needed singin’ books In them old days: we knew The words, the tunes, of every one, The dear old hymn book through! We had no blaring trumpets then, No organs built for show; We only sang to praise the Lord, “From whom all blessings flow.” An’ so I love the dear old hymns, And when my time shall come Before the light has left me And my singing lips are dumb If I can only hear ‘em then, I’ll pass, without a sigh, “To Canaan’s fair and happy land, where my possessions lie!” MOONLIGHT RIDE (shared with you from Crosby’s Collection of Christian Clippings) (AUTHOR UNKNOWN …from a church mailout bulletin) Jenny was so happy about the house they had found. For once in her life ‘twas on the right side of town. She unpacked her things with such great ease, As she watched her new curtains blow in the breeze. How wonderful it was to have her own room. School would be starting, she’d have friends over soon. There’d be sleep-overs, and parties; she was so happy. It’s just the way she wanted her life to be. On the first day of school, everything went great. She made new friends and even got a date! She thought, “I want to be popular and I’m going to be, Because I just got a date with the star of the team!” To be known in this school you had to have clout, And dating this guy would sure help her out. There was only one problem stopping her fate. Her parents had said she was too young to date. “Well, I just won’t tell them the entire truth. They won’t know the difference; what’s there to lose?” Jenny was asked to stay with her friends that night. Her parents frowned but said, “All right.” Excited, she got ready for the big event But as she rushed around like she had no sense, She began to feel guilty about all the lies. But what’s a pizza, a party, and a midnight ride? Well the pizza was good, and the party was great, But the moonlight ride would have to wait, For Jeff was half drunk by this time. But he kissed her and said that he was just fine. Then the room filled with smoke and Jeff took a puff. Jenny couldn’t believe he was smoking that stuff. Now Jeff was ready to ride to the point. But only after he smoked another joint. They jumped in the car for the moonlight ride, Not thinking that he was too drunk to drive. They finally made it to the point at last, And Jeff started trying to make a pass. A pass is not what Jenny wanted at all (and by a pass, I don’t mean football) … “Perhaps my parents were right … maybe I am too young. Boy, how could I ever be so dumb?” With all of her might, she pushed Jeff away: “Please take me home, I don’t want to stay.” Jeff cranked up the engine and floored the gas. In a matter of seconds they were going too fast. As Jeff drove on in a fit of wild anger, Jenny knew that her life was in danger. She begged and pleaded for him to slow down, But he just got faster as they neared the town. “Just let me get home! I’ll confess that I lied, I really went out for a moonlight ride.” Then all of a sudden, she saw a big flash, “Oh God, Please help us! We’re going to crash!” She doesn’t remember the force of impact, Just that everything all of a sudden went black. She felt someone remove her from the twisted rubble,And heard, “Call an ambulance! These kids are in trouble!” Voices she heard…a few words at best, But she knew there were two cars involved in the wreck. Then wondered to herself if Jeff was all right, And if the people in the other car were alive. She awoke in the hospital to faces so sad. “You’ve been in a wreck and it looks pretty bad.” These voices echoed inside her head, As they gently told her that Jeff was dead. They said, “Jenny we’ve done all we can do. But it looks as if we’ll lose you too.” “But the people in the other car!?” Jenny cried. “We’re so sorry Jenny, they also died.” Jenny prayed, “God, forgive me for what I’ve done. I only wanted to have just one night of fun.” “Tell those people’s family, I’ve made their lives dim, And wish I could return their families to them.” “Tell Mom and Dad I’m sorry I lied, And that it’s my fault so many have died. Oh, nurse, won’t you please tell them that for me?” The nurse just stood there – she never agreed. But took Jenny’s hand with tears in her eyes And a few moments later Jenny died. A man asked the nurse, “Why didn’t you do your best To bid that girl her one last request?” She looked at the man with eyes so sad. “Because the people in the other car were her mom and dad.” This story is sad- unpleasant but true. So young people take heed, it could have been you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. PSALM 23 , Antithesis By Marcia K. Hornok, as first published in DISCIPLESHIP JOURNAL, Issue #60, 1990 For this WORSHIP QUOTE OF THE WEEK we turn to something that is designed to show us A kind of thinking that is fully “Conformed to this world” (compare the instructions in Romans 12). This modern-day psalm parody turns up the “ouch-that-hurts” factor to a pretty high level. (Carl Stam) The clock is my dictator, I shall not rest. It makes me lie down only when exhausted. It leads me to deep depression. It hounds my soul. It leads me in circles of frenzy for activity’s sake. Even though I run frantically from task to task, I will never get it all done. For my “ideal” is with me. Deadlines and my need for approval, they drive me. They demand performance from me, Beyond the limits of my schedule. They anoint my head with migraines. My in-basket overflows, Surely fatigue and time pressure shall Follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the bonds of frustration forever. But can you say with David, the Psalmist of old: 1. “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. 3. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. 4. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. 5. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. HEAVEN’S ENTRANCE EXAMS Gordon E. Moore ( shares via BILL’S PUNCH LINE The Day finally arrived: Forrest Gump dies and goes to Heaven. He is met at the Pearly Gates by Saint Peter himself. The gates re closed, however, and Forrest approaches the gatekeeper. Saint Peter says: “Well, Forrest, it’s certainly good to see you. We have heard a lot about you. I must inform you that the place is filling up fast, and we’ve been administering an entrance exam for everyone. The tests are fairly short, but you need to pass before you can get into Heaven.” Forrest responds: “It shore is good to be here Saint Peter. I was looking forward to this. Nobody ever told me about any entrance exams. Shore hope the test ain’t too hard; life was a big enough test as it was.” Saint Peter goes on: “Yes, I know, Forrest. But, the test I have for you is only 3 questions. Here is the first: What days of the week begin with the letter ‘T’? Second, How many seconds are there in a year? Third: What is God’s first name? Forrest goes away to think the questions over. Forrest returns the next day and goes up to Saint Peter to try to answer the exam questions. Saint Peter waves him up and asks, “Now that you have had a chance to think the questions over, tell me your answers.” Forrest says: “Well, the first one: How many days of the week begin with the letter ‘T’ ? Shucks, that one’s easy; that’d be Today and Tomorrow!” The Saint’s eyes opened wide and he exclaims: “Forrest, That’s not what I was thinking, but . . . you do have a point though, and I guess I didn’t specify, so I give you credit for that answer.” “How about the next one: How many seconds in a year?” Forrest says:“Now that one’s harder, But I thunk and thunk about that, and I guess the only answer can be twelve. Astounded, Saint Peter says: “Twelve! Twelve! Forrest, how in Heaven’s name could you come up with twelve seconds in a year? Forrest says: “Shucks, there gotta be twelve: January second, February second, March second …” Saint Peter interrupts: “Hold it, I see where you’re going with it. And I guess I see your point, though that wasn’t quite what I had in mind. I’ll give you credit for that one too.” (pause) “Let’s go on with the next and final question: Can you tell me God’s first name?” Forrest says: “Well shore, I know God’s first name. Everybody probably knows it. Its Howard.” Saint Peter: “Howard? What makes you think it’s Howard?” Forrest answers: “It’s in the prayer.” Saint Peter: “The prayer? Which prayer?” Forrest responds: “The Lord’s Prayer. Remember: Our Father, Howard be Thy Name …” (keep laughing!) From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Tips on How to Get Along with People (Author unknown but copied from a church mailout bulletin) 1. Keep chains on your tongue: always say less than you think. Cultivate a pleasant persuasive voice. How you say it often counts more than what you say. 2. Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully. 3. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind word to somebody. Praise good work done, regardless of who did it. If correction is needed, criticize helpfully, never in a destructive manner. 4. Be genuinely interested in others. Let everyone you meet feel that you regard him or her as a person of importance. 5. Be cheerful. Keep the corners of your mouth turned up. Hide your pains, worries, and disappointments under a smile. 6. Keep an open mind on all controversial questions. Discuss without arguing. It is possible to disagree and yet be friendly. 7. Never engage in gossip. Make it a rule to say nothing about another unless it is something good. 8. Be careful of other people’s feelings. A laugh at another’s expense is rarely worth the effort, and it may hurt where least expected. 9. Pay no attention to cutting remarks that others may make about you. Learn to live above such comments. 10. Don’t be too anxious about your rights and having favors repaid. Let the satisfaction of helping others serve as its own reward. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. GOD BLESS THE CHOIR (Author and source: Minister of Music John Jarboe, Each Wednesday night they come to sing, Their voices ever higher. They give their praise in harmony. God Bless the Choir. Their Wednesday night prime time is spent With songs meant to inspire And touch the congregation. God bless the Choir. While others wear their Sunday best, A robe hides their attire. But in your eyes, they’re quite the fashion. God bless the Choir. And when the final roll is called, They’ll be far from the fire, And near to you, still singing strong. God, enjoy the choir! AUTHOR’S NOTE: “I’m sending this little poem I’ve written that you may use, trash, stash, or modify to fit your needs, or ignore entirely. I plan to use it as our closing prayer after tomorrow’s rehearsal. As I said, use, refuse, change, rearrange, store it, or ignore it, but if you get a smile from just one choir member, that will suit me just fine. God bless you all.” John Jarboe. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. KINDNESS (By Nancy Noel Marra) (one of the 101 Stories from the wonderful book: “Chicken Soup For the Soul at Work”) Fifteen years spent in the field of education have provided me with many treasured moments. One of the most endearing happened when I was teaching second grade, 10 years ago. In May of the fourth quarter, I decided to plan something special for the children: a Mother’s Day tea. We put our heads together to come up with ideas of how to honor our mothers. We practiced singing and singing songs. We memorized a poem. We made sand candles and wrapped them in hand-stenciled, white paper bags tied with pretty ribbons. We wrote and decorated individual Mother’s Day cards. We decided to hold our tea the Friday before Mother’s Day. Each child took home an invitation with an RSVP at the bottom. I was surprised and relieved to see that every mother was planning to attend. I even invited my own mother. Finally, the big day arrived. At 1:45 that afternoon, each child lined up at our classroom door in anticipation of the arrival of his or her mom. As it got closer to starting time, I looked around and my eyes quickly found Jimmy. His mother hadn’t shown up and he was looking stricken. I took my mother by the hand and walked over to Jimmy. “Jimmy,” I said, “I have a bit of a problem here and I was wondering if you could help out. I’m going to be really busy introducing our songs and our poem and pouring the punch. I was wondering if you could maybe keep my mother company while I’m busy. You could get her punch and cookies, and give her the candle I made when it’s time.” My mom and Jimmy sat at a table with two other mother/child teams. Jimmy served my mom her treats, presented her with the gift I had made, and pulled out and pushed in her chair, just as we had practiced the day before. Whenever I looked over, my mother and Jimmy were deep in conversation. I tucked that special memory away. Now, 10 years later, I work with students of all ages, educating them about the environment. Last year, I was at a high school to make a senior class on a field trip, and there was Jimmy. We spent the day in the badlands of Montana. On the way back, I had the students complete an outline of the day’s events, a short test and an evaluation of our trip. As I collected the student booklets, I checked them to see that everything was complete. When I came to Jimmy’s evaluation page, he had written, “Remember our Mother’s Day tea we had in the second grade, Mrs. Marra? I do! Thanks for all you did for me and thank your mother, too.” As we began unloading at the school, Jimmy made sure he was the last one to go. I told him I really enjoyed what he had written. He looked rather embarrassed, mumbled his own thanks, and then turned to walk away. As my sub driver began pulling away from the curb, Jimmy ran back and knocked on the bus door. I thought he had forgotten something. He jumped back on board and gave me a big hug. “Thanks again, Mrs. Marra. No one even knew my mom didn’t make it!” I ended my work day with a hug from a teenage boy who had probably stopped hugging teachers years ago. By Nancy Noel Marra, from One of the 101 Stories From the wonderful book “Chicken Soup For the Soul at Work” From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. ( KEEP YOUR DREAM From: Balavenu Nuti (VIA BILL’S PUNCH LINE EXTRA) I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs. The last time I was there he introduced me by saying, "I want to tell you why I let Jack use my house. It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses. As a result, the boy's high school career was continually interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up. "That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stables and the track. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch. "He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note, `See me after class.' "The boy with the dream went to see teacher after class and asked, `Why did I receive an F?' "The teacher said, `This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from an itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you'll have to pay large stud fees. There's no way you could ever do it.' Then the teacher added, `If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade.' "The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, `Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important decision for you.' "Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all. He stated, `You can keep the F and I'll keep my dream.'" Monty then turned to the assembled group and said, "I tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch. I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace." He added, "The best part of the story is that two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week." When the teacher was leaving, he said, `Look, Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer. During those years I stole a lot of kids' dreams. Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours.'" "Don't let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what." From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. The Rich Family in our Church (Author unknown, Source: a Church Mailout bulletin) I’ll never forget Easter, 1946. I was 14, my little sister, Ocy, 12, and my older sister, Darlene, 16. We lived at home with our Mother. The four of us knew what it was like to do without many things. My Dad had died 5 years before, leaving Mom and 7 school kids to raise and no money. By 1946, my older sisters were married and my brothers had left home. A month before Easter, the pastor of our church announced that a special Easter offering would be taken to help a poor family. He asked everyone to save and give sacrificially. When we got home, we talked about what we could do. We decided to buy 50 lbs. of potatoes and live on them for one month. This would allow us to save $20 of our grocery money for the offering. Then, we thought that if we kept our electric lights turned out as much as possible, and didn’t listen to the radio, we’d save money on that month’s electric bill. Darlene got as many houses and yard cleaning jobs as possible and both of us baby-sat for everyone we could. For 15 cents, we could buy enough cotton to make 3 potholders for $1.00. We made $20 on potholders. That month was one of the best of our lives. Everyday we counted the money to see how much we had saved. At night we’d sit in the dark and talk about how the poor family was going to enjoy having the money the church would give them. We had about 80 people in church, so we figured that whatever amount of money we had to give, the offering would surely be 20 times that much. After all, every Sunday the Pastor had reminded everyone to save for the sacrificial offering. The day before Easter, Ocy and I walked to the grocery store and got the manager to give us 3 crisp $20’s and one $10 bill for all our change. We ran all the way home to show Mom and Darlene. We have never had so much money before. That night we were so excited we could hardly sleep. We didn’t care that we wouldn’t have new clothes for Easter, we had $70 for the sacrificial offering. We could hardly wait to get to church. On Sunday morning, the rain was pouring. We didn’t own an umbrella and the church was over a mile from our home, but it didn’t seem to matter how wet we got. Darlene had cardboard in her shoes to fill the holes. The cardboard came apart, and her feet got wet. But, we sat in church proudly. I heard some teenagers talking about the Smith girls having on their old dresses. I looked at them in their new clothes, and I felt rich. When the sacrificial offering was taken, we were sitting on the second row from the front. Mom put in the $10 and each of us girls put in a $20. As we walked home after church, we sang all the way. At lunch Mom had a surprise for us. She had bought a dozen eggs, and we had boiled Easter eggs with our fried potatoes! Late that afternoon the minister drove up in his car. Mom went to the door, talked with him for a moment, then came back with an envelope in her hand. We asked her what it was, but she didn’t say a word. She opened the envelope and out fell a bunch of money. There were 3 crisp $20’s and one $10 and 17 $1 bills. Mom put the money back in the envelope. We didn’t talk, just sat and stared at the floor. We had gone from feeling like millionaires to poor white trash. We kids had such a happy life that we felt sorry for anyone who didn’t have our Mom and Dad for parents and a house full of brothers and sisters and other kids visiting constantly. We thought it was fun to share silverware and see whether we got the fork or the spoon that night. We had 2 knives which we passed around to whoever needed them. I knew we didn’t have a lot of things that other people had, but I’d never thought we were poor. That Easter day I found out we were. The minister had brought us the money for the poor family, so we must be poor. I didn’t like being poor. I looked at my dress and worn-out shoes and felt so ashamed that I didn’t want to go back to school. I was in the 9th grade and at the top of my class of over 100 students. I wondered if the kids at school knew we were poor. I decided I could quit school since I had finished the 8th grade. It was all the law required at that time. We sat in silence for a long time. Then it got dark and we went to bed. All that week, we girls went to school and came home, and no one talked much. Finally, on Saturday, Mom asked us what we wanted to do with the money. What did poor people do with money? We didn’t know. We’d never known we were poor. We didn’t want to go to church on Sunday, but Mom said we had to. Although it was a sunny day, we didn’t talk on the way. Mom started to sing, but no one joined in and she sang only one verse. At church we had a missionary speaker. He talked about how churches in Africa made buildings out of sundried bricks, but they needed money to buy roofs. He said $100 would put a roof on a church. The minister said, “Can’t we all sacrifice to help those poor people.” We looked at each other and smiled for the first time in a week. Mom reached into her purse and pulled out the envelope. She passed it to Darlene. Darlene gave it to me, and I handed it to Ocy. Ocy put it in the offering. When the offering was counted, the minister announced that it was a little over $100. The missionary was excited. He hadn’t expected such a large offering from such a small church. He said, “You must have some rich people in this church.” Suddenly it struck us! We had given $87 of the “little over $100”. We were the rich family in our church! Hadn’t the missionary said so? From that day on, I’ve never been poor again! From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Choir Enlistment For those who are campaigning for new choir members, here is a little piece I ran across in my files. It is lighthearted and perhaps appropriate for a banquet or special time. It was written by Rev. James T. Lochridge, Jr. It is sung to the tune “Room at the Cross” by Ira F. Stanphill. – David Parish dparish@ via TCMR Church Music “THERE’S ROOM IN THE CHOIR FOR YOU” 1. The choir is a neat ministry For the singer who wishes to see Just who looks great & who comes in late And who puts an offering into the plate. Chorus: There’s room in the choir for you. There’s room in the choir for you. Come one and come all. We’re having a ball. Yes, there’s room in the choir for you. 2. We’ll give you a robe and a seat And ask you to practice each week, To sing and play without any pay; To offer your talent in this tuneful way. Repeat Chorus. 3. We ask you to come sing with us; Because we are quite serious About our goal of telling lost souls The Good News that Jesus can save and make whole. Repeat Chorus. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Story by Chaplain Robinson: From: (via BILL’S PUNCH LINE) In 1949, my father had just returned home from the war. On every American highway you could see soldiers in uniform hitchhiking home to their families, as was the custom at that time in America. Sadly, the thrill of his reunion with his family was soon overshadowed. My grandmother became very ill and had to be hospitalized. It was her kidneys, and the doctors told my father that she needed a blood transfusion immediately or she would not live through the night. The problem was that Grandmother's blood type was AB-, a very rare type even today, but even harder to get then because there were no blood banks or air flights to ship blood. All the family members were typed, but not one member was a match. So the doctors gave the family no hope; my grandmother was dying. My father left the hospital in tears to gather up all the family members, so that everyone would get a chance to tell Grandmother good-bye. As my father was driving down the highway, he passed a soldier in uniform hitchhiking home to his family. Deep in grief, my father had no inclination at that moment to do a good deed. Yet it was almost as if something outside himself pulled him to a stop, and he waited as the stranger climbed into the car. My father was too upset to even ask the soldier his name, but the soldier noticed my father's tears right away and inquired about them. Through his tears, my father told this total stranger that his mother was lying in a hospital dying because the doctors had been unable to locate her blood type, AB-, and if they did not locate her blood type before nightfall, she would surely die. It got very quiet in the car. Then this unidentified soldier extended his hand out to my father, palm up. Resting in the palm of his hand were the dog tags from around his neck. The blood type on the tags was AB-. The soldier told my father to turn the car around and get him to the hospital. My grandmother lived until 1996, 47 years later, and to this day no one in our family knows the soldier's name. But my father has often wondered, was he a soldier or an angel in uniform? Sometimes, we never know who God will bring into our lives to carry out a special mission nor do we know whose lives God will have us touch. =======BPL======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Laodicean Church Releases New Hymnal (jp-jokers from Gregory Signleton, via Rehu) Leaders of the Evangelical Laodicean Church in America last week announced the publication of a new hymnal. "This is truly a hymnal for the new century," said Presiding Bishop Luke W. Armm. "This collection of hymns really captures the essence of our tradition," Bishop Armm explained. "At the core of our belief is the motto, 'Moderation in all things,' and that applies to our faith life as well. We just don't like to get carried away." When asked if the new hymnal will help the Laodicean Church attract new members, Bishop Armm replied, "Yeah, sure. You Betcha! People in today's society get kind of uncomfortable with too much talk about things like commitment and dedication. They'd much rather have a religion that they can turn on or off at will. Our church seeks to pander--er, I mean--meet that need. This hymnal will help with that, I think." Editor in chief of the new hymnal, Priscilla ("Presh") S. Moment, explained some of the difficulty the committee had in choosing hymns. "Many of the old favorites just won't cut it among Laodiceans," said Moment. "We had to change a lot of the wording to make them fit with our style. We tried to incorporate some new songs into the book, but we had trouble finding Laodiceans interested in writing new music. Oh, well!" The title of the new hymnal, _Church Songs_, was chosen very carefully, explained Moment. "We didn't want to turn anybody off with threatening words that no one understands any more like 'Worship' or 'Hymn.'" Here is a partial list of titles included in the new Laodicean hymnal: I Surrender Some There Shall Be Sprinkles of Blessings Fill My Spoon, Lord Oh, How I like Jesus He's Quite a Bit to Me I Love to Talk about Telling the Story Take My Life and Let Me Be It Is My Secret What God Can Do There Is Scattered Cloudiness in My Soul Today Onward, Christian Reservists Where He Leads Me, I Will Consider Following Just as I Pretend to Be When the Saints Go Sneaking in Sit Up, Sit up for Jesus A Comfy Mattress Is Our God Self-esteem to the World! The Lord Is Come Oh, for a Couple of Tongues to Sing Amazing Grace, How Interesting the Sound Go Tell it on the Speed Bump Special, Special, Special Lord, Keep Us Loosely Connected to Your Word Praise God from Whom All Affirmations Flow My Hope Is Built on Nothing Much O, God, Our Enabler in Ages past I Lay My Inappropriate Behaviors on Jesus Pillow of Ages, Fluffed for Me All Hail the Influence of Jesus' Name! When Peace, like a Trickle I'm Fairly Certain That My Redeemer Lives We Give Thee but Still Think We Own What an Acquaintence We Have in Jesus My Faith Looks Around for Thee Blessed Hunch Above Average Is Thy Faithfulness We Are Milling Around in the Light of God Spirit of the Living God, Fall Somwhere near Me Blest Be the Tie That Doesn't Cramp My Style Joyful, Joyful, We Kinda Like Thee Just as I Am, with Lots of Excuses Be Thou My Hobby Spirit of God, Decend upon Their Hearts From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. MESSAGES FROM GOD =======BPL=======From: Recently a Ft. Lauderdale advertising agency launched a billboard campaign (including the inside and outside of buses) that included 17 different messages from God. This nondenominational campaign started in September sponsored by an anonymous client. 1. "Let's Meet At My House Sunday Before the Game" – God 2. "C'mon Over And Bring The Kids" - God 3. "What Part of "Thou Shalt Not..." Didn't You Understand?" - God 4. "We Need To Talk" - God 5. "Keep Using My Name in Vain And I'll Make Rush Hour Longer" - God 6. "Loved The Wedding, Invite Me To The Marriage" - God 7. "That "Love Thy Neighbor" Thing, I Meant It." - God 8. "I Love You...I Love You...I Love You..." - God 9. "Will The Road You're On Get You To My Place?" - God 10. "Follow Me." - God 11. "Big Bang Theory, You've Got To Be Kidding." - God 12. "My Way Is The Highway." - God 13. "Need Directions?" - God 14. "You Think It's Hot Here?" - God 15. "Tell The Kids I Love Them." - God 16. "Need a Marriage Counselor? I'm Available." - God 17. "Have You Read My #1 Best Seller? There Will Be A Test." - God From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. “Please Keep the Fork” From: (Jason & Heather Dooley) via "Bill's Punch Line" at The sound of Martha's voice on the other end of the telephone always brought a smile to Pastor Jim's face. She was not only one of the oldest members of the congregation, but one of the most faithful. Aunt Martie, as all of the children called her, just seemed to ooze faith, hope, and love wherever she went. This time, however, there seemed to be an unusual tone to her words. "Pastor, could you stop by this afternoon? I need to talk with you." "Of course, I'll be there around three. Is that ok?" It didn't take long for Pastor Jim to discover the reason for what he had only sensed in her voice before. As they sat facing each other in the quiet of her small living room. Martha shared the news that her doctor had just discovered a previously undetected tumor. "He says I probably have six months to live". Martha's words were naturally serious, yet there was a definite calm about her. "I'm so sorry to ..." but before Pastor Jim could finish, Martha interrupted. "Don't be. The Lord has been good. I have lived a long life. I'm ready to go. You know that." "I know," Pastor Jim whispered with a reassuring nod. "But I do want to talk with you about my funeral. I have been thinking about it, and there are things that I know I want." The two talked quietly for a long time. They talked about Martha's favorite hymns, the passages of Scripture that had meant so much to her through the years, and the many memories they shared from the five years that Jim had been with Central Church. When it seemed that they had covered just about everything, Aunt Martie paused, looked up at Jim with a twinkle in her eye, and then added, "One more thing, preacher. When they bury me, I want my old Bible in one hand and a fork in the other". "A fork?" Jim was sure he had heard everything, but this caught him by surprise. "Why do you want to be buried with a fork?" "I have been thinking about all of the church dinners and banquets that I attended through the years," she explained, "I couldn't begin to count them all. But one thing sticks in my mind, "At those really nice get-togethers, when the meal was almost finished, a server or maybe the hostess would come by to collect the dirty dishes. I can hear the words now. Sometimes, at the best ones, somebody would lean over my shoulder and whisper, 'You can keep your fork.' And do you know what that meant? Dessert was coming! "It didn't mean a cup of Jell-O or pudding or even a dish of ice cream. You don't need a fork for that. It meant the good stuff, like chocolate cake or cherry pie! When they told me I could keep my fork, I knew the best was yet to come! "That's exactly what I want people to talk about at my funeral. Oh, they can talk about all the good times we had together. That would be nice. "But when they walk by my casket and look at my pretty blue dress, I want them to turn to one another and say, 'Why the fork'? That's when I want you to say, I want you to tell them, that I kept my fork because the best is yet to come!" The pastor's eyes welled up with tears of joy, as he hugged the woman goodbye. He knew this would be one of the last times he would see her before her death. But, he also knew that the woman had a better grasp of heaven than he did. She KNEW that something better was coming. At the funeral, people were walking by the woman's casket and they saw the pretty dress she was wearing and her favorite Bible and the fork placed in her right hand. Over and over the pastor heard the question "What's with the fork?" And over and over again, he smiled. During his message, Pastor Jim told the people of the conversation he had with the woman shortly before she died. He also told them about the fork and about what it symbolized to her. The pastor told the people how he could not stop thinking about the fork and told them that they probably would not be able to stop thinking about it either. He was right. So, the next time you reach down for your fork, let it remind you, oh so gently, that the best is yet to come... =======BPL======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. THIRTY-NINE YEARS - TOO SHORT - TOO LONG - LONG ENOUGH From 1929 to 1968 is only 39 short years. Too short to gather the fruits of your labor Too short to comfort your parents when your brother drowns Too short to comfort your father when mother dies Too short to see your children finish school Too short to ever enjoy grandchildren Too short to know retirement Thirty-nine years is just too short. From 1929 to 1968 is only 39 short years, yet it’s Too long to be crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination, it’s Too long to stand in the quicksand of racial injustices, it’s Too long to receive threatening phone calls, often at the rate of forty per day, it’s Too long to live under the sweltering heat of continuous pressure, it’s Too long, 39 years is just too long. From 1929 to 1968 is only 39 short years, yet it’s Long enough. It’s long enough to journey all the way to India to learn under a great teacher how to walk through angry crowds and keep cool. It’s long enough to be chased by police dogs and lashed by the rushing waters from the fireman’s hoses because you are dramatizing the fact that justice has a way of eluding me and my brother. It’s long enough to spend many days in jail while protesting the plight of others. It’s long enough to have a bomb thrown into your home. It’s long enough to teach angry violent men to be still while you pray for the bombers. It’s long enough. It’s long enough to lead many men to Christianity. It’s long enough to know it’s better to go to war for justice than to live in peace with injustices. It’s long enough to know that more appalling than bigotry and hatred are those who sit still and watch injustices each day in silence. It’s long enough to realize that injustices are undiscriminating and people of all races and creeds experience its cruel captivity sooner or later. It’s long enough. It’s long enough to know that when one uses civil disobedience for his civil rights, he does not break the laws of the Constitution of the United States of America - rather he seeks to uphold the principles all men are created equal; he seeks to break down local ordinances that have already broken the laws of the Constitution of the United States. It’s long enough. It’s long enough to accept invitations to speak to the nation’s leaders. It’s long enough to address thousands of people on hundreds of different occasions . back or next page) (continue on From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. (continued) It’s long enough to lead 200,000 people to the nation’s capital to dramatize that all of America’s people are heirs to the property of rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It’s long enough to enter college at 15. It’s long enough to finish and earn several degrees. It’s long enough to earn hundreds of awards. It’s long enough to marry and father four children. It’s long enough to become a drum major for peace. It’s long enough to earn a Nobel Peace Prize. It’s long enough to give the $54,000 prize money to the cause of justice. It’s long enough to visit the mountain top. It’s certainly long enough to have a dream. When we note how much Martin Luther King packed into 39 short years, we know it’s long enough for any man who loves his country and his fellow man so much that life itself has no value - unless all men can sit at the table of brotherhood as brothers. Thirty-nine years is long enough - for any man to knowingly flirt with death each day of his life - because to spare himself heartaches and sorrow meant two steps backward for his brother tomorrow. Martin lived for several centuries, all rolled into 39 short years. His memory will live forever. How wonderful it would be if we could all live as well. Martin, like all others, would have welcomed longevity - yet when he weighed the facts, he said, "It’s not how long a man lives, but how well he uses the time allotted him." And so we salute and honor the memory of a man who lived in the confusion of injustice for all his too short, too long, long enough 39 years- "For He’s Free At Last." By Willa Perrier from A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul Copyright 1995 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. This is for you all. Be strong in the Lord Gabriele(from Rome) via [UrbanBlackGospel]SMTP: MY COMMITMENT AS A CHRISTIAN I'm part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I'm a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I'm finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap living, and dwarfed goals. I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded. I now live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, lift by prayer, and labor by power. My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way rough, my companions few, my Guide reliable, my mission clear. I cannot be bought, deluded, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, let up, until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, preached up for the cause of Christ. I am a disciple of Jesus. I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and work till He stops me. And when He comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing meMY BANNER WILL BE CLEAR! From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Socrates (“Seek and Ye Shall Find”) There once was an eager student who wanted to gain wisdom and insight. He went to the wisest of the town, Socrates, to seek his counsel. Socrates was an old soul and had great knowledge of many things. The boy asked the town sage how he too could acquire such mastery. Being a man of few words, Socrates chose not to speak, but to illustrate. He took the child to the beach and, with all of his clothes still on, walked straight out into the water. He loved to do curious things like that, especially when he was trying to prove a point. The pupil gingerly followed his instruction and walked into the sea, joining Socrates where the water was just below their chins. Without saying a word, Socrates reached out and put his hands on the boy’s shoulders. Looking deep into his student’s eyes, Socrates pushed the student’s head under the water with all his might. A struggle ensued, and just before a life was taken away, Socrates released his captive. The boy raced to the surface and, gasping for air and choking from the salt water, looked around for Socrates in order to seek his retaliation on the sage. To the student’s bewilderment, the old man was already patiently waiting on the beach. When the student arrived on the sand, he angrily shouted, "Why did you try to kill me?" The wise man calmly retorted with a question of his own: "Boy, when you were underneath the water, not sure if you would live to see another day, what did you want more than anything in the world?" The student took a few moments to reflect, then went with his intuition. Softly he said, "I wanted to breathe." Socrates, now illuminated by his own huge smile, looked at the boy comfortingly and said, "Ah! When you want wisdom and insight as badly as you wanted to breathe, it is then that you shall have it." Retold by Eric Saperston from Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Copyright 1997 by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Kimberly Kirberger From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. THOUGHTS worth Thinking From Mr. Gabriele Crociani. (Rome) [] We are not perfect, but don't worry. You're in good company. Moses stuttered. David's armor didn't fit. John Mark was rejected by Paul. Hosea's wife was a prostitute. Amos' only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning. Jacob was a liar. David had an affair. Solomon was too rich. Abraham was too old. David was too young. Timothy had ulcers. Peter was afraid of death. Lazarus was dead. John was self-righteous. Jesus was too poor. Naomi was a widow. Paul was a murderer. So was Moses. Jonah ran from God. Miriam was a gossip. Gideon and Thomas both doubted. Jeremiah was depressed and suicidal. Elijah was burned out. John the Baptist was a loudmouth. Martha was a worry-wart. Mary was lazy. Samson had long hair. Noah got drunk, so did Lot. Did I mention that Moses had a short fuse? So did Peter, Paul - well, lots of folks did. But God doesn't require a job interview. He doesn't hire and fire like most bosses, because He's more our Dad than our Boss. He doesn't look at financial gain or loss. He's not prejudiced or partial, not judging, grudging, sassy or brassy, not deaf to our cry, not blind to our need. As much as we try, God's gifts are free. We could do wonderful things for wonderful people and still not be...Wonderful. Satan says, "You are not worthy." Jesus says, "So what! I AM." Satan looks back and sees our mistakes. God looks back and sees a cross. He doesn't calculate what you did in '78, 88 or 98; It's not even on the record. Sure. There are lots of reasons why God shouldn't want us. But if we are undoubtedly in love with Him, if we hunger for Him more than our next breath, He'll use us in spite of who we are, where we've been, or what We look like. Step out of your limitations into the unlimited nature of God. This is my blessing for today. I hope it blesses you also. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Keep Your Goals in Sight By Author Unknown Submitted by Michele Borba from A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul Copyright 1995 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen When she looked ahead, Florence Chadwick saw nothing but a solid wall of fog. Her body was numb. She had been swimming for nearly sixteen hours. Already she was the first woman to swim the English Channel in both directions. Now, at age 34, her goal was to become the first woman to swim from Catalina Island to the California coast. On that Fourth of July morning in 1952, the sea was like an ice bath and the fog was so dense she could hardly see her support boats. Sharks cruised toward her lone figure, only to be driven away by rifle shots. Against the frigid grip of the sea, she struggled on - hour after hour - while millions watched on national television. Alongside Florence in one of the boats, her mother and her trainer offered encouragement. They told her it wasn't much farther. But all she could see was fog. They urged her not to quit. She never had . . . until then. With only a half mile to go, she asked to be pulled out. Still thawing her chilled body several hours later, she told a reporter, "Look, I'm not excusing myself, but if I could have seen land I might have made it." It was not fatigue or even the cold water that defeated her. It was the fog. She was unable to see her goal. Two months later, she tried again. This time, despite the same dense fog, she swam with her faith intact and her goal clearly pictured in her mind. She knew that somewhere behind that fog was land and this time she made it! Florence Chadwick became the first woman to swim the Catalina Channel, eclipsing the men's record by two hours! Yes, KEEP YOUR FAITH AND YOUR GOALS IN SIGHT ! ! From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. "Does God still speak to people?" From: Vivian Oaks via "Bill's Punch Line" at A young man had been to Wednesday night Bible Study. The Pastor had shared about listening to God and obeying the Lord's voice. The young man couldn't help but wonder, "Does God still speak to people?" After service he went out with some friends for coffee and pie and they discussed the message. Several different ones talked about how God had led them in different ways. It was about ten o'clock when the young man started driving home. Sitting in his car, he just began to pray, "God.. If you still speak to people speak to me. I will listen. I will do my best to obey." As he drove down the main street of his town, he had the strangest thought, stop and buy a gallon of milk. He shook his head and said out loud, "God is that you?" He didn't get a reply and started on toward home. But again, the thought, buy a gallon of milk. The young man thought about Samuel and how he didn't recognize the voice of God, and how little Samuel ran to Eli. "Okay, God, in case that is you, I will buy the milk." It didn't seem like too hard a test of obedience. He could always use the milk. He stopped and purchased the gallon of milk and started off toward home. As he passed Seventh Street, he again felt the urge, "Turn down that street." This is crazy he thought and drove on pass the intersection. Again, he felt that he should turn down seventh street. At the next intersection, he turned back and headed down Seventh. Half jokingly, he said out loud, "Okay, God, I will." He drove several blocks, when suddenly, he felt like he should stop. He pulled over to the curb and looked around. He was in a semicommercial area of town. It wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst of neighborhoods either. The businesses were closed and most of the houses looked dark like the people were already in bed. Again, he sensed something, "Go and give the milk to the people in the house across the street." The young man looked at the house. It was dark and it looked like the people were either gone or they were already asleep. He started to open the door and then sat back in the car seat. "Lord, this is insane. Those people are asleep and if I wake them up, they are going to be mad and I will look stupid." Again, he felt like he should go and give the milk. Finally, he opened the door, "Okay God, if this is you, I will go to the door and I will give them the milk. If you want me to look like a crazy person, okay. I want to be obedient. I guess that will count for something but if they don't answer right away, I am out of here." He walked across the street and rang the bell. He could hear some noise inside. A man's voice yelled out, "Who is it? What do you want?" Then the door opened before the young man could get away. The man was standing there in his jeans and T-shirt. He looked like he just got out of bed. He had a strange look on his face and he didn't seem too happy to have some stranger standing on his doorstep. "What is it?" The young man thrust out the gallon of milk, "Here, I brought this to you." The man took the milk and rushed down a hall way speaking loudly in Spanish. Then from down the hall came a woman carrying the milk toward the kitchen. The man was following her holding a baby. The baby was crying. The man had tears streaming down his face. The man began speaking and half crying, "We were just praying. We had some big bills this month and we ran out of money. We didn't have any milk for our baby. I was just praying and asking God to show me how to get some milk." His wife in the kitchen yelled out, "I ask him to send an Angel with some...Are you an Angel?" The young man reached into his wallet and pulled out all the money he had on him and put it in the man's hand. He turned and walked back toward his car and the tears were streaming down his face. He knew that God still answers prayers and that God still speaks to His people. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. THE ROSES From: William Bailey via "Bill's Punch Line" at Red roses were her favorites,her name was also Rose.And every year her husband sent them,tied with pretty bows. The year he died, the roses were delivered to her door. The card said, "Be my Valentine," like all the years before. Each year he sent her roses, and the note would always say, "I love you even more this year, than last year on this day." "My love for you will always grow, with every passing year." She knew this was the last time that the roses would appear. She thought,he ordered roses in advance before this day.Her loving husband did not know,that he would pass away. He always liked to do things early, way before the time. Then, if he got too busy, everything would work out fine. She trimmed the stems, and placed them in a very special vase. Then, sat the vase beside the portrait of his smiling face. She would sit for hours, in her husband's favorite chair. While staring at his picture, and the roses sitting there. A year went by, and it was hard to live without her mate. With loneliness and solitude, that had become her fate. Then, the very hour, as on Valentines before, The doorbell rang, and there were roses, sitting by her door. She brought the roses in, and then just looked at them in shock. Then, went to get the telephone, to call the florist shop. The owner answered, and she asked him, if he would explain, Why would someone do this to her, causing her such pain? "I know your husband passed away, more than a year ago," The owner said, "I knew you'd call, and you would want to know." "The flowers you received today, were paid for in advance." Your husband always planned ahead, he left nothing to chance." "There is a standing order, that I have on file down here, And he has paid, well in advance, you'll get them every year. There also is another thing, that I think you should know, He wrote a special little card...he did this years ago." "Then, should ever, I find out that he's no longer here, that's the card...that should be sent, to you the following year." She thanked him and hung up the phone, her tears now flowing hard. Her fingers shaking, as she slowly reached to get the card. Inside the card, she saw that he had written her a note. Then, as she stared in total silence, this is what he wrote... "Hello my love, I know it's been a year since I've been gone, I hope it hasn't been too hard for you to overcome." "I know it must be lonely, and the pain is very real. For if it was the other way, I know how I would feel. The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life .I loved you more than words can say, you were the perfect wife." "You were my friend and lover, you fulfilled my every need. I know it's only been a year, but please try not to grieve. I want you to be happy, even when you shed your tears. That is why the roses will be sent to you for years." "When you get these roses, think of all the happiness, That we had together, and how both of us were blessed. I have always loved you and I know I always will. But, my love, you must go on, you have some living still." "Please...try to find happiness, while living out your days. I know it is not easy, but I hope you find some ways. The roses will come every year, and they will only stop, When your door's not answered, when the florist stops to knock." "He will come five times that day, in case you have gone out. But after his last visit, he will know without a doubt, To take the roses to the place, where I've instructed him, And place the roses where we are, together once again." From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. THE LETTER (from Jesus) BILL’S PUNCH LINE via <> Ruth went to her mail box and there was only one letter. She picked it up and looked at it before opening, but then she looked at the envelope again. There was no stamp, no postmark, only her name and address. She read the letter: Dear Ruth, I'm going to be in your neighborhood Saturday afternoon and I'd like to stop by for a visit. Love Always, Jesus Her hands were shaking as she placed the letter on the table. "Why would the Lord want to visit me? I'm nobody special. I don't have anything to offer. With that thought, Ruth remembered her empty kitchen cabinets. "Oh my goodness, I really don't have anything to offer. I'll have to run down to the store and buy something for dinner." She reached for her purse and counted out its contents. Five dollars and forty cents. "Well, I can get some bread and cold cuts, at least." She threw on her coat and hurried out the door. A loaf of french bread, a half-pound of sliced turkey, and a carton of milk... leaving Ruth with grand total of twelve cents to last her until Monday. Nonetheless, she felt good as she headed home, her meager offerings tucked under her arm. "Hey lady, can you help us, lady?" Ruth had been so absorbed in her dinner plans, she hadn't even noticed two figures huddled in the alleyway. A man and a woman, both of them dressed in little more than rags. "Look lady, I ain't got a job, ya know, and my wife and I have been living out here on the street, and, well, now it's getting cold and we're getting kinda hungry and, well, if you could help us, lady, we'd really appreciate it." Ruth looked at them both. They were dirty, they smelled bad and, frankly, she was certain that they could get some kind of work if they really wanted to. "Sir, I'd like to help you, but I'm a poor woman myself. All I have is a few cold cuts and some bread, and I'm having an important guest for dinner tonight and I was planning on serving that to Him." "Yeah, well, okay lady, I understand. Thanks anyway." The man put his arm around the woman's shoulders, turned and headed back into the alley. As she watched them leave, Ruth felt a familiar twinge in her heart. "Sir, wait!" The couple stopped and turned as she ran down the alley after them. "Look, why don't you take this food. I'll figure out something else to serve my guest." She handed the man her grocery bag. "Thank you lady. Thank you very much!" "Yes, thank you!" It was the man's wife, and Ruth could see now that she was shivering. "You know, I've got another coat at home. Here, why don't you take this one." Ruth unbuttoned her jacket and slipped it over the woman's shoulders. Then smiling, she turned and walked back to the street... without her coat and with nothing to serve her guest. "Thank you lady! Thank you very much!" Ruth was chilled by the time she reached her front door, and worried too. The Lord was coming to visit and she didn't have anything to offer Him. She fumbled through her purse for the door key. But as she did, she noticed another envelope in her mailbox. "That's odd. The mailman doesn't usually come twice in one day." She took the envelope out of the box and opened it. Dear Ruth, It was so good to see you again. Thank you for the lovely meal. And thank you, too, for the beautiful coat. Love Always, Jesus =======BPL======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. The BIGGER the BETTER Please credit: VIA "Bill's Punch Line" at From: Karen and I were the proud "Parents of the Day" at our son, Michael's, kindergarten class. We had fun as he toured us around his classroom and introduced us to all his friends. We joined in for cut and paste and sewing and spent the better part of the morning in the sandbox. It was a riot! "Circle up!" called the teacher, "It's story time." Not wanting to look out of place, Karen and I "circled up" with the rest of our new buddies. After finishing the story, entitled Big, the teacher asked this enthusiastic group, "What makes you feel big?" "Bugs make me feel big," yelled one young student. "Ants," hollered another. "Mosquitoes," called out one more. The teacher, trying to bring some order back to the class, started calling on children with their hands up. Pointing to one little girl, the teacher said, "Yes dear, what makes you feel big?" "My mommy," was the reply. "How does your mommy make you feel big?" quizzed the teacher. "That's easy," said the child. "When she hugs me and says I love you, Jessica!" By Barry Spilchuk from A Cup of Chicken Soup for the Soul Copyright 1996 by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Barry Spilchuk =======BPL======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. A CHORISTER’S BEATITUDES by Shirley W. McRae (via Richard Jones) SOURCE: "Pocket Guide for Church Choir Members," by Kenneth Osbeck Blessed are the prompt, for they shall gladden the heart of the director. Blessed are the enthusiastic, for they shall move mountains of indifference. Blessed are the loyal, for they shall be called the backbone of the choir. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for musical knowledge, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall uplift the spirit of the choir. Blessed are the humble, for they shall obtain the respect of their fellow choristers. Blessed are the diligent, for they shall see great benefits from their labor. Blessed are the reverent, for they shall direct the congregation to God. Blessed are you when men abuse you and criticize you and utter all kinds of evils against your falsely on account of your singing. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men criticized the singers who were before you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. A TRUE STORY OF THE TITANIC John Harper was born to a pair of solid Christian parents on May 29th,1872. It was on the last Sunday of March 1886, when he was thirteen years old that he received Jesus as the Lord of his life. He never knew what it was to "sow his wild oats." He began to preach about four years later at the ripe old age of 17 years old by going down to the streets of his village and pouring out his soul in earnest entreaty for men to be reconciled to God. As John Harper's life unfolded, one thing was apparent...he was consumed by the word of God. When asked by various ministers what his doctrine consisted of, he was known to reply "The Word of God!" After five or six years of toiling on street corners preaching the gospel and working in the mill during the day, Harper was taken in by Rev. A. Carter of Baptist Pioneer Mission in London, England. This set Harper free to devote his whole time of energy to the work so dear to his heart. Soon, John Harper started his own church in September of 1896. (Now known as the Harper Memorial Church.) This church which John Harper had started with just 25 members, had grown to over 500 members when he left 13 years later. During this time he had gotten married, but was shortly thereafter widowed. However brief the marriage, God did bless John Harper with a beautiful little girl named Nana. Ironically, John Harper almost drowned several times during his life. When he was two and a half years of age, he almost drowned when he fell into a well but was resuscitated by his mother. At the age of Twenty-six, he was swept out to sea by a reverse current and barely survived, and at thirty-two he faced death on a leaking ship in the Mediterranean. Perhaps, God used these experiences to prepare this servant for what he faced next....... It was the night of April 14, 1912. The RMS Titanic sailed swiftly on the bitterly cold ocean waters heading unknowingly into the pages of history. On board this luxurious ocean liner were many rich and famous people. At the time of the ship's launch, it was the world's largest man-made moveable object. At 11:40 p.m. on that fateful night, an iceberg scraped the ship's starboard side, showering the decks with ice and ripping open six watertight compartments. The sea poured in. On board the ship that night was John Harper and his much-beloved six-yearold daughter Nana. According to documented reports, as soon as it was apparent that the ship was going to sink, John Harper immediately took his daughter to a lifeboat. It is reasonable to assume that this widowed preacher could have easily gotten on board this boat to safety; however, it never seems to have crossed his mind. He bent down and kissed his precious little girl; looking into her eyes he told her that she would see him again someday. The flares going off in the dark sky above reflected the tears on his face as he turned and headed towards the crowd of desperate humanity on the sinking ocean liner. As the rear of the huge ship began to lurch upwards, it was reported that Harper was seen making his way up the deck yelling "Women, children and unsaved into the lifeboats!" It was only minutes later that the Titanic began to rumble deep within. Most people thought it was an explosion; actually the gargantuan ship was literally breaking in half. At this point, many people jumped off the decks and into the icy, dark waters below. John Harper was one of these people. That night 1528 people went into the frigid waters. John Harper was seen swimming frantically to people in the water leading them to Jesus before the hypothermia became fatal. Mr. Harper swam up to one young Man who had climbed up on a piece of debris. Rev. Harper asked him between breaths, "Are you saved?" The young man replied that he was not. Harper then tried to lead him to Christ only to have the young man who was near shock, reply no. John Harper then took off his life jacket and threw it to the man and said "Here then, you need this more than I do..." and swam away to other people. A few minutes later Harper swam back to the young man and succeeded in leading him to salvation. Of the 1528 people that went into the water that night, six were rescued by the lifeboats. One of them was this young man on the debris. Four years later, at a survivors meeting, this young man stood up and in tears recounted how that after John Harper had led him to Christ. Mr. Harper had tried to swim back to help other people, yet because of the intense cold, had grown too weak to swim. His last words before going under in the frigid waters were "Believe on the Name of the Lord Jesus and you will be saved." Does Hollywood remember this man? No. Oh well, no matter. This servant of God did what he had to do. While other people were trying to buy their way onto the lifeboats and selfishly trying to save their own lives, John Harper gave up his life so that others could be saved. "Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends..." John Harper was truly the hero of the Titanic!>>> >>>Sources for this article: "The Titanic's Last Hero" by Moody Press 1997, >>>Scriptures are quoted from the King James Bible. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. BEING EQUIPPED (E-mail Exchange – Author Unknown) Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were seated, the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the aisle to greet her. Seizing the opportunity to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy rose and eventually explored his way through a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE." When the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her seat and discovered that the child was missing. Suddenly, the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage. In horror, the mother saw her little boy sitting at the keyboard, innocently picking out "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." At that moment, the great piano master made his entrance, quickly moved to the piano, and whispered in the boy's ear, "Don't quit. Keep Playing." Then leaning over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in the bass part. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato. Together, the old master and the young novice transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully creative experience. The audience was mesmerized. That's the way it is with our Heavenly Father. What we can accomplish on our own is hardly noteworthy. We try our best, but the results aren't exactly graceful flowing music. But with the hand of the Master, our life's work truly can be beautiful. Next time you set out to accomplish great feats, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, "Don't quit. Keep playing." Feel His loving arms around you. Know that His strong hands are there helping you turn your feeble attempts into true masterpieces. Remember, God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called. And He'll always be there to love and guide you on to great things. # 80 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. “THE MUSICIANS PRAYER” [] GARY MARTIN’S PLAQUE God, please bless my music, that it might glorify your name. May using it to serve you always be my aim. Let it be a witness to your majesty and love, and remind us that you're watching from your throne above. May others see your beauty in every note they hear, and when they hear my music may they feel your presence near. Oh Lord, I ask for guidance in everything I do, and pray you'll make my music an instrument for you. Do I hear an Amen. ? From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. “The Lesson of the Homeless Man” From: "Coogler CA (Cynthia) at MSXSOPC" <> It was a cold winter's day that Sunday. The parking lot to the church was filling up quickly. I noticed as I got out of my car fellow church members were whispering among themselves as they walked in the church. As I got closer I saw a man leaned up against the wall outside the church. He was almost laying down as if he was asleep. He had on a long trench coat that was almost in shreds and a hat topped his head, pulled down so you could not see his face. He wore shoes that looked 30 years old, too small for his feet, with holes all over them, his toes stuck out. I assumed this man was homeless, and asleep, so I walked on by through the doors of the church. We all fellowshipped for a few minutes, and someone brought up the man laying outside. People snickered and gossiped but no one bothered to ask him to come in, including me. A few moments later church began. We all waited for the Preacher to take his place and to give us the Word, when the doors to the church opened. In came the homeless man walking down the aisle with his head down. People gasped and whispered and made faces. He made his way down the aisle and up onto the pulpit where he took off his hat and coat. My heart sank. There stood our preacher...he was the "homeless man". No one said a word. The preacher took his Bible and laid it on his stand. "Folks, I don't think I have to tell you what I am preaching about today." =======HeartWarming======= Please credit: From "HEARTWARMING" at =======HeartWarming====== From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. “ANGEL IN UNIFORM ?” from: "Jim Rooney" <> In 1949, my father had just returned home from the war. On every American highway you could see soldiers in uniform hitchhiking home to their families, as was the custom at that time in America. Sadly, the thrill of his reunion with his family was soon overshadowed. My grandmother became very ill and had to be hospitalized. It was her kidneys, and the doctors told my father that she needed a blood transfusion immediately or she would not live through the night. The problem was that Grandmother's blood type was AB-, a very rare type even today, but even harder to get then because there were no blood banks or air flights to ship blood. All the family members were typed, but not one member was a match. So the doctors gave the family no hope; my grandmother was dying. My father left the hospital in tears to gather up all the family members, so that everyone would get a chance to tell Grandmother good-bye. As my father was driving down the highway, he passed a soldier in uniform hitchhiking home to his family. Deep in grief, my father had no inclination at that moment to do a good deed. Yet it was almost as if something outside himself pulled him to a stop, and he waited as the stranger climbed into the car. My father was too upset to even ask the soldier his name, but the soldier noticed my father's tears right away and inquired about them. Through his tears, my father told this total stranger that his mother was lying in a hospital dying because the doctors had been unable to locate her blood type, AB-, and if they did not locate her blood type before nightfall, she would surely die. It got very quiet in the car. Then this unidentified soldier extended his hand out to my father, palm up. Resting in the palm of his hand were the dog tags from around his neck. The blood type on the tags was AB-. The soldier told my father to turn the car around and get him to the hospital. My grandmother lived until 1996, 47 years later, and to this day no one in our family knows the soldier's name. But my father has often wondered, was he a soldier or an angel in uniform? Sometimes, we never know who God will bring into our lives to carry out a special mission nor do we know whose lives God will have us touch. Please credit: From "HEARTWARMING" at =======HeartWarming====== From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. “GOD'S EMBROIDERY” From: When I was a little boy, my mother used to embroider a great deal. I would sit at her knee and look up from the floor and ask what she was doing. She informed me that she was embroidering. As from the underside I watched her work within the boundaries of the little round hoop that she held in her hand, I complained to her that it sure looked messy from where I sat. She would smile at me, look down and gently say, "Son, you go about your playing for a while, and when I am finished with my embroidering, I will put you on my knee and let you see it from my side." I would wonder why she was using some dark threads along with the bright ones and why they seemed so jumbled from my view. A few minutes would pass and then I would hear Mother's voice say, "Son, come and sit on my knee." This I did only to be surprised and thrilled to see a beautiful flower or a sunset. I could not believe it, because from underneath it looked so messy. Then Mother would say to me, "My son, from underneath it did look messy and jumbled, but you did not realize that there was a pre-drawn plan on the top. It was a design. I was only following it. Now look at it from my side and you will see what I was doing." Many times through the years I have looked up to my Heavenly Father and said, "Father, what are You doing?" He has answered, "I am embroidering your life." I say, "But it looks like a mess to me. It seems so jumbled. The threads seem so dark. Why can't they all be bright?" The Father seems to tell me, "'My child, you go about your business of doing My business, and one day I will bring you to Heaven and put you on My knee and you will see the plan from My side." =======HeartWarming======= credit: From "HEARTWARMING" at From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. ~ A Gift Of Love ~ Author Unknown From: "Can I see my baby?" the happy new mother asked. When the bundle was nestled in her arms and she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped. The doctor turned quickly and looked out the tall hospital window. The baby had been born without ears. Time proved that the baby's hearing was perfect. It was only his appearance that was marred. When he rushed home from school one day and flung himself into his mother's arms, she sighed, knowing that his life was to be a succession of heartbreaks. He blurted out the tragedy. "A boy, a big boy ... called me a freak." He grew up, handsome for his misfortune. A favorite with his fellow students, he might have been class president, but for that. He developed a gift, a talent for literature and music. "But you might mingle with other young people," his mother reproved him, but felt a kindness in her heart. The boy's father had a session with the family physician. Could nothing be done? "I believe I could graft on a pair of outer ears, if they could be procured," the doctor decided. Whereupon the search began for a person who would make such a sacrifice for a young man. Two years went by. Then, "You are going to the hospital, Son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But it's a secret," said the father. The operation was a brilliant success, and a new person emerged. His talents blossomed into genius, and school and college became a series of triumphs. Later he married and entered the diplomatic service. "But I must know!" He urged his father, "Who gave so much for me? I could never do enough for him." "I do not believe you could," said the father, "but the agreement was that you are not to know ... not yet." The years kept their profound secret, but the day did come ... one of the darkest days that a son must endure. He stood with his father over his mother's casket. Slowly, tenderly, the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick, reddish-brown hair to reveal that the mother -- had no outer ears. "Mother said she was glad she never let her hair be cut," he whispered gently, "and nobody ever thought Mother less beautiful, did they?" Real beauty lies not in the physical appearance, but in the heart. Real treasure lies not in what that can be seen, but what that cannot be seen. Real love lies not in what is done and known, but in what that is done but not known. =======HeartWarming======= credit: From "HEARTWARMING" at From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. “LIFE PLANTING” from Dave Simmons[] via When you plant this garden, may God richly bless you in your sincere endeavor. Plant three rows of squash: 1. Squash gossip 2. Squash criticism 3. Squash indifference Plant seven rows of peas: 1. Prayer 2. Promptness 3. Perseverance 4. Politeness 5. Preparedness 6. Purity 7. Patience Plant seven heads of lettuce: 1. Let us be unselfish and loyal 2. Let us be faithful to duty 3. Let us search the scriptures 4. Let us not be weary in well doing 5. Let us be obedient in all things 6. Let us be truthful 7. Let us love one another No garden is complete without turnips: 1. Turn up for church 2. Turn up for meetings, in prayer, and Bible study 3. Turn up with a smile, even when things are difficult 4. Turn up with determination to do your best in God's service After planting, May you grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (II Peter 3: 18) and may you reap rich results. "The measure of a person's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out." From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. “START OVER” Author Unknown From: "mike williams" <> When you've trusted Jesus and walked His way When you've felt His hand lead you day by day But your steps now take you another way, start over. When you've made your plans and they've gone awry When you've tried your best and there's no more try When you've failed yourself and you don't know why, start over. When you've told your friends what you plan to do When you've trusted them and they didn't come through And now you're all alone and it's up to you, start over. When you've failed your kids and they're grown and gone When you've done your best but it's turned out wrong And now your grandchildren have come along, start over. When you've prayed to God so you'll know His will When you've prayed and prayed and you don't know still When you want to stop cause you've had you fill, start over. When you think you're finished and want to quit When you've bottomed out in life's deepest pit When you've tried and tried to get out of it, start over. When the year has been long and successes few When December comes and you're feeling blue God gives a January just for you, start over. Starting over means "Victories Won" Starting over means "A Race Well Run" Starting over means "The Lords' Will Done" Don't just sit there.....START OVER. =======HeartWarming======== credit: From "HEARTWARMING" at From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. The Gift of the Gods It was a warm summer day when the gods placed it in her hands. She trembled with emotion as she saw how fragile it appeared. This was a very special gift the gods were entrusting to her. A gift that would one day belong to the world. Until then, they instructed her, she was to be its guardian and protector. The woman said she understood and reverently took it home, determined to live up to the faith the gods had placed in her. At first she barely let it out of her sight, protecting it from anything she perceived to be harmful to its well-being; watching with fear in her heart when it was exposed to the environment outside of the sheltered cocoon she had formed around it. But the woman began to realize that she could not shelter it forever. It needed to learn to survive the harsh elements in order to grow strong. So with gentle care she gave it more space to grow...enough to allow it to grow wild and untamed. One day she became aware of how much the gift had changed. It no longer had a look of vulnerability about it. Now it seemed to glow with strength and steadiness, almost as if it were developing a power within. Month after month she watched as it became stronger and more powerful, and the woman remembered her promise. She knew deep within her heart that her time with the gift was nearing an end. The inevitable day arrived when the gods came to take the gift and present it to the world. The woman felt a deep sadness, for she would miss its constant presence in her life. With heartfelt gratitude she thanked the gods for allowing her the privilege of watching over the precious gift for so many years. Straightening her shoulders, she stood proud, knowing that it was, indeed, a very special gift. One that would add to the beauty and essence of the world around it. And the mother let her child go. By Renee R. Vroman from Condensed Chicken Soup for the Soul Copyright 1996 by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Patty Hansen FOOD FOR THOUGHT/DISCUSSION: Yes, a Child is a gift from the God of the Universe! From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Rescue at Sea Years ago, in a small fishing village in Holland, a young boy taught the world about the rewards of unselfish service. Because the entire village revolved around the fishing industry, a volunteer rescue team was needed in cases of emergency. One night the winds raged, the clouds burst and a gale force storm capsized a fishing boat at sea. Stranded and in trouble, the crew sent out the S.O.S. The captain of the rescue rowboat team sounded the alarm and the villagers assembled in the town square overlooking the bay. While the team launched their rowboat and fought their way through the wild waves, the villagers waited restlessly on the beach, holding lanterns to light the way back. An hour later, the rescue boat reappeared through the fog and the cheering villagers ran to greet them. Falling exhausted on the sand, the volunteers reported that the rescue boat could not hold any more passengers and they had to leave one man behind. Even one more passenger would have surely capsized the rescue boat and all would have been lost. Frantically, the captain called for another volunteer team to go after the lone survivor. Sixteen-year-old Hans stepped forward. His mother grabbed his arm, pleading, "Please don’t go. Your father died in a shipwreck 10 years ago and your older brother, Paul, has been lost at sea for three weeks. Hans, you are all I have left." Hans replied, "Mother, I have to go. What if everyone said, ‘I can’t go, let someone else do it?’ Mother, this time I have to do my duty. When the call for service comes, we all need to take our turn and do our part." Hans kissed his mother, joined the team and disappeared into the night. Another hour passed, which seemed to Hans’ mother like an eternity. Finally, the rescue boat darted through the fog with Hans standing up in the bow. Cupping his hands, the captain called, "Did you find the lost man?" Barely able to contain himself, Hans excitedly yelled back, "Yes, we found him. Tell my mother it’s my older brother, Paul!" By Dan Clark from A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul Copyright 1995 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Encouragement Some of the greatest success stories of history have followed a word of encouragement or an act of confidence by a loved one or a trusting friend. Had it not been for a confident wife, Sophia, we might not have listed among the great names of literature the name of Nathaniel Hawthorne. When Nathaniel, a heartbroken man, went home to tell his wife that he was a failure and had been fired from his job in a customhouse, she surprised him with an exclamation of joy. "Now," she said triumphantly, "you can write your book!" "Yes," replied the man, with sagging confidence, "and what shall we live on while I am writing it?" To his amazement, she opened a drawer and pulled out a substantial amount of money. " Where on earth did you get that?" he exclaimed. "I have always known you were a man of genius," she told him. "I knew that someday you would write a masterpiece. So every week, out of the money you gave me for housekeeping, I saved a little bit. So here is enough to last us for one whole year." From her trust and confidence came one of the greatest novels of American literature, The Scarlet Letter. By Nido Qubein from Chicken Soup for the Soul Copyright 1993 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Please credit: From "HEARTWARMING" at From: "Kenneth R. Johnson" <> WE ARE NEVER ALONE!!! This is a story reported to have occurred in 1994 and is told by Lloyd Glen: Throughout our lives we are blessed with spiritual experiences, some of which are very sacred and confidential, and others, although sacred, are meant to be shared. Last summer my family had a spiritual experience that had a lasting and profound impact on us, one we feel must be shared. It's a message of love. It's a message of regaining perspective, and restoring proper balance and renewing priorities. In humility, I pray that I might, in relating this story, give you a gift my little son, Brian, gave our family one summer day last year. On July 22nd I was enroute to Washington DC for a business trip. It was all so very ordinary, until we landed in Denver for a plane change. As I collected my belongings from the overhead bin, an announcement was made for Mr. Lloyd Glenn to see the United Customer Service Representative immediately. I thought nothing of it until I reached the door to leave the plane and I heard a gentleman asking every male if they were Mr. Glenn. At this point I knew something was wrong and my heart sunk. When I got off the plane, a solemn-faced young man came toward me and said, "Mr. Glenn, there is an emergency at your home. I do not know what the emergency is, or who is involved, but I will take you to the phone so you can call the hospital." My heart was now pounding, but the will to be calm took over. Woodenly, I followed this stranger to the distant telephone where I called the number he gave me for the Mission Hospital. My call was put through to the trauma center where I learned that my three-year-old son had been trapped underneath the automatic garage door for several minutes, and that when my wife had found him he was dead. CPR had been performed by a neighbor, who is a doctor, and the paramedics had continued the treatment as Brian was transported to the hospital. By the time of my call, Brian was revived and they believed he would live, but they did not know how much damage had been done to his brain, nor to his heart. They explained that the door had completely closed on his little sternum right over his heart. He had been severely crushed. After speaking with the medical staff, my wife sounded worried but not hysterical, and I took comfort in her calmness. The return flight seemed to last forever, but finally I arrived at the hospital six hours after the garage door had come down. When I walked into the intensive care unit, nothing could have prepared me to see my little son laying so still on a great big bed with tubes and monitors everywhere. He was on a respirator. I glanced at my wife who stood and tried to give me a reassuring smile. It all seemed like a terrible dream. I was filled-in with the details and given a guarded prognosis. Brian was going to live, and the preliminary tests indicated that his heart was ok, two miracles in and of themselves. But, only time would tell if his brain received any damage. Throughout the seemingly endless hours, my wife was calm. She felt that Brian would eventually be all right. I hung on to her words and faith like a lifeline. All that night and the next day Brian remained unconscious. It seemed like forever since I had left for my business trip the day before. Finally at two o'clock that afternoon, our son regained consciousness and sat up uttering the most beautiful words I have ever heard spoken. He said, "Daddy hold me" and he reached for me with his little arms. By the next day he was pronounced as having no neurological or physical deficits, and the story of his miraculous survival spread throughout the hospital. You cannot imagine our gratitude and joy. As we took Brian home, we felt a unique reverence for the life and love of our Heavenly Father that comes to those who brush death so closely. In the days that followed there was a special spirit about our home. Our two older children were much closer to their little brother. My wife and I were much closer to each other, and all of us were very close as a whole family. Life took on a less stressful pace. Perspective seemed to be more focused, and balance much easier to gain and maintain. We felt deeply blessed. Our gratitude was truly profound. But, the story is not over……… (continue on next page or reverse side) (“We are never alone!” continued:) Almost a month later to the day of the accident, Brian awoke from his afternoon nap and said, "Sit down mommy. I have something to tell you." At this time in his life, Brian usually spoke in small phrases, so to say a large sentence surprised my wife. She sat down with him on his bed and he began his sacred and remarkable story. "Do you remember when I got stuck under the garage door? Well it was so heavy and it hurt really bad. I called to you, but you couldn't hear me. I started to cry, but then it hurt too bad. And then the 'birdies' came. "The birdies?" my wife asked puzzled. "Yes," he replied. "The birdies made a whooshing sound and flew into the garage. They took care of me.""They did?" "Yes" he said. "One of the birdies came and got you. She came to tell you I got stuck under the door." A sweet reverent feeling filled the room. The spirit was so strong and yet lighter than air. My wife realized that a three-year-old had no concept of death and spirits, so he was referring to the beings who came to him from beyond as "birdies" because they were up in the air like birds that fly. "What did the birdies look like?" she asked. Brian answered, "They were so beautiful. They were dressed in white, all white.Some of them had green and white. But some of them had on just white.""Did they say anything?" "Yes" he answered. "They told me the baby would be alright." "The baby?" my wife asked confused. Brian answered. "The baby laying on the garage floor." He went on, "You came out and opened the garage door and ran to the baby. You told the baby to stay and not leave." My wife nearly collapsed upon hearing this, for she had indeed gone and knelt beside Brian's body and seeing his crushed chest and recognizable features, knowing he was already dead, she looked up around her and whispered, "Don't leave us Brian, please stay if you can." As she listened to Brian telling her the words she had spoken, she realized that the spirit had left his body and was looking down from above on this little lifeless form."Then what happened?" she asked. "We went on a trip." He said, "far, far away." He grew agitated trying to say the things he didn't seem to have the words for. My wife tried to calm and comfort him, and let him know it would be okay. He struggled with wanting to tell something that obviously was very important to him, but finding the words was difficult. "We flew so fast up in the air. They're so pretty Mommy." he added. "And there is lots and lots of birdies." My wife was stunned. Into her mind the sweet comforting spirit enveloped her more soundly, but with an urgency she had never before known. Brian went on to tell her that the "birdies" had told him that he had to come back and tell everyone about the "birdies". He said they brought him back to the house and that a big fire truck, and an ambulance were there. A man was bringing the baby out on a white bed and he tried to tell the man that the baby would be okay, but the man couldn't hear him. He said the birdies told him he had to go with the ambulance, but they would be near him. He said, they were so pretty and so peaceful, and he didn't want to come back. Then the bright light came. He said that the light was so bright and so warm, and he loved the bright light so much. Someone was in the bright light and put their arms around him, and told him, "I love you but you have to go back. You have to play baseball, and tell everyone about the birdies." Then the person in the bright light kissed him and waved bye-bye.Then woosh, the big sound came and they went into the clouds. The story went on for an hour. He taught us that "birdies" were always with us, but we don't see them because we look with our eyes and we don't hear them because we listen with our ears. But they are always there, you can only see them in here (he put his hand over his heart). They whisper the things to help us to do what is right because they love us so much. Brian continued, stating, "I have a plan, Mommy. You have a plan. Daddy has a plan. Everyone has a plan. We must all live our plan and keep our promises. The birdies help us to do that cause they love us so much." In the weeks that followed, he often came to us and told all, or part of it again and again. Always the story remained the same. The details were never changed or out of order. A few times he added further bits of information and clarified the message he had already delivered. It never ceased to amaze us how he could tell such detail and speak beyond his ability when he spoke of his "birdies". Everywhere he went, he told strangers about the "birdies". Surprisingly, no one ever looked at him strangely when he did this. Rather, they always got a softened look on their face and smiled. Needless to say, we have not been the same ever since that day, and I pray we never will be. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. An Angel To Watch over You Oooo Some people ( ) come into our lives ) / and quickly go... (_ / oooO ( ) Some people \ ( become friends \_) and stay a while... leaving beautiful Oooo footprints on our ( ) hearts... ) / (__/ oooO ( ) and we are \ ( ~ never ~ \_) quite the same because we have made a good friend!! Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present! live and savor every moment.....this is not a dress rehearsal! (\ /) ( \ __ / ) \ \( )/ ) ( /<>\ ) TAKE THIS LITTLE ANGEL ( / \/ \ ) AND KEEP HER CLOSE TO YOU / \ SHE IS YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL ( ) SENT TO WATCH OVER YOU ~~~~~~~~ =======HeartWarming======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Your Angel = “MOMMY” ========HeartWarming======== From: Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. so one day she asked God: “They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?” GOD: “ Among the many angels, I have chosen one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you.” CHILD: “But tell me, here in Heaven I don’t do anything else but sing and smile, that’s enough for me to be happy.” GOD: “Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day and you will feel your angels love and be happy.” CHILD: “How am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, If I don’t know the language that men talk?” GOD: “Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.” CHILD: “But what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?” GOD: “Your angel will place your hands together and teach you how to pray.” CHILD: “I’ve heard that on earth there are bad men, who will protect me?” GOD: “Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life.” CHILD: “But I will be sad that I will not see you anymore.” GOD: “Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way for you to come back to me, but I will always be next to you.” At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could already be heard, and the child in a hurry asked softly: CHILD: “Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel’s name.” GOD: “Your angel’s name is of no importance...You will simply call her … Mommy.” =======HeartWarming======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. The World as A Village From: Jim Arnett <> If we could shrink the Earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look like this: There would be :57 Asians, 21 Europeans, 14 from the Western Hemisphere (North and South America) and 8 Africans. 51 would be female; 49 would be male 70 would be non-white; 30 white. 70 would be non Christian; 30 Christian. 50% of the entire world's wealth would be in the hands of only six people and all of those six would be citizens of the United States. 80 would live in substandard housing. 70 would be unable to read. 50 would suffer from malnutrition. 1 would be near death, 1 would be near birth. Just 1 would have a college education. None would own a computer! When one considers our world from such an incredibly compressed perspective, the need for both tolerance and understanding becomes glaringly apparent..... =======BPL======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Dime Store Pearls, by Alice Gray =======BPL=======From: The cheerful girl with bouncy golden curls was almost five. Waiting with her mother at the checkout stand, she saw them: a circle of glistening white pearls in a pink foil box. "Oh please, Mommy. Can I have them? Please, Mommy, please!" Quickly the mother checked the back of the little foil box and then looked back into the pleading blue eyes of her little girl's upturned face. "A dollar ninety-five. That's almost $2.00 If you really want them, I'll think of some extra chores for you and in no time you can save enough money to buy them for yourself. Your birthday's only a week away and you might get another crisp dollar bill from Grandma." As soon as Jenny got home, she emptied her penny bank and counted out 17 pennies. After dinner, she did more than her share of chores and she get to the neighbor and asked Mrs. McJames if she could pick dandelions for ten cents. On her birthday, Grandma did give her another new dollar bill and at last she had enough money to buy the necklace. Jenny loved her pearls. They made her feel dressed up and grown up.She wore them everywhere - Sunday school, kindergarten, even to bed. The only time she took them off was when she went swimming or had a bubble bath. Mother said if they got wet, they might turn her neck green. Jenny had a very loving daddy and every night when she was ready for bed, he would stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a story. One night when he finished the story, he asked Jenny, "Do you love me?" "Oh yes, Daddy. You know that I love you." "Then give me your pearls." "Oh, Daddy, not my pearls. But you can have Princess the white horse from my collection. The one with the pink tail. Remember, Daddy? The one you gave me. She's my favorite." "That's okay, Honey. Daddy loves you. Good night." And he brushed her cheek with a kiss. About a week later, after the story time, Jenny's daddy asked again, "Do you love me?" "Daddy, you know I love you." "Then give me your pearls." "Oh Daddy, not my pearls. But you can have my babydoll. The brand new one I got for my birthday. She is so beautiful and you can have the yellow blanket that matches her sleeper." "That's okay. Sleep well. God bless you, little one. Daddy loves you." And as always, he brushed her cheek with a gentle kiss. A few nights later when her daddy came in, Jenny was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed Indian-style. As he came close, he noticed her chin was trembling and one silent tear rolled down her cheek. "What is it, Jenny? What's the matter?" Jenny didn't say anything but lifted her little hand up to her daddy. And when she opened it, there was her little pearl necklace. With a little quiver, she finally said, "Here, Daddy. It's for you." With tears gathering in his own eyes, Jenny's kind daddy reached out With one hand to take the dime-store necklace, and with the other hand he reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue velvet case with a strand of genuine pearls and gave them to Jenny. He had had them all the time. He was just waiting for her to give up the dime-store stuff so he could give her genuine treasure. So like our Heavenly Father. What are you hanging on to? =======HeartWarming======== From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. GRACE....From: Andi Vaught <> The boy stood with back arched, head cocked back and hands clenched defiantly. "Go ahead, give it to me." The principal looked down at the young rebel. "How many times have you been here?" The child sneered rebelliously, "Apparently not enough." The principal gave the boy a strange look. "And you have been punished each time have you not?" "Yeah, I been punished, if that's what you want to call it." He threw out his small chest, "Go ahead I can take whatever you dish out. I always have." "And no thought of your punishment enters your head the next time you decide to break the rules does it?" "Nope, I do whatever I want to do. Ain't nothin' you people gonna do to stop me either." The principal looked over at the teacher who stood nearby. "What did he do this time?" "Fighting. He took little Tommy and shoved his face into the sandbox." The principal turned to look at the boy, "Why? What did little Tommy do to you?" "Nothin', I didn't like the way he was lookin at me, just like I don't like the way your lookin at me! And if I thought I could do it, I'd shove your face into something." The teacher stiffened and started to rise but a quick look from the principal stopped him. He contemplated the child for a moment and then quietly said, "Today my young student, is the day you learn about grace." "Grace? Isn't that what you old people do before you sit down to eat? I don't need none of your stinkin' grace." "Oh but you do." The principal studied the young mans face & whispered. "Oh yes, you truly do..." The boy continued to glare as the principal continued, "Grace, in its short definition is unmerited favor. You can not earn it, it is a gift and is always freely given. It means that you will not be getting what you so richly deserve." The boy looked puzzled. "Your not gonna whup me? You just gonna let me walk?" The principal looked down at the unyielding child. "Yes, I am going to let you walk." The boy studied the face of the principal, "No punishment at all? Even though I socked Tommy and shoved his face into the sandbox?" (Continue reading on reverse side) From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. “GRACE… Continued) "Oh, there has to be punishment. What you did was wrong and there are always consequences to our actions. There will be punishment. Grace is not an excuse for doing wrong." "I knew it," Sneered the boy as he held out his hands. "Lets get on with it." The principal nodded toward the teacher. "Bring me the belt." The teacher presented the belt to the principal. He carefully folded it in two and then handed it back to the teacher. He looked at the child and said. "I want you to count the blows." He slid out from behind his desk and walked over to stand directly in front of the young man. He gently reached out and folded the child's outstretched, expectant hands together and then turned to face the teacher with his own hands outstretched. One quiet word came forth from his mouth. "Begin." The belt whipped down on the outstretched hands of the principal. Crack! The young man jumped ten feet in the air. Shock registered across his face, "One" he whispered. Crack! "Two." His voice raised an octave. Crack! "Three..." He couldn't believe this. Crack! "Four." "OK stop! Crack! Big tears welled up in the eyes of the rebel. That's enough. Stop!" Came the belt down on the callused hands of the principal. Crack! The child flinched with each blow, tears beginning to stream down his face. Crack! Crack! "No please", the former rebel begged, "Stop, I did it, I'm the one who deserves it. Stop! Please. Stop..." Still the blows came, Crack! Crack! One after another. Finally it was over. The principal stood with sweat glistening across his forehead and beads trickling down his face. Slowly he knelt down. He studied the young man for a second and then his swollen hands reached out to cradle the face of the weeping child. "Grace..." =======HeartWarming======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. =======HeartWarming=======From: "William H. Rayborn" 03/06/2016 SOMETHING QUITE REMARKABLE happened… last week at a high school graduation in Calvert County, Maryland. It wasn't that the American Civil Liberties Union had intervened on behalf of a lone student who said he would be offended if a fellow graduate went ahead with her plans to deliver an invocation at commencement. The religious version of "ethnic cleansing'' happens all the time, from the courthouse to the schoolhouse. Seventeen-year-old Julie Schenk, who wanted to deliver the invocation, compromised and announced that she would instead call for a "time for reflection'' that did not mention God. That seemed fine with everybody, including the ACLU. But when Schenk asked for 30 seconds of silence and the crowd of 4,000 rose, a single loud male voice began reciting the Lord's Prayer, which begins, "Our Father, who art in heaven.'' The prayer was quickly picked up by others in the audience until it rolled like thunder across the room. The student who had protested the offering of an audible prayer, 18-year-old Nick Becker, walked out. When he tried to reenter to receive his diploma, he was barred by authorities under a school policy that forbids students from returning to an assembly once they have left. Becker has been described as having an independent streak. Last year he was forced to wash his hair when he came to school with it in spikes resembling the Statue of Liberty, and he had also refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and was about to be disciplined when the ACLU intervened. He was put in a patrol car until commencement ended. Becker was also barred from a post-graduation boat cruise that was limited to those who had participated in the ceremony. What amazes about this incident is that the audience reaction seems to have been spontaneous. Indeed, an ACLU spokesperson appeared frustrated when she noted the corporate prayer wasn't initiated by graduates or school officials. Nor did the prayer specifically mention "God,'' only "Our Father,'' so technically it might be said to have been in compliance. Perhaps this is the "virtue'' empire striking back at the ravenously and increasingly secularized culture that seems powerless to stem the Godforsaken tide of violence and corruption among us. For decades we have been told that the price we all must pay for a healthy First Amendment is the toleration of the most disgusting filth oozing through every pore of our society and culture. Creeps, louts, pornographers, blasphemers, alternative lifestylers, fornicators, adulterers, liars, slanderers and other forms of human rubbish enjoy the full protection of the law, but those who believe in God and order their lives accordingly, and who wish to participate in the pluralism and diversity which they hear so much about (but which never seems to apply to them) are increasingly losing their rights to be heard in the same public places occupied by those dedicated to tearing down, not building up, society. What these Maryland parents and friends of graduates discovered was a power they had forgotten they had. Frustrated by the aimlessness of Washington and its inability to do anything except focus on the self-preservation and survival of the politically unfit, the audience at the Calvert County graduation decided to practice what "We the people'' actually means. As their forebears did with immoral and tyrannical British rule, they stood up and spoke out for, and to, an Authority higher than the state. When those Marylanders were told they had no right to speak of God publicly, they chose to speak to God. When Rosa Parks decided she would not obey an immoral law that required her to sit at the back of the bus because her skin color was not white, she inspired a civil rights movement that is ongoing. Maybe those prayer protesters are the Rosa Parks of the secularist '90s. When the people speak, there's nothing the ACLU or anyone else can do about it. -Cal Thomas <> From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. TESTIMONY OF DARRELL SCOTT FATHER OF TWO VICTIMS OF COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL SHOOTING LITTLETON, COLORADO BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON CRIME HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE THURSDAY, MAY 27,1999 2:00 P.M. 2141 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING Since the dawn of creation there has been both good and evil in the heart of men and of women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of my wonderful daughter Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic teacher and the other children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers. The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in the field. The villain was not the club he used. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association. The true killer was Cain and the reason for the murder could only be found in Cain's heart. In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I don't believe that they are responsible for my daughters death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I believed they had anything to do with Rachel's murder I would be their strongest opponent. I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy - it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of that blame lies here in this room. Much of that blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves.. I wrote a poem just four nights ago that express my feelings best. This was written way before I knew l would be speaking here today. Your laws ignore our deepest needs. You've stripped away our heritage. Your words are empty air. You've outlawed simple prayer. Now gunshots fill our classrooms. You seek for answers everywhere. And precious children die. And ask the question "WHY"? You regulate restrictive laws. AND yet you fail to understand. Through legislative creed. That God is what we need! Men and women are three part beings. We all consist of body, soul, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our makeup, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc. Spiritual influences were present within our educational Systems for most of our nation's history. Many of our major colleges began as theological seminaries. This is a historic fact. What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God and in doing so, we open the doors to hatred and violence. (continue on reverse or next page) continuation of: TESTIMONY OF DARRELL SCOTT FATHER OF TWO VICTIMS OF COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL SHOOTING LITTLETON, COLORADO BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON CRIME HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE THURSDAY, MAY 27,1999 2:00 P.M. 2141 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING And when something as terrible as Columbine's as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that continue to erode away our personal and private liberties. We do not need more restrictive laws. Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain lies within our OWN hearts. Political posturing and restrictive legislation is not the answers. The young people of our nation hold the key. There is a spiritual awakening taking place that will not be squelched! We do not need more religion. We do not need more gaudy Television evangelists spewing out verbal religious garbage. We do not need more million dollar church buildings built while people with basic needs are being ignored. We do need a change of heart and an humble acknowledgment that this nation was founded on the principle of simple trust in God. As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes. He did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every young person in America and around the world to realize that on April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School - - prayer was brought back to our schools. Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your conscience and denies your God-given right to communicate with Him. To those of you who would point your finger at the NRA - I give to you sincere challenge. Dare to examine your own heart before you cast the first stone! My daughter's death will not be in vain. The young people of this country will not allow that to happen. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. FRIENDS From: Like a needle in a haystack Good friends are hard to find That's why I am thankful I can gladly call you mine Friends will be there when you need them If you're happy or you're sad I will be there for you And I hope that you'll be there for me too If we ever get in a fight I'm sure it will be okay For we are sure to make up Within a couple days As the days and months go by Our friendship does grow stronger And with every passing year We will grow even closer With you my heart is honest but there's only one thing I haven't told Thanks for being who you are Your heart is made of gold ========HeartWarming======== Please credit: From "HEARTWARMING" at From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. THE TATTOOED STRANGER From: -- Susan Fahncke, Utah <> He was kind of scary. He sat there on the grass with his cardboard sign, his dog (actually his dog was adorable) and tattoos running up and down both arms and even on his neck. His sign proclaimed him to be "stuck and hungry" and to please help. I'm a sucker for anyone needing help. My husband both hates and loves this quality in me. I pulled the van over and in my rear-view mirror, contemplated this man, tattoos and all. He was youngish, maybe forty. He wore one of those bandannas tied over his head, biker/pirate style. Anyone could see he was dirty and had a scraggly beard. But if you looked closer, you could see that he had neatly tucked in the black T-shirt, and his things were in a small, tidy bundle. Nobody was stopping for him. I could see the other drivers take one look and immediately focus on something else – anything else. It was so hot out. I could see in the man's very blue eyes how dejected and tired and worn-out he felt. The sweat was trickling down his face. As I sat with the air-conditioning blowing, the scripture suddenly popped into my head. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these,my brethren, so ye have done it unto me." I reached down into my purse and extracted a ten dollar bill. My twelve-year old son, Nick knew right way what I was doing. "Can I take it to him, Mom?" "Be careful, honey." I warned and handed him the money. I watched in the mirror as he rushed over to the man, and with a shy smile, handed it to him. I saw the man, startled, stand and take the money, putting it into his back pocket. "Good," I thought to myself, "now he will at least have a hot meal tonight." I felt satisfied, proud of myself. I had made a sacrifice and now I could go on with my errands. When Nick got back into the car, he looked at me with sad, pleading eyes. "Mom, his dog looks so hot and the man is really nice." I knew I had to do more. "Go back and tell him to stay there, that we will be back in fifteen minutes," I told Nick. He bounded out of the car and ran to tell the tattooed stranger. We then ran to the nearest store and bought our gifts carefully. "It can't be too heavy," I explained to the children. "He has to be able to carry it around with him." We finally settled on our purchases. A bag of "Ol' Roy" (I hoped it was good - it looked good enough for me to eat! How do they make dog food look that way?); a flavored chew-toy shaped like a bone; a water dish, bacon flavored snacks (for the dog); two bottles of water (one for the dog, one for Mr. Tattoos); and some people snacks for the man. We rushed back to the spot where we had left him, and there he was, still waiting. And still nobody else was stopping for him. With hands shaking, I grabbed our bags and climbed out of the car, all four of my children following me, each carrying gifts. As we walked up to him, I had a fleeting moment of fear, hoping he wasn't a serial killer. I looked into his eyes and saw something that startled me and made me ashamed of my judgment. I saw tears. He was fighting like a little boy to hold back his tears. How long had it been since someone showed this man kindness? I told him I hoped it wasn't too heavy for him to carry and showed him what we had brought. He stood there, like a child at Christmas, and I felt like my small contributions were so inadequate. When I took out the water dish, he snatched it out of my hands as if it were solid gold and told me he had had no way to give his dog water. He gingerly set it down, filled it with the bottled water we brought, and stood up to look directly into my eyes. His were so blue, so intense and my own filled with tears as he said "Ma'am, I don't know what to say." He then put both hands on his bandanna- clad head and just started to cry. This man, this "scary" man, was so gentle, so sweet, so humble. I smiled through my tears and said "Don't say anything." Then I noticed the tattoo on his neck. It said "Mama tried." As we all piled into the van and drove away, he was on his knees, arms around his dog, kissing his nose and smiling. I waved cheerfully and then fully broke down in tears. I have so much. My worries seem so trivial and petty now. I have a home, a loving husband, four beautiful children. I have a bed. I wondered where he would sleep tonight. My step-daughter, Brandie turned to me and said in the sweetest little- girl voice, "I feel so good." Although it seemed as if we had helped him, the man with the tattoos gave us a gift that I will never forget. He taught that no matter what the outside looks like, inside each of us is a human being deserving of kindness, of compassion, of acceptance. He opened my heart. Tonight and every night I will pray for the gentle man with the tattoos and his dog. And I will hope that God will send more people like him into my life to remind me what's really important. Please credit: From "HEARTWARMING" at From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. And GOD Said …… From: "Kathryn Barnes" <> When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being. When I created man, I formed him and breathed life into his nostrils. But you, woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man because your nostrils are too delicate. I allowed a deep sleep to come over him so I could patiently and perfectly fashion you. Man was put to sleep so that he could not interfere with the creativity. From one bone I fashioned you. I chose the bone that protects man's life. I chose the rib, which protects his heart and lungs and supports him, as you are meant to do. Around this one bone I shaped you. I modeled you. I created you perfectly and beautifully. Your characteristics are as the rib, strong yet delicate and fragile. You provide protection for the most delicate organ in man, his heart. His heart is the center of his being; his lungs hold the breath of life. The rib cage will allow itself to be broken before it will allow damage to the heart. Support man as the rib cage supports the body. You were not taken from his feet, to be under him, nor were you taken from his head, to be above him. You were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be held close to his side. You are My perfect angel. You are My beautiful little girl. You have grown to be a splendid woman of excellence, and My Eyes fill when I see the virtues in your heart. Your eyes - don't change them. Your lips - how lovely when they part in prayer. Your nose, so perfect in form, your hands so gentle to touch. I've caressed your face in your deepest sleep; I've held your heart close to Mine. Of all that lives and breathes, you are the most like Me. Adam walked with Me in the cool of the day and yet he was lonely. He could not see Me or touch Me. He could only feel Me. So everything I wanted Adam to share and experience with Me, I fashioned in you: My Holiness, My Strength, My Purity, My Love, My Protection and Support. You are special because you are the extension of Me. Man represents My Image - woman, My Emotions. Together, you represent the Totality of God. So man - treat woman well. Love her, respect her, for she is fragile. In hurting her, you hurt Me. What you do to her, you do to Me. In crushing her, you only damage your own heart, the heart of your Father, and the heart of her Father. Woman, support man. In humility, show him the power of emotion I have given you. In gentle quietness show your strength. In love, show him that you are the rib that protects his inner self. From =======HeartWarming======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. =======HeartWarming=======From: Walker Family page 104 When the Good Lord was Creating Fathers When the good Lord was creating fathers, He started with a tall frame. A female angel nearby said, "What kind of father is that? If you're going to make children so close to the ground, why have you put fathers up so high? He won't be able to shoot marbles without kneeling, tuck a child in bed without bending or even kiss a child without a lot of stooping. And God smiled and said, "Yes, but if I make him childsize, who would children have to look up to?" And when God made a father's hands, they were large and sinewy. The angel shook her head sadly and said, "Large hands are clumsy. They can't manage diaper pins, small buttons, rubber bands on ponytails or even remove splinters caused by sticks used as baseball bats." And God smiled and said, "I know, but they're large enough to hold everything a small boy empties from his pockets at the end of a day, yet small enough to cup a child's face." And then God molded long, slim legs and broad shoulders. The angel nearly had a heart attack. "Boy, this is the end of the week, all right," she clucked. "Do you realize you just made a father without a lap? How is he going to pull a child close to him without the kid falling between his legs?" And God smiled and said, "A mother needs a lap. A father needs strong shoulders to pull a sled, balance a boy on a bicycle or hold a sleepy head on the way home from the circus." God was in the middle of creating two of the largest feet anyone had ever seen when the angel could contain herself no longer. "That's not fair. Do you honestly think those large boats are going to dig out of bed early in the morning when the baby cries? Or walk through a small birthday party without crushing at least three of the guests?" And God smiled and said, "They'll work. You'll see. They'll support a small child who wants to ride a horse to Banbury Cross or scare off mice at the summer cabin or display shoes that will be a challenge to fill." God worked on, giving the father few words but a firm, authoritative voice and eyes that saw everything but remained calm and tolerant. Finally, almost as an afterthought, He added tears. Then He turned to the angel and said, "Now, are you satisfied that he can love as much as a mother?" The angel shutteth up. .... This originally appeared in a newspaper column by Erma Bombeck. She was a well-known humorist and author. She died April 22, 1996 in San Francisco, California. =======HeartWarming======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From: "MELODY DEL ROSARIO" page 105 I'm sorry, I tried to find out the author of this poem but no one seems to know. -Melody God's Hand... Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow We must fail in order to know. We must lose in order to gain Some lessons are learned best only through pain. Sometimes our vision clears Only after our eyes are washed with tears. Sometimes we have to be broken so we can be tender Sick so we can rest and think better. On things more important than work or fun, Trip near death, so we can assess how we've run. Sometimes we have to suffer lack so we can know God's provision, Feel another's pain so we can have a sense of mission. So take heart, my friend, if you don't understand today, Instead of grumbling, ask God what He means to say, In order to learn you must endure, And learn to see the bigger picture? In order to grow, you must stand Look beyond the hurt to God's loving hand That takes what is good, and gives what is best And on this blessed thought, rest: As your anxious heart, with questions, waits, God's hand only gives what His loving heart dictates. -------------------------------------------------From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From: "MELODY DEL ROSARIO" <> Is Your Hut Burning? The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions. But then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened; everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and anger. "God, how could you do this to me!" he cried. Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. "How did you know I was here?" asked the weary man of his rescuers. "We saw your smoke signal," they replied. It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground---it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 107 From: "MELODY DEL ROSARIO" <> FW: A Letter from God Good Morning. I am God. Today I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If the devil happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, DO NOT attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFJTD (something for Jesus to do) box. It will be addressed in MY time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold on to it or attempt to remove it. Holding on or removal will delay the resolution of your problem. If it is a situation that you think you are capable of handling, please consult me in prayer to be sure that it is the proper resolution. Because I do not sleep nor do I slumber, there is no need for you to lose any sleep. Rest my child. If you need to contact me, I am only a prayer away. Signed: Your Heavenly Father, GOD From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. “Engaging the culture with the Word of God!” Subject: If I Were the Devil! Dateline: Heaven > >Paul Harvey said: "If I were the Devil, I would gain control of the most powerful nation in the world; I would delude their minds into thinking that they had come from man's effort, instead of God's blessings; I would promote an attitude of loving things and using people, instead of the other way around; I would convince people that character is not an issue when it comes to leadership; I would make it legal to take the life of unborn babies; I would make it socially acceptable to take one's own life, and invent machines to make it convenient; I would cheapen human life as much as possible so that the life of animals are valued more than human beings; I would take God out of the schools, where even the mention of His name was grounds for a law suit; I would come up with drugs that sedate the mind and target the young, and I would get sports heroes to advertise them; I would get control of the media, so that every night I could pollute the mind of every family member for my agenda; I would attack the family, the backbone of any nation. I would make divorce acceptable and easy, even fashionable. If the family crumbles, so does the nation; I would compel people to express their most depraved fantasies on canvas and movie screens, and I would call it art; I would convince the world that people are born homosexuals, and that their lifestyles should be accepted and marveled; I would convince the people that right and wrong are determined by a few who call themselves authorities and refer to their agenda as politically correct; I would persuade people that the church is irrelevant and out of date, and the Bible is for the naive; I would dull the minds of believers, and make them believe that prayer is not important, and that faithfulness and obedience are optional; I guess I would leave things pretty much the way they are." [Paul Harvey is a nationally syndicated commentator on ABC Radio] God says: "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith." -- "The ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient." – "For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve." -"The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work." [I Peter 5:8-9, Ephesians 2:2, II Corinthians 10:14, I John 3:8, NIV.] > If we dismiss the Devil as a myth or a comic character dressed in red underwear, with a pitch fork, horns and a spiked tail, we do so at our own peril. What's more, the Devil has won the propaganda campaign! Ó1999 JMH From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. ATTITUDE -Author Unknown (Courtesy of Patricia Holladay) I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important. My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have. Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free. Today I can feel sad that I don't have more money or I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste. Today I can grumble about my health or I can rejoice that I am alive. Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born. Today I can cry because roses have thorns or I can celebrate that thorns have roses. Today I can mourn my lack of friends or I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships. Today I can whine because I have to go to work or I can shout for joy because I have a job to do. Today I can complain because I have to go to school or eagerly open my mind and fill it with rich new tidbits of knowledge. Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or I can feel honored because God has provided shelter for my mind, body and soul. Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped. And here I am, the sculptor who gets to do the shaping. What today will be like is up to me. I get to choose what kind of day I will have! Have a great day...unless you have other plans. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 110 FUNNY ISN'T IT? (author unknown = Email exchange) Funny how a $10.00 bill looks so big when you take it to church, but so small when you take it to the mall. Funny how big an hour serving God looks and how small 60 minutes are when spent playing golf, fishing or shopping. Funny how long a couple of hours spent at church are, but how short they are when watching a movie. Funny how we get thrilled when a football game goes into overtime, but we complain when a sermon is longer than the regular time. Funny how laborious it is to read a chapter in the Bible and how easy it is to read 200-300 pages of a best-selling novel. Funny how we believe what newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Funny how people scramble to get a front seat at any game, but scramble to get a back seat at church service. Funny how we need 2 or 3 weeks to fit a church event into our schedule, but can adjust it for a social event at the last minute. Funny how much difficulty some have learning a simple gospel well enough to tell others, but how simple it is for the same people to understand and explain gossip about someone. Funny how we can't think of anything to say when we pray, and don't have any difficulty thinking of things to talk about to a friend. Funny, isn't it? Funny how we are so quick to take direction when we are lost, but are hesitant to take God's direction to be found. Funny how people are so consumed with what others think about them rather than what God thinks about them. Funny how so many churchgoers sing "Standing on the Promises" but all they do is sit on the premises. Funny how people think that they can get more accomplished in a lifetime without God than in an hour with Him. Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven, provided they don't have to believe, or to think, or to say, or to do anything. Funny how we all need to read this. Amen? From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Funny TARDY & ABSENTEE POLICY for Choir Members -copied (from where, I don't know) I used this in one of my choir newsletters, and I thought it was going to bring the house down!! David Tatum, Associate Pastor/Worship and Education, <> First Baptist Church,300 S. Elm,Madisonville, TX 77864 SICKNESS--NO excuse! We no longer accept your doctor's statement as proof. We believe if you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to rehearsal. DEATH (Other than your own)--This is no excuse. There is nothing you can do for them and we are sure that someone else, with a lesser position, can attend to the arrangements. However, if the funeral is not scheduled during the first hour of choir rehearsal, we will be glad to let you off early, providing that you have a substitute who knows the music well enough to keep choir going in your absence. DEATH (Your own)--This will be accepted as an excuse, but we would like a two-week notice. We feel it is your duty to teach someone else all of your music before you go. LEAVE OF ABSENCE (for an operation)--We are no longer allowing this practice. We wish to discourage any thoughts that you may need an operation. We believe that as long as you are in the choir, you will need all of whatever you have, and you should not consider having anything removed. We want you as you are and to have anything removed would certainly make you less of a singer than we bargained for. ALSO--Entirely too much time is being spent in the restroom! In the future, we will follow the practice of going in alphabetical order. For instance, those whose names begin with "A" will go from 7:30 to 7:35 on the first day of the month, "B" will go from 7:35 to 7:40, and so on. If you are unable to go at your appointed time, it will be necessary for you to wait until the next month, when your turn comes again. (any other ideas for our policy to improve our choir attendance ?) From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. A TINY MIRACLE From: One warm day back in the early 80's, I had taken my three children and a neighbor girl over to my in-laws home in Grand Prairie. We had just gone over to check on my mother-in-law and let the children visit with their grandparents. On our return trip to Irving we were coming down Hunter Ferrell Road. Hunter Ferrell is an old road. In the 60's when I came to the Dallas area, it was still a gravel road , and since then they have simply black topped it. It has two ninety degree turns about a half a mile apart. We had the windows down and were having a wonderful time singing to the top of our lungs, enjoying the day and each other. We had just gone through the first ninety degree turn and were about half way to the next when a honeybee flew into the car and landed between my legs on the car seat. I had on shorts. I am very frightened of bees and wasps. My brother almost died from a wasp sting when he was young. I have learned to give them my utmost respect and as much clearance as I possibly can. I immediately pulled over to the side of the road and started to try to shoo the bee out of the car without anyone getting stung. At the same time a car came around the ninety degree turn heading toward us very fast and out of control, sliding side ways. I would guess he was going 45 to 50 miles per hour into the curve -- the speed limit is 15 because of the danger. If it were not for that honeybee and my decision to pull over to the side of the road, that car would have crashed right into us. God only knows what would have happened to my children and me. I am a survivor of an auto accident at five months old and I carry the reminder of it on my face and legs. I was thrown through the windshield and landed 15 to 20 feet down a gravel road. One forth of my lip was sewn inside my mouth and one side of my nose grows down a little more than the other. One such horrific accident in a lifetime is plenty for any one human being to handle. I guess that God knew that. I believe God gave us a miracle that day. A tiny miracle in the form of a honeybee. A honeybee that saved at least five lives. -- Nellie Sue <> ________________________________________________________________________ __ Nellie's children are now adults and she and her husband still live in the Dallas area. They are looking forward to retirement and enjoying the pleasure of being grandparents. She is no longer frightened of bees and wasps. She is now grateful for their existence as well. __________________________________________________________________________ Please credit: From "HEARTWARMING" at From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. TROUBLE IN THE "AMEN CORNER" By THOMAS CHALMERS HARBAUGH From: "Lee Taylor" <> 'TWAS A STYLISH CONGREGATION, that of Theophrastus Brown, And its organ was the finest and the biggest in the town; And the chorus-all the papers favorably commented on it, For 'twas said each female member had a forty-dollar bonnet. Now in the "amen corner" of the church sat Brother Eyer, Who persisted every Sabbath day in singing with the choir; He was poor, but genteel looking, and his heart as snow was white, And his face beamed with sweetness when he sung with all his might. His voice was cracked and broken; age had touched his vocal cords. And nearly every Sunday he would mispronounce the words Of the hymns, and 'twas no wonder; he was old and nearly blind, And the choir rattling onward always left him far behind. The chorus stormed and blustered, Brother Eyer sang too slow, And then he used the tunes in vogue a hundred years ago; At last the storm cloud burst and the church was told, in fine, That the brother must stop singing, or the choir would resign. Then the pastor called together in the lecture room one day Seven influential members, who subscribe more than they pay, And having asked God's guidance in a printed prayer or two They put their heads together to determine what to do. They debated, thought, suggested, till at last "dear Brother York," Who last winter made a million on a sudden rise in pork, Rose and moved that a committee wait at once on Brother Eyer, And proceed to rake him lively "for disturbin' of the choir." Said he: "In that 'ere organ I've invested quite a pile, And we'll sell it if we cannot worship in the latest style; Our Philadelphy tenor tells me 'tis the hardest thing For to make God understand him when the brother tries to sing. "We've got the biggest organ, the best~ressed choir in town, We pay the steepest sal'ry to our pastor, Brother Brown; But if we must humor ignorance because it's blind and oldIf the choir's to be pestered, I will seek another fold." (PLEASE continue on reverse side or next page) page 113 Of course the motion carried, and one day a coach-and-four, With the latest style of driver, rattled up to Eyer's door. And the sleek, well~ressed committee, Brothers Sharkey, York and I,amb, As they crossed the humble portal took good care to miss the jamb. They found the choir's great trouble sitting in his old armchair, And the summer's golden sunbeams lay upon his thin white hair, He was singing "Rock of Ages" In a voice both cracked and low, But the angels understood him, 'twas all he cared to know. Said York: "We're here, dear brother, with the vestry's approbation, To discuss a little matter that affects the congregation"; "And the choir, too," said Sharkey. giving Brother York a nudge. "And the choir, too!" he echoed, with the graveness of a judge. "It was the understanding when we bargained for the chorus, That it was to relieve us, that is, do the singing for us; If we rupture the agreement, it is very plain, dear brother, It will leave our congregation and be gobbled by another. "We don't want any singing except that what we've bought! The latest tunes are all the rage; the old ones stand for naught; And so we have decided-are you listening, Brother Eyer?That you'll have to stop your singin', for it flurrytates the choir." The old man slowly raised his head, a sign that he did hear, And on his cheeks the trio caught the glitter of a tear; His feeble hands pushed back the locks white as the silky snow, As he answered the committee in a voice both sweet and low: "I've sung the Psalms of David for nearly eighty years; They've been my staff and comfort and calmed life's many fears; I'm sorry I disturb the choir, perhaps I'm doing wrong, But when my heart is filled with praise I can't keep back a song. "I wonder if beyond the tide that's breaking at my feet, In the far~ff heavenly temple, where the Master I shall greetYes, I wonder when I try to sing the songs of God up higher If the angel band will chide me for disturbing Heaven's choir." A silence filled the little room; the old man bowed his head: The carriage rattled on again, but Brother Eyer was dead! Yes, dead! his hand has raised the veil the future hangs before us, And the Master dear had called him to the everlasting chorus. The choir missed him for a while, but he was soon forgot! A few churchgoers watched the door; the old man entered not. Far away, his voice no longer cracked, he sings his heart's desires, Where there are no church committees and no fashionable choirs! Page 114 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. THE MAN AND THE BIRDS Author: Unknown (made popular by PAUL HARVEY) The man to whom I'm going to introduce you was not a scrooge. He was a kind and decent, mostly good man, generous to his family and upright in his dealings with other men. But he just didn't believe all that incarnation stuff which the churches proclaim at Christmas time. It just didn't make sense and he was too honest to pretend otherwise. He just couldn't swallow the Jesus story - about God coming to earth as a man. "I'm truly sorry to distress you", he told his wife, "but I'm not going with you to church this Christmas Eve". He said he'd feel like a hypocrite - that he'd much rather stay at home, but that he would wait up for them. And so he stayed and they went to the midnight service. Shortly after the family drove away in the car, snow began to fall. He went to the window to watch the flurries getting heavier and heavier and then went back to his fireside chair and began to read his newspaper. Minutes later he was startled by a thudding sound - - then another - then another. Sort of a thump or a thud. At first he thought someone must be throwing snowballs against his living room window. But when he went to the front door to investigate, he found a flock of birds, huddled miserably in the snow. They'd been caught in the storm, and, in a desperate search for shelter, tried to fly through his large, landscaped window. Well he couldn't let the poor creatures lie there and freeze. So he remembered the barn where his children stabled their pony. That would provide a warm shelter, if he could direct the birds to it. Quickly he put on a coat, galoshes, tramped through the deepening snow to the barn. He opened the doors wide and turned on a light. But the birds did not come in. He figured food would entice them in. So he hurried back to the house, fetched breadcrumbs, sprinkled them on the snow making a trail to the yellow-lighted, wide open doorway of the stable. But to his dismay, the birds ignored the breadcrumbs and continued to flop around helplessly in the snow. He tried catching them. He tried shooing them in the barn by walking around waving his arms. Instead they scattered in every direction - except into the warm, lighted barn. And then he realized that they were afraid of him. To them, he reasoned: I am a strange and terrifying creature. If only I could think of some way to let them know that they can trust me. That I'm not trying to hurt them but to help them. But how? Because any move he made tended to frighten and confuse them. They just would not follow - - they would not be led or shooed, because they feared him. If only I could be a bird, he thought to himself, and mingle with them and speak their language. Then I could tell them not to be afraid, then I could show them the way to the safe, warm . to the safe, warm barn, but . . I would have to be one of them, so they could see, hear, and understand. At that moment, church bells began to ring. The sound reached his ears above the sound of the wind. He stood there listening to the bells - - listening to bells pealing glad tidings of Christmas. And he sank to his knees in the snow. I hope & pray you will realize why and relate this story to the Coming of Jesus to the earth. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. ALTHOUGH --- author unknown From: "MELODY DEL ROSARIO" <> A lthough things are not perfect B ecause of trial or pain C ontinue in thanksgiving D o not begin to blame. E ven when the times are hard F ierce winds are bound to blow G od is forever able H old on to what you know. I magine life without His love J oy would cease to be K eep thanking Him for all the things L ove imparts to thee. M ove out of "Camp Complaining" N o weapon that is known O n earth can yield the power P raise can do alone. Q uit looking at the future R edeem the time at hand S tart every day with worship T o "thank" is a command. U ntil we see Him coming V ictorious in the sky W e'll run the race with gratitude X alting God most high. Y es, there will be good times and yes some will be bad, but... Z ion waits in glory… .where none are ever sad! I pray you know Jesus as the One who came, died on the cross, rose from the grave, and is coming again to claim those who believe and trust Him. Then you will have the strength and comfort of His promises and will look for the Glory and blessings mentioned above. (Crosby) From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Subject: THE FIRST TEACHER GOD CREATED THE FIRST TEACHER ! On the 6th day, God created men and women. On the 7th day, he rested. Not so much to recuperate, but rather to prepare himself for the work he was going to do on the next day. For it was on that day-the 8th day-that God created the FIRST TEACHER. This TEACHER, though taken from among men and women, had several significant modifications. In general, God made the TEACHER more durable than other men and women. The TEACHER was made to arise at a very early hour and to go to bed no earlier than 11:30p.m.-with no rest in between. The TEACHER had to be able to withstand being locked up in an air-tight classroom for six hours with thirty-five "monsters" on a rainy Monday. And the TEACHER had to be fit to correct 103 term papers over Easter vacation. Yes, God made the TEACHER tough...but gentle too. The TEACHER was equipped with soft hands to wipe away the tears of the neglected and lonely student...of those of the sixteen year old girl who was not asked to the prom. And into the TEACHER God poured a generous amount of patience. Patience when a student asks to repeat the directions the TEACHER has just repeated for someone else. Patience when the kids forget their lunch money for the fourth day in a row. Patience when one-third of the class fails the test. Patience when text books haven't arrived yet, and the semester starts tomorrow. And God gave the TEACHER a heart slightly bigger than the average human heart. For the TEACHER's heart had to be big enough to love the kid who screams, "I hate this class-it's boring!" and to love the kid who runs out of the classroom at the end of the period without so much as a "goodbye", let alone a "thank you". And lastly, God gave the TEACHER an abundant supply of HOPE. For God knew that the TEACHER would always be hoping. Hoping that the kids would someday learn how to spell...hoping not to have lunchroom duty ...hoping that Friday would come...hoping for a free day....hoping for deliverance. When God finished creating the TEACHER, he stepped back and admired the work of his hands. And God saw that the TEACHER was good. Very Good! And God smiled, for when he looked at the TEACHER, he saw into the future. He knew that the future is in the hands of the TEACHERS. Then God created YOU. >> > > Footnote: This was written by a high school student. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. BIRTHDAY PARTY INVITATION Subject: Re: YOU'RE INVITED! You are invited to a B I R T H D A Y CELEBRATION Guest of Honor: Jesus Christ Date: Every day. (Traditionally December 25, but He's always around, so the date is flexible.) Time: Whenever your're ready, {please don't be late, though; or you'll miss out on all the fun} Place: In your heart... He'll meet you there {you;'ll hear Him knock} Attire: Come as you are... grubbies are okay. (He'll be washing our clothes anyway. He said something about new white robes and crowns for everyone who stays till the last.) Tickets: Admission is free. He's already paid for everyone.. {He says we would not have been able to afford's cost Him everything He had!!} Refreshments; New wine, bread and a far-out drink He calls "living water… followed by a supper that promises to be out of this world!! Gift Suggestions: Your heart. He's one of those people who already has everything else. {He is very generous in return though... just wait until you see what He has for you} Entertainment: Joy, Peace, Truth, Light, Life, Love, Real Happiness, Communion with God, Forgiveness, Miracles, Healing, Power, Eternity in Paradise, and much more! {All rated 'G' so bring your family and friends.} R.S.V.P. Very Important! He must know ahead so He can reserve a spot for you at the table. Also, he's keeping a list of His friends for future reference. {He calls it the "Lamb's Book of Life”} Party Being Given By His Kids {That's us.} Hope to See You There! Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! Revelation 19:7-9 NIV FOR THOSE OF YOU WHOM I WILL SEE AT THE PARTY… PLEASE SHARE THIS INVITATION WITH SOMEONE!! From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. KEEPING CHRISTMAS by Henry van Dyke (1852-1933) It is a good thing to observe Christmas Day. The mere making of times and seasons, when men agree to stop work and make merry together, is a wise and wholesome custom. It helps one to feel the supremacy of the common life over the individual life. It reminds a man to set his own little watch, now and then, by the great clock of humanity which runs on sun time. But there is a better thing than the observance of Christmas day, And that is the keeping of Christmas. Are you willing to forget what you have done for other people and to remember what other people have done done for you; to ignore what the world owes you and to think what you owe the world; to put your rights in the background and your duties in the middle distance and your chances to do a little more than your duty in the foreground; to see that your fellow men are just as real as you are and try to look behind their faces to their hearts, hungry for joy; to own that probably the only good reason for your existence is not what you are going to get out of life but what you are going to give to life; to close your book of complaints against the management of the Universe and look around you for a place where you can sow a few seeds of happiness---are you willing to do these things for even a day? Then you can keep Christmas. Are you willing to stoop down and consider the needs and desires of little children, to remember the weakness and loneliness of people who are growing old; to stop asking how much your friends love you, and ask yourself whether you love them enough; to bear in mind the things that other people have to bear on their hearts; to try to understand what those who live in the same house with you really want, without waiting for them to tell you; to trim your lamp so that it will give more light and less smoke; and to carry it in front so that your shadow will fall behind you ; to make a grave for your ugly thoughts and a garden for your kind feelings with the gate open---are you willing to do these things even for a day? Then you can keep Christmas. Are you willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the world---stronger than hate, stronger than death---and that the Blessed life which began in Bethlehem 1900 years ago is the image and brightness of eternal love? Then you can keep Christmas. And if you can keep it for a day, why not always? But you can never keep it alone. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. =====BPL/HeartWarming=====Here's another lovely Christmas story: Legend of the Christmas Candy Cane According to legend, there was a candy maker in Indiana around the turn of the century who wanted to invent a candy that was a witness to Christ. The result was the candy cane. First of all he used a hard candy because Christ is the rock of ages. This hard candy was shaped so that it would resemble either a "J" for Jesus or a shepherd's staff. He made it white to represent the purity of Christ. Finally a red stripe was added to represent the blood Christ shed for the sins of the world and three thinner red stripes for the stripes he received on our behalf when the Roman soldiers whipped him. Sometimes a green stripe is added as reminder that Jesus is a gift from God. The flavor of the cane is peppermint which is similar to hyssop. Hyssop is in the mint family and was used in the Old Testament for purification and sacrifice. Jesus is the pure lamb of God come to be a sacrifice for the sins of the world. So the next time you see a candy cane hear the sermon it preaches: Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, is the sinless rock of ages who suffered and died for our sins. =======BPL/HeartWarming======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. p Regarding the actual meaning of "The 12 Days of Christmas." Page 121 I can not promise you that this story is true but most accounts say it is. Visit one of these web sites: For those of you without web access, here is how the first one goes: The Twelve Days of Christmas Copyright 1997 by Gretchen Passantino. Many people know the opening lyrics to "The Twelve Days of Christmas." But few know that behind the somewhat silly counting song is essential Christian doctrine. The song was composed by Catholics in England during the 16th century, who were forbidden by law to practice their Catholic faith. The only legal church in England was the state church. To teach their children basic doctrine, they used nonsense songs that would not raise the suspicions of the non-Catholics around them, but would remind the children of their faith. The explanation of the twelve days is below. “On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me “ … The first day of Christmas celebration is counted from December 26, the day after Christmas, to January 6, the traditional day for celebrating the coming of the wise men to worship Jesus, also called the day of "Epiphany.". “A partridge in a pear tree. “ The mother partridge will lure enemies away from her nest of defenseless chicks in order to protect them. She will literally risk her life for her children. The partridge in this song is a hidden reference to Christ, who declared, "I lay down my life for the sheep" (John 10:14-15). Jesus himself uses a bird analogy in Matthew 23:37: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.” The pear tree symbolizes the cross, a literary usage called metonymy, whereby a thing is signified by a part or a whole of that thing. “Jesus was crucified on a "tree," Paul says (Gal. 3:13); that is, a cross made out of a tree. “Two turtle doves “ … The turtle doves stand both for the two testaments in the Bible (Old and New), but also, according to some traditions, the two turtle doves offered at Jesus' dedication in the Temple when he was twelve (Lev. 12:8; Luke 2:24). All of the temple sacrifices are symbolic of the one sacrifice Christ made by giving his life as a just payment for the sins of all (Heb. 10:1-10). “Three French Hens “ … French Hens were very expensive during the 16th century, and thus are symbolic of the three costly gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh given by the wise men (Matt. 2:10-11). An alternate significance is symbolism depicting the value of the three Christ virtues, faith, hope, and charity (sacrificial love) (1 Cor. 13:13). Other forms of the song use the French Hens to symbolize the three persons of the trinity. “Four Calling Birds “ … The Calling Birds stand for the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John(see John 20:30-31). “Five Golden Rings “ … The Rings stand for the first five books of the Old Testament, the "law of Moses" so often referenced in scripture, the "Torah" as they are called by Jews. The Torah tells the story of man's fall into sin and reconciliation through the Messiah (see Luke 24:25-27). “Six Geese A-laying “ … Eggs are an almost universal symbol of new life. The "laying" geese, therefore , stand for the six days of creation (Gen. 1:31-2:2). (Continue on reverse side or next page) Continued regarding the meaning of "The 12 Days of Christmas." Page 122 “Seven Swans a Swimming “ … The swans symbolize the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in Romans 12:6-8: “We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously, if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.” “Eight Maids A-milking “ … The maids who milked the cows were the least of the servants in a home. Their job symbolized Christ's faithfulness even to us who don't deserve his love (Rom. 5:1-5). The eight maids stand for the eight "beatitudes" or blessings listed in Matthew 5:3-10: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. “Nine Ladies Dancing” … The nine ladies remind us of the nine "fruits of the Spirit" described in Galatians 5:22-23: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” “Ten Lords A-leaping” … Lords established the law in their own jurisdictions. The Lords stand for the Ten Commandments (Ex. 20:3-17), which are holy and good, by which we should live, and by which we are justly condemned because of our sin (Gal. 3:10-28). “Eleven Pipers Piping” … The Pipers remind us of the eleven original apostles who did not forsake the faith (Acts 1:13) as Judas did in betraying Christ (John 17:12); and through whom the good news of the gospel was preached "to the whole world" (Matt. 28:19; Rom. 10:18-21). “Twelve Drummers Drumming” … The Apostles' Creed is one of the earliest "confessions" of faith that summarize the basic teachings of biblical Christian faith. Orthodox confessions are not meant to add to or replace scripture, but to summarize its teachings. They can be recited at will to remind us of the basics of the Christian faith. The Drummers "set the pace," reminders of what we believe by symbolizing the twelve doctrines summarized in the Apostles' Creed: “I believe in God the Father, maker of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, we crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day he rose from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. He shall return to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, The holy Christian church, the communion of saints, The forgiveness of sins, The resurrection of the body, And life everlasting. =======BPL/HeartWarming======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. THE TWELVE DAYS AFTER CHRISTMAS The first day after Christmas, my true love and I had a fight. And so I chopped the pear tree down and burned it just for spite. Then with a single cartridge, I shot that blasted partridge... My true love gave to me. The second day after Christmas, I pulled on my old rubber gloves And very gently wrung the necks of both the turtle doves... My true love gave to me. The third day after Christmas, my mother caught the croup; I had to use the three French hens to make some chicken soup. The four calling birds were a big mistake, for their language was obscene. The five gold rings were completely fake and they turned my fingers green. The sixth day after Christmas, the six laying geese wouldn't lay; So I gave them whole darn gaggle to the A.S.P.C.A. On the seventh day, what a mess I found: Al seven of the swimming swans had drowned... That my true love gave to me. The eighth day after Christmas, before they could suspect, I bundled up the eight maids a milking, the nine pipers piping, The ten ladies dancing, the eleven lords a-leaping And the twelve drummers drumming and sent them back collect. I wrote my true love, "We are through, love," And I said in so many words, "Furthermore your Christmas gifts were really for the birds... Four calling birds, Three French hens, Two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree." ((Autho (((author unknown…taken from J&J MMM) From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. ….THE WORK OF CHRISTMAS page 124 (author unknown; from J&J Musings) When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flock, Then the work of Christmas begins: To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry, To release the prisoner, To rebuild the nations, To bring peace among brothers, To make music in the heart. …………… ….(Will(will you help do the Work of Christmas?) From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. 'TIS THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS (author unknown, from J & J Monday Morning Musings) 'Tis the day after Christmas and out in the den Daddy is watching pro football again. The children are throwing and breaking their toys, And Mother is up to her ears in the noise. The melting snow drips through a hole in the roof; Wow... one of those reindeer sure had a sharp hoof. Ribbons and wrappings are spread all around, And we hope when they're cleared our lost boy will be found. Santa long since disappeared in the fog, The turkey is tasteless and the eggnog won't nog. The holly and ivy, the tinsel and lights, No longer bring warm glows on cold, darkened nights. Children who last week were helpful and sweet, Have mouths that are sassy and rooms less than neat. Those people with faces that smiled forth like elves, Are now once again just their grouchy old selves. Then carols of joy and hope filled the air, But now they are muffled by hard rock's loud blare. The cold winds which now make Aunt Josephine freeze, Were not even noticed on Yule shopping sprees. Why should such a great day let us down so hard? Is there something about Christmas that we disregard? The babe in the manger became a great man He grew up to be Savior... that was God's plan. Remember when you take down that last Christmas bough, He'll never love you more than He loves you right now. And if we know that Christ loves us and always is near, Then Christmas should be every day of the year. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. IT'S NOT WHAT YOU EAT THAT COUNTS... (author unknown; from J & J Monday Morning Musings) Needing to shed those five extra pounds you picked up? Here is a sensible way to avoid those excess calories that wreak havoc on the body beautiful. Simply follow these rules that have been passed down by calorie counters through the generations: (These are “rules of practice”.) 1. Anything eaten in small increments has no calories. If someone in your office brings in a box of cookies and you only nibble each time you pass by... you do not have to count those calories. 2. Anything eaten standing up or off someone else's plate... does not count. 3. Gulps count... sips don't. 4. Whatever you purchase from a street vendor has fewer calories than the same item consumed at home. 5. The calories in hard candy or gum are too minuscule to bother with... eat as much as you want. 6. Whatever you eat that was prepared by your child (no matter how old the child) does not have calories. 7. Neatness cancels calories. If you take an extra bit of cake to even off the slice... those calories do not exist. Ditto for evening off a pint of ice cream. 8. Anything you cook yourself has reduced calories because of the huge amount of energy you expended preparing it. ************************************************************* (I(I(If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again!) From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. DO GOOD A N Y W A Y ! by Mother Theresa People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. When you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. When you are honest and frank, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. What you spend years building, someone may try to destroy overnight. Build anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies Succeed anyway. When you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people often forget tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough. Give the world the best you have anyway. You see, In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them, anyway. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. God's Voice Mail page 128 We have all learned to live with "voice mail" as a necessary part of Modern life. But have you wondered, what if God decided to install voicemail? Imagine praying and hearing this: Thank you for calling My Father's House. Please select one of the following options: Say "1" for Requests Say "2" for Thanksgiving Say "3" for Complaints Say "4" for All Other Inquiries. What if God used this familiar excuse: "I'm sorry, all of our angels are busy helping other sinners right now. However, your prayer is important to us and will be answered in the order it was received, so please stay on you knees." If you would like to pray to: Gabriel, Say "1" For Michael, Say "2" For a directory of other Angels, Say "3" If you would like to hear King David sing a Psalm while you wait, ……………..please Say "4". If you've heard enough, Say "When". To find out if a loved one has been assigned to Heaven, Say "5", recite His or her Social Security number, then say "pound". (If you get a negative response, try saying "666" for the "other" directory.) For reservations at "My Father's House" please say "J-O-H-N," followed by "3-1-6". For answers to nagging questions about dinosaurs, the age of the earth and where Noah's Ark is, please wait until you arrive here. Our computers show that you have already prayed once today. Please stand up and try again tomorrow. This office is closed for the weekend to observe a religious holiday. Please pray again Monday, after 9:30 AM. If you need emergency assistance when this office is closed, contact your local pastor. Thank you for praying. We look forward to your next prayer. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. DYING TO SELF From: "Charles E. Johnson" <> I'd like to share with you something I got at a conference with Elisabeth Elliot: When you are forgotten, or neglected, or purposely set at naught, and don't sting and hurt with the insult or the oversight, but your heart is happy being counted worthy to suffer for Christ, THAT IS DYING TO SELF. When your good is evil spoken of, when your wishes are crossed, your advice disregarded, your opinions ridiculed, and you refuse to let anger rise in your heart, or even defend yourself, but take it all in patient loving silence, THAT IS DYING TO SELF. When you lovingly and patiently bear any disorder, any irregularity, any lack of punctuality or any annoyance, when you can stand face to face with waste, folly, extravagance, spiritual insensibility....and endure it as Jesus endured it, THAT IS DYING TO SELF. When you never care to refer to yourself in conversation, or to record your own good works, or itch after commendation, when you can truly love to be unknown, THAT IS DYING TO SELF. When you can see your brother prosper and have his needs met, and can honestly rejoice with him in spirit and feel no envy nor question God, while your own needs are far greater and in desperate circumstance, THAT IS DYING TO SELF. When you receive correction and reproof from one of less stature than yourself, and can humbly submit inwardly as well as outwardly, finding no rebellion or resentment rising up within your heart, THAT IS DYING TO SELF. Are you dead to self? In these last days the Spirit would bring us to the Cross. “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.” Philippians 3:10 May His Word work in us, Joanne Johnson Praise Tabernacle From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 130 HOW DO YOU LIVE YOUR DASH? (AUTHOR UNKNOWN) I read of a man who stood to speak At the funeral of a friend He referred to the dates on her tombstone From the the end. He noted that first came her date of birth And spoke the following date with tears, But he said what mattered most of all Was the dash between those years. (1934 -1998) For that dash represents all the time That she spent alive on earth... And now only those who loved her Know what that little line is worth. For it matters not, how much we own; The cars...the house...the cash, What matters is how we live and love And how we spend our dash. So think about this long and hard... Are there things you'd like to change? For you never know how much time is left, That can still be rearranged. If we could just slow down enough To consider what's true and real, And always try to understand The way other people feel. And be less quick to anger, And show appreciation more And love the people in our lives Like we've never loved before. If we treat each other with respect, And more often wear a smile.. Remembering that this special dash Might only last a little while. So, when your eulogy's being read With your life's actions to rehash... Would you be proud of the things they say About how you spent your dash? From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. FOR THOSE WHO UNDERSTAND COMPUTER LANGUAGE AND HAVE TIME TO READ! From bill's punch line.... From: "Kathy Leonard" < page 131 To Tech Support: …. Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed that the new program began making unexpected changes to the accounting software, severely limiting access to wardrobe, flower, and jewelry applications that operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0. No mention of this phenomenon was included in the product brochure. In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalls many other valuable programs such as Dinner Dancing 7.5, Cruise Ship 2.3, and Opera Night 6.1 and installs new, undesirable programs such as Poker Night 1.3, Saturday Football 5.0, Golf 2.4 and Clutter Everywhere 4.5. Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and invariably crashes system. Under no circumstances will it run Diaper Changing 14.1 or House Cleaning 2.6. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix Husband 1.0,but this all purpose utility is of limited effectiveness. Can you help please?!?! Thank You, Jane Dear Jane: This is a very common problem women complain about, but is mostly due to a primary misconception. Many people upgrade from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 with no idea that Boyfriend 5.0 is merely an ENTERTAINMENT package. However, Husband 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM and was designed by its creator to run as few applications as possible. Further, you cannot purge Husband 1.0 and return to Boyfriend 5.0 , because Husband 1.0 is not designed to do this. Hidden operating files within your system would Cause Boyfriend 5.0 to emulate Husband 1.0, so nothing is gained. It is impossible to uninstall, delete, or purge the program files from the system, once installed. Any new program files can only be installed once per year, as Husband 1.0 has severely limited memory. Error messages are common, and a normal part of Husband 1.0 In desperation, to play some of their "old time" favorite applications, or to get new applications to work, some women have tried to install Boyfriend 6.0, or Husband 2.0. However, these women end up with more problems than encountered with Husband 1.0. Look in your manual under "Warnings: Divorce/Child Support". You will notice that this program runs very poorly, and comes bundled with Heart Break 1.3 I recommend you keep Husband 1.0, and just learn the quirks of this strange and illogical system. Having Husband 1.0 installed myself, I might also suggest you read the entire section regarding General Partnership Faults (GPFs). This a wonderful feature of Husband 1.0, secretly installed by the parent company as an integral part of the operating system. Husband 1.0 must assume ALL responsibility for ALL faults and problems, regardless of root cause. To activate this great feature enter the command "C:\ I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME". Sometimes Tears 6.2 must be run simultaneously while entering the command. Husband 1.0 should then run the applications apologize 12.3 and Flowers/Chocolates 7.8. TECH TIP! Avoid excessive use of this feature. Overuse can create additional and more serious GPFs, and ultimately YOU may have to give a C:\I APOLOGIZE command before the system will return to normal operations. Overuse can also cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, or worse yet, Beer 6.0. Beer 6.0 is a very bad program that causes Husband 1.0 to create Fat Belly files and Snoring Loudly wave files that are very hard to delete. Save yourself some trouble by following this tech tip! Just remember! The system will run smoothly, and take the blame for all GPFs, but because of this fine feature it can only intermittently run all the applications Boyfriend 5.0 ran . Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. Consider buying additional software to improve performance. I personally recommend Hot Mood 3.0, Lingerie 5.3 and Patience 10.1. Used in conjunction, these utilities can really help keep Husband 1.0 running smoothly. After several years of use, Husband 1.0 will become familiar an you will find many valuable embedded features such as Fixes Broken Things 2.1, Snuggling 4.2 and Best Friend 7.6. A final word of caution! Do NOT, under any circumstances, install Mother-In-Law 1.0. This is not a supported application, and will cause selective shut down of the operating system. Husband 1.0 will run only Fishing 9.4 and Hunting 5.2 until Mother-In-Law 1.0 is uninstalled. I hope these notes have helped. Thank you for choosing to install Husband 1.0 and we here at Tech Support wish you the best of luck in coming years. We trust you will learn to fully enjoy this product!" =======BPL======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. 30 Signs You're No Longer a Kid page 132 1. You're asleep, but others worry that you're dead. 2. Your back goes out more than you do. 3. You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room. 4. You buy a compass for the dash of your car. 5. You are proud of your lawn mower. 6. Your best friend is dating someone half their age..and it isn't breaking any laws. 7. Your arms are almost too short to read the newspaper. 8. You sing along with elevator music. 9. You would rather go to work than stay home sick. 10. You constantly talk about the price of gasoline. 11. You enjoy hearing about other people's operations. 12. You consider coffee one of the most important things in life. 13. You make an appointment to see the dentist. 14. You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge. 15. Neighbors borrow your tools. 16. People call at 9 o'clock in the evening and ask, "Did I wake you?" 17. You have a dream about prunes. 18. You answer a question with, "Because I said so!" 19. You send money to PBS. 20. The end of your tie doesn't come anywhere near the top of your pants. 21. You take a metal detector to the beach. 22. You wear black socks with sandals. 23. You know what the word 'equity' is. 24. You can't remember the last time you laid on the floor to watch television. 25. Your ears are hairier than your head. 26. You talk about 'good grass' and you're referring to someone's lawn. 27. You get into a heated argument about pension plans. 28. You get cable television for the Weather Channel. 29. You can go bowling without drinking. 30. You have a party and the neighbor's don't even realize it. __(CAN YOU ADD SOME MORE?________ S from CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. 10 Rules for a Happy Day 133 From: page "Cherity" <>==HeartWarming== 1. TODAY I WILL NOT STRIKE BACK: If someone is rude, if someone is impatient, if someone is unkind....I will respond in a like manner. not 2. TODAY I WILL ASK GOD TO BLESS MY "ENEMY": If I come across someone who treats me harshly or unfairly, I will quietly ask GOD to bless that individual. I understand the "enemy" could be a family member, neighbor, co-worker or stranger. 3. TODAY I WILL BE CAREFUL ABOUT WHAT I SAY: I will carefully choose and guard my words being certain that I do not spread gossip. 4. TODAY I WILL GO THE EXTRA MILE: I will find ways to help share the burden of another person. 5. TODAY I WILL FORGIVE: I will forgive any hurts or injuries that come my way. 6. TODAY I WILL DO SOMETHING NICE FOR SOMEONE, BUT I WILL DO IT SECRETLY: I will reach out anonymously and bless the life of another. 7. TODAY I WILL TREAT OTHERS THE WAY I WISH TO BE TREATED: I will practice the golden rule- do unto others as I would have them do unto youwith everyone I encounter. 8. TODAY I WILL RAISE THE SPIRITS OF SOMEONE WHO IS DISCOURAGED: My smile, my words, my expression of support, can make the difference to someone who is wrestling with life. 9. TODAY I WILL NURTURE MY BODY: I will eat less; I will eat only healthy foods. I will thank GOD for my body. 10. TODAY I WILL GROW SPIRITUALLY: I will spend a little more time in prayer today: I will begin reading something spiritual or inspirational today; I will find a quiet place (at some point during this day) and listen to GOD's voice!!! "But since we belong to the day, let us be self controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and hope of salvation as a helmet. I Thessalonians 5:8 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. pag The Little Boy and the Old Man page 134 From: "Kenneth R. Johnson" <>===HeartWarming=== Said the little boy, "Sometimes I drop my spoon." Said the little old man, "I do that too." The little boy whispered, "I wet my pants." "I do that too," laughed the old man. Said the little boy, "I often cry." The old man nodded. "So do I." "But worst of all," said the boy, "it seems Grown-ups don't pay attention to me." And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand. "I know what you mean," said the little old man. By Shel Silverstein Submitted by Ruth Wiele from A 3rd Serving of Chicken Soup for the Soul Copyright 1996 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen AND A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM... From: "gabriele crociani" <>====HeartWarming==== There was an atheist couple who had a child. The couple never told their daughter anything about the Lord. One night when the little girl was 5 years old, the parents fought with each other and the dad shot the mom, right in front of the child. Then, the dad shot himself. The little girl watched it all. She then was sent to a foster home. The foster mother was a Christian and took the child to church. On the first day of Sunday school, the foster mother told the teacher that the girl had never heard of Jesus, and to have patience with her. The teacher held up a picture of Jesus and said, "Does anyone know who this is?" The little girl said, "I do, that's the man who was holding me the night my parents died." From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 135 Thank you for the Thorns (Author unknown) From: Sandra felt as low as the heels of her Birkenstocks as she pushed against a November gust and the florist shop door. Her life had been easy, like a Spring breeze. Then in the fourth month of her second pregnancy, a minor Automobile accident stole her ease. During this Thanksgiving week she would have delivered a son. She grieved over her loss. As if that weren't enough her husband's company threatened a transfer. Then her sister, whose holiday visit she coveted, called saying she could not come. What's worse, Sandra's friend infuriated her by suggesting her grief was a Godgiven path to maturity that would allow her to empathize with others who suffer. "Had she lost a child? -No--she has no idea what I'm feeling," Sandra shuddered. "Thanksgiving? Thankful for what?" she wondered. "For a careless driver whose truck was hardly scratched when he rear-ended her? For an airbag that saved her life but took that of her child?" "Good afternoon, can I help you?" The flower shop clerk's approach startled her. "Sorry," said the clerk, Jenny, "I just didn't want you to think I was ignoring you." "I....I need an arrangement." "For Thanksgiving?" Sandra nodded. "Do you want beautiful but ordinary, or would you like to challenge the day with a customer favorite I call the Thanksgiving Special." Jenny saw Sandra's curiosity and continued. "I'm convinced that flowers tell stories, that each arrangement insinuates a particular feeling. Are you looking for something that conveys gratitude this Thanksgiving?" "Not exactly!" Sandra blurted. "Sorry, but in the last five months, everything that could go wrong has." Sandra regretted her outburst but was surprised when Jenny said, "I have the perfect arrangement for you." The door's small bell suddenly rang. "Barbara! Hi," Jenny said. She politely excused herself from Sandra and walked toward a small workroom. She quickly reappeared carrying a massive arrangement of greenery, bows, and long-stemmed thorny roses. Only, the ends of the rose stems were neatly snipped, no flowers. "Want this in a box?" Jenny asked. Sandra watched for Barbara's response. Was this a joke? Who would want rose stems and no flowers! She waited for laughter, for someone to notice the absence of flowers atop the thorny stems, but neither woman did. "Yes, please. It's exquisite," said Barbara. "You'd think after three years of getting the special, I'd not be so moved by its significance, but it's happening again. My family will love this one. Thanks." Sandra stared. "Why so normal a conversation about so strange an arrangement?" she wondered. "Ah . . . " said Sandra, pointing. "That lady just left with, ah....." "Yes?" "Well, she had no flowers!" "Right, I cut off the flowers." "Off?" "Off. Yep. That's the Special. I call it the Thanksgiving Thorns Bouquet." "But, why do people pay for that?" In spite of herself she chuckled. "Do you really want to know?" "I couldn't leave this shop without knowing. I'd think about nothing else!" "That might be good," said Jenny. "Well," she continued, "Barbara came into the shop three years ago feeling very much like you feel today. She thought she had very little to be thankful for. She had lost her father to cancer, the family business was failing, her son was into drugs, and she faced major surgery." "Ouch!" said Sandra. "That same year, I lost my husband. I assumed complete responsibility for the shop and for the first time, spent the holidays alone. I had no children, no husband, no family nearby, and too great a debt to allow any travel." Continued on next page From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. THANK YOU FOR THE THORNS……(CONTINUED) page 136 "What did you do?" "I learned to be thankful for thorns." Sandra's eyebrows lifted. "Thorns?" "I'm a Christian, Sandra. I've always thanked God for good things in life and I never thought to ask Him why good things happened to me? But, when bad stuff hit, did I ever ask! It took time to learn that dark times are important. I always enjoyed the 'flowers' of life but it took thorns to show me the beauty of God's comfort. You know, the Bible says that God comforts us when we're afflicted and from His consolation we learn to comfort others." Sandra gasped. "A friend read that passage to me and I was furious! I guess the truth is I don't want comfort. I've lost a baby and I'm angry with God." She started to ask Jenny to "go on" when the door's bell diverted their attention. "Hey, Phil!" shouted Jenny as a balding, rotund man entered the shop. She softly touched Sandra's arm and moved to welcome him. He tucked her under his arm at his side for a warm hug. "I'm here for twelve thorny long-stemmed stems!" Phil laughed, heartily. "I figured as much," said Jenny. "I've got them ready." She lifted a tissuewrapped arrangement from the refrigerated cabinet. "Beautiful," said Phil. "My wife will love them." Sandra could not resist asking. "These are for your wife?" Phil saw that Sandra's curiosity matched his when he first heard of a Thorn Bouquet. "Do you mind me asking, "Why thorns?" "In fact, I'm glad you asked," he said. "Four years ago my wife and I nearly divorced. After forty years, we were in a real mess, but we slogged through, problem by rotten problem. We rescued our marriage, our love, really. Last year at Thanksgiving I stopped in here for flowers. I must have mentioned surviving a tough process because Jenny told me that for a long time she kept a vase of rose stems-stems! - as a reminder of what she learned from "thorny" times. That was good enough for me. I took home stems. My wife and I decided to label each one for a specific thorny situation and give thanks for what the problem taught us. I'm pretty sure this stem review is becoming a tradition." Phil paid Jenny, thanked her again and as he left, said to Sandra, "I highly recommend the Special!" "I don't know if I can be thankful for the thorns in my life," Sandra said to Jenny. "Well, my experience says that thorns make roses more precious. We treasure God's providential care more during trouble than at any other time. Remember, Sandra, Jesus wore a crown of thorns so that we might know His love. Do not resent thorns." Tears rolled down Sandra's cheeks. For the first time since the accident she loosened her grip on resentment. "I'll take twelve long-stemmed thorns, please." "I hoped you would," Jenny said. "I'll have them ready in a minute. Then, every time you see them, remember to appreciate both good and hard times. We grow through both." "Thank you. What do I owe you?" "Nothing. Nothing but a pledge to work toward healing your heart. The first year's arrangement is always on me." Jenny handed a card to Sandra. "I'll attach a card like this to your arrangement but maybe you'd like to read it first. Go ahead, read it." "My God, I have never thanked Thee for my thorn! I have thanked Thee a thousand times for my roses, but never once for my thorn. Teach me the glory of the cross I bear, teach me the value of my thorns. Show me that I have climbed to Thee by the path of pain. Show me that my tears have made my rainbow.- -George Matheson" Jenny said, "Happy Thanksgiving, Sandra," handing her the Special. "I look forward to our knowing each other better." Sandra smiled. She turned, opened the door, and walked toward hope. =======HeartWarming======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 138 ONLY GLIMPSES BY ALICE GRAY From: Laurel knew she was dying. Over the weeks, we often talked about heaven-what it would look like and how it would be to live there. It seemed we always ended up crying and then holding each other tight in gentle hugs of hope. The hardest part was trying to imagine something we had never seen, something about which we knew only a little. And then I remembered this storyThe young girl with the blond hair and the deep blue eyes had been blind since birth. When she was twelve, the doctors were able to perform a new type of surgery that, if successful, would give her the gift of sight. The outcome would not be known for several days. After the bandages were removed, her eyes had to be protected from the light. So she sat in darkness, waiting. The mother spent long hours answering her daughter's questions about what things looked like and what she should expect. They were both so excited about the possibility of being able to see that neither of them slept much. Over and over, even in the darkness, they talked about every lovely thing they could imaginecolors, shapes, beauty of every kind. Finally the moment came when the young girl's eyes could endure enough light for her to look out the window. She stood there for a long time without saying a word. Outside, the spring day was ideal¾bright and warm with fluffy white clouds decorating the blue sky. Lacy blossoms sprinkled to the ground like pink snow as soft breezes stirred the cherry trees. Yellow crocuses proudly lined the brick walkway that wound across the grass. When the girl turned back to her mother, tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Oh, Mother. Why didn't you tell me it would be so beautiful?" I shared this story with my friend, tears filling my own eyes: "Laurel, right now we're sitting in the darkness, but before long you will be asking God the same question." Alice Gray From More Stories for the Heart, Multnomah Publishers, Inc. =======HeartWarming======== From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 139 A Bigger Frying Pan Worship Ideas - -------------------------------------------Two men went fishing. One man was an experienced fisherman, the other wasn't. Every time the experienced fisherman caught a big fish, he put it in his ice chest to keep it fresh. Whenever the inexperienced fisherman caught a big fish, he threw it back. The experienced fisherman watched this go on all day and finally got tired of seeing this man waste good fish. "Why do you keep throwing back all the big fish you catch?" he asked. The inexperienced fisherman replied, "I only have a small frying pan." Sometimes, like that fisherman, we throw back the big plans, big dreams, big jobs, big opportunities that God gives us. Our faith is too small. We laugh at that fisherman who didn't figure out that all he needed was a bigger frying pan; yet how ready are we to increase the size of our faith? Whether it's a problem or a possibility, God will never give you anything bigger than you can handle. That means we can confidently walk into anything God brings our way. You can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13). Nothing is too big for God. Stop telling God you've got big problems. Tell your problems you've got a big God! Suggested song: "God Can" by Alvin Slaughter off same titled album From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. LAFNET: Church Bulletin Bloopers 2KU page 140 Worship Ideas - (Find the errors and make the corrections) * "FASTING CONFERENCE" The cost for attending the Fasting and Prayer conference includes meals. * The Peacemaking meeting scheduled for Saturday has been canceled due to conflict. * Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don't forget your husbands. * Remember in prayer those who are sick of our church and community. *Sermon Outline: I. Delineate your fear II. Disown your fear III. Displace your rear *Next Friday we will be serving hot gods for lunch. *If you would like to make a donation, fill out a form, enclose a check and drip in the collection basket. *Nov. 11: An evening of boweling at Lincoln Country Club. *Women's Luncheon: Each member bring a sandwich. Polly Phillips will give the medication. *Karen's beautiful solo: "It is Well with my Solo" *Congratulations to Tim and Rhonda on the birth of their daughter October 12 thru 17. *If you choose to heave during the Postlude, please do so quietly. *We are grateful for the help of those who cleaned up the grounds around the church building and the rector. *Hymn: "I Love Thee My Ford" *“Fifth Sinday is Lent. *Sign-up sheet for anyone wishing to be water baptized on the table in the foyer. *Newsletters are not being sent to absentees because of their weight. *Helpers are needed! Please sign up on the information sheep. *The Advent Retreat will be held in the lover level of St. Mary's Cathedral. *The District Duperintendent will be meeting with the church board. *As soon as the weather clears up, the men will have a goof outing. *Thank you dead friends. *Diana and Don request your presents at their wedding. *Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget all His benefits. *Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peach to men. *Definition: Persons who are shut-in during bath weather. *Bring one dozen coolies wrapped for Christmas. *The lovers in the exhaust fan are not working... *Volunteers are needed to spit up food. *Head Deacon and Dead Deaconess *We pray that our people will jumble themselves. ================================================================= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 141 P. U. S. H. (FROM THE E-MAIL FRIEND) When everything seems to go wrong,...just P.U.S.H.! When the job gets you down,...just P.U.S.H.! When people don't react the way you think they should, ..just P.U.S.H.! When your money looks funny and the bills are due, ...just P.U.S.H.! When you want to curse them out for whatever the reason, ...just P.U.S.H.! When people just don't understand you,...just P.U.S.H.! P = Pray U = Until S = Something H = Happens!!!!! "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." Eph. 6:18 [.....Father keep us on our knees, inside our minds and hearts as we go on with our day at work, in Jesus' name, Amen!] From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 142 - BALANCE YOUR LIFE – LEADERSHIP TIP: By Phil Humbert (Monday Morning Email, March 13, 2000 ©2000, Bob Burroughs--Florida Baptist Convention, Jacksonville, Florida. Permission to copy any of the following materials may be obtained by emailing: <> ************************************************* It's difficult these days to balance schedule and work loads with family responsibilities, friends, and quiet time along...but we must learn to balance all this and more...or end up in personal disaster. Here are some hints to help you balance your life: 1. BALANCE LIVING WITH DYING. We don't think or talk about dying very often, and perhaps that's a mistake. We know, of course, that one day our turn will come, but we live as if there will always be another tomorrow, another year, another chance. Eventually, there will be no 'next year.' Do the big things now, while you can. Say the things that need to be said. One day, there'll be no more time. 2. BALANCE BEING WITH BECOMING. For the most part, personal development is about evolving, changing, growing, learning and becoming someone new and better. The irony of course, is that in the race to 'become,' we forget to 'be' who we really are. And often, if we spent more time with ourselves, we would discover that we are, indeed, good enough. 3. BALANCE THE PRESENT WITH THE FUTURE. So much of our planning, focus and effort are put into creating the future that we forget to enjoy today. The poets have told us that we can find heaven in the beauty of a rose, or know eternity by watching a child at play. It is good to invest and work for the future of your dreams. It is also good to enjoy each moment that life gives you. Show up. Be present at the game of life. 4. BALANCE OBSERVING WITH CREATING. We are a culture of builders. We are energetic 'movers and shakers.' We climb mountains because they are there. We invent. If it's newer and better and cheaper and faster, we want it. And those are good things! But, we will never invent a better sunrise or have a better day than today. The attitude of gratitude is a good thing. 5. BALANCE LIVING WITH EARNING AN INCOME. Money does not bring happiness. 'What does it profit a man to have the whole world, and forfeit his soul?' We are sometimes accused of being a society that insists on 'instant gratification.' We are told we live too much for the moment. I suspect the reverse is true, that we live too much in the future, that we are too often focused on everything except the present moment. And yet, this moment, this instant and this day, are all we really have. Take a deep breath. Note how good it feels. And, smile! From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 143 HUMOR - The 10 Commandments of Email (Anonymous) (Monday Morning Email, March 13, 2000 ©2000, Bob Burroughs--Florida Baptist Convention, Jacksonville, Florida. Permission to copy any of the following materials may be obtained by emailing: <> ************************************************* Thou shalt include a clear and specific subject line. Thou shalt edit any quoted text down to the minimum thou needest. Thou shalt read thine own message thrice before thou sendest it. Thou shalt ponder how thy recipient might react to thy message. Thou shalt check thy spelling and thy grammar. Thou shalt not curse, flame, spam or USE ALL CAPS. Thou shalt not forward any chain letter. Thou shalt not use e-mail for any illegal or unethical purpose. Thou shalt not rely on the privacy of email, especially at work. When in doubt, save thy message overnight and reread it in the light of the dawn. And, here's the "Golden Rule" of E-Mail: That which thou findest hateful to receive, sendest thou not unto others. ************************************************************************ * From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 144 ‘L I V I N G L I F E” (AUTHOR UNKNOWN) The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being. She said, "Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I'm eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?" I laughed and enthusiastically responded, "Of course, You may!" and she gave me a giant squeeze. "Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?" I asked. She jokingly replied, "I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of children, and then retire and travel." "No seriously," I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age. "I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!" she told me. After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk nonstop. I was always mesmerized listening to this "time machine" as she shared her wisdom and experience with me. Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up. At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet and I'll never forget what she taught us. She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, "I'm sorry I'm so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I'll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know." As we laughed she cleared her throat and began: "We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy and achieving success. "You have to laugh and find humor every day. You've got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don't even know it!" "There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't do one protective thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight. Anybody can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or ability." "The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets." She concluded her speech by courageously singing "The Rose." She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives. At the years end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it's never too late to be all you can possibly be. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 145 “DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER” -- by Malcolm Forbes A lady in a faded gingham dress and her husband, dressed in a homespun threadbare suit, stepped off the train in Boston, and walked timidly without an appointment into the Harvard University President's outer office. The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods, country hicks had no business at Harvard and probably didn't even deserve to be in Cambridge. She frowned. "We want to see the President," the man said softly. "He'll be busy all day," the secretary snapped. "We'll wait," the lady replied. For hours, the secretary ignored them, hoping that the couple would finally become discouraged and go away. They didn't and the secretary grew frustrated and finally decided to disturb the President, even though it was a chore she always regretted. "Maybe if they just see you for a few minutes, they'll leave," she told him. He sighed in exasperation and nodded. Someone of his importance obviously didn't have the time to spend with them, but he detested gingham dresses and homespun suits cluttering up his outer office. The President, stern-faced with dignity, strutted toward the couple. The lady told him, "We had a son who attended Harvard for one year. He loved Harvard. He was happy here. But about a year ago, he was accidentally killed. And my husband and I would like to erect a memorial to him, somewhere on campus." The President wasn't touched, he was shocked. "Madam," he said gruffly. "We can't put up a statue for every person who attended Harvard and died. If we did, this place would look like a cemetery." "Oh, no," the lady explained quickly. "We don't want to erect a statue. We thought we would like to give a building to Harvard." The president rolled his eyes. He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, then exclaimed, "A building! Do you have any earthly idea how much a building costs? We have over seven and a half million dollars in the physical plant at Harvard." For a moment the lady was silent. The president was pleased. He could get rid of them now. And the lady turned to her husband and said quietly, "Is that all it costs to start a university? Why don't we just start our own?" Her husband nodded. The President's face wilted in confusion and bewilderment. And Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford walked away, traveling to Palo Alto, California where they established the university that bears their name, a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about. You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 146 ROSES FOR A DIME From: (I want to share with you this beautiful story. Times are difficult but I think we are all so lucky and blessed with what we still have today. In your heart, think of our less fortunate brothers and sisters and let us share in our own way to lift their hearts and spirits. Don't you always feel better giving and seeing the smiles on their faces than buying something for yourself? I do....and I want to brighten up their day!) Bobby was getting cold sitting out in his back yard in the snow. Bobby didn't wear boots; he didn't like them and anyway he didn't own any. The thin sneakers he wore had a few holes in them and they did a poor job of keeping out the cold. Bobby had been in his backyard for about an hour already. And, try as he might, he could not come up with an idea for his mother's Christmas gift. He shook his head as he thought, "This is useless, even if I do come up with an idea, I don't have any money to spend." Ever since his father had passed away three years ago, the family of five had struggled. It wasn't because his mother didn't care, or try, there just never seemed to be enough. She worked nights at the hospital, but the small wage that she was earning could only be stretched so far. What the family lacked in money and material things, they more than made up for in love and family unity. Bobby had two older and one younger sister, who ran the household in their mother's absence. All three of his sisters had already made beautiful gifts for their mother. Somehow it just wasn't fair. Here it was Christmas Eve already, and he had nothing. Wiping a tear from his eye, Bobby kicked the snow and started to walk down to the street where the shops and stores were. It wasn't easy being six without a father, especially when he needed a man to talk to. Bobby walked from shop to shop, looking into each decorated window. Everything seemed so beautiful and so out of reach. It was starting to get dark and Bobby reluctantly turned to walk home when suddenly his eyes caught the glimmer of the setting sun's rays reflecting off of something along the curb. He reached down and discovered a shiny dime. Never before has anyone felt so wealthy as Bobby felt at that moment. As he held his new found treasure, a warmth spread throughout his entire body and he walked into the first store he saw. His excitement quickly turned cold when salesperson after salesperson told him that he could not buy anything with only a dime. He saw a flower shop and went inside to wait in line. When the shop owner asked if he could help him, Bobby presented the dime and asked if he could buy one flower for his mother's Christmas gift. The shop owner looked at Bobby and his ten cent offering. Then he put his hand on Bobby's shoulder and said to him, "You just wait here and I'll see what I can do for you." As Bobby waited, he looked at the beautiful flowers and even though he was a boy, he could see why mothers and girls liked flowers. The sound of the door closing as the last customer left, jolted Bobby back to reality. All alone in the shop, Bobby began to feel alone and afraid. Suddenly the shop owner came out and moved to the counter. There, before Bobby's eyes, lay twelve long stem, red roses, with leaves of green and tiny white flowers all tied together with a big silver bow. Bobby's heart sank as the owner picked them up and placed them gently into a long white box. "That will be ten cents young man." the shop owner said reaching out his hand for the dime. Slowly, Bobby moved his hand to give the man his dime. Could this be true?No one else would give him a thing for his dime! Sensing the boy's reluctance, the shop owner added, "I just happened to have some roses on sale for ten cents a dozen. Would you like them?" This time Bobby did not hesitate, and when the man placed the long box into his hands, he knew it was true. Walking out the door that the owner was holding for Bobby, he heard the shop keeper say, "Merry Christmas, son." As he returned inside, the shop keepers wife walked out. "Who were you talking to back there and where are the roses you were fixing?" Staring out the window, and blinking the tears from his own eyes, he replied, "A strange thing happened to me this morning. While I was setting up things to open the shop, I thought I heard a voice telling me to set aside a dozen of my best roses for a special gift. I wasn't sure at the time whether I had lost my mind or what, but I set them aside anyway. Then just a few minutes ago, a little boy came into the shop and wanted to buy a flower for his mother with one small dime. When I looked at him, I saw myself, many years ago. I too was a poor boy with nothing to buy my mother a Christmas gift. A bearded man, whom I never knew, stopped me on the street and told me that he wanted to give me ten dollars. When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew who that voice was, and I put together a dozen of my very best roses." The shop owner and his wife hugged each other tightly, and as they stepped out into the bitter cold air, they somehow didn't feel cold at all. =======HeartWarming======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 147 GOD DIDN'T MAKE PERFECT MOTHERS From: "May I go now?" the almost completed, eager mother asked. "Not yet. There are essential parts and finishing touches to be added," her Maker replied. "I look pretty good to me," she said, peering into the crystal pool at her feet. "True, you're looking better all the time. But bear with me." "What does a mother have to do, God, besides wash, feed, and clothe little bodies?" God only smiled and continued working. "What are you doing now?" the curious mother-to-be questioned. "Tightening your anger valve. If this doesn't work, everyone is in trouble." She watched as He reached for the container marked patience. "And what do I need patience for?" she asked as He poured in quite a supply. "After a week you will know, my child." "And whatever could that be?" "This is your bypass mechanism. It enables a mother to operate efficiently for long periods of time without compliments from her children." "I'm sure I won't need that." "I'm sure you will." Then God reached for a bundle labeled insulation against loud noises. "You can skip that," she told him. "I don't mind a little noise." "That's nice," He said. Seeing all the energy He was preparing to give her, she shifted uneasily from one foot to the other. "I wouldn't need all that energy in a million years." "Little you know. You will use all of this and be begging for more before long." "I didn't know there was so much involved in being a mother. You're not just putting me on, are you?" (continue on reverse side or second page) GOD DIDN’T MAKE PERFECT MOTHERS (CONTINUED page 148 "No, little mother." With much apprehension, "Are you sure I can handle the job?" "Quite sure...with help. I'm always available when you need me." "I'm glad to know that. What could I possible need all these for?" "A certain amount of pain, so that you will be fully equipped to sympathize with and minister to the needs of your children when they feel pain; tears, so that you will be able to cry with them when they are hurt; and laughter to blend with theirs for happy times." The mother-in-waiting fidgeted while God attached yes and no buttons. "Wouldn't it be nicer just to say yes to my children all the time?" "Definitely not. Good mothers need to say no--and often. Say it with kindness and they will respect you for it." "Have you equipped me with this thing called kindness, Lord?" "I have indeed." "And what about respect? Do I have to respect my children?" "Absolutely." The anxious mother tried to be patient as God installed a question answerer, advice giver, get along without sleep, and a pretender not to notice. "I know I wouldn't use one of those!" she said, as God came toward her with a let-go lever. "Sure you will, though it's hard. This is a vital piece of equipment. Until this little lever is released, your children will not have room to grow properly, make their own decisions, or develop their own personalities." "I guess that is important." God stood back a few steps to appraise His work, then reached for a coat of love and wrapped it around her. "Wear this at all times, and you'll be a good mother." "Am I ready now, God, to get on with the mothering bit?" "You can go now," God said gently. "You're not perfect, but you will do." =======HeartWarming======= (This can be impressive with a male reading the voice of God and a female reading the voice of the mother) From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 149 THE LORD’S PRAYER with CONVERSATION From: "Mike Williams" <> (THE VOICE OF GOD in italics) "Our Father which art in heaven ..." "Yes?" "Don't interrupt me. I'm praying." "But you called me." "Called you? I didn't call you. I'm praying. Our Father which art in heaven ..." "There ... you did it again." "Did what?" "Called me. You said, Our Father which art in heaven. Here I am. What's on your mind?" "But I didn't mean anything by it. I was, you know, just saying my prayers for the day. I always say the Lord's Prayer. It makes me feel good, kind of like getting a duty done." "All right. Go on." "Hallowed be thy name ..." "Hold it! What do you mean by that?" "By what?" "By 'hallowed be thy name'?" "It means ... it means ... good grief! I don't know what it means. How should I know? It's just a part of the prayer. By the way, what does it mean?" "It means honored ... holy ... wonderful." "Hey, that makes sense. I never thought about what 'hallowed' meant before. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." "Do you really mean that?" "Sure, why not?" "What are you doing about it?" "Doing? Nothing, I guess! I just think it would be kind of neat if you got control of everything down here like you have up there." "Have I got control of you?" "Well ... I go to church." "That isn't what I asked you. What about your bad temper? You've really got a problem there, you know. And then there's the way you spend your money ... all on yourself. And what about the kind of books you read?" "Stop picking on me! I'm just as good as some of the rest of those people at the church." Excuse me. I thought you were praying for my will to be done. If that is to happen, it will have to start with the ones who are praying for it ... like you, for example." "Oh, all right. I guess I do have some hang-ups. Now that you mention it, I could probably name some others." "So could I." THE LORD’S PRAYER with CONVERSATION (continued) page 150 "I haven't thought about it very much until now, but I really would like to cut out some of those things. I would like to ... you know ... be really free." "Good ... now we're getting somewhere! We'll work together, you and I. Some victories can truly be won. I'm proud of you." "Look, Lord, I need to finish up here. This is taking a lot longer than it usually does. Give us this day, our daily bread." "You need to cut out the bread. You're overweight as it is." "Hey, wait a minute! What is this ... 'Criticize me day?' Here I was doing my religious duty, and all of a sudden you break in and remind me of all my hang-ups." "Praying is a dangerous thing. You could wind up changed, you know. That's what I'm trying to get across to you. You called me, and here I am. It's too late to stop now. Keep praying. I'm interested in the next part of your prayer ... (pause). Well ... go on!" "I'm scared to." "Scared? Of what?" "I know what You'll say." "Try me and see." "Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us." "What about Ann?" "See? I knew it! I knew you would bring her up! Why Lord, she's told lies about me, spread tories about my family. She never paid back the debt she owes me. I've sworn to get even with her!" "But your prayer? What about your prayer?" "I didn't mean it." "Well, at least you're honest. But it's not much fun carrying that load of bitterness around inside, is it? "No, but I'll feel better as soon as I get even. Boy, have I got some plans for that neighbor. She'll wish she had never moved into this neighborhood." "You won't feel any better. You'll feel worse. Revenge isn't sweet. Think of how unhappy you already are. But I can change all that." "You can? How?" "Forgive Ann. Then I'll forgive you. Then the hate and sin will be Ann's problem and not yours. You will have settled your heart." "Oh, you're right. You always are. And more than I want to revenge Ann, I want to be right with you. Ann, I want to be right with you ... (pause) ... (sigh). Alright! Alright! I forgive her! Help her to find the right road in life, Lord. She's bound to be awfully miserable now that I think about it. Anybody who goes around doing the things she does to others has to be out of it. Someway, somehow, show her the right way." "There now! Wonderful! How do you feel?" "Hmmmm ... well, not bad. Not bad at all. In fact, I feel pretty great! You know, I don't think I'll have to go to bed uptight tonight for the first time since I can remember. Maybe I won't be so tired from now on because I'm not getting enough rest." THE LORD’S PRAYER with CONVERSATION(continued) page 151 "You're not through with your prayer. Go on." "Oh, all right. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." "Good! Good! I'll do that. Just don't put yourself in a place where you can be tempted." "What do you mean by that?" Don't turn on the TV when you know the laundry needs to be done and the house needs to be picked up. Also, about the time you spend having coffee with your friends ... if you can't influence the conversation to positive things, perhaps you should re-think the value of those friendships. Another thing, your neighbors and friends shouldn't be your standard for "keeping up with." And please don't use me for an escape hatch." "I don't understand the last part." "Sure you do. You've done it a lot of times. You get caught in a bad situation. You get into trouble and then you come running to me. "Lord, help me out of this mess, and I promise you I'll never do it again." You remember some of those bargains you tried to make with me?" "Yes and I'm ashamed, Lord. I really am." "Which bargain are you remembering?" "Well, there was the night that Bill was gone and the children and I were home alone. The wind was blowing so hard I thought the roof would go any minute and tornado warnings were out. I remember praying, 'Oh God, if you spare us, I'll never skip my devotions again." "I protected you, but you didn't keep your promise, did you?" "I'm sorry, Lord. I really am. Up until now I thought that if I just prayed the Lord's Prayer every day, then I could do what I liked. I didn't expect anything to happen like it did." "Go ahead and finish your prayer." "For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen." "Do you know what would bring me glory? What would really make me happy?" "No, but I'd like to know. I now want to please you. I can see what a mess I've made of my life. And I can see how great it would be to really be one of your followers." "You just answered the question." "I did?" "Yes. The thing that would bring me glory is to have people like you truly love me. And I see that happening between us. Now that some of these old sins are exposed and out of the way, well, there is no telling what we can do together." "Lord, let's see what we can make of me, okay?" "Yes, let's see." ========HeartWarming======== From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 152 OBEDIENCE For seven years my father, who was not yet old enough to retire, has been battling colon cancer. Now he was dying. He could no longer eat or even drink water, and an infection had forced him into the hospital. I sensed that he hated being in the hospital, but he hardly complained. That wasn't his way. One night when he had no luck summoning a nurse, and tried to reach the bathroom on his own, he fell and gashed his head on the nightstand. When I saw his wounded head the next day, I felt my frustration and helpless anger rise. Why isn't there anything I can do? I thought, as I waited for the elevator. As if in answer to my prayers, when the elevator opened, two dogs greeted me. Dogs? In a hospital? Personally, I couldn't think of a better place for dogs, but I was shocked that the city laws and hospital codes allowed it. "How did you get to bring dogs here?" I asked the owner, as I stepped in. "They're therapy dogs. I take them up to the sixth floor once a week, to meet with the patients in rehab." An idea grew stronger and stronger as I walked out of the hospital and to my car. My dad had bought a springer spaniel named Boots for my mom for a Christmas present a few years before. My mother had insisted that she wanted a dog, and it had to be a spaniel. My dad had explained this to me when he asked me to go for a ride with him to pick out a puppy. When he picked up a wriggly kissy puppy, I saw the tension ease from my father's face. I realized the genius of my mother's plan immediately. The dog was not for her; it was for him. She had asked for a spaniel so he could have the breed of dog he'd always wanted, and never had, when he was a boy. By then, all of us kids had moved away from home. So Boots also became the perfect child my father never had. She was an eager, loving and obedient pal for him. Personally, I thought she was a little too obedient. Boots was not allowed on the bed or any other furniture, and she never broke this rule. Sometimes I wanted to tell my dad when he was at home lying on his sickbed, "Call Boots up here! She'll give you love and kisses and touch you like I'm too restrained to do...and you need it." But I didn't. And he didn't. And Boots didn't. Instead, she sat near his bed, watching him protectively, as the months rolled by. She was always there, a loving presence as his strength ebbed away, till he could no longer walk or even sit up without help. Once in a while, he got very sick, and went to the hospital, and she awaited his return anxiously, jumping up expectantly every time a car pulled up to the house. I decided that if I could give my dad nothing else, I was going to give him a few minutes with his beloved dog. So I went back to the hospital and asked a nurse about it. She told me that if I were to bring his dog in, she would not "see anything." I took that as a yes. Later that day, I came back for another visit, bringing Boots. I told my dad I had a surprise for him in my car. I went to get her, and the strangest thing happened. Boots, the perfect dog, who was as impeccably leash trained as she was obedient, practically flew out of the car, yanked me across that snowy parking lot to the front door and dragged me through the hospital lobby. She somehow knew to stop directly in front of the appropriate elevator (I could never find the right one myself). And even though she had never been anywhere near that hospital before, when the elevator doors opened at the fourth floor, she nearly pulled my arm out of its socket as she ran down the hall, around two corners, down another hall and into his room. Then, without a moment of hesitation, she jumped straight up onto his bed! Ever so gently, she crawled into my father's open arms, not touching his pain-filled sides or stomach, and laid her face next to his. For the first time, Boots was on my dad's bed, just where she belonged. And for the first time in a long time, I saw my father's broad smile. I knew we were both grateful Boots had broken the rules and finally obeyed her own heart. By Lori Jo Oswald, Ph.D. from Chicken Soup for the Cat & Dog Lover's Soul Copyright 1999 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 153 SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE///UNSUCCESSFUL PEOPLE SUCCESSFUL People play by the rules. UNSUCCESSFUL PEOPLE either ignore the rules or don't even know there are any rules! SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE have goals and direction in their lives. UNSUCCESSFUL PEOPLE are more reactive, confused, and run in circles, always chasing something, but rarely making any progress. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE are persistent or determined. There is something they want, and they are terribly stubborn about getting it. Successful people are not always the easiest people to live with! UNSUCCESSFUL PEOPLE "try" things, experiment and they jump on (and off) every bandwagon that comes down the road. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE work harder, although they don't always know it. They just stay later, think clearer and keep tinkering until they get it right. UNSUCCESSFUL PEOPLE want "passive income" or look for the easy way, while successful people look for what works. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE have rich personal networks, and they ask for advice from the best people. UNSUCCESSFUL PEOPLE are more likely to give advice...rarely ask for it themselves ...and tend to avoid people who might be able to help. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE seem to be naturally generous and giving. They contribute ideas, time, energy, humor, creativity and money to people around them. UNSUCCESSFUL PEOPLE are afraid of being ripped off, and rarely give or contribute. Fortunately, it's clear that the traits and attitudes of highly successful people can be learned. As you look at this list, notice that determination or the willingness to work hard, or ask for advice, are not genetically predetermined! Tony Robbins is fond of saying that "success leaves clues," and that we can learn from highly successful people. Success in life, whether in business or in our personal relationships, is not about being born with it, or having it handed down. It's an attitude of humility, a willingness to learn, and an eagerness to grow. Success is about making a contribution, about getting along with people, and about persistence. Success is available to us all, and in that sense, we are all "invulnerables." What remarkable, extraordinary and amazing things will you do with this wild and wonderful miracle...your one and only life? From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 154 The Seven R's of Self-Esteem In his book, "The Organization of the Future," 1997, (The Peter Drucker Foundation), there is an article entitled, "The Seven R's of Self-Esteem," by Dick Sethi (Executive Education at AT&T). Sethi says that the successful organization of the future must create an organizational culture that supports and nurtures selfesteem and nurtures high performance. This seems especially true ...with a person who wears several hats! 1. RESPECT - Everyone in the organization needs to be treated with highest respect-and it must be real, authentic, and consistent. This is carried out by encouraging everyone's expression of ideas, listening attentively, offering feedback, and factoring the ideas into the governance process. 2. RESPONSIBILITY AND RESOURCES - People need and want an opportunity to contribute to an organization's success. Micro management is a killer! People cannot give their best when the boss is standing at their shoulder. In our era, mind work cannot be managed in the way that muscle work could in past generations. Organizations of the past knew how to manage, but we must know how to inspire! 3. RISK-TAKING - The organization of the future encourages risk taking and accepts mistakes as normal. Failure can be one of the best teachers. 4. REWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS - Withholding recognition will inevitably undermine people's motivation to give their best. People want not just monetary rewards, but also spiritual/emotional rewards. Leaders with low self-esteem find it difficult to praise the accomplishments of others; envy and resentment often stand in the way. The effective organization will be built on the foundation of mutual esteem, liberating the best within everyone. 5. RELATIONSHIP - People are turned off by impersonal relationships marked by authoritarianism and condescension. People at all levels need to get to know each other well-another's strengths, dreams, and fears. 6. ROLE MODELING - People pay much more attention to what leaders do than what they say! The biggest single cause of cynicism in organizations is discrepancy between what is professed and what is practiced. 7. RENEWAL - The organization of the future must create a culture where learning is constant; where coaching and feedback are pervasive; and where the organization supports personal and professional growth. All seven of these Rs can take place - it is not an impossible task. Even if you only accomplished 4 of the 7, your people would be better off! From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 155 DEFINITIONS OF A BACHELOR From: "Kenneth R. Johnson" One who avoids Bride-Eyed women. One who believes in Life, Liberty and the Happiness of Pursuit. One who believes in Wine, Women and So-Long. One who believes that one can live as cheaply as two. One who can forget his mistakes. One who can get into bed from either side. One who can go fishing anytime, until he gets hooked. One who can have a girl on his knee without having her on his hands. One who can leave his socks and wallet lying around the house. One who can tell his symptoms to his Doctor without having his wife interrupt. One who can't be Spouse-Broken. One who can't stand the strain of a wife. One who cheated some woman out of a divorce. One who doesn't have to leave the party when he starts having a good time. One who failed to embrace his opportunities One who is allergic to Wedding cakes. One who is Foot-Loose and Family-Free. One who is known as a Dame Dropper. One who is not missing anything in life except a few buttons on his shirt. One who knows how to hold a woman's hand so that she doesn't get a grip on him. One who knows if he has a steady girl on the string he may wind up on a leash. One who knows more about Women than Men. That's why he is a Bachelor. One who leans toward a woman but not far enough to fall. One who likes his Girl Friend just the way she is...Single!!!! One who looks, but does not leap. One who never chases a woman he couldn't outrun. One who never makes the same mistake once. One who never met a girl he couldn't live without. One who never says, "I'll Give You A Ring Tomorrow!" One who thinks he is a thing of Beauty and a Boy forever. One who tries to avoid the issue. One who usually has his hands full trying to loosen a woman's grip. One who wakes up in the morning with all of the blankets. One who washes only one set of dishes. One who when a girl asks him for a Diamond Ring, he turns Stone-Deaf. One who when he opens the window in his apartment, more dust blows out than in. One who won't take `Yes' for an answer. One who would rather change girls than change their names. One who would rather cook his own goose. One who would rather have a woman on his mind than on his neck. One who would rather mend his socks than his ways =======BPL======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 156 CROSSING OVER It was a cool autumn day. Clouds overshadowed the canopy of blue, as if God wanted to hide the sun's great splendor. The winds whispered by as leaves rustled to the ground. A day to remember, that was. The day young women everywhere wait their whole lives for, and I knew in my heart I would treasure those moments forever. Before me stood a young man with whom I had shared my vast secrets and enchanted moments. I had whispered promises in his ear and did my best to fulfill them. I had never trusted anyone with the key to my heart until he entered my life. Now, I knew the only safe place for this key to remain was with him. This was a first for both of us. We gazed nervously in each other's eyes, waiting for the other to make the first move. I was unsure if we were ready for this. Making a hasty decision like this could be so devastating to our lives. We stood there in silence for what seemed an eternity. Echoes from the past rang endlessly in my mind. The laughter and tears we had shared will forever be held in a special place in my heart. My emotions were so vulnerable at that point. Part of me wanted to run and hide, and the other said, "Go ahead. It's time." Then just as if he were reading my mind, he gently grasped my hand, sending a cold chill up my spine and erasing all my doubt. With his soft voice, he whispered, "It's time." I stood back to take one last glance at him to remember how he looked before we took this major step. Never again would I look at him as I do now. Things would be different once we crossed over; we couldn't look back. Once again our eyes met. If only we could cease time and steal those moments away in our hearts forever. Neither he nor I would ever feel as we did then. There's only one first time for everything, and this was it. I wrapped my arms around him and playfully kissed the tip of his nose, then I whispered softly in his ear, "I love you." Then it happened - the moment we both had been waiting for. I'll never forget that day or the silly grin on his face afterward. Tears streamed down my face as he crossed the street to step onto the big yellow school bus. Then he turned to me and said, "Bye, Mommy. I love you." By Angela Martin from A 6th Bowl of Chicken Soup for the Soul Copyright 1999 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen ================================================================ rom CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 157 NEVER SAY NEVER I cannot remember a point in my life when I desired anything other than becoming a teacher. As a child, I played school with my little cousins and friends just so I could practice for my future career. But what I didn't realize as a child was how expensive my dream was. I came from a middle-class family, and it seemed as though we'd always struggled to make ends meet. My dream of attending the University of Connecticut seemed so out of reach, but I wasn't willing to settle for anything less. In the beginning of my senior year in high school, I began applying to colleges, but in my heart I had already made my decision. The University of Connecticut was the one. But a huge hurdle stood between me and my dream - lack of financial resources. At first, I was ready to give up. I mean, who was going to give me, the average high-school girl, that kind of money? I wasn't the smartest person in my class, not even close; but my heart was in the right place, and I was determined. I knew that scholarships were only given to the really smart kids, or so I thought. I applied for every scholarship I could get my hands on. What did I have to lose? And then my guidance counselor told me about the financial aid system. I applied, but I didn't think I would qualify for that either. After the holidays, my friends started receiving their acceptance letters from colleges, and I eagerly anticipated mine. Finally, a letter arrived from the University of Connecticut. Feelings of fear and joy overwhelmed me, but I was ready. I opened the envelope with trembling hands as tears engulfed my eyes. I had done it! I had been accepted to the University of Connecticut! I cried for a while, feeling both extremely excited and afraid. I had worked so hard to get accepted; what if I was denied admission because of my financial status? I had been working a full-time job, but that was barely enough to pay for tuition. My parents couldn't afford that kind of money, and I wasn't going to pretend that they could. I was the first person in my family who would attend a university, and I knew how proud my parents were; but it was impossible for them to finance my education. However, my parents are incredible people, and they taught me never to give up on my dreams, regardless of the obstacles that I encounter, and never to lose sight of what I truly want out of life. My parents were right, and I continued to believe in both myself and my dreams. Months went by before I heard anything from the financial aid office. I assumed that I didn't qualify for aid, but I wasn't ready to lose hope yet. At last, a letter arrived. I opened it eagerly, but it was a false alarm. The letter requested more information in order to process my application. This happened over and over, and my hopes kept getting shot down. Finally, a bulky envelope arrived. I knew this was the one that would determine whether or not I could attend college. I opened the envelope and could hardly understand what any of the documents inside meant. The following day, I brought the documents to school and asked my guidance counselor to take a look at them. He looked up at me with a huge smile on his face and told me that not only was financial aid going to help me out with my expenses, but I had also won two of the scholarships I had applied for! I was in shock at first, then I cried. I had actually made my dream come true. I am now a junior at the University of Connecticut, pursuing a degree in English. In the beginning of the new millennium, my dream will become a reality. I will be a teacher. I live by this quote: "Reach for the sky because if you should happen to miss, you'll still be among the stars." By Rosa Torcasio from Chicken Soup for the College Soul Copyright 1999 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 158 DOCTORS: You Can't Live With 'Em Or Without 'Em..... I don't have many aches and pains And don't need rubs or ointments But yet it seems I've always got Some medical appointments. My doctor looks me over but he soon realizes, That what I've got needs the care Of one who specializes. No matter who I go to see, I'm never, ever late, Appointment time means nothing, I sit and wait and wait. I see my ophthalmologist Because of my glaucoma, But by the time he gets to me I'm blind and in a coma. My dermatologist comes up next, He says I'm one bad case, And then proceeds to change The whole appearance of my face. My dentist plans new teeth for me, He'll fix them on the spot, The only problem is they'll cost More money than I've got. And though I kid around a bit, To them a rousing cheer, For if I did not have them all, I doubt that I'd be here. ~Author Unknown =======BPL======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. TOP TEN REASONS WHY DOGS ARE BETTER PETS THAN CATS: From: via BILL’S PUNCH LINE 1.Dogs will tilt their heads and try to understand every word you say. Cats will ignore you and take a nap. 2. Cats look silly on a leash. 3. When you come home from work, your dog will be happy and lick your face. Cats will still be mad at you for leaving in the first place. 4. Dogs will give you unconditional love until the day they die. Cats will make you pay for every mistake you've ever made since the day you were born. 5. A dog knows when you're sad. And he'll try to comfort you. Cats don't care how you feel, as long as you remember where the can opener is. 6. Dogs will bring you your slippers. Cats will drop a dead mouse in your slippers. 7. When you take them for a ride, dogs will sit on the seat next to you. Cats have to have their own private basket, or they won't go at all. 8. Dogs will come when you call them. And they'll be happy. Cats will have someone take a message and get back to you. 9. Dogs will play fetch with you all day long. The only thing cats will play with all day long are small rodents or bugs, preferably ones that look like they're in pain. 10. Dogs will wake you up if the house is on fire. Cats will quietly sneak out the back door. =======BPL======= Page 159 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. THE BAMBOO & THE MASTER From: "Jim Rooney" <> (This idea originated with SHEL SILVERSTEN in a little book called THE GIVING TREE.) Once upon a time, in the heart of the Western Kingdom, lay a beautiful garden. There in the cool of the day the Master of the garden was wont to walk. Of all the dwellers in his garden, the most beautiful and beloved was a noble bamboo tree. Year after year, Bamboo grew yet more noble and gracious, conscious of his Master s love and watchful delight. One day the Master himself drew near to contemplate his beloved tree and Bamboo in a passion of adoration bowed his great head to the ground. The Master spoke: “Bamboo, I will use you.” It seemed the day of days had come, the day for which the tree had been made. Bamboo’s voice came low: “Master, I am ready. Use me as you wish.” “Bamboo”, the master s voice was grave, “I must take you and cut you down!” “Cut me, down? Me? Whom you, Master, have made the most beautiful in all your garden, cut me down? Not that! Not that! Use me for your joy, oh Master, but do not cut me down!” “Beloved Bamboo”, the Master’s voice grew graver still, “if I do not cut you down, I cannot use you.” The garden grew still. Wind held his breath. Bamboo slowly bent his glorious head. There came a whisper, “Master, if you cannot use me unless you cut me down, then, do your will and cut.” “Beloved Bamboo, I must cut your leaves and branches from you also.” “Master, spare me! Lay my beauty in the dust, but would you take from me my leaves and branches also?” “Unless I cut them away, I cannot use you.” The sun hid his face. A butterfly glided fearfully away, and Bamboo shivered in expectancy, whispering low, “Master, cut away.” “Bamboo, I would divide you in two and cut out your heart, for if I do not, I cannot use you.” Then Bamboo bowed to the ground. “Master, then cut and divide.” So did the Master of the garden cut down Bamboo and hack off his branches and strip his leaves and divide him in two and cut out his heart. Then he carried him to where there was a spring of fresh, sparkling water in the midst of the Master s dry fields. Putting one end of broken Bamboo into the spring and the other end into the water channel in his field, the Master gently laid down his beloved tree. And the spring sang “welcome” and the clear sparkling waters raced joyously down the channel of Bamboo s torn body into the waiting fields. Then the rice was planted and the days went by and the shoots grew and the harvest came. In that day, Bamboo, once so glorious, was truly put to use in his brokenness and humility. For in his beauty he had life abundant himself, but in his brokenness, he became a channel of abundant life to his Master s world. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 161 A LOVE TO LAST by Sherry Jones <> From: Heartwarmers <> While the distinctive smells of illness and antiseptic swirled around me, I patiently waiting outside the room to take another useless blood test. Useless because they didn't expect the patient to make it through the morning much less the day.(This is common occurrence when doctors forget to keep their orders current.) While I waited, an 85 year old woman was saying goodbye to her husband. Her hunched back was curved even further as she leaned to be closer to the man she had shared her life with. Her brilliant red hair color was a sharp contrast to the snow white hair of the man in the bed. She was wearing what I was sure were her good blouse and slacks, and her lipstick had been carefully applied. I wondered, did she still resemble the girl he first fell in love with? He gripped her hand tightly and said with conviction, "I do not have one single regret besides not being able to stay with you. I have never wasted one minute on you or our children. You have given me such a good life." Together they both said, "I love you." Then they broke down in tears and hugged as best they could amid the tubes and I.V.'s. It was right then and there when I decided that if I couldn't have that kind of love, then I didn't want to be bothered. When at last she emerged, I went in. He smiled weakly at me. His faded blue eyes shone with that peculiar light that terminal patients seem to take on. It's as though a small piece of heaven has already begun to shine through. While I drew his blood he said, "You know, we made love every week right up until two weeks ago." I didn't know what to say to that, but told him I thought that was great. His tears began anew as he struggled to get out the words. "I am so selfish!" All thoughts of keeping my schedule flew rapidly out the window. I sat down and asked him why he would say that. He said that he was glad that he was dying and not her. I told him that wasn't selfish in the least. He said that it was because he knew that if it were the other way around, he wouldn't want to be the one left behind without her. I just sat and let him cry while I held his hand. After a brief while, his son arrived from out of town. I leaned down, gave him a quick hug and whispered, "Safe journey." He passed away about six hours after I last saw him. I wound up going to his funeral. All his family could talk about at the service was his devotion to them and their mother. He was obviously a wonderful father and husband. He left an enormous legacy behind. Hopefully his two sons and three grandsons learned from him what is really important in this life. Seeing this kind of love made my spirit feel lighter. It is possible, though rare. It takes very special people with a deep commitment. The love changes over the years, but if you're lucky the roots go down deep instead of sideways. The doctors said that he died from heart failure. But I don't think that his heart ever failed either him or the people that he loved. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 162 THE HYMNBOOK (What Really Matters in Life!) I watched intently as my little brother was caught in the act. He sat in the corner of the living room, a pen in one hand and my father's hymnbook in the other. As my father walked into the room, my brother cowered slightly; he sensed that he had done something wrong. From a distance, I saw that he had opened my father's brand-new book and scribbled across the length and breadth of the entire first page with a pen. Now, staring at my father fearfully, he and I both waited for his punishment. My father picked up his prized hymnal, looked at it carefully, and then sat down without saying a word. Books were precious to him; he was a clergyman and the holder of several degrees. For him, books were knowledge, and yet, he loved his children. What he did in the next few minutes was remarkable. Instead of punishing my brother, instead of scolding or yelling or reprimanding, he sat down, took the pen from my brother's hand and then wrote in the book himself, alongside the scribbles John had made: "John's word 1959, age two. How many times have I looked into your beautiful face and into your warm, alert eyes looking up at me and thanked God for the one who has now scribbled in my new hymnal? You have made the book sacred as have your brothers and sister to so much of my life." Wow, I thought. This is punishment? From time to time I take a book down -- not just a cheesy paperback but a real book that I know I will have for many years to come -- and I give it to one of my children to scribble or write their names in. And as I look at their artwork, I think about my father, and how he taught me about what really matters in life: people, not objects; tolerance, not judgment; love, which is at the very heart of a family. I think about these things, and I smile. And I whisper, "Thank you, Dad." By Arthur Bowler from Chicken Soup for the Christian Family Soul Copyright 2000 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written consent from Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises, Inc. NOTE: This is not publication and not for publication but for sharing with a friend. ===================================== From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you o THE TRUE FACE OF GOD From: (author unknown) via Heartwarming page 163 It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month. The crops were dying. Cows had stopped giving milk. The creeks and streams were long gone back into the earth. It was a dry season that would bankrupt seven farmers before it was through. Every day, my husband and his brothers would go about the arduous process of trying to get water to the fields. Lately this process had involved taking a truck to the local water rendering plant and filling it up with water. But severe rationing had cut everyone off. If we didn't see some rain soon, we would lose everything. It was on this day that I learned the true lesson of sharing and witnessed the only miracle I have seen with my own eyes. I was in the kitchen making lunch for my husband and his brothers when I saw my six-year old son, Billy, walking toward the woods. He wasn't walking with the usual carefree abandon of a youth but with a serious purpose. I could only see his back. He was obviously walking with a great effort, trying to be as still as possible. Minutes after he disappeared into the woods, he came running out again, toward the house. I went back to making sandwiches; thinking that whatever task he had been doing was completed. Moments later, however, he was once again walking in that slow purposeful stride toward the woods. This activity went on for an hour: walk carefully to the woods, run back to the house. Finally I couldn't take it any longer and I crept out of the house and followed him on his journey (being very careful not to be he was obviously doing important work and didn't need his Mommy checking up on him). He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked; being very careful not to spill the water he held in them, .maybe two or three tablespoons were held in his tiny hands. I sneaked close as he went into the woods. Branches and thorns slapped his little face but he did not try to avoid them. He had a much higher purpose. As I leaned in to spy on him, I saw the most amazing site. Several large deer loomed in front of him. Billy walked right up to them. I almost screamed for him to get away. A huge buck with elaborate antlers was dangerously close. But the buck did not threaten him, he didn't even move as Billy knelt down. And I saw a tiny fawn laying on the ground, obviously suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion, lift its head with great effort to lap up the water cupped in my beautiful boy's hand. When the water was gone, Billy jumped up to run back to the house and I hid behind a tree. I followed him back to the house; to a spigot that we had shut off the water to. Billy opened it all the way up and a small trickle began to creep out. He knelt there, letting the drip drip slowly fill up his makeshift "cup", as the sun beat down on his little back. And it came clear to me. The trouble he had gotten into for playing with the hose the week before. The lecture he had received about the importance of not wasting water. The reason he didn't ask me to help him. It took almost twenty minutes for the drops to fill his hands. When he stood up and began the trek back, I was there in front of him. His little eyes just filled with tears. "I'm not wasting", was all he said. As he began his walk, I joined him, with a small pot of water from the kitchen. I let him tend to the fawn. I stayed away. It was his job.I stood on the edge of the woods watching the most beautiful heart I have ever known working so hard to save another life. As the tears that rolled down my face began to hit the ground, they were suddenly joined by other drops, and more drops, and more. I looked up at the sky. It was as if God, himself, was weeping with pride. Some will probably say that this was all just a huge coincidence. That miracles don't really exist. That it was bound to rain sometime. And I can't argue with that. I'm not going to try. All I can say is that the rain that came that day saved our farm. just like that actions of one little boy saved another. This is not one of those crazy chain letters. if you don't forward it to anyone, nothing bad will happen to you. If you choose to forward it, you won't receive any riches in the mail. I don't know if anyone will read this, but I had to send it out. To honor the memory of my beautiful Billy, who was taken from me much too soon, But not before showing me the true face of God, in a little sunburned body. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 164 VISITING DAY! From: ANGELA K ROWE <> He had been looking forward to this moment all day long, after six days of labor and it had finally arrived - Visiting Day! The man with the keys arrived to swing open the large, heavy doors. The cold gray hall sprang to life in the warm glow of light. He could hardly control his emotions. The families began to arrive. He peers from the corner of the room longing for the first glimpse of his loved one. He lives for the weekends. He lives for these visits. As the cars arrive, he watches intently. Then, finally, they arrive, for whom he would do anything. They embrace, eat a light lunch and reminisce how things used to be. At one point, they break into singing, with interruptions of laughter and applause. But all too soon it is over. A tear comes to his eyes as they depart. Then the men with the keys close the heavy doors. He hears the key turn in the lock marking the end of a special day. There he stands, alone again. He knows that most of his visitors will not contact him again till next week. As the last car pulls away from the parking lot, Jesus retreats into loneliness as He waits until next Sunday - Visiting Day. (How will your next visiting day be?) =======HeartWarming======== From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. THE LASIE DOG By Brian G. Jett PAGE 165 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. p p THE CAT DOCTOR Dr. McFarland, a veterinarian who goes by the name The Cat Doctor, has a practice in my hometown, where we bring our cat, Ragamuffin. At one point, we had to put Ragamuffin on a strict diet of prescription food, sold only at the vet's office. One time, when I went there to get a refill, I saw one of the saddest sights I have ever seen -- a cat whose hind quarters were paralyzed and could get around only by dragging his back legs behind him. I asked the receptionist about the cat. She told me his name was Slick, and that some people had found him by the side of the road a couple of years earlier and brought him in. The poor little guy had been shot and left for dead. The Cat Doctor treated him and when he recovered, they decided to keep Slick as the office mascot. At first, it just broke my heart to see him pull himself around the office, using just his front legs. But Slick has such spirit, that each time I saw him, I seemed to notice his difficulties less and less. Not too long ago, Ragamuffin became ill and I had to take him to the vet. The cat was scared to death to leave our house. Although he was in horrible pain from his illness, he put up a terrific fight. He fought his way out of the cat carrier three times before I could secure it. I finally got Ragamuffin into the car and headed over to see The Cat Doctor. Ragamuffin howled and cried the whole way. Even as I carried the carrier into the office, my cat was putting up a fight. He was terrified of being in this strange place filled with new cat and people smells. As I looked around, I noticed Slick sitting on a little cat bed across the room, oblivious to all the commotion I'd brought into his kingdom. He ignored us, continuing to groom himself. Setting the carrier down on the floor, I tried not to listen to Ragamuffin's strident pleas for help as I filled out the proper paperwork. Then suddenly it got quiet.Really quiet.No more screaming. No more howls. I cocked my head to listen as I continued to calculate Ragamuffin's weight in my head. Still, silence. A sudden fear rushed over me as I realized that the front door to Dr. McFarland's office was still open. Omigosh, I thought, Ragamuffin must have gotten out of the carrier and run outside! I dropped my pen and turned to bolt out the door. I hadn't taken more than two steps when I stopped short -- captivated by the scene before me. Ragamuffin, still in his cage, had his pink nose pressed up against the bars. He was exchanging a calm little cat greeting with Slick, who had managed to crawl all the way across the room to comfort the agitated Rags. Slick, with his paralyzed hindquarters splayed behind him, pressed his nose to the bars as well. The two cats sat quietly, Slick continuing to soothe Ragamuffin's fears in a way only another cat would know how to do. Smiling, I realized that there was more than one Cat Doctor around this place. By Norma and Vincent Hans from Chicken Soup for the Cat & Dog Lover's Soul Copyright 1999 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written consent from Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises, Inc. (NOTE: This is sharing from internet email with a friend and not reproduction.) From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 167 Prayer For You (from by Rev. Bill McGinnis, Editor INTERNET DAILY CHAPEL) "To Use The Power Of Your Spoken Words" You may not know this, but you have a power, A special little gift you got from God, To greatly make or break somebody's day, By what you tell them when they need to hear. For people are receptive to your thoughts, And ready to believe the things you say. * * * The Lord wants you to use this power well, And if you do, He then will give you more, Because you used it as He did intend. * * * So start today to use this power well, And once again, this rule you can apply: "Give unto others as you would receive." If they are feeling lonely, be a friend; If they have suffered loss, then give them gain; If they are in temptation, give them strength. Your words will cost you nothing but your time, Yet you are building treasure with the Lord. And when you need it most, He will repay. * * * In Jesus' name I pray these things, Amen. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 168 Subject: new meaning for ASAP (here is something i got from a friend at Herff Jones Corporation Hq.) Ever wonder about the abbreviation A.S.A.P. Generally we think of it in terms of even more hurry and stress in our lives. Maybe if we think of this abbreviation in a different manner, we will begin to find a new way to deal with those rough days along the way. "There's work to do, deadlines to meet; You've got no time to spare, But as you hurry and scurry, -ASAP- Always Say A Prayer In the midst of family chaos, "Quality time" is rare. Do your best; let God do the restASAP- Always Say A Prayer. It may seem like your worries Are more than you can bare. Slow down and take a breatherASAP- Always Say A Prayer God knows how stressful life is; He wants to ease our cares, And He'll respond A.S.A.P.- Always Say A Prayer. Today I'm saying a little prayer that GOD will smile on you and send you all the special blessings you deserve. Pass it on. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. RED ROSES TO ROSE EVERY YEAR (With Love) The roses will come every year, and they will only stop, When your door's not answered, when the florist stops to knock. He will come five times that day, in case you have gone out. But after his last visit, he will know without a doubt, To take the roses to the place, where I've instructed him. And place the roses where we are, together once again." =====Author Unknown …but from ==HeartWarming======= page 169 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 170 GOD’S VOICE MAIL SYSTEM From: We have all learned to live with "voice mail" as a necessary part of modern life. But have you wondered what it would be like if God decided to install voice mail? Imagine praying and hearing this: Thank you for calling My Father's House. Please select one of the following options: - Press 1 for Requests - Press 2 for Thanksgiving - Press 3 for Complaints - Press 4 for All Other Inquiries. What if God used the familiar excuse... "I'm sorry, all of our angels are busy helping other saints right now. However, your prayer is important to us and will be answered in the order it was received, so please stay on the line." Can you imagine getting these responses as you call God in Prayer: If you would like to speak to: - Gabriel, Press 1 - Michael, Press 2 - For a directory of other angels, Press 3 - If you'd like to hear King David sing a psalm while you are holding, please press 4. - To find out if a loved one has been assigned to Heaven, Press 5, enter his or her social security number, then press the pound key. (If you get a negative response, try area code 666.) - For reservations at "My Father's House," please enter J-O-H-N, followed by 3-1-6. - For answers to nagging questions about dinosaurs, the age of the earth and where Noah's Ark is, please wait until you arrive here. - Our computers show that you have already prayed once today. Please hang up and try again tomorrow so that others may have a chance to get through. - This office is closed for the weekend to observe a religious holiday. - Please pray again Monday after 9:30 am. If you need emergency assistance when this office is closed, contact your local pastor. =======BPL======= From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 171 IT DEPENDS ON WHOSE HAND IT'S IN ! ("Spiritual Tuning" ...Unknown Author...via Worship Ideas) ----------------------------------------------A basketball in my hand is worth about $19. A basketball in Michael Jordan's hand is worth about $33 million. It all depends whose hand it's in. A baseball bat in my hand is worth about $10. A bat in Mark McGwire's hand is worth $19 million. It all depends whose hand it's in. A tennis racket is practically useless in my hand. A tennis racket in Pete Sampras' hand is, perhaps, a Wimbledon Championship. It all depends whose hand it's in. A rod in my hand might keep away a wild animal. A rod in Moses' hand parted the Red Sea. It all depends whose hand it's in. A sling shot in my hand is a kid's toy. A sling shot in David's hand was a mighty weapon. It all depends whose hand it's in. Two fish/five loaves of bread in my hand is just a few fish sandwiches. Two fish/five loaves of bread in the hands of Jesus fed thousands. It all depends whose hand it's in. A nail in my hand might produce a birdhouse. Nails in Jesus Christ's hands produced salvation for the entire world. It all depends whose hand it's in. Put your concerns...your worries...your fears...your hopes...your dreams...your families and your relationships in God's hand because...It all depends whose hand it's in. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 172 "NO JACKET REQUIRED" > -- Author Unknown I shook my head in disbelief. This couldn't be the right place. After all, I couldn't possibly be welcome here. I had been given an invitation several times, by several different people, and had finally decided to see what this place was all about. But, this just couldn't be the right place. Quickly, I glanced down at the invitation that I clutched in my hand. I scanned past the words, "Come as you are. No jacket required." and found the location. Yes, I was at the right place. I peered through the window again and saw a room of people whose faces seemed to glow with joy. All were neatly dressed, adorned in fine garme nts and appeared strangely clean as they dined at this exquisite restaurant. Ashamed, I looked down at my own tattered and torn clothing, covered in stains. I was dirty, in fact, filthy. A foul smell seemed to consume me and I couldn't shake the grime th at clung to my body. As I turned around to leave, the words from the invitation seemed to leap out at me......"Come as you are. No jacket required." I decided to give it a shot. Mustering up every bit of courage I could find, I opened the door to this restaurant and walked up to a man standing behind a podium. "Your name, sir?" he asked me with a smile. "Jimmy D. Brown," I mumbled without looking up. I thrust my hands deep into my pockets, hoping to conceal their stains. He didn't seem to notice the filth that I was covered in and he continued, "Very good, sir. A table is reserved in your name. Would you like to be seated?" I couldn't believe what I heard! A grin broke out on my face and I said, "Yes, of course!" He lead me to a table and, sure enough, there was a placard with my name written on it in a deep, dark red. As I browsed over a menu, I saw many delightful items listed. There were things like, "peace," "joy," "blessings," "confidence," "assurance," "hope," "love," "faith," and "mercy." I r ealized that this was no ordinary restaurant! I flipped the menu back to the front in order to see where I was at... .."God's Grace," was the name of this place! The man returned and said, "I recommend the 'Special of the Day'. With it, you are entitled to heaping portions of everything on this menu." You've got to be kidding! I thought to myself. You mean, I can have ALL of this! "What is the 'Special of the Day' I asked with excitement ringing in my voice. "Salvation," was his reply. "I'll take it," I practically cried out. Then, as quickly as I made that statement, the joy left my body. A sick, painful ache jerked through my stomach and tears filled my eyes. Between my sobs I said... "Mister, look at me. I'm dirty and nasty. I'm unclean and unworthy of such things. I'd love to have all of this, but, but, I just can't afford it. Undaunted, the man smiled again. "Sir, your check has already been taken care of by that Gentleman over there," he said pointing to the front of the room. "His Name is Jesus." Turning, I saw a man whose very presence seemed to light the room. He was almost too much to look at. I found myself walking towards Him and in a shaking voice I whispered, "Sir, I'll wash the dishes or sweep the floors or take out the trash. I'll do anything I can do to repay you for all of this." He opened His arms and said with a smile, "Son, all of this is yours if you just come unto me. Ask me to clean you up and I will. Ask me to take away the stains and it is done. Ask me to allow you to feast at my table and you will eat. Remember, the table is reserved in your name. All you must do is accept this gift that I offer you." Astonished, I fell at his feet and said, "Please, Jesus. Please clean up my life. Please change me and sit me at your table and give me this new life." Immediately, I heard the words, "It is finished." I looked down and white robes adorned my squeaky clean body. Something strange and wonderful had happened. I felt new, like a weight had been lifted and I found myse lf seated at His table. “No Jacket Required” Continued) page 174 "The 'Special of the Day' has been served," the Lord said to me. "Salvation is yours." We sat and talked for a great while and I so enjoyed the time that I spent with Him. He told me, me of all people, that He would like for me to come back as often as I liked for another helping from God's Grace. He made it clear that He wanted me to spend as much time with Him as possible. As it drew near time for me to go back outside into the "real world," He whispered to me softly, "And Lo, I am with you always." And then, He said something to me that I will never forget. He said... "My child, do you see these empty tables throughout this room?" "Yes, Lord. I see them. What do they mean?" I replied. "These are reserved tables...but the individuals whose names are on each placard have not accepted their invitations to dine. Would you be so kind as to hand out these invitations to those who have not joined us yet?" Jesus asked. "Of course," I said with excitement as I picked up the invitations." "Go ye therefore into all nations," He said as I turned to leave. I walked into God's Grace dirty and hungry. Stained in sin. My righteousness as filthy rags. And Jesus cleaned me up. I walked out a brand new man...robed in white, His righteousness. And so, I'll keep my promise to my Lord. I'll go. I'll spread the Word. I'll share the Gospel... I'll hand out the invitations. And I'll start with you. Have you been to God's Grace? There's a table reserved in your name, and here's your invitation... "Come as you are. No jacket required." "For by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast." -> Ephesians 2: 8,9 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 174 The United States DOLLAR BILL From: "BillSutter" via Bill’s Punch Line If you have one, take out a one dollar bill and look at it. The one dollar bill you're looking at first came off the presses in 1957 in its present design. This so-called paper money is in fact a cotton and linen blend, with red and blue minute silk fibers running through it. It is actually a cloth material. We've all washed it without it falling apart. A special blend of ink is used, the contents we will never know. It is overprinted with sy mbols and then it is starched to make it water resistant and pressed to give it that nice crisp look. If you look on the front of the bill, you will see the United States Treasury Seal. On the top you will see the scales for the balance-a balanced budget. In the center you have a carpenter's T -square, a tool used for an even cut. Underneath is the Key to the United States Treasury. That's all pretty easy to figure out, but what is on the back of that dollar bill is something we should all know. If you turn the bill over, you will see two circles. Both circles, together, comprise the Great Seal of the United States. The First Continental Congress requested that Benjamin Franklin and a group of men come up with a Seal. It took them four years to accomplish this task and another two years to get it approved. If you look at the left hand circle, you will see a Pyramid. Notice the face is lighted and the western side is dark. This country was just beginning. We had not begun to explore the West or decided what we could do for Western Civilization. The Pyramid is uncapped, again signifying that we were not even close to being finished. Inside the capstone you have the all-seeing eye, an ancient symbol for divinity. It was Franklin's belief that one man couldn't do it alone, but a group of men, with the help of God, could do anything. "IN GOD WE TRUST" is on this currency. The Latin above the pyramid, ANNUIT COEPTIS, means "God has favored our undertakin g." The Latin below the pyramid, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, means "a new order has begun." At the base of the pyramid is the Roman Numeral MDCCLXXVI, for 1776. If you look at the right -hand circle, and check it carefully, you will learn that it is on every National Cemetery in the United States. It is also on the Parade of Flags Walkway at the Bushnell, Florida National Cemetery and is the centerpiece of most hero's monuments. Slightly modified, it is the seal of the P resident of the United States and it is always visible whenever he speaks, yet no one knows what the symbols mean. The Bald Eagle was selected as a symbol for victory for two reasons: First, he is not afraid of a storm; he is strong and he is smart enough to soar above it. Secondly, he wears no material crown. We had just broken from the King of England. Also, notice the shield is unsupported. This country can now stand on its own. At the top of that shield you have a white bar signifying congress, a unifying factor. We were coming together as one nation. In the Eagle's beak you will read, "E PLURIBUS UNUM," meaning "one nation from many people." Above the Eagle you have thirteen stars representing the thirteen original colonies, and any clouds of misunderstanding rolling away. Again, we were coming together as one. Notice what the Eagle holds in his talons. He holds an olive branch and arrows. This country wants peace, but we will never be afraid to fight to preserve peace. The Eagle always wants to face the olive branch, but in time of war, his gaze turns toward the arrows. They say that the number 13 is an unlucky number. This is almost a worldwide belief. You will usually never see a room numbered 13, or any hotels or motels with a 13th floor. But, think about this : 13 original colonies, 13 signers of the Declaration of Independence, 13 stripes on our flag, 13 steps on the Pyramid, 13 letters in the Latin above, 13 letters in "E Pluribus Unum", 13 stars above the Eagle, 13 plumes of feathers on each span of the Eagle's wing, 13 bars on that shield, 13 leaves on the olive branch, 13 fruits, and if you look closely, 13 arrows. And for minorities: the 13th Amendment. I always ask people, "Why don't you know this?" Your children don't know this and their history teachers don't know this. Too many veterans have given up too much to ever let the meaning fade. Many veterans remember coming home to an America that didn't care. Too many veterans never came home at all. Tell everyone what is on the back of the one dollar bill and what it stands for, because nobody else will. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 175 “Are You Missing a Blessing?” (Food for Thought from a Friend … Author unknown) The man whispered, "God, speak to me." and a meadowlark sang. But, the man did not hear. So the man yelled, "GOD, SPEAK TO ME!" And the thunder rolled across the sky. But, the man did not listen. The man looked around and said, "God, let me see you." And a star shined brightly. But the man did not notice. And, the man shouted, "GOD SHOW ME A MIRACLE!" And, a life was born. But, the man did not know. So, the man cried out in despair, "TOUCH ME GOD, AND LET ME KNOW YOU ARE HERE!" Whereupon, God reached down and touched the man. But, the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on. DON'T MISS OUT ON A BLESSING BECAUSE IT ISN'T PACKAGED THE WAY THAT YOU EXPECT. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 176 I’ve LEARNED … & I am LEARNING… that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life. that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be. that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be last time you see them. that you can keep going long after you can't. that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel. that either you control your attitude or it controls you. that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place. that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences. that money is a lousy way of keeping score. that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time. that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones to help you get back up. that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel. that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love. that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated. that your family won't always be there for you. It may seem funny, but people you aren't related to can take care of you, love you and teach you to trust people again. Families aren't biological. that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. that it isn't enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself. that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief. that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other, o And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do. that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change. that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever. that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different. that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you. that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help. that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being. that the people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon. WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED? WHAT ARE YOU LEARNING? From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 177 “Where is God's Perfection.....” (source unknown) In Brooklyn, New York, Chush is a school that caters to learning disabled children. Some children remain in Chush for their entire school career, while others can be main streamed into conv entional schools. At a Chush fundraising dinner, the father of a Chush child delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he cried out, "Where is the perfection in my son Shaya? Everything God does is done with perfection. But my child cannot understand things as other children do. My child cannot remember facts and figures as other children do. Where is God's perfection?" The audience was shocked by the question, pained by the father's anguish and stilled by the piercing query. "I believe," the father answered, "that when God brings a child like this into the world, the perfection that he seeks is in the way people react to this child." He then told the following story about his son Shaya: One afternoon Shaya and his father walked past a park where some boys Shaya knew were playing baseball. Shaya asked, "Do you think they will let me play?" Shaya's father knew that his son was not at all athletic and that most boys would not want him on their team. But Shaya's father understood that if his son was chosen to play it would give him a comfortable sense of belonging. Shaya's father approached one of the boys in the field and asked if Shaya could play. The boy looked around for guidance from his teammates. Getting none, he took matters into his own hands and said "We are losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him up to bat in the ninth inning." Shaya's father was ecstatic as Shaya smiled broadly. Shaya was told to put on a glove and go out to play short center field. In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shaya's team scored a few runs but was still behind by three. In the bottom of the ninth inning, Shaya's team scored again and now with two outs and the bases loaded with the potential winning run on base, Shaya was scheduled to be up. Would the team actually let Shaya bat at this juncture and give away their chance to win the game? Surprisingly, Shaya was given the bat. Everyone knew that it was all but impossible because Shaya didn't even know how to hold the bat properly, let alone hit with it. However as Shaya stepped up to the plate, the pitcher moved a few steps to lob the ball in softly so Shaya should at least be able to make contact. The first pitch came in and Shaya swung clumsily and missed. One of Shaya's teammates came up to S haya and together they held the bat and faced the pitcher waiting for the next pitch. The pitcher again took a few steps forward to toss the ball softly toward Shaya. As the pitch came in, Shaya and his teammate swung the bat and together they hit a slow ground ball to the pitcher. The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could easily have thrown the ball to the first baseman. Shaya would have been out and that would have ended the game. Instead, the pitcher took the ball and threw it on a high arc to right field, far beyond reach of the first baseman. Everyone started yelling, Shaya, run to first. Run to first." Never in his life had Shaya run to first. He scampered down the baseline wide-eyed and startled. By the time he reached first base, the right fielder had the ball. He could have thrown the ball to the second baseman who would tag out Shaya, who was still running. But the right fielder understood what the pitcher's intentions were, so he threw the ball high and far over the third baseman's head. Everyone yelled, "Run to second, run to second." Shaya ran towards second base as the runners ahead of him deliriously circled the bases towards home. As Shaya reached second base, the opposing short stop ran to him, turned him in the direction of third base and shouted, "Run to third." As Shaya rounded third, the boys from both teams ran behind him screaming, "Shaya run home." Shaya ran home, stepped on home plate and all 18 boys lifted him on their shoulders and made him the hero, as he had just hit a "grand slam" and won the game for his team. "That day," said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, "those 18 boys reached their level of God's perfection." Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world is going down the drain. Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding God, people think twice about sharing. Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely through cyber space, but the public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace. Funny, isn't it? Funny how when you go to forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it to them. Funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me than what God thinks of me. _______________________________________________________________________ From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 178 “You'll find Jesus in my heart!" (author is unknown) "Tomorrow morning," the surgeon began, "I'll open up your heart..." "You'll find Jesus there," the boy interrupted. The surgeon looked up, annoyed. "I'll cut your heart open," he continued, "to see how much damage has been done..." "But when you open up my heart, you'll find Jesus in there." The surgeon looked to the parents, who sat quietly. "When I see how much damage has been done, I'll sew your heart and chest back up and I'll plan what to do next." "But you'll find Jesus in my heart. The Bible says He lives there. The hymns all say He lives there. find Him in my heart." You'll The surgeon had had enough. "I'll tell you what I'll find in your heart. I'll find damaged muscle, low blood supply, and weakened vessels. And I'll find out if I can make you well." "You'll find Jesus there too. He lives there." The surgeon left. The surgeon sat in his office, recording his notes from the surgery, "...damaged aorta, damaged pulmonary vein, widespread muscle degeneration. No hope for transplant, no hope for cure. Therapy: painkillers and bed rest. Prognosis:, " here he paused, "death within one year." He stopped the recorder, but there was more to be said. "Why?" he asked aloud. "Why did You do this? You've put him here; You've put him in this pain; and You've cursed him to an early death. Why?" The Lord answered and said, "The boy, My lamb, was not meant for your flock for long, for he is a part of My flock, and will forever be. Here, in My flock, he will feel no pain, and will be comforted as you cannot imagine. His parents will one day join him here, and they will know peace, and My flock will continue to grow" The surgeon's tears were hot, but his anger was hotter. "You created that boy, and You created that heart. He'll be dead in months. Why?" The Lord answered, "The boy, My lamb, shall return to My flock, for he has done his duty: I did not put My lamb with your flock to lose him, but to retrieve another lost lamb." The surgeon wept. The surgeon sat beside the boy's bed; the boy's parents sat across from him. The boy awoke and whispered, "Did you cut open my heart?" "Yes," said the surgeon. "What did you find?" asked the boy. "I found Jesus there," said the surgeon. (Is Jesus in Your Heart ? ) From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 179 THANKSGIVING ROSES HEARTWARMING ... From: ... Author Unknown Sandra felt as low as the heels of her Birkenstocks when she pulled open the florist shop door, against a November gust of wind. Her life had been as sweet as a spring breeze and then in the fourth month of her second pregnancy, a "minor" automobile accident stole her joy. This was Thanksgiving week and the time she should have delivered their infant son. She grieved over their loss. Troubles had multiplied. He r husband's company "threatened" to transfer his job to a new location. Her sister had called to say that she could not come for her long awaited holiday visit. THEN! Sandra's friend suggested that Sandra's grief was a God given path to maturity that would allow her to empathize with others who suffer. "She has no idea what I'm feeling," thought Sandra with a shudder. "Thanksgiving? Thankful for what?" she wondered. "For a careless driver whose truck was hardly scratched when he rear-ended her? For an airbag that saved her life, but took her child's?" "Good afternoon, can I help you?" Sandra was startled by the approach of the shop clerk. "I.... I need an arrangement," stammered Sandra. "For Thanksgiving? Do you want the beautiful but ordinary, or would you like to challenge the day with a customer favorite I call the 'Thanksgiving Special'? I'm convinced that flowers tell stories," she continued. "Are you looking for something that conveys 'gratitude' this Thanksgiving?" "Not exactly!" Sandra blurted out. "In the last five months, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong." Sandra regretted her outburst, and was surprised when the clerk said, "I have the perfect arrangement for you." Then the bell on the door rang, and the clerk greeted the new customer, "Hi, Barbara...let me get your order." She excused herself and walked back to a small workroom, then quickly reappeared, carrying an arrangement of greenery, bows, and what appeared to be long -stemmed thorny roses. Except the ends of the rose stems were neatly snipped: there were no flowers. "Do you want these in a box?" asked the clerk. Sandra watched for the customer's response. Was this a joke? Who would want rose stems with no flowers! She waited for laughter, but neither woman laughed. "Yes, please," Barbara replied with an appreciative smile. "You'd think after three years of getting the special, I wouldn't be so moved by its significance, but I can feel it right here, all over again." She said, as she gently tapped her che st. Sandra stammered, "Ah, that lady just left with, uh.... she left with no flowers!" "That's right, said the clerk. "I cut off the flowers. That's the 'Special'. I call it the Thanksgiving Thorns Bouquet." "Oh, come on! You can't tell me someone is willing to pay for that!" exclaimed Sandra. "Barbara came into the shop three years ago, feeling much as you do, today," explained the clerk. "She thought she had very little to be thankful for. She had just lost her father to cancer; the family business was failing; her son had gotten into drugs; and she was facing major surgery." "That same year I had lost my husband," continued the clerk. "For the first time in my life, I had to spend the holidays alone. I had no children, no husband, no family nearby, and too much debt to allow any travel." "So what did you do?" asked Sandra. "I learned to be thankful for thorns," answered the clerk quietly. "I've always thanked God for the good things in my life and I NEVER questioned Him why those GOOD things happened to me, but when the bad stuff hit, I cried out, "WHY? WHY Me?!" It took time for me to learn that the dark times are important to our faith! I have always enjoyed the 'flowers' of my life, but it took the thorns to show me the beauty of God's comfort! You know, the Bible says that God comforts us when we're afflicted, and from His consolation we learn to comfort others." Sandra sucked in her breath, as she thought about the thought that her friend had tried to tell her. "I guess the truth is, I don't want comfort. I've lost a baby and I'm angry with God." (please continue on reverse side or on next page) Page 180 (THANKSGIVING ROSES, continued) Just then someone else walked in the shop. "Hey, Phil!" the clerk greeted the balding, rotund man. "My wife sent me in to get our usual Thanksgiving arrangement...twelve thorny, long -stemmed stems!" laughed Phil as the clerk handed him a tissue wrapped arran gement from the refrigerator. "Those are for your wife?" asked Sandra incredulously. "Do you mind telling me why she wants a bouquet that looks like that?" "No... I'm glad you asked," Phil replied. "Four years ago, my wife and I nearly divorced. After f orty years, we were in a real mess, but with the Lord's grace and guidance, we trudged through p roblem after problem. The Lord rescued our marriage. Jenny, here (the clerk) told me she kept a vase of rose stems to remind her of what she had learned from "thorny" times. That was good enough for me. I took home some of those stems. My wife and I decided to label each one for a specific "p roblem" and give thanks for what that problem taught us." As Phil paid the clerk, he said to Sandra, "I highly recommend the Special!" "I don't know if I can be thankful for the thorns in my life." Sandra said to the clerk. "It's all too...fresh." "Well," the clerk replied carefully, "my experience has shown me that the tho rns make the roses more precious. We treasure God's providential care more during trouble than at any other time. Remember that it was a crown of thorns that Jesus wore so we might know His love. Don't resent the thorns." Tears rolled down Sandra's cheeks. For the first time since the accident, she loosened her grip on her resentment. "I'll take those twelve long-stemmed thorns, please," she managed to choke out. "I hoped you would," said the clerk gently. "I'll have them ready in a minute." "Thank you. What do I owe you?" "Nothing. Nothing but a promise to allow God to heal your heart. The first year's arrangement is always on me." The clerk smiled and handed a card to Sandra. "I'll attach this card to your arrangement, but maybe you would like to read it first." It read: My God, I have never thanked You for my thorns. I have thanked You a thousand times for my roses, but never once for my thorns. Teach me the glory of the cross I bear; teach me the value of my thorns. Show me that I have climbed closer to You along the path of pain. Show me that, through my tears, the colors of Your rainbow look much more brilliant." PRAISE HIM FOR THE ROSES; THANK HIM FOR THE THORNS. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 181 MY FIRST CHRISTMAS IN HEAVEN I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below With tiny lights, like Heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow. The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear but the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here. I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring, For it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing. I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart. But I am not so far away, We really aren't apart. So be happy for me, dear ones, You know I hold you dear. And be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. I sent you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above. I sent you each a memory of my undying love. After all, love is a gift more precious than pure gold. It was always most important in the stories Jesus told. Please love and keep each other, as my father said to do. For I can't count the blessing or love he has for each of you. So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear. Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. footnote: This poem was written by a 13 year old boy who has battled a brain tumor for four years. He died on December 14, 1997 and gave this poem to his mother. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 182 A CHRISTMAS STORY It was just a few more days until Christmas in San Francisco, and the shopping downtown was starting to get to us. I remember crowds of people waiting impatiently for slow-moving buses and streetcars on those little cement islands in the middle of the street. Most of us were loaded down with packages, and it looked like many of us were beginning to wonder if all those countless friends and relatives actually deserved so many gifts in the first place. This was not the Christmas spirit I'd been raised with. When I finally found myself virtually shoved up the steps of a jammed streetcar, the idea of standing there packed like a sardine the whole way home was almost more than I could take. What I would have given for a seat! I must have been in some kind of exhausted daze because as people gradually got off, it took me a while to notice that there was room to breathe again. Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye. A small, dark-skinned boy - he couldn't have been more than five or six - tugged on a woman's sleeve and asked, "Would you like a seat?" He quietly led her to the closest free seat he could find. Then he set out to find another tired person. As soon as each rare, new seat became available, he would quickly move through the crowd in search of another burdened woman who desperately needed to rest her feet. When I finally felt the tug on my own sleeve, I was absolutely dazzled by the beauty in this little boy's eyes. He took my hand, saving, "Come with me," and I think I'll remember that smile as long as I live. As I happily placed my heavy load of packages on the floor, the little emissary of love immediately turned to help his next subject. The people on the streetcar, as usual, had been studiously avoiding each other's eyes, but now they began to exchange sly glances and smiles. A businessman offered a section of newspaper to the stranger next to him; three people stooped to return a gift that had tumbled to the floor. And now people were speaking to one another. That little boy had tangibly changed something - we all relaxed into a subtle feeling of warmth and actually enjoyed the trip through the final stops along the route. I didn't notice when the child got off. I looked up at one point and he was gone. When I reached my stop I practically floated off that streetcar, wishing the driver a happy holiday, noticing the sparkling Christmas lights on my street in a fresh, new way. Or maybe I was seeing them in an old way, with the same open wonder I felt when I was five or six. I thought, "So that's what they mean by 'And a little child shall lead them...'" by Beverly M. Bartlett Reprinted by permission of Beverly M. Bartlett (c), 1996 from Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Jennifer Read Hawthorne and Marci Shimoff. In order to protect the rights of the copyright holder, no portion of this publication may be reproduced without prior written consent. All rights reserved. ===================================== From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 183 Twas The Night Before Christmas....Mom Style Twas the night before Christmas, when all thru the abode Only one creature was stirring, & she was cleaning the commode. The children were finally sleeping, all snug in their beds, while visions of N-64 & Barbie, flipped through their heads. The dad was snoring in front of the TV, with a half-constructed bicycle propped on his knee. So only the mom heard the reindeer hooves clatter, which made her sigh, "Now what is the matter?" With toilet bowl brush still clutched in her hand, She descended the stairs, & saw the old man. He was covered with ashes & soot, which fell with a shrug, "Oh great," muttered the mom, "Now I have to clean the rug." "Ho Ho Ho!" cried Santa, "I'm glad you're awake." "Your gift was especially difficult to make." "Thanks, Santa, but all I want is time alone." "Exactly!" he chuckled, "So, I've made you a clone." "A clone?" she muttered, "What good is that?" "Run along, Santa, I've no time for chit chat." Then out walked the clone - The mother's twin, Same hair, same eyes, same double chin. "She'll cook, she'll dust, she'll mop every mess. You'll relax, take it easy, watch The Young & The Restless." "Fantastic!" the mom cheered. "My dream has come true!" "I'll shop, I'll read, I'll sleep a night through!" From the room above, the youngest did fret. "Mommy?! Come quickly, I'm scared & I'm wet." The clone replied, "I'm coming, sweetheart." "Hey," the mom smiled, "She sure knows her part." The clone changed the small one & hummed her tune, as she bundled the child in a blanket cocoon. "You're the best mommy ever. I really love you." The clone smiled & sighed, "And I love you, too." The mom frowned & said, "Sorry, Santa, no deal." That's my child's LOVE she is trying to steal." Smiling wisely Santa said, "To me it is clear, Only one loving mother is needed here." The mom kissed her child & tucked her in bed. "Thank You, Santa, for clearing my head. I sometimes forget, it won't be very long, when they'll be too old for my cradle & song." The clock on the mantle began to chime. Santa whispered to the clone, "It works every time." With the clone by his side Santa said "Goodnight. Merry Christmas, dear Mom, You will be all right." Sometimes we need reminding of what life is all about. Especially at times during the Holiday season, when all we seem to do is clean and bake and shop and and and and....You get the picture, I'm sure. So stop for a moment and hug that little one so special, whether he/she is 2 months or 22 years, or older than that. For they are the Gift that God gave us in Life...and what a gift to be treasured, far above any other! May the real meaning of Christmas be with you all this year. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 184 “A HOT NIGHT!” = “TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS” (author unknown) 'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house Not a creature was stirring, except me and my spouse The stockings were empty, no presents were wrapped We were way behind schedule and our resources tapped The children were nestled all snug in the beds, While the horrors of assembling danced in our heads Dad armed with a screwdriver, ready and poised To build a red trike for one of our boys. When off in the hall there arose a strange noise We dove over boxes to hide all the toys The thud, it turned out, was our dumb puppy Paul Who was chasing the cat and ran into the wall Back to his task, Dad cursed at his mess I suspect he was lost, but he'd never confess He wrestled with parts and fumbled with tools Emailed the manufacturer and called them all fools After hours of struggle, the bike finally took shape, With a few cuts and bruises and the aid of duct tape He stood back and gaped at the bike he just built It weaved and it wobbled and rolled with a tilt His frustration grew; his voice shook as he spoke "The directions are Greek, it's all a sick joke" At this point he snapped, his thinking unclear He'll do something stupid; this was my big fear. He grabbed each toy's instructions, oh why won't he learn, Tossed them into the fire, chanting "burn baby burn" "Burn Disney, burn Huffy, to blazes with you Burn Fisher Price, Playskool and Hasbro, too" As smoke filled the room, this was his first clue That in a moment of haste, he had neglected the flue To the top of the mantle, to the top of the wall A black cloud developed and ash settled on all Soot landed on stockings and covered the tree And gave a look of charcoal to all we could see The firemen came, dressed in yellow, like sun Seems the neighbors saw smoke and dialed 9-1-1 Out came the axe, out came the hoses Out came a Dalmatian who trampled my roses. "There's no trouble here," I swore up and down Realizing this faux pas would soon be 'round town "My husband's a good man," I tried to explain "The instructions weren't clear. It drove him insane" The fire chief nodded and gathered his crew Hopped onto their truck and away they all flew But I heard them converse as they drove out of sight "Her husband's the third jerk who's done that tonight!" From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 185 'Twas the night before Christmas and Santa's a wreck.... From: 'Twas the night before Christmas and Santa's a wreck.... How to be in a world that's politically correct? f His workers no longer would answer to "Elves," "Vertically Challenged" they were calling themselves. And labor conditions at the North Pole were alleged by the union to stifle the soul. Four reindeer had vanished, without much propriety, released to the wilds by the Humane Society. And equal employment had made it quite clear, that Santa had better not use just reindeer. So Dancer, and Donner, Comet, and Cupid, were replaced by four pigs, and y ou know that looked stupid! The runners had been removed from his sleigh; the ruts were termed dangerous by the E.P.A. And the people had started to call for the cops, when they heard sled noises on their rooftops. Second-hand smoke from his pipe had his workers quite frightened. His fur-trimmed red suit was called "Unenlightened." And to show you the strangeness of life's ebbs and flows, Rudolph was suing over unauthorized used of his nose and had gone on Geraldo, in front of the nation, dem anding millions in over-due compensation. So, half the reindeer were gone; and his wife, who suddenly said she'd had enough of this life, joined a self-help group, packed and left in a whiz, demanding from now on that her title was Ms. As for the gifts, why, he'd never had a notion that making a choice could cause such a commotion. Nothing of leather, nothing of fur, which meant nothing for him. And nothing for her. Nothing that might be considered to pollute. Nothing to aim, nothing to shoot. Nothing that clamored, or made lots of noise. Nothing for just girls. Nothing for just boys. Nothing that claimed to be gender specific. Nothing that's warlike, or non -pacific. No candy or sweets...they were bad for the tooth. Nothing that seemed to embellish a truth. And fairy tales, while not yet forbidden, were like Ken and Barbie, better off hidden. For they raised the hackles of those psychological who claimed the only g ood gift was one ecological. No baseball, no football...someone could get hurt; besides, playing sports exposes kids to dirt. Dolls were said to be sexist, and should be passé; And Nintendo would rot your entire brain away. So, Santa just stood there, disheveled, perplexed; he just could not figure out what to do next. He tried to be merry, tried to be gay, but you've got to be careful with that word today. His sack was quite empty, limp to the ground; nothing fully acceptable was to be found. Something special was needed, a gift that he might give to all without angering the left or the right. A gift that would satisfy, with no indecision, each group of people, every religion every ethnicity, every hue, everyone, everywhere...even you. So, here is that gift, it's price beyond worth.... "May you and your loved ones enjoy peace on earth." From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 186 CHRISTMAS STORY by Rian B. Anderson Pa never had much compassion for the lazy or those who squandered their means and then never had enough for the necessities. But for those who were genuinely in need, his heart was as big as all outdoors. It was from him that I learned the greatest joy in life comes from giving, not from receiving. It was Christmas Eve 1881. I was fifteen years old and feeling like the world had caved in on me because there just hadn't been enough money to buy me the rifle that I'd wanted so bad that year for Christmas. We did the chores early that night for some reason. I just figured Pa wanted a little extra time so we could read in the Bible. So after supper was over I took my boots off and stretched out in front of the fireplace and waited for Pa to get down the old Bible. I was still feeling sorry for myself and, to be honest, I wasn't in much of a mood to read Scriptures. But Pa didn't get the Bible, instead he bundled up and went outside. I couldn't figure it out because we had already done all the chores. I didn't worry about it long thoug h, I was too busy wallowing in self-pity. Soon Pa came back in. It was a cold clear night out and there was ice in his beard. "Come on, Matt," he said. "Bundle up good, it's cold out tonight." I was really upset then. Not only wasn't I getting the rifle for Christmas, now Pa was dragging me out in the cold, and for no earthly reason that I could see. We'd already done all the chores, and I couldn't think of anything else that needed doing, especially not on a night like this. But I knew Pa was not very pat ient at one dragging one's feet when he'd told them to do something, so I got up and put my boots back on and got my cap, coat, and mittens. Ma gave me a mysterious smile as I opened the door to leave the house. Something was up, but I didn't know what. Outside, I became even more dismayed. There in front of the house was the work team, already hitched to the big sled. Whatever it was we were going to do wasn't going to be a short, quick, little job. I could tell. We never hitched up the big sled unless we were going to haul a big load. Pa was already up on the seat, reins in hand. I reluctantly climbed up beside him. The cold was already biting at me. I wasn't happy. When I was on, Pa pulled the sled around the house and stopped in front of the woodshed. He got off and I followed. "I think we'll put on the high sideboards," he said. "Here, help me." The high sideboards! It had been a bigger job than I wanted to do with just the low sideboards on, but whatever it was we were going to do would be a lot bigger with the high sideboards on. When we had exchanged the sideboards Pa went into the woodshed and came out with an armload of wood—the wood I'd spent all summer hauling down from the mountain, and then all fall sawing into blocks and splitting. What was he doing? Finally I said something. "Pa," I asked, "what are you doing?" "You been by the Widow Jensen's lately?" he asked. The Widow Jensen lived about two miles down the road. Her husband had died a year or so before and left her with three children, the oldest being eight. Sure, I'd been by, but so what? "Yeah," I said,"why?" "I rode by just today," Pa said. "Little Jakey was out digging around in the woodpile trying to find a few chips. They're out of wood, Matt." That was all he said and then he turned and went back into the woodshed for another armload of wood. I followed him. We loaded the sled so high that I began to wonder if the horses would be able to pull it. Finally, Pa called a halt to our loading, then we went to the smoke house and Pa took down a big ham and a side of bacon. He handed them to me and told me to put them in the sled and wait . When he returned he was carrying a sack of flour over his right shoulder and a smaller sack of something in his left hand. "What's in the little sack?" I asked. "Shoes. They're out of shoes. Little Jakey just had gunny sacks wrapped around his feet when he was out in the woodpile this morning. I got the children a little candy too. It just wouldn't be Christmas without a little candy." We rode the two miles to Widow Jensen's pretty much in silence. I tried to think through what Pa was doing. We didn't have much by worldly standards. Of course, we did have a big woodpile, though most of what was left now was still in the form of logs that I would have to saw into blocks and split before we could use it. We also had meat and flour, so we could spare that, b ut I knew we didn't have any money, so why was Pa buying them shoes and candy? Really, why was he doing any of this? Widow Jensen had closer neighbors than us. It shouldn't have been our concern. We came in from the blind side of the Jensen house and unloaded the wood as quietly as possible, then we took the meat and flour and shoes to the door. We knocked. The door opened a crack and a timid voice said, "Who is it?" continue on reverse side on next page Christmas Story continued: page 187 "Lucas Miles, Ma'am, and my son, Matt. Could we come in for a bit?" Widow Jensen opened the door and let us in. She had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. The children were wrapped in another and were sitting in front of the fireplace by a very small fire that hardly gave off any heat at all. Widow Jensen fumbled with a match and finally lit the lamp. "We brought you a few things, Ma'am," Pa said and set down the sack of flour. I put the meat on the table. Then Pa handed her the sack that had the shoes in it. She opened it hesitantly and took the shoes out one pair at a time. There was a pair for her and one for each of the children ---sturdy shoes, the best, shoes that would last. I watched her carefully. She bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling and then tears filled her eyes and started running down her cheeks. She looked up at Pa like she wanted to say something, but it wouldn't come out. "We brought a load of wood too, Ma'am," Pa said, then he turned to me and said, "Matt, go bring enough in to last for a while. Let's get that fire up to size and heat this place up." I wasn't the same person when I went back out to bring in the wood. I had a big lump in my throat and, much as I hate to admit it, there were tears in my eyes too. In my mind I kept seeing those three kids huddled around the fireplace and their mother standing there with tears running down her cheeks and so much gratitude in her heart that she couldn't speak. My heart swelled within me and a joy filled my soul that I'd never known before. I had given at Christmas many times before, but never when it had made so much difference. I could see we were literally saving the lives of these people. I soon had the fire blazing and everyone's spirits soared. The kids started giggling when Pa handed them each a piece of candy and Widow Jensen looked on with a smile that p robably hadn't crossed her face for a long time. She finally turned to us. "God bless you," she said. "I know the L ord himself has sent you. The children and I have been praying that he would send one of his angels to spare us." In spite of myself, the lump returned to my throat and the tears welled up in my eyes again. I'd never thought of Pa in those exact terms before, but after Widow Jensen mentioned it I could see that it was p robably true. I was sure that a better man than Pa had never walked the earth. I started remembering all the times he had gone out of his way for Ma and me, and many others. The list seemed endless as I thought on it. Pa insisted that everyone try on the shoes before we left. I was amazed when they all fit and I wondered how he had known what sizes to get. Then I guessed that if he was on an errand for the Lord that the Lord would make sure he got the right sizes. .. Tears were running down Widow Jensen's face again when we stood up to leave. Pa took each of the kids in his big arms and gave them a hug. They clung to him and didn't want us to go. I could see that they missed their pa, and I was glad that I still had mine. At the door Pa turned to Widow Jensen and said, "The Mrs. wanted me to invite you and the children over for Christmas dinner tomorrow. The turkey will be more than the three of us can eat, and a man can get can tankerous if he has to eat turkey for too many meals. We'll be by to get you about eleven. It'll be nice to have some little ones around again. Matt, hasn't been little for quite a spell." I was the youngest. My two older brothers and two older sisters wer e all married and had moved away. Widow Jensen nodded and said, "Thank you, Brother Miles. I don't have to say, "'May the Lord bless you,' I know for certain that He will." Out on the sled I felt a warmth that came from deep within and I didn't even notice the cold. When we had gone a ways, Pa turned to me and said, "Matt, I want you to know something. Your ma and me have been tucking a little money away here and there all year so we could buy that rifle for you, but we didn't have quite enough. Then yesterday a man who owed me a little money from years back came by to make things square. Your ma and me were real excited, thinking that now we could get you that rifle, and I started into town this morning to do just that. But on the way I saw little Jakey out scratching in the woodpile with his feet wrapped in those gunny sacks and I knew what I had to do. So, Son, I spent the money for shoes and a little candy for those children. I hope you understand." I understood, and my eyes became wet with tears again. I understood very well, and I was so glad Pa had done it. Just then the rifle seemed very low on my list of priorities. Pa had given me a lot more. He had given me the look on Widow Jensen's face and the radiant smiles of her three children. For the rest of my life, whenever I saw any of the Jensens, or split a block of wood, I remembered, and remembering brought back that same joy I felt riding home beside Pa that night. Pa had given me much more than a rifle that night, he had given me the best Christma s of my life. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 188 CHRISTMAS ROSES It was the afternoon of December 24, the day before Christmas; and as the newest dental hygienist in our office, I had to work. The only thing that brightened my day was the beautifully decorated Christmas tree in our waiting room and a gift sent to me by a fellow I was dating - a dozen long-stemmed red roses. As I was cleaning my operatory, our receptionist came and said there was a lady in the front office that urgently needed to speak with me. As I stepped out, I noticed a young, tired-looking woman with an infant in her arms. Nervously, she explained that her husband - a prisoner in a nearby correctional facility - was my next patient. The guards were scheduled to bring him to the office that afternoon. She told me she wasn't allowed to visit her husband in prison and that he had never seen his son. Her plea was for me to let the boy's father sit in the waiting room with her as long as possible before I called him for his appointment.Since my schedule wasn't full, I agreed.After all, it was Christmas Eve. A short time later, her husband arrived - with shackles on his feet, cuffs on his hands, and two armed guards as an escort. The woman's tired face lit up like our little Christmas tree when her husband took a seat beside her. I kept peeking out to watch them laugh, cry, and share their child. After almost an hour, I called the prisoner back to the operatory. While I worked, the guards stood just outside my door. The patient seemed like a gentle and humble man. I wondered what he possibly could have done to be held under such conditions. I tried to make him as comfortable as possible. At the end of the appointment, I wished him a Merry Christmas - a difficult thing to say to a man headed back to prison. He smiled and thanked me. He also said he felt saddened by the fact he hadn't been able to get his wife anything for Christmas. On hearing this, I was inspired with a wonderful idea. I'll never forget the look on both their faces as the prisoner gave his wife the beautiful, long-stemmed roses. I'm not sure who experienced the most joy - the husband in giving, the wife in receiving, or myself in having the opportunity to share in this special moment. By Lenora P. Rutledge, RDH From Chicken Soup for the Dental Soul Chicken Soup for the Dental Soul will not be available in stores or through Internet retailers - ever. However, you may order one or more copies direct from the distributor, DMD House, for $12.95 plus $4 shipping. Quant ity discounts available. Call toll free: 1-800-247-6553 or email From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. ‘TIS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS…TO REMEMBER OUR ARMED FORCES Page 189 Twas the night before Christmas, He lived all alone, In a one bedroom house made of Plaster and stone. I had come down the chimney With presents to give, And to see just who In this home did live. I looked all about, A strange sight I did see, No tinsel, no presents, Not even a tree. No stocking by mantle, Just boots filled with sand, On the wall hung pictures Of far distant lands. With medals and badges, Awards of all kinds, A sober thought Came through my mind. For this house was different, It was dark and dreary, I found the home of a soldier, Once I could see clearly. The soldier lay sleeping, Silent, alone, Curled up on the floor In this one bedroom home. The face was so gentle, The room in such disorder, Not how I pictured A United States soldier. Was this the hero Of whom I'd just read? Curled up on a poncho, The floor for a bed? I realized the families That I saw this night, Owed their lives to these soldiers Who were willing to fight. Soon round the world, The children would play, And grownups would celebrate A bright Christmas day. They all enjoyed freedom Each month of the year, Because of the soldiers, Like the one lying here. I couldn't help but wonder How many lay alone, On a cold Christmas Eve In a land far from home. The very thought Brought a tear to my eye, I dropped to my knees And started to cry. The soldier awakened And I heard a rough voice, "Santa don't cry, This life is my choice; I fight for freedom, I don't ask for more, My life is my God, My country, my corps." The soldier rolled over And drifted to sleep, I couldn't control it, I continued to weep. I kept watch for hours, So silent and still And we both shivered From the cold night's chill. I didn't want to leave On that cold, dark night, This guardian of honor So willing to fight. Then the soldier rolled over, With a voice soft and pure, Whispered, "Carry on Santa, It's Christmas Day, all is secure." One look at my watch, And I knew he was right. "Merry Christmas my friend, And to all a good night." This poem was written by a Marine stationed in Okinawa, Japan. Following is his request. I think it is reasonable..... PLEASE. Would you do me the kind favor of sending this to as many people as you can? Christmas will be coming soon and some credit is due to our U.S. service men and women for our being able to celebrate these festivities. Let's try in this small way to pay a tiny bit of what we owe. Make people stop and think of our heroes, living and dead, who sacrificed themselves for us. Please, do your small part to plant this small seed. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 190 THE GIVING TREES I was a single parent of four small children, working at a minimum-wage job. Money was always tight, but we had a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs and, if not a lot, always enough. My kids told me in those days they didn't know we were poor. They just thought Mom was cheap. I've always been glad about that. It was Christmas time, and although there wasn't money for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with church and family, parties and friends, drives downtown to see the Christmas lights, special dinners, and by decorating our home. But the big excitement for the kids was the fun of Christmas shopping at the mall. They talked and planned for weeks ahead of time, asking each other and their grandparents what they wanted for Christmas. I dreaded it. I had saved $120 for presents to be shared by all five of us. The big day arrived and we started out early. I gave each of the four kids a twenty dollar bill and reminded them to look for gifts about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered. We had two hours to shop; then we would meet back at the "Santa's workshop" display. Back in the car driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits, laughing and teasing each other with hints and clues about what they had bought.My younger daughter, Ginger, who was about eight years old, was unusually quiet. I noted she had only one small, flat bag with her after her shopping spree. I could see enough through the plastic bag to tell that she had bought candy bars - fifty-cent candy bars! I was so angry. "What did you do with that twenty dollar bill I gave you?" I wanted to yell at her, but I didn't say anything until we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door, ready to be angry again when I asked her what she had done with the money. This is what she told me: "I was looking around, thinking of what to buy, and I stopped to read the little cards on one of the Salvation Army's 'Giving Trees.' One of the cards was for a little girl four years old, and all she wanted for Christmas was a doll with clothes and a hairbrush. So I took the card off the tree and bought the doll and the hairbrush for her and took it to the Salvation Army booth. "I only had enough money left to buy candy bars for us," Ginger continued. "But we have so much and she doesn't have anything." I never felt so rich as I did that day. by Kathleen Dixon Reprinted by permission of Kathleen Dixon (c) 1997, from A 5th Portion of Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 191 CHRISTMAS LOVE by Candy Chand Every year, I promised it would be different. Each December, I vowed to make Christmas a calm and peaceful experience. But, once again, in spite of my plans, chaos prevailed. I had cut back on what I deemed nonessential obligations: extensive card writing, endless baking, Martha Stewart decorating, and, yes, even the all-American pastime, overspending. Yet still I found myself exhausted, unable to appreciate the precious family moments, and the true meaning of Christmas. My son, Nicholas, was in kindergarten that year. It was an exciting season for a six-yearold, filled with hopes, dreams and laughter. For weeks, he'd been memorizing songs for his school's upcoming Winter Pageant. I didn't have the heart to tell him I'd be working the night of the production. Not willing to miss his shining moment, I spoke with his teacher. She assured me there'd be a dress rehearsal in the morning, and that all parents unable to attend the evening presentation were welcome to enjoy it then. Fortunately, Nicholas seemed happy with the compromise. So, just as I promised, I filed in ten minutes early, found a spot on the cafeteria floor and sat down. When I looked around the room, I saw a handful of parents quietly scampering to their seats. I began to wonder why they, too, were attending a dress rehearsal, but chalked it up to the chaotic schedules of modern family life. As I waited, the students were led into the building. Each class, accompanied by their teacher, sat crossed-legged on the floor. The children would become members of the audience as each group, one by one, rose to perform their song. Because the public school system had long stopped referring to the holiday as "Christmas," I didn't expect anything other than fun, commercial entertainment. The Winter Pageant was filled with songs of reindeer, Santa Claus, snowflakes and good cheer. The melodies were fun, cute and lighthearted. But nowhere to be found was even the hint of an innocent babe, a manger, or Christ's precious, sacred gifts of life, hope and joy. When my son's class rose to sing "Christmas Love," I was slightly taken aback by its bold title. However, within moments, I settled in to watch them proudly begin their number. Nicholas was aglow, as were all of his classmates, adorned in fuzzy mittens, red sweaters and bright snowcaps upon their heads. Those in the front row, center stage, held up large letters, one by one, to spell out the title of the song. As the class would sing "C is for Christmas," a child would hold up the letter C. Then, "H is for Happy," and on and on, until each child holding up his or her portion had presented the complete message, "Christmas Love." The performance was going smoothly, until suddenly, we noticed her, a small, quiet girl in the front row holding the letter M, upside-down! She was entirely unaware that reversed, her letter M appeared as a W. She fidgeted from side to side, until she had moved away from her mark entirely. The audience of children snickered at this little one's mistake. In her innocence, she had no idea they were laughing at her and stood tall, proudly holding her W. You can only imagine the difficulty in calming an audience of young, giggling children. Although many teachers tried to shush them, the laughter continued. It continued that is, until the moment the last letter was raised, and we all saw it together. A hush came over the audience and eyes began to widen. In that instant, we finally understood the reason we were there, why we celebrated in the first place, why even in the chaos, there was a purpose for our festivities. For, when the last letter was held high, the message read loud and clear, "CHRIST WAS LOVE." And, I believe, He still is. Reprinted by permission of Candy Chand (c) 1999, from Chicken Soup for the Christian Family Soul by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Patty Aubery and Nancy Mitchell Autio. In order to protect the rights of the copyright holder, no portion of this publication may be reproduced without prior written consent. All rights reserved. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 192 I'm Not Poor at All By Michele T. Huey Dear Lord, I'm feeling down today, The bills are stacked up high; With Christmas just two weeks away, Our bank account's run dry. The kids have all presented lists Of things they want to see; I hope and pray there's nothing missed Beneath our Christmas tree. But I don't have the money for Expensive clothes and toys; My credit card can't take much more, Lord, where's my Christmas joy? Perhaps it's wrapped up in that hug My daughter gave this morn; Or stacked with wood my son did lug To keep us nice and warm. Perhaps it's in my oldest's eyes When he comes home on break, And sees I've baked those pumpkin pies He wanted me to make. Perhaps it's in the tired lines Around my husband's eyes; Perhaps in love that's grown with time I've found the greater prize. A friend who gives a hearty smile, And cupboards that aren't bare; And, even if they aren't in style, I've got some clothes to wear. A family who believes in me In all things great and small; Dear God, I think I finally see - I am not poor at all! Reprinted by permission of Michele T. Huey, (c) 1999 from Chicken Soup for the Christian Family Soul by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Patty Aubery and Nancy Mitchell Autio. In order to protect the rights of the copyright holder, no portion of this publication may be reproduced without prior written consent. All rights reserved. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. page 193 Subject: Prayer for MoM's,Missionaries, Pastor, etc. From: "Brian Metzger" <> This is adapted from the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist. Convention on how to pray from A-Z for missionaries, Ministers of Music, Pastors, or any staff person. ANOINTING - Ask for the anointing of the Holy Spirit so that the MoM will operate in the Spirit's Power. BOLDNESS - that the MoM will speak the Word of God w/ boldness. COMFORT - for when the MoM is discouraged, brokenhearted or stressed out. DIRECTION - that the MoM will sense God's specific direction in ministry. ENCOURAGE - that the Lord will show me how to encourage my MoM. FAMILY - that the MoM will guide the children in the way they should go. GLORY TO GOD - that the MoM will live each day to the glory of God. HUMILITY - to reject pride and embrace humility. INSIGHT - to see people & things from God's perspective JOY - to be full of joy in all situations. KNOWLEDGE - to desire knowledge of God's Word & apply it consistently. LOVE - to be a vessel through which God's love flows to others. MOTIVATION - to labor from godly motives, not to please other people. NEEDS - to realize that in Christ all needs will be met. OPEN DOOR - to recognize opportunities to share the gospel PRAYER PARTNERS - Ask God to provide prayer partners who will intercede on a regular basis. QUIET TIME - pray that nothing will keep me from having a quality quiet time each day. REVIVAL - to experience personal revival. SERVANTHOOD - to do my work with a servant spirit THANKFUL HEART - to be grateful, even in difficult times UNSAVED - that the unsaved will develop a hunger & thirst for Jesus Christ in their lives VICTORY - in spiritual warfare "W" is for WEARINESS - To not get bogged down in having too much to do. My personal prayer for "W" would be "that the worship leader can forget that this is a job and truly worship God." X-RAY VISION - of the heart & desire a cleansed life. YIELDEDNESS - completely yielded to Christ and willing to die to self ZEAL - to have a renewed zeal to share the gospel “Lord, Teach us to Pray!” From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. Page 194 From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you. From CROSBY’S COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN CLIPPINGS to share with you.