Course Syllabus
Basic Environmental Impact Assessment
I. Course Title: Basic Environmental Impact Assessment
II. Course Description: Principles, concepts and methodologies of biophysical/environmental and socioeconomic impact assessment of natural resource systems, development projects and programs. Skill development in the preparation of an environmental and social impact assessment. Field studies.
III. Course Requirements
Midterm Examination and Final Examinations
Module Activities
ESIA Report
IV. Determination of Grades
Term Examination/Final Examination – 40%
Module Activities – 20%
Investigatory Activities – 20%
ESIA Report – 20%
V. General Objectives:
At the end of the course, the students are expected to:
Know the different principles and concepts of ecology and sustainable development.
Understand the basic concepts and principles of environmental impact assessment (EIA).
Know the rules, regulations and implementing guidelines of Environmental
Impact Assessment in the Philippines.
Understand the process and different methodologies of Environmental
Impact Assessment.
Know how to identify, predict and assess the impacts of a development project.
Understand the concepts regarding environmental risk assessment.
Learn the ways and strategies on how to mitigate and monitor the environmental impacts of proposed projects and any affected ecosystems.
Understand and know the requirements in compliance monitoring, enforcement and permits needed by the projects in compliance with the approved Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC).
Understand the framework of social impact assessment.
Undertake and prepare the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
VI. Course Content
A. Lesson 1 - Principles of Ecology and Sustainable Development
1. Specific Objectives a.
define ecology; b.
describe the ecosystem and its components; c.
compare and contrast the ecosystem structures from the ecosystem functions; d.
describe the role/function of humans in the ecosystem; e.
explain the importance of energy to people and ecosystem; f.
differentiate a food chain from a food web; g.
explain the relationship among the energy flow, water cycle and biogeochemical cycle; h.
describe the different community properties; i.
give the distinguishing characteristics of common ecosystems in the
Philippines; and j.
explain the pillars of sustainable development.
2. Topics a.
Ecology: Scope and Meaning b.
The Ecosystem and Its Components c.
Ecosystem Structure and Function d.
Some Important Ecological Principles e.
Community Properties f.
Sustainable Development
3. Suggested Activities a.
Read, study and understand the different topics of Lesson 1 in the Self-
Learning Module of Basic Environmental Impact Assessment. b.
Perform Activities 1 – 13 in Lesson 1. c.
Conduct Investigatory Activities 1-3. d.
Submit activity and investigatory activity written reports.
4. Evaluation Techniques a.
Term Examination b.
Activity Written Reports c.
Investigatory Activity Reports
B. Lesson 2 - Principles of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
1. Specific Objectives a.
define environmental impact assessment. b.
give the goals, purpose, aims and objectives of EIA. c.
enumerate the principles of EIA. d.
explain the role of EIA in environmental management, development planning and decision-making process in any project implementation. e.
describe the EIA steps/methods and process. f.
give ways/strategies in order for the EIA to be successful. g.
explain the role of EIA in project development.
2. Topics a.
Definition of EIA b.
Goals and Principles of EIA c.
Role of EIA in Environmental Management, Planning and Decision-Making and Development Planning d.
Methods and Process of EIA e.
Ways and Strategies for a Successful EIA f.
EIA in the Project Cycle
3. Suggested Activities a.
Read, understand and comprehend Lesson 2 in the Self-Learning Module of Basic Environmental Impact Assessment. b.
Perform Activity 14. c.
Collect newspapers clippings/articles depicting EIA as a necessary tool in project development. Choose 3 newspaper clippings/articles and make a reaction paper on each clipping/article. d.
Submit activity report and reaction papers.
4. Evaluation Techniques a.
Term Examination b.
Activity Reports c.
Reaction Papers
C. Lesson 3 - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulatory Framework
1. Specific Objectives a.
describe the legal/regulatory framework of EIA. b.
enumerate the environmentally critical projects and environmentally critical areas covered by EIA in the Philippines. c.
explain how EIA is being administer in the Philippines. d.
give the documents needed for the Philippine EIA system. e.
explain the Philippine EIS system. f.
give the steps necessary in securing an Environmental Compliance
Certificate (ECC). g.
enumerate some problems and limitations of Philippine EIS system. h.
explain how monitoring and enforcement are being implemented in the
Philippine EIS system. i.
give the importance of public participation in EIA.
2. Topics a.
Legal Framework of EIA b.
Administrative Framework of EIA c.
Coverage of the Philippine EIA System d.
Monitoring and Enforcement in EIA e.
Problems and Limitation of the Philippine EIS System f.
Public Participation in EIA
3. Suggested Activities a.
Read and understand Lesson 3 in the Self-Learning Module of Basic
Environmental Impact Assessment. b.
Perform Activity 15 c.
Go to a nearby office of the Environmental Management Bureau and interview the person in-charge of EIA and other 2 persons of EMB regarding the problems and conflicts in the legal and administrative framework of the Philippine EIA system. Make an interview questionnaire and submit the results of your interview to your professor.
4. Evaluation Techniques a.
Term Examination b.
Activity Reports c.
Research Paper
D. Lesson 4 – Process and Methodologies of Environmental Impact Assessment
1. Specific Objectives a.
explain the process of environmental impact assessment. b.
describe the different methods and techniques being utilized in the prediction and assessment of the impacts of development projects. c.
compare and contrast the various methodologies in the prediction and assessment of impacts of development projects.
2. Topics a.
The Environmental Impact Assessment Process b.
Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies
3. Suggested Activities a.
Read and understand Lesson 4 in the Self-Learning Module of Basic
Environmental Impact Assessment. b.
Perform Activity 16 c.
Perform a scoping exercise in order to predict the impacts of the establishment of a mining industry in the forest ecosystem somewhere in
Nueva Viscaya. In relation to this identify 3 types of methodologies which are most appropriate to use in the prediction and assessment of impacts. d.
Submit activity works, results of scoping exercise and research papers.
4. Evaluation Techniques a.
Final Examination b.
Activity Report c.
Research Papers d.
Scoping Exercise Report
E. Lesson 5 – Identification, Prediction and Assessment of Impacts
1. Specific Objectives a.
identify and predict the various impacts of a development project in physical and biological resources. b.
apply the various methods in the prediction of impacts in physical and biological resources of a development project in a certain area. c.
determine the causes and explain effects of the impacts in the environment.
determine the mitigation measures applicable to the various impacts identified in the physical and biological resources .
2. Topics a.
Methods of Identification, Prediction and Assessment of Impacts of
Physical and Biological Resources
Physical Resources (Air)
Physical Resources (Soil)
Physical Resources (Water)
Biological Resources Plant and Animal Ecology
Spatial Expansion of Agricultures
Agricultural Intensification
Impacts of Deforestation b.
Human Health and Welfare Impacts c.
Conclusion: Uncertainty in Prediction
3. Suggested Activities a.
Study very well Lesson 5 in the Self-Learning Module of Basic
Environmental Impact Assessment. b.
Perform all activities required in the lesson c.
Answer all the questions in Activity 17 d.
Submit activity reports
4. Evaluation Techniques a.
Final Examination b.
Activity Report
F. Lesson 6 – Environmental Risk Assessment
1. Specific Objectives a.
define environmental risk assessment (ERA) b.
define important terms related to risk assessment such as hazard, risk, disturbance, assessment, etc. c.
determine the purpose and uses of ERA. d.
list the steps needed to undertake ERA. e.
explain the ERA process. f.
determine and evaluate the major hazards associated with development projects. g.
explain how risks can be managed.
2. Topics a.
Purpose of ERA b.
Uses of ERA c.
Steps in ERA d.
ERA Process e.
Risk Management
3. Suggested Activities a.
Read and understand Lesson 6 in the Self-Learning Module of Basic
Environmental Impact Assessment. b.
Make an environmental risk assessment (ERA) of exposure to toxic chemicals in an ecosystem. Support you answer by making a diagram of an integrated model of ERA.
4. Evaluation Techniques a.
Final Examination b.
Activity Report
G. Lesson 7 – Environmental Management Plan
1. Specific Objectives a.
determine the mitigation, enhancement and contingency measures needed to manage the impacts of a proposed project in an ecosystem. b.
make a compensation plan for any damage done to the environment. c.
give the importance of monitoring and impact reporting schemes to prevent the occurrence of any harmful effects in the future.
2. Topics a.
Environmental Management Plan b.
Impact Management c.
Impact Monitoring d.
Impact Reporting
3. Suggested Activities a.
Read and study very well Lesson 7 in the Self-Learning Module of Basic
Environmental Impact Assessment. b.
Determine the impacts, mitigation and contingency measures of the construction of a Chemical Plant in an urban ecosystem near a river.
4. Evaluation Techniques a.
Final Examination b.
Activity Report
H. Lesson 8 – Monitoring, Enforcement and Permits
1. Specific Objectives a.
identify responsible parties for compliance monitoring. b.
determine the needed requirements for monitoring activities during the pre-construction, operational and post-construction phase of the project. c.
explain the enforcement policies, violations and penalties related to the issuance of ECC. d.
identify responsible parties for the issuance of permits/approval needed for Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). e.
explain the importance and necessity of Environmental Guarantee Fund
(EGF) to environmentally critical project or project within an environmentally critical area.
2. Topics a.
Compliance Monitoring b.
Enforcement c.
Related Permits d.
Environmental Guarantee Fund
3. Suggested Activities a.
Study and understand Lesson 8 in the Self-Learning Module of Basic
Environmental Impact Assessment. b.
Answer all the questions indicated in Activity 20
4. Evaluation Techniques a.
Final Examination b.
Activity Report
I. Lesson 9 – Social Impact Assessment
1. Specific Objectives a.
define and describe social impact assessment. b.
explain the basic model for social impact assessment. c.
identify the different variables use in social impact assessment. d.
explain the scoping activities and project development stages. e.
enumerate mitigation measures in order to solve problems related to social impacts. f.
give the stakeholders’ involvement in social impact assessment.
2. Topics a.
Social Impact Assessment Framework b.
Model for Social Impact Assessment c.
The Project Type and Setting d.
Variables for Social Impact Assessment e.
Scoping Phase f.
Project Stages/Policy Development g.
Mitigation h.
Stakeholder Involvement
3. Suggested Activities a.
Study very well Lesson 9 in the Self-Learning Module of Basic
Environmental Impact Assessment. b.
The students are required to visit at least two construction sites in any of the following projects that is more accessible to their place: gasoline station/commercial building / public market / cemetery / factory / mining
/subdivisions, road development/dams and perform the activities on social impact assessment following all the knowledge gain in the conduct of SIA.
4. Evaluation Techniques a.
Final Examination b.
Investigatory Activity Report
J. Lesson 10 – Preparation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
1. Specific Objectives a.
conduct field activities with regards to the intended site of the project. b.
describe the project to be undertaken. c.
predict and assess the impacts of the project to be undertaken. d.
give mitigation measures regarding environmental and social impacts. e.
Prepare Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report.
2. Topic a.
Coverage and Contents of ESIA Report
3. Suggested Activities a.
Read and study Lesson 10 in the Self-Learning Module of Basic
Environmental Impact Assessment. b.
Perform and conduct a field visit to the project site. c.
Visit at least two construction sites in any of the following projects that is more accessible to their place: gasoline station/commercial building/ public market / cemetery / factory / mining / subdivisions, road development/dams and prepare the ESIA Reports
4. Evaluation Techniques a.
Final Examination b.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report c.
Oral Presentation
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