Course Syllabus: 3 -Dimensional Design Credits: .5 Prerequisites: Introduction to Art or Graphic Design Three- dimensional design explores various degrees of depth such as low relief, frontal art, and full round sculpture while working with a range of art mediums. Text: NA Required Materials: none Semester Overview: Units do not always follow this sequence given we often need to adjust for storage of projects, availability of labs, etc. Studio work includes introduction of basic techniques in working with paper, clay, wire, foam core, and other sculpture materials Compositional problems dealing with the art elements of form, line, color, texture, shape, space, and value are the basis of studio assignments. Other areas of study include art history, art appreciation, and career awareness in art production. Unit 1: Elements of Three-Dimensional Design State Standards/Skills: ART.VA.I.HS.1 ART.VA.I.HS.2 Apply acquired knowledge and skills to the creative problem solving process. (21st Century Skills: I.4, II.2) Intentionally use art materials and tools when applying techniques and skills to communicate ideas. (21st Century Skills: I.6, III.3, III.6) ART.VA.I.HS.3 Demonstrate understanding of organizational principles and methods to solve specific visual arts problems. (21st Century Skills: I.4, II.5, III.3) ART.VA.II.HS.3 Apply organizational principles and methods to create innovative works of art and design products. (21st Century Skills: I.1, I.2, III.3) Analyze and describe the formal characteristics of a work of art or design. (21st Century Skills: I.3, II.1, III.1) Describe how organizational principles are used to elicit emotional responses. (21st Century Skills: I.3, II.1, III.1) Use knowledge of art and design history to inform personal artwork. (21st Century Skills: I.1, I.3, II.5, II.7, III.3, III.7) Understand artistic knowledge as an important tool for successful living in the 21st century.(21st Century Skills: II.1, II.5, III.7) ART.VA.III.HS.1 ART.VA.III.HS.2 ART.VA.IV.HS.4 ART.VA.V.HS.6 Assessments: 1. Complete 1-2 studio assignments that focus on major contours and secondary contours. 2. Complete reflective response writing on studio assignment(s) using appropriate terminology 3. Demonstrate proficiency with 3-D design vocabulary. (Vocabulary: Shape/form, mass, light, space, major contour, secondary contours, texture, color, time) Unit 2: Low Relief State Standards/Skills: ART.VA.I.HS.1 ART.VA.I.HS.2 Apply acquired knowledge and skills to the creative problem solving process. (21st Century Skills: I.4, II.2) Intentionally use art materials and tools when applying techniques and skills to communicate ideas. (21st Century Skills: I.6, III.3, III.6) ART.VA.I.HS.3 Demonstrate understanding of organizational principles and methods to solve specific visual arts problems. (21st Century Skills: I.4, II.5, III.3) ART.VA.II.HS.1 Identify, define problems, and reflect upon possible visual solutions. (21st Century Skills: I.2, I.3, I.4) Create artwork using materials and techniques with skill so that personal intentions are carried out. (21st Century Skills: I.1, 1.2, II.7, III.3) ART.VA.II.HS.2 ART.VA.II.HS.5 Reflect, articulate, and edit the development of artwork throughout the creative process. (21st Century Skills: I.4, II.7, III.3, III.4) ART.VA.III.HS.1 Analyze and describe the formal characteristics of a work of art or design. (21st Century Skills: I.3, II.1, III.1) Assessments: 1. Complete studio projects that demonstrate basic proficiency in the following: Paper casting Metal tooling Embossing 2. Complete reflective response writing on studio assignment(s) using appropriate terminology 3. Demonstrate proficiency in low relief using metal and paper. (Vocabulary: low relief, line, shape, color, texture, form,, positive space, negative space pattern, unity emphasis, deckled edge, repousse ) Unit 3: Frontal Art State Standards/Skills: ART.VA.I.HS.1 ART.VA.I.HS.2 Apply acquired knowledge and skills to the creative problem solving process. (21st Century Skills: I.4, II.2) Intentionally use art materials and tools when applying techniques and skills to communicate ideas. (21st Century Skills: I.6, III.3, III.6) ART.VA.I.HS.3 Demonstrate understanding of organizational principles and methods to solve specific visual arts problems. (21st Century Skills: I.4, II.5, III.3) ART.VA.II.HS.1 Identify, define problems, and reflect upon possible visual solutions. (21st Century Skills: I.2, I.3, I.4) Create artwork using materials and techniques with skill so that personal intentions are carried out. (21st Century Skills: I.1, 1.2, II.7, III.3) Apply organizational principles and methods to create innovative works of art and design products. (21st Century Skills: I.1, I.2, III.3) Apply knowledge and skill to symbolize the essence of an idea. (21st Century Skills: I.1, I.6) Use emergent technologies and materials to create artistic products that demonstrate knowledge of context, values, and aesthetics. (21st Century Skills: I.1, II.1, II.2, II.3, III.2, III.7) ART.VA.II.HS.2 ART.VA.II.HS.3 ART.VA.II.HS.4 ART.VA.II.HS.6 ART.VA.II.HS.8 Explore social and global issues through the application of the creative process. (21st Century Skills: III.7, III.8, III.9, III.10) ART.VA.III.HS.1 Analyze and describe the formal characteristics of a work of art or design. (21st Century Skills: I.3, II.1, III.1) Evaluate the quality and effectiveness of one’s artwork. (21st Century Skills: I.3, II.1, III.4) Observe and describe artwork with respect to history and culture. (21st Century Skills: I.6, II.1, III.1, III.2, III.7, III.8, III.9, III.10) ART.VA.III.HS.4 ART.VA.IV.HS.1 Assessments: 1. Complete studio projects that demonstrate basic knowledge of elements and principles when creating additive sculptures. 2. Complete reflective response writing on studio assignment(s) using appropriate terminology 3. Demonstrate proficiency with a range of media such as wood, metal, and found objects. (Vocabulary: frontal art, assemblage, ready-made or found objects, additive sculpture, symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance, pattern, movement, rhythm, contrast, unity, emphasis, composition) Unit 4: Full round sculpture State Standards/Skills: ART.VA.I.HS.1 ART.VA.I.HS.2 Apply acquired knowledge and skills to the creative problem solving process. (21st Century Skills: I.4, II.2) Intentionally use art materials and tools when applying techniques and skills to communicate ideas. (21st Century Skills: I.6, III.3, III.6) ART.VA.I.HS.3 Demonstrate understanding of organizational principles and methods to solve specific visual arts problems. (21st Century Skills: I.4, II.5, III.3) ART.VA.I.HS.5 ART.VA.II.HS.1 Responsibly and safely manage materials and tools. (21st Century Skills: III.4, III.6, III.8) Identify, define problems, and reflect upon possible visual solutions. (21st Century Skills: I.2, I.3, I.4) Create artwork using materials and techniques with skill so that personal intentions are carried out. (21st Century Skills: I.1, 1.2, II.7, III.3) Apply organizational principles and methods to create innovative works of art and design products. (21st Century Skills: I.1, I.2, III.3) ART.VA.II.HS.2 ART.VA.II.HS.3 ART.VA.III.HS.1 ART.VA.III.HS.4 ART.VA.III.HS.5 ART.VA.IV.HS.4 ART.VA.V.HS.8 Analyze and describe the formal characteristics of a work of art or design. (21st Century Skills: I.3, II.1, III.1) Evaluate the quality and effectiveness of one’s artwork. (21st Century Skills: I.3, II.1, III.4) Recognize and understand the relationships between personal experiences and the development of artwork. (21st Century Skills: I.3) Use knowledge of art and design history to inform personal artwork. (21st Century Skills: I.1, I.3, II.5, II.7, III.3, III.7) Identify the role visual arts play in enhancing civic responsibility and community. (21st Century Skills: I.3, I.6, III.2, III.4, III.7, III.9) Assessments: 1. Complete 1-3 studio projects that demonstrate basic knowledge of using the elements and principles of design in full-round sculpture. 2. Complete reflective response writing on studio assignment(s) using appropriate terminology 3. Demonstrate proficiency with at least one 3-D media (Vocabulary: form, full-round sculpture, texture, proportion; optional vocabulary: slab, wedge, kiln, slip, firing (in kiln), score, coil, pinch-pot, glaze, mobile, stabile, armature, additive sculpture, subtractive sculpture) Unit 5: Study Artist Style in 3D State Standards/Skills: ART.VA.II.HS.1 ART.VA.II.HS.2 ART.VA.II.HS.8 Identify, define problems, and reflect upon possible visual solutions. (21st Century Skills: I.2, I.3, I.4) Create artwork using materials and techniques with skill so that personal intentions are carried out. (21st Century Skills: I.1, 1.2, II.7, III.3) Explore social and global issues through the application of the creative process. (21st Century Skills: III.7, III.8, III.9, III.10) ART.VA.III.HS.3 Critically observe a work of art to evaluate and respond to the artist’s intent using art vocabulary and terminology. (21st Century Skills: I.2, I.3, I.6, II.1) ART.VA.III.HS.5 Recognize and understand the relationships between personal experiences and the development of artwork. (21st Century Skills: I.3) Observe and describe artwork with respect to history and culture. (21st Century Skills: I.6, II.1, III.1, III.2, III.7, III.8, III.9, III.10) Describe the functions and explore the meaning of specific art objects within varied cultures, times, and places. (21ST Century Skills: I.3, I.6, III.2, III.7) ART.VA.IV.HS.1 ART.VA.IV.HS.2 ART.VA.IV.HS.3 Analyze the correlation between art, history, and culture throughout time. (21st Century Skills: I.6, III.1, III.2, III.7, III.8, III.9, III.10) ART.VA.IV.HS.4 Use knowledge of art and design history to inform personal artwork. (21st Century Skills: I.1, I.3, II.5, II.7, III.3, III.7) Assessments: 1. Complete research project of a specific artist incorporating criticism, appropriate terminology, biographical information, cultural and historical relevance, and an artwork that reflects the style of the artist. (Vocabulary: stylized, expression, aesthetics, artist’s intent) 6. Unit: Portfolio Review State Standards/Skills: ART.VA.I.HS.4 ART.VA.V.HS.1 ART.VA.V.HS.2 Exhibit, present, and publish quality works of art. (21st Century Skills: I.4, I.6, III.3, III.6) Design creative solutions that impact everyday life. (21st Century Skills: I.1, I.2, I.4, III.3, III.4, III.6) Explore and understand the variety of art and design careers. (21st Century Skills: II.2, II.3, II.5, III.7) Assessments: Portfolio Review: Self-assessments are written at the time of completion of each project. Projects and self-assessments may be improved upon or completely redone and resubmitted for grading purposes before the final exam. The student must work with the instructor to clarify requirements for additional work on any project being redone and resubmitted for grading. It is the responsibility of the student to meet with the teacher outside of normal class time for further instruction on such work. Required Assessments: Students will submit a portfolio of daily work and studio assessments at the end of the semester. This portfolio will also include written responses on selected studio projects. Successful completion of summative assessments is required to pass the class. Grading Criteria/Scale: Assessments (80%) Daily work (20%) A 93 – 100 A90 – 92.99 B+ 87 – 89.99 B 83 – 86.99 B80 – 82.99 C+ 77 – 79.99 Final exam 20% C CD+ D DF 73 – 76.99 70 – 72.99 67 – 69.99 63 – 66.99 60 – 62.99 0 – 59.99