Cocke CountyChurch - Oldham One Name Study

Cocke County, Tennessee
Big Pigeon Church Minutes 1787 - 1874
Pages 1 - 9
Title page: JOHN NORTH'S ledger 1778 ABRAHAM MCKAY
About the year 1785 and 1786 at the settlement of French Broad and Big Pigeon rivers in which settlement
were found a few people Distinguished by the name of Baptists; in which time we lived for some Considerable
season without the benefit or blessings of the preached Gospell Amongst us in which time it pleased the lord
in the Corse of his Divine providence to visit us by his Ministers; Namely JOHANATHAN MULKEY & WIL.M
RENO - Who were pleased at Conveanent Opertunityes to labor in the word and Doctrine Amongst us - in
which time we often imbodied ourselves together as a Church in orded to Consult our prinsiples and Union
one with another and theare Apeared to bee that Spirit of love and Union as if we Could Dwell togeather in
peace and Love - under the Consideration of which we Requested two of the Brethren Namely WIL.M
WHITSON and ABR.M MCKAY to Present our Sircumstance by a petition to the Association held at Kindricks
Crick in the year 1786 the Request of the Above petitiion was that they would appoint some of the breathren
to inquire into our Sircumstance and our ripeness for Constitution and if they found us fit Administer the law
which petition the Association was pleased to grant us and Appointed two of the Ministearing Breathren to
Attend on us
and in December in the year 1787 we were visited by two Ministers for the before Mentied purpose; by
appointment we Met at MR.ENGLISHES on big piden River and After Duely deliberating on the same we
ware Constitued on the following Principles, VizDecember the 6th 1787 We the Members of the Baptist Sociaty on Big pidgen River being Constituted on the principles Contained in
the Baptist Confession of faith Adopted at Philadelphia September the 25th 1742 - do with the full and free
Consent of our Members give up ourselves to Each Other ____ to act in all the Decipne and Ordinances of
the gospell as a Church of Jesus Christ in witness whearof we have heareunto set our Names
Constituted by ISAAC BARTON & WIL.M RENO
DAVID JOB Receiv.d the same day
The Constitution Now being in its Infincy and no Meeting hours or purticler place of worship we Assembled or
met at houses Conveanent in the Neighbour-hood both for Publick worship and for Church buisness. The
indians soon after breaking out and being troblesom so that we were Oblig.d to bee Confind in fortes which
rendard us incapibel of Conducting our buisness in a regular Manner but Proseading as Followeth.
Meet at SAMUEL JOB.S on big Pidgen River and after prayer proseaded to buisness the Church at this time
being Distetute of officers and Not Capibel to Conduct hir own buiness for want of the same; a motion being
Made by BRO. RENO for an Elder and the Church to take the same under Consideration. A Motion Made to
the Church for the Receiving of JAMAS CAVE into Union as he
had Mov.d to this place not having the Opertunity of procureing himself a letter of recmenedation; and from
the testimony of some of the Breathren who ware formelley aquainted with him and from his own
Acknowledgment was receiv.d into fellowship proposed to the Church to take under Considerration for a
Deacon to bee Apointed in the Church.
Adjourned to the 4th Saturday in September ---29th January 1788 WIL.M RENO; Moderator ABRAM MCKAY
Met according to Adjournment at ABRAM MCKAYS on frensh broud River the 4th Saturday in September
1788 and after prays proseaded to buisness proposed for Deligates to Attend the Association and WIL.M
WHITSON, JAMES ENGLISH, and ABRAM MCKAY Appointed to Attend the same as also A. MCKAY to
prepare the Churches letter to send to sd. Association. Adjournd to the 28th of february 1789
Met at PETER FINES on frensh Broud the 28th of February 1789 and after prays proseaded to buisnessproposed whither any Objections Against the former plan of this Constitution answear.d None --SAMUEL HILL
Receiv.d into the Church by letter of recmendation - proposed for the Day of Church Meeting to bee the
Saturday before the first sabath in the month. Adjournd to the 4th of April 1789. A. MCKAY Clk
Met According to Adjornment the 4th of April 1789 -Opened Meeting by prayr and proseaded to buisness
Whearas the times looking very Deficualt in respect of the Indians being so trobelsom and in Case the Church
should be Disolv.d under such a unhappy sircumstance the Church Doth hearby impower ABRAM MCKAY as
Calrk of sd Church to give any Ordily Member so Disolv.d A letter of Dismition in behalf of sd. Church Receiv.d
by letter of Recomendation our brethren JOHN MATHES, DANEIL HILL, LENARD HUFF also sister MARYAN
MATHES the Elder, and MARYAN MATHES the younger, ELIZABETH BARKER and CATE a Negro - Wom
hath all gave in thear letters of Recomendation by a motion being Made for the want of Elders in the Church
as being Destetute of the same . . and its Concluded that the Church bee on a travel for the same Ajornd till
Next Meeting in Corse. A. MCKAY
Met According to Adjornment the 2nd day of May 1789 Opened Meeting by prayer and proseaded to buisness
Received by letter BR.O JOHN PARKER into the Church The Church taking under Considerration the wont of
Offisers in the Church both of a Minister and Elders - its heareby Earnestly requested that the Church
seariously to take the same under Consideration Against ____the next Meeting in Corse By a Motion of the
Neglect of Members not attending Meetings, the Church taking the same under Considerration and its
heareby Agread by a full voice of the Church that if any Member shall Neglect theare attendance
Two Church Meetings togeather shall bee liable to the Churches Censher without rendering a reasonable
saisfaction for the sameQuare - Propos.d to know what power theare is in the will of Man being in a Naturral
state to do good or Evil - the same being left for a consideration against next meeting in Corse - Adjornd
signed by order sd. Church A- MCKAY
Met According to adjornment the 6th of June 1789 and After prayr proseaded to buisness The Mind of the
Church being taken upon the Above queary and its the Churches Opinion after Deliberating on
the same that the Will of Man being Corrupted by the fall in Adam that he has no will Naturly to do any thing
Assentially good but the will being corrupted in the fal its to do Evil and that Continually the Matter being
brought before the Church agreable to the Refference in regard to a minister its Concluded to prospond the
same till Next Meeting in Corse The Mind of the Church being taking in respect of Elders and its Agread that
the Afore sited Members should still Continue to Act as also the Matter being reconsidered in regard to
Deacons its the ___ of the Church that BR.O WIL.M WHITSON should continue in the same - as also BRO
DANIEL HILL Appointed upon triel to Act with him-Quary proposed what is the moving cause of the
salvation of sinners. adjornd _ A. MCKAY
Met According to Adjornment the 5th of July 1789 and after prayr proseaded to buisness The above queary
answeared by the Voice of the whole Church that the Moving Cause of the salvation of sinners is the
Everlasting love ofGod in Christ Jesus the Matter respecting a minister brought before the Church the same
being prosponded till next Meeting in Corse – Queary proposd; if the Everlasting love of God is the Moving
cause of Mans salvation, whatis the cause of the Christian doubting - Adjornd till next meeting in corse A.
Met according to Adjornment the 8th of August 1789 and after prayr proseadedto buisness Receiv.d DANIEL
RICE by letter of recomendation as also his wife JUDITH RICE - as also JOHN NETHERTON and his wife
HARDER the queary respecting the reasons of the Christians Doubt being taken under Consideration of the
Church and the same being agreed that the Christians Doubts arises from unsaintisfied unreversed part of
Man kind - The Matter respecting of BR.O PARKER being chosen for Minister being taken under
Consideration and after a trial on the subject the Church Declines the Same - but Calls him to the Offis of a
rueling Elder in the Church - the Matter respecting of Elders being Considerd and its the voice of the Church
that BRO. PARKER bee apointed for the ruling Elder in this Church also to labour in the word and doctrine
and BR.O LILLARD Appointed and Elder with him and the Appointments hearetofore on that subject are
become void and of no affect - the Matter proposd for the Ordination of Offisers in the Church to bee at our
next Church Meeting and to solicet our Sister Churches for thear aid on that occation Adjornd till next meeting
in Corse signd by order of s.d Church by ABRAM MACKAY
Met the 10th of October 1789 and Opened Meeting by prayr and proseaded to buisness - proposed if any
Matters o Answeard None - Receivd Sister LETTES COFFEY in the Union of the church by letter of
recomendation - Proposd for Deligates to Attend the Association and JOHN PARKER JOHN NETHERSON.
JOHN MATHES & ABRAM MCKAY to Attend the same - Adjornd A-M. Clk
Met the 11th of December 1789 Opend Meeting by prayr & proseaded to buisnessThe Deligates Made thear
return from the Association the proseading of the same being red and left for a further Consideration in the
Minds of the Church till next meeting in Corse - Adjornd - A M.
Met According to Adjornment the 9th of January 1790 - Opend Meeting by prayrand proseaded to buisness proposd if any Matters of Complaint answeard None the Church taking under Consideration the Minits of the
Association is agre.d that our Association should sue for a Corespondance with the virgina Association in
order for a Union The Church taking
under Consideration thear wont in respect to the Ministry hath agreed to send two Members Namely WIL.M
KELLER and ABRAM MCKAY to hold A corespondance with Cove Crick Church in order to know if we Could
have BR.O MULKEYS labour among us six Months in the year, and to Make thear report to the Church Next
Meeting BR.O PARKER Applied for a letter of dismition for himself wife and Daughter the same granted unto
them - Adjornd A.M. C.l.k.
Met According to Adjornment and After prayr proseaded to buisness The Deligates Appointed to Cove Crick
Made thear report to the Churches satesfaction - A Motion Made to the Church that a commity be chosen to
consider the support of the Ministrey and to Leavy the same on the Church and to Make a report of thear
proseadure Next Meeting which motion was agread too and JOHN NETHERTON ABRAM MAKAY JOHN
MATHES PETER FINE and MATTHEW MADDOX bee apointed as Acommity for the same - Adjornd A.M.C.l.k
Met According to Adjornment and after prayr proseded to buisness the Above Comitee Made thear report of
what they had done which was for Each Member to pay seven shillings to BR.O MULKEY for his Attendance.
the Church Concurd and agreed to the same a motion Made by ABRAM MCKAY and seconded by MARYAN
MATHES whether it would not bee most advantagious to the Church to hold Meetings in privet the same left
for consideration against Next Meeting- Adjornd till Next Meeting A. MC. C.l.k.
Met according to Adjornment the 9th of April 1790 and after prayer proseaded to buisness propos.d of any
Matters of Complaint Answeard None the proposition conserning of church Meetings being held in privet
being brought before the Church, its concluded that Church
Meetings bee held in publick Except in purticler Cases and then for the Members to retire by them selves or to
Desire the People to withdraw propos.d that as the Church stands in Nead of offisers in hir that the same be
taken under Consideration and to Appoint some Against next Meeting - adjorned ABRAM MCKAY, C.l.k.
Met According to adjornment - 8th of May 1790 and after prayer Proseaded to buisness The propostition
Conserning of a Dacon being taken under Consideration of the Church and its agreed that B.O PETER FINE
bee apointed for the same the Matter respecting an Elder prosponded till next Meeting- the Breathren
apointed to write the churches letter to the Association, presented the same which was red and Agread too propos.d if any Matters of Complaint answeard None the church taken under Consideration the Neglect of
BR.O DAVID JOB in attending Church Meetings thinks proper to request BR.O LILLARD and WIL.M
WHITSON to know of him his reasons for so doing and to Make report of the same next Meeting Adjornd till
Meeting in Corse- A.M. C.l.k.
Met according to adjornment the 12th of June 1790 Open.d Meeting by prayer and proseaded to buisness the Breathren appinted to site BR.O JOB made thear report to the Church in respect of BR.O JOB to
satesfaction - proposed if any Matters of Complaint answeard none SISTER ANN RICE Receivd by letter of
recommendation as also BR.O FARES and his wife the same. SAMUEL MATHES & his wife the same - the
Matter respecting of an Elder prosponded till Next meeting in Corse - Receivd by expearance ELEZIBEHT
DOKES into fellowship of the Church Adjornd till Next Meeting in Corse WIL.M FOX receivd by Expearance
Met According to adjornment the 10th of July 1790 and after prayer proseaded to buisness - The Matter
respecting of an Elder being taken under Consideration and for some particler reasons is prosponded till next
meeting in Corse - proposd if any Matters of Complaint answeard None A motion Made by the Dacon in
respect of BR.O CAVE.S inability to support himself by reason of bodyly Affliction the Church thearefore
esteams it thear indispensibel duty to help ____ by Contributing to theare Necessities Adjornd till the second
saturday in August A. MCKAY C.l.k.
Met According to Adjornment the 7th of August 1790 and after prayer proseaded to buisness SISTER
VAUGHN receiv.d by letter of recommendation as also W. VAUGHN and MARGET CHAIRS the same -- the
Matter respecting of an Elder being taken under Consideration and BR.O FARES being taken by a United
voice of the Church for the same - and as he has bean Call.d to the offis of an Elder in virginia and hath bean
Ordain.d theare to the same Offis we thearefore look upon it Disorder for two ordinations to one offis -and as
such we Esteam it our privelige and his duty to Exercise the offis of an Elder in this Church as being calld
theareunto (ORG. PAGE 7)
A motion Made by BR.O WHITSON that Each Member should have his part subscribed for BR.O MULKEY
ready to Deliver for him at our Monthly Meeting in October Next - Adjornd till the second saturday in
September. – ABRAM MCKAY C.l.k.
Met according to Adjornment and After prayer proseaded to buisness -A motion Made by BR.O FARES
Respecting SAM MATHES for his not Attending in building the meeting hous BR.O MATHES rendering such
reasons as gave satesfaction to the Church for the same the Church taken under Consideration of BR.O
DAVID JOB.S Neglect in attending Church Meetings thinks proper to appoint the Breathren WIL.M LILLARD
and WIL.M WHITSON to site him to Next church Meeting and Make report of the same - The Church taken
into consideration our Depending Association hath chosen our breathren SA.M FARES WIL.MLILLARD SAM
MATHES and ABRAM MCKAY as Deligates to Attend the same - and BR.O NETHERTON and MCKAY to
write the Church letter Adjornd till the second Saturday in October 1790 - JN.O PARKER, Mod JN.O
9th of October 90 Met According to Adjornment BR.O MULKEY being chosen Moderator prayer being Made
and proseaded to buisness the Breathren appointed to site BR.O JOB made thear report of thear proseadings
the Church being satesfied withe the same The Churches letter to the Association being red the same being
appov.d of - propos.d if any Matters of Complaint Answeard None JAMES WISEHEART receiv.d by
Expearance Adjornd till Meeting in Corse - JN.O NETHERTON
Met according to Adjornment the 13th of November 1790 - and after prayer proseaded to buisness Proposd
for the Reading of the Minits of the Association and Circular Letter but as theare is at this time but few
Members Met we _______ to prospond the same till Next Meeting in Corse - Adjornd till Meeting in Corse - A.
MCKAY 1791
Met according to Adjornment the 22nd of January 1791 and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Minits of
the Association and Circular Letter being red to the Church - Proposd to the church if the superemption
subscribed to for BR.O MULKEY was readey for to bee Discharged, but as some ware Deficent at this time is
agread that Each person have thear part ready against the second Saturday in Next Month - Also the
BREATHERN FARES, NETHERTON and LILLARD appointed to talk with
BROTHER MULKEY on several Occations or subjects instructed by the Church respecting his past
servicesand if he will Continue any longer and upon what times and if he should Agree for the Afore Mentined
Breathren to Make the Contract with him in behalf of this Church - Adjornd till Next Meeting in Corse A.
Met According to adjornment the 12th of february 1791 and after prayer being made proseaded to buisness A
door being Opened for the reseption ofMembers Either by expearance or by letter but None offerd Adjornd till
Next meeting in corse A. MCKAY
Met according to adjornment the 7th of April 1791 after prayer proseaded to buisness - BR.O KELLEY
receiv.d by letter of recommendation as also JAMES NICKELS and his wife JUDITH A motion being Made by
ABR.M MCKAY in behalf of JOHN CAVE for a letter of Dismition for him the same being granted to him
Adjornd till next meeting in corse -A. MCKAYMet according to adjornment the 7th of May 1791 and after prayer proseaded to buisness - BR.O KELLEY
Appointed by the Church as a standing Moderator in our buiness (ORG. PAGE 8)
- BR.O FINE Deacon
June 1791 ROBERT EWING Receiv.d by letter of recommendation - propos.d for the Ordination of BR.O
FINE to the
offis of a dacon the same referd till our next Meeting in Corse and then ordination to bee Administerd - Motion
Made by BR.O FARES and seconded by BR.O KELLEY for Church Meetings to bee at pidgen Every Uther
Month beginning the Saturday before the second sabath in July at BRO LILLARDS the same agreed to by the
Church The Church takeing under Consideration the Disorder of BR.O JAMES ENGLISH Not Apling for a
letter of Dismition and for some reports resecting of him hath appointed the breathren PETER FINE SAM
MAATHES and ABRAM MCKAY to talk with him on the Matters the first Opertinity that offers as he mov.d
away and Make report tothe Church theare proseadure The saturday before the second sabath in every
Month to bee the stated time of Monthly Meetings - Adjornd till Meeting in Corse ABR.M MCKAY
Met according to adjornment the 11th of June 1791 and after prayer proseaded to buisness A door being
open.d for the reseaving of Members and BRO JOHN KEENEY and his wife Joined by letters of
recommendation NICKLES WOODFIN, LEDY PARKES and ELIZEBETH ABELL all being about to remove
out of the bounds of this Church have made Application for letters of Dismition the same being granted to
them - the Matter respecting the Ordination of BR.O FINE to the Offis of a dacon being brought forward the
same being performd by the laying of hands by the Prisbetary Proposd for Deligates to attend the Next
Association and BR.O KELLEY, FARES and MCKAYto Attend the same JN.O NETHERTON and ABR.M
MCKAY to write the Church letter and to have the same ready against next meeting in Corse - Adjornd till
Meeting in Corse - ABRA.M MCKAY
Met according to adjornment the 9th of July 1791 and after sermon proseaded the breathren appointed to
write the Church letter presented the same it being red and approv.d of - Receiv.d by letter of recomendation
sister MARY MITCHEL A matter of Complaint laid before the Church by BRO FARES against WIL.M VAUGHN
respecting publick disorder the same being Considerd and prosponded till next meeting in Corse adjorn.d - AMCKAY C.l.k.
Met according to adjornment the 13th of August 1791 and after sermon proseaded to buisness the Members
Deligated to Cove Crick made thear report to the Church of thear proseadure - as also the
Deligates to the Association the same XXXXX the matter respecting Br.o Vaughn being calld and not
appearing the Church thinks it Most prudent to appoint the breathren SAM.L FARES and WIL.M WHITSON to
know of him for his neglect and also to site him to attend Next Meeting Adjornd till meeting in Corse - A.
Met According to Adjornment Sept.r the 10th 1791 and after prayer proseadedto buisness The Church taken
into Consideration of the Depending Association hath chosen our breathren JOSHUA KELLEY, SAMEUL
PHARIS & JOHN NETHERTON as Deligates to Attend the same - BR.O NETHERTON with KELLEY to write
the Churches letter – BRO WIL.M VAUGHN attending Meeting hath giv satesfaction to the Church and is
resoard into fellowship Again Adjornd J. NETHERTON Ck
Met According to adjornment the 8th of October 1791 and after prayer proseaded to buisness the Association
letter presented and red and approvd off ENBEY MANNER Receivd into the Church by Expearence - proposd
if any Matters of Complaint answeard None - adjornd till the second Saturday in November - JOHN
Met according to adjornment the 12 of November 1791 and after sermon proseaded buisness - The Deligates
Made thear return from the Association the proseading of the same being red with the Sircular letter - adjornd
till next Meeting in Corse - ABRAM MCKAY C.l.k. Met According to Adjornment the 10th of December 1791 and after Prayer proseaded to buisness - but
nothing of importance Comeing before the Church hath thought proper to Adjorntill the 2nd saturday in
January - ABRM MCKAY1792
Met according to adjornment the 7th of January 1792 and after prayer proseaded to buisness - BR.O
THOMAS MANTOOTH receivd by letter of recomendation as also sister ANN HEASTON the same - and
nothing more purticler Comeing before us hath adjornd till the second Saturday in February - A. MCKAY C.
Met according to Adjornment the 11th of February 1792 and after Devine _____ proseaded to buisness receivd by letter of recomendation JOSEPH HILL into Union as also BETTY HASTON the same - and
LUEVESE JOB receivd by Recomendation the Matter respecting BR.O REUBEN PADETS Omition of
attending Meetings nor Joining the Church being Considerd and BR.O FINE and JOHN MATHES appointed
to talk with him conserning the same and Make report next Meeting of theare prosedure as also BR.O
PHARES and WIL.M LILLARD to talk with JARED BRICKEY and his wife and to know of them theare reasons
for not Joining the Church and to make report next Meeting in Corse - Adjorn.d ABRM MCKAYMet according to adjornment the 10th of March 1792 - Prayer being Made and proseaded to buisness Sister
MAAGDELEAN HEASTON receivd by letter of recomendation into the Church - the breathren making report
of BR.O BRICKEY and his wife and BR.O REUBEN PAGETS reasons of not Comeing to Joine the Church
and they not being present the Church thinks it Most Conveanant to give them a second Invitation by the
same Breathren - By a request from the Difrent Churches that a conference should bee held at bent Crick
Meeting house respecting some disorder in lettle Beaver Crick Church from which request the Breathren
JOSHUA KELLEY, SAMUEL PHARES and WIL.M LILLARD to attend the same - adjornd ABR.M MCKAY Clk
[Note: here follows an entry which is crossed out and is repeated on page 11, so is not copied here]
(ORG. PAGE 10)
JARET BRICKEY Little Beaver Crick Met According to adjornment the12th of May 1792 and after devine
Servis proseaded to buisness - The breathren PHARES and LILLARD Made thear report to the Church
respecting JARED BRICKEY and his wife of which they both being present Made satesfaction to the Church
and ware receivd into fellowship.
The breathren FINE and MATHES Made theare report in respect of REUBEN PAGET but he not being
present and a letter Comeing from the Church at New river to us in regard to his Conduct requests us to
labour with him in thear behalf to which is appointed JOHN NETHERTON FINE and MCKAY to talk with him
and Make report Next meeting The Deligates from the Conference at bent Crick made theare report to the
Church and from thear report the Church Declares thear None fellowship in soshal Union with the Church at
little Beaver Crick wheare SAMEUL MCGEA is a member and further the Church doth agree to send thear
Desent against it in the Church letter to the Association - A motion for Deligates to attend the association and
JOSHUA KELLEY NETHERTON & MCKAY to attend the same and MCKAY and NETHERTON to write the
Church letter and to have the same ready against Saturday 2 weeks Motion made by BR .O PHARES for the
Calling of BRO KELLELY to the Pastril Care of the Church the same being considerd and prosponded till
Meeting in July in order for Each Member.s Duely Consideration on the same, and that they may bee abell to
give an answear to the Above motion - Adjornd till meeting in Corse - ABR.M MCKAY C.l.k.
Met According to Adjornment and After - 15 June 1792 - Divine Servise proseaded to buisness - BR.O
SAMUEL MATHES Came to the Church and Made A Confestion that he talked out of Line of his Deuty in a
dispute betwean him and JEREMIAH WHITSON but not to the satesfaction of the Church so that Matter is
prosponded till Next meeting in corse in order that fuller satesfaction may bee had with him BR.O ABRM.
MEASTON SEN.R receivd by letter of recommendation into the Church - as also BR.O JOHN BROWN the
same -BR.O RUEBEN PAGET Came to the Church in order to answear the alligations against him sent by
letter from the Church at New river and tis agred by s.d BRO and the Church to refer the Matter till next
meeting in Corse - the Church agree to receive the advise of the Association held at North fork of holston at
BRO. JOHN FROSTS Meeting house - Adjornd till Meeting in Corse WILLIAM LILLARD Met a called Meeting by a request of some of the Breathren BR.O SAMUEL MATHES
came before the Church and gave satesfaction for his transgration and ware receivd into union Again Met
according to adjornment the 7th of July 1792 and after Devine Servise proseaded to buisness
(ORG. PAGE 11)
July 1792 s.d KELLEY called as pastor See pg 33 a motion Made by BR.O PHARES, JOSEPH MOORE is
taken under the watch care of this Church until an opertunity should offer - to see if he should obtain a letter
from the Church he Mov.d from - Receiv.d by letter of recomendation FRANCES MCKELHANEY as also a
letter for his wife - the Matter respecting BR.O KELLEY being Call.d to the pastorall Care of the Church being
taken under Consideration of the Church - and after due Deliberation on the same he is Call.d theare unto by
Uannamos voise of the Church and as he has bean Ordained heare to fore to the Offis of a Minister we look
upon it Disorder for two ordinations to one Offis, thearefor he is receivd by us the Ordain Pastor of this Church
- the Matter respecting REUBEN PAGET being considerd and he not present the Church agreas to give him
another hearing by BR.O FINE and JOHN MATHES and for them to make report of the same Next meeting Adjornd - A. MCKAY C.l.k.
Met According to Adjornment the 11th of august 1792 and after divine Servise proseaded to buisness Respecting BR.O PAGET agread by the Church that ABR.M MCKAY write an answear to the letter from New
river Church in respect of the s.d BR.O PAGET - also ABRAM MCKAY appointed by the Church to attend the
Conference at hornbacks on Holston the 4th Friday in August 1792 - Received by Expearence MARKE
MITHCEL into fellowship of this
Church - as also JOHN HIRD the same By a motion - that the Dacon.s Make a return to the Clark of all the
Expences of the Church in order for him to enter the same on Record Adjornd till Meeting in Corse ABRAM
MCKAY C.l.k. Met According to Adjornment the 8th of Septr 1792 and after Devine Servise proseaded to buisness Receivd
by letter of Recomendation JOHN BROADING into fellowship of the Church as also SUSANAH
MCKELHANEY the same – the Deligate to the Conference at Horns backs on holston Made his report to the
church of thear proseadure which terminated in SAM.L MCGEA.S Excumination the Church being satesfied
and Agread to the same proposd for Deligates to Attend the Association and the Breathren JOSHUA KELLEY,
SAM'L FARES and ABRAM MCKAY to Attend the same and s.d MCKAY to rite the Churches letter and have
the same ready against Next meeting in order to bee red for the approbation of the Church - Adjornd till
Meeting in Corse - ABRAM MCKAY Clk.
(ORG. PAGE 12)
8th of Octr 1792 Met According to Adjornment and after Divine Servis proseaded to buisness Receivd by
Expearance MARGET ASTON into fellowship of the Church - The Churches letter to the Association red and
Concurd with Except an addition of three Members to bee added - Adjornd till Meeting in Corse A.M. Cl.k
10 Nov 1792 Met According to Adjornment and after Divine Servis proseaded to buisness Receivd BR.O
GEORGE MCCOWN by letter of recomendation into fellowship of the Church - BR.O WIL.M WHITSON Made
Application to the Church for a letter of Dismistion for sister DARCUS JOB. the same being granted; as also
JAMES WISEHEART for himself and hav obtaind the same. Ajornd - MCKAY
8th of December 1792 Met according to Adjornment and after Divine Servise proseaded to buisness Receivd
SISTER MCCOWN into fellowship of the Church by letter of recomendation The Minits of the Association red
and Agreed to and in Respect to the request of the Association to the several Churches Concerning of Negro
Marages we Consider the Matter worth consideration and hath Appointed the breathren JOSHUA KELLEY,
result on the Matter and have it ready against next Church Meeting That the Church take under Consideratio
in respect of a stated Clark to the Association and give theare Opinion of the same Next Meeting in Corse
Ajornd - A. MCKAY
Met According to adjornment the 12th of Janu.r 1793 and After Devine servis proseaded to buisness - the
Matter Respecting the Marrage of Negros prosponded for a further Consideration Sister JUDITH SMITH
requested to Come under the watch care of the Church till she should obtain hir letter of Recomendation and
the same being granted unto hir - The Matter respecting a stated Clark in the Association being brought
before the Church and after Due Deliberation on the same its Considered not Lagell - ajornd till Meeting in
Corse - ABR.M MCKAY C.l.k
Met according to adjornment the 9th of february 1793 and after Devine Servis proseaded to buisness An
answear from Smiths Crick Church to this Church Conserning the letter we sent them respecting JOHN
HERD which answear being red and Approv.d of (ORG. PAGE 13)
THOMAS SULEVENT Receiv.d by letter of recomendation whearas theare is some Deficualty Amongst some
Members in the Church and upon consideration of the same it.s thought Most prudent that a comitee bee
chosen to settle the same in order for which we have Appointed the followingbreathren ,JOSHUA KELLEY,
as a Comitee to settle
End of Minutes - Big Pigeon Baptist Church 1787 - 1874
Pages 1-9
Cocke County, Tennessee
Big Pigeon Church Minutes 1787 - 1874
Pages 10 - 19
(ORG. PAGE 13 - CONT.)
the same and Make report of theare proseadure - BR.O JOHN NETHERTON Made application for a letter of
Dismition and the same being granted unto him - Ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. MCKAY.
Met According to adjornment the 9th of March 1793 and after devine servise proseaded to buisness The
above mentied Commitee hasd made thear report to the Church of thear prosedure the same being
approbated by the Church Ajornd till Meeting in corse. ABR.M MCKAY Clk 13th of April 1793 Met According to adjornment and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness the Matter
respecting WIL'M VAUGHN and MARGE CHAIRS being brought before the Church - W.M VAUGHN not being
present the Matter is prosponded till Meeting in corse - a motion by BR PHARES that the Church take under
theare consideration the Destress of the WIDOW WHITE and to consider if it.s deuty to Administer or
Contribute to hir Necessity or not - ABRAM and ANN HEASTON.S Applied for letters of Dismistion the same
being granted unto them - Ajornd till Meeting in Corse – ABRAM MCKAY C.l.k.
11th of May 1793 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting WIL'M VAUGHN and MARGET CHARES being call.d they not being present it.s prospon.d till
Meeting in corse and BR.O PHARES appointed to site them to attend the same - and in respect to the
WIDOW WHITE the Matter is prosponded for a further Consideration Ajornd till Meeting in corse A. MCKAY
8th of June 1793 Met According to Adjornment and after Divine servise proseaded to buisness - A letter sent
from New River Church to this Church Requestiing us to Enquire into sister JUDITH SMITH Conduct in
comeing away from the Church without Makeing Application for a letter of Dismtion BR.O NETHERTON
Appointed to site Hir to next Church Meeting Sister MARY GREEN receiv.d into the Church by letter the
Matter respecting WIL'M VAUGHN and MARGET CHAIRS being Call.d and VAUGHN not being present it.s
prosponded till Meeting in corse
(ORG. PAGE 14)
BR.O PHARES and BR.O WHITSEN to site them to Attend the same; Ajornd till Meeting in corse - ABRM
MCKAY C.l.k.
13th of July 1793 Met According to Appointment and Proseaded to buisness. Respecting WIL'M VAUGHN
and MARGET CHAIRS is onse More prosponded till the Next Meeting by a motion for Members to Attend the
MCKAY Appoi nted to Attend the same - and ABRAM MCKAY appointed to Write the Church letter - ajornd till
Meeting in Corse – ABRAM MCKAY
Met according to Ajornment the _th of Febry 1794 and after Divine Servise proseaded to buisness 1st the
Minits of the Association was red and Agread to by the Church tis the Mind of the Church that the matter
respecting of MARGET CHEARS should bee prospond till Next Meeting in corse - and in respect to WIL'M
VAUGHN it is the mind of the Church that he bee Excuminacated for unseamly talking and Disorderly
Conduct and that the same bee done tomorrow by BR.O JOSHUA KELLEY MOURNING PRIER and
BARABRA BASS made application for letters of Dismistions and the same being granted unto them - Ajornd
till meeting in corse ABRAM MCKAY C.l.k.
8 of March 1794 Met according to adjornment and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness - A letter being
presented to us from the Church at littel pidgen requesting us to Examin into the standing of some Members
that had left them and was living in the bounds of our Church of whome they had bean informed had behaved
Disorderly the Members is JESSE ISBELL and wife and VINE TAYLOR JESSE ISBELL has give
his letter to the church that he receivd it from and the church has has considered the Matter respecting of him
and has brought it to Excumenication and now he has mov.d to Caintuck and the Breathren WM. WHITSON
and W'M FOX are apointed to go and know of VINE TAYLER his reason for not given in his letter and join
Sociaty and report Next Meeting of theare proseader - the Matter respecting MARGET CHAIRS being onse
more considered it is agread by the church that she be restored into fellowship again –
(ORG. PAGE 15)
ROBERT EWIN rquests a letter of Dismision for himself and wife the same being granted unto them Adjornd
till meeting in corse A. MCKAY Clk.
Met According to ajornment the 12th of April 1794 and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - the
Breathren WHITSON and FOX Made theare report to the church in respect of VINE TAYLOR that they
understood she was Mov.d to Caintuck and did not see hir but as the information is rong the same breathren
is apointed to attend on hir the same occation and Make report Next Meeting by a motion; for Deligates to
Attend the Associn and the breathren; JOSHUA KELLEY, JOHN NETHERTON and PETER FINE Elected to
Attend the same ABRAM MCKAY Appointed to write the Church letter to the Association and have the same
ready against Next Church Meeting Adjornd A. MCKAY Clk
Met according to ajornment the and after Divine Servis proseaded to buisness the 10th of May 1794 the
Breathren WHITSON & FOX Made thear report respecting of VINE TAYLOR and that she Mov.d to caintuck
before they had an opertunity talking with hir Sister JUDITH SMITH give hir Letter of recomendation into the
Church and was receiv.d into fellowship The Church letter to the Association was red and agread too - By a
motion that Church Meetings bee held altogeather at frensh broud til times apear More safer in respect to the
indians by a motion that some Members bee apointed to inquire of JOSEPH GRAHAM to know of him his
reasons for not joining Sociaty ABRAM MCKAY and WIL'M WHITSON are apointed to Attend on the same
and Make report Next Meeting as also the same breathren to Enquire of THOMAS MANTOOTH of his
reasoond for not attending to Meetings and make report theareof Adjornd till Meeting in Corse A. MCKAY
Met according to ajornment the 7th of June and after divine servise proseaded buisness The Deligates made
theare report from the Association with the Minits theareof the same being red and agread too or concur.d
with By a motion. Whither its agreeable to gospell order for Members to talk at Large in respect of Matters
done in the church as ________ of fellowship; as also talking behind the back of any person they are agrev.d
with Except it bee for information and that to bee Members of the church; answeard its not agreable and
Members guilty of such behavour is liable to bee Delt with as in other immoral conduct
(ORG. PAGE 16)
the Breathren WHITSON and MCKAY Made theare report to the church in respect of JOSEPH GRAHAM &
THOMAS MANTOOTH, but Neither of them Apearing agread that the Breathren FARES and LILLARD talk to
the above Mentied breathren and upon the occation before mentied and Make theare Report Next Meeting Ajornd till Meeting in corse ABRAM MCKAY Clk.
Met according to ajornment the 12th of July and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness - Receiv.d by letter
ANN HEASTON into fellowship of the church Br.o THOMAS MANTOOTH came before the church and
render.d his reasons for his absence the preseading Meetings before which reasons gave satesfaction to the
Church. - as also JOSEPH GRAHAM apear.d before the church and gave his reasons why he had not join.d
the church which was that he had brought no letter of Dismistion the Church
agre the same to bee lawful for not joining Sociaty and he agreas to give himself under the watch care of the
church till he can have an opertunity of geting his letter. The Church Apoint BR.O LILLARD to rite a letter to
BR.O GEORGE MCCOWN and wife to know of them thear reasons of not atending Meetings Neither Apling
for a letter of Dismistion do the same to JOHN BREADING The Church Apoint BR.O JOSHUA KELLEY a
Deligate to atend the inquest apointed by last Association to be held at the fork of little Pigeon the first
Monday in August 1794 Ajirnd till Meeting in corse WIL.M LILARD C.l.k.
Met according to ajornment the 9th of August 1794 and after divine servise proseaded to buisness Br.o
KELLEY Made report to the Church in respect to the Dispute or division in the Church at the fork of little
Pigeion and that they had not got the matter fulley setled but left it with them for theare further Consideration
the Members appointed to look out a place for a meeting house Made theare Report to the Church that they
have found a place Near THOMAS DILLENS on Pigeon that is sutible for the purpose - the meeting house to
bee built by Superception and A. MCKAY apointed to draw the same as soon as Conveancy will admit - By a
motion that the breathren JOHN MATHES and DANIEL RICE bee apointed to talk with DAVID NELSON and
his famelley or those of them of our sociaty and to know of them theare reasons for not giving in theare
Membership to theChurch and Make report Next Meeting Ajornd till Meeting in corse ABRAM MCKAY Clk
(ORG. PAGE 17)
meeting House builtMet according to Ajornment the 13th of September 1794 and after Divine Servis
proseaded to buisness - a letter being presented to us from the Church at new River respecting of BENJAMIN
SMITH.S absenting himself from the Church with a rugh spirit which caused his Excuminication we takeing
the Matter under consideration and heareing of his acknoledgment of his transgretion have restor.d him into
fellowship again - the Breathren JOHN MATHES and DANIEL RIVE Made thear report to the Church in
respect of DAVID MELSON the Church being satesfied with theare report but the matter referd till Meeting in
corse for a further heareing - The Matter respecting the building of the Meeting house to bee done by a
supercription of work to bee done the second weak in October Next - The Breathren JOSHUA KELLEY
SAMUEL PHARES & A. MCKAY appointed as Deligates to attend the Asso.n and s.d MCKAY appointed to
write the Churches letter By a request of BR.O PETER FINE that JOSHUA KELLEY, SAM PHARES, WIL'M
LILLARD & ABRAM MCKAY that they would go with him to sister BETTY NETHERTON to talk with hir
Conserning a matter she had reported to s.d FINE that hir Husband JOHN NETHERTON Made a constant
practis in FINES being from home of going theare and staying all Nite with his wife andupon an Examination
of hir upon the subject we found that she had just reasons for hir complaint and futher said that hir husband
had often told hir that he had fraquently lay with FINES wife – then upon an Examination of JOHN
NETHERTON upon the Matter he acknowledged what his wife had said was the truth and that he had give
great occation for offence - the above Mentied breathre then laid the Matter before the Church they beleiving
the Report but prosponding the Matter till Meeting in corse Ajornd till Meeting in corse - ABR'M MCKAY Met according to ajornment and after Prair proseaded to buisness the 11th of October 1794 - the Matter
respecting DAVID MELSON brought forward but he being not present its prosponded and the breathren
JOHN MATHES and FRANCES MCKELHANEY apointed to site him to attend Next Meeting and make report
of thear proseadure to the Church – The Matter respecting JOHN
NETHERTON and REBECKA FINE being under further Consideration she failing to apear he being present
acknowledged that he had give great reasons for offence and that he was sorrow for it that he had Wonded
the cause of god wounded his brethren and his owen soul and that he had destroy.d his own peace and &.C.
but the Church Not receiving satesfaction agree that theyt both bee Excumenicated from our sociaty
tomorrow and BR.O KELLEY do the same after sermon - Ajorn till Meeting in corse A. MCKAY which
accordingly was Done
(ORG. PAGE 18)
Receivd by Experance into fellowship of the Church THOMAS KEENEY, JOSEPH KEENY & JOSEPH HUFF
in September 1794
8th of November 1794 Met according to ajornment and after Prayer proseaded to buisness - The Breathren
JOHN MATHES and FRANCES MCKELHANEY Made thear report to the Church that they did apply to DAVID
MELSON.S formelly and give them word to attend this Meeting but they failing to apear the Matter rosponded
til meeting in Corse The Breathren Made thear report from the Asso.c the Minits being red and agread too
Church Meetings to take its corse on pigeion again beginning Next Month ajornd till meeting in Corse A. M.
Met According to ajornment the 13th of Decemb.r 1794 and after Divine servise proseaded to buisness the
Church Opening a Door for Expearances the persons under Named Came forward and was receiv.d into
Meeting in corse - A. MCKAY C.
Met according to ajornment the 10th of January 1795 and after divine servis proseaded to buisness JOSEPH
GRAHAM receiv.d by letter into the Church -the Matter respecting DAVID MELSON is Dismist ajornd til
Meeting in Corse Abram McKay C.l.k.
Met according to ajornment the and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness the 7th of February 1795 JOHN
MCKINDELL presents his letter of dismission from the Church he formerly belong.d to in order to join this
church with an acknowledgment also of his giting Drunk and indeavoured to give satesfaction for the same
but the Church not being satisfied thearewith the Matter is prosponded till Meeting in corse - ajornd till
Meeting in Corse WIL'M LILLARD Clk for the day the Matter with respect to JOHN MCKINDELL soon after he
presented his letter to the church he went out of these parts without aquainting the Church of his intention the
Church beleveing it deuty to send a ltter after him to the Church they sopos.d he went too in order to aquaint
them of his conduct heare and BR.O LILLARD apointed to write s.d letter
(ORG. PAGE 19)
Shill there be one meeting house or two.
Met according to ajornment the 11th of April 1795 and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness - A Letter
presented and red by BR.O PHARES from EBENEZER LEETH giving his reasons for taking JAMES LEETH
away from hear in the Manner he did but it failing to give the church satesfaction they could not but declare
theare non fellowship with him for his conduct and agree to send a letter to the church he belongs too in order
to aquiant them of his conduct and ABRAM MCKAY apointed to write s.d letter - By a motion for an assistant
Clark the same being granted and WIL'M LILLARD appointed for the same SUSANNA HILL receivd by
Expearance - with respect to the Matter Conserning BRO HIRD and BRO THIRMON its the Churches Opinion
that BR.O HIRD has no write to pay the note over and above the prise of the Land and that a letter be sent
BR.O THIRMAN to aquaint him of
the Churches Judgement - the Church Opening a doore for Expearance MARY MA____ Came forward and
was received as also MARY HUFF, JOHN MADDX ELZEBETH HUFF the same Ajornd till Meeting in corse.
Met according to ajornment the 9th of May 1795 and after divine servis procead to buisness the Letter to the
Church at the big spring in virginiarespecting EBEN. LEETH.S Conduct was red and agread too by a motion
whither theare should bee only one Stated Meeting house in the bounds of this church answeared but one the Matter prosponded till Meeting in Corse wheare it should bee - ajorned till Meeting in corse ABRAM
MCKAY [at top of page in different handwriting -] one meeting House Reg meeting time 1st Sat before
each Sabbath at our meeting House on the North side of Big Pigeon River See minute below meeting house
built latte part of 1794 about Oct. See pg 17D pg. 19D and pg. 19C also see pg. 16D Location of House 1st
Sat each mo. Reg. meeting time pg. 19C [Minutes resume] Met according to adjornment the 11th of July 1705
and after Divine service prosead to buisness. Bro ROBERT EWIN gave in a letter of recomendation for
himself and wife but objections ariseing against him thear reception is prosponded till Meeting in corse
EDWARD OZBUN and wife ware receiv.d into church by letter - the Matter respecting one stated meeting
house in the bounds of this Church agread that theare bee only one and that bee at the Meeting house on the
North side of Pigeion river - and that the Monthly Meetings bee the Saturday before the first sabath in the
Month – the breathren JOSHUA KELLY, SAM PHARES, and ABRAM MCKAY aponted to attend the Asso. and
s.d MCKAY appointed to rite the churches letter adjord till meeting in corse - ABRM MCKAY.
Met according to adjornment the 1st of August 1795 Meeting opend by prayer and proseaded to buisness the
Churches letter to the Ass.o red and agread to
(ORG. PAGE 20)
the Church put into the hands of the Deligates ten shillings to bee given into the Asso. Fund the Matter
respecting ROBERT EWIN is laid over for a further heareing Adjond till Meeting in corse - ABRAM MCKAY
Met according to adjornment the 5th of September 1795 and after prayer prosoaded buisness Received by
letter BR.O JOHN MULKEY in fellowship of the church The matter respecting ROBERT EWIN taken under
consideration he being absent the Breathren JAMES BAXTER and PETER FINE appointed to site him to
attend our Next Meeting and make report of the proseadure - SISTER ASTON obtained a letter of Dismistion;
Meeting in corse A MCKAY
Met according to adjornment the 3rd of October 1795 and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - the
Matter respecting ROBERT EWIN being brought before the church and after some Deliberating on the Same
the Church thought Proper to Chouse the following Breathren as A joint commitee to labour with him in order
which accordingly was done - the Committee report that they could not do any thing to satesfaction at present
and agree to prospond the same till meeting incorse Adjond Abr.m McKay C.l.k
Met according to adjornment the 31st of October 1795 and after prayer proseaded to buisness Received
BR.O JONAS CAVE by letter - the matter respecting ROBERT EWIN being Called but he being absent tis
prosponded till
meeting in corse and the brethren PETER FINE and WIL.M FOX appointed to site him to attend Next meeting
and make report. Meeting ajornd A. Mckay C.l.k.
Met according to adjornment the 5th of December 1795 and after prayer proseaded to buisness- the brethren
appointed to site ROBERT EWIN Report that they went to his house but faild in seeing him by reason he not
being at home. the Church agree to wate with him till Next meeting - Adjornd till Meeting in corse Abram
Met according adjornment the 2nd of January 1796 and after prayer proseaded to buisness the matter
respecting ROBERT EWIN prosponded till meeting in corse receivd a letter from the Big Spring Church
Shanandoah County virginia respecting theare satesfaction with EBENEZER LEETH.S takeing JAMES
LEETH into virginia with him Contrary to his Mothers Consent or knowledge - the church is not satesfied
thearwith Receiv.d THOMAS CLEVENGER and his wife by letter also REUBEM ALLAN the same - Received
a letter or Petision from that branch of the Church at the Mouth of Chuckey for us to inquier into theare
ripeness for Constitution and agread that the Breathren JOSHUA KELLEY SAM.L PHARES JOHN
MULKEY JOHN HERD W.M WHITSON DANIEL RICE and ABR.M MCKAY bee appointed to attend them the
3rd saturday of this instant the Breathren W.M WHITSON and ABR.M MCKAY appointed to Site SAMEUL
LUSK to attend Next Monthly meeting and to show cause of his neglecting the same - and make report
Met according to adjornment the 5th of February 1796 and after prayer proseaded to buisness - Receivd by
letter JANE ODELL into the fellowship of the Church - the Breathren appointed to attend the Meeting at the
mouth of Chuckney are to continue thear intention to Meet the 3rd Saturday of this instant- SAMUEL
(ORG. PAGE 21)
SAMUEL LUSK Made Application for a letter Dismission for himself and Wife the same being granted unto
them The Breathren THOMAS SWILLIVEN ABRAM HEASTON and JNO MULKEY appointed Labour with
JOSEPH GRAHAM and JOEL MOORE and make report next Meeting of the same - ABRAM MCKAY
appointed to write a letter to Mill Crick Church in Shanandoah County virginia Respecting EBEN LEETH.S
satesfaction Made to that church for his transgration- the Breathren ABRAM MCKAY and PETER FINE
Appointed to site the Breathren JN.O KEENEY and JAMES WISEHEART to attend Next Meeting and Make
satesfaction for thar non attendance and make report theareof - Adjornd till Meeting in corse- ABRAM MCKAY.
Met according to Adjornment Prayer being made and proeaded to buisness. 5th March 1796 - the Matter
respecting JOEL MOORE and JOSEPH GRAHAM mov.d to the Church the Deligates report that JOEL
MOORE said that he would not come to Meeting agreable to the request of the Church; JOSEPH GRAHAM
said the sam - The Church agree to wate with them till next Meeting in corse and Appointed the Breathren
JOSHUA KELLEY and JN.O MULKEY to labour with them and to know of them thear reasons for so doing and make report next Meeting of theare proseadur - and in respect of the Breathren JN.O KEENEY and
JAMES WISEHEART; a report was made on thear account WISEHEART made satesfaction to the church
KEENEY was provented from comeing by the illness of his Brother The Church agree to Meet Every Monthly
Meeting Day by 10 Oclock in order to do buisness - ROBERT EWIN ackknowledged his fault before the
Church to the satesfaction of the same and was receivd he and his wife in Union BR.O THOMAS
Came before the church and gave his reasons for his neglecting Monthly meetings - which gave satesfaction Adjornd till next meeting in corse Abr.m MaKay [Note: Reuben Allen is the husband of Else Clevenger and the
son inlaw of Thomas Clevenger]
Met According to Adjornment the 2nd of April 1796 and after prayer proseadedto buisness - the Breathren
appointed to site JO.S MOORE and JO.S GRAHAM made report to the Church that they had not talked with
them According totheare intentions thearefore the Church agree to wait with them till Next Meeting and the
same Breathren appointed to labour with them are Continued so to do and Make report next Meeting Letters
of Dismition granted MARY and JEM.I WHITE Adjornd till Meeting in Corse ABR.M MCKAY
Met according to Adjornment the 30th of April 1796 and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Breathren
Made report respecting JO.S MOORE & JO.S GRAHAM and from same appearance or hope of a
reformatation in them the Church agree to wate with them one Monthly Meeting more and BR.O KELLEY
appointed to acquaint them of the Churches indulgence to them and Make report next Meeting - The Church
takeing into Consideration; the Matter respecting of Members
(ORG. PAGE 22)
in Sociaty keeping at a distance and not joining the Church its agread that the Breathren PETER FINE and A.
MCKAY bee appointed to talk with HAMPTON CALAHAM and Others living in the Fork and Invite them to
take a seate with us next Monthly Meeting - and Make report to the Church of theare Proseadings - Adjornd
Met According to Adjornment the 4th of June 1796 and after Prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting JO.S GRAHAM & JO.S MOORE was red and proseaded to; the Church agree to waite with them
till Next Meeting and ABRAM HASTON appointed to Site JO.S MOORE and WIL.M LIILARD to site JO.S
GRAHAM to attend next Meeting The breathren who was appointed to invite some breathren Living near the
Mouth of Pigeon - Made theare report that they talked with some of them and that they Expressed a desire of
Comeing to this Meeting, but has not come The Church appoint next Monthly meeting Day for Money to bee
paid in to the hands of the Dacons in order for them to purchase Elaments for the Lord.s Super and Other
purposes - the Breathren appointed to talk with GRAHAM and MOORE are to inform them of the Churches
indulgance to them and invite them to attend next meeting - Receiv.d by BR.O THOMAS HILL
the Minits of the proseadings of that Brantch of the Church near the Mouth of Chuckey in Order to bee
entered upon record - Adjornd till Meeting in Corse ABRAM MCKAY C.l.k.
Met at the mill-pond Meeting house the 20th of Febr. 1796 And after Devine Service proceeded to Busseness
A Majority of the Brethren to inquire into the Ripeness of That Branch of the Church at the mouth of Chucky
Sat, in Conjunction with them Agree - that this Branch of the Church be priviledged to hold Church meetings
Receive or Exclude members Returning a Copy their Proceedings to the Body in order to be Enter'd upon
Adjorn'd till the saterday Before the 3rd Sabbath in March. A. MCKAY [Note: while signed by A. MCKAY
the last minutes are evidently not his writing, but probably the writing of DANIEL HILL who signs next minutes]
Met according to adjournment and after Divine Servise proceeded to BusenessB. EZEKIEL CAMPBELL
Rec.d by letter also B. JEREMIAH SMELLY Rec.d by LetterAdjour'd till the Saturday Before the 3rd Sabath in
Met according to adjournment and Divine Servise Proceeded to Buseness RUBEN HILL and JOICE his wife
Rec.d by letter. proposed by the Church to make a pulpit Table & a Door for the meeting- house and agreed
upon and nominated our Bro. SAMUEL HILL and THOS HILL to attend our next
Church meeting on pigeon River Adjorn'd till the Saturday before the 3rd Sundy in May
(ORG. PAGE 23)
Met according to adjournment and after Divine Service Proceeded to business a Door Being oppened to
Receive By Letter or in person But not offered Br.o JOHN MATHEYS made a motion Respecting Bulding a
meeting house at or above the mouth of Chucky was Refered till the next monthly meeting adjourn'd till the
Saturday Before the 3rd Sabath in June D. HILL C.
Met according to adjornment the 1st of July 1796 and after prayer prseaded to buisness - ABRAM HASTON
made a report that he invited JOEL MORE to attend this Meeting he has not Complied with s.d request WM.
LILLARD made report that invited JOSEPH GRAHAM to attend this Meeting he has not Complied with s.d
request - the Church agree to wait with Both GRAHAM and MORE a longer space of time to see the Event
theareof - The church give into the hands of the Dacons for the Churches Use 1 shilling also agree to appoint
Members to the Association and the Breathren JOSHEA KELLY JOHN MULKEY WM. LILLARD & THOMAS
HILL appointed to attend the same and ABRAM MCKAY appointed to write the Churches letter and have the
same in order to bee red next Meeting in corse The Church agree that no Member shall speak to any subject
whilst siting on his seat but shall rise to his feet and then speak to the Cause one at a time and if two shall
attempt to speak at a time the Moderator shall call them to order - ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. MCKAY
Met according to adjornment the 6th of August 1796 and after prayer proseaded to buisness - Receiv.d by
letter into the Church JNNO. MCQUEARY also by Expearance LEAH a Negroe - the Church letter red and
agreed to – JOEL MORE Came forward and Made Satesfaction for his neglect of Deuty - MARTHA
MCQUEARY Receiv.d by letter Adjornd till Meeting in Corse - A.MCKAY
Met according to Ajornment the 5th of Septr 1796 and after Devine servis proseaded to buisness Receiv.d by
letter JONAS and MARY JINKINS - JOHNMULKEY a Deligate to the Association report that he had no Minits
to present to the Church but will have them ready against next meeting - CASH CLEVENGERreceiv.d by
letter the Church agree to hold communion the first-Sabath in November next the Church agree to send the
(ORG. PAGE 24)
ABRAM MCKAY to go to REUBEN ALLEN and JOEL MORE and labour with them to git them reconsil.d to
Each Other and Make report next meeting - Church appoint the Breathren WIL.M WHITSON and ENOCH
JOB to invite the breathren and sisters living in the fork between french broud and big pigeon to come Next
meeting - The Church apoint the Breathren JOSHUA KELLEY and THOMAS SWILLEVEN to invite PHILIP
MULKEY and wife to come to next Meeting - JOSEPH KENEY and DAVID JOB appointed to invite JAMES
HARLAND and wife to come to next Meeting Adjornd till meeting in corse A. MCKAY
Met according to adjornment the 1st of October 1796 and after prayer proseaded to buisness the Breathren
that was appointed to labour with JOSEPH MOORE and REUBEN ALLEN failing to comply with the churches
request are reappointed to labour with them for reconsilation and make report next Meeting - PHILIP
MULKEY and his wife RUTH receiv.d by letter. the Breathren WM. WHITSON and ABRAM MCKAY appointed
to invite PETERSON SMITH and wife to attend next Meeting and Make report of thear proseadure ajornd A.
Met according to Adjornment the 5th of November 1796 and after prayer proseaded to buisness The
breathren JOEL MOORE and REUBEN ALLEN Came forward and made known to the Church that they were
recosil.d to Each Other
the breathren WM WHITSON and A. MCKAY failing to invite PETERSON SMITH and wife to attend this
meeting they are appointed again to invite them and make report next Meeting - the Minits of the Association
red and agread to Infirmation being made to the Church that JAMES WISEHEART hath Drank to Exces the
Church hath declard thear none fellowship with him on that account and hath appointed the breathren
SAMUEL PHARES and WIL.M LILLARD to site him to attend next meeting A letter from big spring Church
Shanandoah County Virginia respecting EBENEZER LEETH.S acknowledgment Made to the Church which
did not give satesfaction was red and the Church agree to send SAMUEL PHARES and PETER FINE and
take with them a copy of s.d letter and Deliver it to s.d LEETH and to labour with him for fellowship and invite
him to attend our Monthly Meeting the Church agree to send SAMUEL PHARES and W.M LILLARD to site
JOSEPH GRAHAM to attend our next Meeting - Ajornd till meeting in corse A. MCKAY
(ORG. PAGE 25)
Met according to ajornment the 3rd of Decembr 1796 and after prayer proseaded to buisness Reported that
PETERSON SMITH was invited to attend this Meeting he failing to apear the Church agree to wait a longer
time with him. JAMES WISEHEART Came forward and Confest the Churches charge against him to bee just.
but failing to give satesfaction to the Church the Matter is lade Over till next Meeting - Bro. PHARES reports
that they sited JOSEPH GRAHAM to attend this Meeting but he failing to apear the church hath Declard
theare non fellowship with him and hath Excuminicated him Adjornd till meeting in corse A. MCKAY
Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness the 31th of December 1796. JAMES
WISEHEART came before the Church and reported that he had nothing more to inform the church than what
he had done before the church then agreed to indulg or wate with him till next meeting ajornd A. MCKAY
3rd of February 1797 Met according to ajornment and after Prayer proseaded to buisness A dore was Open.d
for the Reseption of members and JONATHAN DAVIS and his wife ELEZEBETH Came forward and was
receivd by letter – the Matter JAMES WISEHEART being Considered and its the Chuurches mind to wait with
him till next meeting - By a motion whither its Legal for a member to Eascu to the law upon any person before
theare is a legal Demand Made of Debt. answeared not legal - the Church thinks it proper to send the
Breathren SAMUEL PHARES & JOSEPH HUFF to labour with JOEL MOORE for being too forward in the law
and Site him to Attend next Meeting on the above accation the Breathren JOHN MULKEY and ABRAM
MCKAY appointed to invite BR.O JOHN KEENEY to attend next Meeting in Corse and Make report theare of Adjornd till next Meeting in Cors. A.M. Clk
4th of March 1797 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - Br.o JN.O KEENEY
reported to the Church his resons for not attending Meeting the reasons apear Lawful - the Matter respecting
EBENEZER LEETH is lade Over till next meeting the Breathren JOSHUA KELLEY and MATHEW MADDOX
is appointed to Site JOEL MORE to attend next Meeting - the Matter respecting JAMES WISEHEART is lade
Over till next meeting and Br.o JN.O KEENEY to Site him to attend the same - Adjornd till meeting in Corse
(ORG. PAGE 26)
1st of April 1797 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting
EBENEZER LEEETH being brought forward and after Consult the same its agreed that the breathren
and Labour with him and Make report to
the Church of theare proseadure - The Matter Respecting JOEL MOORE being brought forward and after
considering the same the Church agree to wate with him till next Meeting and the Breathren KELLEY and
MADDOX are appointed to Site him to attend the same - also the Matter respesting JAMES WISEHEART
being brought forward its agread to wate with him one Month longer - Br.o JOHN PHARES and his wife taken
under the watch care of the Church until they Obtain letters of recomendation from the Church they left - also
LUCE a black woman Receivd by letter - JN.O MULKEY and EDWARD OSBURN appointed to invite URIAS
WALL and his wife to attend next Meeting - Ajornd till meeting in Corse A. MCKAY
6th of May 1797 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - The breathren
appointed to labour with EBENEZER LEETH Made thearreport to the Church of thear labours with s.d LEETH
that they Could not gitsatesfaction with him to the obtaining of fellowship - and that the Church appoint
ABRAM MCKAY to write a Letter to Hill Creek Church Shanandoah County virginia informing them of our
proseadure with him and have the same ready against next Meeting - the Breathren appointed to site JOEL
MOORE Made theare report to the Church of theare proseadure and labour with him that MCKAY Could git
no satesfaction with him the Church hath Declard theare nonfellowship with him and hath appointed ABTAM
HEASTON and DANIEL HEASTON to inform him of the Churches Proseadure against him and Make report
to the Church next Meeting of thear proseadure - The Matter respecting JAMES WISEHEART being Briught
forward and no satesfaction obtaind the Church hath Declard theare Nonfellowship with him and hath
excluded him from sociaty for Exces of Drinking and Other Notorous Crimes Receivd by letter Br.o MICAJAH
HAMPTON and his wife ANN in fellowship of the Church (ORG. PAGE 27)
The Minits of that arme of the Church at the Mouth of Chucky being brought in order to Enter on Record but
the Church Decline the same by giving them up to become a Seperate Constitution Destinct from us Adjornd
till Meeting in Corse ABRM MCKAY
4th of June 1797 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Letter to Mill Creek
Church in shanandoah County virginia respecting the labours with EBEN LEETH being red was agread too the Matter respecting JOEL MOORE being brought forward and after talking with him on the nature of his
Crime and no satesfaction obtaind the church hath Declard thear none fellowship with him and Excluded him
from sociaty for wilfully absenting himself from Meetings and being too forward in having the law Executed
against a member in sociaty - The Church agree that they will quarterly enable the Dacons with money for
them to git Necessaries for the Churches Use beginning July next. ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. Mc.
1st of July 1797 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Church hath put
into the hands of the Dacons 15/6 for the use of s.d Church - by motion for Members to attend the Association
andJOSHUA KELLEY JN.O MULKEY and ABRAM MCKAY are appointed to attend the sameand s.d MCKAY
to write the Churches letter and have the same ready against Next Meeting Ajournd till meeting in corse A.M
5th of August 1797 Met According to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Churches Letter
to the Ass.o red and agread to - put into the hands of the Deligates for the fund 1 dollar and a half by
the hands of the Dacon of s.d Church - the balance in his hands - 14/8 - ajornd till Meeting in corse A.M.
2nd of September 1797 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness the Association
Minits red and approved of - the Church being inform.d that thear was Disorderly Conduct Carried on in BR.O
End of Minutes - Big Pigeon Baptist Church 1787 - 1874
Pages 10 – 19
Cocke County, Tennessee
Big Pigeon Church Minutes 1787 - 1874
Pages 20 - 29
(ORG. PAGE 27 - CONT.)
-thearefore thought proper to Appoint the Breathren JONAS JINKINS and TH.O SYLLIVEN to talk with him
conserning the same and Make report Next Meeting in Corse - the Church appoint the BR.O SAML PHARES
PETER FINE JAMES NICKELS & WIL.M WHITSON to attend at Mill pond Meeting house the 3rd Saturday in
this instant Ajornd till Meeting in Corse Ab.r McKay
[Note: In entirely different hand writing in the margins of this page there is written: THOMAS HILL seems to
have belonged to that arm at Mouth of Chuckey]
(ORG. PAGE 28)
Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting BR.O BRICKEY
being lade before the Church and he being present said he would try to avoid such evil doings in his house
again -the Church Expresed hir satesfaction with him Dismised; JN.O MCQUEARY and wife ENOCH JOB &
MULKEY and s.d MULKEY Ordered to write letters of Dismition for the above named Members - ajornd till
Meeting in Corse ABR. MCKAY 4th of November 1797 Met according to ajornment and after Devine servcis
proseaded to buisness agread, that the Breathren JO.S KEENEY and JONATHAN DAVIS bee appointed to
Site JAMES STINET to attend next Meeting in Order to render that satesfaction to the Church according to
promis - and Make report next Meeting Agread that the BR.O JOSHUA KELLEY SAM.L PHARES MATTHEW
MADDOX WM. LILLARD PETER FINE and ABRAM MCKAY bee apointed to attend at the Mill pond Meeting
house the 3rd Saturday in this instant in order to see into the Constitution of that Brantch of this Church.
Receiv.d by letter WIL.M LANE and his wife ELEZEBETH into fellowship of the Church JONAH
CAVE Made application for a letter of Dismistion the same being granted unto him - Ajornd - A. McKay
2nd of December 1797 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness The breathren
appointed to Cite JAMES STINET report that they Did not talk with him on the occation and the Church think
proper to appoint the Same Breathren again to Cite him to attend Next Meeting vis JO.S KEENEY and
JONATHAN DAVIS and Make report next Meeting the Breathren appointed to attend the Mill pond Meeting
house report that they did not attend to the appointment Made by the Church - upon the Consideration of
Which BR.O PHARES is appointred to answear them by Letter – Ajornd till Meeting in Corse A.M. Ck.
5th of January 1798 Met according to Ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - BR.O JOHN
KEENEY Came forward and informed the Church that he and a traveling man Differd so that they got to blows
- and he also made acknowledgements to the Church for his faults to the satesfaction of the same (ORG. PAGE 29)
BR.O JOSEPH KEENEY report to the Church that JAMES STINET did not tell him whither he would Come to
or not to give satesfaction for his Disorder BR.O JOHN KEEKEY is appointed to go to JAMES STINET and
inform him that the Church hath declar.d thear None fellowship with him and shall prosead to his Exclution
without satesfaction made – Wheareas theare is some Matters of Dispute between SAMUEL HUFF and JO.S
KEENEY the same being Mov.d to the Church its Consider.d that a comitee would bee the best Method to
settle s.d Dispute and the Breathren SAM.L PHARES JOHN HERD WIL.M LILLARD PETER FINE and
ABRA.M MCKAY bee appointed to settle the same - and make report Next meeting - Ajornd till Meeting in
Corse - A. M. Ck.
3rd of February 1798 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - Received SISTER
SARAH VINCENT into fellowship of the Church - the Church hath Declard theare none fellowship with
JAMES STINET and hath Excluded him from our sociaty for Falsly speaking and refeusing to heare
theChurch when Cald upon - BRO. FRETHIS [URIAS ??] WALL and his wife receiv.d into fellowship of the
the Church hath Manefested a dissatesfaction with BRO. OSBURN for adruptly Contridecting BR.O LILLARD
in the face of the Church Calls on him to render satesfaction for the Same - The breathren appointed as a
commitee to labour with SAM.L HUFF and JOSEPH KEENEY report that the Matter in Dispute is not setled
and the same breathren is appointed aain in ____ to settle the same and JAMES NICKELS is appointed in
the place of SAM.L PHARES - Ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. M. Ck
31st of March 1798 Met according to Ajornment and after prayer Proseaded to buisness BR.O OSBURN
Came before the Church and made such acknowledgementas rendered satesfaction to the same - The
Breathren appointed as a Commitee to labour with SAM.L HUFF and JOSEPH KEENEY report that theare
was not a reconsilation betwean them when they laboured with them but upon further labours Used with them
at the present Meeting they have come to reconsile Each to the Other - BR.O ABRAM HEASTON made
satesfaction for a Letter of Dismistion the same being granted unto him - ajornd till meeting in corse A. M.
5 of May 1798 Met according to ajornment and after Prayer proseaded to buisness - The Matter being moved
to the Church respecting JEMIMAH WHITE haveing a base born Child and BRO. MATTEW MADDOX is
appointed to know of hir whither she has joined any Other Church since she left heare
(ORG. PAGE 30)
and if not to Labour with hir respecting hir Conduct and Make report Next meeting Ajornd till Meeting in corse
A. M.
2nd of June 1798 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness BRO. MADDOS report
to the Church that he talked with JEMIMA WHITE respecting hir Conduct - but she gave him little or no
satesfaction - the Church takeing the Matter under Consideration doth heareby Exclude hir from Sociaty for
the sin of haveing a base born Child - By virtue of A letter sent to this Church from the Catawbe Church in
halafax County in virginia sent to inform us of the Excumincation of MICAJAH HAMPTON we having some
time past receiv.d a letter from him as an Ordily Member -we thearefore ____ sd. letter and hold s.d
HAMPTON as no Member with us - BRO. PHARES Mov.d to the Church that if theare is any that has
any accustions against him that they would make it manyfest - ajornd till Meeting in Corse to bee held at
14th July 1798 By appointment Met at WIL.M COLMANS and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness -the
Church Opening a door for the reseption of Members - and NATHANAL BOMAN and his wife OLAFREY; and
WILLIAM COLLMAN were receiv.d by Expearance - the following Breathren and sisters receivd the same Day
the watch Care of the Church - ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. MCKAY
4th of August 1798 Mett according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness by a motion for
Members to attend the Ass.o and the Breathren appointed to attend the same are JOSHUA KELLEY,
THOMAS SNELSON & ABRAM MCKAY; by application for letters of Dismistion for MAGDELEUM HASTON
ANN HASTON, THOMAS HILL and wife - the same being granted unto them -the Church letter to the Ass.o
red and agread to and one Dollar put into the hands of the Deligates for the Use of the Ass.o
(ORG. PAGE 31)
by a motion of BR.O BONHAM that a letter bee sent to BR.O DANIEL HILL requesting him to stop any
Execution against s.d BONHAM till after Next Monthly Meeting wheare they are both requested to attend and
make a true statement of theare Matters to the Church - DANIEL HEASTON made
application for a letter of recomendation - the same being granted unto him -the matter between BR.O
KELLEY and BR.O PHARES prosponded till next Meeting - the Matter between breathren LILLARD and
PHARES prosponded till next Meeting - Ajornd - A. M.
1st of Sep.t 1798 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter between
Br.o BONHAM and Br.o HILL setled upon principles that Each one pay half the Cost that is between them in
law - Sist.r ABIGAIL PAGET obtain.d a letter of Dismistion DAVID JOB and wife the same NANCY MATHES
the same the Matter respecting Br.o PHARES accusing BR.O LILLARD of swearing wrong it.s mad apear not
to bee so - and the Church Expreses a dissatesfaction with BR.O PHARES for his wrong accusation of s.d
BR.O LILLARD - Ajornd till meeting in Corse A.M.
6th of Oct.o 1798 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Minits of the
Association red and agreed to - Sister MARYAN MATHES and MARYAN STEAVENS applied for letters of
Dismistion the same being granted to them - MARTHA JONES the same - the Matter respecting the
Breathren KELLEY and PHARES Prosponded till Meeting in Corse - ajornd till Meeting in Corse - A.M. this
should bean Enter.d in the month above. BENJIMIN BONHAM gave in his letter of recomendation to the
Church but was not taken into fellowship till some Matters is setled in the Church he came from 1 1798 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - Br.o PHARES
Accuseing Br.o LILLARD of swearing falsly is now taken up again for a further hearing PHARES has faild to
support his Accusation against Br.o LILLARD and the Church has Manifested thear Dissatesfaction with him
for accuseing Br.o LILLARD of Swearing falsly the Matter respecting PHARES giving satesfaction to the
Church is prospondedTill meeting in Corse -
(ORG. PAGE 32)
SAMUEL HUFF and wife made application for letters of Dismistion the same being granted unto them. Ajornd
till meeting in Corse A.M. agreed that Matters bee Determined in the Church in what place she may ajorn too
2 of february 1799 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - The matter
respecting PHARES accuseing Br.o LILLARD of Swearing falsly being brought under Consideration of the
Church and after duly Considering the same it.s thought to bee most Conveanent and to the glory of God to
Exclude SAMUEL PHARES from sociaty for attempting to prove before the Church of some of the Breathren
swearing falsly before the Cort and he failing to prove the same, nor would not give satesfaction to the Church
for his wrong accusation - JEREMIAH SHELLY [possibly SHELBY] prayed aletter of Dismistion the same
being granted unto him - Ajornd till Meeting in Corse - A.M.
5 January 1799 This was a Meeting held at WIL.M COLMANS the 5 of January 1799. Met according to
ajornment & c HOSEA HAMPTON and RACHEL HAMPTON his wife receiv.d by letter - JONATHAN DAVIS
and his wife applied for letters of Dismistion the same being granted unto them JOSEPH KEENEY applied for
a letter also it being granted unto him. Ajornd till meeting in Corse D. HILL
6th of April 1799 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the br.o appointed to
talk with BONHAM last meeting Reports that they talked with BONHAM About his neglecting attending of
Meetings from which Conversation he promis.d he would attend at this meeting. but has fail.d in Complying to
his promise - MARK MITCHELL made Application for letters of Dismistion for himself and wife. granted unto
them ajornd till meeting in Corse A. MCKAY [Note: About this time Mark Mitchell sold his land (This is
handwriten in the margin by who ever typed it)]
4th of May 1799 Meeting Opened in Common form - the Breathren SNELSON and COLMAN report to the
Church that theare is a report in
Circulation that HENRY STIERS is apt to drink too Excess and has bean a gambeling and took a quantity of
led and kep it some time and the BR.O also report that they have Converst with him Conserning the same
and that he Confes.t to part of the reports the Church Manifested hir Dissatesfaction with him for the same (ORG. PAGE 33)
and Appoint the Breathren LANE and GUIN to go acquaint him of the same and Cite him to next Meeting in
Corse to give satesfaction for such Conduct - Ajorn.d till Meeting in corse W. LILLARD
1st of June 1799 Meeting Open.d in Common form -BR.O LAND report that he and BR.O BUIN talked with
HENRY STIERS accordin as the Church directed them and he signafied as if he would attend this Meeting but has faild to Comply - and the Church has again Manifested theare dissatesfaction with him - and after due
Consultation on the same, its thought most Conveanant to Exclude HENRY STIERS from sociaty for Drinking
of ardiant spirits to Excess gambeling and for wrongfully takeing some led from SOLOMAN ALLEN - Propos.d
what is to bee done with RACHEL LEE for leaveing the Church without a letter and Marring a man which is
reported has another wife living - prosponded till next Meeting Agread that BR.O LILLARD draw a fair
statementof the Sircumstance that ANN HEASTON left this Church and send it to the Church wheare
she lives the first Opertunity Ajornd till meeting in Corse A. MCKAY C.l
6th of July 1799 Meeting Open.d by prayer BENJAMIN BONHAM Mov.d for a letter of Dismistion and it was
granted unto him so far as to let the Church know how his standing is in this Church - BR.O WITT mov.d for a
letter of Dismistion granted - and his wife the same but was lade Over for further Consideration Motion for
Deligates to attend the Association its agread that the Brethren J. KELLEY, TH.O SNELSON, EZEKEL
CAMPBELL and A. MCKAY attend the same and s.d MCKAKY To write the Churches Letter and have it ready
to bee red against next Meeting - ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. M.
August 13 1799 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - application made by
BR.O KELLEY for letters of Dismistion for JOHN MADDOX and wife - MARGET KELLEY and SAMUEL
VAUGHN and all granted unto them -
(ORG. PAGE 34)
BR.O WESTLEY WHITE made application for a letter for Sister BOTTOMS. it not being granted but the
brethren HILL and LANE to site hir to apear at next Meeting - NANCY COX receiv.d by letter
#9;BR.OBONHAM having bean to the Church he formelly belonged to and presented an insterment of writing
to sertify the same is restor.d to fellowship again and hath obtain.d a letter of Dismi. by a motion of BR.O
RIGHARD WOOD that EBENZR LEETH attend this meeting in order to give satesfaction to the Church that
he may Obtain a letter of recomendation - Ajornd W. COLMAN
September 1799 Met according to ajornment meeting opend in common form proseaded to buisness - the
Matter respecting RACHEL LEE taken under consideration. and agread that a true statement of the
sircumstance she left this church in and send it to the church wheare she lives in Order for them to deal with
hir and theare satesfaction will bee ours - and A. MCKAY to write s.d letter - Ajornd till meeting in corse - A. M.
5th of April 1800 Met according to ajornment Meeting Opend in common form proseaded to buisness - after
some Consultations nothing of consequence came forward. ajornd till meeting in corse A.M.
3rd of May 1800 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - BR.O LANE mov.d to
the Church respecting the Ordination of THOMAS SNELSON - was referd till next Meeting. Ajornd till Meeting
in corse - WM. COLMAN
31st of May 1800 Met according to
ajornment Meeting Opend in common form and proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting the Ordination
of BR.O SNELSON after some conversation on the subject agrea.d to prospon.d the buisness till next meting
- agread that the first sabatrh in august bee a communion season if Opertunity will admit. ister REGENA
MOORE Dismist from the Church by Letter ajornd. A. MCKAY
July the 5th 1800 Met according to appointment at BR.O COLMANS after prayer proseaded to buisness (ORG. PAGE 35)
4th January 1800 the paper holdingthis Minit was lost for some time - Met according to ajornment the 4th of
January 1800 and after prayer proseaded to buisness - A letter form Herrods Creek Church in the State of
Kentuckey being presented to this church respecting JOHN MATHES Obtaining a letter of recomendation
from us the matter being consider.d the church is not satesfied to grant him one without further satesfaction and that a letter bee sent to Herrods Creek church to aquaint them of the Deficualties they are under ELEZEBETH SNELSON receiv.d by letter - Ajornd & C. A. MCKAY
2nd of August 1800 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - this paper not
comeing to hand till now - the matter respecting the Ordination of BR.O SNELSON taken under consideration
and agread to dismis the same - the church takeing under consideration the sircumstance of the people on
turkey Creek Agree to send Members to theare assistance to Examine into theare ripeness for Constitution
and if found so to administer the same - and breathren JOSHUA KELLEY, EZEKEL CAMPBELL, THOMAS
SNELSON and WILLIAM LANE to attend the same five shillings and six pence put into the hands of the
Dacon for the Use of the Church Sister VINCENT appied for a letter of Distmistion the same being granted
unto hir-RACHEL BELLOW the same - Ajornd till Meeting in Corse –
6th of September 1800 Met according to ajornment Meeting Opened in common form and proseaded to
buisness the Deligates Made theare report from the Association and the Minets theare - of red and agread too
- ROBERT EWEN prayed a letter of recomendation for himself and wife the same being granted - the
BREATHREN LANE and COLMAN appointed to site JOHN KEENEY to attend Next Meeting; ajornd till
meeting in Corse ABRAM MCKAY C.l.k
no meeting in October
(ORG. PAGE 36)
1 November 1800 Met according to ajornment and after prayer prsded to buisness - the matter respecting
BR.O KEENEY presented before the Church it was Consider.d as he was not theare to wate with him till next
Meeting and have appointed the Breathren SNELSON and BOMAN to site him to next Meeting - A report
respecting BRO. CAMPBELL being in Circulation from the word and on Confession from him to some of the
breathren or members the church have thought it best for him to lay down his gift till he gives satesfaction to
the Church and have appointed the Breathren LANE and COLMAN to site him to next meeting in Corse Application made for letters of Dismistion for sister PHARES and LUCE a black woman the same being
granted unto them both - Ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. C.
6th of December 1800 Meeting Open.d by prayer and proseaded to buisness -the matter respecting BRO.
JOHN KEENEY.S not attending meeting prosponded till meeting in corse - the Matter respecting BRO.
CAMPBELL.S Charge ofIntemperance. he acknowledges the Charge to bee Just and the Church thinks best
to Silence him from preaching till a further Consideration on that subject BR.O KELLEY reports that thear was
five Members receiv.d in thisChurch on turkey Creek Bunkam County Ajornd till Meeting in corse A. M1801
May 1801 Meeting Open.d in common forme and proseaded to buisness AGNESS GUIN receiv.d into the
fellowship of this Church by letter of recomendation BRO. OSBURNS Case referd till next
Meeting the Breathren CAMPBELL and WILLIAMS referd till next meeting - BRO. SNELSON appointed
WILLIAMS to same - Ajornd till Meeting in corse 6th of June 1801 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - at a meeting held at
BRO. JOSHUA KELLEY.S Receiv.d by letters into fellowship of this Church - Viz WILLIAM COPLAND,
(ORG. PAGE 37)
the same - agread that from and after this date that Monthly Meetings bee held at one place and that place
bee at this meeting house on pigeon near THOMAS DILLON - the Breathren CAMPELL and WILLIAMS
Came to a reconsilation togeather again - Ajornd till Meeting in corse A. MCKAY C.k.
4th of July 1801 Met according to Ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness BRO. WALL reports to
the Church that he informd BRO. OSBURN of his Neglect in attending of meetings - the offending brother
came forward and Confessed his faults and promised better Conduct for the futher - A motion made for
members to attend the Association and the Breathren JOSHUA KELLEY, THOMAS SNELLSON and ABRAM
MCKAY appointed to attend the same & MCKAY to write the churches letter and have ready against next
Meeting - Bro. COPLAND appointed to aquaint SAMUEL MATHES of the churches oneasiness with him for
his neglect in attending of Meetings and to request him to give his reasons for his neglect and BRO. BOMAN
to acquaint JARAT BRICKY the same - the matter respecting REUBEM ALLENS going away coordily
prosponded till Next Meeting - Ajornd till meeting in corse A. M
1st of Agust 1801 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - put into the hands of
the Deligates 2 dol and 35 Cents to defray the Charges of the Association - BR.O MATHES Came forward
and gave satesfaction to the church respecting his neglecting of attending Meetings - JARRAT BRICKEY the
same the Matter respecting REUBEN ALLEN taken under Consideration of the Church and after mature
Deliberation on the same Conclude to dismiss it at the present. Ajornd till Meeting in corse A.M.
5th of Sept 1801 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - Sister JANE ROBERD
Receiv.d by letter, also STACEY MATHES the same the matter respecting JOHN MATHES obtaining a letter
of Dismission prosponded till next meeting - JAMES BAXTER prayed a letter of dismission the same granted
unto him the Breathren WALL and SNELSON appointed to Site ANN FINE to attend next meeting in Order to
give hir reasons for hir Neglect in not attending the same Ajornd till Meeting in corse A.M- Clk
(ORG. PAGE 38)
Oct. 3 1801 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting JOHN
MATHES taken under Consideration and the Church thought best to send thear grevance to the Church
wheare he Lives and if he gives satesfaction to them it will bee the same to us - the Breathren WALL and
SNELSON made thear report respecting ANN FINE She not apearing BR.O WALL appointed to site hir to
attend next Meeting BR.O FINE mov.d to the Church to bee dismist from being a Dacon was referd till next
meeting - ajornd till meeting in corse
Oct.o 31 1801 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter respecting
ANN FINE prosponded till next meeting and Br.o FINE to acquiant hir of the same - BR.O FINE releast by the
Church from the offis of a Dacon - BR.O COLMAN Nominated for a dacon and the Church to take the matter
under Consideration against next Meeting - application made to the church for a letter of dismission for mary
green the same granted ajornd till meeting in corse A. M.
5th of December 1801 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness the Matter
respecting BR.O COLMAN being appointed as a Dacon the Church fulley agree that he should act in that
but being few in member it is presponded till next meeting in Corse- JOEL MOORE came before the church
and made such acknowledgements as gave the Church satesfaction and he was restored into fellowship
again - Ajond till Meeting in corse - A.M. Clk
6th of Febry 1802 Met according to adjornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - a door being
Opened for the reception of members and MARY JEFFERS came forward and was receivd by Expearance as also TOM and SAL two Negroes the same - JAMES WISEHEART came forward and made such
acknowledgement to the Church that he was restord into fellowship again A petission being handed forward
respecting the Members up French broud river on turkey Creek and it was agreed that the Breathren
JOSHUA KELLEY, WILLIAM LILLARD and EZEKEL CAMPELL bee apointed as aprisbetary to go up and
Constitute them into a church if found ripe for the same - Ajord - A. MCKAY
6th of March 1802 Met according to adjornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness. BRO. CAMPELL
reports that he attended up french broud according to the Churches appointment
(ORG. PAGE 39)
and that theare was a church Constituted up thear the Church agree that a hand shall bee Immeadtely hired
for to work for BRO. KELLEY none Months and the Church agree to pay for the same and that BRO.
LILLARD bee Implied to hier s.d hand and Make report Next Meeting - ajord A.M.
3rd of April 1802 Met according to adjornment and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness - a door being
Opened for receiveing of Members and JEREMIAH MCKAY came forward and was receiv.d by Expearance
a black man the same By a motion the Church agree that the members living up french broud about the
mouth of big Creek and neare about theare become an arme of this Church and that theay have the liberty of
holding Monthly Meetings among them selves and to receive members by Expearance provided that some of
the members of the body bee with them With such helps as is legally qualified to administer the Ordinances BRO. LILLARD report that he as hired a hand for BRO. KELLEY and the Church agree to the same - ajornd A. MCKAY ( Note: In margin in other handwriting-Constitutes Church on Turkey Creek – An arm at Mouth of
Big Creek 1802 Just above or Near where Del Rio now stands W Gm)
1 of May 1802 Met according to adjornment and after Devine Servis proseaded to buisness. Adore being
Opened for the Receiving of Members & POLLEY MCKAY, RACHEL MCKAY, BETSY NETHERTON, JOHN
NETHERTON and DAVID MCKAY Came forward and told theare Expearances and was receiv.d into
fellowship in the Church and was Baptised. ANN CUNNINGHAM and BENJAMIN ODELL was receiv.d by
letter - &.C - ajornd ____ MCKAY
5th of June 1802 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - A door being
Opened for the receaveing of members and the following persons came forward gave in theare Expearances
and ware receiv.d & Baptised. viz - CALIB ODELL, WILLIAM CAFFEE, EDEE CIKNAB, ABRAM MCKAY
Members ware Receivd by letter viz- SUSANAH BRA_NT, DOLLEY JAMES, ABEL HODGE and MARY
HODGE, MARY SISK, MARTEN SISK. A petision being presented to the Church from Newfound Creek in
bunkam County North Carolina respecting the Ordination of BRO. THOMAS SMELSON and the breathren
JOSHUA KELLEY and W. RANDOLPH appointed as a prisbetary to Examin into him repeness for Ordination
and if found fit to adminester the same. Ajord. A. MCKAY C.l.k.
(Note: In margin in other handwriting: Newfound Creek Church Buncom Co. N.C. Ordain BRO. THOMAS
(ORG. PAGE 40)
3rd of July 1802 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis
proseaded to buisness -proseaded to buisness A dor being Open.d for the receaveing of members and
POLLEY SIMS Came forward told hir Expearance and was receav.d into fellowshipwith the Church POLLEY
sam - the Church takeing into Consideration respecting Members to attend the Next Association and the
breathren JOSHUA KELLEY and ABRAM MCKAY appointed to attend the same and sd. MCKAY appointed to
write the Churches letter and have it ready against next Meeting.. ajourd A. MCKAY
31 July 1802 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - adoor being
Opened for the Receaving of Members and BETSY MCGLOCHLAN came forward told hir Expearance and
was receaved into fellowship - DEBORAH HUFF, - BETSY CUNNINGHAM, PEBEY THOM__, ELEZEBETH
Churches letter to the Association red and agread to - Ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. M.
3 rd 1802 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - adoor being
Opened for the Receiving of Members and GEORGE JEFFERS Came forward told his Expearance and Was
received into fellowship of the Church WINNE HAMPTON.. ANNE HAMPTON.. WILLIAM JOB.. JOSEPH
appointed to attend at bent Creek Church the first Wensday in October - next. Ajornd till Meeting in corse- A.
M. C.l
1st October 1802 Met according to adjornment and after divin servis proseaded to buisness - adoor being
Open.d for the receveing of members and REBEKAH ALLEN Came forward told hir Expearance and was
receiv.d into fellowship of the Curch.. as also MARY JOB.. VINE HAMPTON.. XLITHA HAMPTON.. RACHEL
JAMES.. ABELL HODGE and his wife all mov.d for Letters of Dismission the same being granted unto them..
Ajornd till Meeting in corse A.M.
_th November Met according to adjornment and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness.. adoor being
Opened for receaving of Members and SUSANAH MCPHERSON Came forward told hir Expearance and
JACK a black boy.. SARAH ALLEN.. EDMON GROSS.. BETSY FINE.. FAN a black girl.. the same ajornd till
Meeting in corse-A.Mc
_th December 1802 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness .. adoor being
open.d for Reseption of members and CHARLES LEWIN came forward told his Expearance and was receiv.d
(ORG. PAGE 41)
1 January 1803 Met according to adjornment and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness.. the Matter
conserning sister SARAH WITT.. being brought under consideration and BRO. LANE made his Objectios
against hir having a letter of Dismission thearefore the buisness is prosponded for further Consideration BRO.
JOSPEH BLACK is granted a letter of Dismission RACHEL SUTON the same - the Breathren NATHANAL
BEMAN and WIL.M LANE is chosen as Dacons to serve the Church.. JOHN CARR Receiv.d by letter..
JAMES WISEHEART has acknowledged that he drank spirits to Exces.. thearefore the church agree to send
the Breathren WIL.M JOB and THOMAS CLEVENGER to cite him to attend Next Meeting JONSTON EWETT
receiv.d by Expearance also granted a letter of he moves away before next Meeting.. Sisters NELLEY and
POLLEY THOMASES granted letter of dismission the Church agree to cite Sister WITT to attend next
BRO. CAMPELL to do the same ajornd A. M.
5th of Febru. 1803 Met according to adjornment and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness a door being
Opened for the Reseption of Members and SUSANAH JOB Came forward told hir Expearance and was
receiv.d Ajornd till Meeting in corse A. M.
5th of March 1803 Met according to adjornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting SARAH WITT being taken under consideration & after debating on the same is granted a letter of
Dismission ajornd A. M.
30th of April 1803 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - adoor being
Opened for the Receiving of Members and MARY SISK Receiv.d by Letter - the Breathren W. GEORTE... C.
CAMPELL... W. COLLMAN appointed to labour With LETTES COFFEE [or CAFFEE] for charges lade in
against hir for the sin of adultery - the Breathren JOB and CLEVENGER appointed to cite CATE SABDYSJET
to attend at next Meeting to answear the charge lade in against hir of being pregnant - the same breathren
appointed to cite JAMES WISEHEART to attend next Meeting to answer to charges against him of
intoxacation ajornd A. MCKAY
April the 2nd no buisness done only two members receiv.d by Expearance Namely W. MORGAN and
_th of June 1803 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - adoor being
Opened for the Receiving of Members and MARY HANEY cmae forward told hir Expearance and was
received into fellowship of the Church - the Matter respecting LETES CAFFEE [or COFFEE] being taken
under further Consideration She upon Examination Confessed hir transgration and Was Excluded from
Sociaty for the sin of Adultrey - also CATE SANDUSKEY Excluded from Sociaty for the sin of fornication - the
Matter respecting JAMES WISEHEART prosponded till next Meeting in corse - BRO. WHITSON Receiv.d
from his Deaconship
(ORG. PAGE 42)
2 of July 1803 Met according to adjornment and after divine servis proseaded to buisness - adoor being
Opened for the receiving of Members and EDWARD MILSAPS came forward told his Expearance and was
receiv.d also GEORGE COUTCH the same - the Matter respecting JAMES WISEHEART Continued till next
Meeting - the Church agree to answear the Petision of the arm of this church with respect of its being a
constitution and hath appointed the breathren KELLEY CAMPELL, LANE COLMAN, LILLARE and MCKAY to
attend on them upon that occation at theare next Meeting - A motion made for deligates to attend the
Association and the breathren JOSHUA KELLY, EZEKEL CAMPELL, and ABRAM MCKAY appointed to
attend the same and sd MCKAY to Write the Churches letter and have it ready to bee red at next meeting the breathren BOWMAN and GROSE appointed to cite cite JOHN KEENEY to attend our next meeting and
make Report theareof - Ajornd till meeting in corse A. M.
4th August 1803 Met according to adjornment and after Divine servis proseaded to buisness - JAMES
WISEHART came forward before the Church and made saiesfaction for his transgration and was restor.d into
fellowship - the Church letter to the Association Red and agreed to the breathren GROSS and BOMAN
appointed to cite JOHN KEENEY to attend our next meeting and make report theareon - Ajornd A. M.
5th of Sept 1803 Met according to adjornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - a door being Opened
for the receiveing of Members and none Came forward - the Breathren COLMAN CARR and HAMPTON
appointed to go and labour With JOHN KEENEY and let him know that the Church is greaved With him for
Omiting of attending on publick worship and Monthly Meetings and make report theareof next meeting - the
Minits of the Association red and agreed too ajornd till next Meeting in corse - A. M.
1 October 1803 Met according to adjornment prayer being made proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting JOHN KEENEY laid Over till Next
Meeting - JOHN BARNETT Mov.d for a letter of Dismission for him self and wife the same being granted unto
them - T. GREEN and wife the same. BETSY CROSSWHITE and SUSA BRADCUT the same - Ajornd - A. M(ORG. PAGE 43)
3rd of December 1803 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting JOHN KEENEY taken under consideration he not being present nor would not attend to Calls of
the church and by absenting himself theare from Excluded from sociaty - ajord till Meeting in corse. A.M.
31st of December 1803 Met according to ajornment Meeting Open.d by prayer and proseaded to buisness –
BETSY ADAMS made application for a letter of Dismission the same being granted to hir - the breathren P.
HUFF, E. CAMPELL appointed to Invite BEN ALLEN to attend next Meeting as also TOBIAS WILLIAMS the
same and make report next meeting Ajornd A. M1804
5th of Febr 1804 Met according to a Jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - a door being Opened
for the receiveing of Members and JAMES SOWEL Came forward told his Expearance and was received
BEN ALLEN Came forward and mad his Excuse for his neglect of attending meeting and was heard - BRO.
LANES accusation against T. GREEN for selling a hog that did not belong to him laid over till next meeting ajornd till meeting in corse. A.M.
3rd of March 1804 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting
GREEN.S selling the hog is lade Over till he can bee sent for - BRO. TOM a black man Obtain.d a letter of
dismission - the Breathren FOX & RICE appointed to Cite SOLOMAN ALLEN to attend next meeting to render
some account of his drinking to Excess BENJAMIN ALLEN taken under dealings for drinking to Excess - and
lade Over till next meeting. ajornd -- A. M.c
31st of March 1804 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter
respecting SOLOMAN ALLEN being taken under Consideration . . and after duly Delberating upon the same
he not attending to make defense is
(ORG. PAGE 44)
Excluded from sociaty for drinking to Excess and Other disorderly Conduct - the Matter respecting BENJAMIN
ALLEN being taken under Consideration and after duly deliberating upon the same he is Excluded from
sociaty for drinking to Excess and Other disorderly Conduct - the Breathren LILLARD and COUTCH
appointed to invite THOMAS MANTOOTH to attend next meeting and make report theareon - REBEKAH
ALLEN Obtaind a letter of dismission - SARAH ALLEN the same. BETSY ALLEN the same - the Matter
respecting BRO. CAMPELL being accus.d for drinking too much laid Over till next Meeting - Ajornd A. M.
6th of May 1804 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - THOMAS MANTOOTH
Came before the Church and Made acknowledgment of his transgration and was heard the Matter Respecting
EZEKEL CAMPELL being taken under consideration and after Conversing upon the same it.s thought most
proper to lay it Over till next Meeting - WILLIAM ALLEN and his wife KITTY ALLEN Receiv.d by letter ZILPHY
CLARK the same – JOHN BRICKEY applied for a letter and Was refeused on account of his drinkinto Excess
and Cursing and Swearing - but it.s laid Over till August Meeting for afurther hearing - A Jorn.d till Meeting in
Corse A McKay
2nd of June 1804 Met according to a jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness. the Matter respecting
EZEKEL CAMPELL being taken under Consideration and after a due Consideration on the same he is
Restored to fellowship again. . Application being made for a letter of dismission for MARY RECTOR the same
being granted unto hir
End of Minutes - Big Pigeon Baptist Church 1787 - 1874
Pages 20 – 29
Cocke County, Tennessee
Big Pigeon Church Minutes 1787 - 1874
Pages 30 - 39
(ORG. PAGE 44 - CONT.)
ajornd - A. M. 30th of July 1804 Met according to A Jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness by a motion for
deligates to attend the
Association and the breathren JOSHUA KELLEY, EZEKEL CALPELL and A. MCKAY appointed to attend the
and MCKAY to Write the Churches Letter and petision the Association for the next Ass.o to bee at this place the matter
respecting JOSEPH CUNNINGHAM posponded till next Meeting - adjornd A-M4th of August 1804 Met according to adjornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter
respecting JOSEPH
CUNNINGHAM being taken under Consideration and after discourseing upon sam Concluded to lay it Over till
Meeting and the breathren W. JOB and W. WHITSON appointed to aquaint him of
(ORG. PAGE 45)
the same and request him to attend next Meeting - the letter to the Ass.o red and agread too - SAMUEL
acknowledgment before Church of his falling into transgration of Commiting abatrey upon the body of JAMES
- and the buisness theareof is laid Over till next meeting for the Want of the testamoney of EDWARD
Breathren P. HUFF & ABSOLOM HUFF appointed to invite TOB__W.LHELMS to attend next Meeting and
theareon Ajorn.d A. M_
1 Sept.r 1804 Met according to a Jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness.. adoor being Opened for
the receiving of
members.. and WILLIAM STUART Came forward told his Expearance and Was receiv.d NANCY STUART
and LUCY
NORTH the same - JOSEPH CUNNINGHAM Came before the Church and made such acknowledgments as
general satesfaction - the Matter respecting S.M YATES laid Over till next meeting - the minutes of the Ass.o
red and agread
too - put into dacons hands 3/9 for the Churches Use. Ajornd A M
6th of October 1804 Met according to a Jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting SAMUEL
YATES laid next meeting and the breathren LILLARD and COPLAND and LANE appointed to labour With
MILSAPS to indeavor to bring them to a reconsilation and make report next Meeting - put into hands of the
Deacons 5/3 SAMUEL MATHES and his Wife POLLEY and STACY RAMSEY applied for letters and Obtained the same
HILL the same - A Jornd till Meeting in corse A. McKay
4th 1804 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the breathren LILLARD
and LANE made thear report to the Church that YATES and MILLSAPS had come to a reconsilation - ajornd
till Meeting
in corse W.L..
3rd December 1804 Met & c prayer being made proseaded to buisness - br.o JAMES SOWEL Came before
the Church
and acknowledged he had acted Contrary to the rules of the Church in speaking in publick in a Way of
preaching without the
consent theareof and acknowledged he was rong in doing and by his application the church agree to give him
a letter of
(ORG. PAGE 46)
SUSEY HILL the same Ajornd. W.L.
5th January 1805 Met according to a Jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness -ZILPHIA CLARK
applied for a
letter of Dismission the same being granted unto hir ELEZEBETH MORRIS the same ajornd till meeting in
corse - A.
2nd of Feb.y 1805 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the breathren JOB
appointed to invite JAMES WISEHART to attend next Meeting and make report theareof ajornd A. M2nd March 1805 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter respecting
WISEHART posponded till next meeting EDE SAVAGE applied for a letter of Dismission the same being
granted unto hir
EDMON GROSE the same Ajornd .c A McKay
6th of April 1805 Met &.c and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting JAMES WISEHART
Come before the Church and after duly deliberateing upon the same he is Excluded from sociaty for the
practise of Drinking to
Excess Ajornd - A. McKay
4th of May 1805 Met &.c and after Devine servis proseaded to buisness - a letter of dismission granted to
MCKOWEM and his Wife MARGET - the Church agree to send for JOHN BRICKEY by letter to attend at Next
Meeting a Jornd till Meeting in corse A M1st of June 1805 Met &.c and after prayer proseaded to buisness a letter of Dismission granted to ____CY
STINETT the same Ajorn.d A. McKay
6th of July 1805 Met &.c and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter respecting JOHN BRICKEY laid
Over till next
Meeting by a motion for members to attend the Ass.o and BRO. JOSHUA KELLEY & ABRAM MCKAY
appointed to
attend the same . . and sald MCKAY to Write the Churches letter ajornd till Meeting in Corse - A M
3rd of August 1805 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to business - the matter
respecting JOHN
BRICKEY laid Over till Next Meeting & A. MCKAY appointed to write a letter to him Stateing the sircumstance
of his Case
to him and requesting an answear. . the Church Letter to the Ass.o red agread too the breathren KELLEY and
appointed to talk with SOLOMON and CALIB ODELL conserning of Miss Conduct and to cite them to next
meeting and
[last line not on photocopy] a Mc.
(ORG. PAGE 47)
no Meeting in September
2nd of October 1805 Met according to a jornment and after prayer proseaded to business -SOLOMON &
ODELL Came before the Church and mad such acknowledgment to the Church as gave satesfaction. . Ajornd
A.M30th November 1805 Met according to a Jornment and after divine servis proseaded to business - BETSY
FINE Receiv.d
by Letter the Matter respecting the Choice of a dacon laid Over til next meeting in Corse; by a motion made
respecting Nesesaryes for Communion and that the Members Come provided against next Meeting to
discharge the same ajornd till meeting in Corse A. McKay
4th of January 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to business. . NANCY MATHES
receiv.d by
letter - BRO. JOSEPH HUFF appointed by the Church a Dacon ajornd A. MFebruary 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to business - no buisness Came
forward ajornd A.
March 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to business - DISE MATHES, JOHN
PATY CARR all applied for Letters of Dismission and obtain.d them ajornd A.M
5th of April 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to business - THOMAS HICKS
received into
fellowship of the Church by letter; BRO. JOSEPH HUFF Ordained a Dacon in the Church Ajornd till Meeting in
corse - A.
1st of May 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer being Made proseaded to business - no Matters
Consequnence Came before the Church and so ajornd A.m31st of May 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to business - BRO. HUFF
appointed to invite
SAM.L STEPHENS to attend next Meeting and report theareon - ajornd A. M-
5th of July 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to business - BRO. JOSEPH HUFF
made his
report to the Church that he talked with SAM.L STAPHENS and invited him to attend Meeting but he failing
thearein the
Breathren JO.S HUFF & WIL.M ALLEN is appointed to request him
to attend next Meeting and report theareon by a motion for Members to attend the Association and BRO.
KELLEY appointed to the same - and A. MCKAY to Write the Churches letter and have it at next Meeting in
order to bee
red to the Church Ajornd till Meeting in Corse A.. M.
(ORG. PAGE 48)
2 August 1806 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting
STEAPHENS posponded till next Meeting - the Association letter red and agread to - 8s..4d..1/2 laid in by
HUFF the Matter respecting BRO. COUTCHES Motion to know what shall bee done with a member that in
Indebt to a
member and dont pay.. answer.d to deal with such a person as in Other offences and the Breathren W.
MCKAY appointed to go with BRO. COUTCH on that Occation & the breathren W. JOB & W. COPLAND to
with BRO. HUFF on the same Occation - ajorn.d - A. McKay
6 September 1806 Met &.c proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting SAM.L STEAPHENS posponded till
Meeting the breathen JOSEPH HUFF & W. COPLAND appo. to site him to attend the same - the breathren
& B. ODELL appointed to talk with BETSY LEWIS & know of hir reasons for absenting hir self from our sociaty
and make
report [last line not on photocopy]
4th October 1806 Met &.c proseaded to buisness - the report made respecting SAMUEL STEAPHENS he
discovere.d no
intention of attending Meeting to give any satesfaction for his Miss Conduct and after duly Considering the
same, he is
Excluded from sociaty for absenting hinself from Meeting and being disorderly in his famelley - the report
made respecting
BETSY LEWIS that the Members did not see hir, and that the breathren PETER FINE and W. COLMAN
appointed to
talk with hir and no of hir reasons for absenting from us - Negro JACK obtain.d a letter of Dismission and
ODELL Excluded from sociaty for fighting and Disorderly Conduct- Respecting LEDGAR.D FINE & ENOCH
NETHERTON posponded till next Meeting, ajorn.d A.M.
1st November 1806 No buisness Came forward 1807
3rd January 1807 Met according to appointment Prayer being made proseaded to buisness.. the Church
declares a
unfellowship with BETSY LEWIS for absenting hir self from Meeting - WIL.M COFFEE came forward made
to the Church.
(ORG. PAGE 49)
the Breathren FINE & NETHERTON restor.d to fellowship - the Matter respecting BRO. HICKS posponded till
Meeting.. ajornd A.M.
31st January 1807 Met & C proseaded to buisness - BRO. HICKS not being present the breathren GEORGE
& W. LILLARD appointed to Cite him to attend next Meeting ajornd A.M.
by a rong Entry the following Meeting Comes in - 1st of November 1806 after prayer proseaded to buisness
the brethren
JOSEPH HUFF, W. JOB & W. LILLARD appointed to Cite BRO. COFFEE to attend next Meeting and that he
give his
reasons to the Church for his neglect of attending Meetings.. BRO. LANE Inform.d the Church that CALIB
been gilty of fighting.. and the breathren WM. LANE & J. HUFF appointed to Cite him to attend next meeting and the
brethren LILLARD and JOB to Cite HICKS to attend next Meeting ajond A.M.
28th of February 1807 Met according to a Jornment & after prayer proseaded to buisness - no buisness Came forward ajorn.d A. McKay
4th of April 1807 Met according to ajornment & after prayer proseaded to buisness - Receiv.d by letter
WALDRIP and AILSEY his wife THOMAS HICKS came forward and made some Confession but not to the
of the Church. thearefore the Church Declares a nonfellowship with him for beating his Wife.. ajornd A. McKay
2nd of May 1807 no buisnessd Came forward thearefore ajornd till meeting in corse A.. M
6th of June 1807 Met according to a jornment & after prayer proseaded to buisness - from a complaint against
COFFEE; for his
gambling the breathren WILLIAM COLMAN & WILLIAM JOB is appointed to Cite him to attend next meeting Conserning the same - A Jorn.d A- M4th of July 1807 Met according to a jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter respecting
COFFEE the breathren make thear report that he did not know Whether he Would attend or not but did not
deny the
(ORG. PAGE 50)
facts. he did not attend the Church taking matter into consideration hath declard a non fellowship with him for
gambling and
onreaglur Conduct - BRO. ASA BELL and his Wife ANN receiv.d by letter into fellowship of the Church
Excluded from sociaty for giving hir self a member to the Methedes - sociaty - The breathren JOSHUA
FINE and ABRAM MCKAY appointed to attend the insueing Association and sd. MCKAY to Write the
Churches letter 1st of August 1807 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - TABITHA COOPER
receiv.d by
letter - the Association Letter red and agread too ajornd till Meeting in corse - A. McKay
1st of September 1807 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the brethren
FINE Appointed to site J.O CUNNINGHAM to attend next Meeting - also JARRED BRICKEY & J.O HUFF
appointed to site CALEB ODELL to attend next meeting - ASA BELL and Wife Dismist by Letter as also BEN
WALDRIP and Wife Dismist by letter - ajornd till Meeting in Corse A. M.
31th of October 1807 Met according to ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - JOSEPH
Excluded from sociaty for fiteing and not giving satesfaction to the Church - the Matter respecting CALIB
ODELL laid over
till meeting in Corse. Ajornd A. McKay
2 January 1808 Met according to ajornment after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting CALIB
ODELL laid
Over till next Meeting Ajornd till meeting in Corse A- M6th of February 1808 Met &s - Receiv.d DAVID HICKS and his wife NANCY his Wife by letter - the matter
CALIB ODELL being brought forward he being present. . and giving satesfaction to the Church is restored into
again - ajorn.d A. M.
March 5 1808 Met according to ajornment and after divine Servis proseaded to buisness - POLLEY KANEY
applied for a
letter of dismission and obtaind it - JOHN STEAPHEN and his wife TABOTH the same - a charge laid in
against BRO.
CHARLES LEWIN for Illeagally giting a presept issued against a negro Woman. . and the breathren FINE and
COLEMAN appointed to Cite him to attend next meeting to answear the same - the breathren MCKAY FINE
JOB and
REUBEN ALLEN appointed to cite JAMES EDENTON to attend next meeting to give his reasons for
absenting himself
from Meeting. ajorn.d A. McKay
3rd of April 1808 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter
respecting BRO.
LEWIN being taken under Consideration it being proven that he was not guilty of the Charge laid against him
is restored into
fellowship; JOHN ANDREWS receiv.d under the Watch Care of the Church. a charge lade in against DISA
(ORG. PAGE 51)
of falling out and differing and the breathren LANE and HAMPTON appointed to Cite them to attend next
meeting and
report theareon - ajornd A. M.
30th April 1808 Met according to Ajornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the breathren appointed
to Cite
JAMES EDENTON report that they talked with him and that he agreed to com to meeting but failing so to do
the matter laid
over till next meeting; as also the matter respecting DISA & NANCY MATHES laid over till next Meeting - &
the breathren
LANE & HAMPTON appointed to let them know the Church is still waiting on them - a charge laid in against
COOPER for dancing and Other Crimes & the breathren
EDWARD MILLSAP & JARRED BRICKEY appointed to Cite hir to attend next meeting and report theareon ajornd
A McKay
4th of June 1808 Met according to a Jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - JAMES EDENTON
came forward
and made satesfaction to the church and was restored into fellowship - NANCY MATHES the same - DISA
moved to kanetucke whear she gave in her Letter - the breathner appointed to Cite PHEBE COOPER report
that they talked
with hir and that she refeuesed to come to meeting. . thearefore she is Excluded from Sociaty for Dancing and
being pragnent A charge laid in against ENOCH NETHERTON for quarreling and offering to fight & the breathren HERD and
WHITSON appointed to Cite him to attend next Meeting to answear to the same and report theareon - Ajornd
A. McKay
2nd July 1808 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting
NETHERTON posponded till next meeting - SARAH ANDREWS taken under the watch care of the Church the
breathren KELLEY and COLEMAN appointed Deligates to the association. - a jorn.d A M6th of August 1808 Met according to a Jornment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting ENOCH
NETHERTON being brought forward and he failing to apear is excluded from sociaty for quarreling and
wanting to fight and
Other immoral acts - the Churches letter red and agread to - Ajornd A McKay
(ORG. PAGE 52)
1st October 1808 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - Sister MARY [or
CARTER received by letter into the Church - by a motion that the breathren WIL.M COLMAN and PETER
FINE cite
CHARLES LEWIN and his wife to attend next Meeting to answear to a complaint laid in against them for
allowing fidling and
Dancing in theare house - ajornd A. McKay
5th of November 1808 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter
CHARLES LEWIN & Wife being brought before the Church and after duly deliberating on the same he is
Excluded from
sociaty for allowing of fidling and dancing in his house - and respecting his Wife she is prosponded till next
meeting and the
breathren W. COLMAN & P. FINE are appointed to cite hir to attend next meeting - ajornd A. McKay
31st December 1808 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness. . respecting
breathren report that she said she would come if she could - but she failing to attend it.s laid over till next
Meeting ajornd AMcKay
4th of March 1809 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter
respecting MARY
LEWIN being duly Consider.d She is Excluded from sociaty for suffering of fidling and dancing in hir house
and not giving
satesfaction to the Church for other crimes - ajorn.d A. McKay
1st of April 1809 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting
COLMAN being taken under consideration of the Church she is Excluded from sociaty for Marrying a man
While hir former
husband is living. . ajornd A McKay
6th of May 1809 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - by information being
made to the
Church that THOMAS KEENEY doth behave himself disorderly by profane swearing and absenting himself
from meeting
and the breathren W. LILLARD and L. FINE are appointed to cite him to attend next meeting and report
theareon - a
charge laid in against NAN a black woman of MR.MCPHERSON'S of hir being Disobeadeant to hir mistres
and disorderly
in hir Conduct. . the breathren ABRAM and DAVID MCKAY.S appointed to cite hir to attend next Meeting to
answear to
the above charge
(ORG. PAGE 53)
and report theareon - ajornd A McKay
3rd of June 1809 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter
respecting THOMAS
KEENEY posponded till next meeting - the Matter respecting NAN a black woman being taken under
consideration and she
refueseing to heare the Church is Excluded from sociaty for hir disobeadeance to hir Mistress and disorderly
Conduct application being made to thsi church by W. COPLAND for letters of Dismission for him self and two
ELEZEBETH & ELENDER the same being granted unto them - by a motion that SAMUEL YATES has
absented himself
from Meeting and the breathren LILLARD and L. FINE are appointed to cite him to attend next meeting and
report threaeon
- Ajornd A Mckay
1st July 1809 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting
KEENEY being brought before the Church he is restored into fellowship again respecting SAMUEL YATES is
till next Meeting ajornd A. McKay
5th of August 1809 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter
respecting SAM.L
YATES prosponded till next Meeting and the breathren WM. WHITSON & WM. FOS appointed to inform him
what the
Church has done - the church Letter red and concur.d With - the matter respecting JOHN ANDREWS and his
Wife being
brought before the Church and after duly deliberating on the same they are Dismist from under the watch care
of the Church by a motion to the church that report sath that THOMAS MANTOOTH is guilty of drinking to excess and
denying the
Scripture of being the Word of god - Ajornd A. M.
2nd September 1809 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness . . the matter
SAMUEL YATES being brought before the Church and he not being present is laid over till next Meeting and
THOMAS MANTOOTH he being present but not giving satesfaction to the Church is posponded till next
Meeting - ajornd
(ORG. PAGE 54)
30th of Sept.r 1809 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - SAM.L YATES
came forward
and made satesfaction to the church and was restor.d to fellowship - the matter respecting THOMAS
brought before the Church he being present but not giving satesfaction to the Church he is Excluded from
sociaty for disowning
the Scripture of being of Devine authority - by information that WIL.M STUART has bean guilty of fighting and
the breathren
LANE & HAMPTON are appointed to site him to attend next meeting and report theareon - Ajorn.d A.M-
2nd December 1809 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter
respecting STUART
posponded till next Meeting - BRO. LANE prospos.d to the Church to resign his dacon ship - ajornd A-Mc
6th January 1810 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness the matter respecting
laid Over. . Receiv,d by letter KEZIAH LILLARD in fellowship of the Church - ajornd A Mc.
3rd of March 1810 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - Receiv.d by
Expearance JOHN
ELLES - the Matter respecting W. STUART being brought before the church and after duely Deliberateing on
the same he is
Excluded from Sociaty for giting Drunk and fighting - BRO. PETER FINE informed the Church that EZEKEL
has been guilty of drinking too much - spirtues licurs. . and the breathren W. LILLARD & W. COLMAN are
appointed to
cite him to attend next meeting - A Jornd - A McKay
31st of March 1810 Met according to appointment and after Worship proseaded to buisness. the Matter
respecting E.
CAMPELL laid Over till next meeting - A Jornd A - M.c
5th of May 1810 Met and Meeting open.d in common forme & proseaded to
buisness; the matter E. CAMPELL posponded till next meeting Ajornd A. McKay
(ORG. PAGE 55)
2nd of June 1810 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness.. the mater
respecting E. CAMPELL
being brought before the Church he being present Confes.d the Charge lid in against him and from his
acknowledgement of his
abhorance of such practes. he was restord to fellowship Ajornd A.M.
30th June 1810 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - but few members met
and but little
buisness done. A. MCKAY appointed to write the Churches letter to the association a jornd - A.. M.c
in February 1810 THOMAS CLEVENGER and DAVID MCKAY departed this life
From July Meeting 1810 till May Meeting 1811 the minutes of the Church got destroyed that theare cant bee
no account taken
of what was done 1811
4th May 1811 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness the matter respecting
YATES laid Over till next Meeting.. as with regard of REUBEM ALLEN he being present and made such
to the Church that he was forgiven of his faults - A Jorn.d till Meeting in corse. A. McKay
1st of June 1811 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness RACHEL GREEN
receiv.d by
letter as also ELEZEBETH LANE. ANNE HALL JEDIDA MULLON the same - JOHN KEENEY came forward
told such a repentance that the church receiv.d him into fellowship again - the Matter respecting SAMUEL
YATES laid over
till next meeting. Ordered that a letter bee sent to flat Creek Church respecting TOBIAS WILLIAMS walking
disorderly aJornd. A..M6th of July 1811 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - the matter
respecting SAMUEL
YATES laid Over till next Meeting.. the breathren WILLIAM LILLARD WIL.M COLMAN & PETER FINE
to attend our next Association.. JESSE BRADLY and his wife made application for a letter of Dismission the
same being
granted unto them the Matter respecting EZEKEL CAMPBELL laid Over till next meeting- ajornd. A M3rd of August 1811 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - CATY
KENACKER receiv.d
by expearance - the mater respecting BRO. YATES is reconsild.. the mater respecting E. CAMPBELL laid
over till next
meeting.. the Church letter red and agread to.. application made for a letter of Dismission for WIL.M ALLEN
and Wife the
same granted unto them A Jornd - A- McKay
(ORG. PAGE 56)
31st of August 1811 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness. the Matter
respecting E.
CAMPBELLlaid over till next Meeting.. receiv.d by letter SARAH STRANGE.. Receiv.d by expearance
KEENEY.. aJornd A McKay
5th of October 1811 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - a letter of
Dismission granted
to JOHN KEENEY also to CATE KENECKER and to KEZIAH LILLARD.. the matter respecting E. CAMPBELL
laid Over till next Meeting A Jornd - A. McKay
Novemb.r 1811 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting E.
CAMPBELL being consider.d but he not being present its laid over till next Meeting - DIDA MULLEN
requested a letter
of Dismission granted to hir - A jornd - A. M.
Meet a cording to a pointment the 4th of January 1812 and after prayer proceeded to business the matter
EZEKIEL CAPMBELL laid over next meeting WM. JOBE Came foreward and Confest he drank __ in newport
unteell he
was intoxecated by the same and offerd to fight he also Confest that he was sorrey for the same to the
sattisfaction of the
Church so he is in fellowship with the Church a gornd tell meeting in Corse - Wm. Lillard Clk
1st of February 1812 Meet a cording to appointment the 1st of February 1812 and after worship proceeded
to buisness - the matter Respecting EZEKIEL CAMPBELL being Considerd and after deliberation on the
same the Church
agreeds it tis most to the glory of God to Exclude him from sociaty for drinking ardent sperits to access and
Refuseing to hear
the Church and deneying the Charge laid against him - SALLEY MARTIIN Receivd by Expearance a jornd tell
meeting in
corse Wm Lillard Clk
February the 29th 1812 Met a cording to appointment and after divine Service proceeded to buisness
(ORG. PAGE 57)
brother PETER FINE informd the Church that he had agreeable to order of the church informd JAMES
the Church was dissattisfied with him for his not taken a letter of dismission and said EDENTON promisd he
would write to
the Church by him but did not also said FINE informd the Church that he had inquierd of brother FRISTE and
Concearning said EDENTON and they told him that they new EDENTON but did not know he was a
profeessor and that
his behaveour was not agreeable to the gospell therefore the Church Exclude him from their fellowship - also
the Church
Excluded TOBIAS WILLIAMS from their fellowship for moveing out of the bounds of the Church and would not
take a
letter of dismission and liveing disorderly as the Church is informd by brother THOMAS HILL and others a
jornd tell meeting
in Corse Wm Lillard Clk
5th of Apriel 1812 Met a cording to appointment the 5th of Apriel 1812 and after prayer prosceeded to
business the Church
appoint brethren HOSA HAMTON and JOHN ELLES to know of MR. JOHN ALLEN whether he would let his
slave a
man of Cholor Cald JES Come to meeting on Saterday and if he agrees so to do they are to Cite JES to
attend our next
meeting in Corse Adgornd Wm Lillard Clk
(ORG. PAGE 58)
2nd of May 1812 Met a cording to appointment the 2nd of May 1812 and after prayer prosceeded to business
the matter
Respecting JES a man of Choler takeing under Consideration and he being present and Confesd that he was
sorrow for fiteing
with a negro of JAMES GRAYS to the sattisfaction of the Church a jornd tell meeting in corse Wm Lillard Clk
6th of June 1812 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to business - Receiv.d by
Expearance NANCY
KEENEY by Expearance into union in the Church BRO. JOSHUA KEELEY applied for a letter of Dismission
ODELL and BRO. JOSEPH HUFF JUN.R Objected against it the Matter is laid Over till next Meeting Receiv.d
Experance JANE YATES into fellowship of the Church - Ajornd W. LILLARD
William LILLARD is appointed to conduct the buisness of building the Meeting House
4th July 1812 Met according to appointment and after Worship proseaded to buisness - Receiv.d by letter
CARSON into fellowship with us - the Matter respecting a letter for CALIB ODELL laid over till next meeting the
to attend Association - BRO. PETER HURR informd the Church that HOSEA HAMPTON drank too much
Spirits at last
cort - and the breathren W. LILLARD & JOSEPH HUFF sen.ris appointed to cite him to next Meeting. . WM.
LILLARD appointed to write the Churches Letter to the association. a Jornd W. LILLARD
1st August 1812 Met according to appointment and after Worship proseaded to buisness - the respecting
being considerd and the parties being present its agread that he should have a letter of Dismission - the
Matter respecting
HOSEA HAMPTON being taken under consideration he being preseat and confest the charge laid against. .
he also profest
his sorrow for his transgration and was restor.d - BRO. JONATHAN KEENEY has liberty to preach wheare
ever his lot
may bee cast - Ajorn.d W. LILLARD C.k
5th Sept.r 1812 Met
according to appointment and after Worship proseaded to buisness - SISTER MATHES informd the church
that theare was
a contridiction betwean hir an BRO. WIL.M LAND. . the church agread to leave matter to a committee and
(ORG. PAGE 59)
JOSEPH HUFF WM. COLMAN WM. GEORGE and W.M LILLARD and after heareing the parties the
was of the Opinion that theare was no contridiction but rather a rong understanding so they agread to give
Each other the rite
hand of fellowship and to forgive each Other Ajornd - WM. LILLARD
3rd October 1812 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - no matters of
consiquence came
before us - a jornd W. LILLARD
st October 1812 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - BRO. DANIEL
RICE applide for
and Obtaind a letter of Dismission ajornd W. LILLARD
6th of February 1813 Met according to appointment and after prayer Proseaded to buisness - receiv.d by
Expearance WM.
ADENEY Receiv.d by letter JOHN NETHERTON and his Wife. . Application made for letters of Dismission for
two blac
women named HANNAH & WINNIE he same being granted unto them as also JOHATHAN KEENEY applid
for a letter
for himself and wife the same being granted unto them ajornd W. LILLARD
6th March 1813 Met according to appointment and after prayer Proseaded to buisness. . no Matters came
before the Church
- a Jornd W. LILLARD
3rd April 1813 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Church in wears
Cove appli.d to
this Church for helps upon some purticler occation the same being granted unto them. . and JOSHUA
appointed to assist them - HOSEA HAMPTON came forward and Confest that he had drank too much Spirits
and profest
his sorrow for so doing & was receiv.d A Jornd - W. LILLARD
1 May 1813 Met according to appointment and after prayer Proseaded to buisness - Receiv.d by letters
5th June 1813 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness Receivd by Expearance
Poley Gormon
into Union in this Church. . BRO. KELLEY inform.d the church that JOHN ADNEY had bean guilty of forgeing
THOMAS KENNEYS hand or name to a note he gave MR. HELMS the breathren PETER FINE PETER HUFF
JOHN FINE is appointed to cite s.d ADNEY to attend our next Meeting ajornd W. LILLARD
3rd July 1813 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - receiv.d by Expearance
ALLEN into Union with us - WIL.M ADNEY is excluded from sociaty for forgery -
(ORG. PAGE 60)
BRO. JONATHAN KEENEY applid to the Church for to have a recomendation as a preach of the gospel aded
to his Letter
of Dismission and was granted to him ajornd - W. LILLARD
31st July 1813 Met according to appointment and after Worship proseaded to buisness - the breathren
& WILLIAM LILLARD is appointed as Deligates to attend the Association. . the Churches letter to the Ass.o
was red and
approv.d of - BRO. LANE inform.d the Church that WINEY NORTH has bean guilty of the sin of adultrey with
ALLEN the facts not being Denied she is Excluded from sociaty for the same ajornd W LILLARD
4th Sept.r 1813 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the breathren PETER
HUFF and
AMBRUS COBB are appointed to request BRO. THOS. KEENEY to come to our next church meeting on
saturday to
Exersise his gift among us - BRO. LANE inform.d the Church that BRO. RANDOLPH was Excluded from
sociaty at long
Creck the breathren WM. FOX and WM. WHITSON is appointed to site him to attend our next Meeting to
answear to the
same ajornd W. LILLARD
2nd October 1813 Met according to
appointment and after Worship proseaded to buisness. . THOMAS KEENEY came to Meeting but did not
speake in publick
he complaind of being in a state of Darkness. the Church agree that he Desist from takeing a text and
preaching in publick
Except he should do it at our Monthly Meeting - BRO. RANDOLPH came forward and informd the Church that
he was
Receiv.d into fellowship by a baptist church in West Tennessee Called Hickory Creck Church and that he
receiv.d a letter
from them and Join.d with us and that Long Creck Church was satasfied with him A Jorn.d W. LILLARD
6th November 1813 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting MARY
WALL came before the Church and after discorseing upon the same agread to lay it Over till next Meeting the Matter
purpos.d respecting Communion seasons and it is agread that we commune in this Church twice a year and
that April and
October bee the seasons for the same and that Meeting begin on friday. . ajornd A.MCKAY
[Note: the minutes from 6 June 1812 to 2 October 1813 are signed WM. LILLARD but are in the handwriting
of A.
In December and January theare was no buisness done the weather being Disagreable 1814
5 February 1814 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting MARY
WALL being brought forward and she being present and after some discorse on the subject it was laid Over
till next Meeting
on the account that BRO. WALL should bee present; the Matter respecting BRO. LANE and SISTER
over till next Meeting A Jornd ABR.M MCKAY
at March meeting no buisness done
(ORG. PAGE 61)
2nd March 1814 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting MARY
WALL being brought forward and after conversing on the same it was concluded on to lay the Matter Over
and wait to see
what time might bring about respecting the same - the matter respecting BRO. LANE and SISTER HAMPTON
agread that
they labour for a forgiving spirit and try to live in peace with each other - Ajornd - A.. MCKAY
30th April 1814 Met according to appointment and after Worship proseaded to buisness - a report being made
known to the
Church respecting THOMAS KEENEY of unlawfulley keeping company with another woman besides his Wife
on the
consideration of which the breathren WIL.M COLMAN & ABSOLM HUFF is appointed to cite him to next
Meeting to
answear to the same EZEKIEL CAMPELL came forward and made such acknowledgements to the Church as
gave a
general saesfaction and was restord into fellowship - aJornd A. . MCKAY
4th June 1814 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting
KEENEY laid Over till next meeting and the above mentied breathren appointed to cite him to attend Application mad for a
letter of Dismission for sister NANCY MATHES the same being granted unto hir. . BRO. LANE is appointed to
HOSEA HAMPTON to attend next meeting to know of him his reasons of neglecting the same - ajornd. A. .
2nd July 1814 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness; The Matter respecting
KEENEY being brought forward he being present but for the want of some Members the matter is laid over till
next Meeting the matter respecting HOSEA HAMPTON laid over till next Meeting Propos.d for Deligates to attend the
association and the
breathren JOSHUA KELLEY WIL.M LILLARD JN.O NETHERTON & ABRAM MCKAY are appointed to attend
the same ajornd A. . MCKAY Clk
August 6th 1814 Met according to appointment and & after worship proseaded to buisness - REBEKAH
receiv.d by letter - the Matter respecting THOMAS KEENEY being brought forward and he being present and
Conversing on the subject he made such acknowledgments before the Church
End of Minutes - Big Pigeon Baptist Church 1787 - 1874
Pages 30 – 39
Cocke County, Tennessee
Big Pigeon Church Minutes 1787 - 1874
Pages 40 - 49
(ORG. PAGE 61 - CONT.)
as gave a general satesfaction. . the Matter respecting HOSEY HAMPTON being brought forward he being
present and gave
satesfaction to the Church of his Omiting attending of meetings - the Churches letter to the Association red &
agread to. . the
breathren LILLARD & HUFF appointed to invite ALMON GUYN to next Meeting and give his reasons for not
the same ajornd A. . MCKAY Clk
(ORG. PAGE 62)
3rd September 1814 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting BRO.
GUYN being brought forward he being present Confessed its his deuty to attend meeting and the reason he
did not attend was
on account of his Deafness - JOSEPH HUFF JUN.R applied for a letter of Dismission for his self and Wife the
same being
granted unto them - ajornd A. . MCKAY Clk
1st October 1814 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - application being
made to the
Church or a letter of Dismission for THOS KEENEY and his Wife the same being granted unto them; as also
COBB and his Wife was granted to them, ajornd A. . M- is belongs to the above - A motion made for Deacons
to bee
Chosen and WILLIAM LILLARD & WILLIAM JOB are appointed as Deacons for the Church The paper that had the Minutes on by some means got lost from October till March that we have no account
4th of March 1815 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - Receivd by letter
& his wife SARAH into fellowship of the Church - agread that the breathren WILLAIM LILLARD and WILLIAM
bee Ordained Dacons of the Church the 3rd Monday in this month at hous of BRO. JOSHUA KELLEYS. .
1April 1815 Met according to appointment & after prayer proseaded to buisness - Received by letter
Who has liberty from the Church to Exersise his gift in the bounds of the Church of our order as also receivd
by letter into fellowship ajornd - A MCKAY
6th of May 1815 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness Receivd by letter
FOX and also LEVINA LONG the same - the breathren JOSHUA KELLEY & JOHN ELLES is appointed to
BRO. LILLARD to attend next meeting on account of some Reports that.s in Circulation against him and make
report theare
of - ajornd - A. MCKAY
3rd of June 1815 Met according to appointment & after prayer proseaded to buisness the Matter respecting
the reports
against BRO. LILLARD being Counsel.d before the Church and it.s Consider.d that theare is nothing in them
worthy of
Censher being laid upon him. . Ajornd - A-M-
(ORG. PAGE 63)
1st of July 1815 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - purposd for Members
to attend
Association and the breathren JOSHUA KELLEY CHARLES KELLEY & ABR.M MCKAY are appointed to
attend the
same - and A. . MCKAY to write the Churches Letter - Ajornd - A - MCKAY
5th of August 1815 Met according to Appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness; SISTER EADY
Receiv.d by letter - SUSANA GUYN Receiv.d by Expearance. . the breathren W. JOB WIL.M COLMAN
HUFF HENRY FOX CHARLES KELLEY & JESSE HUES appointed as a commetee to inquire into some
between JOHN FINE and WIL.M LILLARD and to use thear utmost indeavours to settle the same and make
theareof to the Church next meeting - Ajornd A. M.
2nd of Sept.r 1815 Met according to appointment and after Worship proseaded to buisness the Commetee
report that they
used thear best indeavours to bring the above mentied to areconsilation but to no affect - the Matter in debate
between BRO.
JOHN FINE & his Wife & WILLIAM LILLARD is now brought before the Church for theare
Consideration theareon the Church taking the matter under consideration agree to lay WIL.M LILLARD &
under Sencher for thear flat contridiction one to the Other - A Jornd - A- M30th of Sept.r 1815 Met according to appointment and after prayer proseaded to buisness - the matter
respecting WIL.M
LILLARD and NANCY FINE laid Over till next Meeting - the Church has Manifested a Dissatesfaction with
FINE for his publickly declareing a none fellowship with a member and not leting him know for what reason and EZEKEL
CAMPELL & PETER HUFF is appointed to aquaint him theareof and to cite him to next Meeting - EZEKEL
appli.d for and Obtain.d a letter of dismission - NANCY HICKS Receiv.d by Expearance - Ajornd A.M.
4th November 1815 Met according to appointment and after Worship proseaded to buisness; the Matter
respecting BRO.
PETER FINE being brought forward and he being present Confest that he had done wrong and that he was
sorrow for so
doing; and the Church Manifested thear satesfaction with him on his Confession Ajornd - A. MCKAY
2nd December 1815 Met according to Appointment and after worship Proseaded to buisness the matter
respecting WIL.M
LILLARD and NANCY FINE being brought forward and they both being present but not setled to any
satesfaction it laid
over till next Meeting; ajornd - A M-
(ORG. PAGE 64)
3rd February 1816 No buisness done in January by reason of the cold. Met according to Appointment and
after worship
proseaded to buisness - the matter respectin WILLIAM LILLARD & NANCY FINE being brought forward and
some Conversation on the same, it was agread without a decenting voise to release them from under
Sencher that was laid on
them by the Church some Months past Ajornd - A McKay
4th May 1816 March & April no buisness Done - Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to
buisness - the
breathren WIL.M WHITSON & WIL.M FOX are appointed to cite HEZEKIAH RANDOLPH to attend next
and report theareon. ajornd A. M.
No buisness done in April
4th of May 1816 Met according to appointment and after Worship Proseaded to buisness - the breathren
WIL.M WHITSON are appointed to Cite HEZEKIAH RANDOLPH to attend Next Meeting and report theareon A
Jornd E. CAMPELL [In handwriting of McKay]
1st of June 1816 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - the breathren
appointed to Cite
HEZEKIAH FANDOLPH report that they talked with him but he gave them no satesfaction and he not being
present the
Matter.s laid Over till next Meeting BRO. CHARLES KELLEY applid for a letter of Dismission the same being
granted unto
him; ajornd A. M6th of July 1816 Met according to appointment and after Worship proseaded to buisness - the Matter
HEZEKIAH RANDOLPH being brought forward he not being present and after duly considering the same he
is Excluded
from sociaty for his Wilfull Neglect of not attending of Meetings and continuing so to do - a motion made for
Members to
attend the Association and the breathren WILLIAM GEORGE JN.O NETHERTON & ABRAM MCKAY are
appointed to attend the same & MCKAY to write the Churches letter. and a queary bee inserted whither
amatter that has lay
still anomber of years whither it is agreable to gospel order to bring it before the Church ajornd A. McKay
(ORG. PAGE 65)
3rd of August 1816 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness but no buisness
31st of August 1816 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - LEUCY RAMSEY.
Daughter. . GEORGE JEFFRES & wife LEDGARD FINE & Wife. . all applid for and Obtain.d letters of
Dismission. .
Ajornd A.M
5th of October 1816 Met according to appointment & after prayer proseaded to buisness - by a motion made
EDWARD MILSAPS neglecting of attending Meetings and Other things report say he is guilty of - and JANE
the same. and the breahtren WIL.M LAND & HOSY HAMPTON are apointed to Cite them to attend next
Meeting to
answear to the above Complaint; and make report theareon - RACHEL GREEN applid for a letter of
dismission the same
being granted unto hir - Ajornd A. McKay
December 1816 Met According to appointment & after prayer proseaded to buisness the Matter respecting
LILLARD & NANCY FINE being under Consideration it is agred that the Church take up the same and all the
defence on
both sides bee brought forward 1817
4th of January 1817 Met according to appointment & after Worship Proseaded to buisness - nothing don at
this meeting
_th of April 1817 Met according to appointment and after worship Proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting EDWARD
MILLSAPS & JANE DENNES laid Over till next Meeting and the breathren ALMON GUYN & JOSEPH HUFF
appointed to aquaint them of same. . JANE DENNES Came forward and made satesfaction to the Church the Matter being
conseld respecting SALLY MARTEN being Married to JOHN PAGE and report say that his first wife is yet
alive & the
breathren REUBEN ALLEN & A. MCKAY are appointed to write into virginia to know the truth of the same CHARLES
KELLEY receivd by letter Ajornd A. MCKAY
3rd of May 1817 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - JOSEPH and
receivd into the Church by letter. The Matter respecting EDWARD MILLSAPS being taken under
consideration he not
being present but mov.d away out of the bounds of the Church without any letter and his neglect of attending
Meeting of along
time for which the Church has Excluded him from Sociaty
(ORG. PAGE 66)
Its agread that on friday before our next Meeting the Matter bee taken up between the breathren JOHN FINE
THOMAS HILL bee requested as helps to attend same BRO. CHARLES KELLEY appointed to attend the
Meeting at Lick Creek the 3rd Friday in this Month aJornd A M. .
31st of May 1817 Met according to ajornment & after Worship proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting
LILLARD and sister NANCY FINE being taken under Consideration, NANCY FINE being Examined then a
Commetee chosen to Examin SALLEY PAGET & RACHEL ALLEN respecting BRO. LILLARD and to Make a
to the Church. . the report being Made & the Church receives it and thinks him Worthy of Censher from
Church previlidges lade Over till tomorrow -
Met according to appointment and the Matter betwean LILLARD & NANCY FINE taken up again, JOHN FINE
NANCY his Wife gives up the Matter; the Church agree to give LILLARD a word of rebuke and Admonish him.
. and
restore all parties to fellowship - ajornd W. COLMAN [In handwriting of A. McKay]
5th of July 1817 No buisness done
2nd of August 1817 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - SALLEY PAGET
appid for a
letter and same being granted unto hir - the breathren CHARLES KELLEY & HENRY FOX appointed to
attend the Ass.o
Infromation being Made to the Chuirch respecting of REUBEN ALLEN.S Drinking too Much & the breathren
COLMAN & JOSEPH HUFF are appointed to cite him to attend next Meeting to answear to the same; BRO.
applid for a letter for himself & Wife the same being granted unto them - Ajornd A. McKay ALMON GUYN &
wife SUSA
GUYN ATHA MOORE & BETSY CARSON all obtaind letters this Meeting
3rd September 1817 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - ELEZEBETH &
COPLAND receiv.d by letter. . SARAH WOOD receiv.d by
Expearance - the matter respecting of REIBEM ALLEN being brought forward he being present and
confessing his fault the
Church forgave him JAMES WILLIAMS & WILLIAM GEORGE applid for letters & obtaind them ajorned A.
October no buisness Came forward November 1817 Met in Common form and proseaded to buisness CHARLES KELLEY applid for & obtaind a
ajornd A M1818
8th February 1818 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness.. BETSY ELENDER
REBEKAH COPLAND & SARAH WOOD VINA LONG all applid for and Letters - ajornd A. M. __eys
returnd again
(ORG. PAGE 67)
31st January 1818 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - AILS MANNING
applied for
& obtaind a letter ajornd AM
2nd May 1812 Met according to appointment and after Worship Proseaded to buisness - JAMES SEWEL &
his wife
NANCY receivd by letter - the Matter respecting EDEA SAVAGE taken up with a maried Man is laid Over til
Next Meeting
& the breathren JO.H HUFF & HENRY FOX appointed to Cite hir to attend next Meeting to answear to the
complaint and make report theareof - the breathren BENJ.M ODELL W.M COLMAN & A. MCKAY appointed to
attend the Union Meeting at Dumplin Crick ajornd A.. McKay
6th June 1818 Met according to appointment and after Worship proseaded to buisness; the breathren
appointed to cite EDEA
SAVAGE to meeting report that she confest that she was guilty of the Charge against but she not apearing
she is Excluded
from sociaty - RACHEL PHILLIPS applied for and obtaind a letter BURROUGH & DANILE BUCKNER receiv.d
letter ajornd A M Clk
4th July 1818 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness W.M COPLAND receiv.d
WIL.M CROSS receiv.d by Expearance by motion for Deligates to attend the Association and the breathren
SEWEL & BENJ.N O [ODELL ?] to attend the same ajornd A. McKay
1st of August 1818 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - JAMES BUCKNER
and wife
Receiv.d by letter into ffellowship of the church - ajornd. A.. McKay Ck
5th Septr 1818 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - JAMES RIDING & his
CHARITY came forward & gave in theare letters and was receiv.d into fellowship of the Church - ajornd A. M.
3rd October 1818 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness HANNAH ODELL
came forward
told hir Expearance & was receiv.d into fellowshi- in the Church - ajornd A. M.
31st October 1818 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - REBEKAH DAVIS
gave in hir
letter and was receivd into fellowship of the Church- JESSE LEMON the same - WIL.M CROSS made
application for a
letter for himself & wiffe the same being granted unto them.. JAMES RIDEING and Wife the same ajornd A.
_th December 1818 no buisness done at this Meeting
(ORG. PAGE 68)
2nd January 1819 Met according to appointment & after Worship Proseaded to buisness.. HOSEA HAMPTON
& his wife
DANIEL BUCKNER & GRACE RANDOLPH all applid for & obtaind letters off Dismission ajornd A. M.
6th February 1919 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness BRO. LANE Mov.d
that a arme of
this Church be Constituted Over on the Other side of Pegion laid over till next Meeting.. JOHN FINE & Wife
CROSS & wife JOSHUA KELLEY & Wife and BETSY CALVINT all applid for and Obtain.d letters BETSY
Excluded from sociaty for joining an being Married to a Married Man ajornd A. M.
6th March 1819 Met according to appointment & after Worship Proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting
the Motion for
an arm of the Church to bee on the Other side of Pegion it is thought best for the Motion to Fail and the
Church to continue in
hir former standing - Whearas infermation hath bean made to the Church that HOSEA HAMPTON Obtaind his
letter Disorderly or himself in disorder the church thinks it most adviseable to cite him to next Meeting to
answear to the same
and the breathren WIL.M COPLAND & JESSE HUSE to Inform him of the same and Make report to next
Meeting - by a
motion that BRO. JOHN NETHERTON has Obsented himself from meeting for some time and report says
that he sels
spiritous Lickers on the sabath day and people adrinking hear till they are intoxacated.. the Church thinks it
proper to aquaint
him of the same & the breathren WIL.M WHITSON & JER.E MCKAY are Appointed to aquaint him theareof &
report next Meeting.. the breathren JAMES SEWEL & ABRAM MCKAY appointed to cite br.o PETER FINE to
next Meeting to show what is his reasons for neglecting of attending of Meeting and Other things and make
report theareof Ajornd - A.. M3rd of April 1819 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting
HAMPTON from the report the breathren gave that was sent to labour with him; the Church has forgave him &
agree to send
him a letter.. the Matter respecting the breathren JN.O NETHERTON & PETER FINE laid Over till next
Meeting aJornd
A McKay
_th of May 1819 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting
br.o PETER
FINE being brought forward he being present and made such acknowledgments as gave satesfaction to the
Church. br.o
JOHN NETHERTON Came forward and gave satesfaction to the Church respecting
(ORG. PAGE 69)
his not attending of Meeting & selling of spirets on the sabath - the Church takeing it under Consideration the
wont of a
Minister being Distitute of one, have agread to take the Matter under Consideration against next Meeting &
report theareon.
Sister BETSY NETHERTON Obtain.d a letter of Dismission - ajornd A McKay
5th of June 1819 Met according to appointment & after Worship proseaded to buisness - BRO. RIDING & his
wife Obtaind
a letter of Dismission the Church agree to cite br.o JOHN NETHERTON to attend next Meeting in order to
give satesfaction
to the Church for several things; as not paying of his debts falsfing his word both in the World and before the
appointed br.o PETER FINE & ABR.AM MCKAY Jun.r to notefy him of the same.. the Church Call.d br.o
SEWEL to the Pastoral Care of this body which he accepted. ajorn.d A M3rd July 1819 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness BETSY PORTER receiv.d
by letter
WIL.M & REBEKAH CROSS the same the Matter respecting br.o JNO. NETHERTON laid Over till next
JAMES SEWEL WILLIAM COLMAN & ABRAM MCKAY appointed as Deligates to attend the Association
to move for next association to bee hear - VINE ALLEN Obtain.d a letter A M ajornd
31st July 1819 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - LERROY a man of
Colour Receivd
by letter into fellowship of the Church - The Matter respecting JOHN NETHERTON taken under Consideration
& after due
Deliberation on same it was thought Most to the glory of god to Exclude him from sociaty; for not paying his
Just Debts and
falsifying his word in the World and before the Church A Jornd - A. M.
4th september 1819 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness br.o HENRY FOX
Chosen by the
Unamious vote of the Church to the Offis of Deacon which he agread to searve - ajornd A. M.
2nd October 1819 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - JOSEPH CROSS
applide for
and Obtain.d a letter for himself & wife Sister RACHEL GRANT the same ajornd A. M.
(ORG. PAGE 70)
6th November 1819 Met according to appointment & after Worship Proseaded to buisness
Sister MARTHA DENTON receiv.d by letter - into the Church - aJorn.d A M.
5th February 1820 Met according to appointment & after Worship proseaded to buisness - the Church agree
to write to
Fellowship Church respecting the Conduct of SARAH CONYERS WIL.M CROSS Obtaind a letter off
Dismission for
himself & Wife - ajornd A. M.c
4th of March 1820 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - Application hath
bean Made for a
letter of Dismission for ATHALIGH MULLENS the same being granted - A M31st of March 1820 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness NANCY HICKS being Charged with profaine swearing and leaving the Church in disorder not applying for a
letter - laid
Over till next Meeting a Jorn.d A. M.
8th of May 1820 Met according to Appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - receiv.d a letter from
Church respecting distress in that church about SARAH CONYER. the Church thought proper to Deligate
Members to send
& try to settle the matter & the breathren JAMES SEWEL FRETHIAS WALL HENRY FOX BENJ.N ODELL,
JOSEPH HUFF, & WIL.M COLEMAN is appointed for that buisness - NANCY HICKS is Excluded from
Sociaty for
profain swearing & leaveing the Church without appling for a letter ajornd A M
3rd June 1820 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - the breathren JER.E
BENJ.N ODELL is appointed to attend the Union Meeting at the fork of little pigion as Deligates to apply for a
from that Union Meeting as we now belong to another District br.o Sewel appointed to write a letter to that
Meeting to send
by the deligates a Jornd A M-
1st July 1820 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - the Members
appointed to the Union
Meet report and say that we are given up to jine in our own District; the breathren JAMES SEWEL & JESSE
HUSE are
appointed as Deligates to attend the Association and br.o SEWEL to write the Churches letter a jorn.d A.
August no Meeting of buisness
(ORG. PAGE 71)
2nd Septr 1820 Met according to appointment & after worship Proseaded to buisness - the Committee
appointed to go to
friendship Church to inquire into the standing of SARAH WITT Made theare report to the satesfaction of the
Church was hir
Exclusion from sociaty. CONYER not WITT; BRO. COLMAN presented a book for to keep an account of what
person pays to the support of the gospell and its lodged in the hands of br.o BENJ.N ODELL br.o HENRY
FOX applid for
letters of Dismission for himself & Wife & JESSE HUSE which was granted them br.o WIL.M COPLAND
applid for
letters for himself & two Daughters ELEZEBETH & ELLENDER the same granted unto them - br.o WALL
Made known
to the Church that he paid 28 dollars 50 Cents for the higher of Man to work for br.o SEWEL which the Church
agree to pay
theare parts at next Meeting ajornd A M
29th Septr. 1820 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness the Matter respecting a
Daco being
taken up and after some consideration it was laid Over til next Meeting ajornd A. M.
4th of November 1820 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness Sister MARTHA
receiv.d by letter into the Church - the Matter respecting a Dacon laid Over till next Meeting WILLIAM
ABRAM MCKAY, Senr., agree to go to MOSES HICKS and invite him to attend our next Meeting a Jornd A
2nd of December 1820 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting a
Dacon laid Over till next Meeting as also the Matter respecting DANIEL
BUCKNER the same. Sister ELIZEBETH PORTER Obtain.d a letter of Dismission ajornd A.M.
3rd February 1821 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting a deacon
laid Over till next Meeting - the matter respecting DANIEL BUCKNER is also laid Over til next Meeting Ajornd A M.
3rd of March 1821 Met according to Appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - the matter
respecting a deacon
being taken under Consideration and after conversation on the same agree to drop the first appointment &
make a new
Nomination - the Matter respecting DANIEL BUCKNER being taken up & after deliberating on the same agree
to lay the
Matter Over till his return from Carolina. br.o JAMES SEWEL & his wife Obtain.d letters of Dismission
the same - the breathren BE.N ODELL, JESSE LEMON & BURROUGH BUCKNER appointed to attend the
Meeting; ajornd A. McKay
(ORG. PAGE 72)
5 of May 1821 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - RACHEL MADDOX &
LEVINA LONG obtaind letters of dismission.. the Matter respecting br.o WALLS Money is not yet Paid.. ajornd
4th of June 1821 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness; the breathren
MCKAH & BENJ. ODELL appointed to Cite BRO. YATES to attend next Meeting and to give his reasons for
his long
continued absence from Meeting - ajornd A.. McKay
30th of June 1821 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - and Chose br.o
WOOD Moderator and BENJ. ODELL Clerk.. by motion Made by BRO. WALL. for the Church to give br.o
HILL a call to the Ministre or to take the Pastoral care of this Church & after deliberateing on the same the
Matter is laid
Over till next Meeting for a further consideration; the breathren RUEBEN ALLEN, BENJ. ODELL[ should be
Benj. Odell
? ] & ABRAM MCKAY, Junr., are appointed as Deligates to attend the Association - the matter respecting
YATES he not being present it.s considerd most adviseable to lay it over till next Meeting - Ajorn.d BENJ.
ODLE [Odell ? ]
Ck.. [ but in handwriting of A. McKay ]
_th of August 1821 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - Chose BRO.
HILL Moderator
the Matter respecting BRO. YATES lade Over till next Meeting & the brethren JN.O ELLES & JER.O MCKAY
appointed to aquaint him of the same..the Church hath chosen THOMAS HILL for thear Pastor and he
Excepted the same
as also give in his letter and became a Member of sd. Church - BRO. LANE Applied for a letter for himself and
wife &
TABITHA BUCKLER the same being granted unto them Ajornd A. McKay
1st September 1821 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness -the breathren
appointed to invite
BRO. YATES to Meeting report and say that they believe he.s not able to attend & Church agreas to beare
with him the
Matter respecting DANEIL BUCKNER laid Over till next Meeting - the Matter respecting OALD GRA_____
OLD GRANNY RICE] being taken under Consideration, to know if she want in astate of suffering or likely so
to bee and
that sister POLLEY ODELL inquire into hir Circumstance & report theareon to Next Meeting - the Matter
respecting a
Dacon was again mentiod before the Church & after Mature Deliberation on the same BENJAMIN ODELL
was Chosen by
full consent of the Church and the time appointed for his Ordination to bee at Next Meeting - Ajornd A. McKay
(ORG. PAGE 73)
28th Septr 1821 Met according to appointment and after worship Proseaded to buisness - the matter
respecting DANIEL
BUCKNER laid Over till next meeting the Church
agrees to help sister RICE the Ordination of BENJAMIN ODELL to Office of adacon now Comes on and is
perform.d by
THOMAS HILL & ELIJAH ROGERS Ministers Ajorn.d A.. McKay
3rd of November 1821 Met according to appointment & after worship Proseaded to buisness - GEORGE
ALITHA JINKINS Receiv.d by Expearance JAMES BUCKNER & his Wife applid for and Obtain.d letters of
ajornd - A McKay
December 1821 Met according to appointment and after worship Proseaded to buisness -the Matter
respecting DANIEL
BUCKNER being taken under consideration and report say that he has bean agambling and it.s laid Over till
next Meeting
ajornd A McKay
2nd Febru.a 1822 Met according to appointment & after worship Proseaded to buisness - the Matter
respecting DANIEL
BUCKNER being taken under Consideration & the Church agree BURROUGH BUCKNER write to him and
aquaint him
of the Churches distress with him & for him to attend at next Meeting - ajorn.d A. M.
2nd March 1822 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting
BUCKNER laid Over till next Meeting. ajornd BENJ ODELL [in handwriting of A. McKay]
5th off April 1822 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness the Matter respecting
BUCKNER laid Over till Next Meeting Ajornd. B. ODELL [this and the next three meetings signed by Odell but
in the
handwriting of McKay]
4th of May 1822 Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness -the Matter respecting
BUCKNER being taken under Consideration and after and Examination on the same he is Excluded from
sociaty for gambling
and neglecting of attending of Meeting the breathren THO. HILL & BENJ ODELL is appointed to attend the
Meeting at Lick Creek meeting house ajornd B. Odell
1822 June no buisness done - from this time to the first of February 1823 the Minutes of the Churches
proseadings by some
means got lost and theare is no account can be got from them
1st February 1823 Met according to appointment and after worship Proseaded to buisness - Chose br.o
Moderator & BENJ ODELL Clark.. a door being Open.d for receiving Members and ANDERSON VINSON
forward told his Expearance and was Receiv.d into fellowship NANCY ALLEN the same; ajornd Benj. Odell
4th April 1823 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - the matter respecting
JONSON being taken under consideration and it was thought Most to the glory of god to Exclude hir from
sociaty - JOHN
STEAPHENS applid for and Obtaind a letter of Dismission.. JESSE KENIBS Obtaind leafe to exercise his gift
if any in the
bounds of the Church - ajornd Benj Odell
(ORG. PAGE 74)
4th of May 1823 Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buisness - JOSEPH
wife CHANCY receiv.d by letter as also KATY VINSON the same.. purposd for Members to attend the Union
Meeting and
ajornd - Abrm Mckay
31st of May 1823 Met according to appointment and after worship Proseaded to buisness - amotion being
made for
something to bee done for the support of the gospell referd to next Meeting Ajornd A Mc
5th of July 1823 Met according to appointment and after worship Proseaded to buisness HARREY a man of
colour applid
for and obtaind a letter of Dismission SALLEY LILLARD came forward told hir Expearance and was receiv.d
into the
Church Purpos.d for Members to attend the Assocaition and the breathren THO. HILL, GEORGE ALLEN, &
MCKAY appointed to attend the same Whearas by reason of the infermeties of oald Age ABRAM
MCKAY,.Senr., has
resign.d of being Clark of this Church and JEREMIAH MCKAY is
appointed in the room of his father Abram McKay appointed to write the Churches Letter to the Association
against AJournd
Abram McKay Clk, Sina Huff was baptis.d at this meeting.
appointed in the room of his father Abram McKay appointed to write the Churches Letter to the Association
against AJornd
Abram McKay Clk Sina Huff was baptis.d this meeting
the Minutes above stated that were lost is now come to hand and is recorded as follows 6th of July 1822
Met according to appointment and after worship Proseaded to buisness - Polley Chambels receiv.d into
fellowship of the
Church - the breathren Thomas Hill & Wil.m Colman appointed as Deligates to attend the Ass.o the Widow
Jonson gave in
her letter that on the account of some reports against hir unmorral Conduct she was not receiv.d into
fellowship - and the
breathren Wil.m Colman & Benj. Odell are appointed to inquire into the Matter and report theareon next
meeting ajornd A.
3rd of August 1822
Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting ihe Widow
Jonson laid Over till
next meeting. Testimony Gormon receiv.d by Expearance ajornd - B. Odell Clk.
5th of Octobr 1822
Met according to apointment and after worship proseaded to buisness.. the Matter respecting the Widow
Jonson laid Over till
next Meeting A jorn.d A..McK
1st November l822
Met according to appointment and after worship Proseaded to buisness - Daniel Buckner came forward and
made such
acknowledgments to the Church as gave satesfaction and was receiv.d into fellowship - the breathren
Thomas Hill Ben Odell
& Wil.m Colman appointed to go to Indian Creek Church as helps to settle
(ORG. PAGE 75)
some Distresses among them- Sister Rachel Allen & Testa Gowman appointed to cite the Widow Jonson to
attend next
Meeting. Edee Kelley receiv.d by Expearance - ajornd A. Mc
3rd of November l822
Met according to appointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - no buisness done this Meeting ajornd
4th January 1823
Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to buianess - nothing done worth entering on
record - A. Mc
1st of March 1823
Met according to aprointment & after worship proseaded to buisness - the Matter respecting the Widow
Jonson laid Over till
next Meeting & the breathren Be.n OdeIl & Wm. Fox appointed to cite hir to attend next meeting - it being
respecting of gifts in the Church and its agread that Burrow Buckner & George Allen has liberty to exersise
thear gifts in the
bounds of this Church if any they have - Elezebeth Breaden Recei .d by letter - ajornd B. Odell
[Here ends the handwriting of Abram McKay]
2nd of August 1823
Met according to appointment and after worship preseaded to buisness Sary blanchip Receivd by
Expearance the Church
Letter Red and a gred to ajornd Jerem McKay Clk
6th of September 1823
Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to bisness Charity OdelI Receivd by Expearance
Nancy Hicks
applied for a Letter and the same granted the Church a greaed to have prayr Meting on the forth Sunday in
Ever month a jornd
Jerre McKay Clk
4 October 1823
Met according to appointment and after Prayr Proseaded to bisness Chosen Brother Burrey Buckner
appointed Brethen Go.rge Allen and Ruben Allen to Cite Sister Rachel Allen to attend nex Meting in corse to
satisfaction to the Church wich report says She has Commund with another City of Pople Elizabeth Breden
applied For a
Letter and the same granted Mary aspell receivied by Expearance Ajornd J.ah McKay Clk aggy Mcfry
Receivied by
31st October 1823
Met acording to appointment and after worship proseaded to bisness Chosen Br Daniel Lammens Modratur
the mater
Respection Sister Rachel Allen She not being present Lade over tell nex meting in Corce a jorn tell to monrow
1 of November 1823
met according
1823 - CONT.
to appointment and after worship Proseaded to bisness Meakey Hall Recived by Expearence Joseph Allen
Received by
Expearence ajorud Jerem McKay Clk
6 December 1823
Met acording to appointment and after worship Proseaded to bisness the mater Respetion Sister Rachel Allen
She not
present Lade over tell nex Meting in corse ajornd Jerem McKay Clk
3 January 1824
[sic] Met according to papointment and after worship Proseaded to bisness B.r Daniel Buckner moved to the
Church for
Liberty to Excercis a giff the same granted patsy Brome Received by Expearence S.r Rachel Allen Came
forred and give
satisfaction to the Church Ajorne Jeremiah McKay Clk
(ORG. PAGE 76)
February and March No bisness Don w
3 of Apriel l824
Met according to appointment and after worship Proseaded to bisness Chosen B Burre Buckner Modrater Br
maid a moshen to the Church to have a Little hous Bilt for the persons who may be Babtised here after to
Shift them Close the
Church Concider.d that it wood be best to Lae it over tell nex meting in Corse A jornd Jeremiah McKay Clk
1 of May 1824
Met according to appointment and after worship proseaded to bisness Chisen b Burre Buckner Modrater the
Respection Bilding a Little hous the Church Considered that it wood be best to Drop it the Brethen a greed to
attend the union
Meting at Lick Crick meting hous W.m Colman Burrey Buckner and Jeremiah McKay petion to have the union
meting at
Big pigon meting house nex year A Jornd Jeremiah McKay Clk
5th of June 1824
Met according to appointment and after worship prosead to bieusness the Church receiv.d a Letter from
bethel Church Stating
Some Deficulty against b.r.o Hill with a request that this Church Send members Down theare to inquire into
the mature moved
Fullay and we agre to send our bretben W.m Colman B. Odell B. Buckner Driskel Jer. McKay Vi Allen &
McKay Sen.r as a Commetee to assistin that Meter Juriah Hood Receivd by Expearance John Driskel & wife
receivd by
Letter Charety Smith applid for and Obtaind a letter Daniel Lamon modrater A M Clk
3 of July 1824
Met accordan to appointment and after prayr prosend to bisness Chosen B.r W.m Colman modrature the
mature respection
the Brethen who was appointed to go to bethel Church met and sot at Big pigion Church and Call for the
members in others
Churches who was thar Except bethel Church they call for the allagations three members Came forred and
Lade in thare
Complaint and after vuing the thing they thought it best to Call Brethen
(ORG. PAGE 77)
From Disten Churches to meet at Bethel Church on tusday before the Second Saturday in September 1824
appointed B
Abrabam McKay Sen.r to write the Letters to the Churches for those members appointed the Brethen
Abraham McKay
Sen.r Colman and John Driskel to attend the Association and B Abraham McKay Sen.r to write the
Church Letter
to send to the same A Jornd Jeremiah McKay Clk.
31 of July l824
Met acording to appointment and after worship Proseaded to bisness Chosen B.r Burrey Buckner Modrater
the Church
Letter Red.e and a agreded to a jorn.d Jeremiah McKay Clk
4 September 1824
Som met but No bisness Don'
State of Tennessee )
Sevier Counity )
Bethel meeting House Tuesday Weduesday & Thursday before the Second Saturdy September 1824 the
Requested by Big Pigion Church to attent at Bethel Meting Hous in order to assist in Some Difficulties betwen
members of Big
Pigeon Church and Bethel Church met and after being formed for business the Bethel Church Come forward
and Submitted
their members to be Dealt with according to their Crimes and alao Delegated two of their Body to Set with Big
End of Minutes - Big Pigeon Baptist Church 1787 - 1874
Pages 40 – 49
Cocke County, Tennessee
Big Pigeon Church Minutes 1787 - 1874
Pages 50 - 59
1824 - CONT.
Pigeon Church & the Committee also Brethen Richard Wood & Elijah Rodgers were Calld in to assist as helps
1st Proceeded to Choose Bro Elijah Rodgers Moderator & Thomas L Hale Clark 2nd a number of Charges
forward by Nancy Maples Polley Maples & Sally Oldham against the Revn.d Thomas Hill 1st Sister Nancy
Charges him Three Times Being Drunk & Swearing we think that he Drank too much and that the rough harsh
Language he
made use of was very unbecomeing aproffessor and partiaclar a Preacher Proven by W.m Maples George
Long Andrew
Cannatser Moses Long and Polly Maples
2nd She also Charges him with wishing that acertain Disease would Come From Cocke County and kill Eight
or teen Persons
in this neighbourhood and particular Nancy Layman which we think very harsh and Exceadingly wrong
Proven by George
Long Moses Long and Polley Maples
3rd The said Sister Charges the said Br.o with threatning to whip and beat acertain man which we Consider to
be very wrong
and unbecoming a minister of the Gospel proven by his own Confession
4th The said Sister Charges the said Br.o with making unfriendly Remarks against the Bptis and their
Friendship to ward him
which we Consider an Entire Doration from the Scripture Proven by Polly Maples Andrew Cannatser & Betsy
5 the said Sister Charges the said Br.o with the sin of adultery with acertain young woman which we Consider
to Be not
Sufficiently authenticated
(ORG. PAGE 78)
6 the Said Sister Charges the Said Br.o with Improperly Contradicting her when on her Oath in which case we
aprobability of A Misunder Standing 7th Sister Polly Maples Charges the said Br.o with Soliciting her Chastity also Sister Sally Oldham Charges
the Said Br.o
with Four Different times Solicting her Chastity and upon the whole testimony we Conssider the Charges to
be Just Proves by
Polly Maples and Sally Oldham and now upon the whole of the Different Charges Taken together we think him
guilty and
there fore with regret Execlude Him From our Fellowship
8th Br.o Thomas Hill Charges Sister Nancy Maples with Immodestly Saying that She Lov.d mans Flesh Better
than all
Other Flesh and when Reproved by Old Sister Oldham Quoted the Scripture and Circumstance of Sarah.s
Laughing in her
Old age which we condemn Proven by old Sister Oldham and Polly Hill
9th the said Br.o Charged the said Sister with telling his wife that She intended to apply to the Doctr. For
Medicine for hir
husban to Increase his Desires For Cohabiation with her also stated that She had given hir husban Two
Doses of her own
menses and that it had Gratly Increased his Courage which conduct we Consider to be Immodest base and
Sinful and
Degrading to the Female Charcter much more to the Christian Character Proven by Polley Hill
10th Also we Cosider hir to Have acted Improperly in Circulating Evil Reports upon hir Br.ther and neglecting
to tak the
Gospel Steps with him and Contuing to live with him in Christian Fellowship anumber of years previous to
Exhibiting the
Charges against him untell ambition prompted hir to it and now For the above charges and Conduet we
Exelude her From our
l1th We Believe Brother William Maples Sen.r Has Done Excedingly Rong & Sined in Joining with his wife in
Sin measures
against Brother Hill The said Brother Came forward and made Sufficent acknowledgment and was Restored
Signed Caleb
Witt Chesley Jainagin Hughe O Taylor Henry Randolfph William Coleman George Snider Thomas Williams
Driskell Casper Moon Richard Wood Duke Kimbrough Charles F. Porter Samuel Carson Eligah Rogers
Moderator Thomas L Hale Clerk
(ORG. PAGE 79)
2nd October 1824
Met according to appointment and after worship
Proseaded to bisness Chosen B_____ Roberts modrater Ajorn Jeremiah McKay Clk.
6 November 1824
Met according to appointment & after worship Proseaded to bisness B. Daniel Lemman modrater Sarah
Lillard applied
For a letter & the same granted a J J M Clk
1 January 1825
Met according to appointment & after prayer Proseaded to bisness Chosen B J h Driskel modrater Daniel
Buckner applied
For a Letter & same Granted appointed Daniel Buckner to cite Eady Kelley to nex meting in Corse to give
satisfaction to
the Church in which Report says she has joined another Ciety of pople. Slate Creek Church sends request
that this Church
wood send one of thar Members William Colman to help settle a Distress be tween two of thar members
which was granted
A J.d Jeah McKay Clk
5 February 1825
Met accordan to appointment and after prayer Proseaded to bisness Eady Kelley Excluded Rebekah Davis
applied for a
letter the Granted A J.n Dris.l M:r J Mc C1k
5 March 1825
Met accordan to appointment and after worship Proseaded to Bisness applacation Maid by B. Gorge Allen for
a Letter for
Jessee Lemmans and wife the same granted B Daniel Buckner sent a Letter to the Church and wishing to git
answer which
the Church a Greed to Doo Respetion not Living with his wife Thomas Smith Modrater A.j till nex meting in
corse J Mc Clk
2 Apriel 1825
Met accordan to appointment and after prayer Proseded to bisness. The Church Considered that She __Ird_
not taking the
Gospel Stpes with ____ Thomas Hill ____ her purseadence lad over tell nex Meting in Corse the Church has
Releved B.r J
Huff from his offise as a Decon Lade over tell nex meting in Corse to Chose another in his plase Bro.r J Elles
Look at ___
such the Church appointed B Bure Buckner Modrature A Jurnd tell nex meting in corse Jereminh McKay Clk
April 1825
Met acording to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness Further purseadence Lade over tell nex
meting in corse
Concerning the Revent Thomas Hill appointed the B.r John Driskel Jeremiah McKay & Benjamin Odell to go
to Bethel
Church in Sevier County on the 4 Saturday in May 1825 for information Concarning the Revent. Thomas Hill
the Church
Chose B John Elles to be thar Decon the Church Chose the B:n Joseph White and William Centers for a
prsbter to
ordaine B:r Elles on Friday before Tone the first Sunday in october 1825 Elezabeth Huff applied for a letter the
granted unto hir appointed the B:n Abraham McKay and Josep Allen
(ORG. PAGE 80)
to attend the union meting the Church a gree to Send apetion for the union meting to be heir nex year A J: J
McKay Clk
4 June 1825
Met accordan to appointment and after Prayr prosead to beisness the Church agree to Exammon sum of the
testamony which
give a gainst ___ Thomas Hill when he was Excluded the witness is Gorge Long Moses Long and Andres
Canacher and
a Gree to send ___ Joseph _p Wood William Henderson and John __________ to inquire of them at nex
meting in Corse
Jeremiah McKay Clk the first at this meeting the Church Received a Record from Bethel Church Concarnning
the witness a
gainst Elr Thomas Hill agread to have it Recorded on the Church Book this is the record
l. B:r Joseph P Wood Charges sister Sally Oldham for charging Thomas Hill falsly
2. a Charge exhibeted by B:r Josepb P. Wood a gainst Sister polly Maples for Charging thomas Hill falsly
before the
Committey Received and laid over
3. Joseph P. Wood Charg against Sister Sally Oldham for Chargeing Thomas Hill Called for and investigated
in part a
Jornd tell tomorrow
O Clock met acording to a Greement and Conveaned for bisness the Case of Polley Oldham taken up and
investigated over
and Com to a Desision for
which Charge re Exclude hir from our fellowship 4. Joseph P Wood Charge against Polly Maples Called for
and laid over
tell tomorrow 5. Joseph P Wood Charge against Polly Maples Refered from friday Called for on Saturday and
Investogated for which we Exclude hir from our fellowship Jasper M _n Cl
_ July 1825
Met accordan to appointment and prayr Prosead to bisness 1st the Church give Br Burrey Buckner to
Excersise his Gift out
of the Bounds of Church as fare as Bethel Church and Indin Creek Church the Church Received, the
testamony given by B
Joseph P Woods Moses Hicks John Bohman and William Henderson by writen against _r Thomas Hill when
he was
Excluded the witnessis Gorge Long Moses Long and Andrew Canacher the Church Considier that El thomas
Hill had
Reason to speak hard of Sum of the Bapttis the Church Received El Thomas Hill in fellowship by proven Sum
of the Charges
to be falst & acknoledged to sum of the Charges
(ORG. PAGE 81)
Dellegats to the Assocoation B Anderson Vinson John Driskel and Burrey Buckner a Gree to attend the
Association on
the 2 friday in August 1825 in Hokings County at the Grasey Spring the Church appoint Jeremiah McKay to
write the
Church Letter to the Association Ajornd till Nex meting in Corse Jeremiah McKay Clk
6 August 1825
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to Biseness first the Church Cocider to be Best and
Lade it on B L__
to git B Canacher.s acknolegement ___ Sen__ it to this Church Concearnen the testamony that he give in a
Gainst Er
Thomas Hill at the time when he was Excluded & the Church a Gree for the Association to be Di ____ 2. the
Church a Gree
to have the Charges against El.r Thomas Hill when he was Excluded to be put on Record what he proved to
be false and that
he Confest to and the Clark to bring it forred nex meeting in corse Received John Huff by Expearence a Jornd
till nex meeting
in Corse the Church Letter to the Association Red and a geed to E1 Daniel Lemmans Modrator J Mc
3 September 1825
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1. Ruben Allen applied for a letter the
same granted 2.
the Church Received the Commity the Association Sent to this Church the things Concarning what the Church
has Don
Contrary to the Association set and after Consultening over things the Church Concider.d to Put Thomas Hill
back and to hav
a New triel and to Call the Commity wich Excluded him and the Commity to Meet heire on friday before the
first Sunday in
November 1825 and the Clk to write the Notises to the Commity A.j tell nex meeting in Corse Jeremiah McK
_ of September 1825
Met accordan to appointment and after prayr Prosead to bisness a jornd till tomorrov 11 oclock
Meet accordan to appointment and after worship Prosead to bisness 1. Respection Joseph Allen Joining
another Cocity of
pople for which we Exclude him from this Church 2. the Church a Gree to pasover the Statied Communien
Season tell Nex
meeting in Corse and 3. then a Gree when to Com_____ Concarning B. EIles Being Ordain.d the Presbter not
attending Lade
Over till Nex meeting in Corse A j tell Meting in Corse J Mc Clk
(ORG. PAGE 82)
December and January 1825 & 1826 Nothing Don at these two monthly Meeting times
4 Febr l826
Met acordain to appointment and after prayer prosead to bisness 1. the Church a Gree that Shee Ird in
Restoring Thomas
Hill Over the heds of the Commity who Excluded him also against the act of the association and the Church
agree that the s.d
Hill is in the same Situation that he was when the Commety Left him when they Excluded him - the Church
appoint Br Wm.
Colman to write
to the Commity and the Br. J.n Driskel John Huff and Jeremiah McKay to hire the letter and bare the Same to
Commity - Br Anderson Vinson applied for a letter of Dismission the Same Granted unto him A j Jeremiah
McK Clk
March 1926 No Meeting upon the acount of high water
(ORG. PAGE 83)
1 Apriel 1826
Met acordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness l. appointed the J.n Driskel and J.n Huff to
Cite Br.
Gorge Allen to nex meeting in Corse to give his Reason why he has absent his self from Meeting 2. Br.
Joseph Selvester
applied for a Letter for him self and wife the same granted 3. W.m Huff Received by Letter 4. Isbell McKay
Received by
Expearence and was Baptise on Sunday by Br Fredriek Duett A. j Jeremiah McKay Clk
6 May 1826
Met accordain to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1. the Church Relest Br. Bur Buckner
from modrator by
his Request and Chosed Br John Driskel in his place 2. the Church a Gree to have Church Meeting on the 3
Saturday in this
Month 3. the Church agree to Diss Continew the prayer Meeting on the forth Sunday in Every month 4. the
brethen hoo was
to Cite Br. Gorge Allen faild to see him the same two to Cite him to nex Church meeting Ajorn Jeremiah
McKay Clk
27 May 1826
Met accordan to apointment and after Prayer Prosead to Bisness 1. B.r Gorge Allen Came forred and Give
Satis Faction to
the Church For absent himself From Church Meeting 2. the Church agree to Call the B.r.n Joseph White Wm
Plesant Witt Thomas Smith and Henry Ranndolph as a Presbter to Ordain B.r J:n Driskel on the 3 Day of
June nex 3.
The Prisbutary Called for one of Them attended and B.r Daniel Lemmons one of the Ordained ministers of the
Union the
Church Called him to assist B.r Thomas Smith and They Proceaded on the third of June to Examin John
Driskel and
ordained on the Forth Day of the Same month to the word and Ordinances and all the function of the
ministerel office in margin
this from the third Down was Don at the Union meeting
(ORG. PAGE 84)
4. The Church Relest Br. Benjamin Odell from the Office of a Decon 5. Received 2 by Letter John Case and
Agnes his
wife 6. The Church a Gree to Cite S.r agnes Fry to nex Church meeting in Corse to Give Satis Faction to the
Church which
Report says she has Commited a Dultry and Sister Nancy Allen and Rachel Madox to Cite hir A J J McKay
1 July 1826
Met accordan to appointment and after Prayer prosed to bisness Proved by Rachel Madox 1. Excluded Agnes
Fry From
this Church 2. the Church appointed the Br.n W.m Colman and Jeremiah McKay to write the Church Letter to
Association the Brethen appointed to Bare the same W.m Colman J.n Driskel Burrey Buckner and Jeremiah
McKay 3.
the Church a Gree to Send two quareys to the Association on Request A J tell Nex meting in Corse J.ah McK
_ August 1826
Met accordan to appointment and after worship Prosead to bisness 1. the Church a Gree to Give B.r
Burrough Buckner
License to preach the Gospel where Ever the Lord may Call him 2. Received Samuel Miller by Letter 3. the
Church Letter
to the Association Red and aGreed to A jornd tell nex meeting in Corse Jeremiah McKay Clk.
2nd September l826
Met acordan to appointment and after Prayer Prosead to bigness 1. Sister Elizibeth Fine Maid application for
a letter of
Dismission. the same Granted 2. also Sister Anna Hall and hir Daughter mekee 3. also Br John Case and wife
agnes A J
J.r Mc Clk
30 September 1826
Met accordan to appointment and after worship Prosead to bisness A J Jeremiah McKay Clk
_ November l826
Met accordan to appointment and after worship Prosead to bisness A J Jeremiah McKay Clk
2 December 1826
Met accordan to appointment and after worship proceed to
bisness A J Jeremiah McKay Clk
3 February 1827
Met accordan to appointment and after Prayer prosead to bisness A J Jeremiah McKay Clk
(ORG. PAGE 85)
8 March 1827
Met accordan to appointment and after Prayer prosead to bisness 1st the Church a Gree to nominate one for
a Decon and to
think on it tell nex Meeting in Corse the one is Jeremiah McKay 2nd Br. Burrey Buckner applied for a letter the
Granted A J Jeremiah McKay Clk
__ March l827
Meet accordan to appointment and after Prayer Prosead to bisness 1st a motion maid concarning a pastor
and Consulted on
and what members were present agreed to take Br John. Driskel for there paster moshin lade ovcr tell nex
meeting in Corse
2. the arm of french broad church on Indian Creek sent to big pigon Church for help the granted agred John
Driskel Wm.
Colman A.m McKay and Benjamin Odell A j B.n Odell Clk
5 May 1827
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1. Concarning a Record lade over tell nex
meting in Corse
2. Concarning Br. John Driskel beining paster of this Church Lade over tell nex meeting & the A Greed to go
to the union
Meting John Driskel Benjamin Odell and Jeremiah McKay agreed that the Clk write a few Lynes to the union
meting A J
Jeremiah McKay Clk
June meting put off on the Count of the union Meting
30 June 1827
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1st Concarning Br. John Driskel being
paster of this
Church Lade over tell nex meeting in Corse 2. the Church appointed at October meting to Ordaine Jeremiah
McKay as a
Decon and Call the Br.n Henry Randolf W.m Center & Thomas Smith as a presbtere 3. the Church Received
the minutes
of the Holstine Association in the yeare 1827 as our minutes 4. A Greed that the Clk write the Church Letter to
the association
5 appointed the Bre.n as Dellegats to the Same John Driskel & Jeremiah McKay A J Jeremiah McKay Cik
4 August l827
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1. Concarning Br. John Driskel being
paster of this
Church the Moshen with Drand with his Request Concarning of him not being reconciled with Some Reports
2. the Church
Letter Red & Received 3 Lyda Vincen Received by Expearence 4. appointed more B.r to the Association Wm.
Abraham McKay A J Jeremiah McKay Clk
1 September 1827
Meet accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1. John Driskel and wife Milley applied
for a Letters of
Dismission the Same Granted A J Jeremiah McKay Clk
(ORG. PAGE 86)
5 October 1827
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness A J Met on the 6 after worship prosead to
bisness 1. the
Church nominated Br Gorge Allen a Decon or to be looked at as such tell nex meeting in Corse A J Jeremiah
McKay Clk
3 November 1827
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1. Concarning Br Gorge Allen Lad over tell
nex meting in
Corse 2. Mathew Slover applied for a letter of Dismission the same Granted A J Jerem McKay Clk
December January February 1828 No bisness Don at these 3 months as I can find
March 1st 1828
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1. Er Daniel Layman Came forward in the
name of
Bethel Church and Requested this Church to Recind on there Book Concarning Nancy Maples and Give hir in
to the hands
of Bethel Church as the Charge of Bethel Considers that their is the place that she will have to give
satisfaction and not to the
Big pigion Church which Request they granted 2, the Church also takes into Concideration the Case of
Thomas Hill and the
Church say they have no Charge a Gainst him to Deprive him of there Fellowship they do there fore a Gree to
Restore him his
former Previlages as usiel and to Give him a notification of what is Done by sending of him a few Lynes
him to Come forward and attend to them A J tell meeting in Corse Layman Jones Clk.
5 Apriel 1828
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1. the Church agree to aquit Brother
Gorge Allen as
Looking at him as a Deeon 2 the Odaination of a Decon prospond tell the Church think proper to put it forred
again 3 Br
Samuel Miller applied for a Letter of Dismission the Same Granted 4. Concarning the Church Requesting Br.
Thomas Hill
to attend this meting, he attend and s.d Church Give him the Rite hand of fellowship A J Jeremiah McKay Clk.
3 May 1828
Met accordan to appointment and worship prosead to bisness AJ Benjamine Odell Clk
30 May 1828
Met accordan to apointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1. Concarning a Decon laid over 2. the
Church appointed
Brn and Sisters to attend at Mary Nulands on the 2 of June 1828 to Receive members Br. Thomis Hill
Benjamin Odell
Mary Gormin Abrm McKay the Brn Driskel and Boman agred to Go also Sister Sary Blanchip applied for a
Letter of
Dismission the Same Granted 4. appointed the Brn Benjamin Odell and Jeremiah McKay to attend the union
meeting at
Long Creek 5. appointed the Clk to write a few Lynes to the Same A J John Driskel Modrator Jeremiah McKay
(ORG. PAGE 87)
5 July 1828
Met accordan to appointment and prayer prosead to bisness lst Rebekah Davis applied for a letter of
Dismission the Same
Granted 2. appointed the Clk. write the Churches Letter to the Association to be held at Creek meeting Hous
Hokens County
Tennesee 3. the Brethen appointed to attend the Same Br Thomis Hill W.m Colman and Jeremiah McKay 4.
the Br.n and
Sisters attended at Mary _______ Received Mary Newland by Expearance A J Jeremiah McKay Clk William
2 August 1828
Met acordan to appointment and after worship proceed to bisness. 1. the Church Letter to the Association
Red and Received
A J Jeremiah McKay Clk. J.n Driskel Modrator
6 September 1828
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness. 1st appointed the brethen to attend at
bent Creek Meeting
hous Green County on friday before the 1 Saturday in November 1828 to Meet other Brethen to forme a
Constution for an
Association Thomis HilI W.m Colman Benjamin Odell and Jeremiah McKay 2. appointed the Brethen
Benjamin Odell
and Jeremiah McKay to Cite Sister Mary Bridges to attend November meeting to let the Church no hir Reason
attending Meting A Jorng John Driskel Modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
1 November 1828
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1st Sister Mary Bridges Came forred and
Satisfaction to the Church A J Thomis Hill Modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
1828 December Meeting it being sd wet nothing Don
3 January 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness lst Recived two by Letter Benjamin
Roberts and wife
Barbere A J Thomis Hill Modrator no pen and Ink [here follows a blank half page]
(ORG. PAGE 88)
2 May 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after worship Proseaded to bisness 1. B.r John Huff applied for a letter of
Dimsmission the
Same Granted A.J John Driskel Modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
6 June 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness
4 July 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 appointed the B.r.n to attend the
association on the 1st Friday in September Thomis Hill Jeremiah McKay & Abraham McKay appointed the
Clark to
write the Letter to the association A J tell meting in Corse Thomis HilI Modrator Jeremiah McKay
1 August 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 the Church Letter to the
Association Red and Rece A J John Driskel Modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
3 October 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1st the Church a Gree for B.r Berjemin
Odell to Serve as
a decon as formly A J Jeremiah McKay Clk
31 October 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after Prar prosead to Bisness John Driskel Modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
5 December 1829
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Received Tollever Sisk by Expearance 2
John Mantuth by Expearence 3 Br Benjamin Roberts applied for a Letter for him Self and wife of demission
the same
Granted 4 Testimony Gormon applied for a letter of Dismission the Same Granted A.J. Thomis Hill Modrator
McKay Clk
2 January 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Received Mary Ann McKay by
Expenrance A J
Thomis Hill Modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
6 Febryary 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Received Nancy Sisk by Experence 2
Received Jane
Mantoth by Expearance A J Thomis Hill Modrator and Clk for the Day
(ORG. PAGE 89)
6 March 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness A J Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill
3 Apriel 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness A.J Thomis Hill Modrator
1 May 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Received 2 by letter Jeremiah Mier &
Rachel his wife
2 Benjamin Roberts & wife Returned thare Letter to the Church Thomis Hill Modrator Jeremiih McKay Clk
5 June 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Received 2 by Letter John Driskil & wife
milley 2 the
Church pointed Br John Huff to insite B.r Will Huff to attend nex Meeting to Give his reason absenting himself
from Church
meting 3 appointed B.r Toliver Sisk to invite B.r Gorge Allen to attend nex meting in corse to Give his reason
for absenting
his self from Church meting AJ Thomis Hill modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
3 July 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1. B.r John nor William Huff not attending
Lad over tell
nex meting 2 Br AIlen not attending Lad over tell nex meting A.J tel meting in Corse Thomis Hill modrator
31 July 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to Bisness 1 the Church appointed B.r John Huff to
invite B.r W.m
Huff to nex meting in Corse also appointed the Brethen John Mantuth Toliver Sisk to invite B.r Gorge Allen
nex meting in
Corse 3 appointed the to attend the association Thomis Hill John Mantuth & Toliver Sisk also the Clark
to write the
Churches Letter to the association A.J Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill modrator
4 September 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 B.r W.m Huff Came forred & give
Satisfaction 2 Br
Gorge Allen Came forred and give satisfaction 3 Re.ed Mikel Branson by Letter 4 the Church Letter red and
received 5
the Church appointed B.r Mikel Branson to go to the association as a Dilligate 6 B.r John Driskel applied for a
Letter of
Dismission for himself & wife milley the same Granted A J John Driskel modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
(ORG. PAGE 90)
2 October 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 AJ Thomis Hill modrator Jeremiah
McKay Clk
4 December 1830
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Br Benjamin Roberts and wife applied
for a Letter of
Dismission the same Granted A J tell meting in Corse Mikel Branson Modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
5 February 1831
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to Bisness A J tell Thomis Hill Modrator Jeremiah
McKay Clk
5 March 1831
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Received Lewsey Allen by Letter A J tell
Thomis Hill
Modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
2 Apriel 1831
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 Received Anderson Vinson by Letter 2
the Church to
Consider on the ordenation Br Branson tell nex meting in Corse A.J Thomis Hill modrator Jeremiah McKay
30 Apriel 1831
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 the Church agree to send for a Presbey
to ordane Br
Mikel Branson at July Meeting the Bethen Chosen H Randolph T.s Smith Pate & Jones 2 Received Lear
Faubion by
Expearanee A J Thomis Hill modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
4 June 1831
Met accordan to appointment and after worship Prosead to Bisness Michael Branson Mod Jeremiah McKay
July 2
The Church met according to appointment and after worship proceeded to business. 1. The Presbyterry sent
for last may viz.
Hery. Randolph, Tho.s Smith, and Samuel Pate,came, and after examining brother Michael Branson agreed
togethe with
the Church to ordain him tomorrow, Adjourned Henry Randolph Mod. Michael Branson Clerk protem.
(ORG. PAGE 91)
1831 Aug. 6th
Met according to appointment and after worship proeeeded to business - 1. The church appointed the
brethren Tho.s Hill
Michael Branson, Abraham McKay, and Jeramiah McKay to attend the Association at Concord. The Clerk,
Brother to help Branson appointed to write the Churches letter the Association. 2. Sister Hurst applied for a
letter of
dismission; the same was granted. Tho.s Hill, Moderator Jeremiah McKay Clerk
Sept. 3 1831
Church met according to appointment and after preaching proceeded to business - . 1. The Churches letter to
the Association
read and received. Tho.s Hill Mod. Jeramiah McKay Cl.k
Oct 1st 1831
The Church met according to appointment, and after preaching proceeded to businees. Michael Branson
Mod. and Clerk
Nov. 5th 1831
Met according to appointment and after preaching proceeded to business. Nothing came forward Thos HiII
Mod. Jeremiah
McKay C.l.k.
Dec. 3rd 1831
Met according to appointment and after sermon proceed to business. Michael Branson Mod Jeramiah McKay
4 Feb.ry 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after Sermon prosead to bisness 3 March 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness. 1 B.r Thomis Hill answurd to a Reporte
that was a bout
him Concarning him concarning fighting & c and the Church Satisfide with him 2. B.r Anderson Vinson
answered to certen
Reporte about himself and satisfied the Church Ajornd Thomis Hill Modrator Mi el Branson Clk
31 March 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after two Sermonts prosead to bisness AJ Jeremiah McKay clk Thomis Hill
5 May 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after preaching prosead to bisness AJ Jer ah McKay clk Thomis Hill
2 June 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after Preaching prosead to bisness Thomis Hill Modrator Jer ah McKay clk
30 June 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after preaching prosead to bisness Thomis Hill Modrator Jeremiah McKay
(ORG. PAGE 92)
4 August 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen & the Constution of the Church Explained by B.r Thomis Hill
Prosead to
bisnes 1 the Church agree to alter of meeting at 10 clock to 12 on Church meeting Day 2 Concord Church
Sent for fhree
members Thomis Hill Michael Branson & Jeremiah McKay which the granted to meet on the 2nd Tusday in
1832 - 3 the Church monstruth against the 3 which Don on Saturday (TRAN. PAGE 58)
of the mitees of the Association in 1831 4 prosead For members to go to the Association appointed the B.r
Thomis Hill
Mikel Branson Jeremiah McKay & Toliver Sisk 5 the Clk to write the Churchs Letter to the Association to
present it nex
meeting in corse A J Thomis Hill modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
1 September 1832
Met accordan to appointment after preachen Prosead to bisness 1. Sister Mary Bridges applied For a letter of
the same chged that is She has Never Give Satisiaction Concarning Report that was a bout hir and she left
Still renden Cencier
of the Church 2 the Letter Red and Received Thomis Hill Modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
5 October 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen Prosead to bisness 1 Respecting Mary Bridges after
Conversion on the
Subject we Exclude hir from This Church For a Dultry a Jornd tell tomorrow 10 OClock Thomis Hill Modrator
McKay Clk
6 Oct.r
Met accordan appointment after preachen Prosead to bisness 1. Received Orphe Mathes by Letter 2
Received John
Faubion by Expearence 3 the Church appointed the Brethen to attend at Clay Creek Meeting Hous to Meet
the Comity that
the Association Sent to Settle a Distress on the 30 of October 1822 Thomis Hill Mikel Branson Jeremiah
William Colman Johm Mantuth Abraham McKay Benjamin Odell William Huff John Faubion Thomis Hill
Modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
3 November 1832
Met accordan to appointment and after preaching Prosead to bisness 1 B.r Thomis Hill applied for a Letter of
Dismission for
Sarah Strange
(ORG. PAGE 93)
which was granted 2. Whearas we appointed a number of members Last Meting to attend at Clay Creek the
30 of October to
settle a mater of Distrest in the Churches the Distrest not being settled Thare we have agreed to meet at
Bethel South on the
forth friday in November to try to setle the Distrest betwene us and that Church _erim Move for which heerfore
we Have
appointed the Br Thomis Hill Jeremiah McKay Abraham McKay and Mikel Branson to attend at the time and
above Mention for that Purpose A Jornd Thomis Hill Mod. Mikel Branson Clk protem
1 December 1832
A wet Day and nobody met but Hill and Branson
5 January 1833
Met accordan to appointment after preachen Prosead to bisness Received a letter from B.r Gorge Allen
wishing for this
Church to send him a Letter of Dismission in Wilson County West Tennessee the Church Objected and Thot it
best to Waite
till He mad Returne the Church agree to send him a letter to let him know that they had Sum Objection that
the Brethen Mikel
Branson modrator and Jeremiah McKay Clk To write the Letter Mikel Branson Modrator Jeremiah McKay
2 February 1833
Met accorden to appointment after preachen Further pro__ded
2 March 1833
Bad wether no Bisness Don Sunday the Church met Dore Open Oliver H P Hill Received by Expearance and
Bapise by
Mikel Branson
5 Apriel 1833
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to Church bisness 1 the Church in vites Sister
Vinson and Br.
Anderson Vinson to attend our nex meting by the Br John Ellis & Jeremiah McKay to Give thar Reason for not
Church Meeting and to anseer to sum Reports in Surclation
Saturday the 6
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 The Church invite B.r Jes.e a Colerd
man to attend
nex meeting invited by the Br Benjamin Odell and Jeremiah McKay 2 The Church a Gree to travel for A Decon
tell nex
(ORG. PAGE 94)
3 the Church A Gree to in vite Sister Breden and Sister Allen which we understand they have Letters of
Dismisaion invited by B.r Tolver Sisk and Thomis Hill Mod Jeremiah McKay Clk
4 May 1833
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Sister & Br Vinson was invited but
Dident attend
For which the Church Exelude them For Hold _ arme_ing Doctrin and refuse to here the Church also for
Reports on
Anderson Vinson that he drank two much and was at a Shuting mach and was Shuting . the Reports on Lydey
Vinson that
she Dident Hold Sum of the members in fellowship nor Cood not 2 Jess Came forred and Give Satisfaction 3
Received John
Lillard by the Gra_ of a Letter also Cherty Smith 4 the Church ____ thar mind Concarning Decons and
Chosen the Br
Tolver Sisk and John Mantuth and to be Ordained nex meting 5 Received Sary Breding by Letter A J Thomis
Hill Mod
Jeremiah McKay Clk
1 June 1833
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen Prosead to bisness 1 Received Thomis A Brant by Letter 2
the Church a
Gree to hold Church meeting at Thomis Allens Concarning Sister Allen not being able to Come to Give hir
Letter of
Dismission to be on friday before meting in Corse 3 the Brethen Tolver Sisk & John Mantuth Exammed and
ordain as
Decons by Thomis _____ Thomis Hill and Mikel Branson A J Thomis HilI Modrator Jeremish McKay Clk
5 July 1833
Met accordan to appointment at Thomis Allens and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Sister Viney Allen
Give up hir
Letter to the Church and was received in fellowship A Jorn to I2 Oclock tomorrow at the meeting hous
Saturday the 6
met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church Give Brother John Huff
Privilede to
Excercise his Gif in the Bounds of the Church A J Jer McKay Clk Thomis Hill Modrator
(ORG. PAGE 95)
7th on Sunday after preachen the Church open a Dore for to Receive members Peter Huff G__ Wiley Luke
Came forred and was Received by Expearance and Baptise by By Br Mikel Branson Thomis Hill modrator
McK clk
3 August 1833
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen Prosead to bisness 1 Received Nancy Huff by Expearance
2 Joseph Allen
Sent his acnoledgment to this Church by Letter from the misorie and Obtained a letter of Dismission also
Sister Rachel Allen
Sent for a Letter of Dismission the same Granted 3 the Church appointed the Brethen Thomis Hill Mikel
Branson John
Huff to attend the Association at Bethel South on the 4 Friday in September 1833 4 appointed the Brn Mikel
Tolever Sisk with the Clk to write the Churches Letter to the Association to be inspected nex meeting in corse
A J tell
meeting in corse Thomis Hill Modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
4 August on Sunday
the Church Open a Dore for members James Ronunds came forred and Give in Expearance and was baptise
by Br Thomis
3l August 1833
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received Josiah Lutfin by Expearance
2 Received
Litten Holt by Expearance 3 Hetty Vinson applied for aleter of Dismission the same Granted 4 the Churches
Letter to the
Association Red and 5 the Church agree to Licen Br John Huff to preach the Gospel when Ever the Lord may
Call him
Thomis Hill modrator A J Jeremiah McKay Cik
October 1833
the Church met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 IsbelI Yongblod Received by
Expearance 2
Received Elisabeth Wiley by Expearance 3 Received Sary Branson by Expearance
(ORG. PAGE 96)
October 6 Sunday
open a Dore for Expearance & Received Arunah Hill By Expearance November 1833 the Church met
accordan to
appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 appointed Brethen John Huff and Jeremiah M_____ to
go and see
Sister Altha Sutton and invite her to attend
End of Minutes - Big Pigeon Baptist Church 1787 - 1874
Pages 50 – 59
Cocke County, Tennessee
Big Pigeon Church Minutes 1787 - 1874
Pages 60 - 69
(ORG. PAGE 96 - Cont.)
1833 - cont.
our nex meeting and give hir reason for holding hir Letter so long A J tell to morrow.
Saturday met accordan to a Jornment 1 B.r Littlenton U Holt applied for a Letter of Dismission which was
Granted 2 A
Dore was Open and Elizabeth Henry was Received by Expearance 3 Elijah Breding was Received by
Expearance 4 on
Sunday A Dore was opened and Margaret McNabb was Received by Expeararce
30 November 1833
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Brethen Hoeue [who] was to invite
Sister Sutten,
failed, and the Church wishes for them to invite hir to Nex meeting 2 Received Mary Elles by Expearance A J
Thomis Hill
moderator Jeremiah McKay Clk
4 January 1834
the Church met acordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness the Breth met that was
appointed to vite Sister
Suten to meeting the mater stands Just as it was Toliver Sisk Clk
February 1834
Met accordan to appointment after preachen prosead to bisness 1 with Regard to Sister Sutten the Bisness
as it was till nex
meting in corse 2 a minet Red from our Association and Received 3 a minut from French brod Association to
be Red nex
(ORG. PAGE 97 - Cont.)
1 March 1834
this Church met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Brother Luke L Branu_
applied for a letter
which was was Granted 2 Sister Agnes Allen applied for a letter which was Granted 3 the Case of Sister
Sutten Refured tell
nex meting in Corse Toliver Sisk Clk
4 Apriel 1834
the Church met Accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Brother Huff Reported the
Case of Sister
Suten and as it appearse the Letter she holds was not Give hir by this Church we have no more to do with hir
case 2 Didama
Rose Received by Expearance Thomis Hill mod Mikel Branson Clk protem
2 May 1834
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1. the Constitucian of the Church and
Rules Red 2 the
Church appointed members to attend Butlers Meeting Hous to Hold meeting with the members of Betheney
Church Thomis
Hill Wm Huff James Romines John Lilard John Ellis Abraham & Jeremiah McKay A Jornd Jeremiah McKay
Thomas Hill modrator
31 May 1834
This Church met according to appointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness Toliver Sisk Clk
1 June 1834
whereas Br Branson motion to this Church to Here Br Iruna Hill Repation the Church a Gree to do so & B.r
Iruna Hill
Came forred & tole this Church his mind & Feelings and this Church Give him Leave to Excercise his Gift in
the Bounds of this
Church Toliver Sisk Clk
(ORG. PAGE 98 - Cont.)
5 July 1834
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness Church of Christ on Big pigion Dear
Brethen & Sisters
we have Received Several Names it appears that you wish a arme at the New meeting Hous on Bogard we
think it best to
meet thar Onley when Tharis nead of Holding Church Meeting A J Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill moderator
2 August 1834
Met accodan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 appointed the Brn to attend the
Association at Big
pigion on the 4 Friday in September 1834 Thomis Hill Mikel Branson and John Huff 2 Mikel Branson &
McKay appointed to write Church Letter to the same 3 Received Embe Robeson from South Calina Seconed
Church under
the wach Care of this Church Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill modrator
September the 6 1834
the Church met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1. the Church Letter to the
Association Red
and Received
4 October 1834
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Thomis brent applied For a letter of
Dismission by a
letter he sent from the Allebam State the Same Granted A.J Mikel Branson modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
31 October 1834
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received James Oxford and wife by
letter 2 Sister
Rachel Matox applied for a letter of Dismission the same granted A J Jeremiah McKay Clk Mikel Branson
l November 1834
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 AJ Jeremiah McKay Clk Mikel Branson
[In margin for these two days there is written: 31 October 1834 Saturday this was done on November 1834
and this on Friday
6 December 1834
Nothing Don
January 1835
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 A J Jeremiah McKay Clk Mikel
Branson modrator
February and March Bad wether no body attended 1835
(ORG. PAGE 99 )
4 Apriel 1835
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received W.m Free and wife Ellender
by Letter A J
Thomis Hill modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
2 May 1835
this Church met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness A J Thomis Hill modrator
Toliver Sisk Clk
6 June 1835
this Church met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness A J Thomis Hill mod Tolver
Sisk Clk
4 July 1835
this Church met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Rec.d Emb Robertson by
Letter 2 the
Church appointed Br Abraham McKay to tak the Subscription paper and git the Stove Toliver Sisk Clk Thomis
August 1835
Met accordan to appointment and after preaching prosead to bisness 1 the Church a Gree to adobt the
abstract of princbles
which was adopited in a minet of the french Broad association Except the first article in other words 2 the
Church appointed
the Br to the Association Mikel Branson Thomis Hill and Jeremiah McKay at warrensburg and the Clk to write
Churches Letter to the Same and to be Red nex meting 3 Sister Didame Rose applied for aletter of
Dismission the same
Granted A J Jeremiah McKay Clk Mikel Branson mod
5 September 1835
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church a Gree to have the
Constution of the Noley
Chuckey to be Recorded in the thar Church Book as ther Constution 2 the Church Letter to the association
Red and Received
A J Thomis Hill Modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
(ORG. PAGE 100)
3 October 1835
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Br James Oxford applied for a Letter
of Dismission
for himself & wife Mary the same Granted A jornd John Huff modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
31 October 1835
Met accordan to appointment & after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Excumated Orphe Mathes from this
Church for joined
the Presbeteren Sociaty 2 Received Rebeckah Branson by Letter A J 3 Br William Free applyed for a Letter of
for him self & wife Ellender the same Granted Jeremiah McKay Mikel Branson modrator
5 December 1835
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received Mary murr by Letter 2
Pointed the Brethen
Tolever Sisk & Jeremiah McKay to invite Br william Huff to Nex meeting and Give his reason for absenting his
self from
Church meeting Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill modrator
2 January 1836
Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to Bisness 1 B.r W.m Huff came forred and Give
Satisfaction 2 the
Church Agree to have all the members names Put on a paper
to Gethere the males to Gether & the females to Gether and to be Call at Church meetings A J Mikel Branson
Jeremiah McKay Clk
(ORG. PAGE 102)
6 March 1836
No meeting on Saturday on Sunday James Romines applied for a Letter of Dismission the same Granted
Mikel Branson m
2 Apriel 1836
Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church Gree to Send for the Brethen
Randolph Thomis Smith Josiah Leeth to attend our nex meeting in Corse as it is our Communion meeting
McKay Clk Mikel Branson mod
29 Apriel 1836
met accordan to appointment & after preachen proud Sead to bisness 1 the Church A J till to morrow 12
oclock Jeremiah
McKay Clk Thomis Hill mo-or
30 Apriel
met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church agree to in vite B.r p_ny
Hill to our nex
meeting by B.r Branson to Give his Reason for his abeenting his self from meeting 2 Appointed B.r Thomis
Hill to Go & See
B. Josiah Swetman & know why he has not Come to meeting 3 Appointed Sister Odell to Go & See Sister
Robertson & inquire of Sum Reports Concenning hir and Invite hir to meeting 4 the Church agree to have the
folling records
Recorded which if anney member or members Joind Either of the sociatys Is to be Delt with the Same if they
Joine anney other
Sociaty to wit Since we see the Sociatis and Institutions of the day are Causing Divisions in Churches whene
Ever they are
introduced and as they are not warrented by the word of God therefore Resolve that we declare an
unfellowship with the
Tempe_nce Tracts Manumition Home Missionary Sociaties and Sunday School union
(ORG. PAGE 103)
30 Apriel
5 The Church agree to have the Comunion Season on the first of May & November 6 Received Judah
Anderson by
Expearance Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill modrator
2 July 1836
Met acordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A Jornd tell meeting in Corse Thomis
Hill modrator
Jeremiah McKay Clk
6 August 1836
pople met no preaeher attended Nothing Don
3 September 1836
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness 1 the Church agreed to appoint the Bre
to the
Association mikel Branson Thomis Hill & John Huff 2 Sinea Elleton and Luiisea Allen applied for a Letter of
Dismission By Sister Charety Smith the Same Granted 3 the Church a Gree to have sed home in thar
objection to the
missinery [this perhaps may explain the fact that "Home" is inserted above and between the words
"Manumition" and
"Missionary" on page 102] Jeremiah McKay Clk Mikel Branson modrator
1 October 1836
Met accordan to appiontment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Sister Levina Allen applied for a Letter
of Dismission
the Same Granted A jornd Jeremiah McKay Clk Milkel Branson modrator
(ORG. PAGE 104)
4 November 1836
Met accordan to appointment and after prayr prosead to Bisness 1 A.J tell to morrow 12 oclock 5 met
accordan to
appointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness 1 Respeting Brer Swetman which Br Hill was to in vite
him to meeting he
Has faild in being ___ the Church appointed Brother John Huff to in vite Br Swetman to nex meeting the
Church to Consider
Br John Huff Ordnation Thomis Hill modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
31 December 1836
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness 1 appointed Br O H Hill Clark protem 2
Br Mikel
Branson applied for a letter of Dismission for him self and Sary the Same Granted 3 also for a letter for Sister
Branson the same Granted 4 our
Clk orderd to write Same O H P Hill Clk Protem
4 February 1837
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Br John Huff invited Br Swetman he
has faild to
Come the Church Laid it over tell nex meting 2 the Church agree to Br John Huffs Ordination at May meeting
a Greed to Call
the Bre.n Henry Randolph and Thomis Smith & the Clk to write to Br Randolph A jorne tell meting in corse
McKay Clk Thomis Smith modrator
(ORG. PAGE 105)
6 May 1837
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received by Letter Lyda quilims 2 the
Presbyteer met
Examed Br John Huff as a preacher to Ordain Him his answers Excepted appointed to Ordain Him on the 7
by Thomis Hill
Samuel Pate & Thomis Smith which was Don A J Jeremiah McKay Clk Samuel Pate modrator
3 June 1837
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received Mary Brigg [or Bugg] by
Letter A J John
Huff modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
1 July 1837
no meeting
5 August 1837
Met accordam to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church tuck up the Grevence that
Brother Hill had
with Bethany Church also the Church being Greved with s.d Church for hir acts the Church agree to Send
members to Inquire
in to the Distrest Benjamin Odell John Huff John Mantuth Toliver Sisk John Ellis Elijah Breeding John Lillard
Abraham McKay Jeremiah McKay Wm. Huff Peter Huff to attend the 3 Saturday Insted 2 appointed the Clk to
write a
Letter to Bethany Stating the Churches Destrest 3 the Church agreed to send Dilligats to the Association
Thomis Hill EIijah
Breeding John Huff & Jeremiah McKay appointed. Toliver Sisk with the Clk to write the churches Letter to the
Association to be Red nex meeting A J Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill moderator
2 September 1837
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness 1 the members that was sent from this
Church to Bethany
church Reported that the s.d church had nothing aGainst Br Thomas Hill more then they lad Bare and that the
sd Church
Refuesed to Received them and Letter the Church not Satsfyed a Greed to appoint the Brn Abraham McKay
Tolver Sisk
& Jo_ Lillard to have a Letter to s.d church which Br M.l Branson wuth the Clk is to write a letter and to be
Red nex meting
(ORG. PAGE 106)
2 Sep 37
Stating where in the church is dissatisfyd the churches letter Red Received Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill
30 September 1837
Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Letter to bethany Red and Received
A J till meting in
corse Jeremiah McKay Clk Henry Randolph moderator
3 November 1837
Met accordan to ajornment and after prayr prosead to bsness 1 the Dilligate that was Sent to bethany Churcb
went and
Reported the Bethany Church has agreed to se_ two Dilligats to our nex meeting in Corse to Let us no thair
mnd Concerning
the Charges we Hold against hir Toliver Sisk Clk
2 December 1837
Met accordan to apoint and after preachen prosead to Bisness 1 the members from Bethany attended this
church not Satisfied
Lad it over tell nex meting in corse 2 Rece.d W.m Garrett by Letter Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomas Hill
6 Jannuary 1838
Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 this church agree to call on three
Churches for helps Bent
Creek Hope well County Line to Setle a destrest with Bethany Church to meet at Bethany Church on the 3
Saturday & the
day before in Apriel 1838 2 the Clk to write to those Churches 3 agreed that the Bre.n Bare the Letters to the
s.d Churches
John Huff & Jeremiah
McKay A J tell meting in corse Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill modrator
Febr- 1838
March cold wether no meeting nothing Don
(ORG. PAGE 107)
31 March 1838
Met accordan to appointment & after worship prosead to bisness 1 the Church agreed to not Call for the
furren Brethen as the
Brn. faild carren the Letters to them. 2 a Greed to call for members out of Slate Creek Church Antyock
Hopewell &
Providence to meet at Bethany church on 3 Saturday in May 1838 4 to appoint the Brn to attend at Bethany
Church John
Lillard and Elijah Breden Tolever Sisk John and Wm. Huff.s John Faubion John Ellis Abraham & Jeremiah
the Clk to write to Slate Creek Church Br Hill to write to the Ballence A J Thomis Hll modra Jeremiah McKay
5 May 1838
this Church met accordan to Ajorment and after preachen prosead to bisness no bisness Came forred A j T. S
2 June 1838
Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church Received the Report from
Bethany Church or
the Members that attended thar 2 Br Samuel Millar Came forred and Give Satisfaction to this Church A Jn tell
meeting in
corse John Huff modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk the Reporte is as folles
Report Met May 19 Day 1838
at Bethany Church on Cosby Crek for the purpis of Reclaimimg hir to fellow ship or Deal with hir for hir
Conduct the Church
Give us that was here present Satisfaction all but three a List of the Names of the members Restored to
fellowship Frances A
Cavender Case Yo_ tha Case Kisiah Wilhite Martha Gillian Rodah Seals Jain McFalls Cassea Clark Jain L
Sarah Drilling those that wont Give
(ORG. PAGE 108)
Satisfaction for thar ur__re to wit Rusel Allen Samuel Miller Phillip Jinkins The Desishion of Big pigion
members and
Helps that was present Hold that the Eleven that was Restored to fellowship is the Church - The members of
Big pigion with
the members Called on by hir of other Church to wit the Church Antoch A.m Hill from provedence Samuel
Pate from
Hopewell Richard Wood and Henry Parrett the members from Big pigion William Huff Thomis Hill John Lillard
Huff Abraham McKay Elijah Breeding
30 June 1838
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Reported that Sister Nancy Allen has
Joind the
freewill Baptis appointed Sisters Charity Smith Sary Huff to See hir to no whether it is so no and to make
Report nex
meeting in Corse 2 the Church agree to send a letter to provadence Church to Let hir no our princbles against
the Sociaties of
the Day Samuel Pate which we Reseved thar Diligate but no Letter A J tell meeting in Corse Jeremiah McKay
Clk Thomis
Hill modrater
4 August 1838
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Sisters that was to see Sister
Nancy Allen made
thar Reporte 2 the Church Excumation the s.d Sister for Joinen the freewill Baptis 3 the Church appointed the
Brethen to
attend the association at Big pigion Thomis Hill Jeremiah McKay & Toliver Sisk 4 the Clk to write the
Churches Letter to
the same to be Red nex meeting in Corse 5 the members present is to invite ballence to Come to nex meting
in. Corse A J
Thomis Hill modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
September 1838
Met accordan to appointment and after worship prosead to bisness 1 the Church Letter Red and Receved 2 A
J tell meeting in
corse Thomis Hill modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
(ORG. PAGE 109)
No record 6 October 1838
2 November
This Church met and after Preachen sat in a church way but there being no bisness A J tell to morrow
Morning Saturday Met
According to Ajn. and after preachen prosead to bisness - 1st Recd William Cross & his wife Rebekah by
Letter T S Clk
1 December 1838
Met but no Preacher
January 1839 February 1839
no meeting
2 March 1839
Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church agree to appoint Br John
Huff a sisten
modrator 2 Br applied for a letter of Dismission for him self and wife Rebeekah the same granted [Minutes do
not name the
Brother] A J tell meeting Thomis Hill modrater Jeremiah McKay Clk
6 Apriel 1839
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Receivd Charen Inegorem by letter 2
B.r Wm Cross
Declind moving away and Give up the Letter was Granted to them A Jornd Jeremiah McKay Clk John Huff
4 May 1839
Met accordan to appointment and 2 preached prosead to bisness - Repection Bethany Church & the
members from Big pigion
Church agreed when the Destresst was Setled that if anney the members of Betheney Come to Big pigion
Church & Give
Satisfaction _Repection turning of B.r Hill from being thar pasturel Care thar acknoledgment was to be
Received and as
Samuel Miller Came forred to this Church and Maid his acknowledgment of his Irre and Gaind fellowship this
Church at 2
June 1838 and got a letter to shoe what had bin Don and as he has Refuesed to Give the Letter to Bethany
Church we agree
to put him in the same plaee where we found him A J tell meeting in corse Jeremiah McKay Clk John Huff
June 1839
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 this Church Received by one of
Bethany Church
members a Record of thare Meeting 24 November 1838 which Give us to understand that
(ORG. PAGE 110)
Samuel R Miller is a member with them A J John Huff modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
no meeting 6 July 1839
3 August 1839
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Chose Br to attend the Association at
Thomis Hill John Huff Tollever Sisk Jeremiah McKay John Mantuth John Lillard 2 William Cross and wife for a
Letter of Dismission the same granted A J Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill modrator
31 Augtust 1839
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church Letter Red and a menent
maid_ Jeremiah
McKay Clk Henry Randolph modrator
5 October 1839
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A J Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill
1 November 1839
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A J to morrow 12 oclock Thomis Hill
Jeremiah McKay Clk met accordan to appointment after preachen prosead to bisness
December 1839 & January 1840
no Record foun nerry February
29 February 1840
the baptis Church of Christ at Big pigion met accordan to ajornement and after preachen prosead to bisness 1
Sister Isbell
Yongblood applied for a Letter which was Granted 2 appointed Tolever Sisk to go and see Br John Huff and
Enquire of
him his Reason for not attending meeting
4 Apriel 1840
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness 1. the Church agree to Invite the
Brethen to attend nex
meetintg Wi-m Huff and Peter Huff Marget allen B.r John Lillard to Invite 2 Br Hill to Invite Br murr 3 Br Bredin
invite Br Swetman 4 the Church agree to Exclude Gorge allen for Disobedanee & a Report that he had a child
by a yong
woman and agreed to marrer hir and Disappointed hir. A J Tos Hill modrator Jeremiah McKay Cik
(ORG. PAGE 111)
2 May 1840
this Church met accordan to appointtment and after preachen attended to Bisness 1 appointed Br Hill to invite
Br Swetman to
come to meeting if he could find where he lived and tell the Church his reason for not attending meeting
6 June 1840
Met accordan to appointment
and after preachen prosead to bisness 1. the Church a Gree to have the Decest members Names Recorded
on the Church
Book Look on the out Side Leaf for there names A J Thomis Hill mo.tor Jeremiah McKay Clk
July no meting
1 August l840 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Churches
Constution & Rules Red 2
Sister Marget allen Give Satisfaction for hir Neglect of meeting 3 Br Wm. Huff applied for a letter of
Dismission by Br John
Lillard the same Granted 4 the Church a Gree to appoint the Brethen to attend the Association at Frenship
meeting Hous on
Friday before 1 Saturday in October 1840 Thomis Hill Tolever Sisk Elijah Breedin John Lillard & Jeremiah
& the Clk to write the Churches Letter to the same & to be Red Nex meeting for Exammeniat A J Thomis Hill
Jeremiah McKay Clk
5 September 1840
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen Prosead to bisness 1 the Letter to the Association Red and
Received A J
Laxon Case modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk [in margin:] 45 members
(ORG. PAGE 112)
3 October 1840
no meeting on the acount of the Association at frenship meeting house
30 October
Met no brethen no bisness Don
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received M_____et Runnion by
Exparance A J tell
meeting in Corse Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill Modrator
December 1840
6 February 1841
This Church met accordn to A Grement and after preachen prosead to bisness Tolever Sisk Clk
6 March 1841
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received Areheble Borden by
Declaring a Gainst
Sociates of the Day which be Long to warrensburg Church which is a missionary one A Jornd Jeremiah
McKay Clk
Thomis Hill mod
3 Apriel 1841
no meeting on Saturday Thomas Smith preache on Sunday
30 Apriel 1841
no meting
1 May 1841
met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness a jorned meting Arrunal Hill m.or
Jeremiah McKay
June & July 1841
no Church meeting
Preachen on Sunday 31 July 1841
met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church agree to Let Dr Ramsey
have the church
Book if the person will be wiling to be Bound for the Delivery who takes it to him 2 the Church agree to
appoint the Br to
attend the Association at Long Creek on the 1 friday in October Thomas Hill Jon Mantuth Tolivar Sick &
McKay and the Clark to write the Churches letter to the same 3 Cathern Ingram applied for a letter of Dismiss
the Same
Granted Thomas Hill modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
[The typed manuscript I received jumps here from July 1841 to April 1842. GRB]
(ORG. PAGE 113)
2 Apriel 1842
Met accordan to Appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Mary mur applied for a Letter of
Dismiss the Same
Granted 2 Received Rachel Bordan by Delaring unfellowship with the Sociaties of the Day be Longing to
warrens burg
Church A jornd Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill modr.
29 Apriel l842
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A J Jeremiah McKay Cik Thomis Hill
30 Apriel
met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 ajornd Jeremiah McKay Clk Samuel pate
4 June 1842
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received Sary Roberts by Experance
and was
Baptise on Sunday Ajornd Thomis HilI modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
2 July 1842
Met Accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church agree to appoint the 2
Thursday in August
for fast day to meet at the meeting Hous Thomis Hill moderator Jeremiah
McKay Clk
11 August 1842
met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st the Churchs Constution and Rules
Red the church
appoint the Brethen to the Association Thomis Hill John Lillard and Jeremiah McKay to be held at bent Creek
Hous & A & Jeremiah McKays to write the churches Letter to the same and to be Red at nex meeting in corse
Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill modrator
3 September 1842
met accordan to appointment and after preachen to bisness
(ORG. PAGE 114)
1 the Letter Red and Received 2 appoint Br John Huff to attend the Association A J John Huff modr Jeremiah
October and Novemeber
no meeting on the acount of no preaeher
3 December 1842
met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A J Thomis Hill modrator Jeremiah
McKay Clk
January & February 1843
no Bisness Don _
March 1843
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received John Carney on Declarration
2 Received
Gorge Roberts on Delaration A J Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Smith modrator
1 Apriel 1843
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Ajorned tell meting in corse Jeremiah
McKay Clk
Thomas Smith modrator
no preachen 5 May 6 1843
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received Nicole. parker by Ajornd
McKay Clk Thomas Hill modr
3 June 1843
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the church to write to Br Pery Hill & the
Clk to write
the Letter and to be Red at nex church meeting also to write to Br John Huff 2 the Church A Gree to send for
Br Murr to no
why he has absent from Church meeting the Bre Gorge Roberts and Elijah Breden to in vite him to nex
meeting 3 the
Church Request that the Clk to Exammon the church Book whether Br L. Holt has got a Letter Granted unto
him A Jorned
Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomas Hill modrator
July 1843
met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Letter to Br pery Hill Red and
Received 2
Concarning Br Murrh Lad over tell meeting in Corse 3 Ln Holt Got a Letter 4 Br Carney came forred and ask
priveledg to
Excersice his Giff the same Granted 5 the sent to Br Huff A jorned tell meeting in corse Jeremiah McKay Clk
Smith modrator
August 1843
The church met accordan to Ajornment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the church appointed Brethen
Thomas Hill
Jeremiah McKay Tollever Sisk Archeble Bordan and
(ORG. PAGE 115)
John Lillard to attend our Association Br Jeremiah McKay to write the Churches Letter Tolever Sisk Clk
Laxson Case
2 September 1843
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness Churches Constution & Rules Red and
Confurm A J
Jeremiah McKay Clk Wilson Oliver Mod
30 September 1843
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Jeremiah Mur applied by Letter for a
letter of
Dismission for him self and wife which the Church Refuesed they wish for him to come and Give Satisfaction
which we Invite
him to nex meeting by the Brethen Roberts and Br ______ the Churches Letter to the Association Red and
Thomas Hill mod Jeremiah McKay Clk
3 November 1843
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness the church taken the matter of Br murs
and wife Lade
over the matter to morrow A J Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Hill modrator
4 November Saturday
after preachen prosead to bisness 1 taking up the mature of Br Murs and wife the church agree to invite Br
Mur and wife by
the Brethen Breden & Sisk to nex meeting in corse A Jorned Jeremiah McKay
Clk Wilson Oliver moderator
6 January 1844
the Church met and after prayr prosead to bisness but Brother Breding not being present the case of Murr
was not taken up
the Received a Letter from O H P Hill Thomas Hill modrator Tolevor Sisk Clk
2 March 1844
Met accordan to appointment after preachen the church agree to not go in to anney bisness but few members
and none of the
Records present Jeremiah McKay Clk
6 Apriel 1844
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen by Br Smith proseaded to bisness the matter Respecten
Jeremiah Murr &
wife the Church Excluded them for Denining the faith Disobeing the Church & Joining the freewill Baptis
Sociaty 2 the mater
(ORG. PAGE 116)
O H P Hill the church ant Reconciled to his answer to the Church to Give him aletter at the present Jeremiah
McKay Clk
Thomis Smith modrator
3 May 1844
the Church met accordan to ajornment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A J Tolever Sisk Clk Thomes
Hill modrntor
Saturday the 4
Met accordan to apointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness 1 Br O H P Hill applied for aletter of
Dismission the
Same Granted and Br Tolever Sisk to write the Letter and Read the same at nex meeting to the Church A
Jorened tell
meeting in corse Tolever Sisk Clk Thomas Smith modrator
1 June 1844
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Letter to Br O H P Hill of
Dismission Red and
Received the church agreed for Br Er Hill to Send it on to him as Sune as Convenient A jorned Jeremiah
McKay Clk
Thomis Hill modrator
no count of July August September and October Meetings in 1844
(ORG. (page 117 is a blank page, 118)
1 November 1844
But five met no preachen 2nd Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st
Breathen Gorge
Russell and Wm Hendrickson presented a Request to this Church to come to providence Church and Setle a
between Br Hill and Br Pate the church thinks it not in order and Refuse to Go A J advise of the association
Tolever Sisk Clk
on Sunday the 3
the Church sat and Elizabeth Smith came forred and was Received by Expearance and was Baptised by
Thomas Hill
Thomas Hill modrator
4 January 1845
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Chosen Br Jeremiah McKay modr. 2
Brother John
Carne applied for a Letter of Dismission the Same Granted 3 Br Archeble Bordan and wife applied for a Letter
Dismission the same Granted Sister Judith Anderson applied for a Letter of Dismission the Same Granted A J
tell meeting in
corse Jeremiah Clk
February 1845
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 after inquire if there was anney
bisness non A J John
Ellis modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
30 May 1845
met but no preacher
on 31
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st Lyda Henderson applied for a Letter
by Br Smith
of Dismission the Same Granted and the Clk conve the Same to hir A J tell meeting in corse Thomas Smith
Jeremiah McKay Clk
this Record belong before May it was Looked over 5 Apriel 1845 Met accordan to appointment and after
preachen prosead
to bisness 1st the Church a Greed to put of the communion tell June meeting A J Thomas Smith moderator
McKay Clk (Eld Thomas Smith chose Pastor as Eld Thomas Hill Died Mar 1 1845)
5 July 1845
this Church met accordan to A jornemt and after preachen prosead to bisness Tolever Sisk Clk Thomas Smith
2 August 1845
this Church met and prosead
to bisness 1 appointed Brethen Elijah Breden John Lillard Tollever Sisk and Abraham McKay to the
Association and Br
Jeremiah McKay to write the Churches Letter Tolever Sisk Clk
6 September 1845
met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church Letter to the Association
Red and Received
2 the Church Chosen brother Thomas Smith to be thar Pastrel Care with full consent 3 the Rules of the
Church Red
(ORG. PAGE 119)
September 1845
A J tell meeting in corse Thomas Smith modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
October November December no Church meeting
January February and March 1846 no Church Meeting atime or two preach on Sunday
4 Apriel 1846
Met accorden to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church agreed to write to Brother
Peter Huff to
no what is his Reason for absenting himself from the Church without aletter and the Clk to write the Letter 2
We Concider that
the Commencement of the bisness between Brother Pate & Brother Hill was not agreeable to the Gospel
Deseplen nor Sence
tharfore this Church obgects against the advise of the association the 5 article which is for this Church to Go
to Providence
Church to try to Gain Reconcilation this Church thinks She Give no Grounds for a h___ as she invited one of
them to preach
and both to the Comunion table and one Did preach on Sunday A Jorned tell meeting in Corse Jeremiah
McKay Clk
Thomas Smith modrator
1 May 1846
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Brother Swetman took under
conciderration Lad over
tell to morrow Concarning him absenting himself from this Church A J tell to morrow Jeremiah McKay Clk
Thomas Smith
2 Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Br Josiah Swetman
Excommuncated for absenting
himself from this Church and joining the free will Baptis Sociaty A J tell meeting in corse Jeremiah McKay Clk
Smith Mo.dr
June no meeting Brother Smith had to Go to Dandredg corte
4 July 1846
Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received Sary Carney by Experance 2
Br Tolewr Sisk
to write to Br Peter Huff as he hant sent no letter 3 also the Church agree to write to Brother
(ORG. PAGE 120)
John Huff and the Clark to write to him Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomas Smith modr
1 August 1846
Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Brother Peter Huff applied for a letter
of Dismission
the Same Granted 2 appointed the Brethen to the Association Tolever Sisk Jeremiah McKay & John Mantuth
& the Clk
to write the Churches Letter to the Same A J tell meetin in Corse Jeremiah McKay Thomas Smith moderator
5 September 1846
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church letter Red and Received 2
appoinited Br_
John Huff and John Lillard to the Association A J John Huff modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
3 October 1846
3 December 1846
the Church meet accordan to adjornment and after preachen prosead to bisness Tolever Sisk Clk Thomas
Smith mod
2 January 1847
the Church Meet accordan to adornment and Polley Ellis applied for a Letter of Dismission the Same Granted
Tolever Sisk
6 February 1847
the Church met but no preachen Tolever Sisk Clk
6 March 1847
Met accordan to appoint and after Preachen prosead to bisness A Jo Jeremiah McKay Clk John Huff
3 Apri 1847
Met acordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness A jorn tell meeting in corse Jeremiah
McKay Clk
Thomas Smith modrator
End of Minutes - Big Pigeon Baptist Church 1787 - 1874
Pages 60 – 69
Cocke County, Tennessee
Big Pigeon Church Minutes 1787 - 1874
Pages 60 - 69
(ORG. PAGE 121 - Cont.)
1847 - cont.
1 May 1847 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A Jorne tell meeting in
corse Thomas
Smith mod Jeremiah McKay Clk
5 June 1847 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st appointted the Brethen
John Mantuth
and John Lillard to in vite Br Jess to nex meeting to Give his Reason for absenting his self from Church
Meting Jeremiah
McKay Clk Thomas Smith modra.
3 July 1847 Met acordan to appointment But on modrator the matter Respectin Jess a Collerd Brother
Nothing Don
31 July 1847 Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received Elizabeth
Bryant by
Experance 2 Brother Jess not attending meeting we agree to Invite him by Br John Lillard to attend our nex
meting 3 agred
to appoint Diligats to the Association Tolever Sisk Jeremiah McKay John Lillard John Mantuth & John Huff and
Clarke to write the Church Letter to the Association and to present it to the nex Church meting to be
Enspected & c
Jeremiah McKay Clarke Thomas Smith modrator
4 September 1847 August no meeting 1847 Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to
bisness 1 Recev.d
Mary Shannon by Experance 2 Received James M. Thomas by Letter 3 Brother Jess not attending being not
able to
come Lad over tell Nex meeting in Corse 4 the Church Letter Red and Received A J tell meeting in Corse
Jeremiah McKay
Clk Thomas Smith modra
2 October 1847 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Sister Elizabeth Henry
applied for a
letter of Dismission the Same Granted 2 Br Jess Came forred and Give Satisfaction A J tell meeting in Corse
McKay Clk Thomas Smith mod
6 November 1847 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness A J Jeremiah McKay
Clk Thomas
Smith modra
(ORG. PAGE 122)
December nor February March Cole wether nothing Don preachen but no bisness Don
1 January 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 A J Thomas Smith
mod Jeremiah
McKay Clk
1 Apriel 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Sister Juda Anderson
returned hir letter
in fellowship 2 agree to Invite Br Gorge wiley to nex meeting by the Brn John Ellison and Jeremiah McKay to
Give his
Reason for his absent from meeting A J Jeremiah McKay Clk plesent A Witt modr
5 May 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Brother Gorge Wiley not
present Lad
the Bisness over tell tomorrow Br Ellis not her A J tell tomorrow Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomas Smith mod
6 May 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Br Gorge Wiley came
forred and Give
the church Satisfaction A J tell meting in corse Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomas Smith mod
3 June 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bigness 1 After Examining the
minits we Object
against the __ article of our Last years minits of the Association Held at Roring Spring meeting Hous 1847 A J
tell meeting in
corse Jeremiah McKay Clk Laxson Case modr
1 July 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st agread that our Church
meeting be on
friday before the 5 Sunday of July A Jorned tell the sd Time Lackson Case modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
29 July 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 appointed the Clk to
write the Churches
Letter to the Association and Brother Tolever Sisk to Assist 2 appoint the Brethen to the Association Jeremiah
Tolever Sisk Elijah Breadin and John
1848 - cont'd
Mantuth 3rd the sd Letter to be Red nex meeting for Inspection AJorned tell meeting in Corse Wilson Oliver
Jeremiah McKay Clk
10th September 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after meeting to Gather the letter Red and Received
& C Jere
McKay Clk
30 September 1848 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st A jorned tell
meeting in corse
Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomas Smith modrator
Nov Dec 1848 February 49 and January 49 the wether Disagreable no meeting no bisness Don nor March
meeting 1849
31 March 1849 Met accordan to appointment and after peachen prosead to bisness 1 Brother J M Thomas
applied for a
letter of Dismission the Same Granted which he applied by letter Dated 23 October 1848 2 Received Mary
Mantuth by
Experance Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomas Smith mod
5 May 1849 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen Prosead to bisness 1st Red the Abstract of our
prinsples and
our Rules & C A Jornd Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Smith modrator
(ORG. PAGE 123)
2 June 1849 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen Prosead to bisness 1st Received Sary Mantuth
by Experance
2 A jorned tel meeting in corse Thomas Smith modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
30 June 1849 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 st ajorned tell meeting in
corse Jeremiah
McKay Clk Thomas Smith modrator
4 August l849 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness Chosen the Brethen to the
John Lillard Elijah Breden Jeremiah McKay and tolever Sisk and the Clk to write the Churches Letter to the
Same to
be Inspected nex meeting in Corse Thomas Smith modrator J McKay Clk
1 September 1849 Met accordan to appointment and after the Church met the Letter Red and Received
Ajorned Jeremiah
McKay Clk
8 October 1849 no meetin
2 November 1849 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness ajorned Jeremiah
McKay Clk
Thomis Smith modrator
3 Oct Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to Bisness A J Tolever Sisk Clk Thomas
Smith modra.
1 December 1849 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisnsss A J Jere McKay Clk
January 1850 February March and Apriel nothing Don no bisness Don Disagreable wether
4 May 1850 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st A Jorned Thomas Smith
Jeremiah McKay Clk
1 June 1850 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st A Joned tell meeting in
corse Thomas
Smith modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
6 July 1850 Met accordan to appointment and after Preachen prosead to bisness 1st Ad Ajorned tell meeting
in corse
Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomas Smith modrntor
3 August 1850 Met accordan to appointment and after Singn a few Lines prosead to bisness 1st Chosen
Jeremiah McKay
modrator 2 appoint the Brethen to attend the Association Jereminh McKay Tolever Sisk John Mantuth John
Lillard and
Elijah Breeding 3 Appointed the Clk to write the Churches letter to the Same A J Jeremiah McKay Clk m
31 August 1850 Met accordan to appointment and after Singing a Hyme prosead to bisness lst Chosen
Brother Tolever Sisk
modrator 2nd the Churches Letter Red and Received A J Jeremiah McKay Clk Tolever Sisk modrator
(ORG. PAGE 124)
1850 October and November no account of meetiag at Each month
30 November 1850 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st Ajorned tell
meeting in Corse
John Huff modrator Tolever Sisk Clk
4 January 1851 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen by Brethen Smith and Mount prosead to
Bisness 1st
AJorned tell meeting in Corse Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomas Smith modrator
February 1 1851 Cole wether no meeting March no meeting Brother Smith not well the wether cole
5 Apriel 1851 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st Received Losen Sisk
by Expearance
2 Received Sary Sisk by Expearance 3 Received Nancy Clevenger by Expearance 4 the Church agreed to
have the
Communion meeting at June meeting on the Count of the union meeting Jeremiah McKay Clk Umphree
Mount modrator
3 May 1851 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Jorned tell meeting in
corse John Huff
31 May 1851 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st Mary Gorman applied
for a Letter of
Dismission the Same Granted Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomas Smith modrator
5 July 1851 August Septem Octob the Record lost
November 1851 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received vineen
Runnell and Mary
his Wife By letter A J tell meeting in Corse Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomas Smith mod
December 1851 January 1852 Feb & March the wether Cole & Disagreable that thar was no meeting
(ORG. PAGE 125)
30 Apriel 1852 met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Church agreed to
Invite Br
Abraham McKay to our nex meeting by the Brn. Tolever Sisk EliJah Breden and John Mantuth to Give his
Reason for
Absenting himself from Church meeting & C A J tell meeting in Corse Thomas Smith modr Jeremiah McKay
1 May 1852 Met accordan to appointment and preachen prosead to bisness 1 the Br Invited Br A McKay he
not attended
Lad it over tell nex meeting 2 the Church a Greed to In vite the Said Br by the Brn Tolever Sick and Jeremiah
McKay to
our nex meeting in corse A Jorned Thomas Smith modrator Jeremiah McKay Clk
5 June 1852 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received Joab Blackwell
by Declaration
2 the Brn that was to invite Br A McKay faild Going on the count of wet wether We agree to Lay the matter
over tell nex
meeting and appoint the Brn John Mantuth Tolever Sisk to invite the sd Br to nex meeting 3 A Greed to hold
meeting at Sister Gormans the 6 in the Evening to Receive her Letter as she is not able to come to meeting 4
the Rules of the
Church Red 5 the Church met at Sisters Gormans and Recd hir by Letter a jorned Thomas Smith moderator
McKay Clk
July no meeting
31 July 1852 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the matter Concarning Br
McKay he not attending Lad over tell meeting in Corse 2 Received a Letter from Br Peter Huff whishing for
this Church to
send Som of the Brn to attend that to in quire in to his Case we agree to appoint meeting at Sir Huff nex
monday the 2 August
11 oclock in order to Received members 3 the Church agree to appoint Brn to the Associatian
(ORG. PAGE 126)
and for the Clk to Rite the Letter to the Same Jeremiah McKay Lawson Sisk Joab Blackwell to attend the
Association the
Church agree to in vite Br and Sister Runnels to our nex meeting in Corse by Losson Sisk and Jeremiah
McKay A Jorned
Jeremaih McKay Clk Umphre Mount modrator
2 August 1852 Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 Received Peter Huff by
Letter 2
Received William Onbey by Declaration a jorned tell meeting in Corse
1852 Jeremiah McKay Clk Umphre Mount Modrator
4 September 1852 Met accordan to appointment & after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the matter
Concarning Br Abraham
McKay he not attending Lad it over tell nex meeting in corse the Breth to invite the sd Br Tolever Sisk John
Mantuth 2 the
Matter Concarning Br Runnels and wife they not attending Lad over tell meeting in corse 3 the Churches
Letter to the
Association Red and Received A jorned tell meeting in corse Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomas Smith modrator
October meeting no bisness Don
5 November 1852 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st Br Abraham
McKay not attending
Laid over tell to morrow 2 Br Runnall Came forred and Give Satisfaction A J Thomis Smith modrator Jeremiah
McKay Clk 6
Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st Received William Allen by Letter 2
sister Runnals
Came forred and Give Satisfaction 3 Received Cathrin Inigom by Letter 4 Br Abraham McKay not attending
Lad over tell
meeting in Corse Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomis Smith modrator
4 December 1852 Met accordan to appointment and after prayr and Exerlation prosead to bisness 1st Brother
McKay not attending Lade over tell meeting in Corse A jorned Jeremiah McKay Clk Joel Reed modrator
(ORG. PAGE 127)
February March April no preacher attended 1 January 1853 no bisness Don the wether disagreable
30 Apriel 1853 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1st the Matter concarning
Br Abraham
McKay the Brethen that was appointed to in vite the sd Brother Came forred and in formes the Church that
they attended at
the sd Br and met with Br Jeremiah McKay thar and he be come Reconcild with him he not attending to Day
we Lay the
matter over tell meeting in corse Jeremiah McKay Clk Thomas Smith modrator
4 June 1853 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the matter Concarning Br
McKay he not attending the matter Lad over tell meeting in Corse A J Thomas Smith modr Jeremiah McKay
2 July 1853 Met accordan to appointment and after preachen prosead to bisness 1 the matter Concarning Br
McKay he not attending Lad over tell meeting in corse 2 agree that the Clk write the Church Letter to the
Association to be
Red at the September meting to be Inspected 3rd appointed the Br to the Association Tollever Sisk Jeremiah
lawson Sisk Elijah Breden John Mantuth Joab Blackwell A Jorned tell meeting in corse Jeremiah McKay Clk
Pate modrator
6 August 1853 August the 6th 1853 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded
to bisiness 1.. the
reference called for and the record not being present there was no business Done adJourn.d T. Sisk clk T.
Smith M.d
September the 3rd 1853 The church met according to adjournment and after prayer by Br Case proceded to
business 1. the
matter concerning Br A McKay laid over 2. the churches letter to the association Red and rec.d adjourned T.
Sisk Clk T.
Smith m.d
October 1853 no meeting
(ORG. PAGE 128)
Friday November the 4th 1853 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching by Br A Mount
proceded to
business 1. there being but few members business laid over till tomorrow
Saturday met according to adjournment 1. the matter concerning Br A McKay liad over and the brethren
appointed to invite
him again T. Sisk L. Sisk J. Mantuth 2. Received a letter from Bethany Church petitioning for the Deacons of
this church to
attend her at her next meeting which is communion season which requst was granted
1853 - cont'd
3. Brother Runnell applyed for letters of Dismission for his self and wife which was granted. adjourned T. Sisk
Clk U.
Mount ,.D,
December 1853 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business. 1 Br A.
McKay not
come forward the case laid over 2. Brother Runnils letter sent back for correction by the hands of Br. T. Smith
the church
autheised Smith to correct said letter Thomas Smith M. D. T Smith protem Clk
January February and March 1854 all cold and no meeting
April the 1st 1854 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business 1. the
concerning Br A. McKay laid over adjourned Jeremiah McKay Clk
May the 6th 1854 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to Business. 1. Br.
A. McKay
came forward and gave the church satisfaction for his long Absence. 2. The church at may meeting 1853
passed an act
cocerning a Deacons holding office which act was not put on the minutes the church now orders the clerk to
put it on the
Church believes the ordination of a minister and a Deacon one and the same thing and that both are ordained
for life or During
good behaviour the minister to preach the gospel and feed the church with the word the Deacon to serve the
table we believe
them officers together in the church of Christ in whatsoever clime their lot many be cast. the minister carrys
his credentioals
when he Removes therefore we the church believe when a Deacon Removes it should be put on the letter of
Dismission below
in this wise AB the said Br.. is an ordained Deacon T Sisk T. Smith M. D.
(ORG. PAGE 129)
June the 3rd 1854 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business 1
adjourned J.
McKay Clk T. Smith M.D.
July the 1st 1854 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business 1
Received Sycha
Blackwell by Expearance 2 Received Jane a woman of colour by Experance adjourned Tolavir Sisk Clk
Thomas Smith
M. D.
August the 5th 1854 The church met but no preacher there. was no business Done T. Sisk Clk
Sept. the 2nd 1854 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching by L. Case proced to
business 1 chose the
bretheren to the association Joab Blackwell E. Bredan Um. Allen L. Sisk T. Sisk and J. McKay 2 the
association letter
Read ant Recd. T. Sisk Clk L. Case M. D.
Oct. 1854 no Meeting Nov. 1854 The church met but no preacher Dee. 1854 no meeting
January the 6th 1855 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business T.
Sisk Clk Saml.
Pate M. D.
February 1855 no Meeting March 1855 no meeting
March 31st 1855 Met according to adjournment and after preaching Jeremiah McKay Clk P. A. Wit M. D.
May the 5th 1855 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business T. Sisk
Clk Thomas
Smith M.D.
(ORG. PAGE 130)
June the 2nd l855 The church met but no preacher T. Sisk Clk
June the 30th 1855 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business T.
Sisk Clk P. A.
Wit M. D.
August the 4th 1855 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business 1
Appointed T. Sisk
to write the churches letter to the Association 2 Appointed the Bretheren to attend the association John
Mantooth Elijah
Breedan Tolever Sisk Jeremiah McKay L. Sisk T. Sisk Clk S. Pate M. D.
Sept. the 1st 1855 The Church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business 1 The
church Declares
a non fellowship with the No Nothing order or party or organisation
or the great American party so called 2 the churches letter to the association Read and Received 3 The
church Sendeth a letter
to Enquire after Sister Mary Bugg Jeremiah McKay Clk Thos Smith M. D.
October 1855 November 1855
(ORG. PAGE 131)
December 1855
January the 5th 1856 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proced to business 1
Sister Mary bugg
applied for a letter of Dismission by letter the same granted Jeremiah McKay Clk WM . R. Flinn M. D.
February 1856 March 1856 April 1856 May the 3rd 1856 The church met according to adjournment and after
proceded to business Jeremiah McKay Clk T. Smith M. D.
June the 5th 1856 The church met and after preaching proceded to business T. Smith Mod. T.S. Clk
July 1856 August 1856 no meeting
September the 6th 1856 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proced to business 1
Delegetes to the Association Joab Blackwell Lawson Sisk Jeremiah McKay There being a letter prepared to
the Assoc 2
the letter Read and Received Jeremiah clk T. Sisk M. D. protem
(ORG. PAGE 132)
October 1856 November 1856 December 1856
January 1857 February 1857 March 1857 April 1857
May the 2sd 1857 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching preceded to business T Sisk
clk T. Smith
M. D.
June the 6th 1857 The church met July the church met
August the lst 1857 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proceded to business 1 A
letter to be Rote
to the Association 2 Betheren appointed to attend the same Elijah Breadan L. Sisk and T. Sisk 3 Received a
letter from
Brother Jeremiah McKay for a letter of Dismission for himself and wife which was granted T. Sisk clk T. Smith
M. D.
September the 5th 1857 The church met and sat in order for buainess 1 the Association letter Read and
Received T. Sisk clk
(ORG. PAGE 133)
October the 3rd 1857 The church met and a man by the Name of Kilgore called himself one of our faith and
order tried to
preach but could not advance any thing but A_mia_is_ T. Sisk clk
Nov the church met December the church met
January 2sd 1858 The church met according to adjournment and after preaching proced to business 1
Brother Jeremiah
McKay not Received his letter by mail came forward in person and Requested another which was granted T.
Sisk clk T.
Smith M. D.
February the 6th 1858 The church met according to adjournmont and after preaching proced to business 1
Brother Elijah
Breadan applyd for a letter of Dismission for him self and wife which was granted 2 Brother P. A. Witt the M,
D. of the
Nolachucky Association came forward and Requested the church to send Delegates to the association as he
belived it his Duty
to call the Association together on important business to meet on the third Saturday in March which Request
was granted 3
appointed the Brethren to attend the Ass Joab Blackwell Lawson Sisk and T. Sisk The Association to meet at
Bent Creek
meeting house Jefferson County on the third Saturday in March 1858 T. Sisk Clk P. A. Witt M. D.
March the 6th 1858 no meeting after the dath of our beloved Brother Tolever Sisk our old Clerk and Deacon in
our church
which dath tuck place on the 10th of November in the year of our lord 1880 at 10 ½ oclock at night and in the
85 yare of his
age the church then apponted B Bryant son thare Clerk to take Charge of thare old Book & papers and find
them in the
folloing order
no records on the old Book onley up to 6th day of March 1858 but find sum records on scraps of paper in the
old Book and
will put them down in there order
(ORG. PAGE 134)
April 3d 1858 no meeting no meetings on record up to Sept 4d 1858 Church met & C after preaching by B
Bryant sen
proseeded to Bizaness firt the association leter Redd & Recd T. Sisk Clerk B Bryant M. D.
Oct 2d 1858 the primitive Baptist church of Jesus Christ met at Big Pigion meeting house after prayer set for
Biseness l)
Brother Peter huff & Nancy Huff aplied for leter of Dismission which was Granted T. Sisk Clerk B. Bryant M. D.
Nov 6d 1858 the church met in persuant to Ajorment and after preaching proceeded to Biseness 1 Chose
Brother B. Bryant
Moderator 2 Brother John Mantooth come forward & request the church to relese him from serving as a
Dacon on the
Account of Inability the church release Brother Mantooth he also named Brother Lawson Sisk to fill the place
the church
agreed to way the _ till the meeting in Course T. Sisk Clerk B. Bryant M. D.
Saturday Dec. 4th day 1858 the church met & C and after preaching proceeded to Bisness 1 the Church
Chose Lawson Sisk
a deacon & agreed to send for help for ordination at April 1859 T. Sisk Clerk B. Bryant M. D.
Feb the 5d 1859 the church met & C and after preaching proceeded to Bisness 1 Recd Elizeabeth Rutherford
by leter T.
Sisk Clerk B. Bryant M. D.
NB January 1th day 1859 the church met & C and after preaching proceeded to Biseness 1 Chose B. Bryant
M. D. T. Sisk
up to this date find on the Old Book & on scraps in the Book we sum times had meeting at old Pigion meeting
house on from
this date upto sum time in l8ó3 the ware become so trublesom we had no more regular meetings untill first
April 1872
April 13d 1872 we the primitive Baptist church of Jesus Christ on Big Pigion Met at the house of Sister Salley
Roberts after
preaching by Brother Bummit Bryant proceeded to biseness Recved Bummit Bryant by dicularation Called for
to ordain Brother Bryant (ORG. PAGE 135)
3 appointed a meeting to be held at Bro Ab. McKay on the 27th day of April 1872 for the pur_ of Ordaining
Brother Bryant
T. Sisk Clerk B. Bryant M. D.
_Sence concluded to go on in the old Book untill the dath of our former Clerk Tolever Sisk which tuck place on
the 10th day
of November in the yare of our lord 1880 at half past ten oclock in the night
April 27th 1872 the church met at Bro Ab McKays and after preaching Removed to house of Bro Thos. Smith
and set as a
church firt the presbytary case forward and ordained Bro. B. Bryant the Rev Thos Smith & T. Sisk D.C 2
Recved Thos.
Smith on Dicularation AD Thos Smith M. D. T. Sisk Clerk
May the 2 day 1872 the church met at Sister Sarah Roberts after preaching proceeded to Biseness A. D. T.
Sisk Clerk B.
Bryant M. D.
June 1th day 1872 the church met B. Bryant school house and after preaching proseeded to bizeness the
church agreed to
Met at sd. School house untill Shee can repare the meeting house on the River A.D T. Sisk Clerk B. Bryant M.
July 6th day 1872 the church Met and after preaching proceeded to Bisiness none T. Sisk C. Clerk B. Bryasnt
M. D.
August 1th day 1872 the church Met & C after preaching proceeded to Bisiness 1 AGree to send a leter to the
association 2
Deligates Jo Blackwell B. Bryant T. Sisk C. Clerk B. Bryant M. D.
August 31th day 1872 the church Met & C after preaching proceeded to Business 1 the association 2 Read
and recved
To Sisk C. Clark B. Brynnt M. D.
Oct 5th day 1872 The Church Met & C after preaching proceeded Bisiness none To Sisk C. Clerk B. Bryant
M.D. (ORG.
PAGE 136)
November 2th day l872 the church met and after preaching proceeded to Bisiness none came To Sisk C.
Clerk B. Bryant M.
D. this is the last Record down on the old Book or on luce paper if thare was any it has been lost or miss
layed we Met as a
church regularly all the time on Saturday before the first Sunday in each month & done our regular church
Bisiness upto
November the meeting 1880 But no regular record made of it as we could find To Sisk C. Clerk B. Bryant M.
we now move to a New Book mak our record from Page 136 to page _35 on the New Book
1874 March 10th day Rev Elder Thomas Smith our beloved Brother and Moderator untill his dath Deceased
on this date
above writen B. Bryant sen C. Clerk B. Bryant Sen M. D,
[the succeeding page is numbered 140 and the next two and last pages are unnumbered]
(ORG. PAGE 140)
6 June 1840 the Church agree to have the Decst members Names Rec 1840 Elizabeth Huff Decest l840
Benjamin Odell
Decest 28 May formly a Dacon Sary Huff Decest July 1840 Jane Mantuth Decest March 1842 Samuel Yats
March 1844 1844 William Colman Decest October 1 1844 Gorge Roberts Decest November 1845 Elr Thomis
Decest 1 March who was paster of big pigion church in 1847 Elizabeth Woods Decest 15 Apriel Maryann
McKay or
Faubion 1st Decest the _______ 1849
Abstract of Principles we belive in one only true and Living God the Father Son and Holy Ghost and these
three are one we
belive that the Scriptures of the old and New testaments are the word of God and the only Rule of all Saving
Knowledge we
belive in Election according to the fore Knowledge of God the Father Through Sanctifation of the Spirit and
belief of the
t_________ 4 we belive in doctrine of original sin 5 we believe in mans Impotency to recover him self from the
fallen State he
is in by his own free will or ability we believe that Sinners are Justified in the Sight of God only by the Imputed
Righteousness of
Jesus Christ we believe that Saints will persevere in Grace and never fall finally away we believe that Baptism
and the Lords
Supper are ordenances of Jesus Christ and that true believers are the only Subjects of these ordinances and
the True mode of
baptism is Immerssion 9 we believe in the resurrection of the Dead and a General Judgment 10 we believe
that the punishment
of the wicked will be Everlasting; and that the Joyse of the Righteous will be Eternal 11 we believe that no
minister has a Right
_ the administration of the ordinances but s_ as are Regularly Called and Come render ____ Imposition of
hands by a
Church Rules Church meeting once Ever month on Saturday be fore the first Sabath and meeting to
commence at 12 oclock
4 Apriel 1789 The Churches Rules 1 The Church agree that if a Member Shall Negleet Thear attendance two
Church meetings
together Shall bee Liable to the Church Cnshur without Rending A__able Satisfaction for the Same 2 Church
Meeting bee held
in public Except in purticlur Cases and then for the Members to Retire by them s____ or to Desire the People
to withdraw 3
Members to talk at Large Resp__ of matters Done in the Church as Tuching of fellowship as also To____
behine the back of
person they are agreved with Except it bee for Infermation and that to bee members of the Church - and
members Guilty of
Shuch behavour is ___ to be Delt with as in other Immorrel Conduct No members Shall Speak to any Subject
whilst Setting
on his Seat but Shall Rise to his feet and then Speak to the Cause one at a time and if two attempt to speak a
time the
modrator Shall Call them to Order THE END
End of Minutes - Big Pigeon Baptist Church 1787 - 1874
Pages 70 - 78
Thank you Glen Bayless for the transcription!!!
PAGES 1 - 9
PAGES 10 - 19
PAGES 20- 29
PAGES 30 - 39
PAGES 40 - 49
PAGES 50 - 59
PAGES 60 - 69
PAGES 70 - 78
Notes by Glen:
The original transcription from the handwritten minutes was, I believe, done by Mrs. E. O. (Martha) Price. This
belief comes
from the fact that her name and address are typed on the first page.
I have endeavored to maintain the original spelling in all of the minutes to the best of my ability. The
photocopies I received
were at times very hard to read due to either the original typewriter being old or done with a bad ribbon or the
fact they have
been photo copied so many times over the years. I have on occasion omitted what I consider typing mistakes
such as the same
word being repeated. I have also broken the text into separate paragraphs for each meeting and added
spaces between
sentences in an effort to make it more readable. The text in Bold type are individuals and is done to make
them easier to find.
While there seems to be many spelling inconsistencies in the document I leave it to others to decide if these
are due to typing
errors in the original transcription or they are actually in the original hand written minutes.
I sincerely hope that the transcription of these minutes to the internet will help other genealogists and
historians to have access
to them. I ask only that these notes which give credit to those who did the original work of transcribing the
original hand writing
to typed pages and those that have made this project possible remain with them.
One last thing on the name of what I believe is LLEDGARD FINE. On page 27 of the original it is spelled
LEGESD, on page
32 LEDGAR.D, while on page 41 it is LEDYARD or LEDVARD.
Glen R. Bayless
Other Notes:
All of the in text notes were done by the original transcriber. The notes that follow are those that have some
significance to the
spelling of a name or the history involved. They where hand written on the photocopies when I received them.
I am unable to
tell you who the author of them is, unless other wise noted.
On page 15 by Lari Naismith: "REUBEN ALLEN is the husband of ELSE CLEVENGER. He is the son-in-law
On page 22. Author unknown. Referring to MARK MITCHELL applying for a letter of Dismission during the 5th
of April
meeting: "about this time he sold his land MITCHEL"
On page 27. Author unknown. Beside the minutes from the 1st of October 1802 meeting, and to the right of
the name MARY
On page 33. Author unknown. Referring to the 30th of April meeting where LANE & HAMPTON are appointed
to inform
DISA & NANCY MATHES of the Churches action is: "tell MARTHA of the HAMPTON reference or is it
At the bottom of page 41. Author unknown. Referring to those that applied for letters of Dismission during the
August 31st
Meeting is: "Important last 3 lines 'Going to Mo.'"
At the bottom of page 42. Referring to the minutes of the August 2nd meeting: "Letter of dismission for
At the bottom of page 46. Referring to the September 1st meeting: " OLD GRANNY RICE"
The above notes also show that the typed pages are at times hard to read. I several times was forced to use
a magnifying glass
to make out which letter was actually used.
Cocke County is located in East Tennessee, one of the state's three "Grand Divisions."
Cocke County was formed in 1797 from part of Jefferson County. It is bordered by the following
counties: Greene, Hamblen, Jefferson, Sevier, Haywood Co. NC & Madison Co. NC