Weekly Electronic Bulletin

Research & Development Co-ordinating Centre Weekly EBulletin
30 March 2009
Special Update on Journals/Publishing Houses
RCN Research and Development Co-ordinating Centre
Nursing Research's Top 50
In 2009, the RCN Research Society celebrates 50 years under the auspices of the RCN. As
part of a series of events marking our Golden Anniversary, the Steering Committee of the
RCN Research Society is keen to celebrate the most influential UK nursing research
produced over the last 50 years. This online survey allows you to nominate the pieces of
nursing research that in your opinion were most influential.
Website: http://www.rcn.org.uk/surveys/fillsurvey.php?sid=162
Closing date of survey: 12 April 2009
RCN Research Society
RCN 2010 annual international nursing research conference
11 - 13 May 2010, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, North East England, UK
The Call for Papers can now be viewed on the website.
Website: http://www.rcn.org.uk/research2010/
Dissemination - journals
Publishing your research is imperative, but it is not always easy to know where
to publish. This list is an attempt to help you locate potentially suitable
journals/publishers for the research you are trying to publish. If you are aware
of any other relevant journals you would like to see listed here, please contact
Dave O'Carroll, email: david.ocarroll@rcn.org.uk
Australian Journal of
Advanced Nursing
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Nurse Author & Editor
Birth: Issues in Perinatal
Journal of the American
Academy of Nurse
Nurse Education in Practice
British Journal of Cardiac
Journal of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatric
Nurse Education Today
British Journal of
Journal of Child Health Care
Nurse Prescribing
Community Nursing
British Journal of Midwifery
Journal of Clinical Nursing
Nurse Researcher
British Journal of
Neuroscience Nursing
Journal of Forensic Nursing
Nursing and Residential
British Journal of Nursing
Journal of Health
Organisation and
Nursing Ethics
Cancer Nursing Practice
Journal of Healthcare
Nursing Forum
Clinical Leader
Journal of Interprofessional
Nursing in Critical Care
Community Practitioner
Journal of Nursing and
Healthcare of Chronic Illness
Nursing Inquiry
Diversity in Health and Care
Journal of Nursing
Nursing Management
Journal of Nursing
Nursing Older People
Education for Primary Care
Journal of Obstetric,
Gynecologic, and Neonatal
Nursing Philosophy
Emergency Nurse
Journal of Paramedic
Nursing Standard
European Diabetes Nursing
Journal of Psychiatric and
Mental Health Nursing
Nursing for Women's Health
European Journal of Cancer
Journal of Renal Care
Paediatric Nursing
Evidence Based Nursing
Journal of Research in
Palgrave Macmillan
Gastrointestinal Nursing
Journal of Rural Health
Perspectives in Psychiatric
Health and Social Care in
the Community
Journal for Specialists in
Pediatric Nursing
Practice Development in
Health Care
Implementation Science
Journal of Wound Care
Practice Nursing
International Emergency
Latin American Journal of
Nursing (Revista LatinoAmericana de Enfermagem)
Primary Health Care
International Journal of
Nursing Practice
Learning Disability Practice
Progress in Cardiovascular
International Journal of
Nursing Studies
Learning in Health and
Social Care
Public Health Nursing
International Journal of
Nursing Terminologies and
Mental Health and Learning
Disabilities Research and
Quality in Ageing
International Journal of
Older People Nursing
Mental Health in Family
Quality in Primary Care
International Journal of
Palliative Nursing
Mental Health Practice
Research in Nursing and
International Journal of
Therapy and Rehabilitation
Midwifery. An International
Scandinavian Journal of
Caring Sciences
International Journal of
Urological Nursing
Social Theory and Health
International Nursing
Worldviews on Evidence
Based Nursing
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing aims to provide a vehicle for
nurses and midwives to publish original research and scholarly papers about all areas of nursing and midwifery. Papers will
develop, enhance, or critique nursing and midwifery knowledge. AJAN is available free online which gives unlimited national
and international access to AJAN manuscripts and provides unlimited national and international exposure for authors and
their work.
Target audience: Nurses and midwives.
Frequency: Quarterly.
Editor: Jill Iliffe
Contact details: Australian Nursing Federation, PO Box 4239 Kingston ACT Australia 2604, Ph: + 61 2 6232 6533, Email:
Instructions to authors: Available on the website
Website: http://www.ajan.com.au
Other information: AJAN is available free online from its own website
Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care is a multidisciplinary, refereed journal devoted
to issues and practices in the care of childbearing women, infants, and families. The aims of Birth are: to publish welldesigned research in pregnancy and childbirth, from sophisticated advances in medicine to the parents' physical and
emotional needs; to provide a timely and lively forum for current issues in maternal and newborn care and education; to
underline the importance of evidence-based medicine in making effective changes in clinical practices.
Target audience: Birth is a multidisciplinary, refereed journal aimed at maternal and neonatal health professionals, nurses,
midwives, physicians, childbirth educators, public health workers, breastfeeding consultants, doulas, social scientists, and
others who care for childbearing women and families.
Frequency: Quarterly. In print and online.
Editor: Diony Young
Contact details: 31 Stuyvesant Mnr., Geneseo, NY 14454, USA; email diony@frontiernet.net
Instructions to authors: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/birth - click on 'online submission'
Website: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/birth
Other information: Listed by ISI
British Journal of Cardiac Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: A clinical, peer-reviewed journal that appeals to both hospital and
community-based nurses caring for cardiac patients. It publishes articles on clinical topics, practical procedures, care
studies, original research and service development. It provides a forum for discussion, and carries comment and discussion
on relevant policy.
Target audience: Staff and senior staff nurses
Frequency: Monthly
Editor: Vicqui Stuart-Jones
Contact details: Tel: 020 7501 6769, email: vicqui.sj@markallengroup.com
Instructions to authors: Available at http://www.cardiac-nursing.co.uk/contribute.shtml
Website: www.cardiac-nursing.co.uk
Other information: The journal is indexed on CINAHL
British Journal of Community Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: BJCN publishes a wide range of articles on all aspects of nursing in the
community, including updates on clinical issues, developments in practice, research, education and policy. The emphasis of
the journal is on providing accessible articles that the district nursing team can use to support and inform practice. BJCN is
keen to support new authors, who are encouraged to contact the editor.
Target audience: District nurses, community staff nurses
Frequency: Monthly
Editor: Jonathan Dawes
Contact details: Tel: 020 7501 6739, email: bjcn@markallengroup.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.bjcn.co.uk/contribute.shtml
Website: www.bjcn.co.uk
Other information: The journal is indexed on CINAHL, BNI and Medline
British Journal of Midwifery
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Topics covered include: clinical; research; professional issues; international
issues; education; legal issues; changing practice; evidence-based practice; women's issues; ethics and research critiques
Target audience: Midwives - those in practice, students, research and education. Obstetricians and health visitors
Frequency: Monthly
Editor: Victoria Clift-Matthews
Contact details: Tel: 0207 501 6708, Fax: 0207 978 8316, email: bjm@markallengroup.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.britishjournalofmidwifery.com/contribute.shtml
Website: www.britishjournalofmidwifery.com
Other information: Submitted articles welcome. All articles are double-blind peer reviewed.
British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing (BJNN) is a monthly peerreviewed journal that publishes research articles and reviews on all aspects of neuroscience nursing practice, education and
management. BJNN endorses and values inter-professional working and welcomes articles and correspondence from all
professional groups. It also publishes short research reports, case studies, comment pieces, guest editorials, and book
Target audience: Specialist nurses caring for people with neurological problems, primary care nurses, hospice-based and
hospital-based nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and other professionals allied to medicine.
Frequency: Monthly
Editor: Liam Benison
Editor-in-Chief: Sue Woodward
Contact details: Tel: 44 (0)20 7501 6709, Email: bjnn@markallengroup.com and sue.woodward@kcl.ac.uk
Instructions to authors: http://www.bjnn.co.uk/contribute.shtml
Website: www.bjnn.co.uk
Other information: BJNN welcomes submissions from both experienced and first time authors. The supportive review
process often provides inexperienced authors with constructive advice on how to improve their articles.
British Journal of Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The journal's main focus is on clinical nursing care and practice. It publishes
research, literature reviews, and case studies that offer practical evidence-based recommendations for nurses. It caters for
all general and specialist areas of nursing while also aiming to examine the commonalities of nursing practice. We therefore
welcome articles on all topics relating to nursing as long as they have direct relevance for the clinical nurse. Apart from
clinical topics the journal also covers educational, ethical, legal and professional issues and has columns and correspondence
to provide a forum for professional debate and discussion.
Target audience: Clinical nurses in secondary care; Student nurses (both pre- and postregistration); Specialist nurses;
Educationalists (for reference and teaching purposes)
Frequency: Fortnightly
Editor: Jason Beckford-Ball
Contact details: Tel: 020 7501 6716, email: bjn@markallengroup.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.britishjournalofnursing.com/contribute.shtml
Website: www.britishjournalofnursing.com
Other information: Indexed on BNI, Medline and CINAHL. We welcome unsolicited article submissions
Cancer Nursing Practice
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Cancer Nursing Practice is the first UK journal devoted to bringing news,
opinions, features and clinical articles to professionals working in the field of cancer nursing, all in the pages of one journal.
Articles are written by nurses working at all levels and in all spheres of practice, and by experienced journalists who solicit
the views of experts in the field. Topics covered include the aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and management of all cancers;
palliative care; the education, policies, politics and finances underlying cancer nursing.
Target audience: Professionals working in cancer care.
Frequency: Ten times per year, monthly except January and August.
Editor: Lisa Berry; Consultant editor: Carole Farrell, nurse clinician in breast medical oncology, The Christie Hospital NHS
Foundation Trust, Manchester.
Contact details: The Heights, 59-65 Lowlands Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex HA1 3AW, Tel: 020 8423 1066.
Instructions to authors: The instructions to authors are printed in almost every issue of the journal and are available on
the website. They can also be obtained from Helen Hyland, email: helen.hyland@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Website: www.cancernursingpractice.co.uk/
Other information: Please contribute your work or views of the field to lisa.berry@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Clinical Leader
Focus of journal /types of article wanted:This journal publishes academic papers on healthcare management, ways of
working and best practice in healthcare delivery. The journal bridges the gap between academic research and policy making,
and has a relevance to those who are dealing with the issues on a day-to-day basis. The journal aims to disseminate best
practice and provide a forum for debate. Papers from all healthcare professionals are welcome.
Target audience: Leaders of organizations and clinical teams in both secondary and primary care; those leading
developments in clinical care
Frequency: Twice a year
Editor: Professor Jenny Simpson
Contact details: BAMM, 3rd Floor, Petersgate House, St Petersgate, Stockport, SK1 1HE. Tel: +44 (0)161 474 1141, Fax:
+44 (0)161 474 7167, Email: clinicaleader@bamm.co.uk
Instructions to authors: request from Kate Ibbeson, Managing Editor at kate@bamm.co.uk
Website: http://www.bamm.co.uk
Community Practitioner
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: We publish a range of material including:
* Professional papers on a range of professional topics and papers on original research. These are double-blind peer
reviewed (between 2000 and 3500 words)
* General features - including reports on innovative practice (1400 words)
* First-person opinion pieces or practice experience articles (800 words)
* Clinical/practice updates on clinical topics such as eczema care, breastfeeding, the identification and management of
angina (1400 words)
* Letters and reviews of resources
Target audience: Community practitioners - health visitors, school nurses, practice nurses, district nurses, community
children's nurses, community nursery nurses and other healthcare professionals working in community settings,
educationalists and researchers
Frequency: Monthly
Editor: Danny Ratnaike
Contact details: 020 7878 2404 or danny.ratnaike@tenalpspublishing.com
Instructions to authors: Guidelines usually published in journal and available from editor
Website: www.commprac.com
Other information: Please feel free to contact the Editor if you are thinking about writing for Community Practitioner
Diversity in Health and Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: We focus on all aspects of diversity and the equitable provision of health care
and services for members of a wider range of social groups and settings in all countries in the world. We welcome papers on
race, culture and ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, migrants, carers, disabilities, including physical, communication and
learning, spirituality and underserved or marginalised populations. Papers may take the form of: *research papers;
*practice papers; *education papers; *debate papers; *knowledge-sharing reports.
Target audience: Practitioners, Teachers and advanced learners and Researchers in health and social care, nursing, social
work, medicine and community development
Frequency: Quarterly
Editor: Paula McGee and Mark R D Johnson
Contact details: Professor Paula McGee, School of Health and Policy Studies, Faculty of Health and Community Care,
Birmingham City University, Perry Barr, Birmingham B42 2SU.Tel: 0121 331 5340 Email: paula.mcgee@bcu.ac.uk AND
Professor Mark Johnson, Mary Seacole Research Centre, De Montfort University, 266 London Road, Leicester, LE2 1RQ, Tel:
0116 201 3906, email: mrdj@dmu.ac.uk
Instructions to authors: http://www.radcliffe-oxford.com/dhsc
Website: http://www.radcliffe-oxford.com/dhsc
Other information: Manuscripts can be sent as attachments to dhsc@radcliffemed.com and will automatically be
forwarded to the editors and publishers. DHSC is listed in the British Nursing Index, CINAHL, CSA Sociological Abstracts,
CSA Social Services Abstracts, Embase. Health and Social Care Abstracts and is scrutinised by Cochrane and Campbell
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: ecancermedicalscience.com is an open access peer-reviewed journal that
encompasses all aspects of cancer research and delivery. It is a not for profit online community for clinicians, nurses, and
everyone from students to professors. ecancermedicalscience.com aims to improve communications between the entire
cancer community by working interactively and faster. The nursing community play an important part in contributing to the
cancer debate. Submit nursing research online to ecancermedicalscience.com and take advantage of a rapid, high quality
peer-review service, and immediate publication upon acceptance. ecancermedicalscience.com is completely free with no
submission charge and no publication charge.
Target audience: Cancer nurses
Frequency: Articles published within one month of submission
Editor: Professor Gordon McVie
Contact details: Claire Lorimer, Tel: 0117 985 6971, email: claire@ecancermedicalscience.com
Instructions to authors: Register online for free at www.ecancermedicalscience.com Submit, read and comment for free
Website: www.ecancermedicalscience.com
Other information:
Education for Primary Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The leading primary care journal, reflecting the needs, experience, expertise
and innovations of multi-disciplinary practitioners. It publishes high-quality academic articles, practical ideas based on
relevant experiences, news and opinions of developments, posters of pertinent research
Target audience: All health professionals involved in improving academic standards and working practices
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
Editor: John Pitts
Contact details: 39 Oak Road, Dibden Purlieu, Southampton SO45 4PH. Email: johnrpitts@btopenworld.com
Instructions to authors: See website
Website: www.radcliffe-oxford.com/epc
Other information:
Emergency Nurse
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Emergency Nurse is the leading journal focusing on the needs of nurses
working in all emergency and urgent care settings. The journal aims to inform and encourage critical reflection among
emergency care professionals by publishing articles with clear implications for practice. Articles are written by nurses and
experienced journalists to ensure that Emergency Nurse has everything that readers need: news, opinion, in-depth feature
articles, study aids, book reviews and much more.
Target audience: Nurses working in all emergency and urgent care settings.
Frequency: Ten times per year, monthly except January and August.
Editor: Claire Picton, consultant in emergency care nursing, The Hillingdon Hospital, Middlesex; Managing editor: Nick
Contact details: The Heights, 59-65 Lowlands Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex HA1 3AW, Tel: 020 8423 1066.
Instructions to authors: The instructions to authors are printed in almost every issue of the journal and are available on
the website. They can also be obtained from Helen Hyland, email: helen.hyland@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Website: www.emergencynurse.co.uk
Other information: To contribute to the journal in any way, email nick.lipley@rcnpublishing.co.uk
European Diabetes Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The official journal of the Federation of European Nurses in Diabetes.
European Diabetes Nursing aims to embrace clinical practice, policy, research and systems of care specifically for nurses
who work in diabetes across Europe. The journal is nurse led, multidisciplinary in scope, publishing a mixture of original
research, reviews, case reports, and political comment.
Target audience: Nurses working in the field of diabetes care, research and education in Europe
Frequency: Three times yearly, In print and online
Editor: Sarah Hills
Contact details: Helen Ilter, Managing Editor, Wiley-Blackwell, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19
SQ, UK. Tel: 01243 770520 email: EDN@wiley.co.uk
Instructions to authors: Please contact Helen Ilter at EDN@wiley.co.uk for more information
Website: www.interscience.wiley.com
Other information: The Editor-in-Chief welcomes contributions to the journal of all types. Please contact the Managing
Editor at EDN@wiley.co.uk for more information. All articles are subject to peer review and approval by the Editor-in-Chief
European Journal of Cancer Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: European Journal of Cancer Care is a peer reviewed journal, providing a
forum for multiprofessional and service-user dialogue, and the reporting of original research or rigorous reviews within the
field of cancer care both in Europe and internationally. It is now firmly established as the forum for the exchange of
knowledge, skills and opinion in the field of prevention, treatment, care and rehabilitation (including palliative care) of
people with cancer.
Target audience: All Health professionals involved in Cancer Care
Frequency: Bimonthly. Print and online
Editor: Stephen J. O'Connor
Contact details: Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, Universiteitssingel 40 West, 6229 ER
Maastricht-Randwyck, The Netherlands. Telephone: +31 (0) 43 388 2456. email: mlomax@wiley.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/submit.asp?ref=0961-5423&site=1
Website: http://www.wiley.com/bw/submit.asp?ref=0961-5423&site=1
Other information: Continuing Education through Online Cancer Education Forum section. Listed by ISI
Evidence Based Nursing
Focus of journal: Evidence-Based Nursing surveys a wide range of international NURSING, MEDICAL and HEALTHCARE
journals applying strict criteria for the quality and validity of research. Practising clinicians assess the clinical relevance of
the best studies. The key details of these essential studies are presented in a succinct, informative abstract with an expert
commentary on its clinical application.
Target Audience: Nurses and healthcare professionals
Frequency: Quarterly - Jan, April, July, Oct
Editors: Donna Ciliska, Andrew Jull, Carl Thompson
Contact details: Published jointly by RCN Publishing Company & the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. Personal subscriptions- Tel:
0845 772 6100 or Institutional Subscriptions- Tel: 0207 383 6270
Website: www.evidencebasednursing.com
Gastrointestinal Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Gastrointestinal Nursing is the only dedicated title in the UK for nurses with
an interest in GI disorders. With an emphasis in clinical reviews, the journal also publishes articles looking at practice and
supporting organisations.
Target audience: Specialist nurses Clinical nurses in primary and secondary care; Student nurses (both pre- and
Frequency: 10 times a year
Editor: Peter Black
Contact details: Tel: 020 7501 6714, email: gn@markallengroup.com
Instructions to authors: www.gastrointestinalnursing.co.uk/contribute.shtml
Website: www.gastrointestinalnursing.co.uk
Other information: Indexed on BNI and CINAHL. We welcome unsolicited article submissions
Health and Social Care in the Community
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Health and Social Care in the Community is an exciting international journal
with a multidisciplinary approach recognizing the common ground between health and social care in the community. The
Journal publishes: original research papers, policy and topical review articles; policy and practice evaluations; book reviews;
special issues.
Target audience: Anyone involved in primary health care, social work and the promotion of health
Frequency: Bimonthly. Print and online
Editor: Karen Luker
Contact details: Health and Social Care in the Community, NPCRDC, 5th Floor, Williamson Building, University of
Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK. Tel: +44 161 275 7564, Fax: +44 161 275 7563, email:
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/submit.asp?ref=0966-0410&site=1
Website: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/hsc
Other information: Listed by ISI
Implementation Science
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Implementation Science is an Open Access, peer-reviewed online journal that
aims to publish research relevant to the scientific study of methods to promote the uptake of research findings into routine
healthcare in both clinical and policy contexts. Biomedical research constantly produces new findings - but often these are
not routinely translated into health care practice. Implementation research is the scientific study of methods to promote the
systematic uptake of clinical research findings and other evidence-based practices into routine practice, and hence to
improve the quality and effectiveness of health care. It includes the study of influences on healthcare professional and
organizations behaviour. This lack of routine uptake is strategically important for the development of healthcare as it clearly
places an invisible ceiling on the potential for biomedical research to enhance health outcomes. Further, it is scientifically
important because it identifies the behaviour of healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations as key sources of
variance requiring improved empirical and theoretical understanding before effective intervention can be reliably achieved.
Target audience: Implementation researchers, clinical governance leads, clinicians interested in quality improvement,
policy makers.
Frequency: Electronic open access.
Editor: Martin Eccles, University of Newcastle upon Tyne & Brian Mittman, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Contact details: Institute of Health & Society, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Email:
martin.eccles@ncl.ac.uk & VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, USA. Email:
Instructions to authors: http://www.implementationscience.com/info/instructions/default.asp
Website: http://www.implementationscience.com/home/
Other information:
International Emergency Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: International Emergency Nursing (formerly Accident & Emergency Nursing) is
a peer-reviewed journal devoted to nurses and other professionals involved in emergency care. With an international
readership and authorship, it provides a platform for practitioners worldwide to communicate and enhance the evidencebase of emergency care. The journal publishes a broad range of papers, from personal reflection to primary research
findings, created by first-time through to reputable authors from a number of disciples. It brings together research from
practice, education, theory, and operational management, relevant to all levels of staff working in emergency care settings
Target audience: Nurses and other professionals involved in emergency care
Frequency: 4 times a year
Editor: Heather McClelland
Contact details: Heather McClelland, Nurse Consultant - Emergency Care, Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation
Trust, UK. Email: Heather.mcc@tinyworld.co.uk, Tel: +44 (0)113-257 6674
Instructions to authors: The editors contact details can be found at http://ees.elsevier.com/yaaen/
Website: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/inca/714557
Other information: You can now submit your paper online at http://ees.elsevier.com/yaaen/ allowing you to track it at
every stage which saves you time and keeps you up-to-date. Because it is automated our publication times are quicker than
ever meaning less waiting time for you.
International Journal of Nursing Practice
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: International Journal of Nursing Practice is a fully refereed journal that
publishes original scholarly work that advances the international understanding and development of nursing, both as a
profession and as an academic discipline. The Journal focuses on research papers and professional discussion papers that
have a sound scientific, theoretical or philosophical base.
Target audience: Senior nurses, midwives, health visitors, researchers, educators, advanced nursing students, managers
Frequency: Bimonthly. In print and online
Editor: Alan Pearson
Contact details: School of Nursing and Midwifery, La Trobe University, Bundoora Vic 3083, Australia. Tel: +61 3 9479
5950, Fax: +61 3 9479 5988; email alan.pearson@latrobe.edu.au
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/submit.asp?ref=1322-7114
Website: http://www.wiley.com/bw/submit.asp?ref=1322-7114
Other information: Online manuscript submission through Manuscript Central at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jnu
International Journal of Nursing Studies
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The International Journal of Nursing Studies (IJNS) provides a forum for
publication of original papers of the highest standard that report research findings and research-based reviews and analysis.
It aims to contribute to the advancement of the science and practice of nursing and interrelated disciplines worldwide by the
international dissemination of sound information based on rigorous methods of research and scholarship. The journal
welcomes submissions of original research papers, reviews (including systematic reviews, literature reviews and policy
reviews) scholarly discussion papers and commentaries on published papers. Papers should highlight their contribution to
the theoretical or knowledge base of nursing and related disciplines. Papers should have an international dimension and
those which focus on a single country should identify how the material presented might be relevant to a wider audience.
Selection of papers for publication is based on their contribution to knowledge (including methodological development) and
their importance and relevance to contemporary nursing and related disciplines.
Target audience: Nurses, midwives, educators, administrators and researchers in all areas of nursing, midwifery and
related health care disciplines.
Frequency: 12 issues per year
Editor: Professor Ian Norman
Contact details: Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery, King's College London, James Clerk Maxwell
Building, 57 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8WA. email: ijns@kcl.ac.uk (Stephanie Waller, Editorial Assistant)
Instructions to authors: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/266/authorinstructions
Website: http://www.elsevier.com
Other information: Currently has the highest impact factor of all non-specialist nursing journals in the world (Thomson
Scientific 2007). The IJNS is also the longest established academic nursing journal in the UK, now in its 45th year.
International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications
publishes peer-reviewed articles and commentaries that promote worldwide development, discussion, refinement,
classification, and use of nursing terminologies and classifications. Papers that have a sound theoretical or philosophical
base and reflect the diversity, quality, and internationalism of nursing will be considered for publication. Content related to
nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes labels; concept analyses underlying the labels; and computer applications of
standardized nursing language are suitable for submission. This is NANDA-I's official publication.
Target audience: Nurse Administrators and Managers, Clinician/Staff Nurses, Consultants, Educators, Researchers, and
Clinical Nurse Specialists
Frequency: Quarterly, In print and online
Editor: Georgia Griffith Whitley
Contact details: 28 West Ottawa Street Plainfield, Illinois, 60544, USA. email: gwhitley@plfdlaw.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/ijntc
Website: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/ijntc
Other information: Online manuscript submission through Manuscript Central at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijntc.
Visit NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association) International online at http://www.nanda.org/
International Journal of Older People Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: International Journal of Older People Nursing is an international forum for
advancing knowledge in gerontological nursing. The Journal publishes scholarly and accessible material that challenges
assumptions and provokes new ideas, helping nurses develop and inform their practice and engage in the debates about the
health and social care services for older people. The Journal consists of two sections: scholarly, peer-reviewed original
articles, and peer-reviewed practice development. Within the practice development section are three commissioned scholarly
papers: a literature scan, a paper on applications to practice and a review paper. Each issue features practice development
on a key aspect of older people nursing.
Target audience: Nurses who work with older people; academics with an interest in gerontological nursing research and
scholarship; lecturers who teach and facilitate learning to do with nursing and older people; facilitators of change of practice
with older people and older people services; and all those with an interest in gerontology and the advancement of
gerontological practice, research and education.
Frequency: Quarterly. Print and online.
Editors: Brendan McCormack, Professor of Nursing Research, University of Ulster/Royal Hospitals, Belfast, UK; Jan Reed,
Professor of Health Care for Older People, University of Northumbria, UK.
Contact details: International Journal of Older People Nursing Editorial Office, Wiley-Blackwell, 9600 Garsington Road,
Oxford, OX4 2GQ, UK.
E-mail: mlomax@wiley.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/submit.asp?ref=1748-3735&site=1
Website: www.interscience.wiley.com/opn
Other information: Submit your manuscript online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/opn
International Journal of Palliative Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: IJPN is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research articles and reviews
on all aspects of palliative nursing practice, education and management. Articles address the needs of people facing any lifethreatening illness, at any stage of the disease continuum, who are cared for and supported in any care setting. IJPN
endorses and values interprofessional working and welcomes articles and correspondence from all professional groups. It
also publishes short comment pieces, guest editorials, and book and website reviews.
Target audience: Nurses and other health-care professionals involved in palliative nursing around the world
Frequency: Monthly
Editor: Peter Black
Contact details: Tel: 020 7501 6714, email: ijpn@markallengroup.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.ijpn.co.uk/contribute.shtml
Website: www.ijpn.co.uk
Other information: Authors are encouraged to get in touch with the editor if they have any questions or wish to discuss
their ideas
International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation (IJTR) offers an
interdisciplinary approach to education, research and clinical practice in therapy and rehabilitation. It publishes peerreviewed research and information presented in an accessible, informative and professional medium that aims to inform
evidence-based practice. It also provides a forum for the discussion of new ideas, information and issues relating to all
aspects of therapy and rehabilitation. Commissioned commentaries, published alongside each article, provide further
thought and analysis to the content with the aim of extending readers' perspectives.
Target audience: Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and other professionals of all
levels working in therapy and rehabilitation
Frequency: Monthly
Editor: Joanna Bakewell
Contact details: Tel: +44 (0)20 7501 6747, email: ijtr@markallengroup.com
Instructions to authors: www.ijtr.co.uk
Website: www.ijtr.co.uk
Other information:
International Journal of Urological Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: International Journal of Urological Nursing is an international peer-reviewed
Journal for all nurses, non-specialist and specialist, who care for individuals with urological disorders. It is relevant for
nurses working in a variety of settings: inpatient care, outpatient care, ambulatory care, community care, operating
departments and specialist clinics. The Journal covers the whole spectrum of urological nursing skills and knowledge. It
supports the publication of local issues of relevance to a wider international community to disseminate good practice. The
International Journal of Urological Nursing is clinically focused, evidence-based and welcomes contributions in the following
clinical and non-clinical areas: General Urology; Continence care; Oncology; Andrology; Stoma care; Paediatric urology;
Men's health; Reconstructive surgery; Clinical audit; Clinical governance; Nurse-led services Reflective analysis; Education;
Management; Research; Leadership. The Journal welcomes original research papers, practice development papers and
literature reviews. It also invites shorter papers such as case reports, critical commentary, reflective analysis and reports of
audit, as well as contributions to regular sections such as the media reviews section.
Target audience: All nurses, non-specialist and specialist, who care for individuals with urological disorders. It is relevant
for nurses working in a variety of settings: inpatient care, outpatient care, ambulatory care, community care, operating
departments and specialist clinics.
Frequency: 3 times a year. Print and online.
Editors: Editor-in-Chief: Oliver Slevin, School of Nursing, University of Ulster, UK; Associate Editors: Rachel Busuttil Leaver,
Lecturer Practitioner - Urological Nursing, UCHL; Foundation Trust, UK; Jerome Marley, School of Nursing, University of
Ulster, UK
Contact details: IJUNOffice@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/submit.asp?ref=1749-7701&site=1
Website: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=1749-7701&site=1
Online manuscript submission: through Manuscript Central at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijun
Other information: Visit BAUN at www.baun.co.uk
International Nursing Review
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: International Nursing Review (INR) is the official journal of the International
Council of Nurses, the organization that represents the National Nurses' Associations (NNAs) from 120 countries. INR is a
quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on original articles that help to forward the International Council of Nurses'
(ICN) mission world-wide by representing nursing, advancing the profession and shaping health policy. INR encourages
nurses to describe their work and to document their experience and research, and to submit articles that reflect the ICN
values of flexibility, inclusiveness, partnership, achievement and visionary leadership. Authors are encouraged to explore
beyond local or national interests to the more general, global application of the principles underlying their work. Regulation
of the profession, workplace issues, innovations in practice, patient safety, education, ethics, and the impact of globalisation
and technology on nursing and health and social policy are prominent concerns of this journal. ICN will also continue to
contribute to the ongoing development of nursing internationally with its regular section on International Perspectives.
Target audience: International nurses, nurses in NNAs, policy makers, government nurses, nurses in practice, researchers,
academics and students of nursing and the health sciences.
Frequency: Quarterly. Print and online.
Editor: Jane Robinson, Staffordshire, UK
Contact details: Marie Lomax, Editorial Assistant, Editorial Office, INR, Wiley-Blackwell, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford,
OX4 2DQ, UK, Tel: +44 (0)1865 476527, Fax: +44 (0)1865 471527, email: mlomax@wiley.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/submit.asp?ref=0020-8132&site=1
Website: hhttp://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0020-8132
Other information: Submit your manuscript online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/inr. Listed by ISI
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Journal of Advanced Nursing (JAN) is a world-leading international peer
reviewed journal. JAN contributes to the global advancement of nursing and midwifery knowledge, practice, education,
management and policy by disseminating high quality research and scholarship of contemporary relevance. JAN targets
readers who are committed to advancing practice and professional development on the basis of new knowledge and
Target audience: Senior nurses, midwives and health visitors, managers, researchers, educators, advanced nursing
students. Medical & all healthcare professionals
Frequency: Monthly. Print and online
Editor-in-Chief: Alison Tierney (Adjunct Professor at the Department of Clinical Nursing, University of Adelaide) and
assisted by 5 Editors.
Contact details: Journal of Advanced Nursing, Wiley-Blackwell, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ. UK. Tel: +44 (0)
1865 476518, Fax: +44 (0) 1865 471518, Email: jan@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com
Instructions to authors: www.journalofadvancednursing.com
Website: www.journalofadvancednursing.com
Other information: Submit your manuscript online at https://Mc.manuscriptcentral.com/Jan . Listed by ISI.
Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners is a peer-reviewed
professional journal that serves as the official publication of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. Published since
1989, the JAANP is designed to serve the needs of nurse practitioners and other health care professionals who have a major
interest in primary health care. The JAANP publishes timely original, peer-reviewed articles addressing clinical practice,
clinical management, health policy, research, education and other issues affecting nurse practitioners and other primary
health care providers.
Target audience: Nurse Practitioners
Frequency: Monthly. In print and online.
Editor: Charon Pierson
Contact details: College of Health Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso, 1101 N. Campbell St., El Paso, TX 79902, USA
email cpierson@aanp.org
Instructions to authors: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jaanp - click on 'online submission'
Website: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jaanp
Other information: Visit the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners online at http://www.aanp.org. Soon to be listed by
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing is uniquely placed
focusing exclusively on issues of child and adolescent mental health around the world. The journal includes peer-reviewed,
original articles from a wide range of disciplines working in a wide variety of settings. The breadth of topics covered include
psychosocial care; the impact of nursing care on cognitive, social, or emotional growth and development; environmental
factors that facilitate or constrain mental health; social policy factors that influence the delivery of healthcare services; care
of emotionally disturbed children in schools, inpatient, and outpatient settings; care within the juvenile justice system; and
psychiatric nursing education and research. Columns highlight conferences held around the world, book reviews of popular
literature useful to clinicians, and case studies. Special theme topics are published periodically as an outcome of
conferences and needs of the readers.
Target audience: Nurses and health professionals undertaking clinical practice, teaching or research in paediatric and
adolescent psychiatric care
Frequency: Quarterly. In print and online
Editor: Elizabeth C. Poster
Contact details: University of Texas at Arlington, 411 S Nedderman Drive, Arlington, TX 76019-0407, USA. email:
Instructions to authors: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jcapn
Website: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jcapn
Other information: The Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing now publishes articles online ahead of print.
Visit the Association of Child Psychiatric Nursing (ACAPN) Division of the International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health
Nurses (ISPN) online at http://www.ispn-psych.org/html/acapn.html
Journal of Child Health Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The aim of the journal is to publish original research or original contributions
to the existing literature on child health care. The journal publishes articles covering a very wide range of issues affecting
children's (and their families') health. Articles reflect the fact that health and social care are closely interlinked and that child
health is affected by many factors. Articles fall into two main areas; original research and reviews. Article word length is
usually 3000-3500 words.
Target audience: International and covering practice, research and education settings. Specifically children's nurses and
health practitioners working with children and young people as well as other professionals such as social workers, dieticians,
youth and community workers, teachers and voluntary workers.
Frequency: The Journal is published quarterly - March, June, September, and December. It is available in print or on-line.
Editor in Chief: Professor Bernie Carter
Contact details: School of Nursing and Caring Sciences, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, PR1 2HE, United
Kingdom. Tel: 01772-893 720, Fax: 01772-894 968, email: bcarter@uclan.ac.uk
Associate Editors: Associate Professor Jean Ivey, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA,
email: iveyj@uab.edu, Professor Helen Langton, University of Derby, email: h.langton@derby.ac.uk
Instructions to authors: http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journalsProdManSub.nav?prodId=Journal201572
Website: http://chc.sagepub.com
Other information: Submission is online via http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jchc. The Journal is the official journal of
the Association of British Paediatric Nurses..
Journal of Clinical Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN) is an international peer reviewed Journal
that promotes the development and exchange of knowledge and experience on all aspects of nursing and midwifery
practice. JCN is divided into two categories from 2008: JCN: Clinical nursing knowledge & interventions. And JCN:
Professional roles, patients’ experiences & family participation.
JCN: Clinical nursing knowledge & interventions publishes scholarly papers relating to a range of themes within the context
of clinical nursing, across all care sectors, care settings and countries; for example:
* Development, testing, dissemination and application of clinical knowledge and theory
* Development of clinical research, evaluation, evidence-based practice and scientific enquiry
* The nature of nursing need, intervention, social interaction and models of service delivery
* Examination of clinical decision-making
JCN: Professional roles, patients' experiences & family participation publishes scholarly papers relating to a range of themes
within the context of clinical nursing, across all care sectors, care settings and countries; for example:
* Role development and inter-disciplinary working, exploring the scope and changing boundaries of clinical nursing
* International issues, including cultural comparisons and evaluations of nursing practice in different health sectors, social
and geographical settings
* Practice development and its evaluation
* Clinical nursing leadership
Target audience: Nurses working in clinical practice, academic nurses and nursing research students
Frequency: Two issues a monthly - 24 annually. In print and online.
Editor-in-Chief: Roger Watson (Graduate Division of Nursing and Midwifery School of Nursing and Midwifery, The
University of Sheffield, UK). Associate Editors: Debra Jackson, University of Western Australia, and Carol Haigh, Manchester
Metropolitan University, UK.
Contact details: Journal of Clinical Nursing, Wiley-Blackwell, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK. Tel: +44
(0)1865 476519, Fax: +44 (0)1865 471519, Email: jcn@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/submit.asp?ref=0962-1067&site=1
Website: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jcnur
Other information: Submit your manuscript online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jcnur. Listed in ISI.
Journal of Forensic Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Journal of Forensic Nursing is a groundbreaking publication that covers all
facets of this multidisciplinary specialty: health care, law enforcement, legal issues, and forensic science. The journal
features empirical studies, review and theoretical articles, methodological papers, and case studies. Topics include
interpersonal violence (sexual assault, abuse, domestic violence); death investigation; legal and ethical issues; forensic
psychiatric nursing; correctional nursing; emergency and trauma.
Target audience: Forensic nurses, clinicians, educators, administrators, and research students.
Frequency: Quarterly. In print and online.
Editor: Louanne Lawson
Contact details: University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, COPH Building 5215, 4301 W. Markham Street #529, Little
Rock, AR 72205, USA. email LawsonLouanne@uams.edu
Instructions to authors: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jfn - click on 'online submission'
Website: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jfn
Other information: Submit your manuscript online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iafn. Visit the International
Association of Forensic Nursing online at http://www.iafn.org
Journal for Healthcare Quality
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The Journal for Healthcare Quality (JHQ) is a professional forum that
continuously advances healthcare quality practice in diverse and changing environments. JHQ is a publication of the National
Association for Healthcare Quality, which seeks to be universally recognized as the leading resource for healthcare quality
professionals and an essential connection for leadership, excellence, and innovation in healthcare quality.
Target audience: Healthcare professionals.
Frequency: Bi-monthly. In print and online.
Editor: Joann Genovich-Richards
Contact details: Department of Family Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo, 462 Grider St. Buffalo, NY 14215,
USA. Email: trosenth@acsu.buffalo.edu
Instructions to authors: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jhq- click on 'Author Guidelines'
Website: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jhq
Other information: Online manuscript submission through Manuscript Central - http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jhq. Visit
NAHQ at www.nahq.org.
Journal of Health Organisation and Management
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Explores all aspects of the management and organization of health services.
The Journal seeks articles of 6,000-8,000 words in length that explores health organizations and their management in
depth. Articles which attempt to develop theory are particularly welcome. There are also sections in which authors may
make informed comments, or discuss work in progress. Doctoral students, and students undertaking work for dissertations,
are particularly encouraged to submit.
Target audience: Academics working in health studies and focusing upon management and organization; practitioners
interested in exploring and developing their understanding of health organizations and management.
Frequency: Six times a year
Editor: Dr Nancy Harding (Editor) and Dr Hugh Lee (Deputy Editor)
Contact details: Dr Nancy Harding, email: n.h.harding@bradford.ac.uk
Instructions to authors: See Emerald website or contact Nicola Codner
Website: www.emeraldinsight.com/jhom.htm. Contact managing editor, Nicola Codner, for more details: email:
Other information: There is an annual prize for the best paper submitted
Journal of Interprofessional Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Promoting Collaboration in Education, Practice and Research Worldwide. The
Journal of Interprofessional Care promotes collaboration in education, practice and research in education, health, social care
and related fields:
* Within and between professions
* Within and between organisations
* With service users, carers and communities.
It treats research as both a collaborative field in its own right and as a means to evaluate interprofessional education and
practice. Since its launch in 1992, the Journal has retained its focus on education, health and social care and encouraged
contributions from other fields where closer collaboration is critical to improve the quality of life for individuals, families and
communities, and to establish and sustain a healthier environment. They include housing, public health, law enforcement
and the treatment of offenders. Published worldwide, the Journal encourages the exchange of experience and expertise
across continents and between countries. Each issue is the product of collaboration between members of an Editorial Team
based in Australia, Canada, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States, supported by fellow members of an
Editorial Board from a wider spectrum of countries.
Target audience: Contributors and readers include service users, students, teachers, trainers, practitioners, managers,
policy makers and researchers.
Frequency: Bi-monthly (6 issues per year)
Editor: Fiona Ross, Executive Joint Editor-in-Chief; Hugh Barr, Joint Editor-in-Chief
Contact details: Professor Fiona Ross, Dean & Joint Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Interprofessional Care, Faculty of Health &
Social Care Sciences, Kingston University & St George's, University of London, Cranmer Terrace, LONDON SW17 0RE. Tel :
020 8725 2155 , Fax : 020 8725 2159, email: fross@hscs.sgul.ac.uk
Instructions to authors:
Website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/13561820.asp
Other information: In addition to original, peer-reviewed papers, regular features also include research reports, abstracts
and book reviews. The Editorial Board especially welcomes offers of articles and reports that share experience in developing
and evaluating innovations in collaborative practice, and approaches to learning and teaching, from theoretical, policy and
managerial perspectives.
Journal of Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The Journal of Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness is an international
peer-reviewed journal for nurses and health care professionals who care for people with chronic illness and research in this
area. Chronic diseases and illness are usually of slow progression and long duration. The prevalence of chronic illness is
increasing worldwide, hence it is imperative through research that we understand risk factors, evaluate the effectiveness of
nursing care and determine the best care strategies. The focus of the Journal of Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness is
the integration of theory and practice in the care of people with chronic illness, chronic disease and other long-term
conditions. It publishes original research articles, literature reviews, policy reports and analyses, case reports, and
descriptions of professional practice initiatives in the area of chronic illness. The journal supports the publication of local
issues, when these are of international interest.
* Provide a forum for discussion and information exchange of issues relevant to chronic illness care.
* Support the integration of theory and practice in chronic illness care across the health spectrum.
* Promote quality improvement and best practice in chronic illness care.
* Inform critical discussion about chronic illness care and research.
* Promote chronic illness and chronic disease as an area of inquiry.
Target audience: Health care professionals across disciplines working with people with chronic illness throughout the
lifespan in all care settings including ambulatory care, community and continuing care, long term and residential care,
rehabilitation settings, specialist clinics, and acute care.
Frequency: Quarterly. Print and online.
Editor-in-Chief: Debbie Kralik, Research Unit, Royal District Nursing Service (South Australia), Associate Professor,
University of South Australia and University of Adelaide, Australia; Regional editors: Vivien Coates - University of Ulster,
Northern Ireland; Diana Lee - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Barbara Paterson - University of New
Brunswick, Canada
Contact details: Journal of Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness, Wiley-Blackwell, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4
2DQ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1865 476522, Email: jci@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/submit.asp?ref=1752-9816&site=1
Website: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jci
Journal of Nursing Management
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The Journal of Nursing Management is an international forum which informs
and advances the discipline of nursing management and leadership. The Journal encourages scholarly debate and critical
analysis resulting in a rich source of evidence which underpins and illuminates the practice of management, innovation and
leadership in nursing and health care. It publishes current issues and developments in practice in the form of research
papers, in-depth commentaries and analyses. The complex and rapidly changing nature of global health care is constantly
generating new challenges and questions. The Journal of Nursing Management welcomes papers from researchers,
academics, practitioners, managers, and policy makers from a range of countries and backgrounds which examine these
issues and contribute to the body of knowledge in international nursing management and leadership worldwide.
Target audience: Nurse managers, senior nurses, researchers, academics, practitioners, managers, policy makers,
Frequency: Publishes 8 times a year. Print and online.
Editor: Melanie Jasper, Professor, Head of School of Health Sciences, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea, UK
Associate Editors: Dr Alistair Hewison, Senior Lecturer, School of Health Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham,
UK; Dr Kristiina Hyrkas, Director, Center for Nursing Research & Quality Outcomes, Adjunct Professor, University of
Southern Maine, Maine, USA
Contact details: JNM Editorial Office, Wiley-Blackwell, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1865
476540, Fax: +44 (0)1865 471540, email: ephillimor@wiley.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0966-0429 - click on 'author guidelines'
Website: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0966-0429
Other information: Online manuscript submission through Manuscript Central at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jnm
Journal of Nursing Scholarship
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Journal of Nursing Scholarship is a widely read and respected journal features
peer-reviewed, thought-provoking articles representing research by some of the world's leading nurses exploring topics that
affect the health of people in all parts of the globe. The journal includes articles on world health, clinical scholarship, health
policy and systems, and profession and society. It is the official journal of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau
International and reflects the society's dedication to providing the tools necessary to improve nursing care around the world.
Target audience: International nurse leaders, nurses working at all levels within hospitals or communities, researchers,
managers, educators, and nursing students.
Frequency: Quarterly. In print and online
Editor: Susan Gennaro
Contact details: New York University College of Nursing, 246 Greene Street, Rm 603, New York, NY 10010, USA. email
Instructions to authors: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jns - click on 'online submissions'
Website: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jns
Other information: Visit the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International online at
http://www.nursingsociety.org Online manuscript submission through Manuscript Central at
http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jnu. Listed by ISI.
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Journal of Obstetric, Gynegologic, and Neonatal Nursing (JOGNN) is a peerreviewed scientific and technical journal and is highly respected for groundbreaking articles on important - and sometimes
controversial - issues. Articles published in JOGNN emphasize both evidence-based and clinical practice, building both the
evidence for practice and the clinical application of research finding. Recent articles on cancer in women and infants, cultural
competence in obstetric/gynecologic nursing, and trends in healthcare delivery systems have positively influenced nursing
practice and legislative policy. Other topics covered include perinatal infections, genetics, neonatal emergencies, women's
risk-taking behaviors, and labor support.
Target audience: Nurses and health professionals undertaking obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal care
Frequency: Bimonthly. In print and online.
Editor: Nancy K. Lowe
Managing Editor: Angela Hartley
Contact details: Angela Hartley, 308 New York Avenue, Salisbury, MD 21801, USA. email ahartley@awhonn.org
Instructions to authors: http://jognn.awhonn.org - click on 'online submission'
Website: http://jognn.awhonn.org
Other information: Online manuscript submission through Editorial Manager at http://jognn.edmgr.com Visit the
Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) online at http://www.awhonn.org/. Listed by ISI.
Journal of Paramedic Practice
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: JPP is the only monthly peer-reviewed and evidence-based journal for the
paramedic profession. Each issue contains in-depth clinical reviews, original research, evidence-based practice, as well as
the very best education and continuing professional development articles. The journal welcomes any relevant submissions.
Frequency: Monthly
Editor: Andrea Porter
Contact details: Tel: +44 (0)207 501 6738, email: jpp@markallengroup.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.paramedicpractice.com/contribute.shtml
Web Site: http://www.paramedicpractice.com
Other information:
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing provides an international
forum for the publication of original contributions that lead to the advancement of psychiatric and mental health nursing
practice. It publishes peer-reviewed papers which reflect developments in knowledge, attitudes and skills and integration of
these into practice. The journal: *Provides a forum for critical debate on issues related to practice, education and policy in
mental health care; *Is committed to expanding the awareness of user and carer involvement; *Contributes to the
understanding of care and caring; *Publishes evidence of good practice that translates across geographical and cultural
boundaries; *Provides leadership in a diversity of scholarship; *Recognizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration.
The focus is on innovations in practice that are based on development, evaluation and research. The journal is essentially a
means of communication between professionals, mainly in nursing but also attracting other mental health care workers. It
acts as a repository of ideas, experiences and findings from evaluation or research. It also provides a forum for debate on
current mental health care issues.
Target audience: Accomplished researchers and advanced practitioners, primary carers, first-time researchers, student
thesis writers, professionals who are discovering and drawing conclusions from the service they provide in all areas of
nursing practice, be it through research, education or service development
Frequency: 10 issues a year. Print and online.
Editor: Dawn Freshwater
Contact details: Professor Dawn Freshwater, School of Health and Social Care, Leeds University, Baines Wing, Leeds LS2
9JT, UK. E-mail: d.freshwater@leeds.ac.uk, Editorial Office E-mail: jpmhn@leeds.ac.uk
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=1351-0126
Website: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=1351-0126
Other information: Submit your manuscript online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jpm. Soon to be listed by ISI.
Journal of Renal Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The Journal of Renal Care (formally EDTNA/ERCA Journal) is the official
publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Nursing Association/European Renal Care Association (EDTNA/ERCA). It
is an international peer-reviewed journal for the multi-professional health care team caring for people with chronic kidney
disease and associated conditions. Criteria for publication include: originality, relevance, reader appeal and controversy. We
welcome articles that promote improvement in clinical practice and research. Also, letters to the Editor, case studies, case
reports, clinical practice papers and special reports on professional, educational, economic, ethical and medical-legal issues.
Target audience: All professionals working in the renal field and associated conditions
Frequency: Quarterly. Print and online.
Editor: Dr Cordelia Ashwanden
Contact details: Cordelia@ashwandens.demon.co.uk
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/submit.asp?ref=1755-6678&site=1
Website: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=1755-6678
Other information: Online submission at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jorc
Journal of Research in Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Journal of Research in Nursing (JRN) aims to publish quality research papers
on healthcare issues that inform nurses and other healthcare professionals globally. JRN welcomes original research papers
and those offering critical debate on contemporary issues. As a peer review journal it encourages a culture of learning and
critique, through its publication of reviewers' comments on those papers deemed acceptable for publication, highlighting
their strengths and weaknesses. For those papers not considered acceptable for publication, JRN offers a safe and
encouraging forum for authors, providing valuable opinion and guidance to the author.
Target audience: Students, educationalists, managers, health related disciplines
Frequency: Bi-monthly
Editor: Professor Veronica Bishop PhD, M.Phil, RGN, FRSA
Contact details: SAGE Publications, 1 Oliver's Yard, 55 City Road, London EC1Y 1SP or Email direct to Professor Bishop at
Instructions to authors: At the back of every issue of Journal of Research in Nursing or available on the website
Website: via http://jrn.sagepub.com/
Other information: First journal to introduce open critique for quality papers in nursing in the UK. Good collaboration
offered between authors and reviewers. Now published by SAGE Publications.
Journal of Rural Health
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The Journal of Rural Health, a quarterly journal published by the NRHA, offers
a variety of original research relevant and important to rural health. Some examples include evaluations, case studies, and
analyses related to health status and behavior, as well as to health work force, policy and access issues. Quantitative,
qualitative and mixed methods studies are welcome. Highest priority is given to manuscripts that reflect scholarly quality,
demonstrate methodological rigor, and emphasize practical implications. The journal also publishes articles with an
international rural health perspective, commentaries, book reviews and letters.
Target audience: Rural health care providers, nurses, policy-makers, educators and researchers.
Frequency: Quarterly. In print and online.
Editor: Thomas Rosenthal and Andrew Danzo (Associate)
Contact details: Department of Family Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo
462 Grider St. Buffalo, NY 14215, USA. Email: trosenth@acsu.buffalo.edu
Instructions to authors: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jrh - click on 'Author Guidelines'
Website: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jrh
Other information: Online manuscript submission through Manuscript Central coming soon. 2007 Impact Factor 1.108
Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing (JSPN) is the international
interdisciplinary resource for nurses who specialize in the care of children and families. JSPN bridges the gap between
research and practice by publishing peer-reviewed, reliable, clinically relevant, and readily applicable evidence.
Evidence includes qualitative and quantitative research, clinical expertise, and the perspectives of children and families. The
journal integrates the best evidence with pediatric nurses' passion for achieving the best outcomes. The journal values
interdisciplinary perspectives in the care of children and families and publishes a wide variety of peer-reviewed papers on
clinically relevant topics. Each feature article concludes with a section titled, "How do I apply this information to nursing
practice?" In addition, JSPN columns provide a forum for authors to share their expertise. The concise, information-packed
columns are popular with students and educators as well as with clinicians.
Target audience: Specialists in child and family care
Frequency: Quarterly. In print and online.
Editor: Roxie L. Foster
Contact details: The Children's Hospital, Nursing Research & Education, B444, 13123 East 16th Ave., Aurora, CO 80045,
USA. email roxie.foster@uchsc.edu
Instructions to authors: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jspn - click on 'online submission'
Website: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jspn
Other information: JSPN now publishes accepted articles online ahead of print. Online manuscript submission through
Manuscript Central at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jspn Soon to be listed by ISI.
Journal of Wound Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: JWC publishes high-quality peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of tissue
viability: research, meta-analyses, literature reviews and case studies.
Target audience: Medical, nursing and research staff with an interest in tissue viability
Frequency: Monthly
Editor: Tracy Cowan
Contact details: Tel: 0207 501 6717, email: jwc@markallengroup.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.journalofwoundcare.com/
Web Site: http://www.journalofwoundcare.com/
Other information: The journal is indexed on CINAHL and Medline.
Latin American Journal of Nursing (Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem)
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Mission: To promote the dissemination of scientific nursing knowledge
through the publication of peer reviewed articles that can contribute to the expansion of this field of knowledge and to the
bases of professional action in nursing care, teaching and research. In addition to original articles, which are accepted on a
priority basis, Latin American Journal of Nursing also publishes reviews, updates, short communications/cases accounts,
letters to the editor, reports, the students' page and editorials. The manuscripts are published in three languages: English,
Portuguese, and Spanish.
Target audience: Nurses, Physicians, psychologists, physiotherapists, sociologists, nutritionist and other professionals
members of the multidisciplinary health team, from different regions in Brazil and Latin America, North America and
Frequency: Journal is published bimonthly.
Editor: Maria Helena Palucci Marziale, Phd, RN. Full Professor - University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing
Contact details: Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto-USP, Av. Bandeirantes 3900. Ribeirão Preto- SP- Brazil. CEP
14040-902. Tel: 55-16 36023430. Email: marziale@eerp.usp.br
Instructions to authors: www.eerp.usp.br/rlae
Website: http://www.scielo.br/rlae
Other information: To increase the information exchange between nurses and health professionals from Latin America
and their peers around the world, RLAE invites nurses from Great Britain, USA, Canada and Japan , among other countries,
to send us their articles for publication.
Learning Disability Practice
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: A unique journal for nurses and professional carers of people with learning
disabilities, Learning Disability Practice provides you with up to date coverage of the significant issues you face. The
indispensable resource includes peer-reviewed articles on the latest clinical research, comment and advice from independent
experts, the latest news, study aids, conference and events listings and much more. Learning Disability Practice provides
you with the key information you need to stay one step ahead.
Target audience: Learning Disability Practice is targeted at all learning disability nurses and professionals working at all
levels, in the NHS, community settings and other related sectors.
Frequency: Ten issues per year, monthly except January and August.
Editor: Colin Parish; Consultant editor: Bob Gates.
Contact details: The Heights, 59-65 Lowlands Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex HA1 3AW, Tel: 020 8423 1066.
Instructions to authors: The instructions to authors are printed in almost every issue of the journal and are available on
the website. They can also be obtained from Helen Hyland, email: helen.hyland@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Website: www.learningdisabilitypractice.co.uk
Other information: To contribute to the journal in any way, email colin.parish@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Learning in Health and Social Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Learning in Health and Social Care is an international peer-reviewed journal
contributing to the growth and development of knowledge about approaches to the facilitation of individual, team and
organisational learning in a variety of professional environments in the health and welfare sectors. It aims to:
* Promote educational effectiveness
* Provide research-based evidence on key learning issues
* Explore multiprofessional learning in a variety of contexts
* Cover formal and informal learning in a range of settings
* Examine organisational learning, political relationships and resource challenges
* Deliver the latest policies and directives from statutory bodies for all the professions
Target audience: International, multi-professional, researchers, academics, students. Looks at the approaches to learning
and collaborative working within the health professions - nursing, occupational therapy, psychology, social work, nurse
education, midwifery, physiotherapy, osteopathy, arts therapy, optometry, radiography, health promotion
Frequency: Quarterly. Print and online.
Editor: Pam Shakespeare
Contact details: Wiley-Blackwell, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1865 476538, email:
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/submit.asp?ref=1473-6853&site=1
Website: www.interscience.wiley.com/lhs
Other information:
Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Encourages a wide range of material which is accessible to a broad audience.
It will appeal to a wide range of mental health practitioners, social care practitioners, researchers, educators, users of
mental health services, carers, and voluntary sector workers. The journal aims to be inclusive as possible and supportive of
first time or novice researchers and writers. The function of the journal is to: *Disseminate research findings that are
related to mental health and learning disabilities; *Disseminate findings from mental health research programmes or
projects; *Provide an opportunity for practitioners to share research findings, service developments, and educational
developments, and write review papers that are relevant to mental health and learning disabilities.
Target audience: Mental health practitioners, social care practitioners, researchers, educators, users of mental health
services, carers, and voluntary sector workers
Frequency: March and October each year
Editor: There is an Editorial Board - the chair is Dr Virginia Minogue
Contact details: C/o Journal Administrator, Alison Holmes, Centre for Health and Social Care Research, Harold Wilson
Building, Room HWG/15, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, Huddersfield HD1 . Email: a.holmes@hud.ac.uk
Instructions to authors: As above
Website: www.hud.ac.uk/hhs/research/mhrg/journal/ or www.southwestyorkshire.nhs.uk/journals
Other information:
Mental Health in Family Medicine
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Mental Health in Family Medicine replaces Primary Care Mental Health and is
a peer-reviewed journal on research, education, development and delivery of mental health in primary care. The journal will
publish the results of original research, audits, innovative techniques and best practice, providing a multidisciplinary forum
for professionals in health, social and voluntary care. Mental Health in Family Medicine welcomes original papers and
correspondence from all those involved in research, education, development and delivery of mental health in primary care.
Articles should contain material of relevance to primary care mental health or mental health within the family context.
Target audience: Family practitioners; Nurses; Social workers; Psychiatrists; Psychotherapists; Psychologists;
Occupational therapists; Arts therapists; Researchers; Teachers; Healthcare managers; Medical and healthcare libraries;
Service users; NGO's with an interest in mental health and social inclusion. This is reflected in the broad international
editorial board membership
Frequency: Quarterly
Editor: Dr Gabriel Ivbijaro MBBS, FRCGP, FWACPsych, MMedSci, DFFP, MA
Contact details: Dr Gabriel Ivbijaro, The Wood Street Medical Centre, 6 Linford Road, Walthamstow, London E17 3LA, UK
Tel: 0044 (0) 20 8430 7710 Fax: 0044 (0) 20 8430 7711 Email: gabriel.ivbijaro@nhs.net
Instructions to authors: http://www.radcliffe-oxford.com/journals/J20_Mental_Health_in_Family_Medicine/default.htm
Website: http://www.radcliffe-oxford.com/journals/J20_Mental_Health_in_Family_Medicine/default.htm
Other information:
Mental Health Practice
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: A round-up of the key news, policy developments, guidelines and conference
presentations in the mental health field. Specially commissioned articles on the latest findings - where appropriate these are
double-blind peer reviewed to guarantee their quality. In-depth, quality articles analysing a wide range of topics. Regular
features by service users and their carers give you an insight into how users and carers cope in their day-to-day lives. The
journal also contains policy developments and guidelines, resources and letters.
Target audience: Whether you are a nurse, occupational, speech or language therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist,
researcher, service user or carer you should be reading Mental Health Practice to keep up with all that is happening in this
demanding field.
Frequency: Ten issues per year, monthly except January and August.
Editor: Colin Parish, Associate editor: Cris Allen, Sussex Partnership NHS Trust.
Contact details: The Heights, 59-65 Lowlands Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex HA1 3AW, Tel: 020 8423 1066.
Instructions to authors: The instructions to authors are printed in almost every issue of the journal and are available on
the website. They can also be obtained from Helen Hyland, email: helen.hyland@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Website: www.mentalhealthpractice.co.uk
Other information: To contribute to the journal in any way, email colin.parish@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Midwifery. An international journal
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: 'Midwifery' aims to: enhance the quality of care for childbearing women and
their families; encourage midwives to explore and develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes; provide an international,
multidisciplinary forum for the publication, dissemination and discussion of advances, controversies and current research;
promote continuing education through publication of reviews and updates on all aspects of midwifery; and to cover the
clinical epidemiological, education, managerial and technological areas of practice.
Target audience: Midwives and other clinicians, researchers, educators working within maternity and infant care and
related health fields.
Frequency: Bi-monthly
Editor: Professor Debra Bick
Contact details: Professor Debra Bick, Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery, King's College London. Tel:
020 7848 3461, Email: debra.bick@kcl.ac.uk
Instructions to authors: http://ees.elsevier.com/ymidw/
Website: www.intl.elsevierhealth.com/journals/midw
Other information: The journal has the support of the International Confederation of Midwives and includes a regular ICM
section, and is available on www.sciencedirect.com. The journal is cited in ASSIA, BNI, CINAHL, Current Contents/Social &
Behavioural Sciences, CIRRIE, CISTI, MEDLINE, OCLC FirstSearch, PubMed, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social
SciSearch, VINTI.
Nurse Author & Editor
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Nurse Author & Editor is an international publication dedicated to nurse
authors, editors and reviewers globally. It offers advice on writing quality manuscripts, avoiding rejection and finding
publishing opportunities in many different nursing journals across the world. Nurse Author & Editor is published as a free
online publication at www.NurseAuthorEditor.com. It is published quarterly, and each issue will consist of 2-3 articles aimed
at nurse authors, editors and/or reviewers. There will also be a section to update readers on new developments in journal
Target audience: Nurse authors, editors and reviewers.
Frequency: Quarterly at www.NurseAuthorEditor.com (online only)
Editor: Charon Pierson PhD, RN, GNP, FAANP, Director, Center for Aging, University of Texas, El Paso, USA
Contact details: Nurse Author & Editor, Wiley-Blackwell, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK. Email:
Instructions to authors: http://www.NurseAuthorEditor.com
Website: http://www.NurseAuthorEditor.com
Other information: Free online publication!
Nurse Education in Practice
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Nurse Education in Practice enables lecturers and practitioners to both share
and disseminate evidence that demonstrates the actual practice of education as it is experienced in the realities of their
respective work environments. It is supportive of new authors and will be at the forefront in publishing individual and
collaborative papers that demonstrate the link between education and practice. Nursing is a discipline that is grounded in its
practice origins - nurse educators utilise research-based evidence to promote good practice in education in all its fields. A
strength of this journal is that is seeks to bridge the theory-practice gap between academia and clinical practice. Case
studies that demonstrate how nurse educators teach and facilitate learning, together with reflection and action that seeks to
transform nursing i.e. praxis will be promoted. The online version of the journal promotes innovation in the practice of
education by publishing papers that include interactive material.
Target audience:
Frequency: 6 times a year
Editor: Karen Holland, Editor
Contact details: k.holland@salford.ac.uk
Instructions to authors:
Other information: Indexed in Medline, CINAHL, Education Research abstracts, Online (ERA) OCLC First search, Ulrich's
International Periodical directory, British Nursing Index (BNI), Sociedad Iberoamericana de Informacion Cientifica (SHIC)
Nurse Education Today
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Scholarly contributions of a research or theoretical nature in the field of
nursing and/or health professional education. Papers of international relevance are particularly welcome as are relevant
book and media reviews. Main papers are blind peer reviewed by a minimum of two referees and the journal is advised by a
distinguished Editorial Board and panel of International Advisors.
Target audience: Nurses, midwives and other health professionals interested in the education of their disciplines. The
journal publishes papers from all over the World and has a truly international readership
Frequency: 8 issues per year
Editor: Martin Johnson RN, MSc, PhD, Professor in Nursing, University of Salford. Associate Editor, Sian Maslin-Prothero,
Keele University. Editorial Assistant, Jill Tyldsley
Contact details: Informal discussion about content or editorial policy can be had by contacting the Editor, Martin Johnson,
at: Salford Centre for Nursing, Midwifery and Collaborative Research, MS1.91 Mary Seacole Building, University of Salford,
Gr Manchester M6 6PT, UK email: martin.johnson33@btinternet.com All manuscripts should be uploaded at the following
website: http://ees.elsevier.com/net/default.asp Advice can be provided by the editorial office:
Instructions to authors: The back page of most issues of the journal or the website
Website: http://ees.elsevier.com/net/default.asp
Nurse Prescribing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Nurse Prescribing provides up-to-date information on all aspects of
prescribing theory, practice and research. It also aims to offer a forum for nurses to share their expertise and experiences.
Clinical reviews, discussions of policy, research reports.
Target audience: All nurses with an interest in prescribing
Frequency: Monthly
Editor: Andrea Porter
Contact details: Tel: 020 7501 6738, Email: np@markallengroup.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.nurseprescribing.com/contribute.shtml
Website: www.nurseprescribing.com
Other information: The editors would very much like to hear from anyone with an interest in writing about nurse
prescribing in the UK or overseas.
Nurse Researcher
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Nurse Researcher is an international journal of research methodology in
nursing and health care. Published quarterly, it is focused primarily on the needs of pre- and post-registration students,
practitioners and educators, and contains authoritative papers on the appropriate application and relevance of research
methods to nursing and health care. The main aim of the journal is to educate readers in how to evaluate and appreciate
research work by increasing their understanding of the methods which underlie it.
Target audience: Pre- and post-registration students, practitioners and educators.
Frequency: Quarterly.
Editor: Dr Leslie Gelling; Managing editor: Julie Sylvester.
Contact details: The Heights, 59-65 Lowlands Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex HA1 3AW, Tel: 020 8423 1066.
Instructions to authors: The instructions to authors are printed in almost every issue of the journal and are available on
the website. They can also be obtained from Helen Hyland, email: helen.hyland@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Website: www.nurseresearcher.co.uk
Other information: To subscribe to Nurse Researcher, log on to www.nurseresearcher.co.uk
Nursing and Residential Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Practical, clinical articles that focus solely on caring for clients in nursing and
residential care homes. The journal is read by all staff in these settings and as such the articles need to be written in a clear
and accessible manner so they are applicable to all readers.
Target audience: All staff working in care homes (managers, nurses, care assistants)
Frequency: Monthly
Editor: Laura Dean-Osgood
Contact details: Tel: 020 7501 6751, email: nrc@markallengroup.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.nursingresidentialcare.com/
Website: http://www.nursingresidentialcare.com/
Other information:
Nursing Ethics
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Nursing Ethics takes a practical approach to this complex subject and
relates each topic to the working environment. The articles on ethical and legal issues are written in a comprehensible style.
The international Editorial Board ensures the selection of a wide range of high quality articles of global significance. This
extensive journal covers highly relevant issues including:
* End of life care
* Cross-cultural ethical issues
* Current health policies
* Developments in health care
* Moral stress and distress
* Practical ethical care issues
* Patients Rights/Public Welfare
* Management/Inter-professional Relations
* Qualitative and quantitative studies
Target audience: Nursing Ethics is an international resource for nurses, midwives, health visitors and professionals in
related disciplines.
Frequency: 6 times per year - January, March, May, July, September, November. Print and online
Editor: Ann Gallagher. Editorial Administrator, Edwina Rowling. Founding Editor, Verena Tschudin.
Contact details: Ann Gallagher, International Centre for Nursing Ethics (ICNE), Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
(EIHMS), University of Surrey. Editorial Office: 26 Cathcart Road, London SW10 9NN, UK, Telephone and Fax: +44 (0)20
7351 1263, email: nursing-ethics@surrey.ac.uk
Instructions to authors: http://nej.sagepub.com/
Website: http://nej.sagepub.com/
Other information:
Nursing in Critical Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Nursing in Critical Care is an international peer-reviewed journal covering any
aspect of critical care nursing practice, research, education or management. Critical care nursing is defined as the whole
spectrum of skills, knowledge and attitudes utilised by practitioners in any setting where adults or children, and their
families, are experiencing acute and critical illness. Such settings encompass general and specialist hospitals, and the
community. Nursing in Critical Care covers the diverse specialities of critical care nursing including surgery, medicine,
cardiac, renal, neurosciences, haematology, obstetrics, accident and emergency, neonatal nursing and paediatrics. Papers
published in the journal normally fall into one of the following categories:
* research reports
* literature reviews
* developments in practice, education or management
* reflections on practice
Target audience: Intensive care nurses, Paediatric intensive care nurses, Critical care nurses, Accident and Emergency
nurses, Cardiac nurses, Neurology nurses, Resuscitation team, Nurse consultants, Nurse managers
Frequency: Bimonthly. In print and online.
Editors: John Albarran, Principal Lecturer in Critical Care Nursing, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK; Julie
Scholes, Professor of Nursing, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK
Contact details: Nursing in Critical Care, Wiley-Blackwell, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1865
476519, Email: sceccarell@wiley.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/submit.asp?ref=1362-1017&site=1 - click on 'author guidelines'
Website: www.interscience.wiley.com/nicc
Other information: Visit BACCN at www.baccn.org.uk.
Nursing Forum
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Nursing Forum is essential reading for nursing students, educators, nurse
recruiters, staff development nurses and nurse practitioners interested in the profession of nursing. As a creative
independent voice for professional nursing, this journal reflects modern nursing practice and education worldwide and
provides a unique - and sometimes controversial - perspective on the struggles all nurses face. This is the nursing reference
that prompts readers to examine nursing issues in new and different ways.
Target audience: Nurses
Frequency: Quarterly. In print and online.
Editor: Phyllis G. Cooper
Contact details: PO Box 5037, Playa del Rey, CA 90296, USA; email nursingforum@gmail.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/nuf - click on 'online submission'
Website: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/nuf
Nursing Inquiry
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Nursing Inquiry is an international peer-reviewed Journal which publishes
articles for nurses and healthcare professionals on issues relating to the practice of nursing and healthcare. The Journal
aims to:
* Explore emerging ideas, frameworks and approaches to healthcare
* Promote international perspectives in nursing and healthcare
* Inform debate on current issues in policy and practice
* Examine current trends in nursing and healthcare practice
Target audience: International covering the areas of nursing, social science, the humanities and medicine - academics &
researchers, post graduates
Frequency: Quarterly. Print and online.
Editor: Sioban Nelson, Dean and Professor, University of Toronto, Canada
Contact details: NIN Editorial Office, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, 155 College Street, Suite 215, Toronto ON,
M5T 1P8, Canada. Tel: (416) 978-2862, Fax: (416) 946-5798, e-mail: nijournal.nursing@utoronto.ca
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=1320-7881 - click on 'author guidelines'
Website: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=1320-7881
Other information: Submit your paper at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/nin. Soon to be listed by ISI.
Nursing Management
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Nursing Management is the leading journal focusing on management and
leadership trends that affect the nursing profession. It provides nurses in leadership positions across the public, independent
and voluntary sectors with the practical information they need to make informed decisions. Articles are written by nurses
and experienced journalists to ensure that Nursing Management has everything that professional nurse leaders need: news,
opinion, in-depth features, study aids, book reviews and much more.
Target audience: For nursing leaders everywhere.
Frequency: Ten issues per year, monthly except January and August.
Editor: Nick Lipley; Consultant editor Donna Kinnair, director of nursing and interim director of commissioning at Southwark
Health and Social Care, London.
Contact details: The Heights, 59-65 Lowlands Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex HA1 3AW, Tel: 020 8423 1066.
Instructions to authors: The instructions to authors are printed in almost every issue of the journal and are available on
the website. They can also be obtained from Helen Hyland, email: helen.hyland@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Website: www.nursingmanagement.co.uk
Other information: To contribute to the journal in any way, email nick.lipley@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Nursing Older People
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Nursing Older People is a specialist publication which delivers news, expert
opinion, dynamic features and advanced clinical articles to professionals working in the care of older people. Articles are
written by nurses working at all levels and in all spheres of practice, and by experienced journalists who solicit the views of
experts in the field and tackle cutting edge issues. Topics covered include the differentiation and management of delirium,
depression and dementia; the need to manage rather than contain incontinence; the implementation of the dignity care
programme across the healthcare sector; end-of-life care; visual and auditory loss; health and social interaction; health
promotion and falls management.
Target audience: Professionals working in older people's care.
Frequency: Ten issues per year, monthly except January and August.
Editor: Lisa Berry, Consultant editor: Nicky Hayes, consultant nurse for older people, Kings College Hospital NHS
Foundation Trust, London.
Contact details: The Heights, 59-65 Lowlands Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex HA1 3AW, Tel: 020 8423 1066.
Instructions to authors: The instructions to authors are printed in almost every issue of the journal and are available on
the website. They can also be obtained from Helen Hyland, email: helen.hyland@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Website: www.nursingolderpeople.co.uk
Other information: Please contribute your work or views of the field to lisa.berry@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Nursing Philosophy
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Nursing Philosophy is an international peer reviewed Journal for nurses and
healthcare professionals seeking to articulate a more theoretical basis for their practice. Established in response to the
emergence of a substantial research interest in philosophy as applied to nursing and health care, the Journal provides a
unique forum for discussion of issues at the very foundations of nursing theory and practice. Publishing original research
papers, dialogues, critical responses and books reviews, the Journal critically analyses the conception and differing accounts
of the role of the nurse and the relevance of intellectual movements to nursing. Although the main scope of the journal is
nursing, philosophical contributions on related areas of healthcare work such as midwifery and occupational therapy are
Target audience: International: Nurse theorists (academics & researchers), students, and those related health care
Frequency: Quarterly. Print and online.
Editor: Derek Sellman
Contact details: Derek Sellman, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of the West of England, Blackberry Hill,
Stapleton, Bristol, BS16 1DD, UK. Tel: +44 (0)117 32 88771; Email: Derek.Sellman@uwe.ac.uk
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=1466-7681 - click on 'author guidelines'
Website: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=1466-7681
Other information: Submit your paper at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/nup. Soon to be listed by ISI.
Nursing Standard
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Nursing Standard is a weekly journal that aims to promote professional
excellence and encourage creativity and innovation in nursing, midwifery, health visiting and healthcare assistant practice.
Articles in the Art&Science section are all subject to double blind peer review and include original research, audit, literature
review, continuing professional development, supplements, clinical features and professional issues. Other sections include
news, features, letters, opinions and career-focused articles. The reflections section carries regular columns on research and
clinical governance issues.
Target audience: All nurses, midwives and health visitors and healthcare assistants.
Frequency: Weekly.
Editor: Jean Gray.
Contact details: Telephone: 0208 423 1066, Fax: 0208 872 3195, Email: jean.gray@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Instructions to authors: www.nursing-standard.co.uk or on request to Wanda Freeman 0208 423 1066
Website: http://www.nursing-standard.co.uk/
Other information:
Nursing for Women's Health
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Nursing for Women's Health (formerly AWHONN Lifelines) publishes the most
recent and compelling health care information on women's health, newborn care and professional nursing issues. As a
refereed, clinical practice journal, it provides professionals involved in providing optimum nursing care for women and their
newborns with healthcare trends and everyday issues in a concise, practical, and easy-to-read format. Articles range from
expert, peer-reviewed features to the latest in clinical trends, opinions, innovations, health policy updates, and breaking
news to the newest drugs, devices, and alternative/complementary therapies.
Target audience: Clinical nurses concerned with women's health
Frequency: Bimonthly. In print and online.
Editor: Anne Katz
Contact details: email: nwh@AWHONN.org
Instructions to authors: http://nwh.awhonn.org - click on 'online submission'
Website: http://nwh.awhonn.org
Other information: Nursing for Women's Health has a blog where you can connect with the journal's authors, editors and
other readers by posting questions or comments about content, visit http://www.nwhTalk.awhonn.org. Online manuscript
submission through Editorial Manager at: www.editorialmanager.com/Lifelines Visit the Association of Women's Health,
Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) online at http://www.awhonn.org/
Paediatric Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Articles focus on clinical practice, evidence reviews and primary clinical
research relevant to children's nursing and child health in any setting. Also policy, education and management in children's
nursing. Regular continuing professional development articles that are ideal for PREP. Book and website reviews, news,
events listings and updates on published articles and research.
Target audience: Nurses, students and related professionals caring for children and young people.
Frequency: Ten issues per year, monthly except January and August
Editor: Anne Casey RSCN MSc FRCN.
Contact details: RCN Publishing Company, The Heights, 59-65 Lowlands Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex, HA1 3AW
Instructions to authors: The instructions to authors are printed in almost every issue of the journal and are available on
the website. They can also be obtained from Helen Hyland, email: helen.hyland@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Web Site: www.paediatricnursing.co.uk
Other information: All articles are subject to open peer review.
Palgrave Macmillan
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: At Palgrave we specialise in textbook publishing for the pre-registration and
post-registration student market, although we also have significant clusters of titles aimed at educators and professionals.
We span the nursing, midwifery and health spectrum and have particular strengths in research and policy. Our list
is supported by the Social Theory and Health journal, and by our market-leading Study Skills range, and we would be
delighted to discuss book proposals with any potential authors.
Target audience: Students on pre-registration and post-registration Nursing programmes, students of Health Studies and
related disciplines, qualified nurses and other health professionals
Frequency: We publish throughout the year. To find out more about some of our latest texts please visit:
Editor: Lynda Thompson, Senior Commissioning Editor Nursing and Health Studies
Contact details: Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XS, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1256-302 894, Fax:
+44 (0)1256-320 109, Email: l.thompson@palgrave.com
Instructions to authors: www.palgrave.com/authors and www.palgrave-journals.com/sth/instructions.html
Website: www.palgrave.com
Other information: To sign up to our mailing list please register your details at:
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Perspectives in Psychiatric Care is recognized and respected as the journal for
advanced practice psychiatric nurses. The journal provides advanced practice nurses with current research and clinical
application, as well as knowledge about psychiatric nursing, prescriptive treatment, and education. It publishes peerreviewed papers that reflect clinical practice issues, psychobiological information, and integrative perspectives that are
evidence-based. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care includes regular columns on the biology of mental illness and
pharmacology, the art of prescribing, integrative perspectives, and private practice issues.
Target audience: Nurses and health professionals undertaking psychiatric care
Frequency: Quarterly. In print and online.
Editor: Geraldine S. Pearson
Contact details: University of Connecticut HomeCare Program, Department of Psychiatry, 263 Farmington Ave.,
Farmington, CT 06030, USA. email gpearson@snet.net
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0031-5990&site=1 - click on 'Author Guidelines'
Website: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0031-5990&site=1
Other information: Visit the Adult and Geropsychiatric-Mental Health Nurses (AGPN) Division of the International Society
of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses (ISPN) online at http://www.ispn-psych.org/html/agpn.html. Listed by ISI.
Practice Development in Health Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Practice Development in Health Care is an international, peer reviewed
journal, published quarterly, which aims to promote and be a source of ideas, reflections and scholarly work in the field of
clinical practice development. Articles tend to be patient or client focused, actively engage practitioners have an
interprofessional approach, and contain the essential ingredient of creativity.
Target audience: Practitioners interested in understanding and accelerating change in the clinical context
Frequency: Quarterly. In print and online.
Editor: Susan Hamer and Steve Page
Contact details: Steve Page, 59 Heworth Road, York YO31 0AA, UK. Email: Steve.page6@btopenworld.com
Instructions to authors: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/pdh
Website: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/pdh
Practice Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Practice Nursing publishes articles on all aspects of the nurse's role in general
practice. Its aim is to keep readers up to date with the latest developments in best clinical practice through the publication
of clinical reviews. It also provides a forum for the discussion of political and professional issues that affect practice nurses.
As the practice nurse role continues to evolve to meet the conditions of the new GMS contract, the journal has set itself a
new aim: to provide a forum for the dissemination of research into all aspects of practice nursing. The journal recognizes
practice nurses' need for published evidence on which to base the extension of their responsibilities and their argument for
greater educational support to take up the new opportunities open to them.
Target audience: Practice nurses, nurse practitioners, practice managers, practice nurse educators
Frequency: Monthly
Editor: Liam Benison
Contact details: Tel: 44 (0)20 7501 6709, email: pn@markallengroup.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.practicenursing.com/contribute.shtml
Website: www.practicenursing.com
Other information: The Editor is keen to hear from anyone interested in writing for the journal or publishing their
Primary Health Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Clinical articles, literature reviews, reports of research, evaluations and
reports of service evaluations and comment opinion articles that inform and encourage critical reflection among
professionals in the primary care and community health field. Articles should have clear implications for practice.
Target audience: Nurses working in primary care and community settings, such as practice nurses, district nurses, health
visitors, school nurses, nurse practitioners and community matrons.
Frequency: Ten issues per year, monthly except January and August.
Editor: Julie Sylvester.
Contact details: The Heights, 59-65 Lowlands Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex HA1 3AW, Tel: 020 8423 1066.
Instructions to authors: The instructions to authors are printed in almost every issue of the journal and are available on
the website. They can also be obtained from Helen Hyland, email: helen.hyland@rcnpublishing.co.uk.
Website: www.primaryhealthcare.net
Other information: Please contribute your work or views of the field to julie.sylvester@rcnpublishing.co.uk
Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing is a peer-reviewed publication and the
primary resource for cardiovascular nurses. As a forum for research-based dialogue among CV nurses, the journal provides
readers with up-to-date information on ground-breaking advances in cardiovascular nursing by publishing original and
review papers, results of clinical trials, case studies, and drug therapies, as well as comprehensive reviews of current
literature on clinical practice and research. Each issue also features international perspectives on cardiovascular nursing,
discussions of the latest clinical questions, and news from the American Association of Heart Failure Nurses.
Target audience: Cardiovascular nurses
Frequency: Quarterly. In print and online
Editor: Marguerite Engler
Contact details: University of California - San Francisco, Department of Physiological Nursing, San Francisco, CA 94143,
USA. email marguerite.engler@nursing.ucsf.edu
Instructions to authors: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/117998960/home - click on 'online submission'
Website: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/117998960/home
Other information: Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing is the official journal of the American Association of Heart Failure
Nurses (AAHFN); visit AAHFN online at http://www.aahfn.org Online manuscript submission through
Public Health Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Public Health Nursing publishes thought-provoking theoretical discussions,
timely reviews, dynamic clinical reports, and commentary by the nation's health care leaders. This publication focuses and
places in context the rapidly changing issues which concern public health professionals as they manage today's healthcare
system and invent future systems. The Journal's highly respected contributors provide a vehicle for remaining on the cutting
edge of current thinking and research in the field.
Target audience: Public Health Professionals
Frequency: Bimonthly In print and online.
Editors: Sarah E. Abrams and Judith C. Hays
Contact details: email phn-edoffice@bos.blackwellpublishing.com.
Instructions to authors: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/phn - click on 'online submission'
Website: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/phn
Other information: Online manuscript submission through Manuscript Central at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/phn
Listed by ISI.
Quality in Ageing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Quality in Ageing - Policy, practice and research is a journal linking policy,
research and practice for, about and with older people. We welcome contributions from all researchers, managers,
educators, carers, users and professional practitioners in the welfare, care and provision of services for older people. The
journal is multi-agency and multidisciplinary in outlook. In addition to research-based articles that will be peer-reviewed,
papers giving viewpoints and perspectives from practitioners, commentators and users of services are welcomed
Target audience: Our aim is to provide a high quality source of information, evidence and ideas for researchers, policy
makers, practitioners, educators and managers across a range of settings in which care, services and facilities for older
people are provided.
Frequency: Four times per year
Editor: Dr Ron Iphofen
Contact details: Dr Ron Iphofen, OLM-Pavilion, Richmond House, Richmond Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 3RL
Email: ron.iphofen@googlemail.com,Tel: Contact Sanaz Naseem on: (+44)1273 666727
Instructions to authors: www.pavpub.com/pavpub/journals/QIA/index.asp
Other information: The editor is keen to publish commentary papers from practitioners that link to practice experience and
which have implications for policy and service delivery.
Quality in Primary Care
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The journal is multidisciplinary and concerned with all aspects of quality and
quality improvement in primary and prehospital care and the interfaces between primary, secondary and social care. We
publish high-quality original research that advances knowledge on these topics generalisable to other settings and countries
and from other disciplines related to medicine, including nursing, practice management, professions allied to medicine and
social science. These include academic articles, practical ideas based on relevant experiences, quality improvement studies,
patient perspective articles, and international exchange. Areas of interest include the organisation of quality, clinical
governance, clinical audit, patient safety, appraisal and professional development, quality improvement techniques,
performance management, patient confidentiality, patient perspective, leadership, risk management, continuous quality
improvement, management of underperformance and organisational culture.
Target audience: Those researching, teaching or practising in the fields of quality improvement, clinical governance or
clinical audit related to primary and prehospital care, leaders of organisational and clinical teams in both secondary and
primary care; people interested in clinical governance; Medical and healthcare libraries.
Frequency: Bi-monthly
Editor: Professor A Niroshan Siriwardena
Contact details: School of Health and Social Care, University of Lincoln, Faculty of Health, Life & Social Sciences, University
of Lincoln, Brayford Pool Lincoln LN6 7TS Fax: +44 (0)152 283 7058, Email: nsiriwardena@lincoln.ac.uk or
Instructions to authors: http://www.radcliffeoxford.com/journals/j10%5Fquality%5Fin%5Fprimary%5Fcare/M10_Contributing.htm
Website: http://www.radcliffe-oxford.com/qpc
Other information: This is the first international journal devoted solely to the topic of quality in primary healthcare. We are
referenced in Medline, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, CINAHL, EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service, SwetsWise Online
Content, OCLC FirstSearch Electronic Collections Online, Journals@Ovid Full Text, DH-Data, HMIC, Health & Social Care
Abstracts, British Nursing Index, Zetoc, Scopus and Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory.
Research in Nursing and Health
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Research in Nursing & Health (RINAH) is a general, peer-reviewed, research
journal devoted to publication of a wide range of research and theory that will inform the practice of nursing and other
health disciplines. The editors invite research reports on nursing practice, education, administration, and history; on health
issues relevant to nursing; and on the testing of research findings in practice. Papers on research methods and techniques
are appropriate if they go beyond what is already generally available in the literature. Theory papers are accepted if
knowledge is advanced; preference is given to papers in which theory is developed, rather than simply reviewed. Integrative
reviews of the literature are accepted if gaps in knowledge are identified and directions for future research provided. Critical
reviews of new books and other publications on research and theory may be included. Letters to the editor commenting on
published articles or research and theory issues are welcome.
Target audience: Senior nurses, midwives and health visitors, managers, researchers, educators, advanced nursing
students. Medical & all healthcare professionals
Frequency: Bimonthly. In print and online
Editor: Judith Gedney Baggs, OHSU School of Nursing, 3455 SW US Veterans, Hospital Road, SN-ADM, Portland OR 972392941, USA
Contact details: Email: rinah@ohsu.edu
Instructions to authors: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/nur. Click on 'online submission'
Website: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/nur
Other information: Submit manuscripts to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/nur. Listed by ISI.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: The Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences is an international peerreviewed Journal publishing research that has a patient, family or community focus and which promotes an interdisciplinary
team approach. The Journal aims to contribute to the development and advancement of scientific knowledge on caring
related to health, well-being, illness and the alleviation of human suffering. Of special interest are scholarly articles
addressing and initiating dialogue on theoretical, empirical and methodological concerns related to critical issues in caring.
All articles are expected to demonstrate respect for human dignity and accountability to society. In addition to original
research the Journal also publishes reviews, announcements and short communications.
Target audience: International, multidisciplinary - offers a patient-focused approach to improving quality of care. Health
professionals - nurses, midwives, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, community nurses, etc
Frequency: Quarterly. Print and online.
Editor-in-Chief: Ingegerd Bergbom, Professor, The Sahlgrenska Academy, Göteborg University, Sweden
Contact details: Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, Lisa Davies, Wiley-Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford
OX4 2DQ, UK, Tel: +44 (0)1865 476527, Fax: +44 (0)1865 476489; E-mail: rldavies@wiley.com
Instructions to authors: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0283-9318 - click on 'author guidelines'
Website: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0283-9318
Other information: Submit your manuscript online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/sjcs Published on behalf of the
Nordic College of Caring Science. Listed by ISI.
Social Theory and Health
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Social Theory & Health provides an international scholarly forum for
theoretical reflection and debate on contemporary health issues, many of which bear directly on the planning and delivery of
services. The journal aims to consolidate, refine and extend theoretically informed work on the role of health in modern
societies. The journal is affiliated to the European Society for Health and Medical Sociology. The Editors encourage
contributions from all relevant disciplines, as well as from those involved directly in front-line treatment and care.
Contributions from the developing world are particularly welcome. The journal aims to include contributions from all
theoretical perspectives. The scope of the journal will be broad and the approach eclectic, through a careful mix of authors
and features.
Target audience: The theorization of health issues is crucial both for understanding and as a guide for action. By providing
a forum for academics and practitioners to engage with the theoretical development of the health debate, Social Theory &
Health aims to develop the theoretical underpinnings of health research and service delivery. The journal is of interest to
scholars of health-related sociology; nursing, health and clinical psychologists; health and public policy analysts and
theorists in related disciplines.
Frequency: 2 issues in 2003; quarterly from 2004 onwards
Editors: Graham Scambler, Paul Higgs, Richard Levinson
Contact details:
i) Graham Scambler, Research Department of Infection & Population Health, UCL Medical School, Mortimer Market Centre,
London WC1E 6JB. Email: g.scambler@ucl.ac.uk
ii) Paul Higgs, Division of Research Strategy, University College London, Room 114, Charles Bell House, 67 -73 Riding House
Street, London W1W 7EJ. Email: p.higgs@ucl.ac.uk
iii) Richard Levinson, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, 1518 Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA. Email:
Instructions to authors: www.palgrave-journals.com/sth/instructions.html
Website: www.palgrave-journals.com/sth
Other information: All content is available online in PDF format. Access the website to request an online sample copy, to
register for electronic Table of Contents alerts, to buy relevant articles online or to order an annual subscription.
Editorial Acquisition: Griselda Campbell, Associate Director, nursing and health care journals. Beth Knight, Publisher,
nursing and health care books.
Contact details: Griselda Campbell, Tel: 44 (0) 1865 476515, email: griselda.campbell@wiley.com, Beth Knight, Tel: 44
(0) 1865 476505, email: beth.knight@wiley.com , Wiley-Blackwell, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK.
Website: www.wiley.com
Worldviews on Evidence Based Nursing
Focus of journal /types of article wanted: Worldviews on Evidence Based Nursing is a new peer-reviewed evidencebased nursing journal developed by the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International. It will be a primary
source of information for using evidence-based nursing practice to improve patient care by featuring: *Knowledge synthesis
articles with best practice recommendations and applications; *Original articles and features that present research which
challenges and develops knowledge about evidence-based nursing; *Special features and columns with information geared
to readers' diverse roles; *Commentaries about current evidence-based nursing issues and developments; *A forum that
encourages readers to engage in an ongoing dialogue on critical issues and questions in evidence-based nursing; *Reviews
of the latest publications and resources on evidence-based nursing; *News about professional organizations, conferences
and other activities around the world related to evidence-based nursing; *Links to other global evidence-based nursing
resources and organizations
Target audience: Clinicians, educators, researchers, nurse leaders, policy makers
Frequency: Quarterly. In print and online
Editor: Jo Rycroft-Malone
Associate Editors:Tracey Bucknall, RN, PhD, The University of Melbourne, Australia and Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, PhD,
CPNP, NPP, FAAN, School of Nursing, Arizona State University, USA
Contact details: Jo Rycroft-Malone, Centre for Healthcare Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor, Ffiddoedd Road, Bangor,
LL57 2EF, UK Tel: +44 1248 383119; email j.rycroft-malone@bangor.ac.uk
Instructions to authors: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/wvebn - click on 'Author Guidelines'
Website: www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/wvebn
Other information: Visit the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International at http://www.nursingsociety.org
Online manuscript submission through Manuscript Central at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/wvebn. Listed by ISI.