WEST MILFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION 46 Highlander Drive West Milford, NJ 07480 (973) 697-1700 www.wmtps.org BOARD OF EDUCATION AGENDA WORKSHOP/REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 2011 Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011, which will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Westbrook School Media Center. (The Board reserves the right to act on any and all agenda items.) NOTE: Additions and amendments are identified by parenthesis “()” on the agenda. PLEASE SILENCE OR TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONES AND NOTE THE LOCATIONS OF THE EMERGENCY EXITS. I. CALL TO ORDER II. INVOCATION III. FLAG SALUTE IV. OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS ACT STATEMENT In accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, a public notice of this meeting has been sent to Board Members, all district schools, the Herald News, the Trends, the Record, Aim West Milford, the Messenger, West Milford Town Hall, the County Superintendent’s Office, the Board Attorney, and Cablevision of Warwick; and posted in the Administration Building with a copy in the district’s monitoring files. Copies of the Board Meeting Calendar Resolution were provided to all local media, Town Hall, Township Library, and all district schools. V. ROLL CALL BY BOARD SECRETARY, MS. BARBARA FRANCISCO: TRUSTEE ATTENDANCE TRUSTEE ATTENDANCE TRUSTEE Mr. Aiello Mr. Conlon Mr. Richards Mr. Bailey Mr. Foody Mrs. Richards Mrs. Carter Mr. Gottlieb Mrs. Schultz ADMINISTRATION POSITION ATTENDANCE Mr. John J. Petrelli Interim Superintendent of Schools Ms. Barbara Francisco Board Secretary/Business Administrator Ms. Iris Wechling Director of Education Mr. Howard B. Heller Director of Special Services Joanne L. Butler, Esq. Board of Education Attorney Joseph Barry Student Representative Approximate number of the public in attendance: D:\106756861.doc ATTENDANCE _____________ [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 VI. EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION Motion by following Resolution: , seconded by , to approve the RESOLVED, that the Board go into Executive Session at approximately 9:00 p.m., for approximately 90 minutes, for the purpose of discussing New Jersey School Boards review of existing Teachers and Administrators contracts, negotiations, personnel, legal matters and HIB cases, as necessary. The executive session minutes will not be released until such time as the privilege or confidentiality is no longer applicable. VOICE VOTE: VII. STAFF COMMENTS AND RECOGNITIONS VIII. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT – Mr. John J. Petrelli IX. • October Snow Storm – Impact on school and change in school calendar • Special Education Monitoring • Week of Respect and School Violence Awareness Week • Student Representative Report – Joseph Barry SPECIAL REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE – Ms. Barbara Francisco, Board Secretary/ Business Administrator Motion by following minutes: • • , seconded by , to approve the Workshop/Regular Meeting of October 18, 2011 Executive Session of October 18, 2011 VOICE VOTE: X. LEGAL REPORT – Joanne L. Butler, Esq., Board Attorney XI. PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Mr. David Richards D:\106756861.doc 2 [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 XII. PETITIONS & REQUESTS Petitioners who have requested to speak prior to the meeting will be first with five (5) minutes for each petitioner, for a period of thirty (30) minutes; and then time permitting, other petitions and requests limited to five (5) minutes per petitioner will be allowed, until the thirty (30) minute period transpires; and at the conclusion of the meeting for another period of thirty (30) minutes with a maximum of five (5) minutes for each petitioner. Petitioners speaking during the first session of the Petitions & Requests are asked to address topics listed in the agenda. All speakers are asked to give their full name, spell their last name, and provide their address. Speakers may not use the names of students during Petitions and Requests. The Board requests that petitioners not use specific names of district employees when discussing topics. XIII. MOTION BY AGENDA, AS PRESENTED. , SECONDED BY , TO ADOPT THE VOICE VOTE: XIV. PERSONNEL/STUDENT AFFAIRS – Mr. Wayne Gottlieb, Chairperson Please Note: All appointees recommended for employment have met the New Jersey State law requirements for the criminal history review. However, due to the time necessary to complete the process prior to the needed start date, some appointees are recommended on an emergent basis under the exception provision of the Board Policy (Code 4112.5). Those appointees are indicated with an asterisk (*). Candidates with (**) have completed the criminal history review through a previous employer. Motion by following agenda items: , seconded by , to approve the 1. The recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the resignation, of DR. STEPHEN WISNIEWSKI, Principal, Paradise Knoll School, effective December 31, 2011. 2. The recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the resignation, with regret, of BARBARA CORSARO, Kindergarten Teacher, Marshall Hill School, effective January 1, 2012, for the purpose of retirement. 3. The recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the resignation, with regret, of JO ANN DROZD, Resource Center Teacher, Upper Greenwood Lake School, effective January 1, 2012, for the purpose of retirement. 4. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the appointment of, TARA GUARINO, Grade 2 Teacher, Marshall Hill School (PC#90.04.05.BNX), at the prorated salary of $47.000.00 (BA/1), with health benefits, for the 2011-2012 school year, effective November 16, 2011 through June 30, 2012. (New position) Account: 11-120-100-101-10-10-000 5. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the appointment of DEBORAH MALATAK, Long Term Substitute Grade 3 Teacher, Maple Road School (PC#99.03.00.BKR), at the salary of $85.00 per day for the first ten (10) days, then at the prorated salary of $51,000.00 (MA/1), without health benefits, effective December 5, 2011, through April 27, 2012. (Replaces Rosimini) Account: 11-120-100-101-10-10-103 D:\106756861.doc 3 [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 XIV. PERSONNEL/STUDENT AFFAIRS – Mr. Wayne Gottlieb, Chairperson - Continued 6. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the appointment of ALLEEN DE JAGER, Resource Center Teacher, High School, (PC #90.09.40.APL), at the prorated salary of $53,840.00 (BA/7), with health benefits, effective December 5, 2011, through June 30, 2012, per Board of Education/ WMEA Agreement (Replaces Naccara) Account: 11-213-100-101-10-10-000 7. The recommendation of the Superintendent to create the position of TEMPORARY SPECIAL EDUCATION 1:1 AIDE, Apshawa School, at the per diem rate of $70.00, without health benefits, retroactive from October 25, 2011, through December 13, 2011, or before if no longer needed. NOTE: 1:1 Aide for a student in the Behavioral Disabilities (B.D.) Class, to prevent placement out-of-district. 8. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the appointment of RACHEL PHELPS, Temporary Special Education 1:1 Aide, Apshawa School, (PC# 99.01.00.BNV), at the per diem rate of $70.00, without health benefits, retroactive from October 25, 2011, through December 13, 2011 or before if no longer needed. (New position) Account: 11-120-100-101-1010-103 9. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the establishment of the following positions, 0.5 PRESCHOOL DISABILITIES CLASS TEACHER; TWO – 0.5 PRESCHOOL DISABILITIES CLASS AIDES; and 0.2 SPEECH LANGUAGE SPECIALIST to staff a newly established Fifth (5th) half-day Preschool Disabilities Class, at the Maple Road School, effective January 3, 2012 through June 30, 2012. 10. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve a leave of absence under the Family Medical Leave Act, for LISA LUBARSKY, Resource Center Teacher, High School, with pay using sick days, retroactive from October 3, 2011, through November 18, 2011. (Medical/Family Member) NOTE: The employee may return prior to the above date. 11. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve a leave of absence under the Family Medical Leave Act, for HOLLY STANLEY, Kindergarten Teacher, Westbrook School, with pay using sick days, effective January 3, 2012, through January 27, 2012, then without pay effective January 30, 2012, through June 1, 2012. (Maternity/Child Rearing) NOTE: The employee may return prior to the above date, pending medical certification. 12. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the appointment of the following SNOW REMOVAL WORKERS for the 2011-2012 school year, retroactive from October 30, 2011, to provide emergency snow removal from vehicles, at the rate of $25.00 per hour, as established by the Board - Account: 11000-270-160-10-10-103: DONNA CURRENTI JOHN FITZSIMMONS DARNISS FUCCI MARY GIANTONIO LAURIE KLIMEK JOHN LASKI PATRICIA ROBERTS D:\106756861.doc CHERYL SCHIAVO CARL SWALLING LAURA TALLIA DEBORAH UGROVICS DEBRA WELLER KAREN WILM 4 [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 XIV. PERSONNEL/STUDENT AFFAIRS – Mr. Wayne Gottlieb, Chairperson - Continued 13. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following additions to the certified personnel list of SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS/COACHES/ HOME INSTRUCTORS/NURSES/SPECIAL PROJECTS for the 2011-2012 school year, effective November 16, 2011, through June 30, 2012: ASHLEY CARTER (Teacher) DENISE DePALMA (Home Instruction) JON HARTLAGE (Special Projects) PATRICIA McCRACKEN (Teacher) MELISSA O’CALLAGHAN (Teacher) KIRA WORLEY (Teacher) 14. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following additions to the non-certified personnel list of SUBSTITUTE SECRETARIES/BUILDING AIDES/CAFETERIA AIDES/SPECIAL CLASS AIDES/ OPERATIONS/SCHOOL BUS/VAN/SPECIAL USE VEHICLE DRIVERS for the 2011-2012 school year, effective November 16, 2011, through June 30, 2012: STEPHEN GROFSIK LESLIE JAILLET JODI WUNDRACK (Custodian) (Cafeteria Aide, Building Aide) (Special Class Aide, Building Aide, Cafeteria Aide, Secretary) 15. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following SALARY GUIDE CHANGE adjustments for certified teaching staff members, retroactive from September 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012, per Board of Education/WMEA Agreement: Employee From To Salary MAUREEN SELLEROLI BA/6 MA/6 $57,940.00 16. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS and ADVISORS, for the 2011-2012 school year at the contracted hourly rate of $28.00, per Board of Education/WMEA Agreement: Advisors School Club CHRISTINE ERRICHIELLO CHRISTOPHER JONES JOHANNA ARCHER Westbrook Westbrook UGL Student Council Student Council TREP$ Hours Payment 7 7 5 $196.00 $196.00 $140.00 NOTE: The above clubs are funded through the PTA. 17. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve an amendment to a previously adopted resolution (July 2011), for the following MACOPIN SCHOOL STUDENT ACTIVITY ADVISORS and AFTER SCHOOL CLUB for the 2011-2012 school year, at the hourly rate of $28.00, per Board of Education/WMEA Agreement – Account: 11-401-100-110-10-10-000: Staff Member Club Hours MELISSA CAVAGNINO LESLIE FINKE Peer Mediation Peer Mediation 20 20 NOTE: D:\106756861.doc The above activity is NOT funded through C.A.S.A. 5 [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 XIV. PERSONNEL/STUDENT AFFAIRS – Mr. Wayne Gottlieb, Chairperson - Continued 18. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve an amendment to a previously adopted resolution (September 2011), for the following UPPER GREENWOOD LAKE SCHOOL PARENT INVOLVEMENT EVENT and ADVISORS for the 20112012 school year at the contracted hourly rate of $28.00, per Board of Education/WMEA Agreement: Employee Hours Payment KIMBERLY WALKER DONNA STRIANSE JANE MERRITT LESLIE SPOHN DEBORAH KRUEGER JASON BENZ CHRISTINE WITT HEATHER TERRY-EGLI JoANN BERRIAN STACEY CONKLIN DEENA ACCARDI JENNIFER HARRIS MICHELE HAMMELL 6.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 $154.00 $ 98.00 $ 98.00 $ 98.00 $ 98.00 $ 98.00 $ 98.00 $ 98.00 $ 98.00 $ 98.00 $ 98.00 $ 98.00 $ 98.00 NOTE: Original motion (September 2011), was for nine positions (TBD) at five hours each. Funded through NCLB Title I Grant Account: 20-231-100101-10-50-000 19. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following FAMILY MATH INSTRUCTORS, for the 2011-2012 school year, at the contracted hourly rate of $28.00, per Board of Education/WMEA Agreement – Account: 11-000223-890-10-33-000: Instructors School Hours Payment KATIE BONFORTE SHARON JENSEN BRIAN LESLIE JUSTIN RUNNE TRICIA KANE DIANE BIVONA TINA PEREIRA DANIELLE PEARCE Paradise Knoll Paradise Knoll Paradise Knoll Maple Road Maple Road Maple Road Maple Road Maple Road 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 $280.00 $280.00 $280.00 $140.00 $140.00 $140.00 $140.00 $140.00 20. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following VOLUNTEERS, to the STUDENT ACTIVITY PROGRAMS, for the 2011-2012 school year, with no cost to the district: Volunteer Assignment MATTHEW CONLON KRISTY KARPEL Athletic Programs Music Department D:\106756861.doc 6 [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 XIV. PERSONNEL/STUDENT AFFAIRS – Mr. Wayne Gottlieb, Chairperson - Continued 21. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ACTIVITY ASSIGNMENTS and STIPENDS for the 2011-2012 school year, per Board of Education/WMEA Agreement – Account: 11-401-100-110-1010-000, **Account: 11-190-100-320-09-66-962: Employee Assignment Stipend JON HARTLAGE JON HARTLAGE BRIAN McLAUGHLIN BRIAN McLAUGHLIN WILLIAM REMIA JOHN RUSSO KEITH BUSH GRANT CHIN MICHAEL PENDERGRAST Assistant Director Pit Band Conductor Pit Musician Coordinator Assistant Playbill Coordinator Set Director Snare Technician Drill Designer Marching Technician Assistant Indoor Flag Advisor $4,840.00 $1,030.00 $ 340.00* $ 310.00* $1,370.00* $1,500.00** $1,500.00** $1,500.00** $1,930.00 NOTE: Play Accompanist and Pit Musician Coordinator were previously approved in August 2011 and are being replaced. *Paid for through the proceeds of the play. 22. The recommendation of the Superintendent to designate BARBARA FRANCISCO as the PUBLIC AGENCY COMPLIANCE OFFICER (P.A.C.O.) for the 2011-2012 school year. 23. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following JOB DESCRIPTIONS: (Documentation provided electronically.) DATA SYSTEMS ASSOCIATE (1) (Revised) DATA SYSTEMS ASSOCIATE (2) (Revised) PART TIME SUPERVISOR OF DISTRICT TESTING PROGRAMS (Revised) DATA BASED REPORT ASSOCIATE (Abolish) HEAD CUSTODIAN, HIGH SCHOOL (New) BUILDING AIDE (New) SCHOOL AIDE (Abolish) CAFETERIA AIDE (Revised) ROLL CALL VOTE: TRUSTEE XV. VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE Mr. Aiello Mr. Conlon Mrs. Richards Mr. Bailey Mr. Foody Mrs. Schultz Mrs. Carter Mr. Gottlieb Mr. Richards BUDGET & FINANCE/TRANSPORTATION/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS – Mr. Gregory Bailey, Chairperson Please Note: All appointees recommended for employment have met the New Jersey State law requirements for the criminal history review. However, due to the time necessary to complete the process prior to the needed start date, some appointees are recommended on an emergent basis under the exception provision of the Board Policy (Code 4112.5). Those appointees are indicated with an asterisk (*). Candidates with (**) have completed the criminal history review through a previous employer. D:\106756861.doc 7 [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 XV. BUDGET & FINANCE/TRANSPORTATION/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS – Mr. Bailey, Chairperson - Continued Motion by following agenda items: , seconded by , to approve the 1. The recommendation of the Superintendent to adopt the BOARD GOALS for the 2011-2012 school year. (See folder insert.) 2. The recommendation of the Superintendent to adopt the DISTRICT GOALS for the 2011-2012 school year. (See folder insert.) 3. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board acknowledges the completion of the Maple Road Boiler Replacement Project, SDA #5650-060-09-0ZIQ, and authorizes the release of the excess budgeted project funds in the amount of $31,181.78 to the Capital Reserve Account. 4. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the completion of school BUS EMERGENCY EVACUATION DRILL REPORTS in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:2711.2, as follows: (Documentation provided electronically) Date School Route Numbers Principal/Supervisor 10/17/11 St. Catherine of Bologna 29806-29807 Sr. Theresa Firenze 10/18/11 WM High School 08001-08043 and Macopin 08050-08057 Paul Gorski Mary Reinhold 10/20/11 Maple Road Bill Kane 10/20/11 U.G.L. 10/20/11 New Beg. Annex 02001-02004 (Maple Road) Brian McCarter (Supervisor) 10/21/11 Westbrook 07001-07009, 07020-07021, 07031-07032 Dr. Joan Oberer 10/21/11 Marshall Hill 04001-04011, 04020 Michael McCormick 10/21/11 Paradise Knoll 03032,0500105008,05020, 05031,0504005041 NOTE: D:\106756861.doc 03001-03006, 03020,03030, 03032,0303603037 06001-06008, 06020 Daniel Novak Dr. Stephen Wisniewski The Apshawa School bus emergency evacuation drill was postponed. 8 [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 XV. BUDGET & FINANCE/TRANSPORTATION/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS – Mr. Bailey, Chairperson - Continued 5. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve CHANGE ORDER #2, to C & M Door Controls, Inc., Port Reading, New Jersey, for installation of video/intercom upgrade at main entrance and ADA entrance doors at Apshawa School, from the Capital Projects Funds, in the amount of $4,100.00. 6. The recommendation of the Superintendent to accept bids taken on November 7, 2011, BID CODE 11-06, and award sale of Surplus Equipment Sale #26. (Documentation provided electronically.) 7. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the purchase of a POS SYSTEM from CC Productions Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, at a cost of $11,767.00. 8. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve payments to the following employees for participation in the HEALTH BENEFITS INCENTIVE program - Account: 11-000-291-270-10-13-000: Employee RICHARD ANDERSON GLENN ANTON MARK ARNOLDI KRISTA BASILE MARY BICKFORD DIANA BIVONA ELIZABETH BOYLE VIRGINIA CANNICI JENNIFER CASPERSON LAURA DIAMOND MAUREEN DOTSON LESLIE FINKE JOHN FITZSIMMONS CYNTHIA GALLAUGHER ROBERT GEBA JOHN GERAGHTY WILLIAM GREINER KAREN GRILL MELISSA HEYE JEANETTE JIMENEZ DEBORAH KRUEGER ALFONSINA KULAK LINDA LOSCALZO DAWN MADOS DAWN MAGIE KATHLEEN MARXEN LAUREN MASLANEK COURTNEY MATTIE HINA MEHTA JANE MERRITT DEBRA MIRABELLI JACQUELINE MOLINA JENNIFER MONEGO STEPHANIE NEBIKER MATTHEW PACCIONE FRANK PELLITTERI AMY POMEROY D:\106756861.doc December 2011 June 2012 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $ 666.68 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 -0$1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $ 666.68 $ 666.68 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $ 666.68 $ 666.68 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 -0$1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 9 [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 XV. BUDGET & FINANCE/TRANSPORTATION/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS – Mr. Bailey, Chairperson - Continued 8. (Continued) Employee DONNA POPLASKI PATRICIA RAMBOWSKI JEANNE RENNALLS KARYN REINHOLD EDIE RINALDI LISA RYAN SANDRA SCHULTZ CATHERINE SEKELSKY DALE SELL LAURIE SESAK DEBRA VAN BRUNT MICHAEL VAN BRUNT WILLIAM VAN DYK MELISSA VARIAN GLADYS WAGNER JUDITH WALKER PHILIP WARD PATRICIA ZIELINSKI 9. December 2011 June 2012 $1,000.00 $ 333.34 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $ 333.34 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 -0$1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 -0$1,000.00 $1,000.00 The recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the DONATION of colored copy paper, valued at $1,375.85, from Ricoh Business Systems for the Apshawa School. 10. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve TRAINING AND TRAVEL RELATED EXPENDITURES for Business Office Staff at the mileage rate established by the Board. (Documentation provided electronically.) ROLL CALL VOTE: TRUSTEE VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE Mr. Aiello Mr. Conlon Mrs. Richards Mr. Bailey Mr. Foody Mrs. Schultz Mrs. Carter Mr. Gottlieb Mr. Richards Motion by following agenda item: , seconded by , to approve the 11. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the LIST OF BILLS/VENDORS, for the period ending November 15, 2011, in the amount of $2,193,130.03. (Documentation provided electronically.) ROLL CALL VOTE: TRUSTEE VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE Mr. Aiello Mr. Conlon Mrs. Richards Mr. Bailey Mr. Foody Mrs. Schultz Mrs. Carter Mr. Gottlieb Mr. Richards D:\106756861.doc 10 [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 XV. BUDGET & FINANCE/TRANSPORTATION/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS – Mr. Bailey, Chairperson - Continued Motion by following agenda item: , seconded by , to approve the 12. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the PAYROLL of October 31, 2011, in the amount of $1,958,771.77. (Documentation provided electronically.) ROLL CALL VOTE: TRUSTEE VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE Mr. Aiello Mr. Conlon Mrs. Richards Mr. Bailey Mr. Foody Mrs. Schultz Mrs. Carter Mr. Gottlieb Mr. Richards Motion by following agenda item: , seconded by , to approve the 13. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following TRANSFER OF FUNDS RESOLUTION for the period ending November 15, 2011: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of the Township of West Milford that the following transfers made on the financial records of the Board affecting the 2011-2012 budget be affirmed and approved. Total transfers in the amount of $544,734.48. electronically.) (Documentation provided ROLL CALL VOTE: TRUSTEE VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE Mr. Aiello Mr. Conlon Mrs. Richards Mr. Bailey Mr. Foody Mrs. Schultz Mrs. Carter Mr. Gottlieb Mr. Richards Motion by following agenda items: , seconded by , to approve the 14. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following Resolution: WHEREAS, the Agenda file of November 15, 2011 Regular Meeting of the Board contains the A148 Report of the Secretary and the A149 Treasurer’s Monthly Report; and WHEREAS, both the A148 and A149 are in agreement with the cash balance in the Governmental Funds of: $6,323,057.56 as of September 30, 2011; therefore D:\106756861.doc 11 [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 XV. BUDGET & FINANCE/TRANSPORTATION/OPERATIONS/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS – Mr. Bailey, Chairperson - Continued 14. (Continued) BE IT RESOLVED, that the Report of the Secretary and the Report of the Treasurer’s Monthly Report be accepted. (Documentation provided electronically.) 15. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following Resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board certify as of September 30, 2011, after review of the Secretary’s Monthly (A-148) Report and Treasurer’s Monthly Report (A149), and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials that, to the best of our knowledge, no major account or fund has been overexpended in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23.2.11(a) and 6A:23.2.1(b), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. ROLL CALL VOTE: TRUSTEE XVI. VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE Mr. Aiello Mr. Conlon Mrs. Richards Mr. Bailey Mr. Foody Mrs. Schultz Mrs. Carter Mr. Gottlieb Mr. Richards EDUCATION – Mrs. Barbara Carter, Chairperson Motion by following agenda items: , seconded by , to approve the 1. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve adjustments for the 2011-2012 SCHOOL CALENDAR. Any additional days beyond the remaining four (4) days that are allocated for emergency closing of schools will be made up by using the days scheduled for Spring Break. The first make-up day will be Friday, April 13, 2012, followed by Thursday, April 12, 2012, and then Wednesday, April 11, 2012. Any additional days, if needed, will be made up starting Tuesday, June 27, 2012, up to June 29, 2012. 2. The recommendation of the Superintendent to accept funds for the NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND (NCLB) Consolidated Formula Subgrant FY 2012 for the following amounts: Title I Title IIA Total 3. $453,935 $132,407 $586,342 The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following professional services agreements/contracts for the 2011-2012 school year, on an as needed basis for instruction: EDUCERE – On-line student instruction, paid for by students SUSSEX COUNTY EDUCATIONAL SERVICES – Home Instruction provided by school district D:\106756861.doc 12 [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 XVI. EDUCATION – Mrs. Carter, Chairperson - Continued 4. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following REGULAR EDUCATION TUITION RECEIVABLE CONTRACTS for the 2011-2012 school year (tuition pro-rated): District Placement 5 4 2 K 5. Tuition Sending District $13,865 $13,865 $13,865 $11,703 Garfield, New Jersey Maplewood, New Jersey Paterson, New Jersey Paterson, New Jersey The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following SPECIAL EDUCATION OUT-OF-DISTRICT DAY SCHOOL TUITION CONTRACTS for the 2011-2012 school year (tuition pro-rated): Type of Student Tuition Placement Retroactive from October 19, 2011 1 PSD/Autistic $45,075.60 New Beginnings Annex Maple Road School West Milford, New Jersey (Preschool Disabilities) Retroactive from November 2, 2011 1 B.D. NOTE: $55,344.00 Windsor School West Milford, New Jersey Student was previously placed in the district B.D. program Retroactive from November 14, 2011 1 PSD/Autistic 6. $56,923.20 New Beginnings Fairfield, New Jersey (Preschool Disabilities) The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the establishment of a 5th half-day, Preschool Disabilities Class, at the Maple Road School, effective January 3, 2012. NOTE: Due to the significant increase in the Preschool Disabilities student population, an additional Preschool Disabilities Class is needed. 7. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following High School OVERNIGHT FIELD TRIPS for the 2011-2012 school year: MODEL UN Purpose of Trip: Competition Debate/Conference Location: Dates of Trip: Number of Students: Cost of Trip to Students: D:\106756861.doc Columbia University, New York City January 12-15, 2012 16 $300.00 13 [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 XVI. EDUCATION – Mrs. Carter, Chairperson - Continued 7. (Continued) Name of Advisor: Number of School Days Missed: Number of Chaperones: Edward Marzalik 2 1 (Advisor) NOTE: All transportation, chaperone, and student fees are included in the total cost of the trip. There is no additional cost to the Board. MODEL UN Purpose of Trip: Competition Debate/Conference Location: Dates of Trip: Number of Students: Cost of Trip to Students: Name of Advisor: Number of School Days Missed: Number of Chaperones: Yale University New Haven, Connecticut January 19-22, 2012 16 $300.00 Edward Marzalik 2 2 (includes Advisor) NOTE: All transportation, chaperone, and student fees are included in the total cost of the trip. There is no additional cost to the Board. DECA STATE CONFERENCE Purpose of Trip: State DECA Conference Location: Dates of Trip: Number of Students: Cost of Trip to Students: Name of Advisor: Number of School Days Missed: Number of Chaperones: Hilton Hotel Cherry Hill, New Jersey February 28–March 1, 2012 To be determined $250.00 Jo Ann Blom 3 3 (includes Advisor) NOTE: Cost of trip to students includes housing, registration, chaperones, advisor housing, advisor registration, food and transportation. There is no additional cost to the Board. 8. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following FIELD TRIP(S) not listed on the Board-Approved Field Trip Destination List dated May 3, 2011. (Documentation provided electronically.) 9. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve TRAINING AND TRAVEL RELATED EXPENDITURES for Instructional and School Support Staff at the mileage rate established by the Board. (Documentation provided electronically.) D:\106756861.doc 14 [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 XVI. EDUCATION – Mrs. Carter, Chairperson - Continued 10. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following Resolution: WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements set forth in P.L. 2010, Chapter 122, the West Milford Board of Education has received results of each investigation report on November 15, 2011; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the West Milford Board of Education approves issuance of written decisions affirming, rejecting or modifying the Superintendent’s determination in the following student HIB investigations: Incident Report Number Board Determination 2011-3/HS-4 2011-4/MS-2 Affirmed Affirmed ROLL CALL VOTE: TRUSTEE XVII. VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE Mr. Aiello Mr. Conlon Mrs. Richards Mr. Bailey Mr. Foody Mrs. Schultz Mrs. Carter Mr. Gottlieb Mr. Richards POLICY – Mr. David Richards, Chairperson Motion by following agenda items: , seconded by , to approve the 1. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve a First Reading of a POLICY entitled, “Prevention and Treatment of Sports-Related Concussions and Head Injuries.” (Code #2431.4) (Documentation provided electronically.) 2. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve a First Reading of a REGULATION entitled, “Prevention and Treatment of Sports-Related Concussions and Head Injuries.” (Code #R2431.4) (Documentation provided electronically.) 3. The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve a First Reading of a POLICY entitled, “Practice and Pre-Season Heat-Acclimation for Interscholastic Athletics.” (Code #2431.3) (Documentation provided electronically.) ROLL CALL VOTE: TRUSTEE VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE TRUSTEE VOTE Mr. Aiello Mr. Conlon Mrs. Richards Mr. Bailey Mr. Foody Mrs. Schultz Mrs. Carter Mr. Gottlieb Mr. Richards D:\106756861.doc 15 [11-59] Agenda for the Workshop/Regular Meeting of November 15, 2011 XVIII. SPECIAL COMMITTEES/LIAISON REPORTS Community Affairs – Mr. Conlon Gifted & Talented Program – Mrs. Carter Special Families – Mr. Aiello Parks & Recreation – Mr. Conlon Safety – Mr. Foody Superintendent’s Roundtable – Mrs. Schultz Passaic County School Boards Association – Mr. Gottlieb New Jersey School Boards Association – Mr. Gottlieb Legislative – Mr. Gottlieb Technology – Mr. Richards/Mr. Conlon West Milford Education Foundation – Mrs. Schultz XIX. OLD BUSINESS XX. NEW BUSINESS XXI. PETITIONS & REQUESTS Petitioners who have requested to speak prior to the meeting will be first with five (5) minutes for each petitioner, for a period of thirty (30) minutes; and then time permitting, other petitions and requests limited to five (5) minutes per petitioner will be allowed, until the thirty (30) minute period transpires. All speakers are asked to give their full name, spell their last name, and provide their address. Speakers may not use the names of students during Petitions and Requests. The Board requests that petitioners not use specific names of district employees when discussing topics. XXII. ADJOURNMENT Motion by meeting at , seconded by . , to adjourn the VOICE VOTE: D:\106756861.doc 16 [11-59]