Common Ideas related to G2 Mux/Auto tune system

Date: Aug. 1, 2005
From: MUX Requirement Team
Subject: Multiplex –Auto tune Requirements Document – Consolidated common ideas
related to G2 Mux/Auto tune system
The following individuals contributed to the following list of requirements.
Earl Prentice - NOAA Fisheries
Sandra Downing – NOAA Fisheries
Dean Park – Biomark
Steve Anglea - Biomark
Anthony Carson - Biomark
Ian Jezorek – USGS
Jim Gasvoda – USFWS
John Tenny – PSMFC
Don Warf – PSMFC
Scott Livingston – PSMFC
Darren Chase – PSMFC
Troy Humphrey _ PSMFC
Alan Brower - PSMFC
I have taken your comments and compiled them as much as possible into a common
document. I have attempted to remove duplication of ideas but not in all situations. If I
inadvertently deleted or modified an idea of yours that is not covered please feel free to
add it to the list for discussion.
Thanks again for all of your help!!
1) It was suggested by several individuals that an inexpensive MUX/auto tune with
minimal features be developed. It may be actually less expensive to incorporate a
number of the features used in the enhanced version of the transceiver described below
rather than to have a number of hardware, software, firmware versions. This would be a
decision that the equipment manufacturer must make. However, the minimal features we
desire in an inexpensive unit include:
1) Tag code on each record OK
2) Date and time (time to the millisecond) stamp on each record OK –HELP to tell
Direction in fast moving stream.
3) Tag record storage buffer (2,000 records min) 4000
4) Unique code feature as we presently have with time set OK
5) Amperage read out while connected to a computer DA to answer
6) Phase read out while connected to a computer DA to answer
7) Noise read out while connected to a computer DA to answer
8) Data output port (USB) OK
9) Capacitor and power adjustment (probably all antennas at one time if this is the
least expensive approach) DA to answer
10) LED lights to show if the system is in tune or out (green in tune red not in tune)
11) Individual antenna ID on each record OK
12) Transceiver ID on each record OK
13) Low voltage transceiver shut off record data and then controlled shutdown
14) Reverse polarity protection OK
15) NTIT & FCC approveal.
The following are requirements that would be on a full featured (all features added)
MUX – auto tune transceiver.
Required (hard) features
1) Capability to tune individual antennas DA to answer
2) Individual antenna power management (i.e., capable of adjusting the amperage to
each antenna separately) DA to answer
3) Complete control of individual antenna sequencing (any order or combination of
antennas) DA to answer
4) One of more antennas on at one time (synchronized to prevent coupling and
interference). This feature would enable some sections of a stream to be
interrogated at a higher rate than others. DA to answer
5) Control of each antenna as to its on or off time OK
6) Individual antenna ID on each record OK
7) Transceiver ID on each record OK
8) Capability of separating the analog board and other required electronics from the
master transceiver and placing these electronics near each individual. This would
enable a longer cable to be used between the antenna and transceiver
9) House slave multiplex boxes up to 50 to 100 feet from the master transceiver
Frequency Sync.
10) House all transceiver (master and slaves) in a single box (up to 6 or more
antennas) DA to answer
11) Synchronize two or more transceivers that are separated at a distances or 50 or
more feet Frequency Sync.
12) Unique tag delay function that is specific to each antenna and for each fish
detected on an antenna (capable of tracking the unique time for up to 5 fish per
antenna). Presently one delay time setting is used for all antennas. If a fish is
detected and the delay clock starts and another tagged fish is detected that clears
the clock and the previous fish is recorded again even though the delay clock
would not have expired if it were not for the second fish. DA to answer
13) Presently we set jumpers for long and short cables in the MUX. The problem is
that the cable length will vary at most sties. Delete the need to install jumpers in
the MUX. Have a user defined cable length for each antenna (e.g., long, medium
or short). DA to answer
14) LED lights to help the user know if the system is in tune or not and which way the
system should be adjusted. Anotherway of saying the same thing is “Possibly
tune LED’s (i.e., add capacitance light, subtract capacitance light)” DA to
15) The unit must have a wide tune range because of the varies size, shape and
construction of antennas in addition to different cable length and type of cable
along with the varying environmental conditions (submerged vs. dry, 0 to 32 ppt
salinity) DA Review
16) Capable of synchronizing the clocks of transceivers regardless of the number of
units being used. OK
17) Clock drift can not be over 1 min/yr. The clock time is critical to interpreting
much of the data that is generated by the system DA Target
18) Internal clock accurate to within 5 min/yr
17 or 18 which should it be??
19) Time stamp to milliseconds or on a 1024 msec clock – report time on each record
20) Capable of setting clocks from an external source (flash) OK
21) Need a maintenance port plus a data port OK
22) Enclosure needs to be covered (dust protection type covering) DA to look into
Hoffmann type box
23) Enclosure must be capable of being mounted on a back plane DA to look into
Hoffmann type box
24) Use Mil spec components that on critical parts (i.e., temperature and stability
sensitive areas) OK
25) Low voltage transceiver shut off OK
26) One antenna per card OK
27) Reverse polarity protection OK
28) One flash card for data and a separate one for the program OK
29) Consistent operation over a broad input voltage range (i.e., no self generated noise
at certain voltage levels). Internal automatic input voltage control that would not
power. OK
30) Low weight and small foot print DA to answer
31) Store status-report type information as well – say 150 records before overwriting
DA to answer
32) Make a simple plug-in for adding a loud amplifier to the beeper for checking read
distance in field DA to provide jack for external buzzer
33) Good manual ((i.e., a user’s manual that begins with the basics and clearly
explains tuning procedures (parameters to use, targets to shoot for to optimize
performance)) OK
34) User manual, documentation of test points (updated when any changes are made
to reader/firmware), and technical support. OK
35) A service manual needs to be developed. Included in the service manual should
be a complete set of detailed schematics including components and a complete
detailed circuit description. OK
36) Stored tag and status report data internally on a card that can be exchanged DA
to answer
37) Ability to monitor power voltage level of external battery source
38) Individual antenna diagnostic reports To be User defined
39) Ability to include in diagnostics reports a warning message that indicates if an
antenna loses power or if the tune parameters are too far out of line for auto
tuning. Perhaps this could be worked out as a flagged line that PTAGIS could
recognize and send an email alert to the user To be User defined
40) Ability to save default setup parameters that will automatically restore with power
cycling of the unit. This will allow users to manually test and troubleshoot, but be
confident that by power cycling when troubleshooting is concluded they have left
the transceiver in the correct configuration (example: Send Tags feature is active)
For controlled shutdown the default sets back to last setup as user defined.
41) Set-up file for key parameters. Bootstrap default defined
42) Auto-boot after power loss OK
43) Send “Power failure” alarm when reader power is lost OK
44) “Low lithium” battery alarm will be displayed until the battery is replaced OK
45) Ability to send noise reports from each antenna (adjustable to one minute
intervals) OK
46) Tag data sent w/ xcvr ID, antenna ID, date/time (millisec on/off), tag code (hex or
47) Fully control each antenna separately or together as a group (sequencing, exciter
voltage, diagnostics, noise reports, on/off/stnby, etc.)
48) Master and slave units connected via power and fiber optic cables only
Expensive – really needed???
49) Multiple master units sync together using fiber optic cable
50) Increase read speed to match/exceed the existing FS1001M
51) Rain/splash proof enclosure. (I thought we had decided that the unit would be
placed in a secondary housing and that the MUX housing only needed to be dust
52) Remote tag detection indicator for tuning/maintenance Visual indicator light
for Fish in field.
53) All G2 readers should be identical in operation to ensure proper operation of an
entire system if replacement is needed (strict QC process) OK
54) Include in the diagnostics report for the transceiver the input voltage to the unit
DA to answer
55) Ability to turn off or limit the number of times an error message (such as low
current or high noise) is sent. This would help to reduce the size of Minimon
interrogation files when a site has a recurring problem DA to answer
56) Ability to operate the system at either 12V or 24V DC. OK
57) A standard command that will communicate the current version of the G2
firmware/software to any external data capturing software (i.e.
MiniMon/MobileMonitor etc.):
MiniMon sends to G2:
<GET prm=”Version”/>
G2 replies:
<SET prm=”Version” val=”1.0.5”/>
DA to answer
58) A single, standard command that will communicate and consolidate all
configuration settings of the G2 unit so that external applications can easily
display this to the user and/or make decisions based upon these settings. This will
also allow external applications to implement ‘automatic discovery’ feature as
MiniMon sends to G2:
<GET prm=”Config”/>
G2 replies:
<SET prm=”Send”/>
<VAL var=”Output”>Ethernet</VAL>
<VAL var=”IPAdd”></VAL>
<VAL var=”Port”>26435</VAL>
<VAL var=”CommPort”>COM1:</VAL>
<VAL var=”Baud”>115200</VAL>
<SET prm=”Memory”>
<VAL var=”MemoryThreasohold>50</VAL>
<VAL var=”MaxQueueSize>50</VAL>
DA to answer
59) Reiterate physical size requirements: ‘G2 MUX shall fit within Hoffman box
model #(CSD3308SS) which is approximately 30”x30”x8” when all components
including those to operate 6 or more antennas are included Crude dimensions
and weight
60) Extended memory and/or plug-able expansion memory OK
61) Diagnostic Reporting to all communication ports or user configurable to which
port(s) or memory location diagnostics are reported to.
62) Modular packaging- Allow the customer to purchase what is needed for his/her
63) Opto-coupled Gate Output that follows the Unique On/Off functionality. (On the
current systems this function ignores the Unique On setting and continuously
fires the gate out for every read)
a. A suggestion would be to have an optional I/O card that will accept a 24
VDC input for such things such as level/temperature sensors that the user
could configure to put the transceiver in standby under certain conditions.
b. Q. is 24 V a common voltage for sensor instrumentation? The Optocoupled Gate Out or a 12-24VDC discrete output similar to the ‘gate out’
function of the FS1001 could be part of this card. If the unit is truly
modular and user configurable this would save money for customers that
do not require this function. The Opto-coupled Gate Output is currently
being used for performance testing of the Multimon system and the new
Mustang system being developed and will be needed for future testing.
DA to evaluate – same as juvenile systems application – may need utility
card for sensors or use maintenance com port.
64) If an audible alarm or visible light is not going to be incorporated into the G2, the
ability to hook up an exterior indication would be very beneficial to trouble
shooting. Possibly part of the optional I/O card. This card should be a ‘Plug and
Play’ type card so that a customer could take it to more than one unit at different
sights if so desired and use it as a tuning/troubleshooting device. OK
65) Battery back up for any RAM that does not reside on the Flash card. OK
66) Firmware upgradeable via Flash Memory Card. OK
67) The following are question marks as they are current functions on the existing
transceivers and are most likely a given that they will be on the G2’s but listed
incase they are not.
a. Test tag hardware and software driver.
b. Synchronization hardware and software
c. Power and Read LED’s
d. Serial Interface to the Analog Board
e. Tag Decoding Algorithm
f. Self-test and Periodic Diagnostics and Reporting
g. Periodic Noise Reporting
h. Firmware Upgradeable via the Maintenance Port (if not done by
removable Flash Memory
DA to answer
Features that would be desirable Nice to have but $$$$$
1) Ability to automatically activate and deactivate each individual antenna via a
water level sensor or other instrumentation
2) Wireless communication to and from each antenna
3) Attach sensors and record the data on the flash card
Additional desired information from the manufacturer
DA to answer
1) Supply list of tested power supplies needed for DC and AC operation.
Basic non MUX G2 features (These can be deleted in my opinion but were presented
as part of the MUX requirement). As a group can decide on these ideas!
1) Capable of replacing current adult and juvenile systems.
2) Current communication to PITTAG room supported.
i. High speed (115Kbaud) serial port (i.e., FO port)
Current antenna, sync and timer tag cable connections
3) The following are question marks as they are current functions on the existing
transceivers and are most likely a given that they will be on the G2’s but listed incase
they are not.
i. Test tag hardware and software driver.
j. Synchronization hardware and software
k. Power and Read LED’s
l. Serial Interface to the Analog Board
m. Tag Decoding Algorithm
n. Self-test and Periodic Diagnostics and Reporting
o. Periodic Noise Reporting
p. Firmware Upgradeable via the Maintenance Port (if not done by
removable Flash Memory
Questions for the team????????
1) Do we want a virtual tag?
2) What features do we not want or need that presently exist– be kind?!