Consulting Project Proposal – ARDEX Hong Kong Limited September 11, 2009 Team: Craig Dixon, Jennifer Kim, Fabrizio Palombi, James Stout, Jana Svedova Client ARDEX Hong Kong Limited - Andreas Oberecker, Sales Manager Client Organization ARDEX Hong Kong Limited is a member of the ARDEX group, a developer and manufacturer of high-quality specialist construction materials specifically for substrate preparation, leveling floors, and the fixing of natural stones, ceramic tiles, and other surfacing materials. The company is a medium-sized, independent, family owned business The company was founded in 1949 and is based in Witten, Germany and currently generates consolidated annual sales of over 475 million EUR. ARDEX has 35 subsidiaries, 1,863 employees and factories and sales offices in over 50 countries worldwide. The vision of the ARDEX Group is to be one of the world’s leading solution providers of high performance specialty building materials. The company guides itself by a culture based on the principle of “excellence in all that we do” and sustainable, long-term growth objectives underpin all of its activities. ARDEX products have been specified on buildings such as the Burj Al-Arab Hotel, the Hong Kong Mandarin Oriental Hotel and the Shaghai Jinmao Tower. ARDEX considers its products to be superior in terms of performance and life expectancy, and they are priced considerably higher than the products of most competitors. The business of the company is very local and as such regional offices such as Hong Kong possess a high level of autonomy. As ARDEX sells specialist construction products, they engage in a consultative selling process and also provide the necessary training and support services for the application of their products. Objective The objective of this project is to determine the optimal sales strategy with respect to the structuring of the sales force of ARDEX’s Hong Kong branch. Specifically, we will consider whether having the current sales force aligned by product focus or by customer focus will result in higher growth in sales and profits in a shrinking industry. Further consideration will be given to what compensation scheme will best support the recommended structure. The consultants will provide an independent assessment and recommendation that will be delivered to ARDEX’s Hong Kong office Sales Manager in seven weeks. Key Issues The key issues to be resolved from the issue tree are whether to structure the sales staff according to product specialization, client specialization, or to focus on the structure of compensation in order to drive higher sales, taking all other factors as constants. In order to analyze these potential solutions, we will begin with interviews of the management and sales staff. In the interviews we will ask management and sales staff what aspects of the current process are working well and which are not, and what improvements they would like to see and why. In addition, we will look externally at ARDEX's competitors and benchmark the company's sales strategy, compensation scheme and sales force structures with other similar regional construction businesses. To do so we will obtain market research information from a third party company specialized in providing applicable benchmarking data. This data will be supplemented from the management and sales staff interviews, where we will gain some industry knowledge as well. Further research and information gathering will help us navigate the issue tree through more detailed issues. We will need to examine the drivers of sales in the industry and in the particular geographical region in order to determine what segmentation of the sales force will result in the highest sales. When considering a client-focused structure the sales force, further analysis will be done to determine whether this should be further segmented by geography, industry, or client size. When considering a product-focused structure, we will further analyze how best to segment the company’s products. Further consideration will be given to the compensation scheme for the sales force, and its implication on the how it is structured. Scope: The scope has been limited to address the issues around the most pressing question for ARDEX: How to best focus and structure its sales force. The final deliverable will include an actionable recommendation. The following are items that are outside of the scope of this specific analysis: 1. Changing the size of the sales force: This proposes the initial assumption that the consulting group will consider organizational solutions that pertain to the current sales force. The findings may apply to future growth of the number of employees on the sales force as deemed appropriate by management of ARDEX Hong Kong Limited, however changing the size of the sales force is not within the scope of the proposed solution to be delivered upon project completion. 2. Product mix: The scope of this project is limited to organizing the sales force with respect to the current product mix. As such, recommendations for adding, subtracting, and/or otherwise altering the current product mix are considered to be beyond the scope of this proposal and will not be addressed. However, the benefits of increased focus on particular products will be considered 3. New clients: The scope of this project is limited to organizing the sales force with respect to the current client base. Consideration will not be given to altering the current client portfolio in number or in name, rather potential for deepening relationships with existing customers will be considered. 4. Forecasting a growth target: Forecasting a specific growth target for sales is beyond the scope of this proposal. Although growth in sales is the target of optimal sales force structuring, the analysis focuses on comparing various options rather than determining how to grow sales by a specific amount. 5. Chain of command: The chain of command with respect to the company's formal organizational chart will not be altered. Changing internal reporting is beyond the scope of this proposal, which is limited to the organization of the sales force. 6. Compensation augmentation will serve as an auxiliary recommendation: A compensation scheme will not be recommended. Rather, this recommendation will address possible compensation strategies with respect to the recommended organizational structure. 7. Organization capabilities and resources available to the sales force: The organizational and structural decisions of the company are driven by the market, and thus the capabilities and resources can be built to fit the market requirements and subsequent recommendation. Resources To analyze the client’s question, we will need to access the following sources of information: Interviews · Interview with the client · Interview with a member of the sales staff Information from client · Details of current sales force structure · Details of the current sales strategy and focus · Details of current sales persons’ compensation structure · Sales performance figures · List of company’s top competitors External information · Industry benchmarks High Level Workplan Start Date End Date Activities Owner Deliverable Project Kick-off Phase 1: Current State Assessment Present Current State Findings Checkpoint to Assess Project Progress Phase 2: Future State Design Phase 3: Presentation of Recommendation Jana Team Team Jen Team 23-Sep 21-Sep 2-Oct 2-Oct 5-Oct 23-Sep 2-Oct 2-Oct 2-Oct 20-Oct ppt Team 21-Oct 21-Oct ppt Appendix #1: Issue Tree