Word file

DECEMBER 14, 2008
Bulletin Deadlines
Due to the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, the
bulletin deadlines will be earlier than usual for the
December 28 and January 4 issues. All articles must be in
the parish office by Thursday, December 18 at 10:00 am
for the December 28 bulletin. The deadline for the January
4 bulletin will be Monday, December 22 at 10:00 am.
Articles can be dropped off to the parish office, faxed to
728-4335, or emailed to bulletin@stvivian.org.
Hymnal #886
Is 61: 1-2a, 10-11
(Ps) Lk 1: 46-50, 53-54
1 Thes 5: 16-24
Jn 1: 6-8, 19-28
Mon. Dec. 15
Tues. Dec. 16
Wed. Dec. 17
Thurs. Dec. 18
Fri. Dec. 19
Sat. Dec. 20
Sun. Dec. 21
8:15 am
8:15 am
8:15 am
8:15 am
8:15 am
4:30 pm
8:30 am
11:00 am
Donut Sunday
December’s Donut Sunday will be hosted by the Spiritual
Life Group. We hope you can join us for fellowship with
other members of the parish. See you this Sunday,
December 14 after all the masses.
Joseph Hessler
Joan McQuade
Stella Bettner
Jim Lovill
Stanley X. Munafo
Welfare of the Parish
Larry Laubernds
Gretchen Falhaber
Christmas Food Boxes
Please bring your box or gifts to the St. Francis/St. Clare
Rooms or the hallway outside these rooms this weekend.
They will be delivered this Sunday after the 11:00 Mass. If
you have any questions or would like to help deliver the
boxes, please call Barb at 641-1702.
Gretchen N. Falhaber, infant daughter of Brian & Angela
Falhaber. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.
Men’s Retreat
“Human beings are created to praise and reverence and
serve God, our Lord, and by means of doing this, to save
our souls. Consequently, we are to free ourselves to the
Lord’s call.” (St. Ignatius) The date of the annual Infant of
Prague/Blessed John XXIII retreat is drawing near. It
begins on Friday, January 16, 2009 at 5:30 pm and ends on
Sunday, January 18, 2009 with lunch. The retreat director
this year is Fr. John Ferone SJ. Any man in the parish
interested in attending can call Tom Miller at 931-8066,
the retreat center at 248-3500, or register on line at
www.jesuitspiritualcenter.org. Hope to see you there!
Retirement Fund for Religious
“As our retirement expenses seem unending and ever
increasing, reminding myself of the generosity of the
people who make this (assistance) possible softens my
concern,” writes the president of a religious community in
Dubuque. Please be generous in your support of today’s
appeal for the Retirement Fund for Religious. Envelopes
have been provided in your packet as well as in the pews.
Contribution Report
July 1 – November 30, 2008
Contributions Required
Contributions Received
Monthly Food Collection
Thank you for your generous response to the needy at our
monthly food collection. With the 122 food items
collected, we also collected $86.25 for Mercy Franciscan
at St. John’s. Any help you gave is appreciated. Please
remember that all food items must be nonperishable.
This report will appear monthly in the bulletin and
Quicklets. Contributions required is based on our fiscal
year budget and Contributions received is the actual
amount received in stewardship.
Vocation View: The call from John the Baptist continues
to echo throughout history. It is a call to repentance, a call
to embrace a life of holiness; a recognition that our interior
life must match the witness of our actions, and vice versa.
This year, we celebrate National Vocation Awareness
Week from January 11-17 under the theme: “I live, now
not I; but Christ lives in me.” Deriving from St. Paul’s
Letter to the Galatians, it is a recognition that we must all
be witnesses to Christ.
Kroger Cash Reward Cards/SCRIP Gift Cards
Please stop in the breezeway after the 8:30 and before the
11:00 Masses this Sunday. We have gift cards for many
local and national retail stores. All proceeds benefit St.
Vivian Tuition Reduction Program. You may also contact
Carol Tanner at 821-5816 or email to tannercl@fuse.net to
order cards.
Hymnal #889
2 Sm 7: 1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16
Ps 89: 2-5, 27, 29
Rom 16: 25-27
Lk 1: 26-38
Please pray for the following persons who are currently
serving in our Armed Forces:
Navy Lieutenant Commander Matt Brigger
Army Private Michael Chiseck
Army Specialist Adam Curry
Army Colonel Kevin Fagedes
Ohio National Guard SPC Kenneth Glassmeyer
Navy EN3 Mark T. Hagen, Jr.
Air Force Major Barry Holte
Air Force Senior Airman Justin Janney
Marine CPL DJ Jaspers
Marine Corporal Paul Kutzing
Marine Sergeant Andrew Lang
Army/Air Force Captain Melissa Lang
Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Tim Mack
Army Chief Warrant Officer II Brendan Madden
Army Private Emily Maycox
Marine Lance Cpl. John G. McElwee
Army Reserve Specialist Cassie McMahan
Army Staff Sgt 1st Class Kathleen McMahan
Army Pvt. First Class Steven Nies
Army Capt. Jeffrey Noll
Army Specialist Albert Royal
Army Specialist Neal Royal
Army/Air Force Private First Class Robert Schnelle
Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Andrew M. Smith
Army Staff Sergeant Matthew Sukovaty
Marine Cpl Chris Taylor
Army Sergeant Clint Voss
2nd Lt. Steven P. Weldon
Liturgical Ministers
Sat. Dec. 20
Trav. Chal.
Sun. Dec. 21
Sun. Dec. 21
4:30 pm
Fr. Paul Gebhardt
M & L Hagen, J Hagen, JJ Roth,
Z Shumate, J & L Staneck, N Wilking,
L Wright
S Pasqualetti, G Wallbaum
Humbert, Humbert
J Hagen, C Martin
Julie Borgerding
8:30 am
Fr. Kenan Freson
P Hadden, S Lennert, G Luebering,
M McDaniel, J Michael, ME Smith,
J Schildmeyer, B & V Wagner
J Hadden
Riley, Biederman
A Elsen, J Schirmer, M Glassmeyer
11:00 am
Fr. Paul Gebhardt
C Wolff, E David Knight, E Knight,
P Doty, M Wright, J Browe, S Hermes,
D Ruter, C Hanson
T Mastriani, E Maycox
Usalis, Eha
S Batdorf, C Miller, A Miller
O Father, let us not ignore the hurts of the world,
especially the hungry. Increase our concern and
compassion and send us forth to serve. Amen.
The Year of St. Paul – June 2008 to June 2009
Paul speaks to the Philippians and to us when he writes:
“We eagerly await the coming of our Savior, the Lord
Jesus Christ. He will give a new form to this lowly body of
ours and remake it according to the pattern of his glorified
body, by his power to subject everything to himself.”
(Philippians 3: 20-21)
If you wish to have the name of your family member
currently serving in any branch of the U.S. Military
Services published in the bulletin, please call the parish
office at 728-4331 and leave that person’s name, military
branch and rank.
Thanks for the Prayers
Today’s bulletin contains the list of our St. Vivian family
members who are currently serving our country in the
military. Our son, Andrew Smith, will end his 12 year term
of service in the US Navy this month. We sincerely thank
all of you for your prayers for our son and encourage you
to continue to include all of our St. Vivian military sons
and daughters in your prayers each month when you see
their names listed here. Larry and Mary Ellen Smith
Youth Ministry Ski Outing
Mark your calendars for the December 27 Youth
Ministry/Boy Scout ski outing. We’ll meet in the St.
Vivian back parking lot at 9:00 am, spend the day at
Perfect North Slopes, and return to St. Vivian around 6:00
pm. Please register by December 19. Forms are available
on the youth ministry website or by calling Ms. Schaefer
at 728-4332.
DECEMBER 14, 2008
Memorial Fund
Kathleen O’Connor and Mark Terbrueggen have been
added to the Memorial Fund. If you would like to add your
loved one to the Memorial Fund, please call the parish
office. Inclusion in the Memorial Fund consists of the
deceased names being added to the plaques in the
vestibule in Church and the offering of one Mass per
month for the repose of their soul, the next one being on
Thursday, January 1, the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, the Mother of God, at 9:00 am.
Could You be a Big Brother?
Big Brothers and Big Sisters Association of Cincinnati is
in need of male volunteers (age 21 or older) to serve as
mentors and friends to at-risk boys between the ages of 613, right here in the Springfield/Colerain area. The time
commitment is at least one year and they ask that you
spend at least six hours a month with your little. Please
contact Mary Poole at Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Association at 761-3200 for more information and an
application, or visit www.bigbrobigsis.org.
Parish Policy
Due to legal/liability and maintenance issues, all items to
be posted in or around St. Vivian, including bulletin
boards and outside premises, must be dropped off to the
parish office. Thank you for your cooperation.
Bulletin Flyers
If your organization is interested in inserting a flyer into
the weekly bulletin, it is important you call the parish
office as early as possible to get it on the schedule. There
is a limit to the number of flyers that can be inserted each
week. The flyers are scheduled on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Please Notify the Parish of Hospitalization
If you know of a parishioner in the hospital or if you have
a planned hospitalization, please let us know. As a patient,
please tell the hospital admitting clerk or a pastoral visitor
that you would like your church notified.
Canceled Meetings
All groups are asked to call the parish office if they have
canceled their scheduled meetings or event. Many times
we have made arrangements for key pick-up or told other
groups they couldn’t use a meeting space, only to find out
that the original group did not meet. If you have a meeting
space scheduled and need to cancel it, please call the
parish office as soon as possible so that we know you will
not be using the reserved space.
Monday Evening Prayer
Evening Prayer is celebrated every Monday night at 7:00
pm in Church and typically lasts about 20 minutes. It is
one of the principal celebrations of the Liturgy of the
Hours, the official daily prayer of the Church. Each day,
the Church sings psalms, canticles, and listens to the
scriptures marking the hours of the day. Along with
Evening Prayer, Morning Prayer is the principal hour of
the day, and the two together are “hinge hours”, on which
the day turns. In these liturgies, the Church gives thanks to
God for a new day, and blesses God for the day that is
Paper Recycling
Have you had a chance to drop off your paper for
recycling at the Abitibi Paper Retriever in the church’s
rear parking lot? You can’t miss the yellow and green bin!
All paper, envelopes, mailings, etc. are recyclable. No
bound books or gummed edge items, such as phone books,
or corrugated cardboard!
St. Vincent de Paul Society
We know how many appeals you are asked to support and
we are extremely grateful that you chose to give
generously to the St. Vincent de Paul Society and the Bob
Rahe Memorial Mattress Fund. The Vincentians will use
your donations very wisely. In the Fifth Sunday collection
you contributed $2,863 to St. Vincent de Paul and $1,355
to the Bob Rahe Memorial Mattress Fund. To all that
donated, we thank you and God bless you for your
generosity. In an effort to cut some of our cost, we are now
sending thank you notes for contributions of $50 or more.
Mass Intentions
Do you or someone you know need some extra prayers?
Are you or a loved one celebrating a special occasion? As
a parish, we want to pray with you and celebrate with you.
A podium has been placed at both entrances of the church
with forms for your prayer intentions and for your special
occasions. If you are uncomfortable giving a name, it is
alright to offer an intention “for someone who …” or “for
a person that …” Intentions will be taken at every Sunday
Mass and lectors will collect the sheets about five minutes
before Mass.
Greener Living
The Christina Organization matches computer donations to
local non-profits (schools, agencies). Contact their website
at www.cristina.org or call 203-863-9100. If you have an
idea to reduce, reuse or recycle, please contact Lisa
Brackmann at brackmail@yahoo.com or call at 771-0607.
Parking Lot Safety During School Hours
Parishioners are asked to please pay attention when they
enter the front or back parking lot during school hours. If
students are present, please stop and wait for the teacher in
charge to move students to ensure their safety.
Gift Bearers
Please remember to volunteer to bring up the gifts at the
Offertory. Just take the oval plaque on the easel at the
doors of Church and you have volunteered to bring up the
gifts. As the collection is being taken up, make your way
to the back and the ushers will tell you how to proceed.
Thank you for your participation.
High School Honor Roll
First Honors: Grace Bergmann, Catherine Junker, Grace
Junker, Alison Price, Tayler Thress, Michelle Yung
Second Honors: Allyson Goldick, Andrea Heckle,
Pauline Holthaus, Emily Kacner, Sarah Kaehler, Olivia
Kraemer, Hannah Martin, Hannah Vanarsdall
Outside Sign
There are forms available in the parish office for any
parish group interested in getting something on the outside
sign. The sign is a very visible way to communicate to the
parish and the community at large. Please take advantage
of this wonderful way to get your message out to the
public. You can also download the form from the website
by going to www.stvivian.org, then to All Groups &
Organizations, and then Outside Sign.
Second Honors: Cara Mitchell
St. Xavier
First Honors: Kevin Asper, Andrew Brackmann, Ryan
Brady, Cameron Cunningham, Louis Huser III, Thomas
Kacner, Raymond Lanser, Alexander Martin, Ryan
McGoron, Michael Neltner, Craig Raffenberg, Peter
Siegel, James Siegel, Jr., Samuel Slayton, Sean Warden,
Daniel Warden, Daniel E. Weber, Eric Yager-Schweller,
Christopher Zust
Second Honors: James Allgeier, Evan Ballinger, Edward
CaJacob III, Connor Cunningham, Connor Doyle, Troy
Elsen, Ethan Frey, John Gallagher, Nathan Grider,
Christopher Hanson, Gregory Harris, Kyle Hartmann,
Zachary Imholte, Dustin Landon, Kevin Noonan, Mark
O’Quinn, Ryan Ponti-Zins, Andrew Pratt, Ian Raffenberg,
Christopher Rutz, Charles Schindler, Dylan Waters,
Alexander Wheeler, Alexander Williams, Adam Zust
Media Centers
Are you aware that the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has
Media Centers in Cincinnati, Dayton, and Sidney that are
available for your use? For further information call your
local Media Center, 100 East Eighth St., Cincinnati, OH at
421-3131 or log on to www.catholiccincinnati.org and
click on Media Centers Catalog.
Remember Your Parish in Your Will
Only you can divide your property as you want it divided.
A Bequest to your church can be a living memorial to the
nobility of your life. A Bequest to your Church is exempt
from estate and inheritance taxes, and reduces the amount
of the estate to be taxed. Your attorney will be happy to
assist you.
Roger Bacon
First Honors: Helen Cappannelli, John Hagen, Sarah
Lankford, Kyle Raabe, Kelly Raffenberg, Ana Weickert,
Maria Weickert, Nicholas Wilking
Second Honors: Samantha Brenner, Tory Diedling, Claire
Ferguson, James Fiorini, Marco Fiorini, Andrew Manning,
Zachary Merkle, Kelsey Morgan, Keith Romer, Amanda
Shaw, Joshua Wilking, Matthew Wurtzler
Traveling Chalice Registration
Clip Out and Return (in collection basket, or send, or drop
off at the parish office)
Yes, I/my family would be willing to participate in the
Traveling Chalice Program by committing to take home
the chalice from Mass and praying together for vocations
for one week.
First Honors: Nathaniel Ballinger, Timothy Gory,
Benjamin Heyob, Nicholas Krabacher
Second Honors: Anthony Heckle, Thomas Volker
______ Saturday 4:30 pm
______ Sunday 8:30 am
First Honors: Ryan Elser, Joshua Hafele, Devon
Second Honors: Adam Riccobelli, Jason Sander, Kyle
Shoaf, Joseph Veatch, Jacob Williams
______ Sunday 11:00 am
Name __________________________________________
Address ________________________________________
St. Ursula Academy
First Honors: Lauren Schenk
Home Phone ____________________________________