September 30 , 2006 - Page 1 409th Stated Meeting PRESBYTERY OF SANTA BARBARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) The 409th Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Santa Barbara, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), was convened on Saturday, September 30, 2006 at 9:30am at Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, California, by Rev. Dale Paulsen, Moderator. The Moderator opened the meeting with prayer. A quorum was present. WELCOME to the church was extended by Rev. Jeff Bridgeman, Host Pastor. ROLL was taken by card, 83 persons indicated attendance. (A-Absent; number after minister name is authorized ecclesiastical occupational designation; an * indicates Parish Associate; number before elder commissioners indicate number of commissioners for that church.) CHURCHES/MINISTERS ELDER COMMISSIONERS Camarillo, Taiwanese-American Szu-Hsing Mao (101) (1) Camarillo, Trinity A Jerome Cooper (101) (3) Cambria, Community Tracy Vining (101) (2) Carpinteria Community Mike Wallman (105) (1) Patti Stetson Goleta A Steve Jacobsen (101) (2) Jim Friestad, Steve Jenkin Grover Beach, First A Jan Armstrong (101) (2) Lompoc, First Julia Leeth (101) (2) Los Alamos Warren Einolander, CLP (107) (1) Moorpark David A. Wilkinson (101) Janet Loughry (106) (3) Morro Bay Dale Paulsen (101) (2) Newbury Park, Monte Vista Tom Stephen (191) (1) Rick Lambert Nipomo, Community Luanne Griguoli (101) (1) Dale Federer Ojai A Jeff Holland (101) A Scott Beck (103) (3) Ruric Nye Orcutt Bruce Lethbridge (101) Garry Grant, CLP (107) (3) Scott McLean, Jerrie Harper Oxnard, First Ted Brandt (101) (3) David Schenk, Sara Dunham David Baumgartner James Gilchrist, Steve Gillis Ellen Duke Joan Johnson, Richard Harris Mike Wesner September 30, 2006 - Page 2 409th Stated Meeting Paso Robles, Highlands NCD Graham Baird (301) Pismo Beach, Community A Robert Crouch (101) (1) Port Hueneme, Westminster A Kent Meads (105) Valerie De La Torre (301) (2) Port Hueneme, Word of Life A Ron Urzua (107) (1) San A A A A (3) Nellie Beecher, Harry Sharp Santa Barbara, El Montecito A Harold Bussell (101) Miji Working (105) (4) Kirk Gilbert, Trent Lyon Harriett Hartt Santa Barbara, First Peter Buehler (101) Judith Muller (103) (5) Diane Kirpatrick, Meryle Gaston Doug DuCharme Santa Barbara, St. Andrew's Dale Morgan (101) A Edwin Aspinwall* (299) Donald Carey* (299) A Harold Englund* (299) (2) Mona Wise Scott Eschbach Santa Maria, First A Frederick Morgan* (299) (1) George Welch Santa Paula, First A Randy Working** (1) Chris Buchanan Simi Valley A Jeff Cheadle (101) A Jonathan Lusche (103) A Robert Coppock (103) (5) Solvang, Santa Ynez Valley Jeffrey Bridgeman (101) A Steve Miller (103) (4) Summerland Rev. John McEntyre (101) (1) Templeton, First A Charlie Little (101) (1) Thousand Oaks, Emmanuel Dale Ridenour (105) A Dana P. Shaw (103) (5) Pam Rhodes Ventura, Community A Mark Patterson (101) A Paul Dugan (103) Marsha Martin (103) A Art Beals* (299) (5) Jim McClurkin, Randy Guyih Luis Obispo, First James R. Blades (101) Andrew Rock (193) Curtis Illingworth* (797) Ann Martel* (299) Santa Maria, New Covenant NCD A Israel Gonzales (301) Kerry Morgantini, Brad Roberts Leslie Ooms September 30 , 2006 - Page 3 409th Stated Meeting Ventura, Eastminster A Mark Anderson (101) OTHER MINISTERS A Charles Arnold (797) A James Bain (299) A David Beamer (299) A Dona Behmer (797) A Les Bishop (797) A Sharon Blackmon (634) A Eric Bond (797) A R. Thomas Bousman (299) A James Bultema (791) A Ramón Cisneros (791) A Robert L. Cleath (299) A Paul Coppock (797) A Jeffrey Cotter (795) A Varre Cummins (797) A Thomas E. Ellis (299) A Tim Fearer (403) A Osvaldo Fiallo (299) (2) A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Julia Fogg (644) Ernest Freund (299) Charles C. Griffin (299) Gordon Hess (299) Lyle Hillegas (299) Cecil Hoffman (299) James Huang (503) Kathryn Johnson (797) James Kenney (299) Shona Kiilsgaard (797) Chuck Laird (795) Gerry Larson (299) Barbara Lee (795) Jill Martinez (795) Michael McKim (797) Kristina McKinlay (795) Daniel Newhall (299) Jim Nielsen (299) Robert Ohman (797) A Warren Porter (299) Judy Rarick (797) A Walter K. Robie (299) A Mark C. Smith (797) A John Springer (299) Daniel Stevens (797) A Warren Studer (299) A Bart Tarman (797) A Richard N. Vos (299) A Richard E. Wardlaw (299) Robert Wedaa (299) A Robert Wennberg (797) A Robert Whitaker (299) A Jim Witty (797) Kenneth C. Working (302) ** Rev. Randy Working, Presbytery of Seattle serving as Pulpit Supply and Moderator of Session, Santa Paula First SUMMARY OF MINISTERIAL/CANDIDATE CHANGES (this meeting): Minister members reported deceased: Rev. Roger Meriwether HR Changes within the presbytery Rev. Israel Gonzales – Designated Pastor, Santa Maria First Rev. Judy Rarick – Designated Associate Pastor, Santa Maria First Rev. David Wilkinson, Moorpark – change in terms of call Rev. Janet Loughry, Moorpark – change in terms of call Rev. Dan Newhall – permission to labor outside the bounds (Presbytery of San Gabriel) Rev. Eugenia Gamble – permission to labor within the bounds, San Luis Obispo First (Presbytery of Sheppards & Lapsley) Rev. Diana Hopkins 105 (Oxnard First) to 797 Rev. Jim Witty resignation as Parish Associate, Santa Barbara First Rev. Jim Witty resignation as Temporary Supply Pastor, Santa Maria First Candidates Under Care Deborah Matthews, approved for ordination on October 1, 2006 and transferred to Presbytery of Detroit Matthew Overton, examined and ordained by Presbytery of Sacramento ELDER MEMBERS OF PRESBYTERY COUNCIL: Jim Stueck OTHERS PRESENT: Jeanne Johnson, Carpinteria; Martin Johnson, Carpinteria; Dolores Flores, Carpinteria; Steve Stetson, Carpinteria; Mike Wesner, Moorpark; Jim Stueck, Moorpark; Howard Johnson, Newbury Park; Margaret Wielenga, Santa Maria; Elaine Hanko, Santa Maria First; Berrie Colyar, Newbury Park; Mickey Keith, Santa Maria; Lilly Welch, Santa Maria; Aubrey Sloan, Orcutt; Mary Baumgartner, Oxnard; Linda Porteous, Port Hueneme; Penny Carlson, Santa Paula; Lani Gilbert, Santa Ynez; Deborah Matthews, SB St Andrews; Art and Peggy Montgomery, SB El Montecito PRESBYTERY STAFF: Ken Working, Michelle Holmes, Corinne Satterthwaite September 30, 2006 - Page 4 409th Stated Meeting PRESBYTERY PROGRAM STAFF: Patrick Hall, Campus Ministry, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo CORRESPONDING MEMBERS: None NEW ELDER COMMISSIONERS and visitors were welcomed to the presbytery. First-time elder commissioners were hosted in the Newcomers’ Lounge prior to the meeting by former Moderator Mary Baumgartner. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR was granted to all members of presbytery committees present. AGENDA was adopted by the presbytery. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved, seconded and carried to adopt the Consent Agenda. REPORT OF THE STATED CLERK (Consent Agenda) The Stated Clerk 1. The Stated Clerk recommends the approval of the minutes of the 408th stated meeting of the Presbytery of Santa Barbara held on May 9, 2006 and the minutes of the Special Called Meeting of the Presbytery of Santa Barbara held on June 6, 2006. 2. Reports the reception of Rev. Jeannie Kim by the Presbytery of San Francisco, effective October 21, 2005. 3. Reports the reception of Rev. Mark Kliewer by the Presbytery of San Gabriel, effective November 16, 2005. 4. Reports the reception of Rev. Pamela Gordon by the Presbytery of Maumee Valley, effective January 22, 2006. 5. Reports the death of Rev. Roger Meriwether (HR) on June 11, 2006 at age 82 in Puyallup, Washington. 6. Reports that Rev. Diana Hopkins is no longer serving as Interim Pastor (105) at First Presbyterian Church, Oxnard, and has been reclassified as a minister member-at-large (797). 7. Reports that Rev. Jim Witty is no longer serving as Parish Associate at First Presbyterian Church, Santa Barbara or as Temporary Supply at First Presbyterian Church in Santa Maria. Jim has relocated to the Dallas, Texas area in his work with Care Corps International. 8. Reports the resignation of Nancy O’Dell from the Education and Leadership Development Committee, class of 2007. 9. Reports the resignation of Rev. Jim Witty from the Church in the World Committee, class of 2007. 10. Reports that the Governing Body Relations Committee of the Synod of Southern California and Hawaii met on June 3, 2006 and approved the Alternate Examination Policy for the Presbytery of Santa Barbara. That action will be reported to the Synod Assembly at its October 26-28, 2006 meeting. 11. Reports that the presbytery’s 2005 Minute Book, Register and Manual of Operations were presented for review on July 27, 2006 to the Governing Body Relations Committee of the Synod of Southern California and Hawaii. 12. Reports the following action by the 217th General Assembly (2006) on overtures submitted by the Presbytery of Santa Barbara: Item 06-10. On Removing and Referring Recommendation 5 from the Theological Task Force Report, and Appointing a Task Force to Answer Questions Through the Careful Study of Recommendation 5 – From the Presbytery of Santa Barbara. September 30 , 2006 - Page 5 409th Stated Meeting GA Action: Answered by the action on taken on Item 06-01, the Report of the Task Force On Peace, Unity, and Purity, which was approved with amendment. To see the action on this item, go to Item 11-01. On Rescinding And Modifying Certain Actions of the 216th General Assembly Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict [Divestment] – From the Presbytery of Mississippi. Concurrence: Presbytery of Santa Barbara. GA Action: Answered with alternate resolution and comment. To see the action on this item, go to Complete text of the General Assembly’s action on these items is also available at Presbytery Center. REPORT OF THE TREASURER (Consent Agenda) The Treasurer recommends the presbytery approve the draft unaudited Combined General Mission and Ecclesiastical Revenue Over Expense Statement (abbreviated) for the period ending 9/30/06 (financial report is on file at Presbytery Center, and is not included herein). WORSHIP AND INSTALLATION OF PRESBYTERY MODERATOR Rev. Dale Paulsen, Moderator, read Romans 12:1-2 and preached on the theme "Go Against the Flow." Also leading in the service were host pastor, Rev. Jeff Bridgeman, and the host church's Worship Team led by Director Allen Satchwell. Included in the service was the installation of the new Moderator, Rev. Mike Wallman, by the out-going Moderator. On behalf of the Presbytery, Moderator Wallman presented a recognition plaque to Rev. Paulsen. PROGRAM Rev. Steve Miller, Associate Pastor of the host church introduced Dr. Leanne Van Dyk. She spoke on "Table and Font: What It Looks Like to Be a Sacramental Community." Dr. Van Dyk is Dean and Vice President of Academic Affairs at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. She also teaches Reformed theology at the seminary. LUNCH RECESS With a prayer by Rev. Steve Miller, Associate Pastor of the host church, presbytery recessed for lunch at 12:00noon and reconvened at 1:00pm. ANNOUNCEMENTS Following the lunch recess, the following announcements were made: 1. Board of Pensions dues will increase to 31.5% of effective salary beginning January 1, 2007. 2. Meal reservations will be required beginning with the February 2007 presbytery meeting. 3. New IRS rules regarding substantiation of contributions to churches will go into effect January 1, 2007. All contributions to the church from individuals (no matter in what dollar amount) will require substantiation. Loose cash offerings will no longer qualify for a tax deduction: a donor needs a cancelled check, bank record or receipt from the church. (Previously, “other reliable written records” were sufficient for amounts under $250.) 4. A presbytery-wide workshop on Preventing Catastrophe in Your Church will be offered Saturday, March 3, 2007 at First Presbyterian Church in Santa Barbara. Topics will include: Employment Practices, Hiring/Firing, Personnel Manuals, Child Care Policies, Employee and Volunteer Criminal Background Checks. Our presenter is Steve Coons, Vice President, Covenant Presbyterian Insurance Program. 5. Each of our churches recently received a CD from the Covenant Presbyterian Insurance Program containing a Loss Prevention Manual. This CD also includes forms and resources for additional information. 6. The presbytery was reminded that Proposed Changes to the Standing Rules of the Presbytery (Chapter XI regarding Election of General Assembly Commissioners and Youth Advisory Delegates) were included in the packet for this meeting, for a first reading. Those changes will be considered and voted upon at the November 14, 2006 presbytery meeting. September 30, 2006 - Page 6 409th Stated Meeting JOINING HEARTS & HANDS REPORT Executive Presbyter Ken Working called attention to the quarterly "Church in the World Mission Newsletter" and to the Missions Conference on January 20, 2007, at the First Presbyterian Church, Santa Barbara. He reported that $26 million has been pledged to our presbytery's Hearts & Hands goal of $40 million. Within our presbytery this effort will support New Church Development and Redevelopment. We are also supporting the missionary work of Rev. Tim Fearer in Turkey. The Executive Presbyter introduced Rev. Luanne Griguoli, Pastor of the Nipomo church. She reported on the current construction of the new sanctuary, which is part of that church's redevelopment program. She expressed the congregation's thanks for presbytery's support. Rev. Graham Baird spoke of the encouraging attendance at Sunday services at the NCD in Paso Robles and of the hope to be worshipping in its new facility by Easter of 2007. Rev. Working also highlighted the New Covenant NCD in Santa Maria. REPORT FROM THE IMPACT MISSION TEAMS Co-directors Sandy Dinkler and Randa Dinkler told of last summer's mission trips to Ecuador, to Honduras, and to the U.S. Gulf Coast in connection with the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance work in Louisiana. For summer 2007, IMPACT is planning for teams to go to Uganda, Honduras, the Gulf Coast, Turkey, and Romania. PROPOSAL FOR DETENTION MINISTRY Church in the World Committee Member Ruric Nye spoke of the current issue of the committee's Newletter. He introduced Berrie Colyar of the Monte Vista church in Newbury Park. She spoke of the need within our presbytery for a ministry to prisoners, families and victims that would focus on restorative justice. The initial phase would employ a PC(USA) minister as a part-time chaplain to work in Ventura County. Later the program would include Santa Barbara County and finally San Luis Obispo County. Rev. Tom Stephen spoke of the need to form a steering committee. PROPOSAL FOR DEVELOPMENT OF CAMPUS MINISTRY PROPERTY, CAL POLY Rev. Lyle Hillegas spoke briefly about the proposed development of this property, and introduced Rev. Randy Bare from Student Center Associates (SCA). Patrick Hall, Campus Pastor at Cal Poly also spoke. Members of the presbytery had received a copy of the Executive Summary, an excerpt of SCA’s Feasibility and Market Study dated August 14, 2006. Following discussion, It was moved, seconded and carried to approve the development and improvement of the property located at 1320 and 1468 East Foothill Blvd, San Luis Obispo for a new campus ministry center and student housing, and that the presbytery authorize the Property and Finance Committee, acting as the Board of Trustees of the presbytery, 1) To evaluate and, if acceptable, to sign the Development Agreement between Student Center Associates and the Presbytery of Santa Barbara, enabling the presbytery to retain and employ Student Center Associates in an advisory and managerial capacity, and thereafter to assist in the construction, leasing and stabilization phase of the project; 2) To encumber the property located at 1320 and 1468 East Foothill Blvd, San Luis Obispo (parcel numbers 052-081-018 and 052-081-004) in an amount up to 80% of the appraised value of the land to allow for the orderly development of the new campus ministry center and student housing at that location; and 3) To sign loan documents on behalf of the Presbytery of Santa Barbara. 2007 PER CAPITA APPORTIONMENT With absolutely no discussion, It was moved, seconded and carried to set the 2007 per capita apportionment at $27.00 per active church member as of 12/31/05 as follows: General Assembly Per Capita Synod Per Capita Presbytery Per Capita $5.79 2.58 18.63 September 30 , 2006 - Page 7 409th Stated Meeting TOTAL $27.00 per active church member as of 12/31/05 It was moved, seconded and carried to use the presbytery's remaining cash ecclesiastical reserves to help cover any deficit in funding the 2007 ecclesiastical expenses of the presbytery. PRESENTATION OF APA CERTIFICATION The moderator introduced Sherry Baker, Regional Certification Chair, National Secretary of the denomination’s Administrative Personnel Association and immediate Past President of the APA’s Southern California and Hawaii Region; she currently works as Administrative Assistant at Tustin Presbyterian Church, Los Ranchos Presbytery. The APA is a professional association for administrative staff of churches and governing bodies of the which offers opportunities for professional development and personal growth for those called by God to serve as support staff of the PC(USA). This is accomplished by providing continuing education events for certification and occasions for fellowship, worship and spiritual nurture and prayer at both national and regional meetings as well as seminary sponsored training events. Ms. Baker presented Loris Elaine Mitchell (Secretary, Moorpark Presbyterian Church) with her Level I certification. Ms. Mitchell has completed 40 hours of class work including Church History, Polity, Theology, Office Procedures, Financial Reporting, Newsletters/Bulletins, Stewardship, Developing Professionalism, Office Relationships, Stress Management, Time Management, History since the Reunion, and Technology in the Office. Ms. Mitchell is now entitled to privilege of the floor at future presbytery meetings (G-14.0804). Other APA members present included Helen Edmon, Past National APA President and Financial Secretary at Upland Presbyterian Church, Riverside Presbytery; Marilyn Mittelstadt, Past National Membership Chair, Co-Lifetime Member Liaison to National APA, Lifetime Member-Retired from Covina Presbyterian, Riverside Presbytery; and Kathe Repasi, Past National Scholarship Chair, current Regional Secretary, Administrative Assistant to the Executive Presbyter, Los Ranchos Presbytery. GULF RECOVERY PROJECT Executive Presbyter Working spoke about the needs of local church pastors in the Gulf Coast area who are stressed in their ministries to their congregations that have been traumatized by Hurricane Katrina. To minister to these pastors and their families, Care Corps International is recruiting and training "Pastor CareGivers." Those interested can contact Rev. Jim Witty at Care Corps Gulf Coast Training Center in Dallas ( or 805-680-5170). REPORT OF THE NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE Committee member Dave Wilkinson presented the committee’s recommendations for various vacant positions. There were no nominations fro the floor. It was moved, seconded and carried to elect Chuck Curtis (SB First) as chair of Church in the World Committee Tarry Nelson (SB First) to the Education & Leadership Committee, Class of 2009 As Synod Commissioners: Elder Jim Stueck, Class of 2006; Rev Jim Huang, Class of 2006; and Rev Miji Working, Alternate, Class of 2007 REPORT OF PROPERTY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE (Consent Agenda) The Property and Finance Committee met by telephone conference on August 23 to discuss the proposal regarding mixed-use redevelopment of the Front Porch Student Ministry property at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo. The committee approved the proposal and recommended it to Presbytery Council. The committee will next meet at 10:30am on September 20 at Presbytery Center to review the 2005 Audit of Financial Records prepared by independent auditor Sterling Ellsworth, CPA. Chair Jim Stueck presented the Independent Auditor’s Report of 2005 Financial Statements as prepared by Sterling Ellsworth, CPA. It was moved, seconded and carried to certify the 2005 Audit. REPORT FROM SYNOD COUNCIL Elder Stueck also reported on the Synod Budget Committee and the recent Audit of the Synod. He commented on the prospective sale of the Synod's headquarters September 30, 2006 - Page 8 409th Stated Meeting building at 1501 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles. Elder Stueck has been named to the Synod Investment Committee. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MINISTRY (Consent Agenda) The Committee on Ministry reports the following changes in terms of call: Moorpark - Rev. David Wilkinson, Pastor Salary Housing Self-employment tax offset Medical/Dental Reimbursement 15,472 43,937 4,327 4,626 Automobile Continuing Education Book Business Expense 4,977 5,304 1,903 5,183 Moorpark - Rev. Janet Loughry, Stated Supply Associate Pastor Salary 7,003 Automobile Housing 22,156 Continuing Education Self-employment tax offset 2,231 Book Medical/Dental Reimbursement 1,759 Business Expense 3,820 4,950 3,507 4,434 At its August 17, 2006 meeting, and at the request of the Presbytery of San Gabriel, the Committee on Ministry granted permission to Rev. Dan Newhall to labor outside the bounds of the presbytery while he serves as Temporary Supply Pastor at Knox Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, effective June 30, 2006. The Committee on Ministry reports the resignation of Rev. Jim Witty as Parish Associate at First Presbyterian Church, Santa Barbara, and as Temporary Supply Pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Santa Maria. Chair Dave Wilkinson presented a request from the congregation at First Presbyterian Church, Santa Maria and the leadership team at New Covenant NCD concerning the proposed merger of the two congregations and their pastoral leadership. Rev. Israel Gonzales has served as Organizing Pastor at New Covenant since May 2005 and has taken on additional responsibilities at First Santa Maria over the past summer. Committee on Ministry has approved this request. It was moved, seconded and carried to establish a designated pastor relationship between Rev. Israel Gonzales and First Presbyterian Church, Santa Maria, beginning October 1, 2006, for a period of not less than two years (or until merger of the two churches) nor more than four years, at the following terms, change in terms of call retroactive to July 1, 2006 (terms of call are not included herein). Also assisting at First Santa Maria during the transition towards merger is Rev. Judy Rarick. It was moved, seconded and carried to establish a half-time designated associate pastor relationship between Rev. Judy Rarick and First Presbyterian Church, Santa Maria, beginning October 1, 2006, for a period of not less than two years nor more than four years, at the following terms (terms of call are not included herein). The chair noted that neither Rev. Gonzales nor Rev. Rarick will be installed at this time, pending the merger of the two churches. Chair Wilkinson presented the installation commission for Rev. Ted Brandt, pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Oxnard. It was moved, seconded and carried to install Rev. Ted Brandt as pastor at First Presbyterian Church on Sunday, October 15 at 3:00pm. Commission to consist of Rev. Jim Bain; Elder Sean Chow, Word of Life; Elder Lynn Farrow, Eastminster; Elder Michelle Holmes, Goleta; Elder Dorothy Jacobson, Oxnard; Rev. Janet Loughry; Rev. Michael Wallman, Chair; and Rev. Ken Working. Chair Wilkinson presented the installation commission for Rev. Tom Stephen, pastor at First Monte Vista Presbyterian Church, Newbury Park. September 30 , 2006 - Page 9 409th Stated Meeting It was moved, seconded and carried to install Rev. Tom Stephen as pastor at Monte Vista Presbyterian Church, Newbury Park on Sunday, November 5 at 3:00pm. Commission to consist of Rev. Mark Anderson; Elder Carol Benson, Monte Vista; Elder Lynn Farrow, Eastminster; Elder Michelle Holmes, Goleta; Rev. Janet Loughry; Rev. Michael Wallman, Chair; Rev. Ken Working; and Rev. Miji Working. Chair Wilkinson presented the committee’s recommendation for minimum combined salary and housing for all pastor and associate pastor positions, and for cost of living adjustments. The committee obtained data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, specifically an increase of 4.3% in the Consumer Price Index for the period from August 2005 to August 2006. (The chair noted that the 2006 minimum salary and housing was $44,021.) It was moved, seconded and carried to set a minimum combined salary and housing of $45,914 for all pastor and associate pastor positions for the year 2007, and to recommend to churches a cost of living adjustment of 4.3% for the year 2007. Rev. Wilkinson then reported that the committee, at its August 17, 2006 meeting, gave permission to Rev. Eugenia Gamble to labor within the bounds of the Presbytery of Santa Barbara while she serves as Director of Discipleship and Spiritual Growth at First Presbyterian Church, San Luis Obispo, effective August 18. She is a member of the Presbytery of Sheppards & Lapsley in Alabama. CONVERSATIONS AND REFLECTIONS ON 217th GENERAL ASSEMBLY Jeannie Cavender (Elder Commissioner to the 2006 General Assembly) presented her observations on the General Assembly meeting. Minister Commissioner Jan Armstrong submitted his report to the presbytery in writing. Also reporting were Elder Robert Farrow and Elder Leslie Ooms, who will serve as Elder Commissioners to the 2008 General Assembly and who attended the 2006 Assembly as observers. Executive Presbyter Ken Working also presented a written report, and spoke to the presbytery as well. There was an opportunity for questions from the presbytery. PROPOSED RESOLUTION FROM SESSION AT SANTA YNEZ VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A motion was made by Elder Brian Roberts from the church. Following discussion, and by voice vote, It was moved, seconded and carried to adopt the following resolution: In its discernment of the essentials of Reformed polity and for the sake of the peace, unity, and purity of the church, the Presbytery of Santa Barbara adopts the principle that compliance with the standards for ordination adopted by the whole church in the Book of Order is an essential of Reformed polity. Therefore, any departure from the standards for ordination expressed in the Book of Order will bar a candidate from ordination and/or installation or from being received as a member by the Presbytery of Santa Barbara. Provisions of the Book of Order are signified as being standards by use of the term "shall," "is/are to be," requirement, or equivalent expression. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PREPARATION FOR MINISTRY (Consent Agenda) The Committee on Preparation for Ministry reports that Candidate under Care Matthew Overton received a Call to the position of Associate Pastor at St. Andrew’s Church, Yuba City (Presbytery of Sacramento) to begin work August 1, 2006. He was successfully examined for ordination by the Presbytery of Sacramento and ordained by that presbytery on August 27 in Yuba City. Matthew’s name has been removed from the Presbytery of Santa Barbara’s roll. The chair introduced Candidate Under Care Deborah Matthews who spoke about her background and her call to serve as Associate Pastor at Gross Ile Presbyterian Church. She has already been examined for ordination by Presbytery of Detroit. It was moved, seconded and carried to ordain Deborah Matthews to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament on Sunday, October 1, 2006 at 3:00pm at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. Ordination Commission to consist of Elder Dana Easton, San Luis Obispo; Elder Steve Gillis, September 30, 2006 - Page 10 409th Stated Meeting Trinity, Camarillo; Elder Loyda Marquez, First, Santa Barbara; Rev. Dale Morgan; Rev. Mike Wallman, Chair; Elder Mona Wise, St. Andrew’s; and Rev. Ken Working. Candidate Matthews was surrounded by committee members and members from her home church. Rev. Dale Morgan offered prayer. Ms. Matthews will be transferred to the Presbytery of Detroit following ordination. Chair Farrow announced that Candidate Matthew Prinz of the Eastminster church in Ventura has received a call to First Presbyterian Church in Concord, California, Presbytery of San Francisco. ADJOURNMENT Presbytery adjourned at 3:40pm with prayer by Moderator Wallman. The next stated meeting will be on Tuesday, November 13, 2006, at 2:00pm at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Santa Barbara. ATTEST: Michelle Holmes, Stated Clerk Donald G. Carey, Assistant Stated Clerk