Minutes Service Delivery Panel Notes of meeting on 22nd January 2009 Present: Janet Watkins – Vice Chair Ann Moyies Marion Hyde Vincent Grech Alex Newman Jeff Proudfoot Brian Swallow Gordon Marsh Sylvia Holland Tom Underwood In Cllr Linda Scott Attendance: Lesley Smith Penny Leslie Peter Luxford Steve Shanley Gillian Hewer - Notes JW AM MH VG AN JP BS GM SH TU Cllr LS LS PLs PLx SS GH All Saints TRA MTRF and Phipps Bridge and New Close TRA Sadler Close TRA High Path Estate TRA High Path Estate TRA Phipps Bridge and New Close TRA The Oaks TRA The Oaks TRA Carters Estate TRA Carters Estate TRA London Borough of Merton London Borough of Merton London Borough of Merton London Borough of Merton London Borough of Merton London Borough of Merton Apologies received: Lucy Hedden, Kim Jeferies, Seema Jandu 1 Item 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 Welcome JW welcomed attendees to the meeting and everybody introduced themselves. JW reminded attendees to sign the attendee sheet and to provide their name and TRA when asking questions. JW explained that she would be chairing the meeting as Godfrey Gofton had sadly died. Godfrey had been actively involved and committed to tenant participation for many years and had worked alongside the council as chair of Sadler Close TRA, SDP and Leaseholder Forum. His death was a sad loss for local residents whom he had done so much to help. Minutes and Matters Arising The minutes of the meeting on October 2nd 2008 were agreed as being an accurate record apart from the amendment noted below. Amendment (2.7) Garage Lights at Fountain House MH clarified that it was the same light in the garages at Fountain House that kept on going out even when bulb had just been replaced. PLx assured her that the contractor had now replaced that light and that it is working. Actions (2.2)PLx confirmed that doors in communal areas of sheltered properties must be wheelchair friendly and that there would be no bars along the base of patio doors at All Saints. Windows on All Saints would all be replaced on a like for like basis. (2.3) System of stickers being placed on lampposts to indicate that the lamp is faulty is now running and operatives have been reminded to remove them once repairs have been completed. (2.4) There have been no further reports of ASB from the family on Edinburgh Court. (2.5) It has been ascertained that it would not be possible to carry our remedial work on the doors and windows on All Saints. (2/7) It was confirmed that the lights at Fountain House are now working. (2.9) The gutters on All Saints have not yet been cleared and grass can be seen growing in some of them. (2.10) The door at MTRF has now been repaired but work to the brickwork is still outstanding. Connaughts have been chased. AM added that she is also still waiting for an update on the new back door at MTRF. PLx promised that he would ensure both items of work were progressed. Action: PLx (2.11) Report back on checks of all jobs identified during estate inspections. Deferred: Next Agenda (2.12)PLs confirmed that she had met MH to discuss adjustments to the rear door at Sadler Close. (2.14) Noted that there are still security issues at All Saints. Action: PLx (4.1.4) LS explained residents only receive compensation when pram 2 2.14 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 sheds are demolished for health and safety reasons. No charges are made for use of the sheds and LS said that she would be interested to see AN’s old rental agreement showing charges. Action: AN (4.2) PLx confirmed that the crack on the bin chute at Bramley Court is not structural and was being monitored. (4.3) PLx said that RMA had not been able to establish which of the lights outside All Saints were in need of adjustment to stop them shining into homes. JW replied that John Marcus-Taylor had been provided with details and PLx said that he would ask RMA to re-visit the estate. (4.6) LS confirmed that there would be no changes to caretaking arrangements at the current time. (4.7) LS reported that the dilapidated bench and rubbish dumped on All Saints had been removed. JW pointed out that some of it had actually been left and LS promised that this would be dealt with. Action: LS (4.8) It had not been established whether Veolia resolved difficulties accessing the garden area of the sheltered properties at All Saints as no work had been carried out recently. Action: SS to check (4.9) VG said that he would liaise with the probation service about work to be carried out on High Path. SS confirmed that he would be happy to attend a meeting. AN reported that Highways had now cleared up some of the leaves on High Path but some areas of the estate were still untidy. VG said that the new powerful floor polishers provided to cleaning staff had started to cause the floor tiles to lift up. SS promised that he would look into this problem. Action: SS (4.10) PLx explained that until MH had reported there was still a leak in the Fountain House garages in December, he thought the problem had been resolved. MH replied that Bradley Billings had told her last week that the blockage must be beyond the cap. PLx assured her that this work would be progressed. Action: PLx (4.11) It was confirmed that Smith and Byford would be servicing the remaining radiators on All Saints and that this would be added to their schedule. BS said that residents at The Oaks had been told that radiators could not be serviced whilst they were hot. Residents would have to turn off their heating for 2 days while it was being serviced. BS added that he had requested the work be carried out before the cold weather and nobody had got back to him to explain that it was not possible. PLx said that the works ordered had only been placed in November and some lead in time was necessary to process it. It had been agreed that it was necessary to leave the work until after the cold weather but BS pointed out that some vulnerable residents use their heating up to early summer. PLx said that the work would take place during May and BS reminded him to alert the warden as she would need to ensure the more vulnerable elderly residents turned off their heating. BS pointed out that he was sure that the warden and residents had not been notified of the timing/deferment of this work. AM asked if servicing of gas central radiators is included in the contract. 3 2.19 2.20 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 4.1 4.2 PLx confirmed that it was and that he would check if any faulty/damaged knobs would be replaced. Action: PLx (5.4) PLx confirmed that he had already chased the work to the gates at Sadler Close. (5.5) PLs said that she was aware that the new locks had not yet been fitted to the notice boards on Phipps Bridge but she would ensure this item was progressed. Action: PLs Performance Report LS summarised the performance report and noted improvements made since it was produced in November: Rent – current performance 98.67% now collected. Arrears – reduced further Garages – arrears down but no increase of the number of garages available for renting Evictions – no increase Service charge – collection rate improved and arrears have reduced ASB – currently 171 cases Repairs - 98% now on time (PLx advised) Void turn around time – improved since November (PLx advised) CP12 Gas certificates are only issued for rented properties. Noted that leaseholders are responsible for obtaining their own. LS said that she had looked into ensuring that leaseholders actually had the check carried out but it would be hard to monitor and would be a further drain on resources. MH suggested that one solution would be to add this requirement to the leases. LS replied that she would speak to Sharon Phillips. AM questioned whether the target for the number of properties complying with Decent Homes could be achieved if only 64/318 had been brought up to standard so far. PLx explained that a lot of major works schemes would be completed during the next 3 months so there would be a big improvement over the next few weeks. Estate Issues VG asked why door entry systems had not been provided in all the blocks on High Path. LS explained that no more funding was available as all the £800k received in a capital bid had been used. Prior to the bid residents had applied for CSB funding to install systems and LS suggested that VG submit a bid for funding from the CSB as there was unlikely to be further corporate funding. PLs added that there was still surplus money in the community safety budget and that VG could apply for schemes to be installed during 2009/10. PLs and VG to discuss . See also item 8. Action: PLs and VG AM reported that some of the door entry schemes on Phipps Bridge are not working. The magnets in the locks on Richmond Court had been stolen and there are long term issues at Bookham Court.. A service charge is payable for door entry systems and LS said that she would look into the possibility of a rebate for residents of any locations where they are out of order for an extended period. 4 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 AM enquired about the progress of the roof repairs needed at Richmond Court. PLx replied that he is trying to find budget as regrettably the job is bigger than had originally been anticipated. Remedial work will be done but the entire roof needs to be replaced and would be added to the capital works programme. Any debris has already been removed. AM pointed out that birds may be able to gain access to the roof space and asked PLx to update residents on progress. Action: PLx AM reminded PLx that there are still problems with the stair lights in Bramley Court and some of the lampposts. PLx replied that the problem with the lampposts is due to issues with the EDF supply but that he would check once again that it had been reported and monitor the situation. A works order has been raised for Connaughts to rectify issues with the stair lights and he would provide an update to AM. Action:PLx TU reported that there is still a problem with sewage in Polesden Gardens. Emergency repairs had been carried out but the problem reoccurs. Action: SS to pursue BS said that the new lights in the car park at The Oaks were good but the light on the back door had not been provided as agreed. LS replied that she would check the works order and establish if it should have been included. Should it not be on the works order a light could be provided through the CSB and PLs would assist him to apply for this. Action: PLs BS told attendees that John Forder had assured him he would get the trees to the rear of The Oaks pruned but the work had not been carried out. Action: SS to chase BS asked if the 3 garages at The Oaks belong to Housing as one had been used by the previous warden and contains a disabled/walk-in bath. PLx explained that there had been problems with a disabled bath which had needed to be replaced at The Oaks and that he would check and ensure the stored bath was removed. Action: PLx BS said that one of the other 2 garages is used to store the mower used by the Dolliffe Close residents who maintain the gardens and the remaining garage is full of garden waste. BS said that he would like the garages to be available for renting but had been told they are the responsibility of Social Services. LS to check Action: LS BS said that the lines on the parking bays and lines to restrict parking had still not been painted. PLs replied that any work requested had been completed and that lines to restrict parking are not painted by Housing. PLs to check what work has been done. Action: PLs BS added that ambulances regularly have problems accessing The Oaks due to parked cars so it is important the area is kept clear. Action: LS to investigate enforcement BS asked for an update on provision of railings at The Oaks through the CSB. PLs replied that they had been ordered and that she would establish a date for them to be supplied. Action: PLs BS pointed out that the shrubs provided through MEIG had not been planted yet either. PLs confirmed that they had been purchased. The residents had originally planned to plant the shrubs themselves but as the 5 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 shrubs were quite large there would be safety implications. However the residents should have been contacted to make arrangements for the planting to be carried out. Action: PLs MH raised concerns that there were still leaks in the garage at Sadler Close. Bradley Billings had been able to confirm that they were not due to a broken soil pipe but the problem had still not been resolved. Action: PLx MH pointed out that loose and missing bricks on the path by Fountain House are a danger for residents. Action: PLx MH reported that the broken entry phone in the north block of Chart House has been reported but the repair is still outstanding. Action: PLx VG reported that the magnet on the Marsh Court door entry phone is missing. Action: PLx VG said that he had applied for a garage to store the fun day equipment in. As the shed behind St John’s hall is un-used would be able to use that? LS replied that she would investigate. Action: LS AN explained that lines denoting parking restrictions on High Path do not work at night as Nighthawk are not operating. LS advised residents should phone Night Hawk if access was restricted at any time. BS asked if the scheme could be extended to include The Oaks as local residents park there. LS replied that to extend the scheme, the contract would have to be put out to tender. However it may be possible to clamp vehicles parking at The Oaks for a limited period which would act as a deterrent and she would investigate this issue. Action: LS JW said that the recycling bins at All Saints are not being emptied properly. SS explained that Environment and Regeneration are responsible for recycling and that he would raise this with them. JW advised the containers were being thrown around and a lot of mess being left. JP asked if there was a policy regarding provision of water to each floor in a block. PLx said that provision would depend on the facilities provided. JP asked who would be responsible for the stopcock. PLx replied that the Water Board was responsible for water and piping up to the stopcock and Housing for water and piping after the stopcock. 6 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 Grounds Maintenance SS explained that Housing and Highways share the grounds maintenance contract which is covered by Veolia. Although the contract is joint, Housing monitor work on their property and Highways monitor work on their land. The contract only covers grass cutting and tending to flower and shrub beds. Housing had been dissatisfied with performance from Veolia and had considered terminating the contract. Officers had monitored the contract and service from Veolia had improved so the decision to terminate had been put on hold. A reduction in cost had also been agreed and service charges would be lower to reflect this. More staff would be covering the work and improvement supervision arrangements put in place. Work on shrubs would take place before the end of February and a schedule of works for the year made available so that officers could continue to monitor the work. Advice had been obtained from Legal and Procurement and risks had been identified in relation to termination of the contract. The tender submitted by Veolia had been significantly cheaper than the others so any new contract would cost more and could not be guaranteed to be any better. There were also a limited number of providers for the service and a risk that Veolia would take legal action. Contingency plans were considered should Housing need to terminate the contract. These include a temporary service provided by FM Conway and partnering with other local authorities. It would not be feasible to provide an in-house service as this would be too expensive. BS enquired why the service provided by Veolia had not turned out to be of an acceptable standard. SS explained that Veolia had submitted a tender to provide a service at a low cost. This lead to them providing low rates of pay to their employees and the better staff left. The situation has now been resolved and they have also obtained a better contract manager. SS is confident that performance can be turned round and that the service will improve. He is meeting with operatives on site and monitoring standards. If the service does not improve then there will be records of why the contract has to be terminated. AM reported that the flower beds to the rear of Bramley and Richmond Court had not been maintained. Action: SS to visit and arrange any necessary work ASB Evaluation from the Customer Perspective A specialist team has been set up within Tenancy Management team to work alongside the Police and Safer Merton and deal with ASB. Noted that they focus on more serious breaches and Tenancy officers continue to assist with neighbour nuisance or lifestyle cases. Performance has greatly improved to a level of 88% satisfaction. Compliments have been received from residents who have used the service. Performance would be evaluated in 6 months. VG reported that a High Path resident appeared to be being taken advantage of by her neighbours. LS advised him that there could be adult safeguarding issues so he should report it to the sustaining tenancy 7 officer. The officer could then liaise with social services, the police, the caretaker and warden and ensure the situation was monitored. Any action would depend on the resident’s willingness to accept support to resolve the situation. 8 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4 8.1.5 8.1.6 8.1.7 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 CSB/MEIG Update 2008/9 Schemes PLs provided a progress report and attendees discussed items on it. Sadler Close - security rails recommended by multi agency groups, police and ASB team in order to prevent ASB. MH questioned the ownership of the wall on which the deterrent would be erected. The spend was agreed subject to the approval of Marion Hyde. PLs and MH to do a site visit. . Action: PLs MH Shelley & Byfield Courts – rRoof security measures Issue of children climbing onto roof could lead to damage and pigeons gaining access to water tanks and causing contamination. Needed for health and safety reasons to ensure council is not liable. Agreed Shrubs at Abingdon Close Pyracantha and other mature thorny shrubs to be planted to act as a deterrent to children playing ball games and causing nuisance on the estate. Agreed The Oaks PLs to finalise arrangements with BS for the delivery and installation of shrubs and trees. Agreed Action PLs, BS MTRF Work to doors. Budget available so PLs to progress. Agreed Action PLs Carters Estate – Bollards TU pointed out that the work had not been completed. Action PLs Sadler Close – wall and painting MH told PLs that although the painting had been finished the wall had not been repaired. Action PLs to check PLs to physically check that all agreed schemes had been completed to the satisfaction of residents. Action PLs Attendees were asked to approve items on which “spare” budget would be spent: Dolliffe Close Residents had submitted ideas to spend £10k of MEIG including a new kitchen, new floor coverings, etc. There will be a meeting on 23 rd January to progress the schemes. PLs pointed out that some of the items could be covered by the repairs and maintenance budget. Attendees were asked to agree spend of some of the surplus budget if needed. Agreed 2009/10 Schemes Carters Estate – safe pathway PLs to consider feasibility and arrange meeting once more facts and figures are available. Action: PLs High Path - door entry schemes See 4.1 PLs and VG to discuss. Action: PLs, VG The Oaks – various schemes A short discussion was held concerning the various items proposed in the 8 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 9 9.1 bid from The Oaks, and it was agreed that PL would meet with Bill Coooter and Brian Swallow to clarify what was required and advise on their bids. Action: PLs to visit and agree improvements with BS and residents AM pointed out that some of the items submitted do not meet criteria for the CSB/MEIG. LS suggested that in future PLs send out criteria with the formsPLs confirmed that this already happened PLs explained that whereas the MEIG was likely to be over-subscribed for 2009/10 there were as yet no bids for the CSB. AM commented that some TRAs are regularly submitting bids for schemes and getting allocated funding while other areas do not get the opportunity. LS replied that at the previous meeting it had been agreed that the process would be reviewed to ensure it was fairer. Other sheltered properties such as Gresham House may need improvements and some estates, such as Eastfields, were not represented. LS explained that area panels had been set up to provide opportunities for the latter. AM reminded attendees that Merton Priory Homes would provide some of the improvements. TU suggested that ideas obtained through estate inspections could be funded through CSB/MEIG. AM explained that not all estates are inspected. LS proposed setting up a sub-group to review suggestions. PLs replied that the TP section are encouraging residents to engage in Eastfields and other areas. SS suggested that cleaners and caretakers could submit ideas. BS reminded him that some improvements would need maintenance. LS agreed that some improvements would involve ongoing cost implications for which residents would be charged annually ie door entry schemes. Any Other Business JW raised concerns re over-flowing dog waste bins on All Saints. SS to liaise and ensure they are emptied regularly. Date of Next Meeting:16th April 2009 9