Stateline Trailblazers Meeting Minutes Members / Guests Present April 12th, 2015 Berit Harpstrite Ted Davis Pete Cline Deb Cline Brian Harpstrite Drew Goeke Evan Marchant Danny Van Houten Dave Steuri Eric Diemer Allen Blood Joe Schwarzenberger Laurie Schwarzenberger Roxy Kubly Rudy Ammon Kim Davis Kathy Roth Ashley Foster Dusty Kubly Sarah Goeke Ron Cook Tonya Nicks Heather Steuri Pete Goepfert Charlie Bennehoff Scott Brown Mike Kundert Carol Figi Darren Roth Randy Johnson Brian Foster Laurie Asplund Todd Anderson Denise Anderson Jordan Schlittler Kelly Wellnitz Robyn goecks Dave Cook Steve Goecks Crystal Brown Vicki Kundert Tom Figi Future Members attending Hunter Foster Maddie Roth Mason Foster Dylan Kubly OFFICER REPORTS A meeting of the Monroe Stateline Trailblazers was held at the Schwarzenberger farm, WI. Officers present included Danny Van Houten (President),Rudy Ammon (Vice President), Berit Harpstrite (Secretary) and Kathy Roth (Treasurer). Danny Van Houten called the meeting to order at 1:13pm. President’s Report Danny Van Houten thanked Joe and Laurie Schwarzenberger for having the meeting at their home; he then thanked everyone for coming. Dan received a note from Mark Spreitzer who had read our local paper and wanted to thank the club for donating and supporting the FFA. Vice President’s Report Rudy Ammon had nothing to report. Secretary’s Report Copies of last meetings notes was handed out for participating members to read and motion to approve was made by Ashley Foster and Joe Schwarzenberger. Treasurer’s Report Kathy Roth read the treasurers report and motion was made to approve by Randy Johnson and Ted Davis Trail Boss Report All signs are out and Darren wants to know abut any repairs. Brian Harpstrite and Rick DeVoe have some work that needs to be done and want to take care of this year. We should be okay on signs. Trailheads need to have a meeting so we can stay on top of updating landowners. Talked about the Trail Pass Law that will take effect on July 1st, 2015. The trail maps were discussed, and the general consensus is that more and more people are using the internet and GPS. On a side note the maps are a huge money maker for the club OLD BUSINESS Danny Van Houten talked about the Accountant; he will take a look at the books after April 15th (tax season) There was no new business to discuss as far as new business. NEW BUSINESS Events Committee Camping/Boating Trip Randy Johnson talked about the Camping/Boating Trip on June 12 through the 14th. If you are interested in going please see or call Randy about signing up for that weekend trip 608-558-1839. There will be a block of rooms reserved for anyone who do not want to camp out. The camping site is $26.00 per night and it is first come first served. Scavenger Hunt – The Committee talked about a scavenger hunt where a booklet is involved. It will take a lot of work to get pictures and put the booklet together. Motion was made by Drew Goeke and Allan Blood to look into it. Motion carried. Meeting Adjourned Danny Van Houten asked if there was any additional new business. He thanked Charlie Bennehoff for bringing the tables and chairs for our meeting. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. Next we have the election of President and Secretary. Ted Davis made the motion to adjourn and Todd Anderson seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:41pm. NEXT MEETING – SEPTEMBER 3RD, 2015 - 7:00pm CARDINAL LANES BRODHEAD ELECTION OF PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY. First up is the seat for President –Randy Johnson made motion that Danny Van Houten should keep the position for president. Everyone was asked if they were in favor of keeping the current president. Dan was then asked if he would stay on as current president and he accepted. Allen Blood seconded the motion. It was then asked if everyone was in favor and everyone was. Danny Van Houten will continue on as President. Next up was the Secretary’s position which is currently held by Berit Harpstrite. Rudy Ammon made motion to keep Berit Harpstrite on as secretary. Berit was then asked if she would stay on as current secretary and she accepted. Dustty Kubly seconded the motion. It was then asked if everyone was in favor and everyone was. Berit Harpstrite will continue on as Secretary. Elections adjourned.