Vocabulary Unit 2 For each of the words do the following four tasks: list the derivatives (as many as you can find), at least two synonyms, two antonyms, and create an original sentence. The first word is done for you. DUE TUESDAY! 10 points! Refer to the PREFIX/SUFFIX sheet on the class website for further assistance with derivatives. 1. accost- (verb ) to approach and stop somebody in an aggressive, insistent, or suggestive way derivatives: accosts, accosting, accosted, accoster, accostable, unaccostable synonyms: confront, challenge antonyms: yield, proceed sentence: I was completely taken aback when my boss accosted me at work yesterday. 2. behoove- ( verb ) to be right and proper or appropriate derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 3. bequeath- ( verb) to leave personal or other property to somebody after death by means of a will derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 4. congenial- (adj) pleasant and suited to somebody’s character or tastes derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 5. denizen- ( noun ) a resident of a specific country or area derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 6. edifice- (noun) a building, especially a large or impressive one derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 7. enigma- (noun) somebody or something that is not easily explained or understood derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 8. heathen- (noun or adj) an offensive term that deliberately insults somebody who does not acknowledge religion derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 9. ignominy- (noun) – a total loss of dignity and self-respect derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 10. impropriety (noun) conduct that is not considered correct, moral, or appropriate in a given context derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 11. inauspicious- (adj) suggesting that the futures is not very promising; success is unlikely derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 12. indubitable- (adj) obvious or definitely true, and not to be doubted derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 13. mirth- (noun) laughter or happiness derivative: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 14. nugatory- (adj) having no importance whatsoever derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 15. prattle- (verb) to talk in a silly, idle, or childish way derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 16. requite- (verb) to pay something back; to give or do in return derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 17. scaffold- (noun) a raised platform for execution; temporary framework derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 18. sumptuary- (adj) controlling or regulating personal behavior on moral or religious grounds derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 19. uncouth- (adj) ill-mannered or unrefined derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: 20. venerable- (adj) worthy of respect; revered derivatives: synonyms: antonyms: sentence: