DIABETES - The River School

Your physical indicates that you have impaired hearing. In order to continue processing your
application, the following information is required from your physician:
NOTE: Hearing thresholds are checked at 500 Hertz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz and 3000 Hz. The
frequency responses for each ear are averaged to give a measure of hearing ability. For original
deck and engineer officer licenses an average, unaided hearing threshold of 70db or less for each
ear and functional speech discrimination of at least 90% is acceptable. For renewal or raise of
grade an average unaided hearing threshold of 70db or less for each ear and/or functional speech
discrimination of at least 80% at 55 db for each ear is acceptable. Other conditions outside of the
ones discussed may be considered for a waiver when recommended by the Officer in Charge
Marine Inspection (OCMI).
A narrative describing the condition, the prognosis, any restrictions, and all medications
NOTE: Hearing aids may be used by deck officers to meet the auditory requirements for all
renewal or raise of grade transactions. The aided threshold should be 40 db or less in each ear
and functional speech discrimination should be at least 90% at 55 db in both ears. The unaided
threshold should be 70 db or less in each ear and functional speech discrimination of at least 80%
at 55 db, binaural.
A narrative describing the condition, the prognosis, any restrictions, and all medications
NOTE: Hearing aids may not be used to meet the auditory requirements for Engineering licenses
or MMDs. Concerns in the engine room include negative effects of hearing aids around loud
noises. However, in some cases, impaired hearing is no worse in the engine room than an
individual with hearing protection on. Outside the machinery space, such as the control room, an
individual would likely need the hearing aid to use a telephone or to respond to audible console
alarms. Engineers (licensed and/or documented) must be able to hear telephone bells/buzzers,
general alarm bells, and CO2 sirens without aid in the engine room. A letter attesting to this
ability shall be provided by the applicant from the vessels chief engineer or master. A
waiver notation, if granted, shall be added to the license or MMD. Questionable cases should be
referred to NMC for further review.