Emil Resume

Emil Mitry
UX Architect
To implementing my skills, Comprehensive understanding of UCD methodology and tools for UI structure and
navigation design, screen design, interaction design, understanding of Information Architecture, Swim Lanes for
Mapping of Processes. Design and specify user interfaces and information architecture using participatory and
iterative design techniques including customer interviews, usability testing, and other forms of requirements discovery.
Provide outside the box solutions to situations that occur within a project or team setting. Creativity, experience and
knowledge in the world of UX Architect Design, UX Researches, & UX Analysts, as a UID seeking a challenging
position in the field of UX that would utilize my skills, knowledge, and experience.
UIOil UX Agency “uioil.com”
08/15 - Present
UX Director:
Worked with clients in Oil & gas in Houston in variety of projects, redesign exciting company website, create a
workflow for drilling Mobile Apps. Designing workflow for Websites and Editors.
Rail Road Commission “RRC”
11/14 - 07/15
UX Director:
Designed Interaction designs, prototypes, and champions useful, usable, and desirable user interfaces for Rail
Road Commission External & Internal website, including mobile, desktop. Leading the Development team for
Pipelines, Gas, Drilling Permits, Ground water, and GIS Public Viewer.
Project involved in: “ RRC online, “RRC Website”, “The Railroad Commission of Texas has two ways for you to
view oil, gas, and pipeline data in a map view.”
Halliburton Serving Oil & Gas
01/13 - 10/14
UX Manager:
Designed Interaction designs, prototypes, and champions useful, usable, and desirable user interfaces for
Landmark’s portfolio of software products including mobile, desktop, and embedded application platforms. Have
demonstrate track record of creating applications that are appropriately learnable for their domains, and
willingness to discover and respond to customer, user, and company needs. Leading the UI UX team for R&D
team, rapidly investigate and analyze requirements, analyze and document user profiles and workflows, developed
and applying appropriate UI paradigms, and offer highly usable interface solutions. Led engagements for a full
range of Desktop Modes product offerings, primarily including: Usability testing, using a variety of methodologies,
User experience design, Web application development led a team of up to 3 persons on a variety of UX and
usability-related projects “DS Portal”. Conducted design reviews, led all aspects of engagement and project
management, and ensured work is of incomparable quality and delivered on time and on budget.
Project involved in “ DS InSite Data Manger, DS InSite Direct Anywhere, InSite Mobility, DS Web Portal, DS Well
Engineering, DS Production Monitoring, DS Real Time Predictive Analytics, and DS Drilling Analytics.”
portfolio: uioil.com
Emil Mitry
UX Architect
Johnson Controls
04/12 - 11/12
UX Architect Manager:
State machine expert to create Middle-ware (in C) that merges an HMI Layer (JavaScript, CSS) to a Business Layer
(also in C). The state machine carries forward a lot of decision-making responsibility and knowledge of the Business
Layer that then drive the HMI Layer to a simple/smooth user experience. Knowledgeable of GUI (Graphical User I/F)
interfaces along with VUI (Voice User I/F) interfaces and synchronize product’s operation in this Multi-modal User
System (MMUI). Proficient in using various UX design software, Axure, and Visio. Created innovative designs for
web, desktop, and mobile software initiatives Skills Used: HTML5 and Voice Recognition experience to help
design/develop this MMUI system. Participated in competitive analyses, user research, and usability studies;
Evangelized standards and guidelines for UX design and implementation, including styles, behaviour, and reusability.
10/11 – 04/12
UX Architect Designer Manager
Designed a GUI for the current application is a Java Web application running on Tomcat in an MS Windows
environment. It uses MS SQL Server 2005 as the database. Working on project teams that include SAAS
developers, copywriters, strategists and project managers. SaaS designer craft an award-winning SAAS GUI for the
Optimum Workforce Management software suite. Developed Wireframes, flash, and HTML prototype of my
designs, refining and changing them on the fly. Implementing agile environment with UI Designers, developers
and key stakeholders to create a highly polished visual experience that fully represent brand, market, and end-user
requirements. Creating flow charts of task flows and information architecture for the product features.
Technology used included implementing my Experience in JavaScript’s, and edits HTML5-CSS3. Using Eclipse
Helios, and AcuuRev for SVN.
Dreamweaver CS5, MYSQL, DHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Dreamweaver, CSE
HTML Validator, XMLSPY5, web Logic, Photoshop, Illustrator, Axure, and OmniGraffle Pro.
Verizon Wireless
06/11 – 10/11
Sr. UX Designer: UX Researches
Developed shopping cart, overlays windows, and way finders. This project will make enhancements to the Upper
Way finder that improves the User Experience. The shopping assistant used to be an indicator of where the user
was in the purchase path. With its reduction/elimination, and adding a secondary Way finder make shopping fun.
12/10 – 06/11
Sr. UX Designer | UI Strategist
Developed new “Insurance software” for the company. Changing java scripts, JQuery, for layout and edits CSS.
Using JIRA provides issue and project tracking for software development teams to improve code quality and the
speed of development. Technology used included Team site CMS, A primo Email, Dreamweaver CS4, MYSQL,
DHTML, CSS, Illustrator, Photoshop, and XSL
Boston Scientific
08/10 – 12/10
Sr. UX Architect Mobile Designer
Developed and designed new three micro websites for Boston Scientific: Urology, Gynecology, Cardiology, and
Endoscope. Designed the GUI graphics, and created Icons. Created HTML emails to render on Smartphone’s, I
phone, and I pad. Technology used included, Team site, A primo, Dreamweaver, Sales Source, XHTML, XML,
portfolio: uioil.com
Emil Mitry
UX Architect
MYSQL, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash 4 AS3.
05/10 - 11/10
Sr. UX Designer | Flash Animator
Developed GUI design and multimedia animation for how to install the device and connected together for the
Surgery. Created graphics and photo shot for product. Designed the front end for the GUI, and created 3
animation movies, Technology used included, Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash 4 AS3.
ABI Photography
09/09 - 05/10
Sr. UX Designer | UI Designer
Created a new website, utilizing PHP, XML, HTML, CFM, MySQL, CSS, Joomla, and SharePoint. Maintained and
updated some of clients websites and created banners, ads, and animated photo gallery. Clients such as: A.B.I.
Photography Studio. Technology used included Dreamweaver, HTML, DHTML, XSL, XML, CSS, Section 508/WAI,
JavaScript, JQuery, Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash.
WPI Worcester Polytechnic Institute
05/09 – 09/09
UX Architect Developer Manager
Develop mockup / prototype interaction designs, including user interaction models, information architecture, and
wire frames. Update the news releases and RSS. Designed HTML emails, and animated Banners with 3D effects.
Technology used included HTML, XHTML, PHP, DHTML, XSL, XML, CSS, AS3, Section 508/WAI, JavaScript,
Photoshop, Flash.
04/08 - 04/09
UX Designer | UI Designer
Develop business to consumer product web sites “including operation, Stratigo, Guess who, etc.” for domestic and
international markets. Consult on best practices for presentation side web development, standards compliance,
and web accessibility. Perform validation usability testing to determine whether features and products have met
Hasbro and usability objectives. Technology used included XHTML, DHTML, XSL, XML, CF, CSS, Section 508/WAI,
JavaScript, Photoshop, Flash
MetLife Investors
08/07 – 04/08
UX Architect Manager
Created flash presentations, E-Cards, and converted the printed cards to animated cards for producers, and
broker’s websites. Develop weekly news for independent channels and international accounts. Develop high
quality web content utilizing CSS, CFM, XML, PHP, XML, and html emails, sky crabber, banners, animated web
banners, and animation E-Cards. Technology used included XHTML, XSL, XML, CSS, PHP, Section 508/WAI,
JavaScript, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash
UIOil UX Agency
04/05 - 07/07
UX Designer | UI Designer
Define and implement effective and efficient processes and tools for developing usable and satisfying user
interface designs on supported projects. Created new ad’s, banners, cinema ads, magazines, for real estate
companies, MLS, and Banks. Produced and designed ad slicks, brochures, Postcards, and catalog sheet, for
portfolio: uioil.com
Emil Mitry
UX Architect
“Chambers of Commerce”. Develop and designed interactive websites from concept to final layout.
EPSON America
01/96 – 04/05
UX Manager
Designed new look packages for ink, digital cameras, and papers. Produced marketing materials such as; POS
materials preview sheets, ad slicks, brochures, and catalog sheet. Designed promotional materials to be used for
advertised in international market.
Alexandria University
Bachelor degree in Graphic Design
University of Southern California Long Beach
Bachelor degree in Web Design | User Experience
Photoshop, Illustrator, Indigo Studio, Axure, OmniGraffle Pro, Agile, Rally, , Eclipse Helios and SVN ”AcuuRev”.
Accessibility compliance “Section 508/WAI”, Adobe Flash, and Adobe Dreamweaver. Experience with design and/or
development for mobile Apps IOS , Android, iPad, and SAAS applications, Advanced understanding of issues
related to cross-browser and cross-platform compliance.
portfolio: uioil.com