Course Outline MKT 412: Services Marketing Spring 2012, Section 5 & 6 Lecturer: Zarjina Tarana Khalil Office Room: NAC 973 Office Hours: ST: 9:30-11:00 & 1:00-2:30 Email:, Extension : 1755 Website : http:\\ Course Description Course objectives: The chances are when you graduate, there will be 2-3 times the number of jobs in a service oriented business then in a product oriented business. The course aims to enlighten students on the following issues: Provide a better understanding of the crucial and growing role played by services in the world economy Enable appreciation for the unique challenges inherent in developing, marketing and delivering quality services and to provide strategies and tools for addressing these challenges Aid in understanding the crucial role of interfunctional coordination necessary to deliver quality services Decipher the specific consumer behaviour aspects relating to services Enable service design through marketing research and blueprinting for efficient delivery Text Book: Services Marketing- People, Technology, Strategy, 6th edition, Christopher Lovelock and Jochen Wirtz and Jayanta Chatterjee, Pearson , 2007. Reference Books: Services Marketing, 5th edition, Valarie A. Zeithaml and Mary Jo Bitner, Mcgraw-Hill, 2011. (Special Indian Edition) Course Content Topic Reading 1. Understanding Service Markets Chapter 1 2. The Gaps Model of Service Quality Chapter 2 (Zeithaml) 3. Customer Behaviour in Service Encounter Chapter 2 (Lovelock) 4. Service Quality Chapter 14 (LoveLock) 5. Customer Expectation of Service Chapter 4 (Zeithaml) 6. Designing and Managing Service Processes Chapter 8 (Lovelock) 7. Balancing Demand and Productive Capacity Chapter 9 8. Crafting the Service Environment Chapter 10 9. Employees Roles in Services Chapter 11 (Lovelock) Chapter 12 (Zeithaml) 10. Relationship Management Chapter 12 (Lovelock) Assessment Mid Term 1 Service Development Strategy Case Study Individual Assignment Final Exam 25% 25% 10% 15% 25% 1. Mid Term and Final Exams: The mid term exam will include objective and short answer questions to test the students’ knowledge of concepts taught in class. The final exam will include objective as well as scenario questions where students need to apply their knowledge of the concepts. 2. Case Study: The case study will be a group assignment where each group will be given a case which they have to read, understand and answer questions provided. Students will be tested on their analytical and interpretive ability. Cases are due at the end of the semester 3. Service Development Strategy: Structure: Group Assignment of 4-5 people The Service Development Strategy will include a series of group assignments leading to the development of a service. Further instructions, will be given during the class progress. 4. Individual Assignment The Individual Assignment will comprise of a Service Encounter Journal and a Service Encounter Paper DETAILS WILL BE PROVIDED IN WEEK 2 Attendance: This is a strategic level course. There are no marks for attendance but students will lose 1 mark for every 3 classes missed. Make-Up Exams: Make-up exams will not be allowed under any circumstances except for serious medical grounds, which needs to be backed up by documentation.