2004 General Election Candidates


This November, Americans will go to the election polls and cast their votes for

President. They will also choose who will represent them in Congress, the

State Legislature, and in city halls and county courthouses. It’s a big year with a lot at stake – so don’t miss out on this opportunity to make a difference!

Below is a list of all the people running for office this year in Iowa – on Tuesday, November 2,

2004. Candidates would love to hear from you this year, so pick up the phone and get to know them!

Remember that to vote you must be registered by Saturday, October 23, 2004. Don’t wait until the last minute! To register, contact your local county auditor, call or e-mail the Secretary of State’s office (515/281-5781 or sos@sos.state.ia.us

) or call ID Action for more information (Toll Free -

866/432-2846; TTY/TDD Toll Free – 866/432-2847; info@idaction.org

). You may also ask for an absentee ballot request at that time.

2004 General Election Candidates

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Democratic Party Republican Party

President/Vice President of the United States

John F. Kerry/John Edwards

1408 Locust Street

Des Moines, IA 50309

(515) 558-9580

(202) 336-6950 (national TTY line)

Email: www.johnkerry.com/contact

Website: www.johnkerry.com

U.S. Senator

Arthur Small

20 Rocky Shore Dr

Iowa City, IA 52241

(319) 338-4292

Email: artsmall@mchsi.com

U.S. Representative District 1

Bill Gluba

2421 Gaines St

Davenport, IA

(563) 459-6558

Email: billgluba@aol.com

U.S. Representative District 2

Dave Franker

625 Pebble Ct

North Liberty, IA 52317

Email: N/A

George W. Bush/Dick Cheney

621 E. Ninth Street

Des Moines, Iowa 50309

(515) 264-0166

Email: Email: BushCheney04@GeorgeWBush.com

Website: www.georgewbush.com

Chuck Grassley

31705 Westbrook St

Cedar Falls, IA 50613-9511

(319) 983-2458

Email: N/A

Jim Nussle

1220 N 6th St

Manchester, IA 52057

(563) 324-0094

Email: N/A

James A. Leach

4810 Rapid Creek Rd

Iowa City, IA 52240

Email: N/A

U.S. Representative District 3

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Leonard L. Boswell

4323 Grand Ave APT 433

Des Moines, IA 50312

(515) 277-6469

Email: N/A

U.S. Representative District 4

Paul W. Johnson

2689 Lannon Hill Rd

Decorah, IA 52101

(563) 382-3185

Email: info@votejohnson.org

U.S. Representative District 5

E. Joyce Schulte

704 N Mulberry St

Creston, IA 50801

(641) 782-4579

Email: jschulte@schulteforcongress.com

State Senator District 2

Stan Thompson

5523 Grand Ave

Des Moines, IA 50312

(515) 975-4012

Email: stan@stanthompson.org

Tom Latham

178 180th St

Alexander, IA 50420

Email: N/A

Steve King

3897 Esther Ave

Kiron, IA 51448

(712) 668-2404

Email: king@kingforcongress.com

Dave Mulder

1452 3rd Ave SE

Sioux Center, IA 51250

(712) 722-0601

Email: dwm@nwciowa.edu

Harley Kohlhaas

909 E Lucas

Algona, IA 50511

Email: N/A

State Senator District 4

John P. Kibbie

P. O. Box 190

Emmetsburg, IA 50536

(712) 852-4140

Email: jkkibbie@ncn.net

State Senator District 6

John Drury

205 Sixth St S

Swaledale, IA 50477

(641) 995-2251

Email: jdrury@frontiernet.net

State Senator District 8

John Beard

2076 St. Hwy 9

Decorah, IA 52101

(563) 382-4993

Email: N/A

State Senator District 10

Jeff Danielson

3906 Monterey Dr

Waterloo, IA 50701

(319) 236-0611

Email: N/A

State Senator District 12

Brian H. Schoenjahn

P. O. Box 132

Thurman Gaskill

1320 Birch Ave

Corwith, IA 50430

(515) 583-2449

Email: gaskilltg@comm1net.net

Mark Zieman

284 Luana Rd

Postville, IA 52162

(563) 864-3104

Email: N/A

Frank Dowie

1534 Olympic Dr

Waterloo, IA 50701

Email: N/A

Ron Longmuir

2759 110th St

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Arlington Iowa

(563) 633-4065

Email: N/A

State Senator District 14

Mike Connolly

3458 Daniels St

Dubuque, IA 52002

(563) 556-6217

Email: N/A

State Senator District 16

Tom Hancock

310 E Main St

Epworth, IA 52045

(563) 876-3219

Email: hancockforsenate@mchsi.com

State Senator District 18

Lorna M. Richards

2965 Winston Cir

Marion, IA 52302

(319) 373-5024

Email: lorna.richards@mac.com

State Senator District 20

State Senator District 22

Wayne Sawtelle

308 S 6h St

Marshalltown, IA 50158-2658

(641) 752-9525

Email: N/A

State Senator District 24

Russell D. Wiesley

805 Walnut Ridge Dr

Waukee, IA 50263

(515) 224-0227

Email: rwiesley@aol.com

State Senator District 26

State Senator District 28

Arlington, IA 50606-8019

Email: N/A

Julie Hosch

22852 Butterfield Rd

Cascade, IA 52033

(563) 852-3350

Email: N/A

Mary A. Lundby

1240 14th St

Marion, IA 52302

(319) 377-6673

Email: N/A

John Putney

1365 170th St

Gladbrook, IA 50635

(641) 473-2129

Email: jpsenate@iowatelecom.net

Larry McKibben

1703 Robertson Dr

Marshalltown, IA 50158

(641) 752-6908

Email: N/A

Jerry Behn

1313 Quill Ave

Boone, IA 50036

(515) 432-7327

Email: jbehn@willinet.net

Steve Kettering

275 Crescent Park Dr

Lake View, IA 51450

Email: N/A

James Seymour

901 White St

Woodbine, IA 51579

(712) 647-2699

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State Senator District 30

State Senator District 32

Laura Sands

2922 37th St

Des Moines, IA 50310

(515) 279-3424

Email: trsands@louisacomm.net

State Senator District 34

Dick L. Dearden

3113 Kinsey Ave

Des Moines, IA 50317

(515) 262-1203

Email: N/A

State Senator District 36

Dave Sextro

1106 E Avenue E

Albia, IA 52531

(641) 932-3289

Email: N/A

State Senator District 38

Thomas J. Rielly

304 N 8th St

Oskaloosa, IA 52577

(641) 673-0359

Email: tom.rielly@mahaska.org

State Senator District 40

State Senator District 42

Frank B. Wood

1135 W. Davies St

Eldridge, IA 52748

(563) 285-5311

Email: N/A

State Senator District 44

Thomas G. Courtney

2200 Summer St

Burlington, IA 52601

(319) 753-2684

Email: N/A

State Senator District 46

Email: N/A

Pat Ward

1545 Glen Oaks Dr

West Des Moines, IA 50266

(515) 240-5825

Email: jtpsward@aol.com

Brad Zaun

7125 Douglas Ave

Urbandale, IA 50322

Email: N/A

Paul McKinley

21884 43rd Ln

Chariton, IA 50049

(641) 774-5784

Email: N/A

Neal Schuerer

P. O. Box 290

Amana, Iowa 52203-0290

(319) 622-3583

Email: N/A

Jim Hahn

900 W 4th St

Muscatine, IA 52761

(563) 263-1208

Email: N/A

Bryan J. Sievers

27135 1st Ave

New Liberty, IA 52765-9604

(563) 893-2930

Email: N/A

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Eugene Fraise

1699 280th Ave.

Fort Madison, IA 52627

(319) 528-6176

Email: N/A

State Senator District 48

Steve Waterman

214 E Cass St

Osceola, IA 50213

(641) 342-2838

Email: N/A

State Senator District 50

Michael E. Gronstal

220 Bennett Ave

Council Bluffs, IA 51503

(712) 328-2808

Email: N/A

State Representative District 1

Wesley Whitead

2108 Roosevelt

Sioux City, IA 51109

(712) 233-1408

Email: wwhitead@cableone.net

State Representative District 2

Roger F. Wendt

2313 Seneca Way

Sioux City, IA 51104

(712) 239-0802

Email: wendtr@cableone.net

State Representative District 3

Doug P. Abolt

1502 255th St

Donnellson, IA 52625

(319) 835-9090

Email: N/A

Jeff Angelo

808 W Jefferson

Creston, IA 50801

(641) 782-2958

Email: angelojeff@hotmail.com

Loren Knauss

2200 Avenue F

Council Bluffs, IA 51501

(712) 322-5942

Email: loren@lorenknauss.com

Keith Radig

3503 Broken Kettle Road

Sioux City, IA 51104

(712) 253-2577

Email: keithradig2004@yahoo.com

Chuck Soderberg

800 2nd St SE

LeMars, IA 51031

(712) 546-6136

Email: soderberg4house@hotmail.com

State Representative District 4

Dwayne Alons

1314 7th St

Hull, IA 51239

(712) 439-2479

Email: dalons@hickorytech.net

State Representative District 5

Steven Gifford

5948 250th St

Melvin, IA 51350

(712) 736-2211

Email: stevengiffordfornwiowa@yahoo.com

State Representative District 6

Greg Stevens

23438 221st St

Royd E. Chambers

1001 7th St

Sheldon, IA 51201

(712) 324-2694

Email: chambers4house@nethtc.net

Mike May

17024 255th Ave

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Milford, IA 51351

(712) 338-2304

Email: bojiresort@evertek.net

State Representative District 7

Marcella R. Frevert

3655 450th Ave

Emmetsburg, IA 50536

(712) 852-4950

Email: mfrevert@mchsi.com

State Representative District 8

Dolores M. Mertz

607 110th St

Ottosen, IA 50570

(515) 887-2952

Email: N/A

State Representative District 9

Sidney G. Baker

221 Central Ave E

Clarion, IA 50525

(515) 532-6832

Email: sbaker@goldfieldaccess.net

State Representative District 10

Tracy Runkel

3970 Vail Ave

Story City, IA 50248

(515) 733-2548

Email: N/A

State Representative District 11

Spirit Lake, IA 51360

(712) 336-4656

Email: N/A

Karen Butler

2003 Danbur Drive

Esterville, IA 51334

(712) 362-2308

Email: N/A

George S. Eichhorn

3533 Fenton Ave

Stratford, IA 50249

(515) 838-2277

Email: eichhorn@globalccs.net

Jim Kurtenbach

26361 19th St

Nevada, IA 50201

(515) 382-3110

Email: Kurtenbach@midiowa.net

Henry V. Rayhons

2820 Oak Ave

Garner, IA 50438

(641) 923-2979

Email: N/A

State Representative District 12

Vernon Harper

2138 160 th Street

Hampton, IA 50441

(641) 456-2836

Email: N/A

Linda L. Upmeyer

2175 Pine Ave

Garner, IA 50438

(641) 923-3398

Email: upmeylin@ncn.net

State Representative District 13

Bob Cole

18 Charlestown Sq

Mason City, IA 50401

(641) 425-5734

Email: bobcole.for the people@netconx.net

State Representative District 14

Mark A. Kuhn

2667 240th St

Charles City, IA 50616

(641) 228-2566

Bill Schickel

1443 E State St

Mason City, IA 50401

(641) 423-8394

Email: N/A

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Email: N/A

State Representative District 15

Brian Quirk

415 N Chestnut Ave

New Hampton, IA 50659

(641) 394-4550

Email: N/A

State Representative District 16

State Representative District 17

State Representative District 18

Stephen R. Milder

355 2nd East St

Maynard, IA 50655

(563) 637-2662

Email: N/A

State Representative District 19

Bob Kressig

3523 Veralta Dr

Cedar Falls, IA 50613

(319) 266-9021

Email: bkressig@cfu.net

State Representative District 20

David Odekirk

921 Lynda Rd

Waterloo, IA 50701

(319) 235-1083

Email: N/A

State Representative District 21

Don Shoultz

295 Kenilworth Rd

Waterloo, IA 50701

(319) 235-1920

Email: dshoultz@mchsi.com

State Representative District 22

Deborah L. Berry

241 Madison St

Waterloo, IA 50703

(319) 233-9934

Email: dberry@msn.com

State Representative District 23

Arnie Boge

2160 Amherst Pl

Ionia, IA 50645

(641) 228-4936

Email: N/A

Chuck Gipp

212 High St

Decorah, IA 52101

(563) 382-5419



Bill Dix

317 S Walnut St

Shell Rock, IA 50670

(319) 885-6790

Email: N/A

David Lalk

23858 110th St

Westgate, IA 50681

(563) 578-8320

Email: N/A

Ervin A. Dennis

1034 W 15th St

Cedar Falls, IA 50613-3659

(319) 266-8432

Email: ea.dennis@cfu.net

Willard Jenkins

P. O. Box 932

Waterloo, IA 50704

(319) 233-7383

Email: wjenkin@mchsi.com

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Ron C. Miller

303 Rhonda Rd

Fairbank, IA 50629

(319) 635-2422

Email: rjmill@netins.net

State Representative District 24

Roger Thomas

17658 Domino Rd

Elkader, IA 52043

(563) 245-1084

Email: rrthomas@alpinecom.net

State Representative District 25

Thomas J. Schueller

503 W Platt St

Maquoketa, IA 52060

(563) 652-2926

Email: toms@willinet.net

State Representative District 26

Polly Bukta

604 S 32nd St

Clinton, IA 52732

(563) 242-6603

Email: pollyb03@msn.com

State Representative District 27

Pam Jochum

2368 Jackson St

Dubuque, IA 52001

(563) 556-6530

Email: pamjochum@msn.com

State Representative District 28

Pat Murphy

155 N Grandview

Dubuque, IA 52001-6325

Email: N/A

Dan Rasmussen

1310 8th Ave NE

Independence, IA 50644

(319) 334-6138

Email: N/A

Gale Severson

10323 Hwy 3

Strawberry Point, IA 52076

(563) 933-6275

Email: gseverson@iowatelecom.net

Paul H. Carstensen

42448 45 th St

Preston, IA 52069

(563) 689-6133

Email: N/A

Patricia Cline

1243 Walnut St

Dubuque, IA 52001

(563) 557-9104

Email: patriciacline@mchsi.com

State Representative District 29

Ro Foege

P. O. Box 128

Mt. Vernon, IA 52314

(319) 895-6043

Email: RepRo29@aol.com

State Representative District 30

Dave Jacoby

2308 North Ridge Dr

Coralville, IA 52241

(319) 358-8538

Email: davejjacoby@aol.com

State Representative District 31

Ray Zirkelbach

637 W First St

Gene Manternach

9608 Maple Rd

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Monticello, IA 52310

(319) 465-3613

Email: N/A

State Representative District 32

Michael J. McMahon

729 E Main

Manchester, IA 52057

(563) 920-6815

Email: mikejmcmahon@hotmail.com

State Representative District 33

Dick Taylor

2721 31st St SW

Cedar Rapids, IA 52404-3293

(319) 393-7337

Email: N/A

State Representative District 34

Todd Taylor

1416 A Ave NW

Cedar Rapids, IA 52405-4834

(319) 396-8587

Web site: www.votetoddtaylor.com

State Representative District 35

Roger Grobstich

2350 Wolf Creek Trl

Hiawatha, IA 52233

(319) 378-4842

Email: N/A

State Representative District 36

Swati A. Dandekar

2731 28th Ave

Marion, IA 52302

(319) 377-2087

Email: ajdandekar@aol.com

State Representative District 37

Art Staed

2905 Alleghany Drive NE

Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

(319) 899-4356

Email: N/A

State Representative District 38

Robert M. Hogg

2750 Otis Rd SE

Cedar Rapids, IA 52403

(319) 247-0223

Email: robhogg@earthlink.net

State Representative District 39

Dawn Pettengill

303 E St., PO Box 76

Mount Auburn, IA 52313

Cascade, IA 52033-8619

Email: N/A

Steven F. Lukan

7365 Columbus St

New Vienna, IA 52065

(563) 921-3725

Email: sfliowaboy@hotmail.com

Kraig Paulsen

1305 Cress Pkwy

Hiawatha, IA 52233

(319) 294-2062

Email: N/A

Cory Crowley

1135 Elm St

Marion, IA 52302

(319) 270-9301

Email: cory@corycrowley.com

Jeff Elgin

6940 Bowman Ln NE

Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

(319) 350-0007

Email: jc52801@aol.com


Mary Meisterling

321 Green Valley Ter SE

Cedar Rapids, IA 52403

(319) 365-3545

Email: N/A

Dell Hanson

2384 55th Street Dr

Vinton, IA 52349

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(319) 475-2276

Email: N/A

State Representative District 40

Andrew Smith

803 2 nd Street

Traer, IA 50675

(319) 478-2107

Email: N/A

State Representative District 41

Paul Bell

611 E 17th St N

Newton, IA 50208

(641) 792-9514

Email: N/A

State Representative District 42

Geri D. Huser

213 7th St NW

Altoona, IA 50009

(515) 967-7846

Email: N/A

State Representative District 43

Mark Smith

816 Roberts Ter

Marshalltown, IA 50158

(641) 753-4079

Email: msmith1@mchsi.com

State Representative District 44

State Representative District 45

Beth Wessel-Kroeschell

518 Ash

Ames, IA 50014

(515) 292-2904

Email: bweskroe@isunet.net

State Representative District 46

Lisa Heddens

4541 513th Ave

Ames, IA 50014

(515) 292-1748

Email: N/A

State Representative District 47

David Sande

2905 Greene St

Adel, IA 50003

(515) 993-3256

Email: Sande84@juno.com

(319) 472-4385

Email: N/A

Lance J. Horbach

1014 Oakland Dr

Tama, IA 52339

(641) 751-8050

Email: N/A

Jeremy Walters

1123 Greenway Ct APT J

Altoona, IA 50009

(515) 967-6387

Email: jeremy_w21@yahoo.com

Polly Granzow

22978 S 55

Eldora, IA 50627

Email: N/A

Randy R. Woodbury

5319 Clemens Blvd

Ames, IA 50014

(515) 292-4341

Email: rawoodbury@mchsi.com

Ralph Watts

2824 Prospect Ave

Adel, IA 50003

(515) 993-4850

Email: N/A

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State Representative District 48

Donovan Olson

2103 Greene St

Boone, IA 50036

(515) 432-8163

Email: donovanolson@hotmail.com

State Representative District 49

Helen Miller

1936 15th Ave N

Fort Dodge, IA 50501

(515) 573-4901

Email: helenmiller@yahoo.com

State Representative District 50

State Representative District 51

State Representative District 52

State Representative District 53

Dick Sokolowski

6545 T Ave

Holstein, IA 51025

(712) 368-2464

Email: solopork@frontiernet.net

State Representative District 54

Judith K. Peterson

2612 S Lyon St

Sioux City, IA 51106

(712) 276-9571

Email: N/A

State Representative District 55

State Representative District 56

Michael E. Carritt

Charles Braun

1251 Nobel Hills Pl

Boone, IA 50036

(515) 432-0099

Email: charley@loannetwork.com

David A. Tjepkes

1610 Lincoln

Gowrie, IA 50543

(515) 352-3573

Email: N/A

Rod Roberts

732 San Salvador Ave

Carroll, IA 51401

Email: N/A

Mary Lou Freeman

203 Villa Rd

Alta, IA 51002

(712) 732-3781

Email: mfreema@iw.net

Dan Huseman

6144 Y Ave

Aurelia, IA 51005

(712) 434-5880

Email: N/A

Christopher Rants

2740 South Glass St

Sioux City, IA 51106

(712) 274-8874

Email: christopher@rants.us

Clarence Hoffman

869 S 5th St

Charter Oak, IA 51439

(712) 678-3760

Email: scatrbug8@frontiernet.net

Paul Wilderdyke

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308 9th St

Little Sioux, IA 51545

(712) 649-2106

Email: N/A

State Representative District 57

State Representative District 58

David Fry

503 N Fremont

Stuart, IA 50250

(515) 523-2379

Email: N/A

State Representative District 59

Eric Kinman

1927 68th St

Windsor Heights, IA 50322

(515) 251-4637

Email: sekinman@msn.com

State Representative District 60

State Representative District 61

Jo Oldson

418 38th Pl

Des Moines, IA 50312

(515) 255-2805

Email: N/A

State Representative District 62

Bruce Hunter

452 Wilmers Ave

Des Moines, IA 50315

(515) 256-8010

Email: N/A

State Representative District 63

Dan Scannell

5123 68th St

Urbandale, IA 50322

(515) 331-5710

Email: danscannell63@yahoo.com

State Representative District 64

Janet Petersen

1346 47th St

Des Moines, IA 50311

23 5th St

Woodbine, IA 51579

(712) 647-2000

Email: paulw@iowatelecom.net

Jack Drake

52462 Juniper Rd

Lewis, IA 51544

(712) 784-3538

Email: N/A

Clel Baudler

2260 Hwy 25

Greenfield, IA 50849

(641) 743-6327

Email: N/A

0. Gene Maddox

9759 Elmcrest Dr

Clive, IA 50325

(515) 225-1390

Email: N/A

Libby Jacobs

808 58th St

West Des Moines, IA 50266

Email: N/A

Joe Grandanette

637 46th St

Des Moines, IA 50312

(515) 710-0798

Email: mail@joegrandanette.net

Scott Raecker

9011 Iltis Dr

Urbandale, IA 50322

Email: N/A

Eric Goranson

3901 Shawnee Avenue

Des Moines, IA 50310

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(515) 279-9063

Email: N/A

State Representative District 65

Wayne Ford

3301 Cottage Grove

Des Moines, IA 50311

(515) 271-0605

Email: N/A

State Representative District 66

Ed Fallon

1321 8th St

Des Moines, IA 50314

(515) 243-8828

Email: ed_fallon@msn.com

State Representative District 67

Kevin McCarthy

5220 SE 31st Ct

Des Moines, IA 50320

(515) 953-5221

Email: N/A

State Representative District 68

Rick L. Olson

3012 E 31st Ct

Des Moines, IA 50317

(515) 265-8877

Email: bolson2180@aol.com

State Representative District 69

Dave Campbell

6671 NW 4th Ct

Saylorville, IA 50313-1009

(515) 289-2970

Email: saylordave1@aol.com

State Representative District 70

Rob Tucker

3111 SW 24th Ct

Ankeny, IA 50021

(515) 276-8282

Email: N/A

State Representative District 71

State Representative District 72

Steven Reed

1010 East St

Bussey, IA 50044

(641) 944-5122

Email: Denny1Steve@hotmail.com

(515) 729-2939

Email: N/A

Paul Lay

1653 Capitol Ave.

Des Moines, IA 50316

(515) 266-0883

Email: N/A

Steven Paul Pritchard

6901 SE 14th St Lot #3

Des Moines, IA 50320

(515) 953-0099

Email: votepritchard@msn.com

Charles Allison

3001 E 43rd St

Des Moines, IA 50317

(515) 261-3571

Email: N/A

Walt Tomenga

7250 Hyperion Point

Johnston, IA 50131-1977

(515) 276-7089

Email: wjtomeng@msn.com

Carmine Boal

3301 SW Timbergreen Rd

Ankeny, IA 50021

Email: carmineboal@mchsi.com

Jim Van Engelenhoven

2309 Keokuk Dr

Pella, IA 50219

(641) 628-1675

Email: N/A

Richard D. Arnold

26875 407 St

Russell, IA 50238

(641) 535-6313

Email: N/A

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State Representative District 73

Rod Fee

22825 Hwy 92

Ackworth, IA 50001

(515) 848-3406

Email: rodfee01@mac.com

State Representative District 74

Mark Davitt

611 W Ashland

Indianola, IA 50125

(515) 962-9345

Email: davittforhouse@aol.com

State Representative District 75

Eric J. Palmer

1118 Clearview Dr

Oskaloosa, IA 52577

(641) 673-7589

Email: palmlaw@lisco.com

State Representative District 76

Steven A. Heck

706 Clay St

Malcom, IA 50157

(641) 528-4005

Email: N/A

Jodi Tymeson

1524 Highway 169

Winterset, IA 50273

(515) 462-5081

Email: N/A

Danny C. Carroll

244 400th Ave

Grinnell, IA 50112

(641) 236-7043

Email: dcarroll@iowatelecom.net

Betty R. DeBoef

10972 170th St

What Cheer, IA 50268

(641) 634-2227

Email: hgdb@iowatelecom.net

State Representative District 77

Mary Mascher

40 Gryn Ct

Iowa City, IA 52246

(319) 351-2826

Email: N/A

State Representative District 78

Vicki Lensing

2408 Mayfield Rd

Iowa City, IA 52245

(319) 338-6148

Email: N/A

State Representative District 79

Mike Owen

563 Oliphant St

West Branch, IA 52358

(319) 643-5714

Email: mikeowen@lcom.net

State Representative District 80

Nathan Reichert

1155 Iowa Ave

Muscatine, IA 52761

(563) 263-3057

Email: nathan@nathanreichert.com

State Representative District 81

Alan E. Guard

Jeff Kaufmann

2125 Old Muscatine Rd

Wilton, IA 52778

(563) 732-2902

Email: jefkauf@netins.net

Barry D. Brauns

2664 Aunt Polly Ln

Muscatine, IA 52761

(563) 262-0455

Email: N/A

Jamie Van Fossen

Current as of 8/10/2004

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204 E Dover Ct

Davenport, IA 52803

(563) 323-0517

Email: N/A

State Representative District 82

State Representative District 83

Jim King

1115 Sycamore Dr

LaClaire, IA 52753

(563) 332-5613

Email: kings875@msn.com

State Representative District 84

Cammie Pohl

1216 N Concord St

Davenport, IA 52804

(563) 391-6732

Email: citizensforcammie@hotmail.com

State Representative District 85

Jim Lykam

2906 W 35th St

Davenport, IA 52806-5113

(563) 391-1919

Email: N/A

State Representative District 86

Cindy Winckler

6 Thode Ct

Davenport, IA 52802

(563) 324-7927

Email: cindywinckler@mchsi.com

State Representative District 87

Sandy Dockendorff

22921 135th St

Danville, IA 52623

Email: N/A

State Representative District 88

Dennis M. Cohoon

816 Randall Lane

Burlington, IA 52601

(319) 752-5057

Email: N/A

State Representative District 89

Mark Shearer

315 E Jackson St

Washington, IA 52353

2802 Middle Rd

Davenport, IA 52803

(563) 370-8790

Email: jamie5560@aol.com

Joe Hutter

#5 Hutter Ln

Bettendorf, IA 52722

(563) 332-5725

Email: N/A

Steven Olson

2176 210 St

Grand Mound, IA 52751

(563) 847-1872

Email: Olsonang@gmtel.net

Jim Van Fossen

13 Enchanted Island

Davenport, IA 52802

(563) 323-6080

Email: jimvanfossen@mchsi.com

Dot Richards

2805 W 47th St

Davenport, IA 52806

(563) 386-4856

Email: N/A

Dan Vance

2449 W 13th St

Davenport, IA 52804

(563) 326-6450

Email: danv118@aol.com

Thomas R. Sands

134 Orchard Ln

Columbus Junction, IA 52738

(319) 728-8716

Email: N/A

Sandra H. Greiner

1005 Hwy 92

Keota, IA 52248

Current as of 8/10/2004

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(319) 653-8181

Email: markshearer@lisco.net

State Representative District 90

John Whitaker

32500 145th St

Hillsboro, IA 52630

(319) 796-4618

Email: N/A

State Representative District 91

State Representative District 92

Philip Wise

503 Grand Ave

Keokuk, IA 52632

(319) 524-3643

Email: pwise@gatecity.com

State Representative District 93

Mary Gaskill

509 E 4th St

Ottumwa, IA 52501

(641) 682-6417

Email: marygaskill@juno.com

State Representative District 94

Kurt Swaim

504 N Davis

Bloomfield, IA 52537

(641) 664-2455

Email: N/A

State Representative District 95

Michael J. Reasoner

702 New York Ave

Creston, IA 50801

(641) 782-2693

Email: mreasoner@11.net

State Representative District 96

Steve Adams

211 E Joy St

Red Oak, IA 51566

(712) 623-4847

Email: stadams@mchsi.com

State Representative District 97

Howard D. Hart

602 Seventh Ave

Shenandoah, IA 51601

(712) 246-1822

Email: hhart@heartland.net

Email: N/A

Deb McCurren

2360 Glasgow Rd

Fairfield, IA 52556

(641) 472-6977

Email: N/A

Dave Heaton

510 E Washington

Mount Pleasant, IA 52641

(319) 385-9342

Email: heaton@se-iowa.net

Brent Fellows

2300 Grand Ave

Keokuk, IA 52632

Email: N/A

Claude Neill

2526 65th St

Clio, IA 50052

(641) 873-4335

Email: N/A

Cecil Dolecheck

100 Dunning Ave

Mount Ayr, IA 50854

(641) 464-2913

Email: N/A

Richard Anderson

911 N 12th St

Clarinda, IA 51632

(712) 542-2141

Email: iowahouse2004@voterichanderson.com

Current as of 8/10/2004

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State Representative District 98

Sally Vitamvas

P. O. Box 198

Silver City, Iowa 51571

(712) 525-9137

Email: svitamvas@starband.net

State Representative District 99

David Phillips

15 Euclid

Council Bluffs, IA 51503

(712) 323-9492

Email: N/A

State Representative District 100

Paul Shomshor

3018 Avenue M

Council Bluffs, IA 51501

(712) 325-0638

Email: N/A

Gerald Jones

P. O. Box 98

Silver City, Iowa 51571

(712) 525-1151

Email: jonesrep98@aol.com

Doug Struyk

219 Carson Ave

Council Bluffs, IA 51503

(712) 329-3542

Email: N/A

Current as of 8/10/2004

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