A SAMPLE OF NONPROFIT ASSESSMENT TOOLS MARYLAND ASSOCIATION OF NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS: STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE Descriptive standards developed by Maryland nonprofits to promote ethical practices and accountability in nonprofits across the State. These Standards describe how nonprofits should act to be ethical and be accountable in their program operations, governance, human resources, financial management and fundraising. Principles are provided, along with 55 Standards - - more detailed performance benchmarks which will enable nonprofits to strengthen their operation. The Standards of Excellence are intended to describe how the most well-managed and responsibly governed organizations should, and do, operate. (No metrics of performance included.) - Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations www.mdnonprofit.org McKINSEY CAPACITY ASSESSMENT GRID “The McKinsey Capacity Assessment Grid is a descriptive tool that describes the organizational capacity, by selecting the text that best describes the organization’s current status or performance on 7 levels and components. The grid is not a scientific tool and should not be used as one. The scores are meant to provide a general indication - - a temperature taking. The tool is meant to be a starting point only. We encourage you to adapt the grid to meet your own organization’s capacity assessment needs.” - McKinsey & Company www.mckinsey.com MANAGEMENT HELP: CHECKLIST OF NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONAL INDICATORS A self-assessment tool developed for internal use by staff and volunteers of the United Way of Minneapolis Area, this checklist offers ratings of “E” (essential basic requirement); “R” (recommended as standard practice); and “A” (additional indicators to enhance management operations and activities. - Management Help www.managementhelp.org LEADER-TO-LEADER INSTITUTE: SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL (Formerly the Drucker Institute) The Drucker Foundation Self-Assessment provides a process for nonprofit organizations to clarify mission, define results, set goals and develop a focused plan. The Drucker Page 2 Self-Assessment tool addresses 5 questions: What Is Our Mission? Who Is Our Customer? What Does the Customer Value? What Are Our Results? What Are our Plans? - Leader-To-Leader Institute www.pfdf.org INNOVATION NETWORK: RAPID ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT (ROA) TOOL ROA provides nonprofits with a “snapshot” of organizational effectiveness as a springboard towards evaluation discussions. - Innovation Network www.innonet.org THE MANAGEMENT CENTER: NONPROFIT ASSESSMENT TOOL The 80-item online system provides descriptive commentary to individual responses to questions in the categories of Administration; Leadership; Board; Community Relations; Marketing; Finance; Human Resources; Planning; Program Management; and Plant and Equipment. - The Management Center www.tmcenter.org MILTON EISENHOWER FOUNDATION: LESSONS FROM THE STREET As part of the Foundation’s standardized needs assessment, a series of approximately 100 open-ended questions are categorized under the headings of Background, Organizational Development, Fiscal Management, Fundraising and Proposal Writing, Program Administration, Program Development, Staff Development, Communication and Evaluation. These questions are administered through one-on-one interviews with staff of each organization receiving technical assistance. Various workshops are offered and rated (on a scale of 1 - 4; 4 is highest). - Milton Eisenhower Foundation www.eisenhowerfoundation.org GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH CENTER: SCAT SCAT (Simple Capacity Assessment Tool) was developed to provide support organizations with procedures for assessing the organizational capacity of potential partners and to provide a process through which relevant, context specific indicators can be developed in a collaborative manner. SCAT includes seven organizational Page 3 categories which are further broken down into subcomponents. A rating scale of 1 – 4 (1 = nascent; 2 = emerging; 3 = expanding; and 4 = mature). 20 is a low score; 40 is a moderate score; and 60 is a high score. (Developed by Beryl Levinger and Evan Bloom) - Global Development Research Center www.gdrc.org BOARDSOURCE The focus is on the Board’s role as a governing body and “discovering strengths and weaknesses.” Online assessment asks board to evaluate “their satisfaction” with 10 areas of performance: determining mission; engaging in strategic planning; monitoring programs and services; ensuring adequate financial resources; providing effective fiscal oversight and sound risk management policies; selecting, supporting, and overseeing the chief executive; understanding the relationship between board and staff; enhancing public image; selecting and orienting new board members; organizing the board efficiently. Results are to be evaluated by Board and CEO in order to develop an action plan. Offers customized questions for an additional fee. - BoardSource www.boardsource.org BALANCED SCORECARD Developed in part, as a response the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), the Balanced Scorecard seeks to respond to the demand for performance-based government. Measures (also related to nonprofits) are: Mission, Customer Requirements, Internal Processes, and Employee Learning and Youth. - Balanced Scorecard www.balancedscorecard.org Page 4