Multi Agency Planning (MAP) meetings

Multi Agency Planning (MAP) meetings
1. To identify key issues/needs that require input from a network of outside professionals (the
‘Team alongside the School’)
2. To identify the professional(s) best placed to respond to an issue/need
3. To co-ordinate input in order to make the most efficient use of the it
4. To build a relationship with and between support services to the benefit of schools, families and
the wider community.
 Head Teacher (possibly only for Wave 1 discussion if time is a concern)
 Inclusion Manager/SENCO
 Learning Mentor
 Outside professionals working with the school
o Behaviour Consultant,
o Extended Schools Co-ordinator,
o Specialist Teacher(s),
o EP,
o PRU Outreach team
o Speech and Language Therapist,
o Young Hackney
Categories of need (see also Agreed Definitions of Tiers of Need For
Hackney Child Wellbeing Model):
1. Wave 1 - Universal/Whole School
2. Wave 2 – Targeted: Mild/moderate difficulties (School Action -> School Action Plus) and/or
moderate behaviour concerns.
3. Wave 3 – Specialist: Severe, complex & persistent difficulties (School Action Plus ->
Statement) and/or at risk of exclusion.
 Because of the multi-agency, multi-disciplinary nature of the group, schools will be able to raise
children with a range of needs including learning, behavioural, emotional and social, mental
health, language and communication, attendance and punctuality, medical and sensory.
 It may be useful for schools to bring their provision map to the meeting as a reference point for
 Detail on individual issues/cases should be brief, relevant and evidenced, and all participants
should be mindful of the ethical framework within which we all operate regarding information
 There will not be an opportunity for prolonged case discussions which in any case would be
inappropriate since parental consent will not necessarily have been sought for the involvement
of all agencies present.
 The MAP meeting is a means of agreeing upon the nature of outside professional involvement
(using a systemic approach such as the Intervention Factor Framework see appendix 1) and will
be followed by a much more detailed conversation involving only those members of the network
it has been agreed will provide input. For example through a PSP meeting, CAF 1 initial
consultation or Annual Review.
 At each Wave, having identified the issue (wave 1), child/young person (waves 2 & 3) specify:
1. The key themes or areas of need,
2. Previous/current interventions and professionals/agencies involved
3. Actions to be undertaken, when they are to be completed and by whom. This will
include identification of ‘co-lead professionals’, one from school and one from the
interagency team who will be responsible for implementing actions and feedback to the
MAP facilitators.
 Each attendee will feedback to their respective team.
 Phases in the meeting:
1. Introductions and an opportunity for each member of the team to describe their role
and what their service offers.
2. Clarify the purpose of the meeting and how it fits in with existing structures.
3. Wave 1: systems working well and consideration of pieces of universal whole school
work where staff feel they would benefit from support from outside professionals – 30
4. Wave 3: consideration of individual cases where staff feel they would benefit from
support from outside professionals – 40 min
5. Wave 2: consideration of individual cases where staff feel they would benefit from
support from outside professionals – 20 min
6. Consideration of connections between work at different waves (e.g. implication of wave
2 & 3 work on wave 1)
7. Reflections on the process of the meeting:
 What were the positives/benefits
 What could have been done differently
8. Date for the next meeting
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Interactive Factors Framework
Low motivation
Low self perception
Able pupil
Limited self
Concerns re
at home
Lack of
Peer Tutoring
Off task
Andrew Lee
Provokes & can be
physically aggressive
towards peers
Keen to receive
attention from adults
Low sociometric
Circle of