chapter 20 test review - Mr Vanderbeck's Science Class

Name: Bryan Abdulmalik Per: 2
Nine Weeks
Directions: Complete this review ON YOUR OWN PAPER (unless there is a line on this
page for the answer). The completed review will count as a daily grade. Use this review
in combination with your first nine weeks’ review (visit my website if you have lost
yours) to study for the 1st semester exam. This review will be due on Wednesday,
December 17, 2014.
Define the following words:
1. Ecology
2. Population
3. Erosion
4. Deposition
5. Community
6. Biodiversity
7. Mutation
8. Natural Selection
9. Permeable
10. Impermeable
11. Weathering
12. Molecule
13. Compound
14. Aquifer
15. Water Table
16. Zone of Saturation
17. Runoff
18. Food Chain
19. Succession
20. Producer
21. Consumer
22. Biomes
23. Pioneer Species
24. Element
25. Weathering
26. Look over the Ecoregions “test”
Answer the following questions:
1. Explain the difference between primary and secondary succession. Which
takes longer? Why? (pg 402-403)
2. Use your Energy Flow through an Ecosystem notes to study energy pyramids.
Where is the amount of energy greatest in an energy pyramid (top or bottom)?
3. In nature, is there more than one organism found in each level of the energy
4. What is composting?
5. What types of things can be composted?
6. What is a decomposer? Give an example. (pg 344)
7. What does a food chain describe? (pg 347)
8. Why is biodiversity a good thing for an ecosystem? (Choose your Meal
project, Tree disease game)(pg 305, 404)
9. What is selective breeding (artificial selection)? (think of dogs, cats, horses,
etc.) (pg 255, 291)
10. Why do we use selective breeding?
11. Give some examples of changes in genetic traits (color, size, shape, etc.), that
have occurred through selective breeding.
12. How are mutations (pg 288), and adaptations (pg 293-295), important to the
process of natural selection?
13. How do variations between organisms of the same species help that species to
survive over time? (think about the beaks of the Finches found on the
Galapagos Islands)
14. How many TOTAL ATOMS are in the following substances: H2O, FeO2,
C6H12O6, 4H2O2
15. What kind of consumer is responsible for recycling the energy from dead
16. A watershed is another name for a drainage basin. Describe a watershed. (pg
17. List some catastrophic events? Which ones are most likely to occur in our
ecoregion of Texas?
18. Explain the difference between chemical (pg 560) and mechanical/physical
weathering. (pg 556)
19. What is a river delta? Which process (weathering, erosion, or deposition)
causes deltas to form?
20. Match the following with the correct type of weathering (C for chemical, P for
Ice Wedging (freeze/thaw)
Root growth
Oxidation (rust)
Burrowing animals
21. In dry regions, such as the Trans-Pecos, what causes the most erosion (wind
or water)?
22. In wet regions, such as the Pineywoods, what causes the most erosion (wind
or water)?
23. How does building dams in rivers of Texas effect the beaches? (pg 597)
24. Draw an atom of Lithium. Remember to put the protons, neutrons, and
electrons in the correct locations, and indicate which one is positive, negative,
or neutral. (pg R14, Notes - Drawing Atoms)
25. How does the mass of a proton, electron, and neutron compare?
26. Place the following words in order from simplest to most complex: Biome,
Population, Organ, Atom, Biosphere, Molecule, Organism, Cell, Ecoregion,
Element, Community, Organ System, Compound, Tissue
27. Identifying Variables - Marshmallow Muscles
Larry was told that a certain muscle cream was the newest best thing on the market and claims to double a
person’s muscle power when used as part of a muscle-building workout. Interested in this product, he buys
the special muscle cream and recruits Patrick and SpongeBob to help him with an experiment. Larry
develops a special marshmallow weight-lifting program for Patrick and SpongeBob. He meets with them
once every day for a period of 2 weeks and keeps track of their results. Before each session Patrick’s arms
and back are lathered in the muscle cream, while Sponge Bob’s arms and back are lathered with the regular
Which person is in the control group?
What is the independent variable?
What is the dependent variable?
What should Larry’s conclusion be?