Homework - Mock Summer Internship Research Problem In your cell biology course, you learned about the RTK/Ras/MAPK signaling pathway, and coincidentally, you landed a prized summer internship at Genentech. The lab where you will work is targeting a cancer driven by a mutation that makes Ras constitutively active. Cancer cells with this mutation continuously divide out of control. The lab hopes to create a drug that inhibits the RTK/Ras/MAPK signaling pathway to block the cancer cell proliferation, preventing uncontrolled cell proliferation. If the Ras signaling activity is blocked, then the cancer cells cannot grown on soft agar (see Fig 1 below). Modified from (a) Alida et al 1992 Nature 357: 602; and (b) Serrano et al.1996. 85: 27. A potential drug that inhibits Ras was identified. So far, the Genentech lab has shown that the inhibitor blocks the growth factor response in cells (see Fig 2 above). The first two bars of the histogram shows the effect of growth factor on MAP kinase cascade (final enzyme is ERK kinase) in non-cancer cells . The last two bars of the histogram shows the effect Ras inhibitor on cells treated the same as in the first two histogram bars. Write a proposal (2 page limit) for your summer research internship. Include the following: 1- Give an interpretation of the experiment shown in Fig 2. 2- You are given 2 inhibitors, one that inhibits tyrosine kinase and one that inhibits MAP kinase. Describe the expected outcome for these 2 inhibitors on cells expressing the oncogenic, overactive Ras in the cell proliferation assay.