Moshe Asher Pollatschek

June 2003
Moshe Asher Pollatschek
I.D. No.:
Birth Date and place:
February 28, 1941 in Hungary.
Family Status:
Married, 4 children.
B.Sc. – 1964 Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
M.Sc. – 1967 Operations Research , Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management,
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
D.Sc. – 1970 Operations Research, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management,
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
1980 -
: Associate Professor, Technion Israel Institute of Technology.
1973 - 1980: Senior Lecturer, Technion - IIT.
1970 - 1973: Lecturer, Technion - IIT.
Modeling and Analysis of Processes, Management Issues and Information Utilization
Discrete Event System Simulation
Decision Supporting Systems
Pollatschek, M.A. - CV
TEACHING EXPERIENCE (u = undergraduate, g = graduate)
Introduction to Operations Research (u)
Deterministic Models in Operations Research (u)
Model Building in Operations Research (u)
Nonlinear Programming (g)
Integer Programming (g)
Dynamic Programming (g)
Introduction to Probability and Statistics (u)
Design of Experiments (u)
Statistical & Mathematical Models for Behavioral Sciences (g)
Linear Models in Statistics (u)
Multivariate Statistics (u)
Simulation (u)
Intelligent Sensors in Robotics (g)
Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing (g)
Algorithms on Graphs (u)
Data Structures (u)
INFORMS (full member)
Information Processing Association of Israel
Israel Operations Research Society
1973 - Joseph Levy Prize of the Operations Research Society of Israel.
(Primary supervisor for all is M.A. Pollatschek; if not noted otherwise,
no additional supervisors participated, a.s. = additional supervisor).
Esther Gen, "Methods of Scaling Preferences",
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Yekutiel Rosenfeld, "Problems of the Traveling Salesman",
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Dalia Pinkas: "Topics in Path Analysis",
M.Sc. in Statistics.
Zahava Goldstein: "Uses of Warehouse Location Algorithm",
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Pollatschek, M.A. - CV
Jonathan Cremer: "Optimal Assignment of Crew to Jobs",
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Nahum Tinman: "Shortest Route with Traffic Restrictions",
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Oded Cohen: "Decision-Making in Hospitals",
M.Sc. in Operations Research. (a.s.: Prof. S. Edelman).
Emmanuel Yaschin, "Inventory Control with Budgetary Restrictions",
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Yaacov Flachs: "Duality in Fuzzy-Mathematical Programming",
D.Sc. in Applied Mathematics.
Aliza Netter: "A Review of Programs Developed to Solve Communication
Problems in the Building Industry by the Use of Computers",
M.Sc. in Civil Engineering.
Moshe Bright: "Investigating the Performance of Code FUZ for Solving
0/1 Problems", M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Ingrid Schwartz: "Development of a Data Base for Agricultural Planning",
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Yusif Sima'an: "Dynamic Programming Model for Manpower Planning",
M.Sc. in Statistics. (a.s.: Dr. B. Barkai).
Moshe Shamai: "Scheduling of n Products' Production Demanding Setup Time",
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Pnina Gelman: "Optimal Cut of Diamonds",
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Danit Bunin: "Pert Networks with Fuzzy Relations",
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Gad Samuel: "Inversion of Matrices",
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering. (a.s.: Prof. E. Kehat).
Eliezer Liran: "A Dynamic Model for Optimal Use of Interactive Graphics",
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Gavriel Ravhon: "Production Management Simulator for Process Industry",
M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering.
Victor Malka: "Optimal Planning for Extension of a Telephone Network",
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Raul Dorfman: "Planning of Irrigation Systems under Conditions of Scarce Data",
D.Sc. in Technology.
Pollatschek, M.A. - CV
Yacov Weinstock: "Approaches of Ranking Alternatives",
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Arye Gelman: "Algorithms for Sparse Linear Programming",
D.Sc. in Operations Research.
Haim Moskovitz, Methodology of Establishing an Information Center
in a Knowledge-based Company (Elscint)".
M.Sc. in Industrial Management.
Tamar Oren: "Productivity of Copmputer Programmers".
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Chantal Bala: "Integrating the Score Function Method in Discrete
Events System Simulation".
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Kobi Eldar: "Optimal Distance between Two Branches in Splitted Intersection".
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Itzhak Gidron: "Applications of Simple Sensors in Integrating the Storage
and Material Handling System with Manufacturing Systems".
M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering.
Abel V. Browarnik: "A Mathematical Model for Communicating
with Databases in Natural Hebrew".
M.Sc. in Operations Research. (a.s.: Dr. U. Ornan).
Amir Shalmon: "Integration of Advanced Approaches to Aggregate Production
Planning Applied to Multi-Product Continuous Process Plant".
M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering.
Daniel Greenberg: "Comparing Different Modeling Methods".
M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering.
Orly Gold: "Improving Google Search Engine".
M.Sc. in Operations Research.
Dagan Gilat: "OPM for Simulation".
D.Sc. (a.s.: Dr. D. Dori).
Haifa Municipality, 152,628 NS, M.A. Pollatschek and A. Ceder.
Department of Public Works (Maatz), 375,000 NS, Abishai Polus, M.A.
Pollatschek, M. Livne and J. Kraus.
Department of Public Works (Maatz), 300,000 NS, Abishai Polus, M.A.
Pollatschek, M.A. - CV
1976 - 1984: Manpower forecasts for Israeli shipping companies directly and also at the
Israel Shipping Research Institute, Dr. H.N. Wydra, director.
1976 - 1978: Decision-making in vocational school-building.
Ministry of Education, 34 Shivtei Israel St., Jerusalem, at
the Center for Educational Management of Haifa University,
Dr. J. Goldstein, director.
1978 - 1979: Integrated import, production, transportation and inventory planning for
Pasgas Co. at Technion Institute for Research and Development,
Prof. M. Yadin, coordinator,
1978 - 1979: Functional planning of water supply systems. Mekoroth, Water Co.,
Dr. Y. Dreizin, manager.
Sales trends and forecasts for Alliance Ltd., Tire and Rubber Co.
at Kadima Consultants Ltd., Dr. R. Rosenberg, manager.
Energy Demand forecasting model for the Ministry of Energy and
Infrastructure at the Management Science Research Center of the
Technion, Prof. A. Melnik, supervisor.
Survey of the State of the Northern District. Ministry of Interior,
I. Konig, District Commissioner.
1978 - 1982: Improving computer reports to management. Bank Leumi Ltd.,
G. Kedar, manager.
1979 - 1981: Computerized production planning. Gadot Petrochemicals Ltd.,
G. Meyouhas, manager.
1978 - 1981: Inventory and storage management, integrated transportation storing and
production planning, computerized aids for decisions. Fertilizers and
Chemicals Ltd., Dr. D. Bar-Lev and J. Ephrath, managers.
Optimal investment in tourism. Ministry of Tourism, Dr. B. Barkai, coordinator.
Computerization of travel agency. Palex Tours, Mr. A. Mayers, manager.
1989 - 1993: Simulating Israeli Ports. Israel Shipping Research Institute, Prof. Yehuda
Hayuth, director.
1991 - 1995: Decision Aid for Accepting Students to "Aliyath Hanoar",
Jewish Agency, Mrs. Tzipi Goshen, department head.
Simulating Lecture Room Occupancies, Haifa University,
Prof. Yehuda Hayuth, vice president.
1993 – 1996: Prioritizing the Public Transportation. Haifa Municipality,
Prof. A. Ceder, coordinator.
Pollatschek, M.A. - CV
1995 – 1997: Planning for 2020. The “2020” team, Prof. Adam Mazor, team leader.
Simulation of Ben Gurion Airport arrival section.
Technostat, Dr. Y. Tal, manager.
Simulation of Contact Centers, ESI, Mr. Zion Harel, manager.
2001 – 2002: Criterions for Adding Lanes in Freeways. Department of Public Works.
M.Sc. Thesis, Technion, 1967 (Hebrew): "A New Model of a Duel".
D.Sc. Thesis, Technion, 1970 (Hebrew): "Algorithms for Finite Weighted Graphs".
Refereed papers in professional journals:
Published papers:
Levin , O. and M.A. Pollatschek, "On the Optimization Model of Groundwater
Utilization", Israel Journal of Technology, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 366-375,
Nov. 1968.
Pollatschek, M.A and B. Avi-Itzhak, "Algorithms for Stochastic Games with
Geometrical Interpretation", Management Science, Vol. 15, No. 7,
pp. 399-415, March 1969.
Pollatschek, M.A and B. Avi-Itzhak, "Sorting Feasible Basic Solutions of
a Linear Program", in Avi-Itzhak (ed.): Development in Operations Research,
pp. 95-123, Gordon & Breach, New York, 1971.
Pollatschek, M.A, "Representation of Forests and the Spanning-Tree
Algorithm", Operation Research Verfahren, Vol. XIII, Part 2, pp. 449-453,
Zimmermann, H.J. and M.A. Pollatschek, "The Domain of the Resource-Vector
as an Aid in Decision-Making in Stochastic 0/1 Programming", Operations
Research Verfahren, Vol. XIV, pp. 390-398, 1972.
Comay, Y., A. Melnik and M.A. Pollatschek, "The Option-Value of Education
and the Optimal Path for Investment in Human Capital", International Economic
Review, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 421-435, June 1973.
Zimmermann, H.J. and M.A. Pollatschek, "A Computer-Oriented Approach to
Characteristic Function of Pseudo-Boolean Inequality Systems", Angewandte
Informatik, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 393-398, Sept. 1973.
Pollatschek, M.A. - CV
Zimmermann, H.J. and M.A. Pollatschek, "Distribution-Functions of the
Optimum of 0/1 Linear Programming with Randomly Distributed Right-Hand
Side", Angewandte Informatik, Vol.15, No.10, pp. 423-426, Oct. 1973.
Melnik, A. and M.A. Pollatschek, "Depth Capacity, Diversification and
Conclomerate Mergers", Journal of Finance, Vol. XXVIII, No. 5,
pp. 1263-1273, Dec. 1973.
10. Pollatschek, M.A, "Bounds for Stochastic Convex Programs", Zeitschrift für
Operations Research, Vol. 18, pp. 27-39, 1974.
11. Pollatschek, M.A, "A Quick Method for Evaluating Casual Models",
Social Science Research, Vol. 3, pp. 45-60, 1974.
12. Pollatschek, M.A, "On Some Computational Aspects of the Factorization of
an Elementary Paraconjugate Hermetian Polynomial Matrix", IEEE Transactions
on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-19, No. 4, pp. 430-431, August 1974.
13. Pollatschek, M.A and B. Avi-Itzhak, "A Shortest Route Algorithm Through
Solution of a Set of Nonlinear Equations", Angewandte Informatik, Vol. 16,
No.11, pp.477-482, November 1974.
14. Pollatschek, M.A, "A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Existence
of Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits and its Application for the Traveling
Salesman Problem", Operations Research Verfahren, Vol. XIX, pp. 88-101
(appeared in 1975).
15. Zimmermann, H.J. and M.A. Pollatschek, "Probability Distribution Function
of the Optimum of a 0/1 Linear Program with Randomly Distributed
Coefficients and Right-Hand Side", Operations Research, Vol.23, No.1,
pp. 137-49, January 1975.
16. Zimmermann, H.J. and M.A. Pollatschek, "On Stochastic Integer Programming",
Zeitschrift fur Operations Research, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 37-48, Feb. 1975.
17. Pollatschek, M.A, "Further Contributions to Scaling of Paired Comparisons
and Ranking", Social Science Research, Vol. 5, pp. 63-80, 1976.
18. Comay, Y., A. Melnik and M.A. Pollatschek, "Dropout Risks, Option Values
and Returns to Investment in Schooling", Canadian Journal of Economics,
Vol. IX, No. 1, pp.45-56, 1976.
19. Pollatschek, M.A, "Personal Assignment by Multiobjective Programming",
Zeitschrift fur Operations Research, Vol. 20, pp. 161-170, 1976.
20. Gershoni, H., M.A. Pollatschek and Y.T. Radday, "A Better Hebrew Type-writer?",
Journal of Industrial Engineering, pp. 33-37, October 1976.
21. Pollatschek, M.A, H. Gershoni and Y.T. Radday, "Optimization of the
Typewriter Keyboard by Simulation", Angewandte Informatik, Vol. 17,
No. 0, pp. 438-439, October 1976.
Pollatschek, M.A. - CV
22. Michaeli, I. and M.A. Pollatschek, "On Some Linear Knapsack Problems", in:
P.L. Hammer et al. (eds.), Studies in Integer Programming, pp. 403-414,
North Holland, Amsterdam, 1977.
23. Melnik, A. and M.A. Pollatschek, "An Optimal Screening Policy for R&D
Projects", in: H. Levy and M.A. Sarnat (eds.), Financial Decision Making
under Uncertainty, pp. 251-264, Academic Press, New York, 1977.
24. Pollatschek, M.A, "Hierarchical Systems and Fuzzy-Set Theory", Kybernetes,
Vol. 6, pp. 147-151, 1977.
25. Commay, Y.P., A. Melnik and M.A. Pollatschek, "Option Values, Stipends
and the Returns to Educational Investment", Journal of Economics, Vol. 6,
pp. 243-260, 1977.
26. Radday, Y.T., M.A. Pollatschek and H. Gershoni, "Zur Optimierung der
Habreischem Schreibmachine", Sprache und Datenverbeitung, Vol. 1,
pp. 32-37, 1977.
27. Pollatschek, M.A, "A Theorem on Double-Stochastic Matrices",
Advances in Applied Probability, Vol. 9, No. 2, p. 238.
28. Rim, Y. and M.A. Pollatschek, "Colour Preferences of Stable and Emotional
Extroverts and Introverts", Bolletino di Psicologia Applicata, Vol. 143-44,
pp. 133-139, 1977.
29. Pollatschek, M.A. and Radday, Y.T., "A Frequency Profile as a Key to the
Structure of Lamentations" (in Hebrew), Balshanuth Ivrith Chofshith,
Vol. 12, pp. 5-24, 1977.
30. Melnik, A. and M.A. Pollatschek, "A Model of Salary Policy, Turnover Rates
and Employment Levels, TIMS Studies in Management Sciences, Vol. 8,
pp. 231-245, 1978.
31. Dreizin, Y.C. and M.A. Pollatschek, "Use of Simulation of a Water Resource
Control System in Choosing Optimal Instrumentation under Budgetary
Constraints", in I. Troch (ed.): Simulation of Control Systems, North Holland,
pp. 303-305, 1978.
32. Sommer, G. and M.A. Pollatschek, "A Fuzzy Programming Approach to an Air
Pollution Regulation Problem", in R. Trapp et al. (eds.): Progress of Cybernetics
and Systems Research, Vol. III, pp. 303-313, Hemisphere Publ. Corp.,
Washington, D.C., 1978.
33. Radday, Y.T. and M.A. Pollatschek, "Computerized Experiments with the
Frequency Lists of the Five Scrolls", Revue de l'Organization Internationale pour
l'Etude de Langues Anciennes par Ordinateur, Vol. 2, pp. 1-36, 1978.
34. Flachs, J. and M.A. Pollatschek, "Further Results on Fuzzy-Mathematical
Programming", Information and Control, Vol. 38, pp. 241-257, 1978.
Pollatschek, M.A. - CV
35. Hammer, P.L., U.N. Peled and M.A. Pollatschek, "An Algorithm to Dualize
A Regular Switching Function", IEEE Transaction on Computers, Vol. C-28,
pp. 238-243, 1979.
36. Flachs, J. and M.A. Pollatschek, "Duality Theorems for Certain Programs
Involving Minimum or Maximum Operations", Mathematical Programming,
Vol. 16, pp. 348-370, 1979.
37. Cramer, J. and M.A. Pollatschek, "An Allocation Problem with Lexicograhic
Objective", Management Science, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 466-473, May 1979.
38. Dreizin, Y.C. and M.A. Pollatschek, "Use of Simulation of a Water Supply Control
System in Solving a Multiobjective Problem", in P. Laconte and Y. Haimes (eds.):
Water Resource and Land-Use Planning. Stijhof and Nordhoff, 1980.
39. Radday, Y.T. and Pollatschek, M.A., "Vocabulary Rich Richness in Post-Exilic
Prophetic Books", Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, Vol. 92, No. 3, pp.
333-346, 1980.
40. Melnik, A. and Pollatschek, M.A., "Energy Demand: An Interactive Forecasting
Model", Energy Systems, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 250-256, Sept. 1981.
41. Bar-Lev, D. and Pollatschek, M.A., "Simulation as an Aid in Decision Making at Israel
Fertilizers and Chemicals", Interfaces, Vol. 11, No. 2, April 1981.
42. Radday, Y.T. and Pollatschek, M.A., "Vocabulary Richness of the Prophets
of the Second Temple" (in Hebrew), Balshanut Ivrith Chofshit, Vol. 17, pp. 33-45, 1981.
43. Flachs, J. and Pollatschek, M.A., "Equivalence between a Generalized Fenchel Duality
Theorem and a Saddle Point theorem for Fractional Programs", Journal of
Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 37, pp. 23-32, May 1982.
44. Radday, Y.T., H. Shore, M.A. Pollatschek, D. Wickmann, “Genesis, Wellhausen and the
Computer”, Z. f. Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, Vol. 94, No. 4, pp. 465-482, 1982.
45. Zimmermann, H.J. and Pollatschek, M.A., "A 0-1 Linear Program with Fuzzy Goal", in R.E.
Machol (ed.): Studies in Management Sciences – Decision Analysis and Fuzzy Set, pp. 133146, 1984.
46. Pollatschek, M.A. and I. Gilad, "The Customizable Keyboard", Behaviour and
Information Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 283-287, 1986.
47. Gilad, I. and Pollatschek, M.A., "Layout Simulation for Keyboards", Behaviour and
Information Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 273-281, 1986.
48. Samuel, G., Pollatschek, M.A. and E. Kehat, "Inversion of Sparse Matrices by Method
based on Graph Theory", Computational Chemical Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 6,
pp. 763-769, 1987.
49. Gelman, E. and Pollatschek, M.A., "Personal Computer Version of Nearly Triangular
Leontief LP Solution", in: R. Shard et al. (eds.): Impacts of Recent Computer Advances
on Operations Research, North Holland, New York, pp. 205-216, 1989.
Pollatschek, M.A. - CV
50. Pollatschek, M.A. and A.M. Nahir, "A Mathematical Model of Osteoarthrosis",
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 143, pp. 497-505, 1990.
51. Pollatschek, M.A., "SSS: Subroutine Set for Experimenting in Simulation Research",
ORSA Journal on Computing,Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 217-220, 1994.
52. Pollatschek, M.A., Y. Hayuth and Y. Roll, “Building a Port Simulator”, Simulation,
Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 179-189, September 1994.
53. Pollatschek, M.A.,“Design of a Simulation Library for CIM”, International Journal of
Production Economics, Vol. 51, No. 1-2, pp. 99-108, Aug. 1997.
54. Pollatschek, M.A., “GP-A C Language Implementation of Genetic Programming”,
European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 101, No. 1, pp. 224-235, Aug. 1997.
55. Strichman, O., R. Ben-Haim and M.A. Pollatschek, “Modeling to Improve the Israeli Army
Recruitment Office”, Interfaces, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 61-70, July 2001.
56. Gilad, I., A. Freivalds, M. Pollatschek and Y.K. Kong, “Using LAD for CTD Risk
Assessment”, in A.C. Bittner et al. (eds.), Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety,
IOS Press, 2001.
57. Ben-Arieh, D. and M. Pollatschek, “Analysis of Information Flow in Hierarchical
Organizations”, International Journal of Production Research 2002
58. Pollatschek, M.A., A. Polus and M. Livne, "A Decision Model for Acceptance and Capacity at
Intersections". Transportation Research Part B pp 649-663 2002
Accepted for publication:
59. Polus, A. and M.A. Pollatschek, “Stochastic Nature of Freeway Capacity and its Estimation”.
Submitted to Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.
Pollatschek, M.A: Programming Discrete Simulations (book + diskette).
R&D Technical Books, Miller Freeman Inc., Kansas, 1996
(distributed by Prentice-Hall).
Book in writing by invitation:
Pollatschek, M. A. Simulation for Industrial Engineers (in Hebrew) Open University of Israel.
Improvements regarding keyboards of computers and other office machines,
Israeli Patent appl. # 70671 (Jan. 12, 1984); additional requests registered
in Canada, Germany (GFR), France, UK and US.
Pollatschek, M.A. - CV
Research reports or Case reports:
Pollatschek, M.A., "Applied Mathematical Programming in Social Sciences:
i) Graph-Theoretic Analysis of Quantitative Data.
ii) A Computer-code for Allocating Central Variables.
Working Papers of the Faculty of Industrial and Management Engineering, Technion,
Haifa, 1971.
Zimmermann, H.C. and M.A. Pollatschek, "A Study in Stochastic Programming",
Working Paper of the Lehrstuhl fur Unternehmensforschung der RWTH, Aachen, 1972.
Pollatschek, M.A., "Generalized Duality Theory", Working paper of the Faculty of
Industrial and Management Engineering, Technion, Haifa, 1973.
Pollatschek, M.A, H. Gershoni and Y.T. Radday, "Improving the Hebrew Typewriter",
Mimeograph, Technion, Haifa, 1975.
Polus, A., M. Pollatschek, M. Livne and J. Kraus, “Criterions for Adding Lanes in
Freeways”. Research Report, No. 286-2001 of the Traffic Research Institute, Technion,
Other publications:
Pollatschek, M.A and Y.T. Radday, "Vocabulary Richness and Concentration",
in Y.T. Radday and H. Shore (eds.), "Genesis - A Computer Aided Study",
pp. 191-214, Biblical Institute Press, Rome, 1985.
Contributed talks:
(The speaker is M.A. Pollatschek, unless indicated otherwise).
British-Israeli Colloquium on Operations Research, Haifa, December 18-20, 1967:
"Dynamic Programming in Groundwater Research".
European Meeting on Statistics, Econometrics and Management Science, Amsterdam,
September 2-7, 1968: "Stochastic Games".
International Summer School on Integer and Nonlinear Programming, Bandole, France,
June 8-20, 1969: "Extreme Points of a Linear Program".
1st Belgian-Israeli Colloquium in OR, Natanya, June 17-19, 1970: "Cutting Plane Methods
in Integer Programming".
VIth Unesco on Use of Mathematics in Social Sciences, Jerusalem, July 5-31, 1970:
"Statistics for Behavioral Sciences".
7th Mathematical Programming Symposium, The Hague, Sept. 14-18, 1970: "Cutting Plane
Pollatschek, M.A. - CV
IV. Oberwolfach-Tagung uber Operations Research, Oberwolfach (W. Germany), July 25-31,
1971: "Spanning Tree Algorithms".
40th Meeting of Operations Research Society of America, Annaheim, California,
October 27-29, 1971: "Investment in Education". Speaker: Prof. A. Melnik.
XIXth International Meeting of the Institute for Management Sciences, Houston, TX, April
1972: "Stochastic Programming". Speaker: Prof. H.-J. Zimmermann.
41st Meeting of Operations Research Society of America, New Orleans, Lousiana, April 2628, 1972: "Conglomerate Mergers".
XXth International Meeting of the Institute of Management Science, Tel-Aviv, June 24-29,
1973: "Optimum Stipends", "Locating Public Facilities", "Performance of Youth-Serving
VI. Oberwolfach-Tagung uber Operations Research, Oberwolfach (W. Germany), July 29August 4, 1973: "Hamilton Paths".
VIIIth International Symposium on Nonlinear Programming, Stanford, California, August 2731, 1973: "Generalized Duality in Nonlinear Programming".
NCRD Conference on Financial Decision-Making Under Uncertainty, Ein Bokek, March 914, 1975: "Optimal Screening Policy for R&D Projects".
Joint Meeting of Operations Research Society of America and The Institute for Management
Science, Chicago, Illinois, April 30-May 2, 1975: "The Influence of Stipends on Enrollment
and Graduation Rates". Speaker: Prof. A. Melnik.
Workshop on Integer Programming, Bonn (W. Germany), Sept. 8-12, 1975: "Nonlinear
Knapsack Problems".
Third World Congress of Econometric Society, Toronto, August 20-26, 1975:
"Investment in Human Capital". Speaker: Prof. A. Melnik.
American Econometric Society Meeting, Dallas, December 1975: "Optimal Screening Policy
for Investment Selection". Speaker: Prof. A. Melnik.
Sixth Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Tel-Aviv, June 7-11, 1976:
"A Theorem on Double-Stochastic Matrices".
Fourth World Congress of Engineers and Architects in Israel, Tel-Aviv, December 13-20,
1976: "Recent Developments in Mathematical Programming", "Material Incentives vs.
Graduation Rates", "Air Pollution Control via Fuzzy-Mathematical Programming".
XXIIIrd International Meeting of the Institute of Management Sciences, Athens, July 25-27,
1977: "Promotion Policy, Job Performance and Turnover Rates". Speaker: Prof. A. Melnik.
The Seventh World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 7-14, 1977:
"Frequency-Profiles as a Key to the Structure of Lamentations".
Pollatschek, M.A. - CV
Water Resource and Land Use Planning, Louvain la Neuve, July 2-14, 1977: "Use of
Simulation of a Water Supply Control System in Solving a Multi-objective Problem".
Speaker: Dr. Y.C. Dreizin.
International Conference on Literary and Linguistic Computing, Tel Aviv, April 22-27, 1979:
"Vocabulary Richness and Concentration".
ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Milwaukee, October 15-17, 1979: "Promotion Policy,
Individual Learning and Quitting Rates", "Branch Location and Deposit Structure".
Speaker: Prof. A. Melnik.
ORAGWA International Conference, Jerusalem, November 25-29, 1979: "Optimal
Allocation of Instruments in a Water Resource Control System".
5th World Congress of Engineers and Architects in Israel, Tel-Aviv, December 17-23, 1979:
"Improving Management Computer Interface".
6th World Congress of Engineers and Architects in Israel, Tel-Aviv, December 18-23, 1983:
"Models for Tourism and Municipal Services".
4th International Symposium on Robotics & Artificial Intelligence, Haifa, June 22-25, 1987:
"Knowledge Representation".
International Working Conference on Implication of Robotics, Tel-Aviv, December 14-16,
1987: "The Supermarket of the Future".
Impact of Recent Computer Advances on OR, Williamsburg, VA (USA), January 4-6, 1989:
"Personal Computer Version of Nearly Triangular LP-s". Speaker: Mr. A. Gelman.
5th Israel Conference on Software Engineering, Herzlia, May 28-29, 1991: "Library Designs".
18th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Tel-Aviv, March 7-8, 1995:
“Neural Networks”.
7th International Conference on Stochastic Programming, Naharia, June 26-29, 1995:
“Simulation Routines for Use in Optimization”.
14th European Conference on Operations Research, Jerusalem, July 3-6, 1995: “Software in
Simulation” and “Neural Networks”.
13th International Conference on Production Research, Jerusalem, August 6-10, 1995:
“Design of a Simulation Library for CIM”.
5th INFORMS Computer Science Conference, Dallas, January 8-10, 1996: “Graphical
Interface for Modeling”.
INFORMS Meeting, Washington D.C., May 5-8, 1996: “Presenting Mathematical
Programming Models to Public Policy Decision Makers”.
11th European Simulation Multi-conference, Istanbul, June 1-4, 1997: "Software Aid for
Formulation of Discrete Event Simulations".
Pollatschek, M.A. - CV
3rd International Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, NaveIlan, June 30-July 3, 1997: "Software Aid for Formulation of Models".
INFORMS XXXIV and EURO XV Joint International Meeting, Barcelona, July 14-17, 1997:
"A Unified Graphic Interface for Model Formulation".
16th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Lausanne, August 24-29, 1997:
"Algebraic Description of Discrete Event Simulation Models".
6th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, Istanbul, July 7-9, 1998:
“Scheduling by Mathematical Programming”.
4th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Edinburgh, July 5-9, 1999:
“Simulation Softwares”.
International Conference on Neural Computation in Science and Industry, Ma’ale
Hachamisha, Oct. 10-13, 1999: “Modeling Softwares”.
EURO XVII 17th European Conference on Operations Research, Budapest, July 16-19, 2000:
“Analysis of Information Flow”.
Refereed Papers in Conference Proceedings:
Pollatschek, M.A., “Knowledge Representation for Scheduling”, Proceedings of Robotics and
Artificial Intelligence in Building Construction, No. 4, pp. 287-308, 1987.
Pollatschek, M.A., “Design of a Library for Simulations”, Proceedings on Computer Systems
and Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, pp.
Pollatschek, M.A., “Neural Network Construction via a Linear Program”,
in A. Seidman (ed.): Proceedings of IEEE, 1995, pp.
Pollatschek, M.A., "Software Aids for Formulation of Discrete Event Simulations", in Kaylan,
A.R. and Lehman, A. (eds.): Proceedings of WESM'97, 1997, pp. 89-93.
Participation in Organizing Conferences:
16th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Lausanne, Aug. 24-29, 1997.
Session cluster organizer.