ELEMENTARY SPANISH LESSON 1 Objectives: To demonstrate a comprehension of greetings, courtesy expressions, and names needed for daily-life situations To give an appropriate verbal response to questions about names 1. Vocabulary Buenos días. Buenas tardes. Hasta luego. Adiós. ¿Cómo se llama el muchacho? ¿Cómo se llama la muchacha? ¿Cómo te llamas tú? Me llamo _____. Se llama _____. Good morning. Good afternoon. See you later. Goodbye. What's the boy's name? What's the girl's name? What's your name? My name is _____. His/her/your name is _____. How are you? (Very) Fine. (Very) Bad (not well). So, so. ¿Cómo estás Muy bien. Muy mal. Así, así. 2. Spanish names Materials needed: name tags, markers, list of names on page 339 of Teacher's Manual, cassette player, song cassette (Buenos días a ti) Assign a Spanish name to each student. Use the Spanish equivalent or allow the student to choose a name from the list. Model the correct pronunciation of each name. Then play the song Buenos días a ti. Add additional verses by inserting a different child's name in each verse. Have each student stand up as his/her name is called. 2A; The Name Song (se page 301 of manual) 3. Los nombres Materials needed: handout #1 (Los nombres) Distribute handout. Have the students obtain answers to the questions on the handout by talking to the other students in the class in Spanish. 4. ¿Cómo estás? masks Materials needed: Masks based on blackline masters 7-9 1 Use the masks to solicit a variety of answers to the question, ¿Cómo estás? 5. Famous Pairs game Materials needed: Index cards with name of one half of famous pair on each card (See attachment #2) Distribute one card to each student. Have them find the other part of the famous pair. Tell them to speak Spanish only. 6. Tape conversation 1 Materials needed: Cassette player, tape conversation 1, handout #3 Have the students listen to tape conversation 1. Ask the following questions; have the students circle the correct answer on the handout. A. ¿Cómo se llama el muchacho? ¿Roberto o Rosco? B. ¿Cómo se llama la muchacha? ¿Luisa o Linda? C. ¿Cómo está el muchacho? ¿Muy bien o muy mal? D. ¿Cómo está la muchacha? ¿Muy bien o muy mal? 7. Tape conversation 2 Materials needed: Cassette player, tape conversation 2, handout #3 Have the students listen to tape conversation 2. Ask the following questions; have the students circle the correct answer on the handout. A. ¿Cómo se llama el muchacho? ¿Enrique o Eduardo? B. ¿Cómo se llama la muchacha? ¿Graciela o Gloria? C. ¿Cómo está el muchacho? ¿Muy bien o muy mal? D. ¿Cómo está la muchacha? ¿Muy bien o muy mal? 8. Assessment Materials needed: none Assess students individually by asking the following questions: ¿Cómo te llamas tú? ¿Cómo se llama el muchacho (la muchacha)? Attachment #1 Los nombres 1. ¿Cómo se llama tu amigo? Mi amigo _____________________________________. 2. ¿Cómo se llama tu amiga? Mi amiga _____________________________________. 3. ¿Cómo se llama tu perro (dog)? Mi perro _____________________________________. 4. ¿Cómo se llama tu gato (dog)? Mi gato ______________________________________. 5. ¿Cómo se llama tu cantante (singer) favorito? Mi cantante favorito ______________________________. 2 6. ¿Cómo se llama tu maestra (teacher)? Mi maestra _____________________________________. Attachment #2 Famous Pairs Dulcinea or Sancho Don Quixote Panza Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde King Juan Carlos Queen Sofía Bill Hillary Napoleon Josephine Maximilian Carlota Dagwood Blondie Al Bundy Peg Bundy Homer Simpson Marge Simpson Clyde Bonnie Popeye Olive Oyl Ricky Lucy Donald Duck Daisy Duck Bert Ernie Dennis the Mr. Wilson Menace Prince Charming Cinderella Bugs Bunny Elmer Fudd Aladdin Princess Jasmine Big Bad Wolf Red Riding Hood Beast Beauty Mickey Mouse Minnie Mouse Peter Pan Tinker Bell Winnie the Pooh Tigger Calvin Hobbes Attachment #3 Lesson 1 -- Taped conversation #1 1. ¿Roberto o Rosco? 2. ¿Luisa o Linda? 3. ¿Muy bien o muy mal? 4. ¿Muy bien o muy mal? Lesson 1 -- Taped conversation #2 1. ¿Enrique o Eduardo? 3 2. ¿Graciela o Gloria? 3. ¿Muy bien o muy mal? 4. ¿Muy bien o muy mal? ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A LESSON 2 1. Review greetings, introductions, and names (p. 339). *Refer to poster or chalkboard. (POSTER) Buenos días (buenas tardes). ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo ____. ¿Cómo se llama el muchacho (la muchacha)? Se llama ____. *Ask individuals or the whole group to identify pictures. (PICTURES) *Have students greet each other, introduce themselves, and shake hands. *Teach the rhyme: A-E-I-O-U Yo me llamo _____. ¿Cómo te llamas tú? 2. Introduce classroom objects. *Refer to labeled objects in room. (LABELS) *Practice vocabulary with flashcards. (FLASHCARDS) *Have students write the Spanish word on the back of the small flashcard and then use the small flashcards to practice the vocabulary in pairs. (SMALL FLASHCARDS) 3. Introduce numbers 1-10. *Practice vocabulary with flashcards. (FLASHCARDS) Introduce the words, ¿Cuál falta? (Which one is missing?) Demonstrate to show meaning. Then show the class three number cards; remove one; display remaining two cards. Ask students, ¿Cuál falta? *Have students make their own flashcards using index cards; have them write the number on one side and the word on the other. (INDEX CARDS; MARKERS) *Teach the following traditional rhyme: 4 Uno, dos, tres, choUno, dos, tres, coUno, dos, tres, laUno, dos, tres, teChocolate, chocolate, Bate (beat), bate, el chocolate. *Have students play "Lucky Telephone Number" game. (TELEPHONE POSTER) Write list of telephone numbers on the board. Choose one student to choose the "lucky" telephone number and to keep the information to himself. Then have a volunteer choose a number from the list of numbers and to punch in the number on the telephone poster. Instruct the volunteer to say each number as he punches it in. Continue to ask for volunteers until a student guesses the "lucky" number. The student who has chosen the "lucky" number will answer "bueno" when the correct number is punched in. 4. Practice classroom vocabulary with Total Physical Response (TPR) commands. * Introduce commands by actions and by referring to poster. (POSTER) Anda Toca Tráeme a la pizarra a la mesa al escritorio al calendario la tiza la pluma la tiza \ la pluma una pluma dos plumas tres plumas, etc. una pluma y tres tizas, etc. 5. Practice listening comprehension. (TAPE CONVERSATIONS, CASSETTE PLAYER) *Have students listen to tape conversation 1 several times. Instruct students to listen details pertaining to numbers. *Have students answer written questions. (HANDOUT) *Repeat with tape conversation 2. (HANDOUT) 6. Review numbers. (SONG CASSETTE, CASSETTE PLAYER) 5 *Have students sing "Diez niñitos". (Appendix, p. 285) *Expand by distributing number flashcards and having students stand as number is sung. 7. Assess progress. *Repeat TPR commands in item 4. Tape conversation 1 1. ¿Cuántas plumas tiene el muchacho? Cinco Seis 2. ¿Cuántas pizarras hay en la clase? Una Dos Tape conversation 2 1. ¿Cuántos escritorios hay? Seis Diez 2. ¿Cómo se llama la muchacha? Consuelo Carmen ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL 6 LEARNING SYSTEM A LESSON 3 1. Review identification expressions and vowel sounds. Materials needed: Rhyme written on poster, chart, or chalkboard. Have students repeat the following rhyme as a round robin activity: A-E-I-O-U Yo me llamo ______. ¿Cómo te llamas tú? 2. Review greetings. Materials needed: Masters 7-9 (happy, sad, and so-so faces) Model by referring to the illustrations; then have students answer questions individually. ¿Cómo estás tú? Muy bien Muy mal Así, así 3. Reinforce greetings, self-identification, and numbers. Materials needed: Small paper bags (one for each student), markers or crayons, model conversation written on poster, chart, or chalkboard Have students make puppets out of paper bags. Have them draw a mouth and eyes on bottom of bag in such a way that the hand can be inserted in the bag to move the mouth. Model by referring to the poster; then have students converse in pairs, using the hand puppets. Model conversation written on poster, chart, or chalkboard -¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo ___. ¿Cómo estás tu? Muy bien/muy mal/así así ¿Puedes contar de uno a diez? Sí. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez. 7 4. Review classroom objects from lesson 2 and introduce new classroom objects through Total Physical Response (TPR) commands. Materials needed: Commands written on poster, chart, or chalkboard Act out commands and responses; then refer to poster and repeat commands again. Commands written on poster, chart, or chalkboard -Anda a la mesa. Walk.... Toma el libro y la pluma. Take.... Pon el libro en la silla. Put (place).... Tráeme la pluma. Bring me.... Give commands with increasing levels of difficulty. After the students have become familiar with the commands and responses, allow students to give commands to other students. Anda a la pizarra la mesa al escritorio la bandera Toma el libro el papel la pluma la tiza la regla el calendario el globo Pon el libro el papel la pluma la tiza la regla el calendario en la pizarra la mesa el escritorio Tráeme el libro el papel la pluma la tiza la regla el calendario el globo Tráeme dos libros cuatro plumas y tres tizas etc. el globo 5. Reinforce classroom vocabulary with more TPR commands. Materials needed: classroom objects arranged on a table, noise-making toy with buzzer and applause sounds Expand on the "Estoy pensando en una cosa" activity described in the Teacher's Manual (page 21) by including TPR commands in the activity. Say -Estoy pensando en una cosa. Anda a la mesa. Tráeme una cosa de la mesa. Instruct the student to say the following as he hands the item to you -¿Es ___? Answer as follows according to whether the student's choice is correct or incorrect -- 8 Sí, es ____. (Sound applause.) No, no es ____. (Sound the buzzer.) 6. Listening comprehension to test classroom items. Materials needed: Tape conversation 1, questions (handout) Play tape conversation l several times; then instruct students to listen for information about how Rosco feels and what classroom item he is thinking about. Play the tape again, asking the students to answer the questions on the handout. 7. Reinforce classroom vocabulary and numbers. Materials needed: Arrangement of various classroom items in quantities of one to ten on a table, questions and model answers written on chart or chalkboard. Ask individual students to come to your desk or a table where the classroom items are displayed. Then ask the student to count how many items there are of a particular item. Ask -¿Cuántas plumas hay en el escritorio (en la mesa)? Model this answer for the students -Hay __ plumas en el escritorio. 8. Listening comprehension to test knowledge of classroom items. Materials needed: Tape conversation 2, questions (handout) Play tape conversation 2 several times; then instruct students to listen for information about how many books are on the desk and how many chairs there are in the classroom. Play the tape again, asking the students to answer the questions on the handout. 9. Reinforce classroom vocabulary. Materials needed: Pocket chart, flash cards (Masters 1-5), flash cards of numbers 1-10 Arrange ten flash cards on pocket chart. Place one number flash card over each classroom vocabulary flash card. 9 Tell students that they are going to play the concentration game. Instruct them that each student may guess two numbers and that they should try to remember the name of the classroom behind the number. Instruct the students to say the name of the item in Spanish each time the item is revealed. 10. Assess progress. Materials needed: Assessment 1 in Resource and Activity Book (one for each student) Follow instructions in Teacher's Manual (page 26). Tape Conversation 1 1. ¿Cómo está Rosco? Muy bien Así, Así 2. ¿En qué está pensando Rosco? En el mapa En el globo Tape Conversation 2 1. ¿Cuántos libros hay en el escritorio? Cuatro Cinco 2. ¿Cuántas sillas hay en la clase? Diez Siete ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A 10 Lesson 4 1. Review greetings and introductions. 2. Introduce the days of the week, listed on page 27 of the teacher's manual. Use a blank calendar page to fill in the days of the week, noting that the Spanish "calendario" begins on Monday, not Sunday, and that the days of the week are not capitalized in Spanish. Make your calendar the month of octubre (October) and let the students fill in the numbers for the days, counting to ten in Spanish. Then play the days-of-the-week song "Lunes, Martes..." on your song tape. 3. Introduce the words for today, tomorrow, and yesterday. hoy (oy) -- today mañana (ma-nya-na) - tomorrow ayer (a-yer) -- yesterday Then have the students fill in the blanks in the following statements: Hoy es _________. Today is __________. Mañana es ______. Tomorrow is ______. Ayer fue _______. Yesterday was _____. You can also ask the following questions: ¿Qué día es hoy? What day is today? ¿Qué día es mañana? What day is tomorrow? ¿Qué día fue ayer? What day was yesterday? 4. Each day you can put on the board the day's date in Spanish: for example, miércoles, 1 de octubre de 1997 -- (Wednesday, one of October of 1997) At the end of the day, say "Adiós, clase. Hasta ____ (whatever the next day is)." 5. Listening comprehension to test days of the week.. Materials needed: Tape conversation 1, questions (handout) Play tape conversation 1 several times; then instruct students to listen for information about the days of the week and the name of the boys. Play the tape again, asking the students to answer the questions on the handout. 6. Introduce the colors in Spanish listed on page 27 of the teacher's manual. Have students make color flash cards from index cards. On one side they can use crayons to color an area in the center of the card; on the other side, they can write the 11 Spanish word for that color. Students can then work in pairs with flash cards, practicing the words. 7. Place different colored objects on a table -- pens, chalk, books, and papers. Give the following TRP commands: Anda a la mesa y toma el libra azul. Anda a la mesa y tráeme el papel verde. Anda a la mesa y toma la tiza blanca. Anda a la mesa y tráeme la pluma roja. Anda a la mesa y toma el libro amarillo. Anda a la mesa y tráeme ___________. 8. Utilizing the words mastered in this lesson, you can make flash cards for numbers, classroom objects and colors to make a game (Hint: Put the color words, the number words, and the object words/pictures on three different color index cards to make this a student self-assessing activity.) Arrange students in cooperative learning groups of four. Give each group one set of number cards, one set of classroom object cards, and one set of color cards. (A master for these card sets is included in this lesson.) One person is the color person; one person is the number person; one person is the object person; and one person is the phrase person. Each of the first three students hands the "phrase" student the appropriate card for the phrase which you call out. Then the "phrase" student puts the words in the correct order to make the phrase. Now you are ready to call out the first phrase in English: three green pens. The students will then arrange the phrase in Spanish with their cards. They will probably put together the phrase like this: tres verde plumas. You can then tell them that, in Spanish, there are two differences in making phrases which they will want to know: (1) the color word and the noun both have to be singular or plural -- in other words they have to agree in number; and (2) the color word follows the noun that it describes So the correct phrase is: tres plumas verdes. Now give them the phrase "five blue tables". The answer is "cinco mesas azules." Now give them "two gray chairs"; they should make "dos sillas grises." There is a third rule for making Spanish phrases -- nouns and color words must also agree in gender. All Spanish nouns have gender -- they are either masculine or feminine. In general, words that end in "o" are masculine and words that end in "a" are feminine. There are exceptions, however, and these just have to be learned. Thus, if you have the phrase "four red globes," in Spanish it is "cuatro globos rojos." The word for red "rojo" is the plural masculine form to match the noun "globo," 12 which is also plural masculine. Thus, there are four forms of the word "red": rojo (singular masculine); roja (singular feminine); rojos (plural masculine); and rojas (plural feminine). Color words that end in "o" in their first form generally have these four forms. Other color words, such as "azul," "verde," and "gris" have only two forms -- singular and plural. (Hint: The masculine form of the word "one" is "un" and the feminine form is "una." "Uno" is used only for counting.) Once you start the game, each team gets a point if they make their phrase correctly. The teams with the most points at the end win the game. Here is a list of phrases that you can utilize in your game, using the vocabulary from your first four lessons: six green chalkboards one red calendar four orange rulers ten yellow flags one brown chair seven pink books eight white papers nine purple tables two black desks three blue maps five red maps seven green clocks nine purple clocks one yellow chair eight orange calendars seis pizarras verdes un calendario rojo Cuatra reglas anaranjadas diez banderas amarillas una silla parda siete libros rosados ocho papeles blancos (excep.--papel is masculine) Nueve mesas moradas dos escritorios negros tres mapas azules cinco mapas rojos (excep.--mapa is masculine) siete relojes verdes nueve relojes morados (excep.--reloj is masculine) una silla amarilla ocho calendarios anaranjados As a follow-up, you can let each group make phrases of their own and then call them out to the other groups. If you made your cards in colors by sets, then you can also point out the color pattern of the cards as a self-checking system--for example, the number card, which is blue, is always first in the phrase; the object card, which is green, is always second in the phrase; the color card, which is white, is always last in the phrase. 9. Listening comprehension to test colors. Materials needed: Tape conversation 2, questions (handout) Play tape conversation 2 several times; then instruct students to listen for information about what colors the various items are. Play tape again, asking students to answer the questions on the handout. 13 10. Assess progress: Follow instructions in Teacher's Manual, page 34. Attachment A Tape Conversation 1 1. ¿Qué día es hoy? martes jueves miércoles 2. ¿Cómo se llaman los muchachos? Luis y Agustín Luis y Catalina Agustín y Nina Tape Conversation 2 1. ¿Qué son los colores de la bandera? azul, roja, y blanca azul, roja y amarilla 2. ¿Qué son los colores de los libros? verde, rojo y anaranjado verde, amarillo y anaranjado Attachment B OBJECT WORDS: calendario escritorio escritorios mesa mesas bandera banderas globo globos Calendarios Pizarra pizarras pluma plumas papel papeles mapa Mapas tiza tizas libro libros reloj relojes silla sillas 14 NUMBER AND COLOR WORDS: regla una tres seis nueve roja blanco blancas negro negras amarillos verdes parda rosada gris morada anaranjado anaranjadas reglas Un cuatro siete diez rojos blanca azul negra amarillo amarillas pardo Pardas rosados grises morados anaranjada anaranjados uno dos cinco ocho rojo rojas blancos azules negros amarilla verde pardos rosado rosadas morado moradas Handouts 15 16 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 5 Lesson Objectives: --Introduce the numbers 11-20 --Review the vocabulary for colors, objects, and days of the week --Continue practice of the greetings 1. Review greetings and introductions with this question activity: Write the following eight questions on index cards, one question per card for sets of sixteen cards. You will need to use each question twice. You will need as many sets of cards as you have groups of five students in your room. You will also need a copy of the game board for each group. Arrange students in groups of five, giving each group a set of cards which they will place in a stack face down, a game board, and a judge's sheet. The game board and judge's master is included with this lesson. Four students will play the game and the fifth student will act as the judge. Taking turns a student will choose a card and will ask the student to his left the question on his/her card. If the student gets the answer correct, then the judge will award the student a point. The cards are discarded after they are used. When all the cards are used, they can be reshuffled and used again until time is called and the game is stopped. (Hint: Prior to beginning this activity, you may want to review with students the appropriate answers to each question.) Questions 1. ¿Cómo estás? (Point to a face on the game board.) 2. ¿Cómo te llamas tú? 3. ¿Cómo se llama la muchacha? (Point to the name of a girl on the game board.) 4. ¿Cómo se llama el muchacho? (Point to the name of a boy on the game board.) 5. ¿Qué es esto? (Point to an object on the game board.) 6. ¿Qué día es hoy? 7. ¿Qué día es mañana? 8. ¿Qué día fue ayer? Judge's Answer Sheet 1. Bien, gracias. Muy bien, gracias. Así, así. Mal. Muy mal. 2. Me llamo __________. 3. La muchacha se llama _____________. 4. El muchacho se llama_______________. 5. Este/Esta es _____________. (Este is for masculine nouns; ésta for feminine nouns.) 6. Hoy es _____________. 17 7. Mañana es _________. 8. Ayer fue ___________. 2. Introduce the numbers 11-20. They are printed on page 35 in your teacher's manual. Using large flash cards of the numbers made of sheets of paper, practice the words with the students. Then, with the numerals written on the backs of the cards, show them to the students and have them call out the names of the numbers in Spanish. If you have individual slates in your classroom, you can also call out the numbers in Spanish and have children write the correct number on their slates. 3. Again, arranging children in small groups, give each group a set of twenty object cards. There are patterns for sombreros, dogs, and cats in your resource manual. These object cards can be copied and colored by the children prior to the activity. Call out a number in Spanish and one member of the group must hold up the number of cards to match your number. If the cards are colored different colors, then you can vary this activity by calling out numbers and colors, as in the sample list below. trece sombreros diez sombreros tres sombreros azules veinte sombreros cinco sombreros amarillos dos sombreros rojos y cuatro sombreros morados dieciséis sombreros siete sombreros un sombrero verde y tres sombreros rosados dieciocho sombreros ocho sombreros quince sombreros 4. Utilizing your calendar from lesson 4, have the children fill in the numbers from 11-20 for the month of October. Then each morning write the day and date on the board, as follows: lunes, trece de octubre de 1997 5. Repeat the card game in section one of this lesson, adding question cards with the following questions: Questions 9. ¿Qué número es? (Point to a number on the game board.) 10. ¿De qué color es? (Point to color on the game board.) 18 Be sure to do two cards with each question for a total of twenty cards now. The new judge's answer sheet follows. Revised Judge's Answer Sheet 1. Bien, gracias. Muy bien, gracias. Así, así. Mal. Muy mal. 2. Me llamo __________. 3. La muchacha se llama _____________. 4. El muchacho se llama_______________. 5. Este/Esta es _____________. (Este is for masculine nouns; ésta for feminine nouns.) 6. Hoy es _____________. 7. Mañana es _________. 8. Ayer fue ___________. 9. El número es ________. 10. El color es __________. 6. Have the students practice the numbers 1-20 utilizing written math problems, as in the examples below. You can also let the students write their own math problems in Spanish and ask them to each other. dos y dos son cuatro (2 + 2 = 4) trece menos tres son diez (13 - 3 = 10) 7. Play tape conversation one. Ask the questions listed on the handout in this lesson. Then play tape convesation two. Ask the questions listed on the handout in this lesson. 9. Assess the lesson as indicated on page 43 in the teacher's manual. You will have to make colored strips of paper to do the assessment. Attachment A Tape Conversation One 1. ¿De qué color son las doce plumas? A. Rojas B. Verdes C. Grises 2. ¿De qué color son las ocho plumas? A. Rojas B. Verdes C. Grises Tape Conversation Two 19 1. ¿Cómo está Teresa? A. Así, así B. Muy mal C. Muy bien 2. ¿Teresa quiere un libro de qué color? A. Rojo B. Rosado C. Amarillo Attachment B o ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL 20 LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 6 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of words for parts of the body To respond to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily situations *To relate body parts to the five senses *To relate the use of the senses to the concept of safety (*not included in lesson 6 as described in Teacher's Manual) 1. Introduce new vocabulary. Materials needed: flash cards (provided in kit) Using flash cards, introduce the following vocabulary words and phrases: 2. la cara los ojos la boca la nariz las orejas la cabeza el pelo los brazos las manos los dedos las piernas los pies *la cadera *el trasero hip rear, backside ¿Qué es esto? ¿Qué son éstos? Es _____. Son _____. Play Musical Cards game. Materials needed: Flash cards (one for each student), sound effects toy Have the students sit or stand in a circle. Tell them to pass flash cards as music (provided by sound effects toy) is played. Remind them to review the name of the body part mentally as they pass each card. Then stop the music 21 and call out the name of a body part. The student or students with that card will then say the name of the body part they are holding. Repeat this procedure until all the body parts have been named. 3. Sing and dance to the Hokey Pokey. Materials needed: Hokey Pokey word chart, Hokey Pokey video (optional) Hokey Pokey wall chart: *El Hokey Pokey Mete ______ derecho,a izquierdo, a Saca ______ derecho,a izquierdo,a Mete ______ y sacúdelo. Put the right ___ in Put the left ____ in Take the right ___ out Take the left ___ out Put the___ in and shake it. Baila el Hokey Pokey y una vuelta hay que dar. Hazlo conmigo ya. Dance the Hokey Pokey and you have to turn around. Do it with me now. Baila el Hokey Pokey Dance the Hokey Pokey la mano el pie la cabeza la cadera el trasero the hand the foot the head the hip the rear, backside Have the students dance and sing the Hokey Pokey as they follow your example or watch the video. 4. Play the TPR-Body Parts game. Materials needed: (for each group) - bell, handout listing commands Organize the students in groups of seven or eight. Have each group select a name for themselves; write the name of each group on the chalkboard. Tell the students that they are going to follow commands as a group and that the object of the game is to obey the commands as quickly as possible. One member of the group will be the command giver and one person will be the time-keeper. Model the following commands: Pon la mano derecha en la nariz. nose. Pon la mano izquierda en la nariz. nose. Put the right hand on the Put the left hand on the 22 en el pie derecho, izquierdo en la oreja derecha, izquierda en el ojo derecho, izquierdo en la boca on the right foot, left on the right ear, left on the right eye, left on the mouth Provide the command giver and the time-keeper with the handout listing the commands; provide the time-keeper with a bell. Tell the time-keeper to ring the bell each time the students obey the command correctly. (If you have a native speaker in the class, you may want to select him or her to act as the time-keeper.) When all the commands on the handout have been completed by the group, the time-keeper walks quickly to the chalkboard and puts a check mark by the name of the group. The winners are the group that finishes first. 5. Reinforce body parts vocabulary. Materials needed: poster, handout, pencils or markers Refer to the poster as you name the body parts. Then have the students, referring to their own handout, name or label as many body parts as they can. 6. Introduce Halloween Monster activity. Materials needed: handouts (blank monster face and body parts), glue, tape, crayons or markers, scissors, balloons (optional) Have the students color and tape or glue body parts to the blank face (handouts) or to a balloon. Then have them describe their monsters in Spanish. Mi monstruo tiene three eyes. tres ojos. My monster has dos narices. two tres orejas. three una boca, etc. one noses. ears. mouth, etc. This activity may be expanded by including the element of drawing. Have the students draw a monster according to your instructions. Dibujen un monstruo con one eye. un ojo. Draw a monster with tres narices. three cuatro orejas. four noses. 23 ears. una boca, etc. one mouth, etc. As in the previous activity, the students may be instructed to describe their monsters in Spanish. The students will be delighted to find that they have been able to draw what you described. 7. Relate vocabulary to other content areas: science (the five senses) and safety. Materials needed: handout (matching activity), pencil Have the students match the body part to the related sense. Los cinco sentidos: Yo huelo con mi nariz. Yo oigo con mis oídos (orejas). Yo toco con mis manos. Yo pruebo con mi boca. Yo veo con mis ojos. The five senses: I smell with my nose. I hear with my ears. I touch with my hands. I taste with my mouth. I see with my eyes. This activity may be expanded in the following ways. Materials needed: paper, pencil, crayons, markers Lead the students in a discussion of what the use of the five senses means in our daily lives. Then have the students write a short composition in English about "the part of the body I have learned to appreciate more after studying the five senses". Have the students illustrate their compositions with a picture relating to the sense they chose. Instruct the students to label the illustration in Spanish and English. Materials needed: paper, pencil Lead the students in a discussion about safety at school. Discuss the importance of "thinking through" the consequences of our actions. Discuss the senses used relating to behavior in the classroom (quiet voice, reading silently) and the behavior appropriate for the playground (outside voice, running, etc.). Then instruct the students to write a short composition about how the five senses relate to safety. Materials needed: paper, pencil, crayons, markers, brads, scissors, magazines Have the students write and publish a book on the five senses. Tell the students to illustrate the use of each of the five senses with a picture cut out of a magazine. Tell them to label each of the five sections in Spanish. 24 8. Introduce the Esqueleto activity. Materials needed: Halloween skeleton with Velcro placed on various areas of the body, Velcro-backed bandaids (2) Model the following: El esqueleto (pointing to the skeleton) The skeleton Pobrecito Poor thing Le duele la cabeza. (placing bandaid on head) His head hurts. Pon la curita en la cabeza. (placing bandaid on head) Put the bandaid on his head. As you refer to various areas of the body, call on individual students to place the bandaid on the part of the body indicated. You may expand the activity by referring to two or three parts of the body in the same command: "Le duele la cabeza y le duele el pie". 9. Test listening comprehension. Materials needed: tapes 1 and 2, cassette player, handout Play tape conversation 1 several times; then instruct the students to listen for information about the color of Jerónimo's hair and eyes. Play the tape again, asking the students to answer the questions on the handout. Follow the same procedure for tape conversation 2. Instruct the students to listen for information about parts of the body. 10. Assess progress. Materials needed: materials listed in items 4 and 8 Informally assess the students individually or as a group by giving TPR commands as described in items 4 and 8. Attachment A Tape conversation 1 1. ¿De qué color es el pelo de Jerónimo? Rubio Negro 2. ¿De qué color son los ojos de Jerónimo? 25 Grises Azules Tape conversation 2 1. ¿Con qué anda Rosa? Con los dedos y las manos Con las piernas y los pies 2. ¿Con qué toca Rosa? Con los dedos y las manos Con las piernas y los pies Attachment B Pon la mano derecha / Pon la mano izquierda / etc. with body parts and commands Attachment C Los cinco sentidos Yo huelo con mis ojos Yo oigo con mi nariz Yo toco con mi boca Yo pruebo con mis oídos (orejas) Yo veo con mis manos ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A 26 Lesson 7 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of the names of domestic animals by responding to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations 1. New vocabulary Materials needed: flash cards for each animal listed below (provided in kit) A. Using flash cards, introduce the following vocabulary words and phrases: el caballo el conejo el cerdo la gallina el gallo el gato el perro la vaca Model the following question and answer: ¿Qué animal es éste? Es el (la) ________. B. Pass out the eight flash cards. Then model the following question and answer: ¿Quién tiene el caballo? Juan tiene el caballo. ¿Quién tiene la vaca?, etc. Juanita tiene la vaca, etc. C. Using flash cards, model the following question and answer: ¿Es este animal un gato o un cerdo? Es un cerdo, etc. D. Choose one of the flash cards. Put the card behind your back. Say the following: Estoy pensando en un animal. (la vaca) ¿Es el caballo? No, no es el caballo. Estoy pensando en un animal. ¿Es la vaca? Sí, es la vaca. E. Place 3-4 flash cards in the chalk tray. Tell the students to close their eyes. Take one flash card away and mix up the remaining cards. Then ask the students to open their eyes and decide which animal is missing. Ask the following question: ¿Cuál falta? el caballo, etc. F. Display flash cards in the chalk tray. Introduce the word for farm, la granja. Then model the following for the students: 27 Voy a la granja. Veo: el caballo lst student: Voy a la granja. Veo: el caballo y la vaca 2nd student: Voy a la granja. Veo: el caballo, la vaca, y el gato etc. 2. TPR activity (includes color review) Materials needed: (for each table) set of miniature animals, barn cutouts in various colors (See attachment.) Organize students into groups of 5-6 at tables. Provide one set of miniature animals and barns in various colors at each table. Introduce the word for barn, el granero. Then model the following: Éste es el granero rojo, etc. Pon el caballo en el granero rojo. Pongo el caballo en el granero rojo. ¿Dónde está el caballo? El caballo está en el granero rojo. 3. Songs Materials needed: names of animals on small pieces of paper (one for each student), lyrics on poster Have students draw the name of an animal. Then have the class sing the following song. Explain the lyrics and say that the word for farm is granja. Tell the students to sing along and to stand up when their animal is named. (To the tune of Farmer in the Dell) El caballo de la granja El caballo de la granja Levántate ahora El caballo de la granja Add vaca, etc. The following lyrics may also be used: El caballo en la granja El caballo en la granja ¡Miren! ¡Escuchen! El caballo en la granja Add caballo, etc. A third song is "El granjero y la granja" to be sung to the tune of "Old McDonald Had a Farm". Introduce the following words: 28 el granjero tenía aquí allá por todas partes farmer had here there everywhere Un granjero tenía una granja. e-i-e-i-o Y en su granja tenía una vaca e-i-e-i-o Por aquí un mu mu Por allá un mu mu Aquí un mu mu, Allá un mu mu Por todas partes un mu mu Un granjero tenía una granja e-i-e-i-o 4. Musical animals Materials needed: Flash cards or miniature animals (one for each student), sound effects toy Have the students sit or stand in a circle. Tell them to pass the animals or cards as the music (provided by sound effects toy) is played. Remind them to review the name of the animal mentally as they pass each card or animal. Then stop the music and call out the name of an animal. The student or students with that card or animal will then say the name of the animal they are holding. Repeat this procedure until all the animals have been named. 5. Scavenger Hunt (includes review of numbers and colors) Materials needed: animal cutouts in various colors, list of animals for each group (See attachment.) Hide animal figures throughout the room.. Divide students into groups of five. Give each group a list of animals to find. Instruct the students to find the animals on the list in the colors and the numbers indicated. The first group that finds all the animals on the list is the winner. Sample list: dos conejos rojos tres vacas amarillas cuatro caballos azules, etc. As students finish the scavenger hunt, ask the following: ¿Qué tienes? Tengo dos conejos rojos, etc. 6. "Guessing" game 29 Materials needed: paper sack, miniature animals (enough for each student in class) Place miniature animals in paper sack. Instruct a student to reach into the paper sack and guess the name of the animal based on how the miniature animal feels. The student must determine the name of the animal based on how it feels. If the student guesses correctly, he or she wins a point. Continue until all the animals have been drawn from the paper sack. 7. Modeling clay activity Materials needed: (for each student) modeling clay, pieces of cardboard to use as labels, markers Divide the students into small groups. Distribute modeling clay. Instruct the students to make one of the eight animals being studied. Tell the students to practice the name of the animal while they are working and to label the animal when they are finished. Then model the following: ¿Qué animal es éste? Es un caballo, etc. 8. Charades Materials needed: names of animals on small pieces of paper Ask for a volunteer to draw the name of an animal. Then instruct the student to walk like and talk like that animal. Instruct the class to guess which animal it is. ¿Qué animal es éste? Es un caballo, etc. 9. Acting Materials needed: tape, cassette player, script (for each student), poster Play tape conversation (p. 62 of teacher's manual). Provide the students with a copy of the script. Assign a part to each student. Have the students read along with the tape and later act out their parts. 10. Reading a story Materials needed: La granja de don Manual or other books with farm animal illustrations Have the student imitate the appropriate animal sound for each illustration. Model the following: El perro dice guau-guau, guau-guau El gato dice miau, miau La gallina dice clo-clo, clo-clo El gallo dice qui-qui-ri-quí-quí, qui-qui-ri-quí-quí 30 La vaca dice muuu-muuu-muuuu El caballo dice ji, ji, jiii 11. Assessment Materials needed: matching activity handout (See attachment.), flash cards Assess listening by asking the asking the students to identify the names of animals after being given the sound made by the animal. Ask the following: ¿Quién dice guau-guau, guau-guau, etc. el perro, etc. Assess reading by having the students complete the matching activity. 31 Attachment A 32 33 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 8 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of tener (to have) expressions by responding to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations 1. Reinforce vocabulary presented in "Los tres cerditos" video and book. Materials needed: script (handout), props (handout) Have the students work in groups of seven. After practicing, have each group present the play for other class members according to the instructions in the script. 2. Assess progress. Materials needed: "Los tres cerditos" big book After all students have had an opportunity to perform, informally assess the students individually or as a group by referring to appropriate pages in the book and asking the following questions: ¿Quién tiene hambre? ¿Quién tiene una casa de paja? ¿Quién tiene una casa de madera? ¿Quién tiene una casa de ladrillos? ¿Quiénes tienen miedo del lobo? (el lobo) (Adolfo) (Marcos) (Isidoro) (los tres cerditos) Los tres cerditos (The Three Little Pigs) CAST Actor 1: Narrador 1 Actor 2: Adolfo Actor 3: Marcos Actor 4: Isidoro Actor 5: El amigo Actor 6: El lobo Actor 7: Narrador 2 SET-UP 34 Supplies needed are five chairs and a reading folder for each actor. Actors 2-6 should be seated in a row facing the audience. The narrators (actors 1 and 7) should stand at each end. Props should include the following: Illustrationsrising sun midday sun setting sun nighttime stars and moon wood straw brick straw house wood house brick house (one for each pig) Sound effects to introduce the wolfHalloween noise maker or maracas type noise maker ENTRANCE Narrator 2 leads the cast onto the stage area. All seated cast members open their folders and look down at them until it is their turn to speak. TEXT Narrador 1: Los tres cerditos Narrador 2: Un cuento tradicional Narrador 1: (holds up the rising sun illustration) (Adolfo, Marcos, y Isidoro face front. They sing loudly and happily.) Adolfo, Marcos, y Isidoro: Buenos días a ti. Buenos días a ti. Buenos días, amiguito. Buenos días a ti. Narrador 2: (provides sound effects to introduce wolf) (The wolf growls and speaks in a deep voice.) El lobo: Tengo hambre. Tengo mucha hambre. (Adolfo holds up the picture of the straw.) Adolfo: Me llamo Adolfo. Tengo miedo del lobo. Quiero una casa de paja. (Marcos holds up the picture of the wood.) Marcos: Me llamo Marcos. Tengo miedo del lobo. Quiero una casa de madera. 35 (Isidoro holds up the picture of the bricks.) Isidoro: Me llamo Isidoro. Tengo miedo del lobo. Quiero una casa de ladrillos. Narrador 1: (holds up the picture showing midday sun) Amigo: Buenos días, cerditos. ¿Cómo están ustedes? (Each pig holds up the picture of his house.) Adolfo, Marcos, y Isidoro: Buenos días amigo. Estamos muy bien, gracias. Narrador 2: (holds up picture of setting sun) Narrador 1: (provides sound effects to introduce wolf) El lobo: Buenas tardes, cerditos. Tengo hambre. Tengo mucha hambre. Adolfo, Marcos, y Isidoro: ¡Ay, ay, ay, el lobo! ¡Tenemos mucho miedo! (Each pig holds up the picture of his house.) Adolfo: Ahora no tengo miedo. Estoy en mi casa de paja. Marcos: Ahora no tengo miedo. Estoy en mi casa de madera. Isidoro: Ahora no tengo miedo. Estoy en mi casa de ladrillos. (The wolf looks at Adolfo. The wolf makes blowing noises as he counts.) El lobo: Tengo hambre. ¡Uno, dos, tres! (Adolfo lowers the picture of the straw house and looks frightened.) Adolfo: Ay, ay, ay. (Adolfo replaces the picture of the straw house with the picture of the brick house.) Adolfo: Voy a la casa de ladrillos. (The wolf looks at Marcos. The wolf makes blowing noises as he counts.) El lobo: Tengo mucha hambre. ¡Cuatro, cinco, seis! (Marcos removes the picture of the wood house from his face and looks frightened.) Marcos: Ay, ay, ay. 36 (Marcos replaces the picture of the wood house with the picture of the brick house.) Marcos: Voy a la casa de ladrillos. (The wolf looks at Isidoro. The wolf makes blowing noises as he counts.) El lobo: Tengo mucha, mucha hambre. ¡Siete, ocho, nueve! (Isidoro does not remove the house illustration from his face.) Isidoro: ¡Estoy muy bien! El lobo: Estoy muy mal. ¡Tengo mucha hambre! (The wolf points to the chimney of the brick house.) El lobo: ¡La chimenea! ¡Qué astuto soy! Adolfo, Marcos, y Isidoro: El lobo tiene hambre. Adolfo: Yo tengo miedo. Marcos: Yo tengo miedo también. Isidoro: Yo tengo miedo también. (The wolf mimes climbing into the chimney and falling.) El lobo: Ay, ay, ay. Tengo dolor. Y tengo mucho miedo. Ay, ay, ay. Me voy. ¡Adiós cerditos! (The three pigs wave goodbye as they speak.) Adolfo: Adiós, lobo. ¡Adiós! Marcos: Hasta luego, lobo. ¡Hasta luego! Isidoro: Hasta la vista, lobo. ¡Hasta la vista! Narrador 2: (holds up picture of nighttime moon and stars) Adolfo, Marcos, y Isidoro: Buenas noches a ti. Buenas noches a ti. Buenas noches, amiguito. Buenas noches a ti. EXIT The cast stands and bows. 37 Attachment A 38 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 9 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of vocabulary for the numbers 21-30 by responding to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations 1. Introduce new vocabulary. Materials needed: Number line or chart Introduce vocabulary and phrases: veintiuno veintidós veintitrés veinticuatro veinticinco veintiséis veintisiete veintiocho veintinueve treinta ¿Cuál es la fecha? twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty What is the date? 2. Vamos a Contar - Let’s Count Materials needed: Xerox paper, markers, crayons Give each student a pre-made number written on a Xerox sheet. Practice counting numbers outloud, allowing the students to raise their number as the appropriate number is called. Repeat several times, getting faster each time. Variation: Have students come to the front of the room and line up in number order. 3. Calendar Activity 39 Materials needed: Spanish Calendar (handout), chalkboard, chalk a. Teacher says: Hoy es (day of the week from lesson 4). ¿Cuál es la fecha? (Point to the calendar date). Repeat as necessary until a student answers the correct date. Have students answer: Hoy es el (Spanish #). Hoy es el veintiuno. If you would like to teach them the current month in Spanish, see lesson 13 for appropriate month. Demonstrate the correct way to give a Spanish date: el veintiuno de febrero. 4. Matamoscas Materials needed: 2 fly swatters, chalk, and chalk board Prior to the activity the teacher will need to write numbers 21-30 on the chalkboard in no particular order. Have students divide into two equal groups. Give each team a fly swatter (matamosca). The leader calls out the number in Spanish and one person from each team races to the board to swat the correct number. Variation: Write the Spanish number word on the board and say the English name. 5. ¿Cuántos hay?- How many are there? Materials needed: A list of objects (handout), list items List items: 21 pencils 23 chairs 25 pieces of chalk 27 crayons 29 books 22 desks 24 pens 26 animals (pictures or toy type) 28 numbers (written on index cards) 30 sheets of paper Note: You may wish to put some of these items in containers to keep them together, as the students are counting them Prior to the activity, the teacher must set up the room with objects from the list. Students may work in groups or individually. Give students a list of objects to find and ask the question, ¿Cuántos hay? students must write the Spanish number word from the list. Check the answers as a class. Example: los lapices - (pencils)- veintiuno- 21 6. BINGO de Números 40 Materials needed: Bingo sheet (Xerox paper), pencil, bingo markers Give each student a blank bingo sheet. Let the student write in the numerals 21-30, and any of the lower numbers they wish to use. Free "Gratis" Space is in the middle. Call out the number in Spanish; let the students repeat the number. Ask the student, ¿Cuál número?- Which number?- students can answer in English to check for understanding. 7. Relate vocabulary to other content areas: Math Use the number vocabulary to speak of numbers in the students regular math activities. 8. Test listening comprehension. Materials needed: Tape conversation 1 and 2, cassette player Play the conversations several times; instruct the students to listen carefully for the number vocabulary. Once the students are familiar with the tape, they may count with the script. 9. TPR Commands Materials needed: Balloon man sheet (Master 21), Number cards, crayons Give each student a balloon man sheet. Command the students to Colorea el veintiuno de anaranjado. Demonstrate for students. Continue with the other numbers and colors. Any color sheet with numbers may be used if you do not have access to the balloon man or you wish to make the exercise more complicated. 10. Assess progress. Materials needed: Number flash cards, pencil, and paper. Use the vocabulary cards and have students identify the numbers in Spanish.(verbally or written) 41 Handout A: B I N G O GRATIS ï€¨ï€ GRATIS 42 Handout B: ¿Cuántos hay? Object English word Spanish Number # Los libros Los escritorios Los papeles Las tizas Los animales Los números Los lapices Los colores Las plumas Las sillas 43 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 10 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of words for family members by responding to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations 1. Introduce new vocabulary Materials needed: Family flash cards Show students the pictures of family members and repeat words several times. family la familia father, dad el papá uncle el tío mother, mom la mamá Aunt la tía Son el hijo boy cousin el primo Daughter la hija girl cousin la prima Brother el hermano great-grandfather el bisabuelo Sister la hermana great-grandmother la bisabuela grandfather el abuelo Grandmother la abuela Stepdad el padrastro 44 My mi Stepmom la madrastra Your tu Stepson el hijastro Who is it? ¿Quién es? Stepdaughter la hijastra 2. Family Recognition Materials needed: Family flash cards a. After practicing the immediate family members several times, ask students to identify the picture when you say: ¿Quién es?, students would respond with: Es (el padre). b. Assign students to portray different family members and have the students say: Es (el padre). 3. Family Tree Materials needed: paper, pencils, scissors, glue, markers The students will be able to identify their own family members by making a family tree. Label each member with their English name and Spanish relationship (i.e. Michael- el padre). This is the point you may wish to add the additional vocabulary, depending on your group. Most students are curious to know what other family members are called in Spanish (i.e. uncle, aunt, cousin....). After completing the family tree, the student will give a verbal or written explanation of their family history. Explain to the children about the possessive words mi and tu. Students will give phrases like the following: Mi papá es Miguel. Mi mamá es Barbara. Mi hermana es Amalia. Then allow the students to switch with a partner and describe that family with phrases like these: Tu papá es Jaime. Tu mamá es Gloria. Tu hermano es Carlos. *Note: students may wish to give Spanish names to their family members using the list you have in the teachers guide, but using their real names is perfectly fine. 3. Family Photo Materials needed: family pictures (students’ or fictitious) Ask students to identify ¿Quién es en la foto? - Who is in the photo? Students may want to present their photograph to the class, using the type of sentences from the above activity. 4. TPR Commands Materials needed: vocabulary cards of family members, adhesive tape or Velcro Students will respond appropriately to directions of the following nature: Pon- Put Dame- Give me Toma- Take Give students several opportunities to follow oral directions, such as: Dame el abuelo. Give me the grandfather. 45 5. Tú and Usted Materials needed: none These two words are both the subject pronouns for "you". Children use Tú with people their own age and Usted with adults and people they respect. Assign students to portray family members and ask the question ¿Comó está usted? or ¿Comó estás tú? to the appropriate member. 6. Tape Conversations Materials needed: Tape conversations 1, 2, and 3, and cassette player Play conversations several times. Allow students to act out the scenes from the tape once they have become familiar with them. 7. Assess progress Materials needed: vocabulary cards or pictures of families Ask students to verbally describe the people in the photos. 46 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 11 Objectives: Language: To demonstrate comprehension of statements about weather by responding to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary and expressions needed for daily-life situations Vocabulary: Qué tiempo hace? like? Hace buen tiempo. Hace sol. (41) Hace frío. (42) Hace calor. (43) (Lesson 13) Está lloviendo. (44) Está nevando. (45) Hace viento. (46) Hace mal tiempo. (47) Vocabulary from previous lessons: el caballo (27) el cerdo (26) el conejo (23) la gallina (22) el gallo (24) el gato (21) el perro (20) la vaca (25) What's the weather The weather is nice. It is sunny. It is cold. It is hot. It is raining. It is snowing. It is windy. The weather is bad. horse pig rabbit hen rooster cat dog cow 47 ¿Quién tiene calor, frío? El caballo tiene calor. (29) El gato tiene frío. (28) Who is hot, cold? The horse is hot. The cat is cold. 1. Reinforcement of weather expressions Materials needed: flash cards depicting weather conditions (42-43), animal figures taped to stickies (See lesson 7.) Model the weather and animal vocabulary with the flash cards and large stickies. As you stick the cat to the flash card, ask: ¿Quién tiene calor? ¿El gato o la gallina? (Answer: El gato tiene calor.) Continue in this manner until each of the animals has been presented. 2. Reverse charades to practice weather expressions Materials needed: flash cards depicting weather conditions (41-47) Hand a flash card to a volunteer in such a way that the volunteer does not see the front of the card. The other students then give the volunteer clues as to which flash card he/she is holding. The students must use motions rather than speech to give the clues. The volunteer must identify the flash card from the clues given. (The following motions are appropriate clues: windy - blowing hard, sunny - hands over head in the form of an arch, raining - fingers moving up and down, snowing - hands holding body and shivering, cloudy - hand held flat over head moving back and forth.) 3. Weather forecasting activity Materials needed: *map of North America, Central America, and South America; stickies illustrating weather conditions (See attachment.) Instruct students to stick the appropriate stickie on the map as you dictate weather conditions. En Argentina hace sol. En Venezuela está lloviendo. En Chile está nevando. En Colombia hace viento, etc. *This map activity may be correlated to the Core Knowledge curriculum in the fourth and fifth grades. Grade 4: Mexican War of 1846, pp. 200-202; Grade 5: Aztecs, Maya, and Incas, pp. 107-116; Westward expansion, pp. 192-194; SpanishAmerican War, pp. 219-223. 3. Teach the rhyme Un día de lluvia (page 305) Teacher's Manual 4. Reading a story in English with Spanish words included in the text Materials needed: *The Corn Grows Ripe by Dorothy Rhoads. New York, New York: Penguin Books, 1992. ($4.99, 88 pages), cards with weather phrase 48 Present the book to the whole class or have students read the book individually. Then discuss the Maya rain god, Chac, and the rain ceremony described in the book. Have the students enact their own version of the ceremony. Write the various weather conditions on individual cards. Select one student to act the part of Chac. Then have individual students select one of the cards and ask, ¿Qué tiempo hace? Chac will then give an answer. If the answer matches the card drawn by the student. The student takes the place of person playing Chac. Possible answers for Chac are: Hace sol. Hace frío. Hace calor. Está lloviendo. Está nevando. Hace viento. Hace mal tiempo. These answers may be written on a chart or the chalkboard for all students to see. *This activity may be correlated to the Core Knowledge curriculum in the fifth grade: Aztecs, Maya, and Incas, pp. 107-116. 5. Assessment of progress Materials needed: flash cards Assess listening comprehension individually or as a group by asking students to respond to the question, ¿Qué tiempo hace? while displaying the weather flash cards. Attachment A 49 50 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 12 Objectives: Language: To demonstrate comprehension of learned vocabulary by responding to simple commands, questions, and visual cues. To make brief statements needed for daily-life situations. To contribute to a language experience writing activity. Vocabulary: No new vocabulary 1. Personalized books Materials needed: (for each student) paper, markers, scissors, vocabulary written on chalkboard, chart tablet, or poster Display the vocabulary lists (copied from Scope and Sequence) for all students to see: Lesson 2 - classroom vocabulary, numbers 1-10 Lesson 3 - classroom vocabulary Lesson 4 - colors, days of week Lesson 5 - numbers 11-20 Lesson 6 - parts of body Lesson 7 - animals Lesson 8 - tener expressions Lesson 9 - numbers 21-30 Lesson 10 - family Lesson 11 - weather expressions Distribute paper, markers, and scissors to students. Instruct the students to copy from the chalkboard or poster to complete their books. Each page in the book should include a sentence or word illustrated with a picture. 2. Language experience activity Materials needed: chalkboard or chart tablet Write the following paragraph on a chart tablet, one sentence at a time. Ask the students to provide the missing information. Ésta es la clase de la señora ___________. Hoy es el __________ de _________. La escuela se llama _______________. ¡_____________ es número uno! Hay __________ estudiantes en la clase. La clase tiene ______ sillas, _______ escritorios, _________ ventanas, y ________ puerta(s). La 51 maestra está __________. La maestra tiene mucho(a) ___________. Los estudiantes ________ . Los estudiantes tienen ___________ también. 3. Tape conversations (listening and writing activity) Materials needed: (at a learning center) tape conversations 1-5, cassette playerrecorder, question sheets Equip the learning center with the cassette player-recorder, tape conversations, and question sheets. Instruct the students, working in pairs, to listen to the tape conversation and answer the questions on the question sheet at the learning center. Tell the students to pretend that they are detectives who must glean all the conversation they can from the taple conversations. All the details are needed to solve to solve this case. They must obtain the information so that they can file a report summarizing the results of the investigation. The question sheet should include the following questions: Tape conversation 1 (p. 104) 1. ¿Cómo se llama el hombre? 2. ¿Cómo se llama la muchacha? 3. ¿Cómo está la muchacha? 4. ¿Cómo está el hombre? Tape conversation 2 (p. 106) 1. ¿Cómo se llama la muchacha? 2. ¿Hasta qué número cuenta la muchacha? 3. ¿Cuál es la fecha? 4. ¿Qué día es? Tape conversation 3 (pp. 106-107) 1. ¿Quién dice guau-guau? 2. ¿Quién dice muuu, muuu? 3. ¿Quién está muy mal? 4. ¿Quién tiene miedo? 5. ¿Quién tiene sueño? Tape conversation 4 (p.109) 1. ¿Cómo se llama el muchacho? 2. ¿Cómo se llama la muchacha? 3. ¿Cuántos papeles tiene el muchacho? 4. ¿Tiene el muchacho un papel verde? 5. ¿Cuántas plumas tiene la muchacha? 6. ¿Tiene la muchacha una pluma rosada? Tape conversation 5 (p. 109-110) 1. ¿Cuántas hijas tiene el conejo? 2. ¿Cuántos hijos tiene el conejo? 3. En total, ¿cuántos hijos (muchachos y muchachas) tiene el conejo? 4. ¿Quién tiene dolor de cabeza? 52 This activity may be expanded by having the students record information related to the case on a blank cassette. Suggest to the students that they change some of the details of the tape conversation, recording their own version. Tell the students to write a list of questions for the next pair of students who come to the learning center to answer.The following pair of students will listen to the tape and answer the questions. Their question sheets will then be corrected by the students who wrote the questions. 53 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 13 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of weather expressions and the months of January through June by responding to simple commands and questions. To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations 1. Introduce new vocabulary. Materials needed: flash cards (provided in kit) Using flash cards, introduce the following vocabulary words and phrases: enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio el mes los meses Está lloviendo. Está nevando. Hace viento. Hace mal tiempo. *el (#) de (mes) - the (#) of (month) Compare this to the way we say the Fourth of July. 2. Make a calendar. Materials needed: xerox paper, pencil, markers, crayons Have students work in groups or pairs to design calendar pictures for the first 6 months (continue the calendar when you learn the rest of the months in Lesson 16). The students can have a basic theme to the calendar or draw pictures of typical weather of that month (again for future lessons). 3. Weather calendar. Materials needed: butcher paper, markers. Make a large calendar on the wall out of butcher paper for a specific month. Each day during that month, determine the weather, using expressions from this lesson, as well as those learned in Lesson 11 (hace sol, hace frío, hace calor). At the end 54 of the month, expand the lesson by making a bar graph of each type of weather condition. 4. BINGO Materials needed: Bingo sheet (attached), pencil, bingo markers Give each student a blank bingo sheet. Let each student write the 6 months, weather vocabulary, and any numbers 1-31 (calendar dates) until all the blanks are filled in. The free space is called "Gratis" in Spanish. Call out Bingo as you would any game. Award children for knowing their vocabulary. 5. Pictionary Materials needed: paper, pencil, 3 x 5 index cards This game can be played as a whole group or in smaller groups. Prepare cards ahead of time with the key vocabulary in this lesson. Make a set for each group you have. Give students paper, pencil, and a set of the cards. One student looks at a card and draws for the other members of his team. Switch off until all vocabulary cards have been drawn. 6. Buscaletras- "Wordsearch" Materials needed: pencil, word search handout Use the handout as reinforcement for months and numbers, etc. The students will find this activity to be a fun one. You may want to suggest that the students extend the activity by coming up with a "Buscaletra" of their own. 7. Relate vocabulary to other content areas: Math, Science, and Social Studies Materials needed: none The topic of weather and occurences of different types of weather can be discussed while making calendars or in any unit on weather that you may have already prepared. In Math, as discussed earlier, make graphs to represent the different occurences. Social Studies topic could include the ancestors of the people of Mexico- the Mayan and Aztec Indians. Both of these groups had advanced calendars of their own. 8. Holidays Materials: calendar, pencils, colors Using the months you have learned in Spanish, have students name holidays they know that occur in this month. Add them to your calendars you have made. Tell students about the Mexican Holiday El cinco de Mayo. 9. Test listening comprehension. Materials needed: Tape conversation 1 and 2, cassette player 55 Play tape conversation 1 several times; then instruct the students to listen for information about the weather. You may want to stop the tape between lines for repetition. Follow the same procedure for tape conversation 2. Instruct students to listen along with the script. 10. Assess progress. Materials needed: flash cards, paper, pencil A. Use the vocabulary flash cards and have students identify the weather pictures in Spanish. B. Repeat a weather sentence three times such as: Hace viento. Let the students have a minute or two to draw a small picture of the phrase on paper. Check for accuracy. 56 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 14 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of clothing vocabulary by responding to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations 1. New vocabulary Materials needed: flash cards 51-58 (provided in kit) A. Using the flash cards, introduce the following vocabulary words: la blusa blouse los calcentines socks la camisa shirt los pantalones pants el sombrero hat el suéter sweater el vestido dress los zapatos shoes B. Pass out the eight flash cards. Then model the following questions and answer: ¿Quién tiene el sombrero? ¿Quién tiene los pantalones? pantalones. Juan tiene el sombrero. Juanita tiene los C. Using the flash cards, model the following question and answer: ¿Qué es? -- ¿el sombrero o los pantalones? el sombrero, etc. D. Place 3-4 flash cards in the chalk tray. Tell the students to close their eyes. Take one flash card away and mix up the remaining cards. Then ask the students to open their eyes and decide which article of clothing is missing. Ask the following question: ¿Cuál falta? el sombrero, etc. 2. El espantapájaros Materials needed: framework of four scarecrows drawn on chalkboard, chalk, prize Tell the students that the object of this activity is to dress the scarecrow in the most interesting way possible and that the student who draws the bestdressed scarecrow will win a prize. Send four students to the chalkboard. Tell them to draw clothing on the scarecrow according to your description; 57 for example, if you say "El espantapájaros lleva una camisa", the student should draw a shirt on the scarecrow. When each of the scarecrows is completely dressed, have the rest of the class vote on which scarecrow is the best dressed. (To practice feminine clothing, say that they scarecrow is a girl. Model as follows: La muchacha lleva una falda, etc.) Materials needed: dry-erase board and markers for each student, prize Distribute dry-erase boards and markers to all students. Instruct the students to draw the framework of a scarecrow according to your model. Then have them dress the scarecrow according to your description. (You may add colors to your description.) When finished, have each student display his/her drawing to the class. Have the students select the best drawing. Materials needed: handout depicting a scarecrow and clothes (hat, shirt, pants, gloves, and shoes), scissors, crayons, or markers Distribute the "espantapájaros" handout to the class. Have them color the handout and then cut out the articles of clothing. Practice the new vocabulary by instructing the students as follows: Favor de ponerle el sombrero al espantapájaros. Favor de ponerle los zapatos al espantapájaros. 3. ¿Qué llevas puesto? Materials needed: partition to separate two students, a hat, shoes, gloves, and glasses placed on a table Introduce the following new vocabulary to the class: los guantes (gloves) and los anteojos (glasses). Position two volunteers on each side of a partition. One of the students will try on one of the four items of clothing placed beside him or her on a table. When ready the student will say "listo(a)". The student on the other side of the partition will then try to guess what he/she is wearing. That student will get three chances to guess what the student is wearing: "¿Qué llevas puesto? -- ¿el sombrero?" The student wearing the item of clothing will answer, "Si, llevo un sombrero" or "No, no llevo un sombrero". If one of the guesses is correct, that student remains in place and is allowed to guess again with a second challenger. 4. Charades Materials (preparation) needed: vocabulary written on the chalkboard Instruct a volunteer to play charades by pretending to put on an article of clothing. Instruct the others to guess which article of clothing it is. 5. Add-on Materials needed: none 58 Instruct the students that in this activity the first student will name an article of clothing and the next student will add another article of clothing as follows: First student: Me pongo el suéter. Second student: Me pongo el suéter, y el sombrero. Third student: Me pongo el suéter, el sombrero, y los pantalones. Etc. The activity will continue until a student cannot name all the previous items. 6. ¿De qué color es? Materials needed: handout depicting four clowns with a box in the corner of each drawing, crayons or markers, four transparencies (each depicting one clown), prize Prepare four transparencies (each depicting a clown) by coloring each item of clothing worn by the clowns in a different color: red, green, blue, brown, or yellow. Distribute the handouts. Instruct the students to color each of the four clowns using a different color for each item of clothing. Have them limit the number of colors to red, green, blue, brown, and yellow. When the students have finished, display the first transparency. Name each color used; for example, "El payaso lleva una camisa roja, etc." Tell the students to give themselves a point for each color that matches the transparency. Instruct them to write the total number correct in the box in the corner of the drawing. When the four drawings have been competed, the student with the most points wins and receives the prize. Have the winner and others answer the following questions: "¿De qué color es la camisa?", etc. 7. Assessment Materials needed: flash cards, paper, pencils Using the flash cards, have the students identify the items of clothing in Spanish. Then have the students draw the vocabulary words. Allow the students a few minutes to draw a small picture of the vocabulary word that you dictate. Check for accuracy. 59 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 15 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of new clothing vocabulary and the numbers 31-40 by responding to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations 1. New vocabulary Materials needed: flash cards 51-61 (provided in kit) A. Using the flash cards, introduce the following vocabulary words: la falda skirt la chaqueta jacket el pijama pajamas el traje de baño bathing suit treinta y uno thirty-one treinta y dos thirty-two treinta y tres thirty-three treinta y cuatro thirty-four treinta y cinco thirty-five treinta y seis thirty-six treinta y siete thirty-seven treinta y ocho thirty-eight treinta y nueve thirty-nine cuarenta forty B. Pass out the eleven flash cards (eight from lesson 14 and three new ones from lesson 15). Then model the following question and answer: ¿Quién tiene la chaqueta? Juan tiene la chaqueta. ¿Quién tiene los pantalones? Juanita tiene los pantalones. C. Using the flash cards, model the following question and answer: ¿Qué es? -- ¿el sombrero o los pantalones? el sombrero, etc. D. Place 3-4 flash cards in the chalk tray. Tell the students to close their eyes. Take one flash card away and mix up the remaining cards. Then ask the students to open their eyes and decide which article of clothing is missing. Ask the following question: ¿Cuál falta? el sombrero, etc. 2. La familia Pérez Materials needed: La familia Pérez sharing book and picture books, handout 60 Refer to page 133 in the teacher's manual (recycle section). Review the names of clothing, colors, family members, and some parts of the body by referring to the sharing book and asking questions such as the following: ¿De qué color es la camisa del papá? ¿Qué lleva puesto la mamá? ¿De qué color es? ¿De qué color son los pantalones del hijo? ¿De qué color es la camisa del hermano? ¿Qué son éstos, los ojos o las orejas? ¿De qué color es el pelo de la hermana? Write the sentences above on the chalkboard. Also list articles of clothing, members of the family, and parts of the body on the chalkboard. Review this vocabulary. Then distribute the picture books and the handout to the students organized in pairs. Instruct the students to use the information on the chalkboard to make their own questions for each page of the picture book. Assign the even numbered pages to one student and the odd numbered pages to the other. Tell them to vary the sentences by substituting another word for the underlined word and to write their sentences on the handout. After the students have prepared their questions, have them ask each other the questions. 3. ¿Qué llevas puesto? Materials needed: signs (yes/no) Refer to page 317 in the teacher's manual. Instruct the students to answer sí or no to the questions about their clothing and their age. Have them answer by displaying the sí or no sign. A. ¿Qué llevas puesto? ¿Llevas un pijama? ¿Llevas pantalones?, etc. B. ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿Tienes treinta y cuatro años? ¿Tienes nueve años?, etc. 4. Add or subtract? Materials needed: chalkboard, chalk Write a number from 2-40 on the chalkboard. For the number 13, model the following responses: Cinco más ocho son trece. o Veinte menos siete son trece. Then organize the students into two relay teams. Position the first two students at the chalkboard. Call out a number. The first student of the pair 61 to write the correct answer (through addition or subtraction) must say the answer in Spanish in order to receive a point. 5. Number cards Materials needed: 3 x 5 index cards, markers Have the students make their own set of cards by following your model. Make cards illustrating place value in different colors as follows: 1 2 3 4 5, etc. 10 20 30 40 When the students are ready, ask for the number 21. The students will display the 20 card and the one card. Instruct the students to say the numbers in Spanish. Continue with other numbers. 6. Tape conversation Materials needed: script in teacher's manual (p. 142), tape, cassette player, handouts After listening to the tape conversation several times, have the students color the articles of traditional clothing depicted in the handouts. Then instruct them to hold up the appropriate handout when the article of clothing is mentioned on the tape. 7. Assessment Materials needed: flash cards (provided in kit), number flash cards Using the number flash cards and the clothing flash cards, have the students say the word in Spanish. Be sure that each child answers at leasts one question. ¿Cuál es el número? ¿Qué es? Handout Página __________ ¿De qué color es _____________ de _______________? ¿De qué color son_____________ de ______________? ¿Qué lleva puesto_________________? 62 ¿Qué son éstos, ___________ o ______________? Página __________ ¿De qué color es _____________ de _______________? ¿De qué color son_____________ de ______________? ¿Qué lleva puesto_________________? ¿Qué son éstos, ___________ o ______________? 63 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 16 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of the months of the year and names of holidays by responding to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations To demonstrate awareness of Mexican holidays by responding to simple questions 1. New vocabulary Materials needed: flash cards 48-50; 62-64 (provided in kit) A. Using the flash cards, introduce the following vocabulary words: enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre B. Pass out the six flash cards. Then model the following question and answer: ¿Quién tiene enero? Juan tiene enero. Etc. C. Using the flash cards, model the following question and answer: ¿Qué es? --¿enero o julio? enero, Etc. 2. Months of the year Materials needed: Blackline masters 28, 39, and 40 Have the students color and label the illustrations in the handouts. Follow by pointing to each illustration and asking these questions: ¿Qué mes es éste? (Este mes es junio, etc.) 64 3. Treinta días tiene septiembre Materials needed: rhyme written on chalkboard or poster, pointer Treinta días tiene septiembre, abril, junio y noviembre; febrero tiene veinte y ocho, y los demás treinta y uno. Have the students read along as you model, using the pointer. Then have a student volunteer to use the pointer and act as the teacher. 4. Estoy pensando Materials needed: list of the birthdays of all students Review the numbers (1-31) and the pattern el (number) de (month). Choose a birthday from the list of birthdays; then tell the students: Estoy pensando en un cumpleaños; el cumpleaños es el dos de enero. ¿Quién es? The student whose birthday you have just called should recognize his/her own birthday. Ask this question: ¿Cuál es la fecha de tu cumpleaños? (Mi cumpleaños es el __ de __.) 5. Holidays Materials needed: a calendar with holidays noted in Spanish, blackline masters 28, 39, and 40 Referring to the calendar, ask the following questions: ¿Cuándo es el día de los amantes? el catorce de febrero ¿Cuándo es la Pascua? el segundo domingo de abril ¿Cuándo es el día de la madre? el segundo domingo de mayo ¿Cuándo es el día de la raza? el doce de octubr (The day of the race commemorates the arrival of Columbus in America. This holiday celebrates the Spanish heritage of the peoples of the Western Hemisphere.) ¿Cuándo es el día de los muertos? el dos de noviembre (This holiday is similar to Memorial Day and Halloween. However, unlike Memorial Day, it is not a somber holiday; it includes picnics and food shaped like skulls and skeletons.) ¿Cuándo es la Navidad? el veinte y cinco de diciembre ¿Cuándo es el día del padre? el tercer domingo de junio ¿Cuándo es el día de la independencia? el cuatro de julio Have the students make greeting cards to illustrate the holiday of their choice. They may refer to the black-line masters for examples. Instruct them to write the name and date of the holiday in Spanish on the card. (A good resource for materials relating to Mexican holidays is Fiesta! Mexico and Central America: A Global Awareness Program for Children in Grades 2-5 by Barbara Linse and Dick Judd. Illinois: Fearon Teacher Aids, 1993.) 65 Materials needed: handouts, paper, markers At the appropriate time of year, have the students read the handout referring to two Mexican holidays of historical significance. In addition to answering the questions on the handout, the students may create a class mural with the date and other phrases of their choice in Spanish. These holidays may also be correlated to the Core Knowledge curriculum in the fourth and fifth grades: 4th grade - pp. 200-202 ("Manifest Destiny" and the Mexican War) 5th grade - pp. 192-196 (Westward Expansion) pp. 219-222 (The Cuban War for Independence) pp. 117-123 (European Exploration and the Clash of Cultures) 6. Tape conversation Materials needed: tape, cassette player, poster of script, pointer After listening to the tape conversation on page 153, ask a volunteer to point to each line of dialogue as the other students read along. 7. Assessment Materials needed: calendar (all months on display) Ask each student to come to the calendar and to point out his/her birthday. First model the correct language: ¿Cuál es la fecha de tu cumpleaños? (Mi cumpleaños es el ___ de ___.) El diez y seis de septiembre: el día de la independencia de México On September 16 Mexico celebrates its independence from Spain. Spain ruled Mexico for 300 years. The hero of this day is Father Miguel Hidalgo. On September 16, 1810, Father Hidalgo rang the church bell in the small town of Dolores to signal the beginning of the fight for independence from Spain. Father Hidalgo urged the people of Dolores to rise up against Spain. He finished his talk with the famous Grito de Dolores (Cry of Dolores): ¡Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!* Long live our Lady of Guadalupe! ¡Viva la independencia! Long live Independence! ¡Mueran los Gachupines!** Death to the Spaniards! Like Patrick Henry's famous "Give me liberty or give me death", the Grito de Dolores inspired Mexicans in their struggle against the Spanish. And like the fourth of July in the United States, the sixteenth of September reminds Mexicans of the importance of freedom and justice. Questions: 66 1. Why is the story of Father Miguel Hidalgo taught to children in Mexico? 2. Can you invent your own grito? ¡Viva ______________________________! *Virgen of Guadalupe: Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patron saint of Mexico. Her story is as follows: In 1531 an Indian named Juan Diego saw the Virgin Mary in a vision. She appeared before him holding a rose bush covered in blooms. Juan wrapped the roses in his cloak and took them to show as proof to others that he had really seen the Virgin. When he opened his cloak, a beautiful picture of the Virgin appeared on the cloth. Because everyone was convinced, they built a church in her honor on the spot. (December 12 is the feast day of this saint.) **gachupín: a Spaniard who immigrated to America. El cinco de mayo: el día de la independencia May 5 is Mexico's second independence day. It marks Mexico's independence from the French. On May 5, 1862, the Mexicans defeated the forces of Napoleon III in the town of Puebla. The man who led Mexico as a newly independent nation was Benito Juárez. Benito Juárez was an Indian who devoted his life to helping the Indians of Mexico. As president of Mexico, Juárez helped establish many laws that improved the lives of the poor people of Mexico. Juárez is often compared to Abraham Lincoln. His belief in the rights of all men is summed up in the following quote: Entre los hombres, entre los pueblos, y así como entre las naciones, el respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz. (Among individuals, peoples, and among nations, respect for the rights of others equals peace.) Questions: 1. In what way is Benito Juárez similar to Abraham Lincoln? 2. Why is respect for the rights of others just as important to us now as it was in 1862? 67 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 17 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of the names of the school rooms by responding to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations 1. New vocabulary Materials needed: blackline masters 41-44 (to use as flashcards) A. Using the flashcards, introduce the following vocabulary words: el salón de clase classroom la oficina office la cafetería cafeteria el cuarto de baño bathroom B. Pass out the four flash cards. Then model the following question and answer: ¿Quién tiene la oficina? Juan tiene la oficina. Etc. C. Using the flash cards, model the following question and and answer: ¿Qué es? --¿la oficina o la cafetería? Etc. 2. ¿Dónde está Waldo? (Where is Waldo?) Materials needed: handout, stickies, paper, pencil Distribute the handout and one stickie to each student. Have the students work in pairs. Have the student draw a picture of Waldo on their stickie. Tell the students that the object of the game is to earn as many points as possible. To begin the game, one student will cover one of the illustrations with his/her Waldo stickie. The other student will get two guesses to determine where Waldo is. If the student guesses correctly on the first try, he/she gets two points; if he/she guesses correctly on the second try, he/she gets one point. The two students should keep score on the same sheet of paper. The dialogue to play the game is as follows: Student who has covered an illustration- Student who is guessing- (first try) (second try) ¿Dónde está Waldo? Sí, Waldo está en ____. No, Waldo no está en ___. Waldo está en la cafetería. Waldo está en el cuarto de baño. Etc. 68 3. ¿Me das permiso? Materials needed: same as number 2 (Do I have permission?) Play in the same way as game described in number two. However, have the student cover the room with a stickie on which the word ¡No! has been written. The object of the game to to earn points by guessing which rooms are not covered with a stickie. Student who is guessing: (I want to go to ___.) Quiero ir al cuarto de baño. Quiero ir a la cafetería. Quiero ir a la oficina. Quiero ir al salón de clase. Student who has covered a room with a stickie: (You can go to ___.) Puedes ir al cuarto de baño. Puedes ir a la cafetería. Puedes ir a la oficina. Puedes ir al salón de clase. (You can't go to ____.) No puedes ir al cuarto de baño. No puedes ir a la cafetería. No puedes ir a la oficina. No puedes ir al salón de clase. 4. ¿Qué está mal? (What is wrong?) Materials needed: flashcards (rooms and animals), animal stickies (lesson 7), prizes Review the names of the animals (using flashcards). Tell the students that you have chosen a secret phrase and that the student who says it will win a prize. The secret phrase is about an animal being in the wrong place. Have the secret phrase written beforehand in large letters on a piece of paper. Model these examples: Teacher -Student -¿Qué está mal? El conejo está en la cafetería. El caballo está en la oficina. Etc. Have the students guess the secret phrase. When a student guesses the correct phrase, display the piece of paper and award the prize. 5. Tape conversations Materials needed: tape conversations 1-2 (pp. 161-162), cassette player, handout Have the students listen to the tape conversations. Then have them circle the correct answers on the handout. 69 6. Assessment Materials needed: handout Ask the students to point to the appropriate picture as you as this question: ¿Dónde está el salón de clase?, etc. TAPE CONVERSATIONS Listen to the tape. Then circle the correct answer. Tape conversation 1: 1. ¿Qué día es? domingo lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado 2. ¿Dónde están los zapatos? en la cafetería en la oficina en el salón de clase en el cuarto de baño Tape conversation 2: 3. ¿Dónde está el profesor? en la cafetería en la oficina en el salón de clase en el cuarto de baño 70 71 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 18 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of vocabulary for the numbers 41 through 50 by responding to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations 1. New vocabulary Materials needed: Handout #1, individual flashcards with numbers 41-50 (masters 76- 77) Use handout #1 as a model to make a bulletin board display. Color, cut out, and arrange the circles in a group to represent a bunch of balloons held together by string. Then review the numbers 1-39 and introduce the numbers 40-50 by referring to the bulleltin board. Then have the students work in pairs to practice the following vocabulary, using the individual flashcards (after they have written on the reverse side): cuarenta y uno cuarenta y dos cuarenta y tres cuarenta y cuatro cuarenta y cinco cuarenta y seis cuarenta y siete cuarenta y ocho cuarenta y nueve cincuenta 2. Writing and reading numbers Materials needed: Handout #2, flashcards Instruct the students to complete the handout by writing in the numeral for each written number. Then have the students correct their work by referring to the flashcards as they are displayed. When the students have finished, ask volunteers to read the answers written on their handouts. Then expand the activity by having volunteers read the answers on the handout section by section. Have them read slowly or rapidly according to your instructions: despacio rápido 3. Understanding numbers Materials: Handout #2 slow fast más despacio más rápido slower faster 72 After the students have completed the top part of the handout, dictate ten numbers for them to write as numerals rather than words. 4. Solving problems (adding, subtracting, and multiplying) Materials needed: Handout #3 Model examples of addition, subtraction, and multiplication, introducing the new vocabulary: plus (más), minus (menos), and times (por). Diez más dos es doce. + Diez y seis menos tres es trece. Tres por tres es nueve. x Then instruct the students to complete handout #3 by writing out the numbers. 5. Multiplication Materials needed: Handout #4, individual flashcards This is an activity for two students. Distribute handout #4, one for each pair. Have the students choose a number from the multiplication table. Instruct the students to test each other on multiplication facts. Have the students place the individual flash cards face up on the desk. Then student #1 will call out a number from the handout. This will be the product of a multiplication problem. As student #1 states the product, he/she places the appropriate number in the last square of the handout. Then student #2 will solve the problem by finding and placing the two numbers which result in the product in the appropriate squares. Tell them to use the following language: Student #1 -- cuarenta y cinco Student #2 -- Cinco por nueve es cuarenta y cinco. (Five times nine is forty five.) This activity correlates with Core Knowledge, Grade 4, page 259 (multiples). 6. Cinco Materials needed: Master 47 Have the students play the game Cinco (Appendix A, page 264, page 167 of teacher's manual). 7. Tape conversation Materials needed: Tape conversation 2 (p. 170) cassette, cassette player, handout #5 Have the students, working as a class or in small groups, fill in the missing words in the script (handout #5). Students may write in numerals rather than the written word for the number. 8. Assessment Materials needed: Paper, pencil 73 Dictate five numbers (from 40-50). Have the students write the numbers, then individually read the number back to you. Continue dictating sets of numbers until all the students have had the opportunity to read a number aloud. Handout #2 cuarenta y dos_________cinco___________ doce __________ diez_____________ * diez y ocho___________ once_______ nueve________ veinte y uno_________ * trece___________ catorce____________ cincuenta__________treinta__________ Dictado: _______________ _________________ _______________ _________________ _______________ _________________ _______________ _________________ _______________ _________________ Handout #3 1. dos x siete 2. diez + cuarenta 3. veinte - catorce 4. diez y seis - tres 5. tres x nueve 6. treinta y cuatro + veinte y uno 7. trece - ocho 8. cincuenta - treinta 9. cinco x diez 10. nueve x tres Handout #4 74 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 8 10 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 X (por) = (es) Handout #5 Tape conversation 2 Boy 1: Cuenta del treinta al cincuenta. Boy 2: Bueno, treinta...treinta y uno...treinta y dos... __________... Boy 1: ¡Ay, ay, ay! Cuenta más rápido. Boy 2: Treinta y cuatro, treinta y cinco, treinta y seis, __________... Boy 1: ¡No, no, no! Cuenta aún más rápido. Boy 2: Treinta y ocho, treinta y nueve, cuarenta, __________. Boy 1: ¡Más rápido! ¡Más rápido! Boy 2: Cuarenta y dos, cuarenta y tres, _________. Boy 1: ¡Rápido! ¡Rápido! Boy 2: Cuarenta y cinco, cuarenta y seis, cuarenta y siete, cuarenta y ocho, cuarenta y nueve, __________. Boy 1: ¡Muy bien! Boy 2: Gracias. 75 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 19 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of vocabulary related to school personnel by responding to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations 1. New vocabulary Materials needed: Masters 48-49 Use the flashcards to introduce the following vocabulary words: el director la directora el enfermero la enfermera el secretario la secretaria Model the following question and answer: ¿Quién es? -- ¿el profesor o la profesora? Etc. 2. Concentration Materials needed: Master 50 (cut into individual vocabulary cards) for each pair of students Instruct the students to place the vocabulary cards face down on the desk. Tell them to take turns choosing vocabulary cards and trying to make a match. Each time a card is turned face up, the student must say the appropriate word or phrase. If two cards match, the player may continue. If they do not match, the next player tries. At the end, the student with the most matched cards wins. (See p. 265 for other variations.) 3. Firma (signature) Materials needed: Handout #1 Instruct the students to complete the handout by gathering signatures of people in their school. Upon completion, have individuals read aloud to the class the information they have gathered. 4. Nuestra escuela Materials needed: Handout #2 76 Fill in the blanks of handout #2 with the names of personnel from your school. Then write the description on the chalkboard or make a poster. Tell the students that you are going to read in Spanish as a group. Inform them that you expect them to do well and to be able to understand almost all of what they are reading. Then read the description line by line, making sure that all student questions are answered as they arise. 5. Listening comprehension Materials needed: Tape cassette for lesson 19, cassette player, handout #3 Instruct the students to circle the correct answers as they listen to the two tape conversations (page 178 -179). 6. Assessment Materials needed: Flashcards Use the flashcards to assess the students' comprehension. Work with students as a group or individually. ¿Quién es? el profesor, etc. Core Knowledge related activity: 7. Sayings and phrases in Spanish Materials needed: Handout #4, What Your Fourth Grader Needs to Know (pp. 72- 84) After discussing the sayings and phrases listed in the CK text, explain that there are many interesting sayings in the Spanish language also. Some of these sayings correspond almost exactly to the saying in English and some are different. These differences represent the unique way the people of a particular culture interpret the world around them. You may wish to display the sayings in the classroom. Handout #1 1. la directora Buenos días. ¿Cómo está usted? _______________________________ Firma 2. el conserje _______________________________ Firma 3. la secretaria _______________________________ Firma 4. un maestro simpático (nice) _______________________________ Firma 77 5. una maestra simpática _______________________________ Firma Buenos días. ¿Cómo estás? 6. un muchacho con los ojos negros _______________________________ Firma 7. una muchacha con los ojos azules _______________________________ Firma 8. una muchacha con el pelo negro _______________________________ Firma Handout #2 Vamos a visitar la escuela _____________________. En la escuela hay una directora, muchos profesores, una enfermera, una secretaria y un conserje. La secretaria está en la oficina. ¿Cómo se llama la secretaria? Se llama señora ________________. La directora está en la oficina también. ¿Cómo se llama la directora? Se llama señora _________________. El profesor está en el salón de clase. ¿Cómo se llama el profesor? Se llama señor ___________________. La profesora está en el la cafetería con los muchachos. ¿Cómo se llama la profesora? Se llama señora _________________. Ésta es nuestra escuela. Ésta es nuestra escuela. ¡Viva ______________! Handout #3 Tape conversation #1 1. ¿Quién tiene dolor de cabeza? 78 A. Clara B. el profesor C. la enfermera 2. ¿Quién tiene frío? A. Clara B. el profesor C. la enfermera Tape conversation #2 1. ¿Dónde está la directora? A. en la oficina B. en el salón de clase C. en la cafetería 2. ¿Dónde está la secretaria? A. en la oficina B. en el salón de clase C. en la cafetería 3. ¿Dónde está Rosco? A. en la oficina B. en el salón de clase C. en la cafetería Handout #4 (sayings marked with asterisk are from Introduction to Sayings, pp. 72-84) Es mejor evitar que remediar. pound of Cada oveja con su pareja. Ver es creer. *An ounce of prevention is worth a cure. *Birds of a feather flock together. *Seeing is believing. La cortesía mucho vale y poco cuesta. little. Politeness is worth a lot and costs A palabras necias, oídos sordos. To foolish wrods lend a deaf ear. Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando. the bush. Poderoso caballero es don Dinero. De tal palo, tal astilla. A bird in the hand is worth two in Money talks. A chip off the old block. El ejercicio hace maestro. Practice makes perfect. A buen hambre, no hay pan duro. hard bread. To a hungry person there is no 79 A caballo regalado no se le mira el diente. mouth. Never look a gift horse in the Una mano lava la otra. One hand washes the other. Ayer ranchero, hoy caballero. Clothes make the man. Más vale tarde que nunca. Better late than never. A mal tiempo, buena cara. A smile brightens a cloudy day. Hoy por ti, mañana por mí. Every dog has his day. Quien bien anda, bien acaba. All's well that ends well. En la variedad está el gusto. Variety is the spice of life. Al que llegue primero, se le sirve primero. Viajando se instruye la gente. First come, first served. Whoever travels far knows much. 80 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 20 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of expressions of emotion by responding to simple questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations To listen to sounds of the vowels a and e and to aurally discriminate their sounds in spoken words 1. New vocabulary Materials needed: New vocabulary words written on the chalkboard or purchased materials such as Spanish Emotions Poster ($10.00-P336) or Spanish Emotion Flashcards ($18.00-E855) from Teacher's Discovery. Estoy contento,a Estoy enojado,a Estoy triste I am happy I am angry I am sad Additional vocabulary -tímido,a timid cansado,a sad confundido,a confused sospechoso,a suspicious seguro,a sure, certain soñoliento,a sleepy repugnado,a disgusted frustrado,a frustrated asustado,a frightened culpable guilty Mimic the appropriate emotion as you pronounce the word. Then point to the written word as you pronounce it. 2. Charades Materials needed: Vocabulary words written on index cards Place the cards face down. Have each student draw a card and then enact the emotion written on the card. 3. Paso grande (giant step) Materials needed: Flashcards (Emotion Flashcards from Teacher's Discovery or teacher-made flashcards made from pictures cut from magazines) Have the students line up in an open space. Designate a finish line. Show one of the flashcards to the first student. If the student identifies the emotion depicted in 81 the picture, he/she may take a giant step (paso grande). The first student to reach the finish line wins. 4. Tic Tac Toe Materials needed: Tic Tac Toe board with an emotion flashcard placed in each of the nine squares Divide the class into two teams. Tell the students that they will get an X if they pronounce the word depicted in the picture correctly. (Use a large sticky to represent the X.) The first team to be able to pronounce three words in a row wins. When a student cannot pronounce a word, the turn passes to the next team. 5. Trabalenguas (tongue twisters) for the letters a and e Materials needed: Tongue twisters written on chalkboard After modeling for the students, have them practice and memorize the following tongue twisters: a-Mi mamá me mima mucho. My mother spoils me a lot. e-Un tigre, dos tigres, tres tigres One tiger, two tigers, three tigers 6. Shuffle board game Materials needed: Shuffle board made of large sheet of paper with squares marked off into which emotion flashcards have been attached, bean bag Tell the students that the object of this game is to pronounce the words correctly. Have the first student toss the bean bag into a square. If the student can pronounce the word correctly, he/she can continue to throw until he/she fails. 7. Pronunciation Materials needed: Handout #1 Instruct the students to fill in the blanks with the correct vowel as you dictate the vocabulary words. 8. Talking about feelings Materials needed: Flashcards Display the flashcards in the chalkboard tray. Divide the class into two teams. Call out a word for a member of the first team. The student must come to the chalkboard, pick up the appropriate flashcard and then use the word in a sentence. Model these sentences before the students are required to make up their own: El muchacho está enojado. Yo estoy triste. La profesora está contenta. 82 9. Listening comprehension Materials needed: Cassette (conversations 1-2, pp. 187-188), cassette player, handout #2 Instruct the students to circle the correct answers as they listen to the two tape conversations. 10. Assessment Materials needed: Flashcards Use the flashcards to assess the students' comprehension. Work with the students as a group or individually. ¿Cómo está? Etc. ¿enojado o contento? Handout #1 1. c ___ n t ___ n t ___ 2. f r ___ s t r ___ d ___ 3. ___ n ___ j ___ d ___ 4. c ___ n s ___ d ___ 5. s ___ s p ___ c h ___ s ___ 6. ___ s ___ s t ___ d ___ 7. s ___ g ___ r ___ 8. r ___ p ___ g n ___ d ___ 9. c ___ n f ___ n d ___ d ___ 10. c ___ l p ___ b l ___ Handout #2 Tape Conversation #1 1. ¿Cómo está Lidia? 83 A. contenta B. así, así C. triste 2. ¿Cuántos años tiene Lidia? A. siete B. ocho C. nueve Tape conversation #2 1. ¿Quién está triste? A. el hijo B. la hija C. la madre 2. ¿Quién está enojado? A. el hijo B. la hija C. la madre 84 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 21 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of vocabulary related to the telephone by responding to simple questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations To listen to sounds of the vowels i and o and to aurally discriminate their sounds in spoken words Additional objectives: To identify on a map and pronounce correctly the names of the Spanishspeaking countries in North America, Central America, and South America To answer questions related to specific geographical characteristics of areas in the Western Hemisphere 1. New vocabulary Materials needed: toy telephone, cassette, cassette player, handout #1 el teléfono ¿Está Marta? ¿Bueno? De nada Act out conversation 1 on page 196. Then play the conversation on the cassette player. After playing the cassette several times, distribute the handout to the students and have them answer the questions on the handout. 2. Additional vocabulary Materials needed: map, handouts #2-3 México Guatemala El Salvador Honduras Nicaragua Costa Rica Panamá Colombia Venezuela Ecuador 85 Perú Chile Bolivia Paraguay Uruguay Argentina Review the rules of pronunciation. Then point to the country on the map as you pronounce the name. After sufficient practice, have volunteers point to the country as you pronounce the name. Then distribute the handouts, instructing the students to label each country. Important geographical facts to discuss include the names and locations of Spanish-speaking countries in the Western Hemisphere, mountain ranges (the Andes and the Spanish word cordillera), and the highest mountains in the world (Aconcagua in Argentina). 3. Geography game (¿Dónde está Waldo?) Materials needed: handouts #2-3, pencil with eraser This game is played in pairs. The object of the game is to find Waldo. Distribute a handout to each student. One of the students in the pair must place Waldo in a country by marking the country in pencil with a "W". Review the telephone conversation vocabulary previously practiced by modeling as follows: Ringgggg. Estoy llamando Venezuela. ¿Bueno? Buenos días. ¿Está Waldo? No, no está aquí en Venezuela. Me llamo ____. Soy amigo de Waldo. ¿Dónde está Waldo? Waldo no está en Venezuela. No está en Argentina tampoco. Gracias. Adiós. De nada. Adiós. The student seeking Waldo guesses one by one the countries where Waldo may be. His opponent, the person answering the phone, must give additional information (no está en Argentina tampoco) with each call. The student seeking Waldo receives a point if he guesses correctly in three tries. After three tries or a correct guess, the second student begins to guess. 4. Jeopardy Materials needed: map, pocket chart with dollar values on the pockets, answer cards, practice answer sheet (handout #4), play money Have the students prepare for the game by working in groups of 4 or 5. Give them the practice answer sheet and instruct them to study among themselves, referring to the map as needed. After the students feel confident, begin the game. 86 To begin the game, instruct the first student to select an answer by naming a space: "I'd like row 3 for $500." When the card is pulled and read, the student must give the answer in question form: "Aconcagua - What is the highest mountain in the Western Hemisphere?" If the student answers correctly, he/she receives the play money and may select another pocket. If incorrect, the next student takes a turn. The cards should include the following answers and questions: 1. México America? 2. Guatemala, etc. America? 3. Colombia, etc. America? 4. Andes of South America? 5. Río Grande 6. Aconcagua Hemisphere? 7. Amazón 8. Titicaca What is a Spanish-speaking country in North What is a Spanish-speaking country in Central What is a Spanish-speaking country in South What are mountains running along the western coast What is a river separating the U.S. and Mexico? What is the highest mountain in the Western What is the longest river in South America? What is the lake located between Perú and Bolivia? 5. States with Spanish names Materials needed: handout #5, crayons, states with Spanish names written on the chalkboard (Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Montana) Distribute the handouts, instructing the students to color each state with a Spanish name. This activity may be related to American Civilization unit in the fourth grade Core Knowledge text. The section on "Manifest Destiny" and the Mexican War (pp. 200 202) refers to Mexico's loss to the U.S. of a half-million square miles of territory. A map showing the territory acquired from Mexico is on page 193 of the fifth grade Core Knowledge text. You may extend this activity by asking the students to do some research to discover other cities, mountains, or rivers located in the United States that have Spanish names. These names may then be added to the map. 6. Vowel sounds - i Materials needed: flashcards, handout #6 Referring to the flashcards (provided in the kit), practice with the class the following words containing the vowel i: tiza libro silla 87 nariz pies pierna gallina camisa calcetines vestido Have the students complete the handout. 7. Vowel sounds - o Materials needed: flashcards, handout #6 Referring to the flashcards (provided in the kit), practice with the class the following words containing the vowel o: escritorio profesor profesora globo ojos boca pantalones salón de clase director directora Have the students complete the handout. 8. ¿Rojo o gris? Materials needed: box marked o containing red tokens, box marked i containing gray tokens Divide the class into two teams.Tell the students that the object of the game is to take a token from the box that corresponds to the vowel sound (o or i) pronounced by the teacher. One person from each team runs to the boxes and takes a token from the box labeled with the sound in the word pronounced by the teacher. The team that earns the most tokens wins. Dictate words from items 6 and 7. 9. Trabalenguas - Poco coco Materials needed: Poco coco tongue-twister written on the chalkboard Review the vowel sounds; then tell the students to listen for the o sound in the following tongue-twister: Compadre, cómpreme un coco. Brother, buy me a coconut. Compadre, coco no compro Brother, I won't buy a coconut. Que el que poco coco come Because the one who doesn't eat much coconut poco coco compra. doesn't buy much coconut. 88 Como yo como poco coco, Since I eat very little coconut, poco coco compro. I buy very little coconut. Have the students repeat the tongue-twister several times as a group. Then challenge individuals to read the rhyme from beginning to end without hesitation. 10. Refranes con o y i Materials needed: sayings written on chalkboard or in large letters on large strips of paper Display the following sayings: De la mano a la boca se pierde la sopa. (There's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip.) Hoy por ti, mañana por mí. (Every dog has its day.) Have the class repeat the sayings several times. Discuss the differences in how the two languages express similar ideas. Later ask a volunteer to read one of the sayings each day of the lesson. 11. Assessment Materials needed: map Use the map to test the students individually or as a group. Refering to the map, ask the names of the various Spanish-speaking countries of the Western Hemisphere. Model the conversation from item 3. Then ask individuals to call a particular country and ask for Waldo. Handout #1 Tape Conversation 1 (page 196) 1. ¿Quién es la señora Hurtado? A. la hermana de Tomás B. la mamá de Tomás 2. ¿Cómo se llama el amigo de Tomás? A. Andrés B. Antonio 3. ¿Dónde está Tomás? A. en casa B. en la escuela Handout #2 89 Handout #3 90 Handout #4 1. México America? 2. Guatemala America? 3. El Salvador America? 4. Honduras America? 5. Nicaragua America? 6. Costa Rica America? 7. Panamá America? 8. Colombia America? 9. Venezuela America? 10. Ecuador America? 11. Perú America? 12. Chile America? 13. Bolivia America? 14. Paraguay America? 15. Uruguay America? 16. Argentina America? 17. Andes coast of South America? 18. Río Grande 19. Aconcagua Hemisphere? 20. Amazón 21. Titicaca Bolivia? What is a Spanish-speaking country in North What is a Spanish-speaking country in Central What is a Spanish-speaking country in Central What is a Spanish-speaking country in Central What is a Spanish-speaking country in Central What is a Spanish-speaking country in Central What is a Spanish-speaking country in Central What is a Spanish-speaking country in South What is a Spanish-speaking country in South What is a Spanish-speaking country in South What is a Spanish-speaking country in South What is a Spanish-speaking country in South What is a Spanish-speaking country in South What is a Spanish-speaking country in South What is a Spanish-speaking country in South What is a Spanish-speaking country in South What are mountains running along the western What is a river separating the U.S. and Mexico? What is the highest mountain in the Western What is the longest river in South America? What is the lake located between Perú and Handout #5 91 Handout #6 t___za l___bro s___lla nar___z p___es p___erna gall___na cam___sa lcet___nes vest___do escrit___rio profes___r profes___ra gl___bo ___jos b___ca pantal___nes sal___n de clase direct___r direct___ra 92 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 22 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of vocabulary related to traffic safety by responding to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations To listen to the sound of the vowel u and to aurally discriminate its sound in spoken words 1. Vocabulary Materials needed: flashcards (blackline masters) la calle la luz las luces de tráfico el policía (male) la policía (female) Alto. Sigue. Espera. Miro a la derecha. Miro a la izquierda. Cruzo la calle. street light traffic lights police officer police officer Stop. Go. Wait. I look to the right. I look to the left. I cross the street. Introduce the vocabulary, using the flash cards. Ask either/or (¿qué es?¿ el __ o el __?), ¿quién tiene?, ¿cuál falta? questions. 2. Cruzo la calle game Materials needed: index cards, colored markers or crayons Prepare five sets of colored cards (red, blue, yellow, black, and green). Write one of the following questions on each card of a set: Miro a la derecha. Miro a la izquierda. Cruzo la calle. Prepare a second set of cards with the following commands: ¡Alto! (4), ¡Espera! (4), and ¡Sigue! (7). Place the command pile and the colored set pile in front of a group of four students. Tell the students that the object of the game is to assemble the most sets of cards of the same color. For example, a set of cards would consist of three yellow cards. The three yellow cards would include the following sentences: Miro a la derecha; Miro a la 93 izquierda; Cruzo la calle. To play the game students must first draw from the command pile. If the card says alto or espera, the student may not draw from the colored set pile; however, if the card says sigue, he/she may draw from the colored set pile. Each time the student collects a set, he/she must display it and read each sentence in Spanish. The student who collects the most sets of colored cards wins. 3. Tape conversations 1 and 2 Materials needed: cassette, cassette player, handout #1 Have the students listen to the tape conversations on page 209. When they are ready, have them answer the questions on the handout. 4. ¿Azul o rojo? game Materials needed: flashcards (provided in kit), piece of red and blue paper for each pair of students Divide the students in pairs and provide each pair with a piece of red and blue paper. Tell the students that the object of the game is to be the first to hit with his/her hand the correct color of paper. If the teacher reads a word with u as the stressed syllable, the student should hit the piece of blue paper (azul); if the teacher reads a word with o as the stressed syllable, the student should hit the piece of red paper (rojo). Dictate randomly from the following list of words, after first reviewing the meaning of each word using the flashcards: o u escritorio pluma profesor luces (de tráfico) 68 globo blusa 55 ojos junio 50 boca octubre 63 pantalones julio 62 5. Dichos con o y u Materials needed: sayings printed on poster paper or written on the chalkboard Display the following sayings: Una golondrina no hace un verano. One swallow doesn't make it summer. Un mal con un bien se paga. Repay a bad deed with a good one. Una cosa es prometer, otra es cumplir. It is one thing to promise, another to comply. Have the class repeat the sayings several times as they concentrate on the sounds of the vowels. Later have them do some research to find a saying in English that conveys the 94 same idea using different words and images. 6. Assessment Materials needed: handout #2, feature tape conversation (pp. 210-2110), cassette, cassette player After the students have listened to the tape conversation several times, have them practice the questions and answers on the handout in pairs. When they have practiced sufficiently, ask volunteers to select and question other students in the class. Handout #1 Tape Conversation 1 1. Cuando (when) la luz es rojo, el muchacho cruza la calle. Sí No 2. Cuando la luz es verde, el muchacho cruza la calle. Sí No Tape Conversation 2 1. La luz roja dice Alto Espera Sigue 2. La luz amarilla dice Alto Espera Sigue 3. La luz verde dice Alto Espera Sigue Handout #2 1. ¿Qué nos dice la luz roja? 2. ¿Qué nos dice la luz amarilla? 3. ¿Qué nos dice la luz verde? 4. ¿Qué dices cuando cruzas la calle? 95 1. ¿Qué nos dice la luz roja? Alto 2. ¿Qué nos dice la luz amarilla? Espera 3. ¿Qué nos dice la luz verde? Sigue 4. ¿Qué dices cuando cruzas la calle? Miro a la derecha; miro a la izquierda. 96 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 23 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of the names of modes of transportation To respond to commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily life situations 1. Vocabulary Materials needed: flashcard 69, flashcards from blackline master 60 el avión el autobús el coche el tren airplane bus car train Introduce the vocabulary, using the flashcards. Ask either/or (¿Qué es? ¿El __ o el __?) and ¿quién tiene? or ¿cuál falta? questions. The following additional vocabulary may be introduced. A good source for the visuals to make into flashcards is Spanish Homework Booklet, Level 1 (Instructional Fair, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI, 1993) pages 68-69. el barco la bicicleta el camión la canoa la motocicleta el taxi el helicóptero el avión de reacción boat bicycle truck canoe motorcycle taxi helicopter jet plane 2. ¿Cuál es más rápido? Materials needed: pocket chart, cards numbered 1-10, 10 flashcards, teachermade poster of all 10 vehicles (with each vehicle names in Spanish) 97 Place flashcards in pocket chart. Ask a volunteer to serve as your helper. Allow the volunteer to place the numbers behind the vehicles according to how fast he/she thinks that vehicle would travel. Then have the students stand side by side at the back of the classroom or other large area where they have a clear path to the other side of the room. Tell the students that the purpose of the game is to move from the starting point to the goal by taking the number of steps indicated by the volunteer. Each student will call out the name of a vehicle. (If the student cannot remember a particular name, he/she may refer to the poster.) The volunteer will pull out the numbered card from behind the flashcard indicated. The volunteer will then read the number in Spanish; for example, dos pasos. The student will then take two steps forward. When the ten flashcards have been used, replace them and again place the numbers randomly behind each flashcard. 3. Coloring activity Materials needed: master 60, crayons Review the names of the colors in Spanish. Then distribute the handouts and instruct the students to color the handout: Coloreen los vehículos. After the students have finished, have individuals display their work and answer the question: ¿De qué color es el avión? -- El avión es rojo, negro y azul, etc. 4. Adivínate Materials needed: poster on display Introduce the following: Viajo por aire; viajo por tierra; viajo por mar. Then put each of the vehicles into one of these categories. Model this question and answer: Viajo por aire. Estoy en un avión. Use this formula until all the new vocabulary words have been practiced. 5. ¿Tienes un coche? card game Materials needed: cards made from flashcards (four for each of the ten vehicles) Have the students work in groups of four to play this card game. Tell them to deal out four cards to each student. The first player may ask any other player, ¿Tienes un avión? If the student asked has the avión, he/she will answer, Sí, aquí lo tienes. If not, the student answers, No lo tengo. Four cards depicting the same vehicle constitutes a set. The student with the most sets at the end of the game is the winner. 6. Assessment Materials needed: Dry-erase boards and markers (for each student) 98 Assess listening comprehension with this activity. Instruct the students to draw the vehicle that you dictate as quickly as possible. The first student to draw a recognizable picture receives special recognition. 99 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 24 Objectives: **To demonstrate comprehension of names of places by responding to simple commands and questions **To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations 1. Vocabulary Materials needed: teacher-made flashcards based on Masters 62-63, handout #1, scissors el parque park la playa beach la piscina swimming pool el zoológico zoo Introduce the vocabulary, using the flashcards. Have the students cut out the pictures of vehicles and places in the bottom half of the handout. Then, working in pairs, have the students practice the following vocabulary by placing the picture of the vehicle and the place in the two boxes in the top half of the handout. ¿Adónde vas? Voy a (al) ___. Voy a (al) ___ en ___. Where are you going? I'm going to ___. I'm going to ___ in (by) ___. 2. Tape conversation 1 Materials needed: tape conversation #1, cassette player, handout #2 Review articles of clothing and the question, ¿Qué llevas puesto? Then play the tape conversation several times before the students answer the questions on the handout. 3. ¿Adónde va Waldo? (Where is Waldo going?) Materials needed: handout #3 Have the students work in pairs, reading the story to each other. Then ask a volunteer to read the story to the entire class. 4. El día libre 100 Materials needed: handout #4, pencils or markers Have the students sit in small groups. Tell the students to imagine the perfect day. What would they do on a day off from school? Instruct the students to describe their day off by completing the sentences on the handout relating to the weather, the place, who they would spend the time with, and what means of transportation they would use to get around. They must draw a picture to illustrate their plans and complete the following sentences in Spanish: Hace ____ tiempo. Voy a ____. Voy con ____. Voy en ____. Upon completion, have the students discuss their answers with the other members of the group. Then have volunteers discuss their perfect day with the whole class, referring to the Spanish they wrote on the handout. 5. Assessment Materials needed: flashcards Use the flashcards to assess comprehension. As you display each card, ask the question, ¿Adónde vas? Continue until each child has had the opportunity to respond to one or two questions. Handout #1 101 Handout #2 1. ¿Qué lleva la muchacha? un traje de baño un vestido morado 2. ¿De qué color es el traje de baño? rosado y morado rosado y amarillo 3. ¿Adónde va la muchacha? a la playa a la piscina 4. ¿Qué viene por la calle? un coche un autobús Handout #3 Handout #4 102 103 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 25 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of names of activities (sports) To respond to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations 1. Vocabulary Materials needed: teacher-made flashcards based on Masters 66-67 jugar al béisbol jugar al fútbol montar en bicicleta nadar saltar la cuerda to play baseball to play soccer to ride a bike to swim to jump rope ¿Qué vas a hacer tú? Voy a nadar. What are you going to do? I am going to swim. Introduce the vocabulary, using the flashcards. Ask the question, ¿Qué vas a hacer tú? and model the answer, Voy a nadar, etc. 2. ¿Qué vas a hacer tú? Materials needed: teacher-made handout based on Master 69, scissors, pencil, paper Use Master 69 to make a handout for the students. Write ¿Qué vas a hacer tú? on the handout, followed by a box. Xerox copies of Master 69 and have the students cut out the appropriate activities. Then have the students work in pairs to practice the following:¿Qué vas a hacer tú? Voy a nadar, etc. As the student answers the question, he/she places the appropriate activity in the box. To make this activity into a game, make an additional set of activity cards Again, have the students work in pairs. Explain that the object of the game is to earn points by guessing the activity chosen by your partner. One student selects an activity card and turns it over, face down. This student than asks his/her partner the question, ¿Qué vas a hacer tú? The person asked then tries to guess the activity chosen by his/her partner by placing a card in the box and answering the question, Voy a __________. Each student is allowed two guesses. The student receives two points if he/she guesses 104 correctly on the first try and one point on the second try. The pair should use paper and pencil to keep score. 3. Tape conversation #2 (p. 238) Materials needed: tape, cassette player, handout #1 Have the students listen to the tape conversation several times. When they are familiar with the conversation, have them answer the questions on the handout. 4. Charting summer activities Materials needed: chalkboard Make a chart illustrating which are the favorite summer activities of the class. Write the following on the chalkboard: Las actividades favoritas del verano Nombre del Jugar al al Montar en estudiante béisbol fútbol bicicleta Nadar Saltar Jugar la cuerda 1. 2. 3., etc. Complete the chart by asking this question, ¿Cuál es tu actividad favorita en el verano? When the chart is complete, practice the vocabulary by asking, ¿Cuántas personas van a montar en bicicleta?, etc. 5. Assessment Materials needed: flashcards Use the flashcards to assess comprehension. As you display each card, ask the question, ¿Qué vas a hacer tú? Continue until each child has had the opportunity to respond to one or two questions. Handout #1 Tape conversation #2 1. ¿Qué va a hacer el perro? Va a saltar la cuerda. 2. ¿Qué va a hacer la gallina? Va a jugar al béisbol. 3. ¿Qué va a hacer Rosco? Va a saltar la cuerda. Va a nadar Va saltar la cuerda. Va a jugar al béisbol. 105 ELEMENTARY SPANISH WITH VIVA EL ESPAÑOL LEARNING SYSTEM A Lesson 26 Objectives: To demonstrate comprehension of names of activities by responding to simple commands and questions To make brief statements using learned vocabulary, questions, and expressions needed for daily-life situations 1. Vocabulary Materials needed: an index card for each new vocabulary word/phrase dormir to sleep hacer un viaje to take a trip ir de campo to go on a picnic leer to read Introduce the vocabulary by acting out the word or phrase. Then have the students practice the vocabulary by playing charades. Have a volunteer draw a card and then act out the meaning. 2. Me gusta (I like) song Materials needed: none To the tune of "Farmer in the Dell" lead the students in singing the following: Me gusta jugar al béisbol, Me gusta jugar al béisbol, En el verano Me gusta jugar al béisbol. And so on with the following: dormir hacer un viaje ir de campo leer 3. Feature tape conversation (p. 249) Materials needed: tape, cassette player, handout Have the students listen to the tape conversation several times. When they are familiar with the conversation, have them answer the questions on the handout. 4. Assessment Materials needed: chalkboard Write the following answers on the chalkboard: 106 Voy a saltar la cuerda. Voy a nadar. Voy a jugar al béisbol. Voy a ir de campo. Voy a dormir. Voy a leer. Model the answers in conjunction with this question, ¿Qué vas a hacer este verano? Then check listening comprehension and speaking. Ask the question of individual students until each child has had an opportunity to respond at least once. Feature Tape Conversation (page 249-250) 1. ¿Qué va a hacer Gladys la gallina este julio? nadar saltar la cuerda 2. ¿Qué va a hacer Carlos el caballo este julio? nadar saltar la cuerda 3. ¿Qué va a hacer Pedro el perro este julio? jugar al béisbol ir de campo 4. ¿Qué va a hacer Victoria la vaca este julio? jugar al béisbol ir de campo 5. ¿Qué va a hacer Gregorio el gato este julio? ir de campo dormir 6. ¿Qué va a hacer Carlota Conejo este julio? leer dormir 7. ¿Qué va a hacer Garibaldi el gallo este julio? dormir hacer un viaje en avión 107