
MARCH 2016
The Gardens Gazette
The Gardens Assisted Living * 1000 W Washington Street, Jefferson, IA 50129 * 515-386-2555*
From the Managers Desk….
Celebrating March
Heritage Month
Mad for Plaid Month
Women’s History Month
Employee Appreciation Day
March 4
Iditarod Begins
March 5
Daylight Saving Time Begins
March 13
St. Patrick’s Day
March 17
International Sister
Cities Days
March 26–28
March 27
International Hug a
Medievalist Day
March 31
If you have not had a chance to check The Gardens Website or
Facebook page out I invite you to do so! You can find us on the
Web at and can link to our
Facebook page from there. This will give you an opportunity to see
what is happening at The Gardens. You may also find an activity or
celebration you may want to attend as well.
With the start of March surely spring can’t be too far away. It
seems as if winter has lingered on forever. We here at The
Gardens are ready to get out and enjoy the warm weather. I
anticipate several picnics at the lake, a full garden in the courtyard,
and time spent just sitting outside enjoying the day.
The Ides of March History…
The earliest Roman calendar, which consisted of ten months
beginning with Martius (March), was believed to have been created
by King Romulus around 753 B.C. At that time, dates were
expressed in relation to the lunar phase of the month using three
markers: Kalends (Kal), Nones (Non) and Ides (Id). The first phase
of the moon, the new moon, was denoted by Kalends and signified
the first day of the month; the first quarter moon fell on either the
fifth or seventh day of the month and was referred to as Nones; the
full moon fell on either the 13th or 15th day of the month and was
referred to as Ides. The ides of March—March 15—initially marked
the first full moon of a new year. During the late Roman Republic, a
new year’s festival was held on the ides of March in which people
would gather a mile outside of Rome on the Via Flaminia by the
banks of the Tiber River. Participants celebrated with food, wine
and music and offered sacrifices to the Roman deity Anna Perenna
for a happy and prosperous new year. Between 222 and 153 B.C.,
the ides of March also signaled the beginning of the new consular
year, in which two annually-elected consuls took office as leaders
of the republic. In 46 B.C., after consulting with the Alexandrian
astronomer Sosigenes, Julius Caesar reformed the Roman
calendar by adding ten days to the 355-day year, instituting
January 1 as the first day of the new year (beginning in 45 B.C.)
and introducing a leap year every four years. Shortly thereafter, he
was granted the title Dictator Perpetuus or “dictator for life.”
Concerned with Caesar’s increasing power and monarchical
leanings, a group of Roman senators stabbed the ruler to death on
March 15, 44 B.C.—forever linking the ides of March with the
assassination of Julius Caesar.
Have a great month!
-Matt Gordon
March 2016
Lions and Lambs
The weather of March is likely to keep us ever on our
toes. As the old saying goes, “March comes in like a
lion and goes out like a lamb,” traditionally meaning
that the start of March is still in the harsh throes of
winter, while the end of March brings a soft spring
thaw. Meteorologist Ashley Kaepplinger explains that
this oft-uttered proverb does ring with some truth.
March is a transition month, bridging the seasons and
bringing variable weather events for much of the
The Farmers’ Almanac offers another take. In olden
days, before the advent of meteorology, people
believed that weather was closely related to the spirit
world. Bad weather was the doing of bad spirits, and
it meant that the community needed to change its
ways for the good. This shift in behavior from bad to
good often resulted in good spirits bringing improved
weather by the end of the month.
Still others point out that March’s lions and lambs
come not from heavenly spirits but from the stars in
the sky. James Albury, director of the Kika Silva Pla
Planetarium in Gainesville, Florida, explains how at
the beginning of March, the constellation Leo, the
Lion, rises first in the night sky. By the end of March,
the stars have shifted, and the constellation Aries, the
Ram (lamb), is observed setting on the horizon. So,
throughout March, at least in terms of the night sky,
lions do come in and lambs do go out. Albury’s guess
is that perhaps someone “decided to poetically link”
the stars to March’s turbulent weather.
With Easter falling on March 27 this year, bunnies are
added to the menagerie. Then again, Jesus was
termed the “Lamb of God,” as he was sacrificed to
save sinners. And Jesus was also called the “Lion of
Judah,” a strong and fierce leader. Perhaps it is fitting
when Easter falls in the month of March, as it does
this year.
A note from the Nurse, Dawn……
It is with mixed emotions, but with a thankful heart
for the time I have had here, that I say, “See you
later” to the precious folks here at The Gardens. (I
do NOT like Good Byes!!) I have enjoyed my year
here but have accepted a Director of Nursing job in
a skilled nursing facility in Ames, where we live.
This will save me 70 miles of driving a day and over
an hour a day in travel. (THIS winter weather has
NOT been much fun to drive in!) I have met some
wonderful people here in Jefferson and have
learned so much about Assisted Living during my
time. I have been and continue to be Blessed and
am thankful that The Lord has allowed me the
opportunity to work here. March 6th will be my last
official day.
I am very excited that Pam Van Pelt RN has
accepted the position of Director of Nursing here!
Pam has been learning the ropes since her arrival
several months ago and will make this an easy
transition for both staff and tenants. Please know
that she wants to continue to provide the same
wonderful care that we have always had and that
her door is always open! Please welcome her to
this position!
God’s richest blessings to you folks!
Dawn Hales RN
Huge “Thank You” to Dawn for all of her
hard work and dedication here at The
Gardens! We wish her all the BEST!
March 2016
Upcoming Events……
Tuesday March 1st: We are going to make a wreath for
Wednesday March 2nd: Roger Aegerter will be here to
talk about the history of Greene County!
Hello Everyone! February was a good month
but I’m over the cold and the snow and ready
for MARCH! So many things going on this
month! Two Holidays, Dayligt Savings ends
and SPRING! I hope the rest of winter is mild
and we have a nice warm up! I’m ready to
enjoy our beautiful courtyard, get the flowers
and garden planted and sit out on the patio
furniture and soak up the sun and fresh air! 
Sunday March 6th: Happy Birthday Bev Flack!
Monday March 7th: Tenant Meeting and Birthday Party!
Wednesday March 9th: The local Old Timers Band will be
here to entertain!
Thursday March 10th: Join us as we fill Easter Eggs for
Mrs. O’s Class!
Cowboy Jim sings “You are my Sunshine” to Lorna
Sunday March 13th: Turn clocks back 1 hour!
Monday March 14th: Visit from Mrs. O’s Kindergarten
Everyone enjoyed the “Piano Man Extraordinaire”
Wednesday March 16th: We are going out to eat at the
Ram Restaurant!
Thursday March 17th: Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Wear
Green and join in for All things IRISH!
Friday March 18th: The public will be in and out all day
doing a virtual dementia tour with Lisa
Sunday March 20th: Happy SPRING!
Dory enjoying a Root Beer Float on her Birthday!
Thursday March 24th: Happy Birthday Fred and Ann
Behr! Cowboy Jim will be here to sing us some Country
Sunday March 27:
Bob and his friend enjoying donut holes and coffee, Join
us every Wednesday at 9:00 am!
The Gardens Assisted Living
1000 W Washington St
Jefferson, IA 50129
March Birthdays
Bev Flack 6th
Fred Behr 24th
Ann Behr 24th
In astrology, those born between March 1st and 20th are
Pisces. These Fish are spiritual types who feel
comfortable in their introspective natures. As
passionate, romantic, creative dreamers, they are
charitable helpers who “go with the flow.” Those born
between March 21st and 31st are Rams of Aries. As the
first sign of the zodiac, Arians charge out of the gate
with energy, confidence, power, and zeal. As pioneers,
Arians are unafraid of the unknown. For these eternal
optimists, no odds are ever considered insurmountable.
Lou Costello (comedian) – March 6, 1906
Liza Minnelli (entertainer) – March 12, 1946
Ozzie Nelson (TV dad) – March 20, 1906
Fred Rogers (neighbor) – March 20, 1928
Fannie Farmer (cook) – March 23, 1857
Walt Frazier (athlete) – March 29, 1945
Vincent van Gogh (painter) – March 30, 1853
Shirley Jones (actress) – March 31, 1934