A Teaching Assistant's guide to the EIL. - UIC

Electronics Instructional Laboratory TA FAQ's
Last Updated: August 20, 2004
What is the EIL?
The ECE department maintains extensive laboratory facilities devoted to instruction in electrical engineering.
The Electronic Instructional Laboratories (EIL) are comprised of nine undergraduate laboratories, which support
twenty-one ECE courses. In all, the EIL contains approximately 90 lab stations, and over nine hundred pieces
of electronic test equipment, with applications over a wide spectrum of electrical engineering. If you're the lab
TA for any of the following courses, you will be utilizing an EIL lab:
ECE 210
ECE 221
ECE 225
ECE 265
ECE 311
ECE 317
ECE 320
ECE 340
ECE 342
ECE 346
ECE 350
ECE 367
ECE 420
ECE 431
ECE 442
ECE 445
ECE 449
ECE 458
ECE 459
Answers to questions, of typical concern to EIL TA's, are listed below. It is highly recommended that you read
them thoroughly. It's a good idea to keep this with you, to have as a reference throughout the semester:
Who maintains the EIL?
The EIL staff is responsible for the maintenance and repair of electronic test equipment, safety, and security of
the EIL. The EIL staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding any EIL lab. Staff
members are located in the EIL Office at 3260 SEL. The EIL staff is supervised by Harold Sosa (312-9968543).
What are the EIL Office Hours?
The EIL Lab Office is open from 9AM to 4PM (Closed Holidays), with internal operating hours from 7:30AM
to 5PM.
How do I get into my EIL lab?
Keys are not issued to the various EIL labs listed above. TA's may gain access to their lab by coming to the EIL
Lab Office in 3260 SEL. You are not allowed to maintain your TA office hours in a lab.
Will I need any cabinet keys, to perform my experiments?
Virtually all the EIL labs require that you have an equipment cabinet key. You may obtain one at the Lab
Office in 3260 SEL. Return the cabinet key at the end of the semester.
Are there any unusual safety guidelines for my lab?
If you are a TA for ECE 442, 445, 449, 458, or 459, there are special safety guidelines you must follow.
Contact Harold Sosa, EIL Supervisor, in the EIL Lab Office 3260 SEL (6-8543), prior to the first experiment.
How do my students get their lab manuals?
Lab manuals for ECE 210, ECE 265 (minus experiments), and ECE 320 are sold in the bookstore. Several
others are available on the web now. Faculty members are to make arrangements in the ECE Main Office, in
advance of the semester, for all other manuals to be copied. The EIL lab staff does not supply lab experiments
for your students.
How do I get a copy of the lab manual for my use?
Ask your instructor to obtain a copy of the lab manual for you. The EIL lab staff does not supply lab
experiments to TA's. If you should find an error in a lab experiment, please report it to an EIL staff member, so
that it can be corrected.
What am I required to know about experiments?
As the TA, you should be thoroughly familiar with each experiment. You are required to perform unfamiliar lab
experiments prior to your lab session. You can gain access and electronic components for this purpose on
weekdays from 9AM to 4PM, provided no other lab is in session. If you need assistance in understanding
equipment operation, please consult an EIL staff member in 3260 SEL.
When can students enter the lab?
Students are only allowed into the labs during their regularly scheduled lab session. Only students who are
registered, or are officially registered auditors, will be allowed to use EIL lab facilities. The last lab session of
the semester should be reserved for students to make-up missed experiments. On occasion, the Senior Design
Lab has been used for "make-ups".
Students are not permitted to accompany TA's into the labs for private "tutoring" sessions. Lab instruction may
begin in the first week of the semester, but must conclude before finals week. Lab sections do not meet during
semester breaks. Please note that your lab sections may meet only during regularly scheduled times.
What should I tell my students about lab kits?
Several of the ECE lab courses require the students to purchase a laboratory kit. If you are the TA for a course
shown below, please inform your students of their obligation to purchase a lab kit, as shown. Lab courses
requiring kits are as follows:
ECE 265
ECE 311
ECE 340
ECE 342
ECE 346
ECE 367
ECE 431
1 Parts kit per student & 1 Breadboard per student
1 Parts kit per every group of 3 students
1 Parts kit per every group of 3 students
1 Parts kit per every group of 3 students
1 Parts kit per every group of 3 students
1 Parts kit per every group of 3 students
1 Parts kit per every group of 3 students
What if I am running late, or may be absent?
If you are running late, call the Lab Office (312-996-8543, 312-413-1459, or 312-996-9696) and ask that a
notice to be posted on the door for your students. Speak to a staff member, and avoid leaving a recorded
message. Lengthy or repeated tardiness will be reported to your instructor.
The EIL staff does not teach lab sessions. It is recommended that you obtain the phone numbers of the other
TA's for your course, as well as your instructor. It is your responsibility to find a substitute TA, if you must
miss a lab. You should search for a substitute in this order:
1) One of the other TA's of the course.
2) A current ECE TA, who took your course at UIC. (See Note *)
3) A current ECE TA. (See Note *)
4) The instructor for your course.
NOTE: Options 2 & 3 require advance approval of EIL Supervisor.
Can I hold an examination in the lab?
Only during your regularly scheduled lab sessions. The Electronics Instructional Labs are not available for
scheduling exams. If you need additional classroom space for an exam, your instructor must make arrangements
with Agustina Alvarado in 900 SEO.
Can anyone borrow equipment from an EIL lab?
No. Unauthorized removal of any lab equipment will be considered as theft and will be reported to the UIC
What should I do when I first open the lab?
See if any equipment is missing:
If so, contact the EIL Office in 3260 SEL immediately.
See if the cabinet equipment is left out, or the lab stations are in disarray?
Report any irregularities to the EIL Office in 3260 SEL before your session, so you won't be held
What are some of the types of problems that can occur, during a lab session?
You may be unsuccessful in troubleshooting a student's circuit problem:
If you have checked all the connections and you're stumped, contact the EIL Office in room 3260 SEL.
NEVER leave students unattended in the lab.
Equipment may have been damaged and will malfunction:
A piece of equipment may have been damaged during a measurement. If this is the case, contact the EIL
Office in room 3260 SEL. NEVER leave students unattended in the lab.
A student may forget, or burn out a semiconductor:
All kit contents are sold individually at the UIC Bookstore electronic parts counter in CCC. It takes just a
few minutes for a group member to go and purchase one. The EIL does not supply semiconductors to
You may need to leave the lab for a moment:
Contact the EIL Office in room 3260 SEL and an EIL Staff member will relieve you. DO NOT leave
students unattended in the lab. This assistance is primarily intended to provide security while you use the
washroom. Do not plan any absence longer than five minutes, such as running up to SEO for copies, going
to your research lab to check on some processing, etc. Come prepared for your lab.
There could be a power outage:
Inform students that they should gather their items, and wait at a location outside the building. Tell them
that you will decide if there is sufficient time to finish the lab, once the power outage has been repaired.
Make sure everyone has left the lab, and see that the door is locked, as you leave. Nobody may remain in
the lab, during a power outage! Come to the EIL Lab Office in 3260 SEL, if you wish to resume your
session. Later, send an E-Mail to your instructor, explaining what happened.
There could be a fire alarm:
The students should follow the RACE procedure posted in each lab. Exits are clearly posted in each lab.
You should lock the door behind you, as you exit the lab. The students should wait at a location outside of
the building, until the alarm is cleared. Tell them that you will decide if there is sufficient time to finish the
lab, once the fire alarm is cleared. Come to the EIL Lab Office in 3260 SEL, if you wish to resume your
session. Later, send an E-Mail to your instructor, explaining what happened.
There could be a medical emergency or disciplinary disturbance:
While rare, it has happened in the past. Immediately notify the EIL Lab Staff in 3260 SEL. If that is not
possible, call the UIC emergency number 6-HELP from any nearby phone, and explain what has happened.
They will send help. The EIL Staff must be notified as soon as possible, afterward.
There could be noise in the hallway:
Keep the lab door wide open while lab is in session. DO NOT close the door, and then fix the door to be
open with the locking button or deadbolt hinges. This is a safety and security issue.
What should I do after my lab session?
Check to see if any equipment is missing:
Report missing equipment to the EIL Lab Office in 3260 SEL immediately.
Lock the equipment cabinets, and see that all probes, cables, and components are neatly put away:
See that this is done, or the matter will be taken up with your instructor.
Turn off all equipment power, check that everyone has left the lab, turn off the lights, and verify that
the doors are locked:
It is your responsibility to see that the lab is safe and secured when you leave.