February 2, 2006 TO: Robert Mrtek, Chair Senate Committee on Educational Policy FROM: Roger Nelson Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs I am submitting for the information of the Senate Committee on Educational Policy the attached proposal from the College of Engineering and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering to revise the B.S. in Electrical Engineering. The proposal was approved by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in October 2005 and by the College of Engineering on November 28, 2005. RN: Attachment Cc: P. Banerjee S. Laxpati M. Dutta R. Priemer A. Wroblewski 1 Title: Revision of the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Sponsor: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering , College of Engineering Description: Remove the course: ECE 320, Transmission Lines, from the advanced core courses selective list. Justification: ECE 320 has been dropped. The material in ECE 320 and 420, Microwave Engineering, which was also dropped, were combined into a new course ECE 424, RF Guided Propagation, which will be included in the EE major technical electives list. Description: Remove the course: ECE 401, Quasi-static Electric and Magnetic Fields, from the technical electives list. Justification: ECE 401 has been dropped from the undergraduate EE curriculum. Description: Remove the two courses: ECE 420, Introduction to Microwave Engineering, and ECE 422, Wave Propagation and Communication Links, from the technical electives list. Add the new course, ECE 424, RF and Microwave Guided Propagation, to the technical electives list. Justification: ECE 420 and 422 have been dropped. The material in ECE 422 has been moved to an existing course, ECE 421, Introduction to Antenna Propagation, which we revised and still include in the technical electives list. The material in ECE 320 and 420 was combined into the new course ECE 424. Description: ECE 366, Computer Organization II, is included in the EE major technical electives list. We are changing the credit hours for the course from 3 credits to 4 credits with the introduction of a laboratory. Justification: In response to changing technology in the field and to understand the course material better it has become necessary for students to have the experience of implementing various digital system building blocks using a hardware descriptive language. In the laboratory, students use a hardware language to test their designs of hardware systems based on theory they learn in the lecture. Minority Impact Statement: None. Budgetary and Staff Implications: None. Library Resource Implications: None. Space Implications: None, since students will use departmental computing facilities. Unit (e.g. department) approval date: 10/06/05. College (educational policy committee, faculty) approval dates: 11/28/05. Proposed Effective Date: Fall semester, 2006. Present Electrical Engineering Advanced Core Courses Students must complete at least three of the following courses. Each course has a laboratory. o ECE 311--Communication Engineering (4 hrs) o ECE 317--Digital Signal Processing I (4 hrs) o ECE 320--Transmission Lines (4 hrs) o ECE 342--Electronics II (4 hrs) o ECE 350--Principles of Automatic Proposed Same. Delete (ECE 320) 2 Control (4 hrs) ECE 367--Microprocessor-Based Design (4 hrs) Total: (12 hrs) o Technical Electives Those courses not used to meet the advanced electrical engineering core requirement can be used as technical electives. However, no more than a total of two courses below the 400 level may be used to meet the technical elective requirement. Also, no more than one course from outside of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department may be used to meet the technical electives requirement. o Phys 244—General Physics III (Modern Physics) (3 hrs) o CS 385--Operating Systems Concepts and Design (4 hrs) CS 385 is an acceptable technical elective for electrical engineering majors, provided they satisfy the prerequisites for this course, which are not otherwise required in this program. o ECE 333--Computer Communication Networks I (4 hrs) o ECE 347--Integrated Circuit Engineering (3 hrs) o ECE 366--Computer Organization II (3 hrs) o ECE 368--CAD-Based Digital Design (4 hrs) o ECE 400--Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (3 hrs) o ECE 401--Quasi-static Electric and Magnetic Fields (3 hrs) o ECE 407--Pattern Recognition I (3 hrs) o ECE 410--Network Analysis (3 hrs) o ECE 412--Introduction to Filter Synthesis (3 hrs) o ECE 415--Image Analysis and Computer Vision I (3 hrs) o ECE 417—Digital Signal Processing II (4 hrs) o ECE 418—Statistical Digital Processing (3 hrs) Same. Same. ECE 366 – Computer Organization II (4 hrs) Same. Drop (ECE 401) 3 o o o o ECE 420--Introduction to Microwave Engineering (3 hrs) ECE 421--Introduction to Antenna Engineering (3 hrs) ECE 422--Wave Propagation and Communication Links (3 hrs) ECE 423--Electromagnetic Compatibility (3 hrs) Drop (ECE 420) (Drop (ECE 422) ECE 424 –RF &Microwave Guided Propagation (4 hrs) (add) o ECE 427--Modern Linear Optics (3 hrs) o ECE 431--Analog Communication Circuits (4 hrs) o ECE 432--Digital Communications (3 hrs) o ECE 434—Multimedia Systems (3 hrs) o ECE 436--Computer Communication Networks II (3 hrs o ECE 437—Wireless Communications (3) o ECE 442--Power Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits (4 hrs) o ECE 445--Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits (4 hrs) o ECE 448--Transistors (3 hrs) o ECE 449--Microdevices and Micromachining Technology (4 hrs) o ECE 451--Control Engineering (3 hrs) o ECE 452--Robotics: Algorithms and Control (3 hrs) o ECE 458--Electromechanical Energy Conversion (3 hrs) o ECE 465--Digital Systems Design (3 hrs) o ECE 466--Computer Architecture (3 hrs) o ECE 467--Introduction to VLSI Design (4 hrs) o ECE 468--Analog and MixedSignal VLSI Design (4 hrs) o ECE 469--CAD-Based Computer Design (3 hrs) o MCS 425--Coding and Cryptography (3 hrs) Total: (17 hrs) Same. Catalog Descriptions: - Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) 4 320 Transmission Lines 4 hours. Transmission line parameters and equations. Time harmonic waves. Lossy and lossless lines. Resonance. Transmission chart. Transient and nonlinear phenomena. Three phase systems. Wide band. Previously listed as EECS 320. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in ECE 225. (dropped) 366 Computer Organization II 4 hours. Circuit technology, clocking, datapath design, controller design including timing chains and microprogramming, memory systems design in caches, virtual memory, multiple memory modules, I/O design including disk, serial and network communications. Laboratory. Credit is not given for ECE 366 if the student has credit for CS 266 or CS 366. Previously listed as EECS 366. Prerequisite(s): ECE 267 and a grade of C or better in ECE 265. (change credit hours; add laboratory) 401 Quasi-Static Electric and Magnetic Fields 3 OR 4 hours. Static electric and magnetic fields. Material description, boundary value problems. Field energy, its conversion and scaling laws. Quasi-static fields, field diffusion, eddy currents, energy losses. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Previously listed as EECS 401. Prerequisite(s): ECE 322. (dropped) 420 Introduction to Microwave Engineering 0 TO 4 hours. TEM waves in coaxial and strip lines; TE and TM waves in rectangular and circular wave guides; components; resonators. Laboratory and computer simulation required. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Previously listed as EECS 420. Prerequisite(s): ECE 322. (dropped) 422 Wave Propagation and Communication Links 3 OR 4 hours. Antennas and propagation; wave propagation over ground, through ionosphere and troposphere; diversity principles; propagation effects in microwave systems, satellite, space, and radar links. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Previously listed as EECS 422. Prerequisite(s): ECE 311 and ECE 322. (dropped) ECE 424 RF and Microwave Guided Propagation. 0 to 5 hours. Maxwell’s equations, transmission lines, Smith chart, strip lines, rectangular and circular waveguides, TE and TM waves, wave impedance, resonators, two-port parameters, power and energy considerations. 4 undergraduate hours; 5 graduate hours. Prerequisites: ECE 225 and ECE 322. (new technical elective) 5